Circuit diagram of sound speakers for a genius computer.

One good idea is to add a solid audio system, and not just add miniature Genius speakers, as shown in PHOTO 1.

The speakers, of course, are not new - some of the decorative panels are already worn out, and the plastic casing is worn out in some places.
The idea was this - after the supply of edge life to the column, the UMZCH microcircuit is activated and for the next period of time it “clears up”.

If there is no signal at the audio inputs, the microcircuit is switched to the “ST” mode.


To do this, briefly press the button without locking SA1.

The same voltage stabilizers DA2 and DA3 are found at all nodes of the circuit.
While the audio signal is not applied to the input XS1 or to the input XS2, as was indicated above, the capacitors in the 3DD3.1 output are charged at the output of the 3DD3.1, and the C38 is charged first and the DD3.3 element is reconnected, at which the HL1 indicator for constant candles However, DA1 is in operating mode.

After an hour, when the values ​​of R27 and C39 are indicated (a little more than 4 times), element DD3.4 is switched, and logic 0 appears at its output 11DD3.4.

The DD1 microcircuit is equipped with a dual-channel analog booster.

Right from the start, I was convinced that the combination of two channels looked like a resistor or transistor mixer.

On the DD2 microcircuit, we will accept the control unit. The output of 7DA4, which is not detected, can be connected to the LED indicator of the visibility of the stereo signal.

With the introduction of circuit solutions, the input support has changed little and the depth of the channels has changed.
Vuzol does not affect the dynamic characteristics of active column circuits.

First, you need to set a fixation in the SA1 button, then cut the other conductors of the board to prepare the SA1 and HL1 connections for work in other circuits.

The HL1 LED will change to blue over bright.
The WA1 telescopic antenna is attached to the speaker using screw connections.

The body of the K3 relay should be connected to the ground wire of the circuit, and the relay itself should be located very close to the receiver board.

The node board that is to be installed is secured to the ULF board with screws through plastic stands.

Instead of a music module as an apartment doorbell, you can use it as a “mully-phone”, put a board in the form of a child’s music “stylish” telephone - there are a lot of all sorts of sound effects.
The circuit diagram is easy to understand - you can see the music module or the connection with the control unit, or all at once.

Or you can practically do nothing - install the SA1 switch in the primary winding of the T1 transformer and that’s it.

Fragment included.

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I immediately saw the split capacitors at the input lances of the left and right channels.

Resistors R8, R9 were set to 100k, versus 180k originals, because

The amplitude of the input signal was reduced by reaching the maximum tension of the speakers.
Adding capacitors C11 C12 to suppress the radio cross-code.

Capacitors C9, C10 are set to 100 uF * 16V, Jamicon electrolytic non-polar.

Since the capacitors are included in the TOVS lancet (negative gate connection), then skimping on their capacitance is detrimental to the sound.

We have just prepared a new living block, the diagram of which is shown in Fig.

1. An old transformer that gets very hot, with an overall load of about 2 W output.

Instead of new installations, there is a stronger and more reliable transformer TS-BP-22 (like a cassette tape recorder of Radyansky production).

Merezheva voltage 230 is applied to the primary winding of transformer T1 through the closed contacts of the switch SB1 and resistor R1, which controls the drying function.

Varistor RU1 together with resistor R1 protects the transformer from voltage overload.


1. Scheme of the living block

The input lances of the UMZCH were also reprocessed.

Previously, the input voltage went directly to the voltage regulator VR1, and after further processing - through RC filters on elements 1R12, 1C14 and 1R13, 1C15, which protects the UMZCH from high-frequency guidance.

Before the addition, the dynamic heads at the output of the UMZCH were automatically plugged in when the headphone plug was inserted; now they can be plugged in behind the additional SW1 button.

In addition, the signal to the head phones becomes available through the flow-exchange resistors 1R17, 1R18.

The UMZCH contains resistors C2-23 or imported, oxide and non-polar (ceramic), capacitors are also imported.

The voltage stabilizer elements are installed on an additional mounting plate measuring 45x45 mm.

The KA7805 microcircuit is installed on a duralumin heat sink with dimensions 68x40x2 mm, it can be replaced by any of the 7805, 78M05 series.

The upgraded UMZCH board is shown in Fig.

4. An additional U-like brass heat dissipator with a surface area of ​​approximately 8 cm 2 is attached to the integrated circuit U1.

Initially, the heat from these microcircuits was introduced through other conductors on another board.


4. The UMZL board has been upgraded 12.11.2015

The placement of units near the speaker housings is shown in Fig.
  • 5. In one column there is a live unit with a different and indicator LED, in the other there is a loudspeaker with a volume regulator, a jack for connecting headphones and a speaker speaker.
    The connectors are connected to each other by a multi-conductor soft cable.

In two darts there is a live voltage, behind the other two darts there is a signal from the UMZCH output.


Since you can connect an external stereo system to your home, it is impossible to sit between the walls of your home and have to be surrounded by headphones.

In this case, there is no way to talk about a collective rewatch of any film or series.

How can I improve the situation?

Portable computer speakers with live USB ports can help correct the current situation.

