What is the "ATSK-Derzhzamovlennya" system? Pochatkova set up the ACC system “Derzhzamovlennya ACK State Zamovlennya decoding.

The ACC-Derzhzamovlenya system is required so that the clerks on the side of the deputy (tenders and other clerks of contract services) can prepare documents for the IIS. Thus, the ACC of the State Agency is an information center for the preparation of tender documentation, ensuring the financial side of the upcoming contract. There is an integrated database system, which is the ATSK Derzhzamovlennya - a buffer between the database and the ЄІS.

The retailer is the Russian company "BFT" (Budget and Financial Technologies) - their area of ​​activity is the creation of software products both for the state and for business. According to the information on the company’s website, since 1997 the company has completed more than 1,900 projects in 35 regions and 800 municipal institutions of Russia.

At the moment, the system is being used in all regions of Russia. There are also very few services that can be integrated with it - they allow for electronic document management, handling finances and assets.

The work of the ACC Statement is regulated by 44-FZ. Interactions between EIS and similar systems are considered in accordance with the 4th law.

Therefore, this information center is given the opportunity to carry out documentation at all stages of the tender: from planning to execution. About the remaining report: the system allows you to monitor the process of awarding a contract - it can be used to add information about the contract. By completely integrating with financial modules, an official can request additional information from banks, retrieve cost data, find out about budget classification codes, and much more.

Also, the ACC allows interaction with electronic trading platforms on which trading is conducted in the purchasing power sector. Heads of the ACC The state procurement system has become more transparent, now it is easier to control - now all financial information is available to control authorities in real time. In this case, the principle of independence of municipalities will continue to be lost - the fragments of verification will not affect the very progress of the purchase that is being carried out.

An important part of the functioning of the service is the development of the effectiveness of tenders that have already been completed.

The contractor can transfer to the ЄІІС (as it appears in the legislation as OOS - Zagalnorossiysk official website) information about the collection of penalties from the contractor, penalties and fines in case of non-compliance with the contract.

Centralization of the system makes it possible to change the type of tenders that are held (since the resources of state bodies are spent on the organization itself). In this way, the principle of economy is preserved, which is the basis of the organization of purchasing power.

ACC State Contract is part of the procurement system, which is integrated with the IIS, and helps to increase competition in procurement, as it expands the number of trading participants.

Let's overestimate the possibilities of this system as a list. Axis:

Automation of the process of state and municipal procurement arising from the needs of end-market goods and services;

Standardization of the procedure for preparing and conducting trading;

Formation and publication of information about budget contracts for the supply of goods, contracting, provision of services to the register of state and municipal contracts;

maintaining a base of price propositions for participants in the placement of contracts for government needs;

control over the rules of federal legislation and compliance with contracts;

Planning procedures for placing purchase orders for consumption;

Secured financial transactions through reservation of limits at the stage of confirmation of consumption;

Saving budgetary costs through an enlarged procurement obligation following the consolidation of requests for budget-supporting products;

Interaction with the financial authority in part to control the compliance with obligations adopted for contracts, as well as civil and legal agreements of budgetary regulations;

The processes of planning, forming and placing orders are centralized.

Pochatkova adjusted the system of the ACC “Derzhzamovlennya”.

Installation and launch of the ACC “Derzhzamovlennya”:

You can become a client of the ACC “Derzhzamovlennya” on the website http://www. zakupki. ***** in the section “Information” “Posilannya”. A self-extracting version of the archive is available for download.

Once you have acquired the archives, you need to unpack them onto your computer, directly into the folder in which the program will be located, no additional installation is required.

The archive contains the client folder. Dad has a file order. exe, this is the file that launches the ACC “Derzhzamovlennya”.


1) If your Internet runs through a proxy server, you must make the necessary adjustments to the fileorder . ini

2) If you are using the operating systemWindows VistaAnd above all, it is necessary to turn on visualization, which can lead to the loss of writing, functional buttons, etc. For whom it is necessary to create a labelorder. exeon the desktop, go to the power shortcut, select the ingenuity tab and check the box “Turn on visual design” Omsk region "Omsk region".

