Search the computer - BIOS signals. Sound signals AMI BIOS Decryption of computer signals

Have you noticed that when the system is turned on, the computer hears a short sound? Let's find out what this sound is, what other sound signals the system makes and what do the stinks mean?

What do BIOS beeps mean when you turn on your computer?

A modern computer system consists of the following components:

  • motherboard;

  • central processor;

  • random access memory (RAM);

  • video card;

  • hard drive (hard drive);

  • living block;

  • sound card;

  • monitor/display (on laptops);

  • hemorrhage map;

  • peripheral devices (keyboard, mouse).

The PC main board is the motherboard and system board. It itself includes all the elements of the computer - both internal and peripheral, and also maintains them.

There are a number of ceramic microcircuits on the board, including the BIOS chip. Its main feature is the presence of non-volatile memory (Flash memory), which, like a hard drive, stores important information. This microcircuit contains electricity from batteries located on the motherboard.

BIOS is a basic entry-exit system - a program whose main purpose is initial testing of the PC and transfer of control to the backup sector of the hard drive to update the installed operating system. If the operating system is not installed, the BIOS must recognize another valuable device - a CD or DVD drive, Flash device.

The reliability of the operating system will remain if no critical defects were detected during the testing of PC devices. Otherwise, the alarm code will be shown on the display and one or more signals will sound through the system speaker in response to the alarm code.

This is necessary because, for some reason, it is impossible to keep track of the information on the screen. For example, the video card or display is faulty.

When you press the PC power button, the POST program is launched to begin self-testing.

It is necessary to carry out the testing of all the main components of the system and maintain the same flow configuration as was recorded in the puzzle at the hour of the preliminary engagement. If changes have been made to the system, POST will correct the CMOS power memory.

Please! The BIOS SETUP subprogram allows you to change several steps during the hardware installation process. For example, you can turn on some installed devices if you don’t need them, adjust the robot’s thermal control of the processor, etc.

If one or more devices are found to be faulty or not supported by the system, the user will sense a combination of sound signals and receive consistent notifications on the monitor.

The sound of these signals depends on the model of the motherboard, or more precisely the BIOS microcircuit manufacturer.

The main manufacturers of BIOS chips

Since from the point of view of the main knowledge the name of the manufacturer does not have any particular significance, since the smell is standard for everyone, then if malfunctions of sound signals are detected, it is necessary to know the manufacturer of the factory firmware-programs.

Main types of BIOS:

  1. Award BIOS – Award Software company.
  2. AMI BIOS - American Megatrends.
  3. Phoenix BIOS - made by Phoenix Technologies.

Chips from computer electronics manufacturers from Intel, IBM, Compaq, Toshiba, and Dell are often used.

The system's sound notification is a combination of long and short signals.

Award BIOS signal table

One of the most widespread producers.

Combination of signalsType of pardon
1 shortSelf-test completed without pardons
2 shortFrivolous pardons. You need to turn on the PC and check the fastening of all connectors on the motherboard and cables
3 longKeyboard cleaning
1 short 1 longProblems with operational memory
1 long 2 shortTroubleshooting the video system
1 long 3 shortThe video card or video memory is faulty
1 long 9 shortReading from ROM microcircuits. It is necessary to restart your PC. Reflash BIOS
Short repetitionsFaulty RAM block
Long repetitionsRAM faulty
2 tones that are drawn cyclicallyFaulty central processor
UninterruptedFaulty life block

AMI BIOS signal table

Combination of signalsType of pardon
1 shortThere are no pardons
2 shortRAM pairing
3 shortMerchandise for the first 64 KB of RAM
4 shortSystem timer malfunction
5 shortProblems with the processor
6 shortKeyboard cleaning
7 shortProblems with the motherboard
8 shortRemoving video card memory
9 shortBIOS check sum is incorrect
10 shortRecording in CMOS
11 shortClearing the cache on the motherboard
1 long, 1 shortProblems with the living block
1 long, 2 shortVideo card removal (Mono-CGA). Malfunction of RAM slots. Replace the motherboard
1 long, 3 shortVideo card failure (EGA-VGA) on server motherboards - the wrong type of memory is installed
1 long, 4 shortNo video card
1 long, 8 shortProblems with the video system
3 longRAM – read/write test completed with satisfaction. Reinstall the memory or replace it with a module.
5 short, 1 longRAM is not installed or it is not installed as recommended by the manufacturer
Continuous sound signalMalfunction of memory, power supply, or overheating of the computer

