Administrator of the accounting measure.


Accounting measure administrator Posadovy ob'yazki. Maintains uninterrupted functioning of the calculation system. Effective support for the functioning of the calculation databases. Ensures the integrity of data, protects against unauthorized access, regulates the access rights of billing providers to billing resources. You will be able to install a backup copy of your billing data.

Vikorist provides standard and special methods of registration and access to payment information. There is a support service in place, if necessary, further examination of those involved. software features. It develops programs to support the calculation measure and measure programs. when processing information; principles of prompt calculation measures of organization; The specific structure of the organization's financial management system, methods and rules for backing up information, principles of management management; principles of functioning of database servers; replication between servers; principles of database administration;

prospects for the development of the organization's financial framework; due to the regime of secrecy, preservation of official, commercial and government secrets, non-disclosure of confidential information;

basics of economics, organization of production, practical management;

fundamentals of labor legislation;

rules of protection



  • rules of protection fire safety;
  • rules of internal labor order.
  • Advances to qualification
  • Professional (technical or engineering-economic) education and work experience in a specialty of at least 3 years.

  • boundary administrator

  • 1. Foreign regulations
  • 1. Foreign regulations
  • 1.1. The management manual indicates the functional, gardening requirements, legal authority and responsibility of the manager of the section "Margin Technologies" (hereinafter referred to as the Margin Administrator) of the Zagalnorossiysk Region Data of robot sellers “Russian Union of Industrialists and Entrepreneurs” (hereinafter referred to as the Regulations).;
  • 1.2.
  • A person is appointed to the position of the Interim Administrator, who is satisfied with the upcoming benefits until the completion of the task: Additional professional education – advanced qualification programs, professional retraining programs in the field;
  • information security
  • information communication systems and/or warehouses;
  • Secondary professional education – training programs for middle-class fakhivts;
  • Vishcha osvita – bachelor's degree;
  • with evidence of practical work:
  • At least six months of work in the administration of boundary elements with intermediate professional knowledge;
  • Protocols of channel, edge, transport and application level models of interaction between critical systems;
  • ISO model for border traffic;
  • Vishcha osvita – bachelor's degree;
  • information communication systems and/or warehouses;
  • Secondary professional education – training programs for middle-class fakhivts;
  • Protocols of channel, edge, transport and application level models of interaction between critical systems;
  • with evidence of practical work:
  • information security
  • 1.2.
  • Instructions for the operation of boundary devices that are administered;
  • 1. Foreign regulations
  • ISO model for border traffic;
  • Instructions for installing administrative software;
  • Device and principle of operation of cable and edge analyzers;
  • Productivity metrics of the measure that is administered;
  • 1.2.
  • Instructions for installing administrative software;
  • methods of deep analysis of measures;
  • information security
  • Secondary professional education – training programs for middle-class fakhivts;
  • information communication systems and/or warehouses;
  • with evidence of practical work:
  • OSI/ISO model;
  • Protocols of channel, edge, transport and application level models of interaction between critical systems;
  • Vishcha osvita – bachelor's degree;
  • Instructions for the operation of boundary devices that are administered;
  • 1.4.

  • The boundary administrator may note:
  • Vikorize the daily means of monitoring the productivity of the network that is being administered;
  • Configure the operating systems of the boundary devices that are being administered;
  • Become familiar with regulatory and technical documentation in the field of information and communication technologies;
  • Use control and monitoring hardware and software;
  • Vikoristovat daily modifications and security programs;
  • Become familiar with regulatory and technical documentation in the field of information and communication technologies;
  • Configure the operating systems of the boundary devices that are being administered;
  • Analyze correlations of various parameters for changes in productivity;
  • Configure the operating systems of the boundary devices that are being administered;
  • develop current methods for monitoring the productivity of information and communication systems; Establish parameters that are pleasant for the profession and measures in the minds of normal primary robots
  • (basic parameters);


    The boundary administrator is appointed to the seat and is removed from the seat by order of the late vice-president. Establish according to the official legislation of the Russian Federation.

  • 1.6.
  • The Merezhevy Administrator reports to the current Vice-President of the Establishment and the Head of the Merezhevy Technologies department
  • 2. Labor functions
  • 2.1.
  • Adjusting the productivity of the intermediate information and communication system.

