Digital integrated circuits. Advisers from PC interfaces, Advisers from telecommunications, Advisers from integrated circuits

Chapter 1. Zagalnye Vidomosti about digital microcircuits of the middle stage of integration
1.1. Classification
1.2. Main characteristics and parameters of LE
1.3. Upgrading the default parameters of digital microcircuits
1.4. Typical microcircuit packages
Chapter 2. Microcircuits based on TTLSH
2.1. Low-pressure TTLSH IS
2.2. Basic logic element ІС533 (K533, KM533, K555, KM555)
2.3. Basic logic element ІС1533 (КР1533)
2.4. Shvidkodiyuchi TTLSH ІС
2.5. Basic logic element ІС530 (K530, KM530, KM531, KR531)
2.6. Basic logic element ІС1531 (КР1531)
2.7. Logical elements
2.8. Main elements
2.9. Multiplexori
2.10. Encryptor and decryptor
2.11. Trigeri
2.12. Registry
2.13. Doctors
2.14. Arithmetic-logical devices
2.15. Priymachi
2.16. Forms
2.17. Multivibrators
2.18. The storage of microcircuit parameters depending on the modes of operation and operation
Chapter 3. Microcircuits based on CMOS technology
3.1. Main characteristics of IC K564
3.2. Receipt of IC K564 from other series
3.3. Basic logical elements
3.4. Combination devices
3.5. Subsequent devices
Chapter 4. Microcircuits with ESL arrangements
4.1. Swidcode microcircuits
4.2. Basic logical element IV K500 (100, K100,500)
4.3. Basic logic element ІС К1500 (1500)
4.4. Features of stastosuvannya ESL ІС
Section 5. Microcircuits based on gallium arsenide
5.1. The basic logical element of the super-video IC K6500
5.2. Logical elements, trigger, healers, registers
Section 6. Design of interchangeable VICs based on basic matrix crystals
6.1. Classification of methods for designing specialized VIS
6.2. Features of the design of the BC
6.3. Terminology, main parameters and characteristics of BC
6.4. The main directions for the development of BMK
6.5. Organization of development of BSM
6.6. Installation of matrix VICs in unified REA units
Section 7. Digital basic matrix crystals based on interconnected logic
7.1. Basic matrix crystals type K1520ХМ1, К1521ХМ1
7.2. Basic matrix crystal type K1520ХМ2
7.3. Basic matrix crystal type K1572ХМ1
Section 8. Digital basic matrix crystals based on transistor-transistor logic with diodes.
8.1. Basic matrix crystal type K1527ХМ1
8.2. Basic matrix crystal type K1548ХМ1
Chapter 9. Digital basic matrix crystals based on i-MOS structures type K1801VP1
Chapter 10. Digital base matrix chips with CMOS structures
10.1. Basic matrix crystals type K1806VP1, KR1806VP1
10.2. Basic matrix crystal type K1515ХМ1
Section 11. Digital base matrix crystals on new materials like K6501ХМ1
Chapter 12. Resource of programmed logic chips
Section 13. Programmed logic chips
13.1. Microcircuits K556RT1, K556RT2
13.2. Microcircuit KM1556HP4
13.3. Microcircuit KM1556HP6
13.4. Microcircuit KM1556HP8
13.5. Microcircuit KM1556HL8
13.6. Programmed logical integrated circuit with ultraviolet erasure of information
13.7. Expanding the logical capabilities of PLM
Addendum 1. Principles electrical diagrams and intelligent graphic designations of library FP BMK type K1521ХМ1
Addendum 2. Principle electrical circuits and intelligent graphical assignments of library FUs BMK type K1520ХМ1
Addendum 3. Principle electrical circuits and intelligent graphic designations of library FUs BMK type K1520ХМ2
Addendum 4. Principle electrical circuits and intelligent graphical assignments of library FUs BMK type K1572ХМ1
Addendum 5. Principle electrical circuits and intelligent graphic designations of library FUs BMK type K1527ХМ1
Addendum 6. Principle electrical circuits and intelligent graphic designations of library FUs BMK type K1548ХМ1
Addendum 7. Smart graphical meanings of library physical units BMK type K1801VP1
Addendum 8. Principle electrical circuits and intelligent graphical assignments of library FUs BMK type K1515ХМ1
Addendum 9. Smart graphic designations of library physical units BMK type K6501ХМ1
List of references

Name: Dovidnik - Popular digital microcircuits.

Information is provided about the three most advanced types of digital microcircuits in amateur radio practice: TTL, CMOS and ESL. The basics of their circuitry are briefly reviewed, the structures, pinouts are shown, and a description of the operation of over 300 types of mass digital microcircuits is given: logic elements, triggers, registers, doctors, multiplexers, arithmetic, etc. Recommendations have been made for their stagnation. For the preparation of radio amators and fighters of the people's rule, who will dismantle and install pulse-digital equipment.

The book is dedicated to the circuit design of the largest series of microcircuits - digital small and medium-level integration. Apparently, in the 70s - 80s, three types of such microcircuits dominate in equipment; TTL, CMOS and ESL. Hundreds of millions of them are released onto the river. It is possible that we will prepare a lot of them before the end of the century.
In the skin, there are series of three types of microcircuits that gradually develop. By describing the microcircuits, it is possible to realize their power completely. The skin group of microcircuits (for example, doctors, registers) today is subject to a lot of circuit design problems. Circuit design options reflect both the development of microcircuits and the expansion of power supplies. A thoughtful reader can follow the development of circuit technology from the simplest microcircuits to current and promising ones. In addition, it is important to note how the output devices are optimized and transformed to suit TTL, CMOS and ESL circuitry.