Phoenix BIOS Signal Table

Denmark virobnik vikoryst beep code format: signal-pause-signal.

Note! For example, 1-1-2: signal-pause-signal-pause-two signals.

Combination of signalsType of pardon
1-1-2 CPU malfunction
1-1-3 Writing/reading data from CMOS memory
1-1-4 BIOS fix
1-2-2 or 1-2-3DMA controller fix
1-3-1 Impairing the initialization of RAM regeneration circuits
1-3-3 or 1-3-4Initialization of the first 64 KB of RAM
1-4-1 Removing the initialization of the motherboard
1-4-3 Resetting the initialization of the system timer
1-4-4 Compromising writing/reading to/from one of the I/O ports
2-1-1 A bug was detected under the hour of reading/writing the 0th bit (for a hexadecimal data) of the first 64 kbytes of RAM
2-1-2 A problem was detected under the hour of reading/writing the 1st bit (for a hexadecimal data) of the first 64 kbytes of RAM
2-1-3 A bug was detected during the reading/writing hour of the 2nd bit (in a hexadecimal format) of the first 64 kbytes of RAM
2-1-4 An error was detected under the hour of reading/writing the 3rd bit (for the sixteenth bit). .first 64 kbytes of RAM
2-2-1 A bug was detected during the reading/writing hour of the 4th bit (for a hexadecimal data) of the first 64 kbytes of RAM
2-2-2 A bug was detected under the hour of reading/writing the 5th bit (for a hexadecimal data) of the first 64 kbytes of RAM
2-2-3 A bug was detected during the reading/writing hour of the 6th bit (for a hexadecimal data) of the first 64 kbytes of RAM
2-2-4 A bug was detected under the hour of reading/writing the 7th bit (for a hexadecimal data) of the first 64 kbytes of RAM
2-3-1 A bug was detected during the reading/writing hour of the 8th bit (for a sixteenth bit) of the first 64 kB of RAM
2-3-2 A bug was detected under the hour of reading/writing the 9th bit (for a sixteenth bit) of the first 64 kbytes of RAM
2-3-3 A bug was detected under the hour of reading/writing the 10th bit (for a sixteenth bit) of the first 64 kbytes of RAM
2-3-4 A bug was detected during the reading/writing hour of the 11th bit (in the hexadecimal format) of the first 64 kbytes of RAM
2-4-1 A bug was detected under the hour of reading/writing the 12th bit (in a sixteenth bit) of the first 64 kbytes of RAM
2-4-2 A bug was detected during the reading/writing hour of the 13th bit (in the hexadecimal data) of the first 64 kbytes of RAM
2-4-3 A bug was detected during the reading/writing hour of the 14th bit (in the hexadecimal format) of the first 64 kbytes of RAM
2-4-4 A bug was detected under the hour of reading/writing the 15th bit (for a sixteenth bit) of the first 64 kbytes of RAM
3-1-1 Pardoning another DMA channel
3-1-2 or 3-1-4Pardon for the first DMA channel
3-2-4 Keyboard cleaning
3-3-4 Removing video memory
3-4-1 Problems with the monitor. It is necessary to check the connector of the monitor and the data cable
3-4-2 It is impossible to determine the BIOS of a video card
4-2-1 Triggering the system timer
4-2-2 Testing completed
4-2-3 Keyboard cleaning
4-2-4 The problem is critical when the central processor switches to theft mode
4-3-1 Cleaning up the initialization of operative memory
4-3-2 Clearing the initialization of the first timer
4-3-3 Stopping the initialization of another timer
4-4-1 Preventing the initialization of one of the subsequent ports
4-4-2 Parallel port initialization reset
4-4-3 Removing the CPU element
Long, continuous signalsThe motherboard is faulty
The sound of lilacs from high to low frequencyThe video card is faulty
Uninterrupted signalNo connections or faulty CPU fan

Additional! DMA is a mechanism for direct access to the OZP from the side of peripheral devices of the system. Required for speeding up the CPU and the system as a whole. DMA channel defects may occur due to problems with peripheral devices.

