We are repairing an additional console for Windows XP. Windows XP update Windows xp update disk

When a black screen appears with the message Bootmgr is missing and it is impossible to start Windows XP, we are talking about a bug in the gadget, without some kind of update it is impossible to work normally with the system. A lot of computers suffer from similar problems, but the solution is simple: you only need to have an installation kit on your hands and know how to install Windows XP.

Secret news about the settlement

Looking at how to renew the launch of Windows 7, we thought that one of the reasons for the inability to enter the system was corrupted files. This problem is also relevant for Windows XP, so it is important to note that it has a place on your computer and that other problems, such as those of a hardware nature, play a role.

Once you have definitely determined that the problem is with the archived files, do not rush to follow the advice of some hackers and run programs like Acronis OS Selector.

Such utilities are rightly valued for the visibility of many installed systems; At the same time, it is important to be extremely careful in your actions, so that as a result you can create worse, worse results.

It is therefore easier to quickly use standard Windows update tools, available via installation media and standard XP distribution.

Update of the vantageur

To turn on the right button, you need to log in to the update console from the installation media of Windows XP. You can get it from the start window of the installation program by pressing the "R" key.

These responsibilities will be known to you, since you know how to update the system. You may also be able to enter the “bootcfg /rebuild” command to update the operating system settings. However, after entering the command, other errors may appear, such as corruption of the storage components - for example, NTLDR is missing.

To quickly resolve the problem, it is best to replace the system files that copied them from the distribution.

Therefore, after “fixboot” and the creation of a new private sector, enter the “map” command. Look for the drive letter and select it by entering the required values ​​and pressing Enter. After this, you can proceed to copying the files that are located in the i386 folder on the installation device.

All you have to do is replace the "BOOT.INI" file:

After restarting the operating system, the system may start successfully. The copied backup files can be found on the system partition of the “Windows” folder.

There are no similar articles.

The article is intended for those who are familiar with such concepts as, for example, a robot in the command line with administrator rights and including the ability to display the stored system files and folders. Bazhanno knowledge of the process of establishing and particularities. The article does not claim to be universal, as it covers Microsoft operating systems: Windows XP to Windows 7.

Pochatkovi umovy, or “And just a few more times.” It is clear that you already have two systems installed, and there is no need to reinstall one of them. The stinks are reinstalled on one hard disk, about an hour of reinstallation do not change there is configuration of sections, installation will be carried out at the same section, Whatever it was, the formatting will be determined by the additional installer program.


As practice shows, computer users face significant difficulties when reinstalling one of the operating systems for many on the same computer. This article will be useful to us for those who have the option implemented by looking at the option menu (and not by selecting the option device in the BIOS). Meta - information about the necessary steps to make it easier to create the multi-player menu after reinstalling one of the operating systems.

A bit of theory

The operating system is installed on the active partition of the hard drive. Disk Manager calls this partition the system partition. Which section contains the files of the operating systems. You can also determine the activity of a partition using other third-party programs (the active partition will be designated as the so-called “activity indicator”), or quickly using a Windows program. DiskPart.

sel disk 0
sel part 1
detail part

The result of the selection of commands will be the one on which the activity level is indicated. If the selected section is not active, you will need to uncheck the remaining two commands in the list before selecting the next section - 2

Figure 1 - robot with DiskPart program

Moreover, for successful attraction it is necessary:

  • the presence of the Master Boot Record - MBR) and the private sector containing the operating system storage files ( ntldr- for Windows XP and bootmgr- for Windows 7/Vista);
  • presence in the root directory of the active section of other files of interest: for Windows XP - files ntdetect.comі boot.ini for Windows 7/Vista - a bunch of awesome stuff - Boot Configuration Data ( BCD), as if they had been received by the system dad BOOT;
  • Unfortunately, if you have two operating systems installed on your computer (Windows XP and Windows 7), the active partition contains the necessary files for both of them.

