Mhdd check and repair of hard drive. Checking the hard drive for bits of the bad block sector in MHDD

In the process, robots inevitably wear out. Problems may be caused by excessive computer operation or freezes. And all through those sectors that appear on the surface of the hard disk that cannot be read, or as they are called BAD blocks.

For verification hard drive on the bit sector bad blocks It turns out that the cost-free MHDD program is really good. With this help you can not only identify bad sectors, but also try to correct them (re-recognize them).

How to use the MHDD program?

To get started we need to write down fancy image MHDD to a flash drive, since the program runs under DOS.

We insert the flash drive into the USB socket of the computer or laptop, or we record the image of the MHDD, thereby creating a secure flash drive.

After the flash drive is written to, it is necessary to use the forward mode robotic zhorstkogo disk with ACHI in IDE. If you don’t earn money, then MHDD can’t help you hard drive.

If you have done everything correctly and are interested in flash drives, then you will install the axis like this:

Pochatkovo vikno zavantazhenya MHDD

You need to press Enter, after which the MHDD program will appear:

Vibrate your hard drive to enter your telephone number

We dial the number and stamp “Enter”.

To display the window with adjustments twists of the bitter the disk is under pressure F4 on the keyboard.

Adjusting the verification

Here, use the arrows to go down to the “Remap” row, press “Enter” and select “On”. We have enabled re-recognition of bad sectors. So that MHDD not only knows them, but also recognizes them as such, so that they don’t become vikors.

Now we'll emboss it again F4 After that, the hard drive itself will start checking for bits of the sector.

Per hour, the check takes 20 minutes up to 4 years, depending on the volume and fluidity of the hard drive. A 1TB disk takes about 2-3 years to be verified.

The right-hand window displays the results of the verification. Sectors that have 500MS or more (brown and red) face troubles, and the more the worse. UNC (red crosses) tse i є troubles - sectors that cannot be read.

Verification results - BAD sectors

Splinters on the cob of re-verification was an option enabled Remap— reassignment of BAD sides from the reserve area, it is not turned off, but after checking the hard drive again with the MHDD program, it will not work and the hard drive will work for another hour.

Once the check is completed, there will be no sector below 150MS (green) on the right side, which means that the surface of your hard drive is in good order and there are no BAD sectors.

Now you know how easy it is to clean up MHDD and how it will help you check your hard drive for bad blocks.

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MHDD- This is obviously a program that was created for interaction with hoarders at low levels. The program was created fourteen years ago by Dmitro Postrigan, and from that time on, it became much easier to invest in MHDD.

MHDD is designed to scan the surface of the drive that is used by the IDE interface in CHS mode. The author talks about personal equipment for diagnostics, which instills confidence in patients.

Today's capabilities of MHDD programs are not limited by diagnostics. When using the MHDD utility, you can:

  • Read;
  • Write additional sectors;
  • Use a SMART system, a password system, a system that controls noise characteristics;
  • You can also change the storage format.

On the website you can find a copy of MHDD. You can download the program for vikoristan in different views: archived and floppy disk with a self-extracting function.

Log/mhdd.log- The main log file is created when you first start the program that is being installed. You will be signed up for this one in the future.

Have the MHDD program take into account information from each element If you have anything on your storage device, you will need to enter a BIOS prompt. And the BIOS starts searching for the ports of the required storage device, verifies the data, and exchanges them with the storage device. Then the operating system data will be restored.

It is not possible to run MHDD from the storage device that is on the IDE cable, before any test connections will be made, accumulate. There will be data corruption on both sides. Therefore, the program does not interact with PRIMARY. If you need to unblock the PRIMARY channel, you need to run MHDD, log out, edit the MHDD.CFG file. (Command term with the ENABLEPRIMARY key).

The program displays songs to work:

  • Before the processor: Intel Pentium and new developments in the world of computers;
  • RAM is less than 4 megabytes;
  • MSDOS is due to mother version no lower than 6.22;
  • Necessary storage device (USB, HDD, CDROM, FDD).

