Encryption of mobile devices. Data protection on Android phones and tablets

Data encryption in the Android OS is closely related to two problems: controlling access to memory cards and programs transferred to them. There are plenty of programs to store activation data, payment and confidential information. This protection relies on access rights management, which is not supported by the FAT 32 file system typical for cards. Therefore, in the latest version of Android, approaches to encryption have changed radically - due to the increased use of cryptographic security from changing media to their deep integration into a single section from encryption on the lot.

The special role of the memory card

From now on, Android distributors have been transferring memory cards only as a separate cache of files to the user. This is simply a multimedia warehouse without any benefits due to its lack of reliability. microSD(HC) cards with FAT32 completely cope with the role of the simplest device, providing internal memory for photos, videos and music.

The ability to transfer not only multimedia files, but also programs to a memory card first appeared in Android 2.2 Froyo. It was implemented based on the additional concept of encrypting containers with a skin program, but it was stolen, including the transfer of a card into the wrong hands - not a smartphone.

Before that, it was the same: many programs were transferred frequently, leaving some of the data in the internal memory, and activities (for example, system or widgets, for example) were not transferred to the card at all. The very possibility of transferring additives lay in their type (first or third-party) and internal structure. In some, the catalog with the data of the correspondent is directly expanded, and in others - in the subcatalog of the program itself.

Since the programs intensively relied on read/write operations, the reliability and fluidity of the cards could not satisfy the users. The stench was so overwhelming that transferring the program by regular staff became impossible. For the rakhunok of such a cunning device, their registration was guaranteed to be denied internal memory With a great resource I will rewrite with high speed code.

With the fourth version of Android, it became possible to select and place add-ons. You could think of the memory card as a disk for installing programs, but not all firmware correctly supported this function. How she works at a specific device - it became clear that she was working in a certain way.

De x: y – memory card number.

  • If you want to remove the partition for a FAT32 volume, then change the command in step 7 to this:

    $ sm partition disk: x: y mixed nn

    de nn – extra information in vidsotkah for FAT32 volume.
  • For example, the command sm partition disk: 179:32 mixed 20 adds 80% of the memory capacity of the card to the memory and removes 1/5 of the capacity from the FAT32 volume on it.

    On some smartphones, this method in the “as is” version no longer works and will require additional tricks. Virobniks are trying to stop everything in order to distribute their products individually into market niches. Top models are released with different types of memory, and you will have to pay less and less for them.

    Some smartphones do not support memory card slots (for example, the Nexus series), but only support the connection of USB-Flash drives in OTG mode. In this case, the flash drive can be used to expand the stored memory. Fight with the offensive command:

    $ adb shell sm set - force - adoptable true

    The possibility of using USB-OTG to create an adapted device is disabled, and some of your unauthorized use can lead to the loss of data. The capacity of the rapt memory card is greatly reduced due to its physical placement in the middle of the device.

    Select a template, PIN code or password to set up security.

    You will be prompted to select: security for an additional PIN code, password or pattern key at the time of launch. Choose to stay away from you, but we recommend that you still choose any protection, as this will ensure the safety of your device.

    Please note that with the device for reading fingerprints, you cannot use fingerprints to unlock the device the first time you enter your password, PIN code or pattern. Once the device is decrypted using the correct method, you can use the finger scanner to unlock the screen.

    From now on, your device will be encrypted, but if you want to turn on encryption, you can do it by resetting it to factory settings. If you have a new device whose encryption function is automatically disabled, there is no easy way to turn it on and then ask it to return to factory settings.

    Hello, friends! This article will look at programs for encrypting files, more precisely for working with cryptocontainers in Android. For those who do not know what a cryptocontainer is, we learned about it in this article.

    We are not visible to universities, photographs, etc. These have already been discussed in previous publications (use the search form on the site). Within the framework of this article, we do not apply any skin supplements. This is an overview of all popular programs for encrypting data on Android. In the near future, in anticipation of this article, there will be instructions for the skin program.

    You can also click on the article “”, as we have learned, how you can use the additional K-9 Mail program to reliably encrypt your listings.

    The following encryption programs are currently available on Google Play:

    • LUKS Manager;
    • EDS Lite;
    • Cryptonite;
    • CyberSafe Mobile.

