Does not open any activity on iPhone VKontakte. It is clear that there is a tendency to take revenge on inappropriate materials: what and how to do it? Why are there no VKontakte groups in search engines - Yandex, Google

I think a lot of you know what’s on social media. measures VKontakte present Vіkovі obzhenya for sleeping. The skin group may indicate the age of the target audience (up to 16 years old, 16+ and 18+).

In this manner, the age of 18+ markings is not reflected in the interest of all those who have not yet reached the age of 18. Those same groups are up to 16 and 16+.

Remember that centuries-old boundaries can significantly impact on.

Since you are the master of sleepiness and are still thinking about how to describe the age-old exchange, I recommend that you get acquainted with rating system on the screenshot:

How do you decide on your choice - go to "Sleep management" Please indicate for additional information century:

Increased power supply

Question: What will happen if you don’t show age-old boundaries?

Verdict: The group can be removed from the joke of some social profiteer. boundaries.

Request: Having indicated in the partnership 16+, but I want to go back to 16 years, since the theme has changed a little. Ale is not to be seen in the settings. What is it timid?

Vіdpovid: It's simple. It is necessary to change the boundaries over the course of many days.

Nutrition: Is it true that in the official supplements for VKontakte with the iOS operating system (iPhone, iPad) groups labeled 16+ and 18+ are not displayed?

Evidence: Yes, yes, Apple has a strict policy of limiting content for adults.

As you yourself are a scientist or just a keen person, and you often marvel at or read the latest news in the field of science or technology. We have created such a section for you, where the remaining novelties in the world are revealed in the sphere of new scientific discoveries, production, as well as in the sphere of technology. Only the freshest ideas and without over-verification of the device.

In our progressive hour, science is collapsing at a rapid pace, so it is not possible to catch up with them. As old dogs crumble, as new ones emerge. Humanity does not stand at home and may stand, but the mover of humanity is, for now, scientific workers. And some kind of meeting may arise that will not only impress the minds of the entire population of the earth's culture, but will radically change our lives.

Medicine seems to have a special role in science, since humans, unfortunately are not immortal, are prone to falling ill of all kinds. We know that in the middle of the Middle Ages people lived 30 years, and then 60-80 years. At the very least, the hardships of life have increased. This was, of course, due to the combination of factors, and medicine played a major role. And, melodiously, 60-80 years of life for a person is not between the middle of life. It is entirely possible that if people cross the sign at 100 rocks. For a long time now, people have been choosing this.

The field and other sciences are steadily undergoing developments. For a long time now, in this world, I have been making small openings, little by little pushing humanity forward and shortening our lives. It is clear that the human place has not been destroyed, especially on our own planet. However, robots are constantly appearing in space.

Among the technology, robotics is especially eager. The creation of an ideal intelligent robot is underway. For a long time now, robots have been an element of science fiction and nothing more. And now corporations are working on a staff of security robots that will perform various functions and help optimize work, save resources and save people from unsafe activities i.

I would also like to give special respect to electronic calculating machines, which in 50 years occupied a great deal of space, were powerful and required an entire team of security officers for their work. And now such a machine is practically in everyone’s home, they are called simply and in short - a computer. Now the stinks are not only more compact, but they are faster than their predecessors, and you can already be willing to go to a new one. With the advent of the computer, humanity has ushered in a new era, what many call “technological” or “information”.

Having guessed the computer, do not forget about the Internet. This also gave great results for humanity. This is a wealth of information that is now more accessible to every person. It connects people from different continents and quickly conveys information about such fates that could not be passed on to death.

In whose section you will, madly, find something for yourself that is worthwhile, swilling and knowledgeable. Perhaps, someday, you will be one of the first to find out about the secret, how not only to change the world, but to turn your knowledge around.

When using Apple technology, it is always important to keep in mind. One of them is a safe search in the VK app.

Today we will talk about the possibilities of obtaining it. Then, all the ways to enable this function on VKontakte on iPhone will be given.

What is this careless VKontakte search?

Careless poshuk VK- A filter that allows you to pick up all content that may include pornography and other mature materials in video search results.

This function is also expanded to video. If you start making jokes, you may miss out on content that is intended for adults.

If the user's instructions are less than 18 years old, this function will be enabled automatically. Otherwise, you can get it in yourself.

How to get/remove money from VK on iPhone?

Now let's talk about this, yakshto vi schaslivy vlasnik iPhone or iPad. We all know that on iOS there are far fewer functions than on Android.

This time, the situation itself has become the same and the official VKontakte supplement does not have the ability to turn on the exchange.

Third-party clients do not help, and most of them simply do not have a video section. He has to go to extremes.

  1. Open any browser and write in the address bar After which the mobile version will open;
  2. Open the left menu, scroll down and press Full version;
  3. let's move on to the division Videos writing the required order;
  4. appears to be right-handed Search parameters, which is embossed, and then we put a tick opposite No boundaries.

Unfortunately, this capability is only available on the latest version for computers and devices that run on the Android operating system.

The method is a little unmanual, otherwise there is simply no other way. In early versions this option was present, but now you have to put up with what we can.