  • 2.2.
  • Managing the tariff methods of boundary resources.
  • 2.3.
  • Controls the vicinity of peripheral devices and software.
  • 2.4.
  • Assessing the productivity of boundary devices and software support.
  • 3. Posadovy ob'yazki
  • 3.1.
  • Reverting the basic performance parameters of the edge devices of the infocommunication system to nominal values.
  • 3.10.
  • Installs additional software products for charging marginal resources.
  • 3.11.
  • Useful operating system utilities for tariffication of edge resources.
  • 3.12.
  • Analysis of the productivity parameters of the management system for a specified period (week, year, month, quarter, year).
  • 3.13.
  • A collection of reviews about the productivity of the network that is being administered.
  • 3.14.
  • Controls changes in the values ​​of boundary devices and software of the administrative boundary in general and other subsystems of the infocommunication system from the installation of utilities of operating systems.
  • 3.15.

    Updating the productivity parameters of the management system over a specified period (week, year, month, quarter, year).


    Installs cable and edge analyzers to monitor changes in ratings of edge devices and software support for the administrative edge in general and other subsystems of the infocommunication system.


    Recording the system readiness assessment in a special document.


    Assessing the productivity of critical additives that have the greatest impact on the productivity of edge devices and software in general.


    Planning for the necessary productivity of the network that is being administered. 4. Rights The Merezhevy administrator has the right:


    Request and select necessary information, as well as materials and documents that are required for the work of the boundary administrator.


    Improve your qualifications by undergoing retraining (requalification).



    Violation of internal labor regulations, fire safety rules and safety techniques established in the Regulations.


    Reinforcement of material reserves at the boundaries established by the official legislation of the Russian Federation.


    The discord of information that has become known to the connection with the vykonanny of the township bonds.

    For any violation of the boundary administrator, you may be subject to prosecution under the law depending on the severity of the offense to disciplinary, material, administrative, civil or criminal. ovality.

    This instruction is divided in accordance with the provisions of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation dated December 30, 2001. No. 197 Federal Law (Labor Code of the Russian Federation) (with amendments and additions), professional standard “Specialist for the administration of security systems of information and communication systems” approved by the Ministry of Social Protection from the Russian Federation since June 5, 2015. No. 686n and other normative legal acts that regulate labor contracts.

    Evgen Sazhin Follow the rules and regulations of the OP, fire safety and industrial sanitation.

    Stop the work from possessing, as it is a threat to the life and health of other people, and be sure to notify the chief accountant or other clerk about this. Conclude the benefits of regulatory acts and instructions from the OP and take into account the methods of the PB, collective and individual protection. To comply with the obligations regarding the protection of labor, provided by the collective agreement and internal labor regulations.

    The system administrator reports to the structural department manager and the technical director.

    The functional obligations of the system administrator during the hour of his work are carried out by another person who is reported to the order of the organization. The system administrator is allowed to work with a person who may have professional knowledge and is qualified to work no less than personal computers , construction and maintenance measures. Implements software integration of workstations, database management system servers, file servers.

    Supports the working mill and technical maintenance

    hardware security

    servers and work stations.

    responds to the development of correspondents, begins work in the field, maintains databases;

    This document outlines the daily functions of the system administrator, his rights and reinstatement, as well as offenses and violations for which he may be subject to disciplinary action.

    The system administrator is a clerk and is directly subordinated to the core of the organization.

    The hiring and promotion of a system administrator is subject to the procedure prescribed by the internal rules of the organization, and only after the issuance of a specific order from the director of the enterprise;

    During the hour when the system administrator is at work, his duties are transferred to a person who has the necessary level of knowledge, skills, and completion of work and is assigned to special orders of the worker. Before transferring the system administrator's functions, enter the following tasks and supplies: . We need to increase the supply of minds and work, which corresponds to the legislation of the Russian Federation, as well as work on proposals to reduce and optimize both our own work and the enterprise in general.

