Adding external trim to the base. Adding an external call to the database Connection processing 1C 8.3

You can connect external sound from the app. Regulated calls. Adviser available in the section Call - Regulated calls, button Adviser of the Stars.

You can select the sound you want to replace from your provider. Use the right mouse button to select a command Change(or with the button F2).

From the card that has opened, you can select the option to use the corresponding file. The row indicates the route to the external signal that needs to be connected.

The spoils of life must be preserved. External sound is connected and may be disabled.

Connection of external arms and processing

To connect an external hand-shaped form, processing, in a section Administration - Hand-crafted forms, names and procedures it is necessary to go to the destination Additional information and excerpts.

In the window you need to create a new element using the additional button Creativity.


Since for the external processing that is connected, there is already a new element, a new element is not created. Processing is connected by changing the original record (by analogy before connecting an external regulated signal).

When you press the program button, you will see a warning about safety before chewing. To continue working with connecting an external file, you need to click the button Continue to live.

After confirming the security notification, the program automatically redirects the user to select the file of the new form and processing.

The user needs to select a file that will be connected as an external form or processing, after which the program will check to see if the file corresponds to the configuration release number.

In times of uncertainty, the program will provide information.

A report on extracting information about the release version of the configuration from the consultation line "".

Since the file represents the program version, you will be able to successfully access the program and make connections.

External processing is a very handy tool for companies that use typical configurations on 1C:Enterprise 8.3. They allow you not to waste effort and money on updating 1C, giving you the ability to update the database with one button like a simple cashier. The vikorist mechanism of the library of standard subsystems can be added to different buttons, documents and browsers, without changing the standard configuration. Let's take a look at the creation and connection of external processing in one of the 1C configurations.

We create external processing 1C 8.3

To create a new external processing, use the configurator. Through the “File” menu, select the creation command “New...” and indicate that we are creating a new processing. You can set a name in the window, and when you press “Enter” it will be filled in automatically. The system will also assign this name to you as the name of the file when saved.

You can add a form by clicking on the button from the magnifying glass image in the popup window. For example, we create a procedure that shows which client’s statements have a specific nomenclature. For this we need to place on the form:

  • Details – field for setting nomenclature;
  • A button to click on the code.

We add the details “Nomenclature” with the data type “Author of Posilannya.Nomenclature” in the relevant section and the “Show” button in the “Command” -> “Form Command” menu.

In order for the added data to appear on the form, it is necessary to drag the form elements moved in the upper left part. You can swap elements using the blue arrows. Before the button is created as intended, it needs to recognize the procedure. Through the context menu, select “Command Action”, and for items that require a sampler, apparently: “Create a client and procedure on the server.”

Fragment 1

&OnClients Procedure Show(Command) ShowOnServer(); End of Procedure &OnServer Procedure ShowOnServer() //Insert in place of sampler. KinetsProcedures

We have created procedures on the server because we want to extract the selection from the database as a result. On the client we do not have this capability, which will require a connection to the server that exchanges data with the database. Now we need to write code that implements our plans. Vikoristov is able to display all documents through the “Submit()” function.

Fragment 2

&OnClients Procedure Show(Command) ShowOnServer(Nomenclature); EndProcedures &OnServer Procedure ShowOnServer(Nomenclature) Entry = New Entry; Query.Text = "VIBRATI RUZNI | Client's Order Warehouse. Posted YAK Posilannya | Z | Document. Client's Order. Warehouse YAK Client's Order Warehouse | DE | Client's Order Warehouse. Query.InstallParameter("Nomenclature", Nomenclature clatura); ResultRequest = Request. Vikonati ();

At the on-line stage, we can, in a running 1C database, open the external processing as a primary file, and it will be more efficient. If we have a lot of backers, we will have to send them all this file, adding with it instructions about how to open it in 1C, which is very difficult. To be sure, our equipment must be located in the middle of one of the 1C sections. For this we need to do a little more processing through the configurator by specifying the customization songs.

