New Google AdWords interface. Google AdWords - the creation group is silent, working with the system interface and the keyword selection tool

If one beautiful day after clicking on the page

Vinik black screen of the updated Google AdWords, many marketers choked on the ranka cava. It’s not easy to change the buttons, the large interface is not the most user-friendly and can be terribly annoying at times, but it’s just as simple as a favorite coffee cup.

However, over the past hour, Google has introduced a number of innovations, and now we can easily find 7 reasons to switch to the new interface right away!

1. New layout of analytics

Analytics in the new AdWords is brutal “for people”, it’s easy to use it manually.

In addition to the latest version, the system introduces a number of “reasonable differences”: you can change the column width, like in Excel, select a date range with one click, and, if necessary, select graphics under the category, a description of the function Appears when you hover over the cursor, new campaigns and groups are announced are created with one hand.

Marketers can create manual, intuitive infographics that can be easily modified, no matter what.

A number of new options have appeared, far from being visualized on the so-called overview page. New words in queries, formatted in the form of tags, which can be immediately added to keywords or negative words without a hassle-free transition to other menus.

2. Audience manager

All statistics are displayed on the page in a manual format; new audiences can be created with one click. Which AdWords service has set up targeting for display networks and remarketing lists for search engines.

3. Promotions

Promotions are a new extension for search advertising and a gift for the marketer. Adds a row of views surrounded by a frame, increases the size of the blind, allows you to select a number of options - set both a discount on the penny equivalent and a hundred types of prices, discounts on the song model, “reductions up to XXX sum and “that “reduction in XXX amount”, I call it holy Ukrainian and Russian languages ​​and the time of the trivality of the action.

4. Search function for additional keywords

When you create a new ad group, AdWords immediately introduces additional keywords. Previously, for this search you needed to go to “Tools - Keyword Planner”, now the integration service is manual.

5. Shvidke opening and adjusting the width

When editing an ad, you can instantly create and edit extensions. They are not placed on other pages, but in the next section along with the full statistics table.

6. History of changes in the graphic view

The history of changes in the cloud record is clearly and manually presented in a graphical form.

7. Manually checking the validity of all pages

Would you like to evaluate how efficiently the login pages work? Easily!

In addition, the new interface works faster and is easier to use - it is obvious that Google has adopted the efficiency and ergonomics of the new platform.

At first it seems a lot obvious, however, after working for a good hour and calling, you understand that these very “reasonable little things” get used to good things, and in the old interface they begin to disastrously not work.

So, there is a feeling that the update has been launched in the first place for business owners who would like to try running advertising campaigns on their own, and for newcomers to AdWords who haven’t called before working in the Editor and haven’t worked for an hour, if you know all data and adequately evaluate An advertising campaign could only be carried out with the help of many kilometers of Excel spreadsheets.

And now, services are becoming more friendly, more important, saving time and energy for the customer - and Google can’t help but follow the trend. Beautiful dashboards, manual navigation, hot keys, maximum visualization, audience manager and promotions - I would like to try the new interface in order to understand what you are looking at.

It is important to receive natural target traffic. And generating targeted traffic from commercial competitive queries is becoming an overwhelming task for many small and medium-sized businesses. Try to use online tools that publish useful information and quick glances at how your auto repair shop operates in five ways. The first axis is a failure: the specialists miraculously repair the ceramic columns and adjust the suspension, but cannot write about this statistics.

Performance marketing from TexTerra - promoting business with payment per lead. The result is guaranteed to be achieved in a folding niche.

There are a number of ways out of this situation. One of them is generating targeted traffic through contextual advertising. From whom do you find out how to deal with the Google AdWords system: the advertising service of the largest search engine in the world.

How to create a Google AdWords account and set up your first campaign

In addition to the Gmail Banner format, you can create a number of ad types. In addition to this, you can show advertising to customers of the Google postal service.

How to create advertising programs

Contextual media programs can advertise in two additional formats: text and graphic.

To create text confusion, select the appropriate format. In the additional menu that appears, select the add-on store (App Store or Google Play). Add the name of the package. To do this, you need to insert a program id into the search form. You can find it in the URL program on the Google Play website.

