1C has a wiki from the command panel. How to place commands in the form command panel? How to organize commands on the command panel of the form

For retailers /
Interface design for 8.3

Document Command Panel

Zastosuvannya area: kerovaniye dodatok.

1. The button on the command panel must be removed with extreme violence. For the most important options, the button behind the settings is “Swipe and close” or “Record and close”

2. The procedure for assigning commands to all documents remains the same.

3. Warehouse system buttons command panels that are displayed by the platform, it is not recommended to change their order one by one.

4. The command panel must allow users with standard screen settings (the screen width is 1024 pixels, the toolbar is displayed vertically) to select the most important and frequency actions with the document, without opening the “More” submenu.

5. For documents that have other forms and other documents can be entered on the stand, it is recommended to format the command panel into several groups:

1. System commands “Pass and close”, “Record”, “Pass”

2. Important application commands.
For example, the “Druk” submenu

3. Other system and application commands
For example, the “Create on the basis” submenu, the global commands “Subordination Structure” and “Additional Sheets”.

With standard settings of the screen, all commands of groups 1 and 2 are immediately visible, and some (or generally speaking) commands of group 3 can be moved to the “More” submenu.

For this approach, the commands will follow the following order:

Carry out and close / Record and close

Write down

Carry out

Ruhu document

Create on the stand

Order structure

Additional information

For example, the command panel of the document “Payment note”:

In the configurator, the elements of the command panel are structured as follows:

Command panel: Auto-fill - no

Group 1: Command Bar Button Group: button group, command bar - Form

Group 2: Group Important commands: button group, empty command box. The “Druk” submenu is placed in this group programmatically by the BSP.

Group 3: Global commands group – a group of buttons, a bar of commands - Global commands of the command panel of the form.

Form of Evidence: All actions have “nі”. Formy command is standard.

The "Order Structure" and "Additional Views" buttons have been added to the Group Global Commands group in a clear view so that they appear as the only remaining ones, after other global commands. At standard setup On the screen with these commands, only the ones in the “More” submenu will be shown.

Standard form commands are automatically located in the form command panel. Before it, all commands given in extended forms are enabled, as well as the command Dovidka, given the form.

The form command panel will be filled in automatically

1C8: The form command panel is filled in automatically

Change the form.
Allow to change the form. Power is important for the pro-Russian people Truth, and the command to enter the command panel.

Form adjustment team

1C8: Form adjustment command

Enabled to the command bar Save parameters...і Update parameters... is indicated by the values ​​of shape luminosity Preservation of data in the settings. This power is important for thinking Don't be a vikorist, those commands are not included in the command panel.

Commands for saving and updating parameters

1C8: Commands for saving and updating parameters

Some commands are displayed directly in the command panel and in the All Actions menu, while others are displayed in the All Actions menu.

Since the warehouse of form elements has tables, the placement of commands for processing tabular data is also displayed in the command panel. The tree of form elements is expanded under the corresponding table element

Commands for processing tabular data

1C8: Commands for processing tabular data

When automatically forming a set of form commands in a list, the form has a combined command panel that houses both form commands and table commands.

Global commands that can be parameterized

When automatically generating a warehouse of commands in the form, only those global commands are included that can be parameterized, which in the context of the parameter can receive messages sent to the main details of the form or to the details of the main details of the form. The placement of global commands that are parameterized is indicated by their category and group.

Categories standard commands The changes cannot be made. And the axis group (in the middle of the category) in which the command will be placed can be changed. Category and group of satisfied (both underground and light) teams are designated by the selector of the way for choosing the significance of the authorities Group these commands.
The retailer can adjust the visibility of automatically enabled global command parameters in the form. And the axis cannot be removed from this system.
Global parameters of the action command are located in the command panel of the form. In the form editor, these commands are displayed on the tab Command interface command editor.