    This program allows you to exchange encrypted files with other users and allows you to encrypt additional folders on Google Drive. Meanwhile, for the skin's barrel of honey, you can find a spoonful of honey. Paid supplement. And this cost-free version limits the maximum password requirement to just 2 characters, which, as you can imagine, is not enough. On the other hand, the add-on costs very inexpensively (cheaper than $3) and it removes the password not when you open the container, but only when you open it. If you need to create a program with the same set of data on different devices, you can create a container on one device and copy it to another, and buy the program only on one device (on which you create the container).

    Add-on for encrypting data on Android

    What is the additional benefit of vibrati?

    The answer is simple. If you use TrueCrypt on your personal computer, then the choice is obvious – EDS Lite. If you want to protect your encryption, then, no matter what, you should switch to CyberSafe on your computer.

    Short: If you use a graphic key to access your phone, then 99% of it is enough to ensure that no one can deny access to information on your phone without your permission. Since the data on the phone is highly confidential, you should use the full encryption function of the phone.

    Today, almost all smartphones have become carriers of important personal and corporate data. Also, using your personal phone number, you can easily deny access to cloud accounts, such as Gmail, DropBox, FaceBook and corporate services. Therefore, in this and other worlds, be careful about the confidentiality of these data and use special measures to protect your phone from unauthorized access in case of theft or waste.

    1. From whom you need to protect your phone data.
    2. Implementation of data protection features in Android.
    3. Externally encrypted phone memory
    4. Pouches

    What information is stored on the phone and can be stolen?

    A smartphone or tablet often functions as a mobile secretary, keeping the boss's head at bay by saving a lot of information. The phone book contains numbers of friends, family, and friends. The notebook is often written with credit card numbers, access codes to them, passwords to social media, email and payment systems.
    The list of remaining calls is also very important.
    Wasting your phone can turn out to be a real disaster. Sometimes they steal them on purpose in order to penetrate into the peculiarities of life or to divide the profits from the ruler.
    Sometimes you can’t steal them at all, but use them quickly, unnoticed, and just a few clues are enough for an experienced criminal to find out all the details.

    Loss of confidential information can lead to financial collapse, catastrophe of a particular life, and family disintegration.
    I wish I had nothing better! - let’s say the wicked ruler. - It’s so good that you’re here! - say the evil-doer.

    And what do you need to steal from your phone:

    1. Cloud records. Here you can enter, for example, access to your gmail mail screen. Have you set up synchronization with facebook, dropbox, twitter. Login and passwords for these systems are saved in a private profile under the phone profile /data/system/accounts.db.
    2. History of SMS-listening and phone book also treat confidential information.
    3. Web browser program. The entire browser profile is subject to theft. It is obvious that the Web Browser (either third-party or third-party) will remember all your passwords and logins. All this is saved in the open view of the father's profile program in the phone's memory. Moreover, the sites themselves (with the help of cookies) will remember you and deny access to your account when you log in if you did not specify to remember the password.
      How do you synchronize your mobile browser (Chrome, FireFox, Maxthon, etc.) with desktop version browser to transfer bookmarks and passwords between devices, you can also use your phone to deny access to all passwords for other sites.
    4. Memory card. How you save confidential files on a memory card or retrieve documents from the Internet. Make sure photos and videos are saved on the memory card.
    5. Photo album

    From whom to protect the phone data:

    1. Like a crazy person who knows you've wasted your phonel as a result of “vicious” theft of a telephone.
      It is unlikely that the data on the phone is of great value to the new owner of this age. Therefore, it’s a simple matter of using a graphical key to ensure that your data is saved. Shvidshe for everything, the phone will simply be reformatted for re-victory.
    2. The look of his eyes(Colleagues/children/friends), which can deny access to your phone without your knowledge, speeding up your absence. Forgiveness is to take care of saving the money.
    3. Primus access
      It may be that you voluntarily want to give your phone number and allow access to the system (information). For example, if you ask for a phone number from a team, a representative of the owner or a police officer from the service center where you took the phone for repairs. In any case, no matter how bad it is, it won’t be so beautiful. I would like to be able, using additional additional programs, to capture the fact of the visibility of the current information: to capture the SMS part, the contact part, the active files.
    4. Type of direct theft of your phone.
      For example, you might even want to find out what’s on your phone and tell you to unpick it.
      This situation is supported by external encryption of the phone and SD card.