In the “Corrist name and password” tab, you must enter your login. For all deputies, cloud records were created with a login created according to the principle: “Nickname IO” - Nickname from the Great Letter and initials, without speckles and clearings, for example, – Ivanov II. The password must be changed on a daily basis, and when the systems are set up, we will set a password.

After entering the login, click “OK” to enter the system. The first launch can take up to an hour, depending on the speed of the Internet. At this hour there will be renewed interest in all the witnesses. New system launches will be announced soon.

Setting up the ACC "Derzhzamovlennya":

When you first start the system, set a password for your special account by going to the menu “Service->Change password”

In the “Old password” field, you do not need to enter anything, the password is empty, in the “New password” and “Repeat entry” fields, enter a new password. Then click "OK".

Creation of the following organizations:

To work with electronic documents, you will need the details of your organization (including a special account that you need to check to secure your application). For this you need to go to the section “Advisors->Organizations->Organizations”.

Most likely, the system does not have any categories of your organization, so once you filter your organization, you will return to the empty list. Next you need to add all the shells. To do this, press the button to add a new folder.

https://pandia.ru/text/78/149/images/image009_9.jpg" width="517" height="363">

In the “Financial authority” field, select “UFC of the Omsk region”.

In the “Rakhunok FO” field, select the UFK rakhunok and press “OK”.

The analogy is followed by other phrases, called “Bankivsky”.

Organization details:

It is also necessary to check the data of your organization, for which you need to go to the section “Advisors->Organizations->Organizations”, find your organization, and then open it for editing. There, check the correctness of the data entered in the “Galnay Information” and “Contacts” tabs.

In case your data was filled in incorrectly, or there were some changes in the data:

1) Outside name

2) Shorter hiring

5) Contact number

8) Territory code (OKATO)

9) Place of knowledge

10) Postal addresses

This data can be adjusted.

The rules for editing an organization card are as follows:

1) The deputy is obliged to make changes to the information about his organization on the environmental protection organization (*****);

2) After changing the data on the OOS, send information about those that need to be changed to the email address of the ACC-Derzhzamovlenya system, indicated on the regional website of the system (zakupki.*****) and. After this, the system administrator will make changes.

  • A comprehensive system for organizing the process of state (municipal) procurement and electronic commerce “ACC-Sovereign/Municipal Purchasing”

BFT has become a single company - the distributor of the registration placement system, requested to the Ministry of Economic Development of the Russian Federation to demonstrate the possibilities of interaction between the Zagalno-Russian Official Website (OOS) regional and municipal procurement systems. The demonstration of integration was carried out within the framework of the ACC-State Order system.

It is likely that since the 1st of 2011 there has been a decision to change the legislation of the Russian Federation for some of the state and municipal authorities, including all information about the implementation of legal entities of the Russian Federation or Municipal information in accordance with the obligatory procedure is required to be published on the single Zagalno-Russian Official website. Websites of subjects of the Russian Federation and municipal authorities acquire official status.

To test the functionality of integrating the Zagalno-Russian Official website with regional and municipal systems of registration, 8 pilot regions were selected, including the Khabarovsk Territory, The “ACC-Derzhzamovlennya” logistics distribution system has now been installed and is successfully functioning.

The expanded BFT integration module allows for two-way exchange of data between regional and municipal systems for posting data and the Zagalno-Russian Official Website. The use of the functionality established by the BFT Company within the boundaries of the “ACC-Sovereign Agreement” (“ACC-Municipal Agreement”) system ensures compliance with the legislation of the Russian Federation in part of the placement of sovereign and municipal agreements and saving є functions necessary for the functioning of important organs to plan the placement of labor, control and reservation of limit prices in interaction with the treasury budget system, submission of applications for trading, timely notification of documentation for publication on the website, generation of aggregated analytics based on data for funds where the arrangement is made.