Select the required package from the list registered by the system.

Add a title and description. Please add an image for consumption. Select the type of devices that are responsible for displaying your advertising. Select the stitching pattern. Evaluate the new look of the stunner and save the changes.

To create a graphical display of programs, select the appropriate format, select the store and use the additional program id to find the name of the package. Add an image or GIF animation in a suitable format. More files are available upon request from the editor. Add a confirmation template whenever you need to turn off displays on tablets.

For additional program IDs, find and select the required program.

Please add a number of options. The stench is not to blame, but they are tied up one after another. These parameters can be displayed simultaneously or separately, depending on the ad format.

If you have video advertising for programs, engage them. Also, if necessary, add an image of the student. If you do not add images and videos, the system will automatically generate a vote for assistance on the Google Play program page. Assess the current appearance of advertising at various levels. If necessary, make changes and continue adjusting the campaign.

How to deal with video advertising and product advertisements

Vickory the “Video” campaign type to work with video advertising. It allows you to display promotional videos on YouTube and other resources. Within the “Video” campaign type, the “Trading” subtype is available. An assignment tool for displaying products simultaneously from a video.

To create a video shoutout, launch and manage a separate campaign. Download the video file or find the required role on YouTube. Select ad format.

  • Vycorize the TrueView In-Stream format to show ads at the beginning, middle, or end of the video. You have to pay if you want to watch the advertisement for 30 seconds.
  • The Video Discovery format is suitable for satisfying users who search for videos on YouTube or watch a section of similar videos. Advertisers pay for clicks to video.
  • Create short vignettes to introduce your audience to your product or brand. You need to pay for 1000 impressions.

Indicate the desired target URL. If necessary, check out the accompanying banner of the koristuvach. The information will be shown to the audience after verification by Google.

The “Trading” campaign type is intended for advertising products for additional product advertisements. The tool is suitable for online stores. To create an ad, contact your AdWords account in the Merchant Center. After launching this, set up a sales campaign.

Don’t be tempted to immediately vikorize all the available types. Customers can choose the main tasks of contextual advertising with the help of text and adaptive ads, as well as with the help of universal advertising programs. Online retailers need to increase their respect for product confusion. If you have the ability to create clear videos, use video advertising.

Yak vikoristovvati remarketing Google AdWords

With additional remarketing, you can show feedback to affiliates who have already promoted your website. The effectiveness of this function can be explained simply: people want to trust sellers they know. In addition, remarketing allows you to show your users advertising that suits their interests.

For example, you can tell potential clients about new smartphones who would like to visit the pages of the “Smartphones” category of your online store once. Customers who have read the review of the new tablet model can be shown advertisements for tablets.

You can find remarketing lists in the section "Audience Manager - Audience Lists". In the “Create a remarketing list” menu, you can select a target and set the option to add clients to the list.

We are setting up a remarketing list

To set up remarketing, select the campaign type “Contextual and media measure”. To do this, select “Incentives – Shopping on the site”.

When you have set up campaigns in the “Koristuvach” section, select “Remarketing”.

Select a remarketing audience and continue setting up the campaign.

In contact with this, Google informed us that the AdWords service is GDRP-compliant. Zokrema, AdWords will introduce a tool for showing non-personalized advertising to clients who were not allowed to show personalized advertising. Google AdSense already has a similar tool.

The post about the adoption of AdWords is consistent with Google's GDRP, which means that advertisers are responsible for independently discriminating against the benefit of clients for collecting and obtaining personal information. This is relevant when advertisers use advertising personalization tools, such as remarketing.

Google did not provide AdWords tools or mechanisms for enticing advertisers to advertisers. Therefore, advertisers still have more demand, but less evidence. Many AdWords users have the following recommendations for those who use remarketing and other ad personalization tools:

  • Post a notice of Google's privacy and information practices on the site.
  • Please inform the correspondents about vikoristannya remarketing and otrimuvat zgoda.
  • Please delete personal information upon request.

Google AdWords still allows you to enter in your cloud account contact information for people who comply with the GDRP. These contacts are used to inform advertisers about the availability of new tools. You can fill in your contact information in the cloud entry menu “Tools – Settings – Contacts with data protection”.