    Introducing data protection features on Android devices .

    1. Screen lock with pattern key.
    This method is very effective in both types of seizures (protection against phone use and protection against eye contact). If you accidentally waste your phone or forget it on the job, no one will be able to get hold of it quickly. If you took someone else’s hands for your phone, it’s completely straightforward, so it’s unlikely that you’re lying. Corruption may occur on the hardware level.

    The screen can be locked with a password, PIN code or Graphic Key. You can select the blocking method by running Settings and selecting Security section-> Screen lock.

    Pattern - c most handy and instantaneous the most reliable way I love the phone.

    None- Vіdsutnіst zakhistu,
    Slide- to unlock, you need to swipe your finger straight across the screen.

    Pattern- tse Graphic Key, it looks something like this:

    You can increase your security level in two ways.
    1. Increase the Graphic Key field. It can be varied from 3x3 dots on the screen to 6x6 (Android 4.2 varies on some models, stay in Android versions that phone model).
    2. Capture the displayed point and “path” of the pattern key on the smartphone screen so that it is impossible to see the key.

    3. Set the screen to automatically lock after 1 period of inactivity on the phone.

    Respect!!! What to do if you forgot your pattern key:

    1. The number of incorrect tests of the Graphic Key pattern is limited to 5 times (for some phone models, the number of tests can be repeated 10 times).
    2. After you have tried all the attempts and did not write the Pattern Key correctly, the phone is blocked for 30 seconds. After this, you will have a new number of tests depending on your phone model and Android version.
    3. Next, the phone will ask for the login and password of your Gmail account, which is specified in the settings of your phone’s Cloud accounts.
      This method is less effective if your phone or tablet is connected to the Internet. In another case, a deaf kut or re-inventing before adjusting the vibrator.

    It happens that the phone falls into the hands of a child - then theft begins, often the key is small and the key is blocked.

    PIN- this is a password that consists of several numbers.

    І rest, Password- the most reliable protection, with the possibility of changing letters and numbers. If you have set a password, you can enable the Phone encryption option.

    Encryption of phone memory.

    The function is available up to Android version 4.0* and higher. for tablets. This function may be available on many budget phones.
    Allows you to encrypt the internal memory of the phone so that access to it requires only a password or PIN code. Encryption helps to steal information from your phone at random ts non-direct theft. The criminals will never be able to deny access to your data from your phone.

    Obov'yazkovoy brain for vikoristannaya encryption is the installation of a screen lock for an additional password.
    This method allows you to save your personal data stored in your phone’s memory, such as your phone book, setting up browsers, passwords you search on the Internet, photos and videos that you have captured using an additional camera and not transferring to an SD card. .

    Encryption of the SD card is enabled by an additional option.
    - Encryption of memory can take up to an hour, depending on the storage capacity of the device. When the phone is encrypted, you cannot use it.

    What, did you forget your password?

    The password update has not been sent yet. You can use your phone or tablet to RESET, then. Reinstall Android, otherwise the personal data from the memory of the phone or tablet will be erased. Thus, if the attacker does not know the password to unlock the phone, you will not be able to use it quickly. It is also impossible to retrieve data from the phone's memory using other programs by connecting the phone to a computer, even though all internal memory is encrypted. The only way to use your phone again is to reformat your phone.

    Please note, the full encryption function is only present starting with Android OS 4.0 - 4.1 and may simply be available on some phone models. Most often it occurs in phones from Samsung, HTC, LG, Sony. Deyaks Chinese models You can also use the encryption function. In some phones, this function is located in the “Memory” section.


    1. You will need to continuously enter a collapsible password (6-10 characters) if you just want to call. If you want to set a longer time interval (30 hours), you will not be prompted for a password when the phone screen is on. On some phone models, the minimum password requirement can be 3 characters.
    2. On some phone models it is not possible to turn on encryption if you want to be confident in entering a password. Encryption is disabled only after the phone has been reset to its factory settings and all data has been deleted.

    Encrypting an external SD memory card

    The function is included in the standard Android 4.1.1 package for tablets. Weekdays in many budgetary assemblies.
    The function ensures reliable protection of data on the external SD card. Here you can save specific photographs, text files with information of a commercial and special nature.
    Allows you to encrypt files on an SD card without changing their names, file structure and saving the previous viewing of graphic files (icons). The function forces you to set a blocking password on the display in at least 6 characters.