The process of carrying out the work took place in the presence of the Intercessor of the Minister of Economic Development of the Russian Federation A.Ye. Likhachov. and Deputy Director of the Department of Competition Policy of the Ministry of Economic Development of the Russian Federation Katamadze A.T. The BFT company highly appreciated the successful implementation of the integration of the ACC-Derzhzamovlenya system and the Zagalno-Russian Official website.

Now the system makes it possible to control and monitor the execution of contracts, to identify problems at any time they arise at any stage, to prevent the entry of correctional flows in the event of a negative assessment of the progress of the implementation of the contract, including imposition of fines and other sanctions during the violating of sovereign contracts. There is a requirement for the sovereign/municipal deputy to ensure the integrity of the results of sovereign/municipal contracts and it is required by law to publish information about the progress of the sovereign/municipal contracts. The system also implements the function of monitoring market prices for products being purchased.

In addition, core systems can form templates that indicate the required information and the method of distributing the total (maximum) price of the contract, which allows you to formulate documentation that is required by law news that has changed.

In order to ensure the safety of the 79-FZ, the BFT Company is promoting the holding of initial seminars on the nutrition of the Deputy and Organizers of the system “ACC-Derzhzamovlennya” (“ACC-Municipal Law Enforcement”); establishment and formation of the cob (maximum) price of the contract; robots using the subsystem for generating templates for tender documentation and auction documentation.

The decision made by the BFT Company is entirely in line with the 79-FZ in part for the formation and establishment of the full (maximum) price of the contract and the principles of the FCC, stated by the Ministry of Economic Development of the Russian Federation, and directly to advances the effectiveness of the state/municipal procurement system, ensuring greater insight and consistent optimization of expenditures budget costs.

The BFT company, within the framework of the automated system for managing state (municipal) transactions “ATSK-Derzhzamovlennya”, implements the provisions of Federal Law No. 223-FZ “On the purchase of goods, labor, services and other types of legal entities.” When the new subsystem is established at the level of the subject of the Russian Federation, it will be possible to create a single information space for maintaining information about state (municipal) purchases.

Federal Law No. 223-FZ, which came into force on June 1, 2012, establishes new rules and principles for procurement for various types of legal entities. According to 223-FZ, the most important methods of purchasing are competitions and auctions, transactions with electronic trading platforms are regulated, and high prices are available before purchasing is carried out - for information transparency, for the purpose of saving It is very effective to spend money on purchasing goods, work, and services.

The BFT company has provided its clients with the ability to automate the procurement process in accordance with the provisions of Federal Law No. 223-FZ. For the help of the new module of the system of sovereign (municipal) legal entities, the statutory capital of which part of the Russian Federation, the subject of the Russian Federation, municipalities in the aggregate will be transferred Fifty hundreds of units can perform planning, forming, placement and control in an automated mode for the rulers of the sovereign (municipal)) pact. They are also given the opportunity to interact with electronic trading platforms. In addition, integration with the treasury and budget system of the ACC-Finance budget will allow you to register information about the acceptance of requirements for financial-government activities of the establishment, as well as data about the fact of payment stipulation of contracts and agreements.

On the level of the Russian Federation, the installation of a new subsystem will ensure the ability to review and analyze all types of information from purchasing organizations in order to run the procurement process Let us open our eyes and open our eyes. In general, a comprehensive regional system of state (municipal) regulation will ensure management and control over purchases of all organizations as part of the budget, and belongs to the subject of the Russian Federation ї.

Vimogi Law No. 122-FZ

The BFT company has provided its Clients with a system for managing state (municipal) purchases “ACC-Derzhzamovlenya” (“ACC-Municipal Purchasing”), the possibility of timely execution in accordance with Federal Law No. 122- Federal Law should be posted on the Zagalnorossiysk official website (OS) with information about reduction of fines from post-offenders for improperly committing the remaining crimes.