    Take part in the development of instructions and amendments made to internal technical documents.


    different ways detection of breakdowns, malfunctions, destruction of robotic systems and equipment that falls within his competence. Obtain data about all punishments, orders, regulations that apply to your activities. Enhance your professional level, consult, exchange information with representatives of other organizations that may have similar qualifications to the one you seek. Ensure prompt replacement of outdated or defective tools, accessories, equipment, equipment and systems.

    And to his superiors, at his core, he gives the opportunity to systematically systematize industrial processes and control the activities of his subordinates.

    The same court instruction is required when considering labor disputes in court, and before such investigation, the investigation is made very carefully. The preparation of the document depends on either the middle-of-the-road drafting process of this sportsman

    , either the head of the personnel department, or a lawyer for the enterprise.

    Regardless of who is in charge, the instructions may be approved by the director of the company.

    Despite the fact that there is no officially enshrined word for the instructions, writing them is not so difficult.

    Upon completion, documents are entered here that this agent may support in his/her activities.

    Here it is necessary to write down the tasks and meals that can be carried out in working mode, without leaving out anything - this part of the document can serve as a strong argument on the side of the employer in case of any culpable claims to the employee. Here you can enter the right to identify various initiatives, praise independent decisions

    , on the interaction of the Cosmos with the ceramics of the place and other structural units, etc. In this part of the instructions, it is especially important to comply with the legislation of the Russian Federation. To complete the Posad's instructions, it is necessary to wait with a senior police officer, the department head, a personnel officer, etc. After this, the document is submitted to the director of the organization for approval. From the beginning, it is important to correctly understand the main functions of a system administrator and determine the number of responsibilities of a particular company.

    The main functions of a system administrator in a company are the organization and support of all local work

    information system

    During the period of absence of duty, for a short period of time, these functions may be assigned to another specialist according to the decisions of his immediate superior.

    Your job is required to follow all the provisions of your company instructions and other internal regulations and instructions of the organization, as well as comply with legislative acts legally accepted Russian standards and instructions, which include the rules of working with technical knowledge, working with personal data of the company’s employees and clients too.

    The fakhivets who lays claim to this position are obligated to look for illumination, one of the offensive directions: technical, mathematical, and perhaps also economical. In addition, it is also possible to prove that it is possible to work no less than fate in a similar situation. For individuals who apply for this position, it is important to note one more requirement - they must have a certified qualification group for electrical safety of no lower than 3.

    Respectfully, this fakhіvets cannot, no matter what rank, disturb the internal service

    confidential information


    She knows that there is a stagnation in activity: laws, decrees, punishments, regulations, decisions and other regulatory acts of the state authorities of information security; basics of programming; fundamentals of market economics; organization of production, operation and management; labor legislation; rules and standards of safety, sanitation and other protection: server OS - Windows is in full compliance with ActiveDirectory principles of edge services: DNS, DHCP, Proxy, SIP, VLAN, NAT, server hardware and virtual systems izatsiya Hyper-V; Please use the network: HP, Microtik, Dlink layer-2 switches

    The system administrator is appointed to the position and is removed from the position by order of the General Director.

    The system administrator reports directly to the head of the IT department. The system administrator is replaced during the day by a special one, appointed in the established order, who assumes the assigned rights and is responsible for the proper installation of the provisions on it. Engaged in the administration of server infrastructure.

    Maintenance and adjustment in progress

    hemstone ownership

    Cisco. Provides monitoring, backup, and automation of standard processes. Maintain all technical documentation.

    The system administrator has the right to become familiar with draft documents for his activities.

    The system administrator has the right to request and remove documents, materials and information necessary for the establishment of his duties and order of care.

    The system administrator has the right to advance his professional qualifications.


    The system administrator has the right to become familiar with the documents that indicate the rights and obligations of planting, the criteria for assessing the quality of planting of planting obligations.

    The timely enforcement of obligatory obligations in cases of illness is carried out on the orders of the school principal, who was known to have enforced legislation on religion since the dawn of time.

    The system administrator's instructions provide routine work steps.

    The document contains a transfer of functional areas, divisions that establish the importance of rights and the diversity of the parties, the minds of the work.

    The basis for the confirmation and recognition of the plant is the order of the general director of the enterprise for the submission of the technical director and the maintenance worker of the structural unit. The system administrator reports to the structural department manager and the technical director. The functional obligations of the system administrator during the hour of his work are carried out by another person who is reported to the order of the organization.