    The possibility of encryption. When you change your password, it will be automatically re-encrypted.
    If the user has used the memory card, the encrypted files cannot be read through the card-reader. If you put it on a different tablet that has a different password, then the encrypted data also cannot be read.
    Other authorities Encryption:

    • Prozora encryption. Once the card is inserted into the tablet and the user has unlocked the screen using an additional password, the program can download files from the decrypted view.
    • If you connect the tablet via a USB cable to the computer, the encrypted files can be read on the computer by first unlocking the card from the screen of the mobile device.
    • If you write any other unencrypted files to the card via the card-reader, they will also be encrypted after inserting the card into the tablet.
    • If the encrypted card is hidden, the password cannot be blocked.
    • The data is encrypted only on the same file level (in this case, the file names are visible, and the file itself is encrypted).

    A few programs:O Available in most Android collections.

    Please note that the best way to save data is to have an exact copy of it on your computer The smartphone has a small device, which means it is more likely to break or be wasted.

    Increased handiness of a stolen smartphone

    Outside encryption of the phone will be ensured by itself reliable rhubarb However, if you simply enter a 6-digit password, it will complicate your search. Ale is a decision.

    With Android version 4.2* you can add certain programs/widgets to the lock screen, and in this way you can cancel simple actions without having to permanently unlock the phone (without entering a 6-digit password).


    • These cost-free functions have been added to the phone and are even more reliable. You will be able to secure from outside view the account's contacts, logs and calls, accounts in various programs and services, as well as files and folders stored both in the phone's memory and on the SD card that are removed.
    • Before purchasing a phone, please check the necessary security for this phone model: you can use the combined PIN code or password on the lock screen (Pattern Key is not suitable), the encryption of the internal memory is irrevocable phone. The only way to get the hang of encryption is to reset your phone.
    • Important! Reconnect if you have forgotten your password or Graphic Key. You can restore access to the phone or easily update the phone settings and information in case you need to do a hard reset (reset the phone to factory settings with the loss of all tributes).
    • http://www..png lyuda 2013-06-19 19:13:07 2015-06-24 17:54:26 Data protection on Android phones and tablets.

    The FBI tried to twist the hands of Apple through the court, because it does not want to create a code to bypass the electronic security system. A critical leak has been identified in the Android kernel, which makes it possible to deny access to the super-corrist, bypassing all the drying mechanisms. Although these two ideas are not related to each other, they came together over the course of an hour, clearly demonstrating the superiority in the security system of two popular mobile operating systems. We'll take a look at the critical spillover of the Android kernel, which is unlikely to fix most bugs in already released models, and we'll look at the data encryption mechanisms in Android and Apple iOS. First of all, let's talk, now we have the need for encryption in mobile devices Oh.

    Should you encrypt your phone?

    Honestly, people want nothing - the most popular leitmotif that sounds after every publication on the topic of data destruction. “I don’t want anything,” it seems like a lot of koristuvachs. It’s a pity, but more often than not, there is a lack of respect for the fact that even in the case of a particular Vasya Pupkin, no one bothers to climb in, because who stinks? Practice finding out what is wrong. We won’t go far: just last year, the school teacher’s career ended when she lost the phone on the table. The Mitt's scientists unlocked the device and pulled out a new photograph from a reader who seemed to be indebted to the Puritan morality of American matrimony. The incident became a sufficient basis for the liberation of the reader. Similar stories are coming out every day.

    How unencrypted phones get hacked

    Don’t get bogged down in details, just remember: data from an unencrypted phone can be collected in as many as one hundred hundreds of drops. “Maizhe” here should be in full swing if they tried to physically damage the phone or lose it completely in front of the data collectors. Most Android and Windows Phone devices have a service mode, which allows you to download all data from the device’s memory via the original USB cable. Most devices are available on the Qualcomm platform (HS-USB mode, which works if you have blocked the blocking), on Chinese smartphones with MediaTek (MTK), Spreadtrum and Allwinner processors (which are unlocked by the owner), as well as Their smartphones are manufactured by LG (there The manual service mode has been activated, which allows you to download data from the “rounded” device).