What you need to know about landing pages

Purpose pages promote the effectiveness of advertising campaigns, thereby stimulating conversion. However, you won’t be able to land a skincare provider to follow the instructions from the contextual blind, specially created for an advertising campaign landing page. This needs to be explained with an example.

What skills can be gained from these applications? You can vikorize entire pages created specifically for the singing campaign. However, you also happen to be a vikorist as the landing page of the original section of the site. Therefore, give respect to the usability of the resource.


Yak landing page for Google AdWords can be vikorized in AMP

In the spring of 2017, Google AdWords will open beta testing for everyone who wants to be able to use it as landing pages on accelerated mobile pages. The essence of the innovation: as a whole side, the advertiser can send a message to AMP.

Google caches pages as quickly as possible and provides cached versions to browsers. For the most part, AMP will be attracted to an order of magnitude greater than the main ones. To confirm the benefits of faster pages, Google published an animation. On the left is the landing page, which is sponsored by AMP, and on the right is the primary side.

The 31st webinar dedicated to the updated Google AdWords interface has been released. Senior Product and Decision Specialist at Google Illya Sidorov Having reviewed the main innovations and changes that have affected the contextual advertising service. You can watch the webinar recording for the sake of it, and in this regard, get to know the main implications of this.

Google does not stand still and is developing simultaneously from the technological world. Over the past two years, retailers have tested updated designs on many of their products. Tag Manager, Google Analytics, Firebase Analytics, Google AdWords and others.

Navigation menu (functions that were previously found in the horizontal menu are now found in the vertical menu), dashboards to customize, more sections, more information and a more accepting color palette - all this, in the words of Google, will speed up and simplify є work with their services.

Another reason why all these changes were made in Google AdWords is because of functional changes superimposed on the old basic design. With the great number of new adjustments and additions, doctors have become more and more complex "insert" They have a streaming interface. It has become tight.

As a result of the global update (it remained in AdWords for 8 years), we were given a modern, fluid and intuitive interface. And from the beginning of 2017, the beta version became available to advertisers. You will be able to switch between the old and new AdWords designs until the end.

  • from old to new or through "gear":

Switching from the old to the new Google AdWords interface

  • from new to old:

Switching from the new to the old Google AdWords interface

Changes have been made without changing the external interface, the presentation of material in the Editor or the API has become unchanged.

The entire menu has been moved from the top to the left. The first window that opens after attracting is this "Looking Around". Here you can see key information about the current campaigns in the form of graphs, tables and diagrams for the current period of time. With this variety of metrics, marketers can quickly respond to major advertising changes.

New Google AdWords interface - Look back

In the leftmost menu there are available promotion/deactivation/deleted campaigns. And the ability to choose by type - search engine campaigns, display campaigns, shopping campaigns, etc. You can grab them for your needs.

Suspended and deleted campaigns

As in the stream interface on the tab "Optimization" AdWords offers advertisers various ways to shorten their advertising campaigns. For example, add new keywords, expand the scope, or change the bidding strategy.

New Google AdWords interface - Optimization

Many journalists complained that a lot of displays on different screen diagonals of laptops, mobile devices, personal computers and tablets did not fit into the other screen. I had to either change the scale or gradually scroll down. The new interface has solved this problem - now we can manually change the width of the skin patch, easily adjusting it to the required size.

Changing the width of the columns

While the new interface is still in beta, not all functions are available or work correctly. Frequency has a sound series. Although it was added to AdWords, at the time of writing the article is working crookedly.

As of September 14, 2017, there are no searches for the new interface

For tune-ups:

  • tab "Dodatkovo" revenge sounds Auction statistics
  • The search order is displayed: filter, segment, change settings, menu with campaign statuses and create automated rules

Additional menu for filters, segmentation and changing items

Similar to the section "Groupie stunned".

The new AdWords interface has added tabs “Stunned and expanded”. For search campaigns, text numbers, only phone numbers, and dynamic search responses are available. For display media - adaptive audio and media.

Stunned and expanded

Google retailers decided to pull the extension closer to the main menu, in the field of view of advertisers, as this option is the most popular and important when setting up search campaigns. Expanded advertising plays a big role in search rankings and search rankings.

