Values ​​of changes in Mathcad.


This program contains an alphabetical list of diagnostic notifications about errors in mathematical expressions.

They appear when you try to enter, process or calculate the virus, in which Mathcad shows a problem. To describe the diagnostic information, use the symbolic processor of the div. section "Symbolic calculations". Because Mathcad knows the error when trying to evaluate a function defined by the user, it displays a message about the error of the function, not its value. In this case, reverse the assigned functions to understand what called the action. Nested blocks- keyword Given vikoristano dvichi in a row without stepping

Find or else

Minerr. Mathcad does not allow nesting of level decoupling blocks, although it is possible to define functions through level decoupling blocks and then assign them to other level decoupling blocks. section "Resolve of Rivnyans";

Range is invalid- Try to select a discrete argument in the middle of the level decision block.

To set up a system of adjustments for a wide range of parameter values, div. “It’s more beautiful to joke than a root” on page 353; Arm imbalance (unmatched parenthesis) - You entered or were trying to virahuvat viraz to place the left arch without the right one.

Correct the viraz by twisting the left bow or placing it at the right place; Dovgy viraz in symbols - the result of a symbolic transformation of the dovzhin table, which cannot be placed in a working document; Long entry list (list

too long) -

A lot of elements have been added to the list, separated by comas. Dovgy viraz in symbols - It is possible, when trying, to display more expressions on the graph than is allowed by Mathcad, or, when trying, to create a table with more than fifty elements; The meanings are dimensionless, although the situation requires that it be dimensionless. Units of expression cannot be used for arguments of certain functions (for example,і cos In)

because the showman has a step. Dovgy viraz in symbols - For example, virus co5 (lL) is unacceptable; May be a vector (must

vector) - Dovgy viraz in symbols - This means a scalar or matrix operation that takes a vector argument; May buti speak (must

real) - Dovgy viraz in symbols - uyavny chi complex-valued viraz vikoristano there, de Mathcad vimaga speech-valued viraz. For example, Mathcad uses speech-meaning arguments for various functions and speech-meaning indices; May be growing (mustі increasing) - vector, elements that are not expanded in order of rapid growth, victorious as an argument of one with a function

Ispline, pspline, cspline, interp, linterp Dovgy viraz in symbols - hist. The first argument of these functions can be a vector with strictly growing elements.

(When remembering those that have ORIGIN is O, Mathcad includes among the elements of the vector an element with a zero index, and since there is no explicit value, its value must be zero); Maє buti massive (must

array) - Dovgy viraz in symbols - Try to delete an operation that can only be deleted on an array using a scalar. For example, you may want to be aware of the error when trying to transpose a number, since in such a context the transposition operation is meaningless;

There is a rich array of Dovgy viraz in symbols - - follow the matrix, so that there is more than one row or more than one column; May be non-zero (must

nonzero) - Dovgy viraz in symbols - try to convert the introduced function from zero, although it is not assigned to zero; May be positive (must

positive) - This means an armchair, in which one between the axis, which is a vicoristic logarithmic scale, is equal to zero or negative. Mathcad can plot non-positive values ​​on the logarithmic axis;

May be a scalar (must Dovgy viraz in symbols - scalar) - vector or matrix expression is used where a scalar is required, for example, as an argument to the identity function; May be a trivial vector (must ru 3-vector) -

Try to find a vector that is not solid from operands, which are trivial vectors. Vector vector is indicated only for vectors with three elements; May buti tsіlim (must integer) - Try to enter more than one array in the input field for the line map.

Mathcad in this case allows no more than one array, so a line map can represent no more than one function at a time; Duplicate -

Try to calculate one changeable day on one valued one. This information appears when you create a vector of evil value and vikorist one name in this vector of two; Index pose between boundaries (index out of

bounds) - This information indicates the index that is applied to the unknown array. Such a notification can be generated when a negative upper or lower index is selected (or an index of a lower ORIGIN, if ORIGIN > 0) or when an upper or lower index is selected for sending to an array element with a larger number, It is not possible, depending on the document's designations ; Few subscripts (too

few Dovgy viraz in symbols - subscripts) - for the matrix there is one lower index.