    The system administrator is allowed to work with a person who has professional knowledge and can work as well as with personal computers, computers and maintenance services. Implements software integration of workstations, database management system servers, file servers. WONDER VIDEO

    Security with this method

    private access

    Before information resources and other organizations, an open information space is being created.

    Organization and support of the work environment and the tasks of boundary administrators.

    1. Administrator should be assigned to the category of specialists.

    (thing; middle)(decrypted signature)(person who takes the posadovaya instruction)(signature)(decrypted signature)With information instructions:(signature)(decrypted signature)

    2. A person is appointed to the position of administrator

    professional (technical) education, knowledge of work with personal computers, as well as the practice of creation and maintenance measures no less

    (2 rocks; 3 rocks; in.)

    The administrator is guilty of the nobility:


    Decrees, orders, penalties, other important and regulatory documents of other bodies using programming methods and computing technology when processing information.


    Technical and operational characteristics, design features, designation and operation modes, rules of technical operation.


    Hardware and software security measures.


    The principles of the simplest hardware repair.


    Normalized language programming.


    Numerous standards, numerical systems, ciphers and codes.


    Methods of programming.


    Systems for organizing complex security, ways to prevent unauthorized access to information.


    procedure for preparing technical documentation.


    internal labor regulations.


    Fundamentals of labor legislation.

    6. Begins correspondent work at the edge, maintaining archives;

    indicates the well-being of workers associated with work at the edge;

    compiles instructions for working with third-party software and communicates them to the operators.

    7. Controls the use of boundary resources.

    8. Organizes access to local and global networks. 9. Establishes an exchange rate for merchants for:- Vikoristannya

    work station

    server chi;

    - About an hour;

    - Stage of resource extraction.

    10. Ensure proper copying and backup of data.

    11. Contact technical personnel whenever faults in the measuring installation are detected.

    12. Take part in the updated efficiency of the system in case of failures and get out of the way of moderate control.

    13. Reveals the benefits of customers and moderate software security and renews the efficiency of the system.

    14. Monitor the network, disaggregate proposals to develop the infrastructure of the network. 15. I will ensure: as much safety as possible(protection against unauthorized access to information, review or change

    system files

    ta danikh);

    - Security of cross-border interactions.

    16. Propositions are prepared for modernization and the addition of hemstone ownership.

    17. Installation control is carried out by specialists from third-party organizations. 18. He informs his middle-of-the-road sergeant about the episodes of evil at the edge and the comings of life. 19. Keep a journal

    system information

    , Other technical documentation.


    Rights The administrator has the right to: 1. Establish and change the rules for merging.

    2. Inquire from ceramicists and specialists in the industry

    necessary documents

    and information.

    3. Become familiar with the documents that indicate your rights and planting bonds, the criteria for assessing the quality of planting bonds.

    4. Introduce to the attention of the organization of the proposals thoroughly the work associated with the transfer of the plant's instructions and equipment.

    5. Focus on the care of the enterprise to ensure the safety of organizational and technical minds, the necessary installation of gardening obligations.


    Type of coverage

    1. The manager is responsible for:



    For the improper or improper replacement of your labor obligations, subject to this instruction, within the boundaries established by the official labor legislation of the Russian Federation.


    For offenses committed in the course of its activities, within the boundaries established by the official administrative, criminal and civil legislation of the Russian Federation.

    2.3. For the provision of material benefits to the enterprise - within the limits established by the official labor and civil legislation of the Russian Federation.(superintendent of city instructions) At the beginning of their history, all computers were autonomous and operated alongside one type of another. With an increased number of machines, there is a need for more of their robots.

    The work of the koristuvachs was concentrated on one document.


    • similar problems
    • became a global wiki
    • local measures
    • .
    • The measures were taken into account by the need to maintain this process, as well as to eliminate the slaughter.

    The administration took over these functions.

    Main functions of the management system

    Conforming to international standards of administration, the measure has the following functions:

    Management of employees.