    However, since the phone does not have a service “backdoor”, you can still access the device by opening the device and connecting to the JTAG test port. In the most recent versions, the device comes with an eMMC chip, which is inserted into the simplest and even cheapest adapter and uses the same protocol as the original SD card. Since the data is not encrypted, everything from the phone is easily accessible, right down to the authentication tokens that grant access until the date is set.

    How was the encryption stolen? In older versions of Android (up to 4.4 inclusive), this is possible in minutes (probably, Samsung devices). And Android 5.0 is set to have strong encryption mode. How is Google respected? Let's try to get back together.

    Android 5.0-6.0

    The first device under Android controls 5.0 becoming Google Nexus 6, released in 2014 by Motorola. At that time, 64-bit mobile processors with the ARMv8 architecture were already actively being introduced, but Qualcomm did not have a ready-made solution on this platform. The Nexus 6 uses the Snapdragon 805 system logic, based on 32-bit Qualcomm processor cores.

    Why is it important? On the right, in processors based on the ARMv8 architecture, a set of commands is used to speed up stream encryption of data, but in 32-bit ARMv7 processors there are no such commands.

    Ozhe, stitch behind the hands. There are no instructions for accelerating crypto in the processor, so Qualcomm has installed a set of system vision logic hardware module, clicks to cancel these same functions. Well, things didn't work out for Google. Either the drivers were not completed at the time of release, or Qualcomm did not supply the output codes (or did not allow them to be published in AOSP). Details of the public are unknown, but the result is visible: Nexus 6 shocking observers full speed reading the tributes. How much more? Something like this:

    The reason for the eight-time upgrade from the “younger brother” smartphone Motorola Moto X 2014 is simple: encryption is forcibly enabled, implemented by the company at the software level. In real life, the Nexus 6 on the original version of the firmware suffered from numerous lags and freezing, increased heating of the device and apparently weak autonomy. Installing a kernel that forcibly disables encryption did not cause problems.

    Besides, the firmware is the same on the right, even if it can be updated, what’s wrong? Especially as Google has its own finances and its staff of highly qualified salespeople. Well, let’s face it, what happened further.

    And then Android 5.1 (via update), when necessary drivers for working with hardware were added to the latest version of the firmware, and then again removed from the final version due to serious problems in hibernation mode. Then Android 6.0, at the time of its release, players had already begun to lose interest in this game and began to find any way to enable encryption using third-party kernels. Otherwise, do not turn it on, since reading speeds of 25–30 MB/s are sufficient.

    Android 7.0

    Good, but in Android 7 it is possible to correct a serious problem with the flagship device, which is already two fatalities? It can be corrected! The Elcomsoft laboratory has equalized the productivity of two identical Nexus 6s, one of which has installed Android 6.0.1 with the ElementalX kernel (and encryption enabled), the same as the other one. ї versions of Android 7 with adjustments after adjustments. encryption enabled). The result is obvious:

    Data encryption in the Android OS is closely related to two problems: controlling access to memory cards and programs transferred to them. There are plenty of programs to handle activation data, payment and...

    Reading important emails, making online purchases using your credit card, editing or sending important documents? If your answer is “so,” then you have to think about encrypting your device.

    As soon as the encryption process is completed, everything is ready! Make sure you have saved your password with a safe place, so you will now have access to it every time you want to deny access to your phone. Please be assured that if you forget your password, there is no way to update it today.

    In fact, encrypting Android devices has obvious advantages and some downsides:

    1. Know that you need to dial if you want to call folding password. Tsikavo, when are you going?
    2. You won’t be able to decrypt the device encryption, it just won’t be transferred. To decrypt, the only way is to reset the phone from the factory setting. In this case, of course, all your data will be spent. It will be especially important if you forget to create a backup copy later.

    Thus, today there is a difficult choice - either you encrypt your device and put up with great insecurity, or you reject the handiness of the Internet, or the harm of carelessness. Which way do you choose? I don't know. What kind of way have I chosen? I still can’t tell. I just don't know.