To place the new processing in the 1C section, it is necessary to register the procedure “Display about the current processing” in the object module. In the main editing menu, click “Diies” and select “Object Module”. Here you need to write down all the requirements for 1C setup, so that the system understands what is needed and what file is in front of it. The screenshot shows the code for the “Views about current processing” function.

Function ViewExternalProfile() ExportDataForReg = NewStructure(); DataForReg.Insert("Name","New External Form"); DataForReg.Insert("SafetyMode", True); DataForReg.Insert("Version", "ver.: 1.001"); DataForReg.Insert("View", "Dodatkova Obrobka"); TableValueCommand = New TableValue; TabZnCommand.Columns.Add("Identifier"); TabZnCommand.Columns.Addati("Vikoristannya"); TabZnCommand.Columns.Addati("Submission"); NewRow = TabZnCommand.Add(); NewString.Identifier = "New Landscape"; NewRow.Vikoristannya = "VidkrittyaFormi"; NewString.Presentation = "New external appearance"; DataForReg.Insert("Command", TabZnCommand); Return DataForReg; EndFunctions

Fragment 3

Connections to external processing up to 1C

Before connecting the external processing to a standard configuration, it is necessary to turn off the selected instrument. In the “Administration”, at the sub-item “Drukar forms, sounds and procedures”, we set the order opposite to the mechanism we need. We now have access to a button to go to the editor for additional processing and calls.

When you go to the list, a new row is created for the new one, and the system prompts you to select a file. We choose the processing we have completed and saved, and the 1C configuration will automatically replenish most of the fields. Through the “Vicont” button we can now verify the effectiveness of our work, but this is not so easy for other traders. So that our team can show up among the koristuvachs and they can raise a cry, we need to:

  • Indicate the location of the object. By clicking on “Not specified”, we will open the partitions window and select which partitions the operation will be available in;
  • Select correspondents who have the command to appear in the “Additional Works” menu of the selected sections without any additional adjustments. To do this, in the tabular part you need to select the item “Widsky access” and add to the right half of your preferred accounts;
  • On the “Additional Information” tab you can specify the folder in which the processing will be collected;
  • After pressing the “Record” key on the selected section in the “Additional Processing” menu, you can display our command and be able to use it quickly.

If we want to make changes before our preparation, we must first revive them from the base. To find the required row in the “Additional processing and call” dialog, then quickly use the command “Visit from the file...”. Make changes, save processing and use the additional key “Load from file...” to find the changes to the epf file without changing the parameters. After recording, all customers can make changes.

If you are using a non-standard or a 1C database that has been removed from support, take advantage of the opportunity to configure the processing through the configurator. In the object tree, in the “Processings” section, create a new processing and, using the context menu, select “Replace with a new processing, call...”. There is no need to configure the launch of external processing from the required section by enabling the required subsystem added to the processing.

Working with external processes is very manual and allows you to avoid many conflicts. The only downside is that the smells are not automatically updated immediately from the configuration. So, since the developers have changed the name of the document or the witness in the main configuration, we will have to manually configure the configuration.

Sometimes when working with 1C:Enterprise software products, there is a need to use external other forms or external connections. These may include new forms of sound, non-standard sounds, specially created for your company, and much more. It’s even easier to vikorize them.

Let’s take a look at the connection to the “Declaration of contributions from major organizations” from the “1C: Accounting 2.0” application.

In configurations “1C: Salary and Personnel Management 2.5”, “1C: Trade Management 10.3”, “1C: Integrated Automation 1.1” the scheme will be the same. For this you need to go to the “Service” tab, go to “Additional information about processing”, and then to “Additional external information”

This form will appear:

We press the “Add” button, the registration form for a new external sound is opened, before it is added the external sound, followed by the button “Replace the external processing file”.

You write the “code” of the program yourself, the “Comment” is not necessary for filling. We press "OK". It's time to appear on the list. When you open it for the first time, 1C prompts you to register the sound, press so, the sound will automatically register.