Possibilities for IDE/SATA controllers:

  • Guilty mothers integration in the first place; PCI UDMA loom automatic assignment; chants RAID controllers keep up; as microcircuits are present UDMA/RAID controllers.
  • Storage options: IDE or Serial ATA, the volume of which exceeds 600 megabytes, but does not depend on 8388607 terabytes; A SCSI storage device has a sector size of 512 and 528 bytes.
  • Next, switch the device on which diagnostics are carried out, MASTER mode.
  • You can scan devices when the process is controlled by ID or EID commands (F2 button). Type SCAN and press ENTER (F4 key). You can change the settings in the menu.
  • You can view the attributes by typing SMART ATT (F8). You can find out how many sectors have been reassigned. You should be wary of values ​​greater than 50. You may want to look at the attribute that shows temperature values. UDMA CRC error rate shows how many errors are received when data is transmitted by cable.
  • The HPA team is tasked with limiting the storage volume.
  • The PWD command blocks the storage device by entering a password.
  • Using the AAM command, you can adjust the noise characteristics.
  • CONFIG allows you to change the configuration.

If you want to become familiar with the MHDD interface associated with all program commands, press F1. Yakshcho given the program didn’t help, try the Victoria program to analyze the disk.

MHDD program

MHDD is a small, yet powerful, cost-free program designed for working with hard drives at the lowest level (bypassing the BIOS). You can diagnose accumulators, cancel reading and writing of large sectors, check the SMART system, and much more.

The software distribution can be found on the retailer's website You can download MHDD from a CD image (mhdd32verx.x.iso file) or from a floppy disk image that extracts itself. On the same site New version documentation before the program. After installation, the program works with the hard drive connected to the Secondary IDE channel as the first device (Master). Vaughn zdatna pratsyuvati i s SATA drives or SCSI. The MHDD program has a lot of functions. The axle is just a few inches long.

Retrieving information about the disk.

Scanning the surface of the disc.

Saving the disk image of the file.

These operations include those that are not associated with writing data to the disk, which is verified so that it is not damaged. Working with the disk from which the user intends to update information is not good. The main task is to assess the situation, and not to check the disk, which is the main purpose of the MHDD programs.

1. Burn the program to a CD, and then download the computer from it. A menu for selecting accumulators will appear on the screen (Fig. 2.6). Select the drive you want to monitor and enter it in the list. This menu can be accessed at any time by pressing Shift+F3.

Small 2.6. Vibrate disk

2. Following the disk (for example, 3), press the Enter key. The program is ready to run with this hard drive. The upper part of the screen is retouched register, or else Prapori. Whether any IDE or SATA device is responsible for displaying the “DRIVE READY” and “DRIVE SEEK COMPLETE” messages, the DRDY and DRSC signals may be activated. The BUSY signal signals that the user is completing any operation, such as reading or writing.

You can get rid of information about commands by pressing the F1 key. Tim is no less, if he has the will to separate the list of commands and place this sheet of paper with the computer - it’s so much more convenient.

All commands are entered from the keyboard; the register does not play a role. The entry of any command is completed by pressing the Enter key. To press or interrupt the command, press the Esc key.

3. To view information about the disk, enter the ID. Another command, EID, displays reports (Fig. 2.7).

Small 2.7. Information about the disk

4. To scan the surface, press the F4 key or enter SCAN and press the Enter key. A menu will appear where you can change settings. After the beginning, the number of the cob sector is reduced to zero (starting sector). The number of the end sector is as old as possible (end of the disk). All functions that can be changed or restored to disk (Remap, Erase Delays) are disabled. To begin scanning, press the F4 key again.

MHDD scans files in blocks. For IDE/SATA storage devices, one block equals 255 sectors (130560 bytes). When you scan, there will be a map of blocks on the screen (Fig. 2.8). Right-handed, a “legend” is induced in front of her. The shorter the time required for access to the block, the better. If problems arise when accessing a block, the hour increases, or if a problem occurs, a confirmation symbol is displayed on the map.

Small 2.8. Surface scanning

Everything that is over-reinforced in the legend is below the power sign (re-interpretation of the permissible hour of fertilization), є different options unread blocks. The decryption of these pardons is as follows:

UNC – Uncorrectable Error;

ABRT - Abort, command thrown;

IDNF - Sector ID Not found, sector identifier not found;

AMNF – Adress Mark Not Found, address mark not found;

T0NF - Track 0 Not Found, it is impossible to find the zero track;

BBK - Bad BlocK, a “filthy” block without giving a reason.

The main thing here is to understand that these are the results of physical defects in the middle of the pressurized unit. It is important to remember how to save your data and not repair the hard drive. Caution when scanning is to not get overwhelmed with diagnostics. In addition, the type of card can indicate the steps involved.

Regularly repeated blocks with increased access time result from the positioning of the heads on the working cylinder. This is absolutely normal.