The new interface has been expanded "Promotion", which will not be available in the old design. The infection can be seen as a visible expansion, it is impossible to freeze up to a cloud recording, a campaign or a group of people.

Expanded promotion "Promotion"

Finally, Google has launched a new section Whole pages. It provides information about the effectiveness of pages (login pages), which users go to after clicking on advertising messages, as well as the frequency of clicks for mobile pages - hundreds of clicks for searches The tools that guide users' smartphones and tablets to pages optimized for mobile devices outbuildings

Whole pages

On deposit "Key words" not a lot of change. Just like that “Expansion and stupefaction” the basic training for the introduction to the animal. Tse "Minus words", "Wash down the noise"(to joke) that Auction statistics Dodatkovo.

Key words

The new interface has made it possible to set bets in different ways:

  • new bets department
  • increase in interest rates in %
  • Reduced rates for % new
  • raising the cost per click to the level of the bid for the first page from the specified maximum bid
  • raising the bid to the same level as the cost per click to display the highest page from the specified maximum bid

Changing the maximum cost per click

Rozdil "Audience" now with a rimmed tab. Previously, they were in different places and were divided into search campaigns, contextual media and video campaigns, which made navigation very difficult for customers.

Now, when you select a campaign type from the left menu, we can immediately increase your audience and errors.


Similar adjustments for "Demography". The new AdWords interface no longer has an option available for the USA "Family income". New functions, added, but not yet available for advertising, are seen in a gray, distinctive color.


The menu also has the same tabs that were previously found in “Contextual and media mereza”- tse "Those"і "Place of accommodation". And under them "Nalastuvannya", "Mistesnahodzhennya", “Rozklad show ads”, "Additions"і « History of changes".

Another new feature in the updated AdWords interface is the adjustment of bids for extensions. "Phone numbers". Meet with the depositor "Additional adjustment of rates" And it will be useful for advertisers who are targeting calls. In exchange, you can either increase or change the rate.

Additional adjustment of rates for the expanded category “Phone numbers”

  1. poshukova measure
  2. contextual media layer
  3. trading campaign
  4. video
  5. universal add-on campaign (starting from June 16, Google will transfer all new campaigns to the type "Mobile app settings" on Universal App Campaigns (UAC), and other campaigns with search and display advertising, promotion of YouTube add-ons will be reduced by 15 leaves)

The principle of creating advertising campaigns has not changed at all. Advertisers will promote advertising in the Republic of Kazakhstan for marketing purposes. Tse mozhe buti yak "Promotion of the website"(advancement of stress), “Showing interest on the site”, "Shopping on the site"і “Your office is ringing”(Stimulus diy) for a joke, so i "Hoarding the Audience"(advancement of brand recognition) and “Interaction with content”(advancement of focus) for KMS. When you select a song, recommendations for functions and adjustments that suit your chosen goals will be available. When selecting a tag, the contextual media network will have available song types and targeting. If for some reason you have chosen the wrong option, you can now change the settings to suit your needs. Otherwise, don’t vikorist the meta in the face.

Previously there was another type of campaign: “Poshukov’s measure and optimized contextual media measure”. Since this type of advertising is necessary, then in the settings of the search campaign, put a trace "So" in option “Add contextual media measure”.

Poshukov's measure and optimized contextual media measure - So

Adjustment of nationality, language, daily budget, expanded publicity - everything was lost without change. Finally, another new thing came out from Google, in which they reported that at the end of the month in AdWords, rotation will include only two adjustments: "Optimize"і "Do not optimize".

When choosing the first option, Google will give priority to the votes, which, based on the system's forecast, will capture more clicks from the lowest votes in the group. If the advertiser wants the ads to be shown evenly, you can select the option "Do not optimize". To give advertisers even more control, customized rotations will be available across ad groups. This means that in one campaign you can choose different rotation options.

You can now select a campaign type from the contextual media network:

  1. standard media campaign
  2. a reasonable campaign in the contextual media mix (available in the streaming interface as marketing meta under the category “Call before action – Get clients”)
  3. Gmail campaign.