    Volodymyr BEZMALIY ,
    MVP Consumer Security,
    Microsoft Security Trusted Advisor

    The FBI tried to twist the hands of Apple through the courts, because it can’t create a code to bypass air system be safe. A critical leak has been identified in the Android kernel, which makes it possible to deny access to the super-corrist, bypassing all the drying mechanisms. Although these two ideas are not related to each other, they came together over the course of an hour, clearly demonstrating the superiority in the security system of two popular mobile operating systems. We'll take a look at the critical spillover of the Android kernel, which is unlikely to be corrected for most of the bugs in already released models, and we'll look at the data encryption mechanisms in Android. Apple iOS. Let's talk now, there is a growing need for encryption in mobile devices.

    Should you encrypt your phone?

    Honestly, people want nothing - the most popular leitmotif that sounds after every publication on the topic of data destruction. “I don’t want anything,” it seems like a lot of koristuvachs. It’s a pity, but more often than not, there is a lack of respect for the fact that even in the case of a particular Vasya Pupkin, no one bothers to climb in, because who stinks? Practice finding out what is wrong. We won’t go far: just last year, the school teacher’s career ended when she lost the phone on the table. The Mitt's scientists unlocked the device and pulled out a new photograph from a reader who seemed to be indebted to the Puritan morality of American matrimony. The incident became a sufficient basis for the liberation of the reader. Similar stories are coming out every day.

    How unencrypted phones get hacked

    Don’t get bogged down in details, just remember: data from an unencrypted phone can be collected in as many as one hundred hundreds of drops. “Maizhe” here should be in full swing if they tried to physically damage the phone or lose it completely in front of the data collectors. There are a lot of Android devices Windows Phone There is a service mode, which allows you to download all data from the device’s memory via a standard USB cable. There are most devices on the Qualcomm platform (HS-USB mode, which works best if blocking is required), Chinese smartphones with MediaTek (MTK), Spreadtrum and Allwinner processors (which are unlocked by the owner), as well as all smartphones manufactured by LG (there is a manual service mode, which allows you to download data from the “rounded” device).

    However, since the phone does not have a service “backdoor”, you can still access the device by opening the device and connecting to the JTAG test port. In the most recent versions, the device comes with an eMMC chip, which is inserted into the simplest and even cheapest adapter and uses the same protocol as the original SD card. Since the data is not encrypted, everything from the phone is easily accessible, right down to the authentication tokens that grant access until the date is set.

    How was the encryption stolen? In older versions of Android (up to 4.4 inclusive), this is possible in minutes (probably, Samsung devices). And Android 5.0 is set to have strong encryption mode. How is Google respected? Let's try to get back together.

    Android 5.0-6.0

    The first device to run Android 5.0 was the Google Nexus 6, released in 2014 by Motorola. At that time, 64-bit devices were already actively being pushed through. mobile processors with the ARMv8 architecture, but Qualcomm has a lot of ready-made solutions on this platform. The Nexus 6 uses the Snapdragon 805 system logic, based on 32-bit Qualcomm processor cores.

    Why is it important? On the right, in processors based on the ARMv8 architecture, a set of commands is used to speed up stream encryption of data, but in 32-bit ARMv7 processors there are no such commands.

    Ozhe, stitch behind the hands. There are no instructions for accelerating crypto in the processor, so Qualcomm has installed a hardware module in the set of system logic and clicks to disable the functions themselves. Well, things didn't work out for Google. They didn’t finish the driver at the time of release, and they didn’t press Qualcomm Weekend codes(or not allowing them to be published by AOSP). The details of the public are unknown, but the result is clear: Nexus 6 shocking observers with extremely high speed of reading data. How much more? Something like this:

    The reason for leaving your “younger brother”, a smartphone, eight times a day Motorola Moto X 2014 is simple: encryption is forcibly enabled, implemented by the company in the software market. In real life, the Nexus 6 on the original version of the firmware suffered from numerous lags and freezing, increased heating of the device and apparently weak autonomy. Installing a kernel that forcibly disables encryption did not cause problems.

    Besides, the firmware is the same on the right, even if it can be updated, what’s wrong? Especially as Google has its own finances and its staff of highly qualified salespeople. Well, let’s face it, what happened further.

    And then Android 5.1 (via Pvroku), in which required drivers To work with the hardware, the system was added to the latest version of the firmware, and then again removed from the final version due to serious problems with hibernation mode. Then Android 6.0, at the time of its release, players had already begun to lose interest in this game and began to find any way to enable encryption using third-party kernels. Otherwise, do not turn it on, since reading speeds of 25–30 MB/s are sufficient.