Very often, 1C users need additional functionality that is not available in a typical application solution. It is possible that the form of the document is specially designed to contain the necessary data, filling out the documents and documents according to a special algorithm, introducing some objects on the basis of others, etc. To complete these and many other activities, you do not need to unconfigure the settings to obtain automatic updates; typical application solutions allow you to perform similar tasks using additional external information. in that obrobok. In addition, new processing can be run on the base versions, but changes are not transferred to the configuration of the application solution.

Any applied solution (run empty, so as not to misplace objects), based on 1C:Enterprise, allows you to use external inputs and processing. Try going through the menu: “File” - “Unlock”. After selecting a file of your own sound or processing, its form will open, and you can select the required functionality.

The peculiarity of typical application solutions is that they have special subsystems that expand the capabilities of external research and processing.

Based on the type of launch, applications are divided into two groups: prompted by a normal checkered report. Before the first group there are “Accounting 2.x”, “Trade management 10.x”, “Resulting 1.x”, etc. The other group includes “Accounting 3.x”, “Trade Management 11.x”, “Rozdrib 2.x”, “Management of our company”, etc. Applied solutions, developed on the basis of a basic supplement, are outdated, but still widely abused by foreigners.

This article examines a selection of external influences and processes in the basic interface of the standard application solution “1C: Trade Management 10.3”.

In the original interface, external calls and processing are connected through the main menu "Service" - "External Forms and Processing".

The system allows you to select external sounds and process four types:

  1. External calls

External other forms - generates other forms of evidence and documents that are not transferred to the standard application solution.

When you add or edit an additional form, a card of the current processing is displayed.

In the card you need to indicate the name of the other form, a comment and select the file of the current processing. If the external processing has auto-registration parameters, the table “Affiliation with each other” will be filled in automatically. You can fill in or edit your requirements manually.

  • The given object is the object to which the external form (document or document) is attached. When you press the select button, the form for selecting the appropriate form opens.

  • Select - allows you to connect an external form not for all documents, but for selected ones. Moreover, the selection is adjusted to the skin of the object adjacent to it. The selection is adjusted in the same way to typical selections in the previous cases.

  • File of a different shape - allows you to select a skin object belonging to a file of a different shape, then. This may be completely different when it comes to the implementation of the treatment, but not in its place.
  • Replacement Drukovana form – allows you to select a standard Drukarsky form of an object to replace with a new new Drukovana form. It is necessary that the practitioners do not get lost in the fallout if, instead of the standard form, a new external one is splintered.
  • Processing parameters are additional parameters that are passed from the function to another. Actually not relevant for modern other forms. Parameters can be filled with simple types (number, row, date, boolean).

After connecting the additional form, it will be available for the designated document or advisor in the “Druk” menu.

In the application for the document “Request for payment to the purchaser”, a new form replaces the standard one with selection by counterparty.

For the document “Sales of goods and services”:

External processing of filling table parts

External processing of filling tabular parts allows you to fill tabular parts of documents and documents according to specified algorithms.

When you add or edit a processing for filling out table parts, a card of the current processing opens. It appears as a card in a different hand-shaped form.

In the card you need to specify the name of the processing for filling the tabular parts, a comment and select the file of the current processing. If the external processing has auto-registration parameters, the table “Affiliation with each other” will be filled in automatically. You can fill in or edit your requirements manually.

The table contains the following columns:

  • This object is the object to which the external processing of filling out tabular parts (a document or document) is attached. When you press the select button, the accessory selection form opens until the table parts are filled in.
  • The tabular part is the tabular part, which refers to the obroka.
  • This button is the name of the button that starts processing the filling of tabular parts.
  • Processing parameters are additional parameters that are passed from the function to another. Parameters can be filled with simple types (number, row, date, boolean).

After connecting external processing, filling in the tabular parts will be available for the assigned document or browser in the “Fill” menu of the selected table part.

The application adds a button “Refill by surplus” in the tabular part “Goods” of the document “On-line order for goods”.