Indexing on matrix elements is possible with the help of two lower indices, which are separated by one; Cannot

denned) -

Left-handedly, the significant symbol (: =) contains non-valuable symbols. Mathcad allows the following types of left-handed expressions for the value symbol:

Just change it:

X Name of change with lower index: x;

Names with superscripts:

x The matrix of variable names is generated by the pressures M. The matrix can be filled with either simple variable names or variable names from lower indices There are functions with arguments: j(x, y)

The treatment of other types of viruses is incorrect. The matrix of variable names is generated by the pressures M. The matrix can be filled with either simple variable names or variable names from lower indices There are functions with arguments: If you need to change the result of replacing the value with a change, then put a sign of equality (=) instead of pressing a double mark;

Do not replace the superscripts (cannot so subscript) - upper index of vicors for the matrix, and what else; Do not replace subscripts (cannot the lower index of vicoristations is not for the vector or matrix, but for something else; Not є ім'ям (not a

name) - May buti tsіlim (must a number or another combination of symbols in a wiki where Mathcad uses the name, for example, as another argument to a function root.

Incorrect functions (illegal function subscript) - The problem is that Mathcad interprets it as a function, but the function is incorrect. For example, if you use a number as a function name: 6(x).

The most common problem is that the operator type * is omitted, which prevents Mathcad from interpreting the handles in the expression as a sign of a function, rather than a grouping of operations; Never live ORIGIN (illegal ORIGIN -

ORIGIN is designated through an integer value or a value with a value greater than 16,000,000. This information means the first value of the index after incorrect entry of ORIGIN; Incorrect context context) -

operator or function in a context that is protected by Mathcad. For example, this information can be obtained in the following situations: The point at which the vikoristan is supposed to pose is in the correct range. (A speck with a coma in this way is displayed on the screen like- keyword bagatokrapka) You can select a point from which to assign a range for a discrete function argument

WRITE APPEND vikoristani, perhaps, the pose with the left side is designated.

These functions cannot be combined in expressions or on the right side of the assigned functions of the vicoristan as the name of the changeable one or the name of the main changeable vikoristan as the my functions; Incorrect multiplier factor) -

In the input field one of the expressions that rotate the numeric result has an incorrect expression entered. Allowed speech non-null scalar values; For example, virus co5 (lL) is unacceptable; Incorrect order (invalid order) - means an attempt to calculate the number from a specified order, which is not an integer number from 0 to 5 inclusive; Incorrect vector size (wrong size

This information indicates the Fourier transformation function, the argument of which has a large number of elements, which is removed from the permissible fft represents the argument as a vector with many elements 2°, de P -- keyword an integer number greater than 1. ifft is a vector with 1+2" elements, where n is an integer number greater than 0. Since ORIGIN is equal to zero, Mathcad automatically includes an element with a zero index as a component of the vector argument; Incorrect approximation accuracy (illegal<^ 0. Для устранения этой ошибки нужно где-либо выше отмеченного выражения установить значение TOL между нулем и единицей;

tolerance - This information means that the vikorist TOL integral or input

Undefined (undefindet) - Their functions or changes are not displayed in the negative image. To mean it, enter the name followed by a double (:) and the number you mean. This information often means that for the purpose of changing the vikorista, it is a sign of fidelity (=) replacing the double. To create a clear trace, use a double fold. As a sign of zeal, Mathcad respects what is needed count out value of change.

This information also appears in the event of an incorrect change in the global value. the result of a symbolic transformation of the dovzhin table, which cannot be placed in a working document; If the change is vikorist on the right side of global finance, it may be valued globally


nogo. If a locally defined change or change is selected, a globally designated change is found below the local change, Mathcad means that the change is not designated. Congratulations" NOT specified" often points out to those who are more likely to have mercy on their work documents. If the designation is incorrect, then in the document any expressions that lie under this designation appear in the negative image;

Wrong range discrete argument is not specified correctly. When the range is selected, select one of the following entry forms: Rval: = nl. Cannot n2 Rval: = nl, n2. n2 This is typed by pressing the keys Rval: nl; Cannot n2 and Rval: nl,n2; n2 obviously.