If after testing the BIOS the PC is not installed, the video system is not working, and there is a suspicion that a particular device is malfunctioning, you should not rush to buy a new spare part. It is important to point out that the problem is in this particular detail. For example, the video card or RAM modules can be removed and checked on another PC. There may be faulty or obstructed (oxidized) discrepancies on the motherboard or other chips.

Some components do not function correctly on unsupported motherboards, so replace them whenever possible.

Video - The computer is available at wake-up time. What is it?

Let's say you have Even when the computer is turned on, no image appears on the screen. How can you resolve the problem on your own? Ideally, it would be better to have the repairs carried out by someone who knows the ropes. However, there is no time to check on the master or you just want spare for repairs, then you can quickly check this statistics. A lot of malfunctions can be caused by bad contact and that’s the problem You can put it in yourself.

Why do you want a computer?

If a malfunction occurs, the system notifies you with a combination of sound signals, indicating that the vinyl is malfunctioning. In fact, a sound signal is sent in all directions. 1 short beep.

What are the BIOS signals?

Most often the following signals are possible:

Diagnosis and elimination of malfunctions

The first thing to do is to start diagnostics, and to quickly identify all files (keyboard, mouse, printer, flash drives, etc.).

Once you have identified the problem behind the sound signal, you can try to correct it. Unplug the computer from the power outlet and put everything in order, depending on whether the problem has been identified. (RAM, video card or life block). Check your computer to see if it is too hot after every skin point.

RAM cleanup

  1. Pull out all memory sticks at once (as if you have a bunch of them).
  2. Move the memory to another slot.
  3. Pull out the memory stick, clean the contacts and insert it back into the socket.
  4. Replace memory.

A report on how to clean contacts and RAM is shown in the article -.

Video card removal

  1. Pull out the video card and insert it back.
  2. Pull out the video card, clean the contacts with a foam pad and insert it back into the slot.
  3. Replace the video card.

The video card contacts are cleaned in the same way as the RAM contacts.

Problems with the living block

  1. Open the life block and observe the presence of blown capacitors. If found, ask someone to resolder the bad capacitors, as you cannot handle the soldering iron yourself.
  2. Replace the life block.

If your computer sees combinations of sound signals that are different from those described above, then check the tables of the BIOS wires, such as Award BIOSі AMI BIOS.

Award BIOS Signals

Description of the amends
1 signal and empty screenNo pardons shown
2 shortMinor amends were revealed.
On the monitor screen there is a suggestion to go to the CMOS Setup Utility program and correct the situation.
Check the reliability of fastening the cables on the connectors of the hard drive and motherboard.
3 longRepairing the keyboard controller
1 long, 1 shortRemoval of random access memory (RAM)
1 long, 2 shortVideo card removal
1 long, 3 shortNo video card or video memory loss
1 long, 9 short.Compilation under the hour of reading from the ROM
Short, repeatableProblems with the living block;
RAM problems
Oh dear, it’s repeating itselfRAM problems
Two sound tones are played cyclically.CPU problems
Without interruption.Problems with the living block