Global action command that can be parameterized in the form

1C8: Global action command, which is parameterized, in the form

To include a sufficient global command that can be parameterized in the command panel of the form under the authority Group of commands, a group of commands with a category must be selected Form command panel.
For example, in the form we created, the command panel of the form is enabled with the command “Receipt of pennies”, which creates a corresponding document on the basis of the marked debit document (extraordinary figure below)
For the command in the parameter space, a message is sent to the document that is being processed (subject to the power of sending the main details of the form). Global parameters and navigation commands are located in the form navigation panel. In the form editor, these commands are displayed on the Command Interface tab of the command editor.

Global navigation command, which is parameterized, in the form

1C8: Global navigation command, which is parameterized, in the form

To include a sufficient global command that can be parameterized in the navigation panel of the form in the authority Group These commands may be selected by a group of commands from the category Form navigation panel.

Behind these commands, the navigation panel is invisible.
not displayed. The display of the navigation panel with forms has been configured
in koristuvach mode.

For example, in the form we created, I will include in the form navigation panel The next command is Sales Register, which opens the list of entries in the registersales, formed by a document that is obligated.

For the command in the parameter space, a message is sent to the document that is being processed (subject to the power of sending the main details of the form).

If a form (for example, a form for a list of documents) is displayed in the main program window, the form navigation panel is not displayed (regardless of the visibility of navigation commands being adjusted) and the commands located in it are not available.

Availability of form commands for koristuvach
When the form is opened for koristuvach applied solutions The system of insurance rights, the definition of the role, and the meaning of functional options. This means that the set of form commands available to a particular user can vary from the set of commands included in the form at the development stage.
As you can see, for teams from different countries the system has different rules automatic appointment Their availability:

  • the availability of standard commands given by the form does not depend on the role settings of rights and the value of functional options
  • the availability of standard commands given to extensions of the main details of the form is dependent on the role settings of the account manager’s rights, and the values ​​of functional options do not affect the availability of commands
  • The availability of global commands depends on the role settings of the account manager’s rights and the value of functional options.

To demonstrate the influx of role-based installation of rights to the available set of commands, we include a document Product Vitrata at the subsystem Price adjustment.

For the role of Price Manager, you can set the Read and Look at the document rights. For the document under the sufficient command Druk voucher invoice right Revision is valid.

To make it easier for the manager to control prices, we will establish the right of Reading on the data of the Warehouse, Organization and Currency.

For the customer, the Installation Administrator has all the rights to the Product Witrat document. When you create a document form (and form a list of documents), all standard form commands included before it at the development stage are included in the available warehouse.

Standard commands available to professionals in different roles

1C8: Standard commands available to clients with different roles

For the buyer, the Price Manager is only allowed to review the documents of the Purchaser for the goods. When you create a document form (and form a list of documents) for which merchant, the system has enabled the available commands to expand the main details, such as protecting the merchant's operations with the document - creating, deleting, posting a document, etc.
The availability of global commands in the form is determined by their availability in the global command interface, which is formed when the system is launched on behalf of one or another user.

Any group of buttons (command bar, submenu, group of buttons, context menu) follows the following rules:

  1. Firstly, go to the buttons that are pressed with a series of commands, with which this group is connected;
  2. then here is a fragment command interface, as a number of commands are based on the respect of your inclusion;
  3. then go Koristuvac's command, added to this group;
  4. then I'll go to submenu All things(only for the command panel);
  5. And at the end there is a button Dovidka yakscho wona nadana dzherelom commands.

Let's look at the simplest option, if two commands are created on the form of the browser element and placed in the command panel of the form.

As a result, in the 1C:Enterprise mode, the arrangement of buttons that correspond to the created commands Team1, Team2 corresponds to the above-described algorithm: in the command panel of the form and in the submenu All things from the beginning the commands are expanded, which are given by the core of commands - the form of the element of the speaker (for example, Write it down and close it, Write it down and then the commands created by the retailer ( Team1, Team2), and then the command Dovidka.

However, the developer has a number of ways to familiarize himself with this process and increase the ease of reading the command panel. context menu etc. How can I change the layout and order of the buttons?

1. You can merge commands created by the developer with other teams by the developer.

For this purpose you need to create a group in the command panel Button group and move these commands to it.