Campaign type for display network

The adjustments, visions, and types of announcements were lost without change. The main Google AdWords menu in the new interface has been moved to the top of the page.

Main menu in the new AdWords interface

The latest list of tools looks like this:

  • Keyword planner
  • The first look and diagnostics are stunning
  • Audience Manager
  • Package betting strategies
  • Lists of negative comments
  • Zagalni budgets
  • Exclusion lists
  • Disabled placement location equal to cloud recording
  • All mass events
  • Rules
  • Scripti
  • Added video
  • Conversions
  • Google Analytics
  • Attribution in the sound measure
  • Payments and payments
  • Commercial data
  • Access to cloud record
  • Linked accounts
  • Setting up

A new way to work with lists and remarketing in AdWords - this "Audience Manager". When we move to this section, all audiences for this account will become available to us.

On the menu "Dzherela Auditorium" You can view lists that are being searched: AdWords tag, Google Analytics, add-on analytics service, Play, YouTube and client data (email addresses).

Dzherela auditorium

The audience itself has available statistics on demographics and devices:

Statistics on demographics, buildings

and to the interests of the farmers:

Statistics of interests of investors

The arrow from the menu means going to a third-party resource.

Switching to a third-party resource

Google AdWords has new words that are included in the adjacent block with the icon. Retailers have learned from the headers of the old interface and tabs "Švidka statistics".

Prominence of the new Google AdWords interface

And literally today, June 14, 2017, Google AdWords announced the launch "Zvedennya"– a new tool, which is a set of cards, which displays the selected indicators and with the help of which you can manually view the status of each area record.

New - Zvedennia in Google AdWords

The new AdWords interface comes with one more feature – hot keys. Once you log in to your account, try pressing the following keys on your keyboard:

  • GO - Go to look around
  • GC - go to campaigns
  • GA - go to stunned
  • GT - search for sections

The ConvertMonster blog has, in which I analyzed the Google AdWords interface and shared my best thoughts with prepayers before switching to a new interface at the site BULO BECAME. The Google team has done a lot of work over the past few months: it has listened to the voices of advertisers, given the opportunity to choose and choose new products, and fixed a lot of bugs. Yakіs really lost... But unimportantly, the global transition to a new design of the contextual advertising service is inevitable and it’s better to start calling before the new one right away, so that in the end everything will be restored!

  • -

Hello, fellow readers of the blog site. In the first article of this cycle, we looked at the food, nuances and importance, and also began to create the first advertising campaign, setting the main adjustments for it. Raju would like to briefly familiarize himself with this area so that it would be easier to digest the materials in this publication.

Today we have completed the creation of an advertising campaign, let's look at adding new groups to the list of keywords for them (in AdWords, the keys are assigned to the keyword pool, so that then ineffective ones are automatically removed All those who do good work). We will also look at the basics of effective keywords and explore the capabilities of the tool for automatic selection of keywords.

Created group and okremikh stunned by Google AdWords

The first article has been completed. The next step is the creation of the group, which we will deal with immediately. For different categories of goods and services, it is better to create separate groups.

As you remember, I remembered that in AdWords keywords are set for groups, and not for specific groups. This guarantees that when searching for a song word or phrase, the koristuvach will generate the most confusion. As I already mentioned, it is recommended to create ad groups for the various products and services that you promote.

The creation of the group is stunning in Google AdWords

Also, after completing the basic settings of the campaign, we will automatically move to another tab (another tab) of the master, which is called "Creation group is stunned". Here you need to immediately enter the address of the site where you will get koristuvachs. It is necessary for the system to try, based on the analysis of the content of this page, to select the most suitable keywords that will show upvotes from this group.

Create one group at a time by giving it a name and adding keywords, after which you allow ads to be displayed for this group. Finding the keys is not easy (I’m still confused), but I’m confident that you’ve already thought of everything and learned everything from the set of keywords assigned by the Google AdWords master.

Vlasna, the teacher gives you the most listenable reasons:

We spoke in detail about the different types of species in the first article.

You can watch the video for clarity:

Well, find it quickly with the help of Google itself and select good keywords. Honestly, we need a head first, and then the truth will come. After working with groups, press the “Go to Stupid” button, shown below.