Nevikonannya I'd like one From these minds
explore the importance of one or more operating systems

Figure 2 – Windows XP and Windows 7 backup files on the active partition

Chervonym supported Windows 7 files, blue- Windows XP files

Necessary tools

  1. Installation disk with the Windows XP operating system;
  2. Installation disk with the Windows 7 operating system;
  3. Utility bootsect.exe, like being known to the Pope BOOT on the distribution disk with Windows 7. If there is no such thing, you can get it here.

Part 1. Reinstallation of the operating system located on the inactive partition

Configuration 1: Windows 7 on the active partition, reinstalling Windows XP

  1. Utility bootsect.exe place a partition with Windows 7;
  2. Download the Windows XP installation disk. When prompted to install the system, select the one you were previously on, select its format and installation;
  3. Once installed, the ability to select operating systems for storage is no longer available. To turn this ability around, type in the command row:
  4. X:\bootsect/nt60 All

    de X- the letter for the partition with Windows 7, or

    X:\BOOT\bootsect /nt60 All

    de X- the letter to the DVD-ROM drive from the installation of the Windows 7 distribution disk;

  5. Re-engage yourself

Configuration 2: Windows XP on the active partition, Windows 7 is reinstalled

  1. Create a folder for the Windows XP section BCDREZ
  2. bcdedit /export X:BCDREZbcd

    de X- Letter for Windows XP section

    If you can’t use Windows 7, you can use this command in Windows XP:

    Y:\Windows\System32\bcdedit /export X:\BCDREZ\bcd

    de Y- Litera for Windows 7, X- from Windows XP;

  3. Exit the Windows 7 installation and format the partition as required before installing the installation.
  4. After installing the attraction menu, a new entry about attraction will appear. You can customize the menu in a variety of ways, but you can speed it up in one way: you can return the saved entries.

  5. In Windows 7, in the command row with administrator rights, type:
  6. bcdedit /import X:\BCDREZ\BCD

de X- The letter is partitioned with Windows XP.

After you re-enable, you will be able to select the previous selected menu.

Part 2. Reinstalling the operating system that is on the active partition

Configuration 1: install Windows 7 on the active partition, Windows XP on the inactive partition

There are two options:

First: when Windows 7 is installed, the applications are divided System Reserved without settling down.

After formatting the active partition in this way, you will lose the ability to encrypt in Windows XP, and any encrypted files will be deleted. To get rid of problems, in Windows 7 follow a few simple steps:

  1. Create a folder in the Windows XP section BOOTREZ;
  2. Open the view of the received and system files, copy the XP files: ntldr, ntdetect.com, boot.ini, please copy the file further bootfont.bin for correct display of the Cyrillic alphabet in the menu;
  3. Export BCD by command:
  4. bcdedit /export X:\BOOTREZ\bcd

    de X- Letter for Windows XP section

  5. Install Windows 7;
  6. After installation, open the display of the received and system files, copy the created folder BOOTREZ XP files: ntldr, ntdetect.com, boot.ini, bootfont.bin active section;
  7. Import your savings data using the command:
bcdedit /import X:\BOOTREZ\bcd

de X- Letter for Windows XP section

Other: when Windows 7 is installed, the System Reserved section will be created.

Figure 3 - option to select another section to install

Which type has the active section? System Reserved, so if you format the disk space previously occupied by Windows 7, then after restarting you won’t lose anything. The only thing that happens to you is that you will be victorious - for additional utility bcdedit change the name to “Early versions of the operating system”, and then the following:

Bcdedit /set (ntldr) description "Write whatever you want"

Configuration 2: Windows XP on the active partition, Windows 7 on the inactive partition

After formatting the active partition, you will not only use the settings menu of the operating systems, but you will also be able to select the settings in Windows 7 after changing MBR for additional utilities bootsect.exe, fragments of the file bootmgrі BCD will be visible. However, there is a simple way to overcome difficulties.