In the specified range, it is permissible to select a maximum of one person and one point with each other. How to vikorist another form of recording, value n2

may lie between the values


create an armchair that has two folds that vary in size and are laid out along the same axis;

Diversity of sizes of arrays (array Allowed speech non-null scalar values; mismatch) - Try to perform an operation with vectors or matrices whose dimensions are not suitable for this operation. There are many operations required so that their vector arguments are of the same size, for example, values ​​or functions linterp

that salary The folded and expanded vectors and matrix can also display different dimensions. The multiplied matrix is ​​designed so that the number of rows of the first matrix overlaps with the number of rows of the other; There is no valid Given (no Nested blocks- keyword matching Given) - This information indicates the function Minerr without a specific word Given. Nested blocks- keyword The skin block is untied, which begins with these words

Given, May I end with a word Minerr;

Misplaced coma

comma) -

coma vikoristan there, it’s not your fault.

You can compete against someone in one of the following situations:

for sub-arguments of functions

for the subfield of the first two elements, the value range of the discrete argument

for the range of sizes that can be placed on the chair on both sides of the same axle for sub-elements in the entry table

for the division of the lower indices of the matrix element. Using Mathcad for any other purposes is unacceptable; Particularity- keyword matching- Try to evaluate the function or visconate an operation with unacceptable values.

For example, this information can be obtained by dividing it to zero or by trying to expand the virgen matrix (with a zero digit); Daily life - Mathcad cannot calculate the result of integration, differentiation, functions root, Find with the necessary accuracy.

For additional information div. description of additional operators and functions; Daily life Mercy in the block (error in

solve Daily life block) - This function is to remove an incorrect list of arguments.

Correctly assigned functions begin with this order:

tskh, y, z.

.): = The list of arguments in the arms can be made up of one or many names, separated by one. Any other type of list is incorrect.

This notice about cancellations also appears if an unacceptable list has been created in another context, for example, in the list of expressions for the ordinate axis of a graph; The list of arguments in the arms can be made up of one or many names, separated by one. Purchasing of the area of ​​​​appointment (domain error) -- keyword Try to calculate the values ​​of the function, which is an argument that goes beyond the range of values. For example, try to calculate 1p(0).

Pardon the file (file

the system shut down with a pause for an hour of reading the file for an additional function READ READPRN.

section "Data files", which describes the acceptable formats of data files; Definition stack overflow - there are too many nested functions;

Replace the stack overflow^- The calculation of the virus led to the re-installation of the internal Mathcad stack.

This may be the result of a highly complex expression or recursive value of the function; Overflow -

Try to calculate the number that contains the largest number that can be represented by Mathcad (approximately 10307). This can be the case if the final result is great in itself, but if there is a transfer of value between the intermediate result; Significance

lost) - This means trying to derive a function from a value that lies outside the range where the function's values ​​can be calculated accurately. For example, you will show up when you try to calculate sin (10100).

Fragments of the value sin (IQi 00) lie in the significant digits of the number IQi 00, then whatever the value, as Mathcad can be rotated, not the significant digits.- Viraz with units of vimiryuvan is reduced to a complex-valued or manifest stage.

Because of the dimensionality, it can only be reduced to a speech-valued level, otherwise Mathcad cannot calculate the units in which expressions the result; No solution found (did not find solution) - matching Mathcad does not know the solution to the level system. In order for the block to open the lines, having decided on the nearest result, use the vikory function function substitution

Find. Arm imbalance (unmatched Report of the Div. section "Resolve of Rivnyans"; Overly great viraz (equation

large) - Arm imbalance (unmatched Report of the Div. section "Resolve of Rivnyans"; For Mathcad calculations, a great step has been introduced.

Divide the virus into two or more varieties;

There must be a great lower index (subscript This information indicates the index that is applied to the unknown array. try to select the lower index that moves between Mathcad;

Too large to display - try to output a vector or a larger matrix, which is not allowed by Mathcad; This information indicates the index that is applied to the unknown array. Too few arguments (too arguments) - Nested blocks- keyword Because Mathcad knows the error when trying to evaluate a function defined by the user, it displays a message about the error of the function, not its value. Too little boundary (too

constraints) - This information indicates the index that is applied to the unknown array. This information indicates from the number of exchanges, less than the number of changes.