Blocks with various defects are randomly scattered - a sign of advanced degradation of the drive. Plates, bearings and heads are worn out. Possibly, the hard drive is “beaten” and overheated.

A “flame” in the middle of which there are completely unreadable blocks, sharpened by blocks with longer access, is a sign of a defect that will increase on the plate. It is necessary to categorically edit the image.

However, strictly and regularly repeated groups of inaccessible blocks are a sign of a faulty head. The total head can be calculated based on the physical geometry of the disk. Since there are important data on the surface of the plate that is serviced by this head, the hard drive needs to be repaired in special facilities. Possibly, the plate is not yet completely tattered.

The main function is acoustic noise control (Acoustic Management). The noise, understandably, is not turbocharged. However, the amount of noise that can be seen during the movement of the heads is replaced by a decrease in the fluidity of their movement. For a faulty hard drive, you can, in a peaceful manner, ease the operating mode.

1. Type AAM and press Enter. Here you can expand the possible parameter values ​​that are supported by this hard drive.

2. Enter the value that indicates your search and press the Enter key. This little bit will help the hard drive, especially the head block, which is subject to manipulation for an hour.

At these points, diagnostics ends and data updating begins. The MHDD program can copy multiple sectors or an entire disk from a file or a set of files. The program skips defective unread sectors.

The TOF command copies the specified range of sectors (from sector zero to the remaining sector of the disk) into one file. The size of the image file cannot exceed 2 GB. If you want to create a disk image larger than 2 GB, it is better to use the ATOF command, since it can automatically divide the images into adjacent files.

1. Type TOF and press the Enter key. The Fast Disk Image Creator request appears (Fig. 2.9).

2. Enter the number of the cob sector and press the Enter key.

3. Enter the number of the remaining sector and press the Enter key.

Small 2.9. Creation of the image by the TOF team

4. Enter the name of the image file you want to create. The name is sufficient, but the file must be created on a different physical disk.

5. To start copying, press the Enter key.

After the copy is completed, you can turn on the problem disk and work not on it, but on the file – this sector-by-sector copy. This is to protect the disk from further damage: if the hard drive starts to malfunction, the skin will work to add new bad blocks to the plate or seal the damaged head. When copying from a problem disk, you need to start copying it yourself and diagnosing the disk.

Which program will you use to make a copy? Open the food. There is no residual evidence for anything new. The MHDD program and the similar Victoria program create fewer problems when reading hard drives with numerous physical defects. Such problems can cause the program itself or the entire computer to freeze while trying to read certain bad sectors. On the other hand, R-Studio program What’s more difficult, it’s more important that you still need to compile the data from the image using additional programs. Visnovok: you can try vikoristannya several programs.

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P1.1. AVZ program The AVZ program (Zaitsev Antivirus) is a very useful utility, and has helped Windows XP more than once. So I have purchased Kaspersky Antivirus, which is not available for purchase. safe mode. It turned out like this - everything that skipped the main antivirus,

Nowadays, the producers have seriously taken up the problem of reducing noise, which seems to be a problem.
They have achieved some impressive results - for example, Seagate managed to reduce the spindle noise of the fourth barracuda table, so that it is no longer detectable by hearing.
Anything that turns around is not a single cause of noise in the hard drive mechanism.

The drive heads begin to make noise - and sharp noises sound through the middle of the jar, giving rise to a sound that “grunts”, positioning.
Of course, this can be improved by changing the shape of the strum in the boiler to a smoother one, but inevitably due to the change in such an important hard parameter as access time - this itself indicates the speed of the disk subsystem in multitasking environments, and operations with anonymous files.

At the same time, there are situations in which positioning is not needed at all, but silence is required - for example, when working in office supplements, under the hour of playing music and films.

What's wrong with that?
This problem itself was discovered by hard drive manufacturers quite recently - the ATA specification introduced the “Automatic Acoustic Management” (AAM) function - quickly regulating the level of noise, which seems to accumulate as a result of the collapse of heads, changes in fluidity Their displacement.

AAM servers can run proprietary utilities on other hard drives, such as IBM and Maxtor.
It’s extremely difficult to remove the stench - the owner is not able to quickly assess the current level of noise.

With MHDD, everything is implemented much more manually: you just need to enter AAM into the console, and the hard drive itself will start chattering its heads, demonstrating its zeal for noise.
You can change it using the keys “M” (minimum noise level), “L” (middle) and “P” (maximum).