The creation is stunned

As a result, you will waste the master for the third term, where you will be forced to create your first stun. The one on the right is consistent and there is no rubbish here. If it’s not particularly attractive for those who are showing off (if they entered a few more keywords into Google), then the CTR will be low and you will be reluctant to pay for clicks without reductions.

For the cob I create the first stunned in the middle of the first group. It is acceptable that, having respectfully read the previous article, you have collected the semantic core and planned the confusion. The keyword URL (the landing page that opens after clicking on the silence) will be copied from the front page of the master, as you indicated there for the automatic selection of keys. If you didn’t tell me, tell me right away.

Then you need to fill out the fields with the title, description and URL of your site. Google has a page in Help dedicated to the creation of effective votes and explains a video on the topic:

Having looked at the first article about Google Adwords, What is a blindside in Google AdWords From what parts does it come together:

  1. The title is the most important part, as it is obligatory to match the search engine entered by the Google search engine and must contain the keywords (in any word form) that the searcher used in his search. Є exchange up to 25 characters.
  2. I’ll describe the first row (I’ll describe two rows in AdWords) - here you indicate the most important points of your commercial proposition, you can use the following words, which will show confusion. Limit 35 characters.
  3. I’ll describe another row - call to date (remove the bottom, call only at a time, as in our case - “+ 100% for rakhunok with skin replenishment!”). No more than 35 characters.
  4. URL to be displayed - the one that will be displayed in the contextual display. Just call the vikorist to the address of the head page (the main host, as Suvoro says). I repeat, no more than 35 characters can be your dowzhin.
  5. Whole URL - here you will need to enter the address of your landing page, where, where, where, and spend your time clicking on Google AdWords. Here the boundaries are less serious - there are a total of 1024 characters and you can vikorize them.
  1. In another row (and also in the first one) it is important to vikorize the text, which would stimulate clicks behind the votes. Consider this proposal of all freebies (cost-free delivery, etc.), a reduction (only today) and other speeches that will confuse the koristuvach “flow”. Marvel at the results of your competitors searching for the required queries (from Google), add creativity and...
  2. It is absolutely not our fault to take revenge on drinks of different types. Your stupefaction may reflect the specific request of the correspondent. For hidden queries, it is very important to finish your mind, and it is better to choose keywords such that it is clear what you want to learn from the sound system when entering these words.
  3. If you have a unique trading proposition that your competitors do not have, then be sure to try to beat it in order to clearly compete with your peers.
  4. If you don’t want to have a “local” character, then you need to play around with it so that the koristuvach does not have any doubts and hesitations, which is intended for him.
  5. To successfully pass the rules of moderation (including checking for compliance with Google Adwords rules - we’ll talk about it below), you need to read the law about advertising in order to know which products can be advertised and which ones cannot (or wives).

In the right area of ​​the Google AdWords window, you can see what you will see when the results are displayed on the side or above (or below). If you are overwhelmed by everything, then press the “Save” button.

You will be asked to create, if you would like, one more stunning option for this group, which can be created using the additional button shown in the screenshot:

After whom you can press the button "Campaign Reversal", so that you can spend the fourth hour mastering the adjustment, where all the adjustment tasks will be completed. If you wanted, you could immediately press the button “Save and complete” as you are from afar vouchsafed by your infallibility.

I think that the filling of various forms of payment data will be described, because there is a bureaucratic aspect.

Possibilities of the Google Adwords interface

You can ensure a well-created campaign by selecting the same item from the main menu of the Google AdWords account. On the page that has opened, you can still enjoy the “thirty” picture with no tabs, filters and parameters. It will take some time for her to call and get used to it.

You can access the setup of a given campaign by clicking on its name either in the left menu or in the central table. There will already be groups of people talking about these campaigns, and you can find them again by clicking on their names. Well, even there you can work with keywords and advertising texts. Tobto. The following hierarchy is followed (in order of change) - campaign, group, announcement, and keywords.

If you want, for example, to view all Internet campaigns in Google Adwords (the same item in the left menu), you can go through the horizontal menu to view all groups, publicity, expanded publicity (location on the map, additional messages sent and telephone numbers) and key ovi words, What is the difference between all campaigns? By the way, the “tool” is still functional, but at the same time flaunts its sophistication.