Add some additional information or change the number of variables that need to be considered for solutions. Report of the Div. section "Resolve of Rivnyans"; try to select the lower index that moves between Mathcad; Too few elements (too

elements) - Report of the Div. section "Resolve of Rivnyans"; Such a notification can be generated when a negative upper or lower index is selected (or an index of a lower ORIGIN, if ORIGIN > 0) or when an upper or lower index is selected for sending to an array element with a larger number, It is not possible, depending on the document's designations ; This indicates the transformation of Fourier, cubic spline or linear interpolation function, which is set for a vector with a small number of components.

The transformation of Fur'e and the gate to the new vimagat as a minimum of four elements of the vector; Report of the Div. section "Resolve of Rivnyans"; Too many arguments (too many

The statements are designed to combine a function with too few arguments. Report of the Div. section "Resolve of Rivnyans"; To implement functions, a number of arguments are fixed; div. section "Embedded functions".

For the customization function, a number of parameters must be kept from the values ​​specified in the document; Too many indexes (too there are two or more lower indices for the vector or three or more indexes for the matrix; Too much border (too constraints) - in Blocks of unleashed ranks vikoristovuyutsya over fifty boundaries; Too much dot (too points) -

try to display a larger point on the graph, but Mathcad can process one graph; Try to remove the numerical result in a different way, as it can only be calculated symbolically.

All operators must be calculated symbolically, as described in section 17 “Symbolic calculations”; No solution found (did File not found (file found) - error) -- keyword the system did not know the data file specified as a parameter for the function READPRN,

or import into the graphics area.

MathCad is a powerful system for working with formulas, numbers, texts and graphs and provides the same capabilities of a spreadsheet and a WYSIWYG text processor interface.

The introduced equations in MathCad are completely avoided by the basic mathematical notation.

As in electronic spreadsheets, any change in place of a working document results in updating all outstanding results and redrawing of graphs.

MathCad allows you to easily read data from files and submit them to any kind of mathematical calculation: such as adding to the calculation of integrals and the like, a matrix, etc.

    With the help of MathCad formulas, you can solve any mathematical problem analytically (symbolically) or numerically.

    By combining text, graphics and mathematical calculations in one document, MathCad makes it easier to understand complex calculations.

    Below is a short list of the main characteristics of MathCad.


The correct form of entry is similar to that of a classroom;

    Possibility of combining text, mathematical calculations, graphs and little things in any document;

    Virizka and insertion of lines, text, graphics;

    Contextual interactive submission system


    The accuracy of the numbers is 15 correct tenth digits;

    Two, seven, tens, sixteen numbers;

    The main algorithms used:

    unraveling the systems of equalities and inequalities;

    robots with complex numbers, variable functions;

    calculation of sums, creations, expenses, integrals;

    interpolation and approximation (linear, cubic splines);

    shvidkih reworking Fur'e;

    unleashing differential levels;

    robots made from matrices.

    Main introduced functions:



    discrete creations;


number theory and combinatorics;

    regression and smoothing;

    signal processing;



Symbolic differentiation and integration;

    Zvertannya, transposition matrix;

    Laying out the virus into multipliers;

    Possibility of choosing the type, type and color of the line that you choose to create a schedule;

    The surface graphics of the three worlds will be viewed from different angles and at different scales.


    Placement in the text of a working document;

    Possibility of selecting fonts of different styles in any text area;

    Paragraph formatting.

1.2 Features of MathCad 2000 in previous versions

    Drastic changes and approaches to the MS Office interface; the customer interface;

    Possibility of seeing parts of mathematical expressions with towed targets;

    Shvidka Pobudova (QvickPlot) of two- and three-dimensional graphs;

    A new palette of symbolic mathematics with expanded operators;

    Greater manual and clear syntax for symbolic operations;

    New programming operators on error, continue, return;

    The possibility of stagnation in operator programs for symbolic operations;

    A new type of data is row;

    The appearance of the operational resource center (Resource Center) has replaced the quick “cheat sheets” QuiekSheet;

    Nearly 50 new mathematical functions, including especially functions for finding maxima and minima, maximize, minimize, and induce the odesolve function to increase differential equations;

    reductions in the unit for decoupling nonlinear level systems (now their number can reach 200);

    the possibility of choosing a numerical method for performing tasks (for example, numerical integration);

    Improved text formatting options;

    Editing functions Find and Replace (know and replace);

    Possibility of recording documents in HTML format;

    Perfectly colored cats for work with trivial graphics.