Subject to the federal law dated July 20, 2012 No. 122-FZ “On introducing changes to the Federal Law “On the placement of agreements for the supply of goods, procurement of goods, provision of services for state and municipal needs”, it is necessary to transfer to the Deputy A list of contracts and information about the decisions taken by him forfeit (fine, penalty) from the postal owner (contractor, contractor) from the contract with non-contractors or non-contractors of the contract.

The BFT company implemented, within the framework of the “Subsystem for Interaction with the Environmental Protection Agency” the system for managing state (municipal) purchases “ACC-Derzhzamovlenya” (“ACC-Municipal Purchasing”), the possibility of obtaining on the Environmental Protection Agency the information about the acceptance of This is about the penalty for the postal owner (Viconian, contractor) and fines , penalty) in connection with uncontracted or inappropriate contracted claims, transferring the contract to the warehouse of information about the contract (information about the contract). This, in your opinion, allows the Deputy Directors of the terminology establishment to place the necessary information on the OOS.

ACC-Municipal Agreement for the "Software as a Service" (SaaS) model

In the spring of 2012, the BFT company, for advanced automation of municipal procurement procedures, launched the “ACC-Municipal Purchasing” service, implemented under the “Software as a Service” (SaaS) model. Thus, local government authorities were denied the ability to operate in the “ACC-Municipal Purchasing” system based on web add-ons without installing software “on the local level.”

The main feature of the SaaS model lies in the cost of expenses associated with installations, updates, and maintaining the efficiency of the hardware platform, which allows municipal authorities to procure from the ACC-Municipal system no agreement”, without access to the Internet.

The “ACC-Municipal Agreement” service, implemented using the SaaS model, handles all processes of placing municipal agreements, including the submission and processing of applications for bidding by the authorized body or the organizer (in case of special bidding), the form bath of notification, placement of formalities, formation of all other forms of protocols on the basis of document templates that are being adjusted, control of the latest legislation of the Russian Federation, as well as the formation of comprehensive analytical information based on the data that is accumulated in the system. This will ensure the possibility of integration with the Zagalno-Russian Official Website for publishing information about the placement of orders for the purchase of goods, labor, services for municipal needs, as well as for providing information about municipal contracts, civil and legal agreements, budgetary regulations for the supply of goods, contractual work, provision of services at the register of state and municipal contracts.

The merits of the winner of the "ACC-Municipal Contract" for the model "Software as a service" are:

  • Swede will arrange the service and set up adequately to the needs;
  • The ubiquity of investment demand, the low cost of investment is consistent with the traditional model of informatization and the effective use of budgetary funds for informatization;
  • the totality of demand from power IT infrastructure and supplies from supporting information systems;
  • This new promising model of “Software as a Service” (SaaS) supports the government’s policy of increasing informatization with reduced capital costs.

In the "ACC-Derzhzamovlennya" system, the possibility of visualizing on the environmental protection plan the placement of agreements in xml format has been implemented

The procurement management system "ACC-Derzhzamovleniya" now has the ability to formulate a procurement schedule in an XML file and upload it to the Official website of the Russian Federation for posting information information about placement of agreements (OOS).

In 2013, there were changes in the area of ​​posting information about purchasing on the Russian Official Website (OSS). One of these changes is the publication by managers of procurement schedules in a structured view. In this case, information can be entered in a special account of the Deputy on the OOS either manually or by pre-forming a file in a specific format.

The BFT company was one of the first to implement the possibility of forming an xml file in the "ATSK-Derzhzamovlennya" system with data on the schedule of placement of orders for registration on the environmental protection. For this purpose, the schedule is initially prepared in the “ACC-Derzhzamovlennya” system in accordance with the procedure adopted by the Deputy for budget planning and allocation based on the schedule of procedures. Next, the preparation of the schedule goes through all stages of development and, as a result, is extracted from the system into a file in the format designated by the OS.

This ability allows you to significantly speed up the work and expenditure of the deputy during the publication of the schedule on the environmental protection system and combine the process of budget planning with the process of publishing the schedule.