AMI BIOS signals

Sequence of sound signalsDescription of the amends
1 shortNo pardons shown
2 shortTroubleshooting RAM or you forgot to turn on the scanner or printer
3 shortMerchandise for the first 64 KB of RAM
4 shortSystem timer malfunction. Replace the motherboard.
5 shortProblems with the processor
6 shortImpairing the initialization of the keyboard controller
7 shortProblems with the motherboard
8 shortRemoving video card memory
9 shortBIOS check sum is incorrect
10 shortRecording in CMOS
11 shortRemoving the cache that has been grown on the motherboard
1 long, 1 shortProblems with the living block
1 long, 2 shortVideo card removal (Mono-CGA). Malfunction of RAM slots. Replace the motherboard.
1 long, 3 shortVideo card failure (EGA-VGA) on server motherboards - the wrong type of memory is installed
1 long, 4 shortNumber of days of video card
1 long, 8 shortProblems with the video card or the monitor is not connected
3 longRAM – read/write test completed with satisfaction. Reinstall the memory or replace it with a module.
5 short, 1 longThe RAM was not installed or it was not installed as recommended by the manufacturer.
Continuous sound signalMalfunction of memory, power supply, or overheating of the computer

The meanings of the signals vary depending on the BIOS driver. You can find out from the documentation on the motherboard. You can also view the BIOS display on the first or other screensavers whenever you want to use your computer.

And so, the axis of BIOS signal flow and their value:

BIOS Award Signals

  • An uninterrupted signal means a faulty life block;
  • 1 short signal that repeats - problems with the life block;
  • 1 long signal that repeats - there is a malfunction of the RAM;
  • 2 short signals - minor damage has been detected. Check the reliability of fastening the cables and cables on the motherboard connectors. Set the BIOS to the following settings;
  • 3 long signals - malfunction of the keyboard controller;
  • 1 long and 1 short signal - malfunction of the RAM;
  • 1 long and 3 short beeps - keyboard malfunction;
  • 1 long and 9 short beeps – error when reading data from BIOS microcircuits.

BIOS AMI Signals

  • There are no signals – the life block is faulty or there are no connections to the motherboard;
  • 1 short signal – no pardons have been shown, the computer is correct;
  • 2 short beeps - RAM malfunction;
  • 3 short signals - erasing the first 64 KB of main memory;
  • 4 short beeps - system timer malfunction;
  • 5 short beeps – malfunction of the central processor;
  • 6 short beeps – keyboard controller malfunction;
  • 7 short beeps - motherboard malfunction;
  • 8 short beeps – video card RAM malfunction;
  • 9 short beeps - alarm at the hour of checking the check sum of the BIOS microcircuits;
  • 10 short beeps - it is impossible to write to the CMOS memory;
  • 11 short beeps – RAM malfunction;
  • 1 long and 2 short signals - video card failure;
  • 1 long and 3 short signals - video card failure;
  • 1 long and 8 short beeps – video card failure.

BIOS Phoenix Signals

The signals are read as x signals - pause - y signals - pause - z signals For example, 1-4-2 - one - pause - chotiri - pause - two.

  • 1-1-3. Write/read CMOS data;
  • 1-1-4. Repairing the checksum instead of BIOS microcircuits;
  • 1-2-1. The motherboard is faulty;
  • 1-2-2. Failure to initialize the DMA controller;
  • 1-2-3. Troubleshooting when trying to read/write up to one of the DMA channels;
  • 1-3-1. Improvement of operative memory regeneration;
  • 1-3-3. The first 64 KB of RAM will be tested during the hour;
  • 1-3-4. Same as before;
  • 1-4-1. The motherboard is faulty;
  • 1-4-2. RAM testing;
  • 1-4-3. System timer reset;
  • 1-4-4. Merchandise to the port of entry/vivod;
  • 2-x. Problems with the first 64k memory (x - type 1 to 4);
  • 3-1-1. Stopping the initialization of another DMA channel;
  • 3-1-2. Stop initialization of the first DMA channel;
  • 3-1-4. The motherboard is faulty;
  • 3-2-4. Repairing the keyboard controller;
  • 3-3-4. Video memory testing;
  • 4-2-1. System timer reset;
  • 4-2-3. Pomilka A20. Faulty keyboard controller;
  • 4-2-4. Pardon during the operation of the stolen regime. Possibly, the central processor is faulty;
  • 4-3-1. Testing of operative memory during the hour;
  • 4-3-4. Mercy for the anniversary of the real hour;
  • 4-4-1. Testing the serial port. Mozhe buti vyklikana podstroyem, yak vikoristuє Danish port;
  • 4-4-2. Pomilka under the hour of testing the parallel port. Div. vische;
  • 4-4-3. Completion of testing a mathematical computer processor.
  • 4-2-3-3. Extended Block Move. The insanity of components or PCI-E.