All this gives us new capabilities and new ease of use in robots with the MathCad system, confirming its reputation as one of the most popular and most powerful mathematical systems in robots.

The capabilities of Mathcad can be fully appreciated with a variety of different functions.

Two signs of jealousy

In expressions, you need to use numbers (constants), variables, operators and symbols.

  • In everyday life, we have a vikoryst sign of fidelity for various operations.
  • Mathcad, however, separates these operations.

The most important of them: value (privlasniti value) – entered through the double box [:] calculation – entered through the equal sign [=] Mathcad allows the following types of left-handed expressions for the value symbol:і value (privlasniti value) – entered through the double box [:] The value operator is no less important than the calculation operator. Significance of virazu.


You can imagine only after assigning any significance to you.

Place the cursor before the number 4 in the first expression:

Delete the number 4 behind the additional key and enter 5. Click on the blank area and scroll through so that the result of the third type changes to 25:

Try to remove the number 25. You will see that the first time you press the number it becomes a red number, and when you press it again it turns out to be 25 and a sign of fidelity:

Vikoristannya of the famous


Try changing the value Mathcad allows the following types of left-handed expressions for the value symbol: by 100, 0.5, -4 and 0:

The first two guesses will give the result a number.

At -4 the number is displayed.

  • So, Mathcad can work with such numbers.
  • From scratch the program will show a settlement, and the result will be circled in red.
  • If you click on the wrong expression, you will see a description of what could be wrong:
  • Now about those names that can and cannot be used for names.

There are a few rules: the name of the change cannot begin with a number and in the name of the change it is not possible to add spaces and operator signs.

The names of the names may begin:

from any small or great letter

Other symbols that are not used by operators

  1. symbols from the Mathematics tab -> Symbol operators -> Symbols
  2. symbols from the Windows symbol table

Butt axis:

Changes can only be removed if the stench was detected earlier.

“Earlier” means that the confusion of the change may be more or less pronounced, and it will be victorious.

If the deputy has not been struck down, please report the pardon:

Contract indices

Mathcad has two different types of subscript indexes for variables:

Descriptive index.

Index of the array (matrix). so To select a descriptive index, enter the name of the change, press and enter the index:

A change with a descriptive index is essential to its names. so The index of the array is completely different from the new one. so This index can be entered by pressing the square bow [ after the name of the change.

Please note: since you have given the same name and function, you will no longer be able to use this function.

This variable function may have different names:

These problems can be solved by assigning different functions to different settings.

We’ll talk about this in lesson 10, “The designated units of the world.” Mathcad allows the following types of left-handed expressions for the value symbol:і value (privlasniti value) – entered through the double box [:] Two or more functions can be used:

There are significant meanings here

Also does not change during the calculation of the function.

New functions

Mathcad has a large number of integrated functions.

Go to the Options tab:

The list of all functions can be expanded by clicking the All functions button.

Please note that I take trigonometric functions as arguments in radians, and not in degrees.

  1. To calculate degrees, select the symbol from the Mathematics tab –> Symbol Operators –> Symbols:
  2. Mathematics in the text
  3. You can insert a math area into the text.
  • In this way, you can correct over and above consecutive symbols in the text.
  • To edit the text area, click the Mathematics button from the Mathematics –> Areas tab:
  • Summary
  • Mathcad has two different symbols of equality: calculate:= and calculate =.
  1. My change begins with the letter;
  • the numbers cannot be compared to the beginning of the change.
  • You can also select symbols from the keyboard, from the Mathematics panel -> Operators and symbols -> Symbols, from the Windows Symbol Table.
  1. To determine the variable value of the task:
  • click the target on the empty area;
  • enter the name of the change;
  • press [:] to enter the assignment operator;
  1. Enter the value you need to recognize.
  2. To find the date of change of the description and contract index:
  3. press;
  4. enter the order index.