1.1. Secret information about TTL elements
1.2. Circuit design of TTL elements
1.3. Traditional TTL series
1.4. Promising TTL series
1.5. Buffer and separate TTL elements
1.6. Circuit design of elements I, ABO, I/ABO
1.7. TTL microcircuits: I, I, ABO, I/ABO, expanded
1.8. Autogenerators based on TTL elements
1.9. Logical elements - Schmitt triggers
1.10. Viklyuchne ABO
1.11. Trigger circuits
1.12. RS and D triggers
1.13. JK triggers
1.14. TTL clinics
1.15. TTL register
1.16. Decoder and TTL encoder
1.17. Multiplexer TTL
1.18. Sumatori TTL
1.19. Rapid and permanent memory devices TTL
1.20. Woozley computing devices
1.21. Sensitive multivibrators and self-oscillators
2.1. Device and power of CMOS logic element
2.2. Basic logical elements I, ABO, Z
2.3. Microcircuits with inverters and their storage
2.4. Generator circuits and redesigns
2.5. Transforming levels of logical signals
2.6. Switchers for digital and analog signals
2.7. Triggers of CMOS microcircuits
2.8. CMOS processors
2.9. CMOS register
2.10. CMOS decoder
2.11. CMOS arithmetic circuits
2.12. PFA microcircuits and multivibrators
3.1. Circuit design of logical elements
3.2. K500 series combinatorial microcircuits
3.3. Triggers, healers and registers of the K500 series
3.4. Elements of computing devices from the K500 series
3.5. K1500 series combinatorial microcircuits
3.6. Triggers and registers K1500 series
3.7. Vuzli of computing devices of the K1500 series
List of references

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Name: Integrated circuits - Dovidnik

Data has been provided on the availability of digital analog integrated circuits that are produced in the manufacturing industry. Given the classification underground characteristics integrated circuits, description of the housing. According to the skin series, the following is indicated: series warehouse, electrical principles or functional diagrams, assignment of pins, electrical parameters.

Short term

1 News about integrated circuits
1.1 Terminology
1.2 Classification of microcircuits and intelligent designations
1.3 IC packages
1.4 Usual operation of microcircuits
1.5 Electrical parameters of microcircuits
2 Preliminary data of digital ICs (series: K1102 to K599)
3 Preliminary data of analog ICs (series: K118 to K574)
4 Recommendations for stagnation of IMS
+ 3 add-ons.

Microelectronics is one of the young areas of electronics that is developing the fastest. Therefore, the nutritional terminology of this Galusia is similar to that of the Russian and rich people. foreign languages Dosit folded. In our country, we have developed the same GOST 17021-75 “Integrated microcircuits.
Terms and meaning. It is consistent with this GOST lower definition of the terms and their meaning, which is widely recognized in industrial activity and technical literature. A number of terms that relate to constructive meanings are consistent with GOST 17467-79 “Integrated microcircuits. Basic dimensions."

Microelectronics is a field of electronics that deals with the problems of tracking, designing, preparing and curing microelectronic devices.
Microelectronic virus - electronic device h high step miniaturization.

An integrated circuit (IC) is a microelectronic device that performs the primary function of signal processing and has a high density of packaging of electrically connected elements (or elements and components) or) crystals, which from the point of view could be tested, captured, processed and operation is viewed as a single whole.

Easily acquire an electronic book in a manual format, marvel and read:
Download the book Integrated microcircuits - Dovidnik - Tarabrin B.V. Lunin L.F. Smirnov Yu.M. -, shvidke ta bezkoshtovne skachuvannya.

  • Analog and digital integrated circuits - Yakubovsky S.V.
  • Dovidnik - Microprocessors and microprocessor sets of integrated circuits - volume 2 - Abrantis B.B., Aver'yanov N.M., Bilous A.I.
  • Dovidnik - Microprocessors and microprocessor sets of integrated circuits - volume 1 - Abrantis B.B., Aver'yanov N.M., Bilous A.I.

The adviser has provided information about digital and analog integrated circuits. The classification of manufactured integrated circuits is given. The types of enclosures, underground characteristics and parameters are described.

Reports have been provided on the skin series of integrated microcircuits; The main meaning of the skin series, important electrical circuits, pinout, electrical parameters.

Modified from the first edition (1977), this edition has completely changed the nomenclature of microcircuits. Zokrem, the warehouse of promising new series of TTL and CMOS microcircuits, a series of operational boosters and secondary power supply units, included microcircuits with high productivity, as well as a series of microcircuits Overhead logic circuits based on emitter-coupled logic circuits. At the same time, a low series of microcircuits are turned off, which may result in low-quality interconnection.

The section has been expanded from the stock of microcircuits of various classes (TTL, CMOS, ECL, VPO), given Dovidkov's table types of old and new mental values.

Provider of insurance for engineering and technical workers who are involved in the development, operation and repair of radio-electronic equipment.