Visual programming and not much theory about Visual Basic. Visual design Features of visual programming and program design

Polymorphism (which has many forms)

calming down


Three main principles of OOP

Object-oriented programming is based on three basic principles: Encapsulation, inheritance and polymorphism . The program, inspired by these principles, is the totality of objects and their interactions, and its exchange of information between objects is expected to be informed.

On one side of the object, there are songs of power, which characterize his state Narazi. On the other hand, there are possible operations on objects that could lead to a change in those authorities. Access to a change in power is limited to other methods, power this class objects. Є method, given power of this object can be changed, but without a method - it is not possible. Methods that seem to “expose” the power of the object seem to “encapsulate” the power in the object. To ensure encapsulation, the class is not required to allow direct access to its data. Encapsulation is a mechanism for capturing all the internal details of an object that infuse its behavior.

Declining classes can decrease the characteristics of father classes. Tobto. one object evokes the authorities of another object, imparting to them the power characteristic only of the new one.

The decline means the relationship between classes: the objects of the fall class are subject to all powers and methods of the class objects and it is not their fault to re-implement them.

For objects of different classes, the same method can be used, but the axis of action of this method will be different. For example, for most objects in Windows & Office you can use the same methods: copy, move, rename, delete, etc. However, the mechanisms for implementing these methods for different classes (the file in Windows is Word document) not the same.

Polymorphism – the possibility of using these and other methods for objects of different classes, without the implementation of these methods being individual for each class.

To solve difficulties at the stage of creating the interface of the user, a wide range of visual programming was required. The work began to be carried out in Integrated Development Environments (IDEs - ISR) of add-ons, which provide the programmer with a set of tools for designing the interface. This set of features has been programmatically fragmented, indicating the flow of their powers, methods and modes of development. Resist with money in standard libraries.

Before such ICP middleware there are programming middleware such as Visual Basic and Delphi, which provide the programmer with a screen form design, where they can place various components like the standard libraries of these middleware. With the help of simple manipulation of the target, you can change the dimensions and move the components. The results of the design are immediately displayed on the screen. For consumer applications, you can change the program using a special dialog box for the power of components, set for washing.

Ale the most important advantage visual programming It is believed that during the design of the form and placement of components on it, the ICP code editor automatically generates program code, including the corresponding fragments that describe these components.

This kind of process significantly speeds up the time and simplifies the process of creating a graphical interface for the program. Ale tse lishe persha chastina problemi. The other part - writing the program code, which represents the replacement of the assigned task - is left behind the developer and is destroyed in standard ways Movie programming ISR (VB and Pascal).

Do you want to create a powerful program, but don’t have any special skills? In addition to visual media, programming has become available to all electronic devices.

Recently, visual media have been more primitive and there is little difference in functionality, as opposed to integrations based on work with languages. Ale digital technologies do not stand still and are already available to us today press the tools Now replace the code with a manual interface.

The principle of visual programming

The basis of visual media is the same programming, but in the IDE, there is no need to write it yourself. The process of creating a program involves manipulating blocks (their designated and connected successive lancet). The universal capabilities of visual media allow you to express your most pressing thoughts and greatly speed up the process of creation.

To make it easier for you to choose the type of program we have selected The finest tools at the United Archives. Choose and enjoy your heart of visual programming through torrent and file sharing services (MEGA and Yandex.Disk).

Visual Basic up to group software features under the obscure name of the programming system. The programming system provides the core of the development of programs, and Visual Basic is called the design of add-ons.

The Visual Basic programming system includes text editor For writing texts, a form constructor program. The program writes the output texts of the program using a formalized language, which is the sequence of commands and operators.

Exploring the program interface involves using the form designer. After the program has been finalized, the output texts are translated into computer code. This requires a compiler, which also leads to the programming system.

Without leaving the middle of Visual Basic, you can quickly run your program on the computer, checking and working with the robot, and then turning back.

Thus, the program can be either in design mode or in design mode.

The finished program is saved in the form of a compiled file (exe module), which can be executed without leaving the text. This is created by the compiler. Interpreters differ from compilers in that they “translate” and compile programs routinely.

Objects and their powers

To create an interface, Visual Basic provides ready-made objects that contain songs of power that can be changed by customizing the program for configuring a specific task.

To create the properties of the process, the project includes forms, such as standard Windows windows. The stench is in the header row with the system menu buttons, as well as the possibility of targeting. Everything does not require programming, the form is included in the project, it has power. The empty surface of the form (the gray background covered with mesh) is filled during the design process. The new Visual Basic project immediately adds one form, which is displayed in the center of the screen, near the form window.

Depending on the form, for example, the title and size. There are a number of forms in your ordered set of elements to manage. From them there are songs that are already programmed with functions. One is working area for entering and editing the text, another - for displaying the little ones. During the design process, you select the elements you need and place them in the form.