To add a variable index to the array:

click the mouse at the end of the name of the change;

2.1 press the square bow [;

press the square bow [; - Elements of MathCAD, for which you can create mathematical expressions.

Before them, for example, there are symbols of arithmetic operations, signs for calculating sums, creations, derivatives, integrals, etc.

The operator means:

a) action that can be concluded for the obviousness of these or other values ​​of the operands;

b) how many operands may be entered into the operator. Operand

- Number or viraz, on yak dіє operator.

For example, the virus has 5! +3 numbers 5!

and 3 is the operand of the operator “+” (plus), and the number 5 is the operand of the factorial (!).

Any operator in MathCAD can be entered in two ways:

- · By pressing the key (subsequent key) on the keyboard; : · Vikorist mathematical panel. To assign or display instead of the memory associated with the change, the following operators are used: );

assigned sign (entered by pressing the button on the keyboard (double in the English keyboard layout) or by pressing the corresponding button on the panel Calculator

This assignment is called ; local .

Until which time the change is assigned, it is not indicated and cannot be vikorized.

- Global assignment operator.

This assignment can be carried out at any location of the document.

For example, if the change is assigned in this way to the value of the document, it is also assigned to the document’s beginning.

- Close proximity operator (x1). The rise of rival systems is underway.

Enter by pressing buttons

on the keyboard (the mark with which is in the English layout of the keyboard) or by pressing the power button on - Boolean panel.

Operator (simple) for displaying the value of a constant or variable.

The simplest calculations The calculation process follows the following steps:

Calculator Panels, Calculation Panels and Estimation Panels. Respect. If it is necessary to share all the information with the number reader, you need to see it right away by pressing a gap on the keyboard or placing it in the arms. 2.2 Constanti Constanti

Objects are named that save values ​​that cannot be changed.

For example, p = 3.14. Dimensional constants

There are named objects that have values ​​that can be changed during the execution of programs. . Changes can be numeric, row, symbolic, etc.

Values ​​are specified after the additional assignment symbol (: =).

Uvaga MathCAD accepts letters large and small as different identifiers. System changes U MathCAD

There is a small group of special objects that cannot be stored either to the class of constants or to the class of variables, the values ​​of which are determined immediately after the program is launched.

It’s better to respect them

systemic changes.

This, for example, TOL – theft of numeric divisions, ORIGIN – the lower value of the vector indexing index, the matrix and so on. You can set other values ​​according to your needs.

Ranked changes

To create a ranged vegetable, use the following virus:

Name =N begin ,(N begin +Step)..N end ,

de Name – name of the change;

N begin – cob meaning; Step – tasks for changing the change; ( Mathcad allows the following types of left-handed expressions for the value symbol: N end – end value. Mathcad allows the following types of left-handed expressions for the value symbol: Ranked changes are widely vicorized on weekday schedules.

- Close proximity operator (x1). For example, for the daily schedule of a given function

f) it is necessary to keep the change value low Mathcad allows the following types of left-handed expressions for the value symbol:- for whom it may be ranked.

If you do not specify a value in the change range, the program will automatically accept it as equal to 1.

butt Mathcad allows the following types of left-handed expressions for the value symbol:);



changes in the range from –16 to +16 with a threshold of 0.1

To record the ranked value, you need to enter:

I have a change ( .. Assignment sign (:=)

First value for range (-16);

To whom; Mathcad allows the following types of left-handed expressions for the value symbol: := –16,–16+0.1..16.

Another value in the range, which is the sum of the first value and value (–16+0.1);

Bagatokrapka (

) - Change the change in the given boundaries (more points are entered by pressing the point after the point in the English layout of the keyboard);

Remains in range (16).

Remains in range (16). As a result you will see:

Tables of output Any expression from the ranked changes, after a sign of fidelity, the table is renewed. In the display table, you can insert and modify numeric values. To assign or display instead of the memory associated with the change, the following operators are used: .

Zminna with index

- This is important because you have to dial numbers that are not related to one another, each of which has its own number (index). Entering the index can be done by pressing the left square arm on the keyboard or using an additional button

x n