2. You can expand each of the developer’s commands into a group of commands.

To do this, you need to select the command bar from the group (for the context menu and automatic command bar, you need to include the ensign Automatic filling), then add your button to the group, then add the group to the view Button group And for this group install Dzherelo teams- For example, Form.

All things matimut offensive view.

3. You can move the buttons to automatically reset.

To do this, you need to place in the tree of the command panel or context menu the button associated with the same command, which will be filled with data (for example, vidality, Copy ta in.). Automatically, such a button will not be placed among the standard commands, and in this way you can move the standard command to a different place.

As a result, in 1C mode: Enterprises command panel form and submenu All things matimut offensive view.

Click the command icon vidality was displayed in the command panel of the form, you need to set the power of this button Only in all activities for the purpose No.

4. You can change the order and visibility of the command interface fragment buttons that are provided by the command bar Form.

For example, the configuration object Counterparties The starting team Team3. This team is a group of teams. Form command panel. the command parameter type is DovidnikPosilannya.Counterparties.

After the installation of these authorities, Team3 bookmark available Command interface The form of the object, the type of the command, is displayed in the command panel of the form after the standard commands, which are the form of the browser element.

As a result, in 1C mode: Enterprises command panel form and submenu All things matimut offensive view.

Team3 enter before the group of commands of the command interface fragment. If you are not in control, before inserting a fragment of the command interface, you can place a group in the command panel like Button group And for this group install Dzherelo teams - Global commands of the form command panel.

In which case the automatic placement of the fragment will be clicked (similar to the standard button added manually), the fragment of the command interface will be displayed in a new group.

Well, instead of a fragment of the command interface, its editing is available on the tab Command interface form editor.

5. You can turn on/off the visibility of standard commands that are provided by the command line, for example - Form.

For whom is it necessary to open a window? Team Warehouse on the palette of powers of form.

Finally, it is important to note that there is no possibility to change the order of the buttons that are used in the command line. If there is such a need to show up, you need to click on the command group box and fill in the group manually.

U 1C Enterprise 8.2 external look Form is indicated by the development and power of elements in the tree of form elements. Based on these authorities, the system itself “paints” the form, view, and command panel of the form.
Any group of buttons (command bar, submenu, group of buttons, context menu) follows the following rules:

  • Firstly, go to the buttons that are pressed with a series of commands, with which this group is connected;
  • Then there is a fragment of the command interface, since a number of commands are subject to your inclusion;
  • then come the commands of the koristuvach, added to this group;
  • then I'll go to submenu All things(only for the command panel);
  • And at the end there is a button Dovidka yakscho wona nadana dzherelom commands.

Let's look at the simplest option, if two commands are created on the form of the browser element and placed in the command panel of the form.

As a result, in the 1C:Enterprise mode, the arrangement of buttons that correspond to the created commands Team1, Team2 corresponds to the above-described algorithm: in the command panel of the form and in the submenu All things from the beginning there are expanded commands, which are based on the core of commands - the form of the element
witness (for example, Write it down and close it), then the commands created
rozrobnikom ( Team1, Team2), and then the commands Change formі Dovidka.

There are a number of ways to navigate the process of team development.

1. You can consolidate teams created by the correspondent with other teams as a splitter. For this purpose you need to create a group in the command panel Button group and move these commands to it.

2. You can expand each of the developer’s commands into a group of commands.
To do this, you need to select the command bar from the group (for the context menu and automatic command bar, you need to include the ensign Automatic filling), then add your button to the group, then add the group to the view Button group And for this group install Dzherelo teams- For example, Form.

As a result, in 1C mode: Enterprises command panel form and submenu All things matimut offensive view.

3. You can move the buttons to automatically reset. To do this, you need to place in the tree of the command panel or context menu the button associated with the same command, which will be filled with data (for example, vidality, Change ta in.). Automatically, such a button will not be placed in the middle of standard commands, and in this way you can move the standard command
team until another month. As a result, the form command panel and submenu All things matimut offensive view.

Click the command icon vidality was displayed in the command panel of the form, you need to set the power of this button Only in all activities for the purpose No.

There is no possibility to change the order of the buttons that are used by the command bar.
If there is such a need to show up, you need to click on the command group box and fill in the group manually.