External processing - process data using an additional algorithm.

When you add or edit new processing, the card opens.

In the card you need to indicate the name of the processing, a comment and select the file of the current processing. The table part "Affiliation" is not active for external processing.

After connecting an external processing, it will be available in the list of external processing and it can be opened with the corresponding buttons.

External calls

External calls – display data that is not transferred to a standard application solution.

At the card you need to enter a name for the name, a comment and select a file for your current name. The tabular part “Affiliation” is active for the external world.

Once your external sound is connected, it will be available in the list of external sounds and can be accessed by related buttons.

Most importantly, the addition of new processing to the basic interface expands the capabilities of a typical application solution and makes the work of the user easier.

In this article, we will take a look at the new interface, which gives even more opportunities to use external input and processing.

Of course, 1C Accounting May 8 has even wider possibilities. For these additional programs, you can cancel any number of tasks. However, there are still no standard benefits available. What to do at this time?

Also, carefully read the following article, which explains what the procedure is. There is also information about expanding the standard functionality of the program.

Let's say you need to cancel some operation and you start wondering how to make it in standard Change 1C Accounting. It is important to note that what If you want to earn money yourself, there are many ways to solve the problem.

First method. Non-standard variation of standard program features. As a rule, there is a lot of documents. For example, it is necessary for the document to formulate such transactions. Then you need to find a document similar to the replacement and fill it in the appropriate manner, as at first glance this document 1C is not for anyone at all.

How the document forms the postings close Until then, whatever you need, still not quite the same, then you can post the document and then correct the postings manually. I won’t dwell too much on the peculiarities of non-standard documentation of basic documents here - but will go into the 1C Accounting 8 course. The most important thing is to discover a little creative approach and knowledge of the configuration, and then discover what tasks that can be added to the standard (unchanged) configuration of 1C Business Accounting capacity, expand.

Another way lies in configuration modifications. For example, as one of my students said, “ I want my program to have a button in a visible place “How much pennies do we have?” ". It's completely true, however! ( I want the program to have such a sound already)

Tim is no less ignorant of the possibility of modifying 1C Accounting at his own discretion, but we will not consider this option, unless there are 1C programmers on the right. So what does the average person lose at this time?

There was an important part of the statistics here, but without JavaScript it’s not visible!

The answer is quite simple - expand the functionality of the program for help. Zokrema, language pіde about external news and reports.

It's easy to hesitate. Find the necessary signal on the Internet (or process it as needed) and connect it to the standard configuration of 1C Accounting 8. For 1C Accounting 8.2, go to the menu "File / Open...", or press the button Vidkriti on the toolbar, then enter the external sound/processing file in the Explorer window. The butt of the little one is lower.

"How can I connect external sound/processing in version 1C Accounting 8.3?"- Power up the new version of 1C Enterprise. Mayzhe is the same. I’ll remind you soon that the difference is mostly in the interface. Butt for 1C Accounting 8.3 div.


As can be seen from the above applications, external calls and processes are connected in the same way as original files are opened in any other program.

After selecting a file, the current sound/processing will be displayed and it will be possible to select them once they have been entered into the 1C Accounting configuration. Varto also respects that you may have necessary access rights to the database.

Porada: save external sounds and samples that you are listening to from a special father- That’s handy. The folder can be created in a folder with a 1C Accounting database (as you have a file database); For clarity, you can change the folder icon.

Why are they called “external”?

Because when connected, you will be required to open an external file, which does not exist before configuring 1C Accounting for daily transactions. The file itself don't wake up configuration, but otherwise denies access to database data.

Safety during operation with the modules that are connected.

What should I call? read your bases, if you don’t bother with them, then the cutting axis can. Of course, everything depends on what kind of processing it is and for what purposes it is intended. Any guy can be treated like this.

Take advantage of the new appearances beyond the verified versions! Remember that damage to the database of the inheritance or the author's own actions can lead to serious problems. If you are in doubt, make a backup copy of the database before starting a process that you have not particularly tried!