The BIOS alarm system is a very good thing from the point of view of computer diagnostics. And soon, if nothing is displayed on the screen due to the number and type of signals from the system speaker (due to the connections, of course), you can determine what the problem is and how to start digging.

What does 1 long and 2 short beeps mean when the computer starts up?

However, if your computer does not display images on the monitor when turned on, and the system unit has one long and two short signals, this means that in most cases the problem occurs with the video card or connectors on the motherboard.

If the BIOS is installed, the problem may be in the RAM.

There are also problems if the motherboard did not support the BIOS settings of its processor and signaled all the possible sequence of signals.

Solving the problem

The first thing you should do to fix this problem is to remove the video card from its slot and wipe the contacts on it with an eraser.

Installation of removing the video card to solve the problem of one short or two long BIOS signals when the computer is turned on

If you don’t have an external video card installed, but it’s installed in a vikorist, then try installing an external one, having first borrowed it from someone. It is not turned off that the installed video card came out of order.

Don't forget to do a visual inspection of the motherboard for any swollen capacitors. If there is a stink, then, having done everything, the stinks will be blamed for it.

Reason 1 long 2 short BIOS signals - motherboard capacitors are blown

Next, you need to work to resolve the problem of 1 long and 2 short beeps when starting the computer without removing and inserting back the RAM. Moreover, if there are only a few memory sticks, it is important to test their skin in different slots carefully. In this case, on the skin surface, we also wipe the contacts with a regular stationery pad.

For possible reasons, the sequence of signals is RAM

If you feel this combination after all the actions described above and it happened immediately after installing a new processor or building a new computer, then it is clear that the problem is the inadequacy of the processor, video card or memory 'yati with the motherboard. To check, you need to go to the official website of the manufacturer of your motherboard and look at the list of processor and RAM capacity.

If nothing that has been said helped, write your problem in the comments.

Sometimes this situation may arise if the user, when locked, hears 3 previous BIOS signals, and the computer then does not boot. This is a problem, as revealed by the system during the initial POST testing procedure.

In the BIOS of other manufacturers, similar information is provided in case of various abnormal situations. Briefly we will reorganize the system activities, in which there can be almost 3 long BIOS signals when disabled:


This system has three continuous BIOS signals to tell the user about a problem detected on the motherboard. Similar messages may appear if the keyboard controller is faulty, or if the RAM module is installed incorrectly.

  • Award BIOS

As with the IBM BIOS version, the Award BIOS in this way is ahead of the buyer about setting up the keyboard controller.


Information about how the AMI BIOS is generated when testing RAM. It may be caused by incorrect installation of the memory module in the slot.

The BIOS of other devices does not transmit such a combination of signals.

Whenever a similar BIOS signal is detected, we should try to understand whether the situation is a coincidence or whether there is, in fact, a malfunction of any element of the motherboard. There is only one way to check this - start the computer again by pressing the Reset button. If the system speaker, as before, shows a signal about the reset, then, most likely, the problem lies in a faulty device, and not in a faulty BIOS.

If the problem is caused by RAM (for example, if the computer is equipped with a BIOS of AMI), you can try removing and inspecting the RAM modules, and if necessary, clean them with a saw. Then try to insert the modules back, trying to work so that the modules sit more tightly in the slots. If you hear three beep sounds again after restarting your computer, you should consider replacing the faulty memory module. If there is a malfunction of the keyboard controller, you will most often have to replace the motherboard.