  1. Create a folder on your Windows 7 partition to save copies of your favorite files BCDREZ
  2. In Windows XP (this situation is especially important, since in Windows 7 you cannot perform a similar procedure), copy the created folder from the root directory of the active partition file bootmgr that folder BOOT(don’t forget that the stink is systemic)
  3. Complete the installation of Windows XP
  4. Open the image of the received and system files, copy from the folder BCDREZ folder BOOT that file bootmgr to the root directory of the active partition
  5. Vicont rewrite the MBR and the vanished sector:
X:\bootsect/nt60 All

de X- Partition letter for Windows 7 or

X:\BOOT\bootsect /nt60 All

de X- letter to the DVD-ROM drive from the installation of the Windows 7 distribution disk

After re-engaging, you again lose the ability to become attached to the offending operating system.


If you have read this article already after problems, please download the Windows 7 distribution disk or the Windows 7 update disk. To find out how to do this, read the article. Having chosen one of them, in the window with the option to install the system, select the message “System update”, and then - “Startup update”. Therefore, in the absence of other connection problems, you are denied the ability to log into Windows 7, and then organize a second download. If you still have food, we kindly ask.

What should an emergency user do with the Windows operating system under the so-called “failure of the vanguard”? How to renew him? Is it possible to correct the problem with the self-tightening? Let's look at the chain in detail.

The reason is persha. Poshkodzhennya MBR

Damage to the MBR is manifested in the fact that when you start the PC, the monitor loses its dark color or sees a number of different types of blurs, such as:

  1. Destruction of the partition table;
  2. Destroyed under the hour of vantagement of the OS.

To correct these problems, you must:

Friend's problem. Poshkojeno zavantazhuvalny sector

Symptoms appear that indicate a previous problem behind the signs, with which “XP” there are signs such as:

The greatest number of these problems lie in the immediate future:

Problem three. Changing the configuration settings of the boot.INI file

In case of replacing changes in the configuration file, Windows XP NTLDR is required, however, you will not know the OS. This problem is characterized by the following information, which is seen by the system:

  1. Proposition about checking the grinding disc;
  2. I recently tried to read the data on the digital disk;
  3. It is impossible to use Windows XP due to problems related to configuration.

You can correct them like this:

With the update console running, type "bootcfg/rebuild". After this command, the disk partitions will be scanned on the installed version of Windows XP. If you have a first OS, ask the user to enter data in the configuration file.

Mercy on Thursday. System files corrupted

So called the blue screen of death. To put this sad picture to rest, use the Recovery Console to find an updated method of finding similar corrupted files.

Pardon the heck. Cleaning up the system registry

This problem does not arise often, but still. The system registry, which contains data about the launch of drivers, is added to the start of the Windows XP operating system. When the SYSTEM partition is damaged, NTLDR slows down the computer's operation and displays a warning message. The files in the registry are unique. Therefore, it is impossible to update them, having transferred them from another version of the “operation”. The output is in the offensive:

  1. When logging in to Windows XP, sign in: rename c:windowssystem32configsystem system.old, Having completed the “Introduction”. If there is a problem, the registry section will remove other names, after which you can replace them with others.
  2. Please follow this: copy c:windowsrepairsystem c:windowssystem32configsystem update of the section. The system may become enchanted.

The success of Windows consists of many stages that are completed one by one. If one of the operations at startup fails incorrectly, the system will not work. One of the most widespread problems of this kind is the corruption of Windows XP data.

What is this exciting record?

The main backup record, commonly known as the MBR, stores a code fragment, a special signature and a partition table that is necessary for the system to start correctly. When the computer's BIOS is turned on and the initial test is completed, it inserts a fragment of the MBR code into the RAM, transferring it to the kernel code and then starting Windows.

If you see a message on the screen like ntldr is missing, no boot device, or simply black without further insertion, then to correct the problem you need to download the Windows XP updater.

Cause the pain:

  • Several operating systems are installed incorrectly, which causes the original code to be overwritten.
  • Vidalennya Linux OS or the manager is available.
  • Virus infection (use programs that block Windows from starting).
  • The disk hardware is damaged.
  • Interruptions in life (emergency).