Standard Visual Basic Project

The output texts of Visual Basic programs are saved in several files.

The project file has the extension .vbp and contains the registry of files necessary for the creation of the file by the program that is being compiled.

The form module stores a description of the form and its core elements program code, what to communicate to them. Tse zvichainy text file with expanded A project may have several forms of such modules.

The code, not related to a specific form or element, can be found in the standard module with extensions.bas. There may be modules of a different type.

Vibir type project

When you click Visual Basic, the Project Master dialog opens. There are 3 tabs for offensive purposes:

New - creating a new project, you will be prompted to select a number of standard templates; to create your first program, select Standard EXE.

Existing – open the existing project, which allows you to select a file from the selection dialog box.

Recent - open one of the remaining projects that were created or any changes were made.

A short description of the IDE (Integrated development middleware)

The Visual Basic window contains menu rows, toolbars, and various windows. The form designer window is located in the center of the screen and draws a form (Form). The new project for the producers adds a form with the names Form1. The Object command of the View menu opens a window that was closed and displays it on top of other windows.

The window with a collection of ceramic elements (ToolBox) must be left-handed when facing the form. You will need to include a set of standard elements of the bath. During the design process, you select the required elements and move them to the form.

The window of powers (Properties) shows the flow of powers and their meaning of the seen object. The object can be selected from the list under the title row.

The Project Explorer window displays all the warehouses of the project: forms and modules. There are buttons for switching between the view form and the editor.

The code editor's option is to replace text with programs.

The Form1 Layout window shows how the current form appears on the screen in display mode.

The windows are docked one to one (Docking). To make it stand out, click on the title row or simply move it. To touch the window, move it between and release the mouse button. You can move between docked windows and change their sizes. You can always select from the screen and, at the required moment, turn them back using additional commands in the View menu or buttons on the toolbar.

Visual design

Start a new project. Look at the form that shows the visible object, and the Properties window displays its powers. Change the form title. For whom in the list of authorities, find the authority Caption, see him to the double clacks Please enter the title text. Change the color of the form using BackColor.

The Left and Top controls indicate the position of the form on the screen at the time the program is launched. These are the coordinates of the left upper kuta shapes in types (1-1440 logical, in order to be located in a separate monitor, inch.)

To change, you can enter new values ​​using the keyboard or mouse to move the form images in the Form Layout window. In the icon mode, you can move the form as originally Windows window, but this brings in the meaning of the powers of Left and Top.

The significance of powers Height and Width - this is obviously the height and width of the form. You can change these values ​​by changing the dimensions of the form in design mode. As the dimensions of the form become larger, the lower dimensions of the window with the form in design mode will result in a slight scrolling effect. Changing the size of the government program regime does not increase the importance of the authorities.

Please about names

The program has a skin shape and skin element that controls it, has its own unique meaning, which you can follow. Names for items are given by the system when an object is created and consist of words that indicate the type of object and numbers - serial number. For example, the first form of the project is named Form1. The name of an object in the program is significant The name of the object is often changed by the date of the object's name, which reflects its significance in the program. Visual Basic does not impose many serious restrictions on names - they can be practically any, but there are also legal considerations (Ugric notation) about the creation of names. In Ugric notation, the name of an object begins with a short prefix, which is standard for objects of this kind and describes the type and area of ​​​​visibility. The prefix follows the name of the object that represents its meaning, in which the first character of the name is written with capital letters, such as the frmDefault form.

Since the name is made up of many words, then a lot of work begins with them, for example, frmTextEditor.

There are also steps for choosing a name. The name of the change is: start with the letter, do not erase the spaces, if there are no more than 255 characters, do not avoid keywords Visual Basic, being unique within the scope of visibility.

Seredovishcha rozrobki programs

Integrated programming middleware with various programming middlewares combined into one software package and using the same features (Microsoft application Visual Studio includes a lot of our programming, as well as a combined compiler. If my programming (from those included in the package) is written, the program is then collected (the package is obtained from each language) and transferred to the compiler (there is only one compiler) or the same features of program development, etc.).

Also, the development environment integrates support for various technologies ActiveX, COM, ADO and others that allow you to write programs or components using these technologies.

The core of the development includes a text editor, a compiler and/or an interpreter, automation tools and an editor. Others also include features for integration with server versions and various tools to simplify the design of the graphical interface of the client. Many current development tools also include a class browser, an object inspector, and a class hierarchy diagram for use in object-oriented software development. If you want to understand the core of the development, which is suitable for many programs - such as Eclipse or Microsoft Visual Studio, the core of the development is considered to be one of the main programs - such as, for example, Visual Basic.

Apply your core knowledge - NetBeans, Eclipse, Sun Studio, Turbo Pascal, Borland C++, GNU toolchain, DrPython, Borland Delphi, PascalABC.NET, Dev-C++, Lazarus, KDevelop, QDevelop, QNX Momentics IDE, XCode

Visual programming is a way for EOM programs to manipulate graphic objects instead of written text.