It's great that if you add one more group, you will be stunned Before your next campaign, you will develop a single interface (without the rules of the master, as we saw a little earlier), where you will be assigned the date of the group name, the type of preference and select a pool of keywords for this group.

Let’s go back to the interface of the “Campaigns” window (the sub-item in the top menu). The “Swedish Statistics” tab allows you to get a detailed picture of your entire advertising campaign in the Swede mode. Naturally, this information will only be available after your posts are shown.

There is a need for a number of drops for different campaigns (for example, those targeting regional targets or targeting different areas of display - search or YAN). copy similar statements So as not to create them again too soon. To do this, go from the top horizontal menu to the “Download” tab, mark the required checkboxes and click on the “Change” button and select the “Copy” option:

Then open the required campaign, check the required group where you want to paste the copied announcements, and select “Paste” from the “Change” button menu:

We ask you to confirm the information to be entered:

After this, your comments will be copied to the required group and you can start editing them as needed. All you have to do is move the mouse cursor to the desired location and click on the icon of the sheep that appears in the upper right corner:

So, I also want to say about the importance of AdWords in Direct. The keywords, as you noted, will make the whole group dumbfounded. It's time for vikory groups to go wild? And in order to print the display of voices from groups (for these keywords) in the mode of equal rotation (a new voice is applied to the skin and so on).

Through the number of impressions, the system equalizes its effectiveness (first of all, CTR or, in other words, click-through rate). As a result, the rotation is no longer uniform, but with an emphasis on efficiency. More effective votes will take away more impressions, and more ineffective votes will not be shown in the background. Find out what groups are in Google AdWords automatic testing mechanism is stunning and consideration of recent options.

This is especially important at the start of a campaign. Create a number of options, and the system itself will decide which ones will go into circulation and which ones will fall on the police. The period of such test placements requires a few days, after which all the grains will be removed from the floor.

Little did we realize that all Google AdWords applications are undergoing a preliminary review. Moderation carried out in automatic mode (most noise is moderated programmatically, and a minority - manually). Announcements can only be published after moderation (may take up to a year). The status of your stun can be found in the “Status” row on the “Stun” tab.

Tools for selecting keywords in Google AdWords

In the system interface (in the top menu) there is the “Tools” tab. In this list you can find the “Keyword Planner” item, which will help you select keywords for text messages that will appear in Google’s search engine. There you can also find out "KMS planner", which is a tool for selecting queries in contextual media measures (what webmasters call Google Adsense).

Let's talk about it key drain planer. He looks unseen:

In principle, it is clear from the names of several warehouses that such significance may exist?

  1. The module "Find keyword options and group information" helps you select keywords. For this purpose, you can either list the product or service you are advertising for, or list the page on your website where you get recruiters, or select the product or service from the catalogue. See the details below.
  2. If the list of words is already there, then in which module it will be possible to show their frequency based on statistics collected by Google.
  3. Find out the traffic behind the words you picked up
  4. You can go through the lists, then. words from one list are likely to be combined with words from another (for example, a list of names and a list of words). This is a specific and not often needed function.

Let's take a look at the first module called “Find options for keywords and the group is stunned”. It allows you to select keywords that wrap around a single phrase (similar to ). You can also specify a site to which publicity campaigns will be sent to Google Adwords (indicate the URL of the landing page, the content of which will be analyzed, and the keys selected on this basis). Or you can select one of the product categories available in the list.

In the "Targeting" field, select your region. You can also select the area of ​​data collection and expand it to Google and search partners, including in the statistical database all the data collected on thousands of resources on the Russian Internet.

Soon you will practice impersonality stop sliv (minus sliv), which are not your fault in asking, for which you are afraid to show your dumbfoundedness. For example, when trying to sell a product or service, we will be tempted to show up for queries with the words “bezkoshtovno”, “sell”, “want” etc. Well, of course, their traces should be selected individually. For example, it would be reasonable to add the stop word “camera” or “camera” to the sale of contact lenses.

