How to fill in the mail notification.


It is recommended that important papers and other valuable items be sent by electronic mail with the recommended sheet.

In this case, you will need to fill in the description of the investment along with the notification about the delivery of the form.

  1. 119. You can pick out such a sheet and issue it at any post office.
  2. These are the purposes for informing the sender about the recipient’s withdrawal of the sheet.

For example, statistics can be applied to the design of Word.

  1. A form has been inserted to inform you about the delivery of the sheet.
  2. Therefore, no matter which separate mail was rejected, the recommendations below will be relevant.

So, remember the first side of the form like this:

At the top, put a checkmark next to the type and category of postage.

Next, enter the details of the reference person (or any other person who needs to submit the form).

Write PIB, address and index.

The algorithm for completing the notification about the delivery of the return card is given below:

Type and category of department.

After verification of the payment for the forwarding, a friend is placed on the forwarded item.

The notification about the delivery is glued to the collar side of the envelope or placed in the package, which is packaged in a plastic bag.

Cutting off the sheet: what you need to remember

In order to pick up a package from the post office, the recipient will need to present a document identifying the person.

  • You can then sign the form provided and return to the directory.
  • Then the clerk will put the following icons on the gate:
  • to whom it was transferred;

if it is removed;

the addressee especially took the contract through a representative.

After whose victory, put your data - PIB, address - in the row “Otrimav”.

Once the sheet with notification of delivery has been delivered and the form has been filled out, it is transferred for verification to the postal department or other authorized dispatcher.

Then the document is sent to the return address, thereby confirming the fact of delivery.

  • Important!
  • If notification of the delivery of the mail was not sent, the citizen has the right to file a claim for illegal duty.
  • The delivery notification form can be obtained from any authorized post office.
  • Recommendations on how to remember this are relevant for all regions, as long as this document contains the inserted form.
  • On the first side, the details of the sender and the address where the letter with delivery notes will be sent will be written later.
  • On the return side of the sheet, which will be filled in, there will be information about the addressee.
  • You can then take advantage of the completed order.
  • A glimpse of the ship's decision
  • Social security
  • Purchase and sale agreement
  • Transportation contracts
  • Look at the legislation
  • Benefits for disabled people
  • Pilgi to veterans
  • Benefits for pensioners
  • Benefits for families with children
  • Oskarzhennya decision mitnitsa
  • Food for the community
  • Leaf patterns
  • Zrazki filling out questionnaires
  • Instructions for completing other documents
  • Apply for school
  • News in jurisprudence
  • New rights 2nd quarter

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In this case, the simple information is the same as a simple leaf - so you can simply put this leaf in the mailbox of the directory;

  • zamovne - will be handed especially to your hands.
  • Notification about the delivery of the letter of agreement to the additional service of the Post of Russia, which is paid by the supplier.

From 1st September 2018, the rate of advances is:

Variety of simple notification - 25.96 rubles per maximum allowance;

The value of the recommended information is 61.36 rubles per maximum allowance

The price has increased by 2-5 rubles, depending on the type of renewal.

When paying with postage stamps, the maximum permissible limit is not charged.

The price in this case will be 4-9 rubles lower.

The terms for delivery of the notification to the sender are exactly the same as for a simple or loose leaflet.

How to remember the notification about the delivery of the recommended sheet

Other information about the delivery of postal mail f.

Form for notification of delivery of the recommended sheet

Message about the award f.

119 – this is the document that the postal clerk can give to the sender of valuable sheets, parcels.

The form confirms that the addressee accepts the postal delivery.

Sometimes there is a need to send the addressee any valuable documents and ensure that the addressee arrives safely.

For example, the buyer makes a claim to the postal buyer about the quality of the goods by mail and wants to ensure that the claim has reached the postal buyer.

Otherwise, the worker should inform his employer about the change, by sending a letter by mail.

The same valuable sheets are used to support any other important documents, for example, the communication of other documents to various authorities: taxes, budgetary funds, control authorities.

How to remember the notification about the delivery f.



  • The entry at the right of decline is often associated with various changes.
  • The abolition of the fall is based on the law and the commandment and has responsibility for its mechanism.
  • The eyes of the callers, who are connected with the disputes about the removal of the landslide.

More details Zrazki call statements for civil records for life.