Whenever you turn the system around by simply rewriting the MBR, you have to renew the damaged sector. The most important step is to manually copy the files of the owner from the owner’s sector of the hard drive.

MBR update

The first thing you need to do if the system does not start is to update the MBR, Vikorist and update console:

The password entry has been updated – try re-signing and restarting Windows XP.

Renewal of the vanguard sector

If the NTLDR is missing type message appears on the screen, then the cause of the problem is a corrupted data recorder. For the symptoms of this problem, it is similar to the MBR, it is better to install two update commands:

If rewriting the protected sector and MBR does not work, try correcting the settings in the Boot.INI file:

When the command is issued, the program will scan all disk partitions, trying to find a copy of Windows. You will be asked to record information about your system in the configuration file, so Windows will start correctly again.

Copying backup files

Since creating a new MBR and a new sector does not allow you to install the file at startup, you will have to manually transfer the NTLDR, NTDETECT.COM and boot.ini files to the root of the disk.

  1. Take a look at the disk, open the update console.
  2. Record the MBR of the vanguard sector, as shown above.
  3. Use the "map" command to display a list of all connected drives. Find the carrier letter for your Windows distribution.
  4. Enter the letter of the disk containing the distribution and press Enter to proceed to work with it.
  5. Enter "cd i386" to open the same folder on the Windows XP distribution.
  6. Enter "copy NTLDR C:\" to copy the NTLDR file.
  7. Enter "copy NTDETECT.COM C:\" to copy the NTDETECT.COM file.

Let's look at the BOOT.INI file.

In some very stupid situations, the logical area of ​​the hard drive breaks. The breakdown is most often logical in nature and as it appears, it can be easily corrected. In order to be on the safe side and get everything back on track, you can quickly install some kind of home-made LiveCD from Windows, but that’s not the best way.

The best way is to use the absolutely legal method that Microsoft presents to us.

How to recognize the evil owner of the area of ​​​​Windows XP

You won’t have a chance to deal with this in particular, since everything has to be done on an intuitive level, so you just plug in your computer, and you won’t be able to enter the BIOS. You will soon see a message on the screen indicating that the MBR area has been corrupted.

Nowadays, viruses have appeared that will completely change this area and infect this galusa instead of using the operating system to protect oneself. When the time comes, the enchanted ones will extort pennies from the poor money-grubber. As it turns out, this MBRL ock virus is found in this way.

This virus, by the way, can hijack everything on the website, so the optimizer cannot physically destroy it, leaving the computer blocked.

Updating the valuable area of ​​Windows XP

For this we need the installation disk that you used when the operating system was installed. If you don’t have it, and you didn’t install the operating system, then you’re likely to be confused by its search, because in the reign of the government, the installation disk with Windows XP is guilty of skin corrosion of the operating system. Without it, maximum Windows productivity will never be possible.

It is best to use the original disk, the fragments of the selected animals and game eaters can transfer other life to your OS.

If you have a netbook and you don’t have a place where you can put this disk, then you can create a valuable one. With her help you can get an update.

  1. Downloaded from the Windows XP installation disk
    Everything is the same as with Windows installed.
  2. At the first window you need to press R. To make it clearer, it is not necessary if Windows XP is installed, you just need to press Enter.
  3. There is a clear interest in the Windows update mode. At the hour of asking, the launch manager will ask you to specify the operating system (you will need to select the OS number) and if you have set the administrator password, enter it. After this, the Windows XP update console will appear.
  4. This console will need 2 commands:


    Before the skin command is issued, you need to confirm this by pressing the keys Yі Enter.

  5. Then restart your computer by typing confirm exit, and get involved in the renewal of a valuable business.

Windows XP is more like a tank, less like a small operating system, after updating the important area, you will be able to use Windows XP without any choice, whether you have Windows 7 or Linux installed. to be with her not visible. There will simply be no way to launch.

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