    Android 7.0

    Good, but in Android 7 it is possible to correct a serious problem with the flagship device, which is already two fatalities? It can be corrected! The Elcomsoft laboratory has equalized the productivity of two identical Nexus 6s, one of which has installed Android 6.0.1 with the ElementalX kernel (and encryption enabled), the same as the other one. ї versions of Android 7 with adjustments after adjustments. encryption enabled). The result is obvious:

    Extension is no longer available to participants

    Option 1. Go to the “site” to read all the materials on the site

    Membership with the entirety of the designated term will give you access to ALL Hacker materials, increase your personal savings and allow you to accumulate a professional Xakep Score rating!

    Now prepare your devices before stealing or spending

    Waste or theft is always unfounded. Having prepared the device in advance, when you spend it, you will be able to:

    Protect specific data (for example, photographs) from third parties;

    Follow the progress of the construction;

    Pereshkoditi vikoristovvati pristrіy tim, hto yogo znayshov or stealing.

    Croc First: lock your screen


    If the screen is locked, the device cannot be viewed or viewed. To look at photos, read SMS or do anything else with the device, you need to know the password or PIN code.

    Open “Settings” → “Screen lock and lock” → “Screen lock type” or “Screen lock” → Set lock. It is recommended to use a password (digits and letters) or a PIN code (at least five digits). If the device has a finger sensor or an iris scanner, you can use them.

    Now, if your skin is damaged, the screen will need to be unlocked.

    Croc is different: encrypt the memory card


    If you save important files on the card, then encryption can steal them - they can no longer be read by the device where the card was encrypted.

    Since there are no important files on the memory card, or there is no card in the device, it is not obligatory to encrypt.

    Open “Settings” → “Biometric data and security”, “Security” or “Lock screen and protection” → “SD card encryption” (Encrypt external map memory) → “Encrypt the SD memory card” or “Encrypt the external memory card” → Encryption will end.

    Now, if you insert the card into another device (laptop, smartphone...), the files cannot be read.

    Step three: press the PIN code on the SIM card


    You will not be able to call anyone or send an SMS from your SIM card unless you enter the correct PIN code. If the PIN code is entered incorrectly three times, the SIM card will be blocked.

    Most SIM cards have a locked PIN code. To unlock it, you need to know the exact PIN code. The current PIN code is indicated on the plastic card in which the SIM card was inserted upon purchase.

    If you do not know the current PIN code, replace the SIM card with your operator. The number will become old, but the PIN code will be new.

    Open “Setup” → “Biometric data and security”, “Security” or “Screen lock and lock” → “SIM card blocking” or “Other security settings” → “SIM card blocking settings” → Unlock and change pin- The code is more complex.

    Now, if the device is disabled, you will need to enter the PIN code for the SIM card.

    For increased confidentiality and protection of data, secure data, and power, people can use the encrypted information stored on their mobile device using the functionality built into the Android system. Iyu.
    When the trace is frozen, add a series of seals. This process is one-way, so when it is turned on, there is no possibility of turning it on without a trace, as long as the encryption mechanism is turned on and resets the mobile device to factory settings. Before starting encryption, it is recommended to complete backup copies data, and every time it is not possible to interrupt the encryption process, otherwise irrevocable traces associated with the loss of information are detected on the user of a smartphone or tablet, and there is also a risk of permanently “damaging” the device.

    Before the encryption process, you must also enter a digital password or PIN, which is used to unlock the screen, since the operating system will use it as the key for decryption.

    What is the encryption process on Android To begin the encryption process, you need to go to System Settings-Security-Encrypt Devices. After encrypting the data, you will need to enter your alphanumeric password or PIN before entering your phone. In some cases, it is possible to encrypt not all devices, but only selected files and directories. In such situations, the SSE Universal Encription add-on is ideally suited, which includes all popular encryption algorithms, including Blowfish-256, AES-256 and Sarpent-256. The add-on also includes three modules: Password Vault, for safe saving

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    Also, for greater data protection on mobile devices, you can use Cyanogen Mod, which can be installed on your computer operating system Windows. Instead of Cyanogen Mod, you can install the Replicant distribution, which is based on Cyanogen Mod, which is free and open and replaces all proprietary drivers Android devices alternative drivers with open source codes.