There is a huge selection of these devices on store shelves, but their potency can vary significantly.

The price of portable computer speakers with a USB port is low and accessible to a wide range of people. Regardless, the purchase of this device may not be far away, since the amount of sound produced by such a system will be deprived of the benefits. It’s not surprising that even among the cheap devices of this class, there are very good quality features, both in design and in sound production.

We will carry out the “rosinization” of a portable acoustic system from the USB port and the flexible electronic filling of this device.

It is easy to tell by looking at the radio amator what kind of electronic components such devices are assembled from.

This knowledge may be useful when independently constructing portable audio speakers using USB or repairing them.

Selection of portable multimedia USB speakers of the brand

Sven 315 . Regardless of its cheapness, this model of portable speakers showed excellent performance and sound intensity sufficient for sounding a small space. Assorting computer USB speakers The portable stoppers are easy to disassemble.

To open the case, you must carefully remove the front decorative panel.

Based on these data, you can draw conclusions about those that, based on LM4863D microcircuits, can get a lot of powerful stereo boost with low voltage (5V) and an output voltage of 2 W per skin channel. For those who are not yet familiar with current microcircuits, it is important that the TDA2822 replaces the LM4863D. This is a mercy!

The TDA2822 is even less forceful (mixed with the LM4863) and at maximum pressure it shows strong interference with the signal.

Also, the optimal voltage for the TDA2822 is around 12 volts, which is not very good for portable equipment.

The TDA2822 can be recommended as an easily accessible replacement for the LM4863.

This could happen, for example, during repairs.

Please note that the LM4863 microcircuit was designed specifically for compact systems, so the microcircuit will require a minimum of external elements (the so-called wiring).

The microcircuit is available in different packages, from caller DIP to compact SOIC.

If you don’t want to independently assemble a booster based on the LM4863 microcircuits, you may run into a problem. Finding this microcircuit on radio markets is no longer so easy (as it was at the time of writing this article). And it was not difficult to find such a microcircuit on the edge of the trading squares.

For those who know the datasheet electronically and in English, they can easily find the LM4863 microcircuits on the Internet at

Power supply circuit for portable USB speakers

The principle circuit of the booster was built manually from a hand-made board of Sven-315 computer USB speakers.

The diagram shows one capacitor C2 in place of two (C7, C9), which are actually present on the other board (div. below).

This is due to the fact that on the other board the capacitors are connected in parallel (C7 and C9) and in the combined circuit, capacitor C2 indicates the capacitance of these two capacitors.

Principle diagram of a booster based on LM4863D (manually assembled)

As a matter of fact, the typical circuit described here is similar to that which is manually assembled from a hand-held circuit board for powering computer speakers.

On the diagram there are various elements that are installed once a headphone socket is added to the circuit.

Otherwise, the circuit resembles the typical LM4863 microcircuit indicated in the description.

Regardless of the fact that the SVEN PS-30 sound speakers are mounted on the basis of an integrated USB audio chip CM6120-S with a 16-bit DAC and class D sound, the brightness of their sound production is subjective (on rumor) richly gіrsha through filthy vikonannya the body of the acoustic system.

The body of portable speakers SVEN-315 is made from ABS plastic.

Perhaps, the design of the body itself allows it to “begin” from small-sized speakers with all its modest capabilities.

It was necessary to have a computer work station.

To save money, you can renovate and repair old Genius computer speakers.

The speakers are different, in a different case, and with a good acoustic speaker, but the electronics are a problem.

  1. With readily available and cheap electronic modules available in online stores, you can create loudspeakers with clear sound with your own hands.
  2. According to their parameters, computer speakers turned out to be cheaper than similar acoustics purchased in a store.
  3. Presented with a report on repair instructions with diagram, photo and video.

Do-it-yourself repair of Genius computer speakers For renovation and repair, computer speakers “Genius SP-16” were taken. The speakers spent their lives on 14″ computer electronic monitors. The housings are made of high quality plastic with sufficient internal volume. . In the middle of the speakers there are speakers with high efficiency and excellent performance characteristics.

For the work, you will need a long cross twist, a soldering iron with soldering attachments, and pieces of tin and insulated copper conductors.

The availability of a solder socket will make it easier for the robot to dismantle.

To control solderings and adjust the required tester.

Genius speakers - diagram

  1. The photo shows the diagram of the “Genius SP-16” speaker.
  2. In the diagram, crosses indicate conductors with parts.
  3. All parts of the right hand at the crossbar need to be soldered and removed.
  4. The numbers show the connection points of the ULF and life board.
  5. Repair procedure for the Genius SP-16 speaker
  6. The self-tapping screws securing the halves of the active column cover are screwed in
  7. The board is pulled out from the open case and the conductors for the live and connected speakers are soldered.

The board is pulled out from the case and radio components can be seen from it along with the circuit.

On the opposite side of the board, a soldering iron is installed on the legs of the conductors using a life stabilizer circuit.

Before installing the ULF on the board, it is necessary to supply voltage to the board and check the output voltage to the +5 Volt stabilizer.

Next, a ULF board is installed on the board in a similar manner to the tin conductors.