The goal is to reach the target audience (what you like and how your site clicks at the same time), keeping in mind that it is necessary to actively This audience will be greatly “inflated”. The world needs everything. Review the negative words that separate them. Also, negative keywords can be added not only in this tool, but also in the list of keywords in addition to the one added at the very end of the mailing list.

However, let’s turn to our tool for selecting keywords from Google AdWords. In my opinion, using filters in the right area of ​​“Search Options” is not easy. You can safely click on the “Optimize options” button.

In about an hour you'll get back to me results of the work with the keyword selection tool, summarized in a functional and final table:

What’s interesting is that all options are available. That’s the name of the tab itself, which explains why you’re talking about things - “Options for groups are dumbfounded”, and next to the phrase in the section “Groups are dumbfounded” you can see a number of keywords to enter there. In principle, they could be added in this form to your account record, but in practice the system does not collect groups very well, so it would be better to manually look at the keys.

Let's marvel at the details Information about the leather key, you can either open the selected groups by clicking on their names, or select the “Keyword options” tab from the top menu. Considering these keys already, you can begin to compile your list of negatives for the next day.

The data in this table can be sorted by changes or increases in indicators in these and other sections (by clicking on the section heading):

If you believe that this selection will ask you to control, you can save to your Google AdWords account, having quickly pressed the button on the right upper corner. In the window that opens, you will be prompted to choose two options: either add the selected keywords to a new campaign (which you will immediately be prompted to create), or add them to the already existing one:

If you want to add keys, you should also confirm or create a new group for them, or again vikorize the same one:

This is the process of adding a number of keywords selected by Google Adwords itself. If you were guided by keywords, collected ready-made groups (pronounced after training), you could vikorize them. They are simply added to the plan using additional buttons and arrows in the remaining column, and then transferred to the cloud record of an existing or newly created group.

I think that there is enough for today - it will last for the next hour. Don't mumble.

There will be more >>> (You can subscribe to the feed so you don’t miss anything)

And the axis and continuation came out: (although you still subscribe - there will be a lot more fruit and cinnamon).

The click rate in Yandex Direct has become prohibitively high, and the number of applications has dropped? There is nothing surprising about it, today it is not so difficult, and the adjustment of Google AdWords advertising looks much more complicated. Honestly, with the right approach, advertising in Google Words can give very good results with a very modest budget.

Moreover, especially for you, we have prepared step-by-step instructions for setting up Google AdWords advertising, relevant for 2019-2020. After reading it you will know:

  • how to create a Google account;
  • how to run ads in Google AdWords Express;
  • how to create and manage an advertising campaign;
  • what kind of people are stunned and what kind of vibrati;
  • how to structure a campaign for additional advertising groups;
  • how to avoid clear advertising confusion

Come on, let's see.

Advantages of Google AdWords

It is possible to understand from what we know about the main advantages.

  1. Lowest cost per click using Yandex Direct. As I said on the cob of statistics, there is high competition and the auction is rife with unauthorized waste. It’s true that, for the most part, there is a lot of competition in competitive niches, otherwise it’s easy to get stuck in all directions.
  2. Select Maidanchikov to display advertisements.
  3. Displaying in the results of the following types of search lads Google (, begun, etc.).
  4. It is possible to transfer the parameters of one campaign for new ones (you won’t have to repeat the same fields several times).
  5. The influx of rage is deafening on the position and the varity of the click. With more information and clickability, you can be shown in the 1st place and pay less per click, less when shown in the 3rd place.
  6. Divide the budget hour by hour if you can get the most conversions.
  7. Possibility to set up payment for conversions on the site, and not per click.

Additional adjustments

Now let's move on to the next step and open the additional settings by clicking on the next one. Here we are nalashtovuvatimemo rozshirennya stunned.

Structured inventories

In structured descriptions, you can add several additional extensions (behind the types of headings) to the announcements:

  • brandy;
  • neighborhoods;
  • kursi;
  • place;
  • models;
  • program navchannya;
  • hotel recommendations;
  • styles;
  • insurance guard;
  • teepee;
  • handiness;
  • service;

Depending on the advertised business, you can select the required items and add a short description or name (no more than 25 characters) to each one. Let us first pay attention to the types of headings: brandy, place, assistance and service.

Adding description structuring