It is necessary to separate:

Graphic language programming is the first prize for all language programming (with its syntax)

visual development methods - consider the design principles of interfaces or any CASE system. for quick development of accessories or a SCADA system for programming microcontrollers.

Videos of visual programming can be further classified according to the type and stage of visual programming into the following types:

Object-based movies, where the visual core of the programming provides graphic and symbolic elements that can be manipulated interactively according to certain rules;

Therefore, in the integrated middle of development of certain stages of interface design, the forms will be established, with the possibility of adjusting their authorities. Apply: Delphi and C++ Builder from Borland, C#

In our schemes, based on the idea of ​​“figures and lines”, the positions (rectums, ovals, etc.) are considered as subjects and connected by lines (arrows, arcs, etc.), as well as veins. Example: UML.

With the input of visual programming, the first swallow of which was the middle of the development of Visual Basic, the creation of graphic koristuvach interface it became possible to guide the newcomers. With Visual Basic you can quickly create a program for operating system Windows, in which everything was attached to the graphical interface of the client: window, menu, buttons, input fields, etc. All these elements were transformed into everyday program blocks - components - objects that can be visually presented at the design stage and during operation.

The design of the computer interface has been simplified by an order of magnitude, however, for professional programs, the Basic language is clearly weak. The lack of control over data types and the mechanism for its expansion has become a stumbling block for the creation of serious programs. The creation of non-standard components in the Visual Basic middleware was extremely difficult (for which it was necessary to go to other development methods, such as C++ language). By the way, the core of Visual Basic was particularly suitable for the creation of prototypes of add-ons, as well as for the development of commercial software products

The use of automatic design and visual modeling methods makes it possible to significantly improve the brightness, speed of production and development time. These methods currently include:

component technology for the development of IV models,

visual programming (RAD) collectRAD(English version) Rapidapplicationdevelopment- Swedish software development) - the concept of the creation of software development methods, which gives particular respect to the speed and ease of programming, the creation of a technological process, which allows the programmer to create computers as quickly as possible grami.),

selection of patterns (patterns) when designing IV,

visual presentation of various aspects of the project (visual modeling, CASE - features)

Visual models are widely used in Existing technologies control over the design of systems, the complexity, scale and functionality of which are gradually increasing. In practice, the operation of IV constantly involves the following tasks: physical data processing, ensuring parallelism of calculation, database replication, ensuring security of access to IV, optimization of balancing is essential Nya IV, resistance to failure.

For any model of corporate IS before software development or before the beginning of architectural reconstruction, simulation of its activity is so necessary as the presence of design chairs before the great future l. Good IS models allow for smooth interaction between assistants, sales assistants and the sales team. Visual models provide clarity in the presentation of various architectural solutions and allow one to understand the system that is divided throughout its entirety. The complexity of systems that are being fragmented continues to increase, and therefore the relevance of the search for “good” methods of IS modeling is growing. Language modeling typically includes:

elements of the model – fundamental concepts of modeling and their semantics;

notation – visual representation of modeling elements;

principles of selection - rules for the establishment of elements between these and other types of IV models.

We will also focus on RAD technology. RAD technology transfers the active production of the replacement agent already at the early stages - strengthening the organization, the generation can reach the system. Remaining from the designated authorities may be respected by the externally appointed deputy, both functional and non-functional, with regard to their possible changes during the development of the system, as well as the removal of clear documentation, which ensures easy operation and maintenance of the system. This means that additional costs for support after delivery will be significantly less. Thus, the last hour from the beginning of the ripening to the removal of a pleasant product when vicorized is significantly shortened.

RAD technology can be completely stagnant if the priority areas for development of the project are clearly defined.

It is necessary to confirm the project with this term. The Swiss government allows the project to create a system that would correspond to the needs of today. If the system is designed over a long period of time, then there is a high degree of confidence that the fundamental provisions that regulate the activities of the organization change daily, so that the system becomes morally obsolete even before the design is completed.

It is not clearly indicated that it can be used before the PZ. In the majority of cases, the manager is not able to clearly understand the work of the upcoming software product and cannot clearly formulate all the capabilities of the software. Vimogs may be assigned to the beginning of the project and may change during the process of its demise.

The project is based on the budget. Exploration is carried out by small RAD groups in style terms, Which ensures a minimum of labor and expenditure and allows you to fit within budget limits.

The user interface (GUI) is the main function. There is no way to blur the koristuvach’s pictures. RAD technology makes it possible to demonstrate the interface of a prototype, and immediately after the beginning of the project.

Mozhlive rozbittya project on functional components. If the transferred system is large, it is necessary that it can be broken down into smaller parts, which will provide clear functionality. The stinks can be released sequentially or in parallel (in the remaining release a decal of the RAD group is produced).