The "D" button vibrates AAM completely, causing the hard drive to become as smooth as possible, and at the same time as loud as possible.
You can re-mix the hard drive directly from Windows 9x at any time, under the same name as other proprietary utilities (Fig. 3).

Figure 3. Automatic Acoustic Management

Security options

Would you ever want to protect your information from third parties?
Insanely, it’s such a shame sometimes, especially since there are so many people working on the computer.
Osobiste listuvannya, documents, and then just kindly nalagodzhene operating system- the axis is far from latest list what you want to take care of and protect from someone else’s invasion.

The greatest expansion of access to confidential information- creation of encrypted partitions on the hard drive, archiving with a password, password protection for everything file system on a logical level ( special programs in the boot sector of the HDD), and inodes and physical replacement of the entire hard drive (for example, a local mobile phone).

Ale such protection may be of the helpless little ones.
The information is still lost on the nose, and although it is not clearly accessible (programs are often separated by encryption only vandalizing record, Beyond the permanent FAT), it can be easily extracted from such a disk by clicking on a new disk editor, or (more simply) one of the programs for organizing information, for example, apparently “Easy Recovery”.

Encrypting files “on the fly” is more resistant to attack, but it requires a resident that permanently resides in memory, overrides part of the system API and creates a minimal impact on the central processor.

And no one is insured against glitching or freezing of such programs at the most unexpected moment.
If the encrypted partition is corrupted (for example, by viruses), it will be extremely difficult to extract information from it.

Ideally, a security system should meet 3 main benefits:
1. Regardless of the OS, file system, computer and their glitches.
2. Be confident and take care of yourself.
3. Do not take away system resources.
And so I lost everything, as if no one had thought to entrust it to the hard drive controller!

This was introduced by vendors to the ATA/ATAPI-3 standard back in 1996, and hard drives that actually support security functions have only recently emerged.
This feature is called “Security Set”, and more commonly – ATA password.
It allows you to steal the entire hard drive space not only for reading, but also for writing and using low-root formatting!

What was within reach, having implemented the program for the protection of the Winchester.
Z external light It is installed through the original IDE interface - you need a utility in order for it to work correctly.
BIOS and current motherboards Simply setting a password on modern hard drives, and on rich laptops (for example, from DELL) has long become the norm.

But now we don’t need to be the owner of a super-cool laptop payment in order to steal our information - we can work on any computer with the help of MHDD!
Moreover, not only with BIOS, but with DOS and Windows at any time.
Let’s try to understand how this works.

Launch MHDD and press the key combination +, select the hard drive, access to whichever you want to close.
We are pressing.
Return it to the row “Security: High, Off” - this means that the password for the hard drive is not set (Fig. 4).

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Everything breaks, and the hard drive is not to blame. If your hard drive is faulty, please check it with the MHDD program. Previously, we looked at what factors can affect the computer's speed code and what problems the hard drive can cause.

MHDD is one of the most popular cost-free programs for reactive diagnostics and self-repair Your hoarder. In this article we understand how to renew the efficiency of additional programs.

Verifying the hard drive from MHDD

Respect - you carry out all manipulations at your own peril and risk, because using this utility you can easily accumulate all the information on it.

To begin with, download the image with a program for recording on a flash drive or CD. For whom you want to download archives from the program from the official website: download MHDD without costs.

Unzip the file and burn the disk image in any way convenient for you. I'm one of the victors popular programs Ultra ISO.

Restart your computer, go to the BIOS and select backup from a flash drive or other storage device on which you have the MHDD program.

You can view the program screen by selecting an option. The first point for the SCSI controller, you should pay attention to the other point. Our video pad is embossed with Enter.

On the front screen, we can select the following hard drive pratsyuvati. Return to the list of devices and enter the number with which the disk is labeled. In our case, the system has only one disk.

Let's start with disk diagnostics. To do this, click the menu using the F4 button to reveal the presence of bad sectors. Press F4 again and start the diagnostic process.

Next, you will view the disk map on which the blocks scanned by the program are displayed. Narazi. If you know MHDD is bad, mark it with a red or green symbol.

If you encounter troubles, immediately copy all important data from the storage device, the fragments of data on your hard drive will lead to the loss of all information, and the process of removing Bad blocks may be important. outside purification disk.

What's on the disk? important information, Varto repeat the scan with the command Erase Delays, how to seal all the bit sectors. Otherwise, it’s time to speed up Erase For see you again that purification.

If you are in trouble after something on your hard drive, speed up with the command Remap However, it’s best to immediately think about buying a new hard drive.