    • This includes searching for the correct identification and elimination of all problems and malfunctions in the operation of a specific measure.
    • Configuration management.
    • There is a configuration of system components, including their location, edge addresses, edge operating systems and others.
    • The appearance of robotic measures.
    • The administration of a computational measure includes registration and immediate control over the used resources and measure devices.
    • Productivity management.
    • Maintaining special journals and measures.
    • Current progress of local border workers.
    • Control over vikory software protection.
    • Control over a comprehensive local computer network.
    • Determination of access rights to the limit.
    • Prohibition of illegal modification of software for monitoring.

    The system administrator is also responsible for informing the employees of a particular enterprise or organization about the weak points of the administration system and possible ways of illegal access to it.

    Features and criteria for planning systems

    Before installing a computer network, you need to know the types of power supply:

    • What items are available and what functions are available in the system?
    • How will the computer measure be prompted?
    • (її type, routing and other)
    • How many and what kind of computers will be at the border?
    • What programs will be used for network administration?

    What is the security policy of the organization where the system will be installed, etc.

    • The results of this nutrition allow you to create a system of criteria for a specific computer system, which includes the following points:
    • Preparation, control and testing of programs that are currently being used in practice.
    • Control over the productivity and efficiency of vikory computers.
    • Advance preparation of system upgrade procedures for any problems or failures. Monitoring the progress of the installation new systems

    Don’t let negative things get in the way.

    For all these purposes, it is necessary to train personnel and clerks.

    Programs for remote administration Whenever there is a need to control the system, the organization of the vikorist is remote from the administration of the measure. For these purposes, a special security program is installed that allows you to control the system and remote access via the Internet in real time.

    Similar programs Give practical greater control over remote elements of the local network and your computer. This allows you to remotely use the desktop of your computer at any time, copy or delete different files, work with programs and programs, etc. There is a great number of programs for work remote access


    The measure is a set of various hardware, software and communication features that provide an effective distribution information resources.

    • All measures can be divided into three categories:
    • Local.
    • Svitov.


    Global measures will ensure mutual interaction and exchange of data between correspondents, who are located on the same level at great distances.

    When operating such measures, there may be slight delays in the transmission of information, which is due to the relatively low speed of data transmission. The length of global computer networks can be thousands of kilometers. Local measures operate on a smaller territory and provide information at medium to high speeds.

    They do not strengthen the data as much as global data, but cannot transmit information to great distances.

    The length of such computer networks ranges from several kilometers to several hundred kilometers. The local boundary will provide itself high liquidity If the local boundary grows in the middle of one thousand boudil, its length takes up a little more than one kilometer. Most often, the local measure is determined by one specific organization or enterprise.

    Transmission mechanisms in different dimensions The method of transmission in global and local networks varies. Global computer measurements we are directly in front of the connection, then. Before starting the transfer between two koristuvach, it is necessary to first install a connection between them. Local computer systems use other methods that are not required

    front installation


    • In this case, the information is fed to the kristuvach without removing confirmation of his readiness.
    • In addition to differences in liquidity, other categories may emerge between designated categories.
    • If we talk about local borders, then the computer will have its own
    • hembar adapter
    • What connects it with other computers.
    • For these purposes, special switching devices are installed at the local borders, such as

    global measures

    Department of Interim Administration

    The administration process transfers work with a specific system to different levels.

    This includes such work as planning and further adjusting edge protocols, testing them and determining the optimal configuration.

    The search for leaders to improve the effectiveness of robotic measures.

    We are going to talk about the search for high school places that can help replace essential equipment.

    • Monitoring of edge nodes and edge traffic.
    • Information security.

    Come in here backup copy data, development of the security policy for cloud records of clients, detection of stolen communications, etc.

    • All these tasks are to be completed in parallel and comprehensively.
    • Administration of security facilities
    • The administration of security functions transfers the work in several directions:
    • Expansion of up-to-date information required for safety procedures.

    Collection and analysis of data on the functioning of safety mechanisms.

    Administration of local borders in this category includes work with

    information base safety management. There is a special Information Security Center, which protects the system from corrupt software. In addition, operating system Volodya also functions as protection against evil and automatic updates

    • all data.
    • Regardless of this, the system administrator needs to enter additional tasks directly for the protection of the computer network:
    • Access to the computer for additional device IDs.

    Installing a barrier for recording information on private disks.