Mobile devices from Apple in most cases are victorious only by their owners, prote, as well as anyone else, whose rule may be at fault. Thus, iPhones and iPads are often lost to the youngest members of the family, without putting them at risk. They provide easy access to the Internet, along with a large number of pages with content that can harm the normal development of a child at the early stage of becoming a husband. From such cheap sites, children will be limited to the fact that they can work on iOS 7 without any software.

So how can you limit access to sites on iOS 7 on iPhone and iPad?

1. Go to the “Adjustment” program on iOS 7 on the iPhone or iPad, go to “Basic” and select “Interface” - in this menu you can see the adjustment of all the interfaces associated with the robot device:

2. Select the “Enable Interchange” item and enter the password that will be necessary for you to access this functionality of the operating system:

3. In the “Permissions content” block, select the “Websites” item:

3.1. The item “Restrictions on content for adults” is intended for automatic blocking of websites blacklisted by Apple moderators. It is also possible to add sites to the Internet, access to which will always be allowed, and also those that will not be available to the user at all:

3.2. The item “Selected websites” contains a large list of websites that you can access. Rashta will be completely blocked. This list can already be found on a number of Internet sites, which have been praised by Apple moderators, and you can follow the koristuvach’s fantasies:

If you try to go to the resources, access to certain areas through the additional “Interface” menu in the “Adjustment” program on iOS 7, you will be informed about the impossibility of switching to them through closed access. Please note that such interactions are not uncommon in the standard Safari browser, as well as in third-party programs Chrome, Mercury, and others.

With the help of a small number of switches, you can easily set up access to Internet sites for your child. With iOS 7 on iPhone or iPad, you can turn on the website filter from Apple or customize the list of acceptable pages using your own hand.

With the departure of Pavel Durov from the social media company VKontakte, a systemic struggle for censorship on the Internet began. Concerns about the mental health of the journalists are forcing the site administration to go to ever greater lengths. The smells most often occur so quietly that even a hacker can get around them.

The reason appeared

This information is due to two reasons: either the administrator has no idea how to properly moderate traffic, or the content is actually illegal.

We will look at two reasons in the report. What could be illegal content? This category can include:

  • Publications that promote the romance of an evil world or reveal how to commit evil.
  • The content shows pornographic or erotic materials. Here the rule has its own culprit. Erotica is not a forbidden topic for the formation of strength. Golovnya, so that the materials do not involve individuals who have not reached the age of 18 years.
  • Groups dedicated to culture and images of other people. Such publics were more popular than luckily. If the content becomes inappropriate, all you need to do is contact the support service, after which the group will most likely be blocked.
  • Publications that are in the illegal field may have a very shady character.
  • Content that promotes drug addiction, that promotes substance abuse, or that advertises the proliferation of narcotic and other psychotropic substances.
  • Posts that promote extremism. However, it is clear that this is not possible today and will not be possible in the future, but the biggest reason for the emergence of the obvious fact is that it is difficult to place unacceptable things in VK materials.
  • Publications that incite hatred among all social groups and categories of people. This category can include anything from an aggressive political magazine to social intimacy, based on the general factor of hatred for anyone.

By identifying illegal content, you can spend a lot more, otherwise the blocking of the group will be called, and the reason will be given to the court or praised by the prosecutor's office.

The same goes for centuries-old marking. Most often, in order to indicate the status of your age, your registration is marked “18+”. In this case, “it is clear that the ability to avoid inappropriate materials” will appear in the official VK appendix, and the content will be inaccessible to unauthorized users.

This is a bug that can be fixed and fixed simply. The report is informative about this process.

How to get around

There are a number of options here. Please note that “it is extremely dangerous to avoid inappropriate materials” on VKontakte, you can get around it in a number of ways:

  • If you are an administrator, then you simply look at the age-old branding. Most often it is not needed at all.
  • If you are a professional, you can bypass the warning “We are sure to avoid inappropriate materials” by accessing it through a browser rather than using an official program.
  • A similar option is to go to the social network from your computer. As a rule, this will be enough.
  • If you find it difficult to sit in the browser and generally want to interact with programs, then the warning “It is extremely dangerous to contain inappropriate materials” can be avoided by switching to unofficial programs. They are available in the AppStore and Google Market. However, you have a hard time remembering that this unofficial app does not guarantee the security of data transfer.
  • The only way to avoid the message “it is safe to avoid inappropriate materials” is without violating the rules of the correspondent. On the right is that the social measure protects from revealing false information to the profile. If you are ready to accept such a small deception, you can simply change your age to 18+.

It didn't work out

Having tried all the methods, you have to come to terms with the idea that the public content is protected. Administrators are no longer required to deal with problems related to social security support.

The situation is dubious if the content is blocked by decisions of the court or law enforcement agencies. It also happens that the power in particular Roskomnaglyad is reacting to the greed of the citizens and is urging the authorities on the site to enforce illegal activities in the information space. As it turns out, then, having done everything, the next time. Of course, there are hundreds of ways to get around this fence, but that’s a topic for another article.

Thus, we believe that the remaining stronghold of the free information space is being destroyed under the pressure of a cruel system, for better or for worse? We find out over time. At any time, any moderator should, with great respect, put before the content that he creates, in order to provide journalists with useful and useful information, so as not to discredit and disturb socially ї to go to the risky approaches before blocking, coming out of the age of koristuvachs.