  • Housing law includes the right to live in Volodinya.
  • Well, there are a lot of different things going on here.

Please note: on the front side the data of the postal service provider itself is indicated.
If you complete the recommendations sheet with notifications about delivery, then indicate your data, and you will be the owner of the remainder of this document.

At the gate, the details of who is assigned to the department are indicated.

In this case, the return form of the form, as has already been said above, will be supplemented by the postal service officer at the time of delivery of the sheet and signed by the recipient.

Notice about the delivery of form 119

After the fact that the schemes of insurance documents have been drawn up, the claims of insurance companies are explained, the possibility of a new compensation of premiums, and a change in the commodity value of the goods is explained. and for lawmaking.

  • Or look at the laws written by other fahians.

More details Remaining consultations: fiwfiv*** Please note that there are no entry/exit restrictions.

Notification about delivery of postal delivery (form 119)

As a rule, the forms for the delivery of the recommended sheet at the Post of Russia are still visible for a long time, so we will not be able to confirm their completion.

In addition, in other postal companies the forms are very similar to those discussed in this article.

Most often, information is formed from direct reference to the law.

They didn’t send a report about the work of a foreign giant, so there would be a fine.

The notice about the change of mind in the employment contract was not filed, and a re-verification by the labor inspectorate is threatening.

Apparently they “forgot” to send it to Russia – a fine.

In the articles devoted to certain types of information, it is possible to recognize not only which normative legal acts convey the form of each other notification, but also the liability for failure to remove such form and lines of submission.

  • Up-to-date information about the procedure for informing the state is for the benefit of not only legal entities, individual entrepreneurs and their employees, employees, but also individuals.
  • Aloha to the citizens who have faced the need to bring to justice those who violated their rights.
  • If the order of completion and delivery of notification is violated, it can be of utmost importance if a decision is made by the court.
  • For example, for work calls.

Legal force to inform

Since the obligation of the direction is not conveyed by law, the necessity of the document is determined by the nature of the document and its existence in everyday life.
Then the preparation of the document can be done independently in a simple form.

About those who want to inform the nobles of the land about the arrival of a foreigner, the party that receives him in their apartment is the same.

A friendly citizen or company is responsible for providing migration benefits and strictly following the installed programs.

All types of headaches have a new notification about the arrival of a foreign monster.

This form will become the basis for issuing other documents.

In order not to go into every step, the legislation imposes sanctions on both the guest and those who have received him on their territory.

Citizens who arrived from other countries remain in their place for a whole period of time, and during any migration service they do not have the right to detain them through the registration process.

  • It is enough to present a passport and registration at the mitnitsa, and any claims from the side of the owner cannot be presented.
  • can be downloaded here.
  • If the Russian Federation exceeds the 7-day term, the foreigner is transformed from a guest into a violator of immigration laws, which may result in fines and expulsion from the country, one of the methods adopted by the rules.

Punishment also applies to those who, having betrayed a person, are illegally staying in the Russian Federation.

If a foreigner takes care of a physical person, and, for example, checks into a hotel or medical depository, a sanatorium or a sanatorium, the arrival of a giant goiter is necessary to inform the structure that receives him in his territory.

Moreover, in this case, a minimal term (no more than dobi) is introduced into the procedure for submitting a completed migration form.

Representatives of certain countries are given the option of not informing about their arrival, since the term of stay on the territory of the country is 24 years or 7 days.

It is not a Russian citizen or a company that can officially accept foreign citizens into the territory.

  • For the rest, it is important that their activities are legal in the Russian Federation.
  • You have the right to register a foreigner:
  • Organizations whose activities are recorded in the State Register.

Foreigners (Belarusians and Ukrainians, it doesn’t matter), smut, availability of residence permit and registration at the place of residence.

Power of the people of the Russian Federation.

Golovne, so that the Russian may live happily.

Upon arrival, the guest can submit a notification about the arrival of a foreign citizen.

Why do I need my mother to either take possession of the apartment or allow me to live there?

The only problem is that this status does not give the right to register close relatives and other foreign citizens.

Blames were given only to foreign specialists of high qualifications.

  1. They can formalize the reception of relatives, but from the mind that they have an intact life line, and a certificate of residence.
  2. How to fill out the form

Please indicate your passport details, P.I. Oh, that’s different, it’s better with the graphs.