The BFT procurement management system implements the ability to publish schedules for placing orders on the environmental protection system

The system for managing state (municipal) purchases "ACC-Derzhzamovlenya" ("ACC-Municipal Purchasing") now has the ability to interact with the Official website of the Russian Federation for posting Formations about placement of contracts (OOS) in terms of publication of plans and schedules for placement of contracts.

In 2013, there were significant changes in the area of ​​posting information about purchasing on the Russian Official Website (OSS). One of these changes is the publication by managers of purchasing plans and schedules in a structured view. In this case, information can be entered in a special account of the Deputy on the OOS manually (as you can see) by entering a pre-formed file in a written format and in the mode of integration of the OOS from external distribution systems .

The BFT company was one of the first to realize the possibility of preparing plans and schedules for placing contracts in the system "ACC-State Law" ("ACC-Municipal Law") and their further directing for publication on the OOS in the regime integration. The process of planning procedures takes place in two stages in accordance with the norms of the Federal Law on the Contract System: preparation and implementation of the procurement plan and development on the basis of confirmed procurement plans and procurement schedule. The planned schedule must be checked for compliance with legal norms before being sent for publication on the Environmental Protection Agency. A return link has been implemented - information about the publication of the schedule can be accessed in the “ACC-Government Administration” system (“ACC-Municipal Reconciliation”) simultaneously with the procurement identification codes assigned for placement .

This capability allows you to significantly speed up the work and expenditure of a deputy during the preparation and publication of the schedule on the OOS, and also eliminate the need for its placement manually.

44-FZ conveys the need for interaction between the Unified Information System (EIS) and other IVs. This is reflected in Article 4. The procedure for calculating the IIS is established by the Order of the Treasury (PFC dated December 30, 2015, No. 26n). Subjects of the Russian Federation and municipal authorities are given increased importance of integration with EIS databases.

For this purpose, the courtyard system “ATSK-Derzhzamovlennya” (“ATSK-Municipal Zamovlennya”) was introduced.

Registration of the automation system for the government procurement management process - Automated Control Center of the State Agency (ACCC) - confirmed in 2008. After this, a step-by-step introduction into operation and adaptation to the cores was made.

The functioning of the ACCG is based on the principle of interaction between electronic documents due to the possibility of transferring information from one document to another. The legal status of the information is confirmed by the electronic signature of the authorized person.

A look at possibilities

The State Automation Control Center directly creates a single information space for all participants in the purchasing state. The basis of activity is the principle of centralization. The system's work is automated.

Particular respect is given to the process of interaction with EIS. Here the important thing is to support the bilateral flow of data. Placement of agreements, submission of information about government contracts to the International Information System is submitted through the ACCG.

The center accumulates the entire procurement process:

  • planning;
  • molding;
  • accommodation;
  • Wyconanny.

Includes functions for analysis and control of wiki. In addition, it allows you to ensure and ensure the efficiency of procurement. Formulate information.

ACCGZ integration with the ACC-Finance system. Such a connection will provide access to sub-funds:

  • banks;
  • budgetary regulations and their ranks;
  • budget classification codes;
  • koshtorisiv.

Allows you to import data for reserving budgetary claims limits.

ATSKGZ is also connected with “ATSK-Planuvannya”. In both cases, integration is carried out through one-time entry of information and synchronization of documents and providers.

How to connect

As a result, it was established under Part 4 of Art. 7 norms, subjects and municipalities live according to the authority of the authorities for the functioning of information systems of the terrestrial level. In order to connect to the ACCGZ, buyers usually need to contact the official body or the email address of the regional procurement website (committee of government procurement).

The center can only work with the web interface after registration.

Some regions implement registration by filling out special forms. They can be either electronic or handwritten. Let's look at a bunch of different butts.

After registering, you must enter the address of the system server in the address bar of your browser. The images will be displayed with the possibility of authorization.

In the authorization form you will need to fill in your account details (login name) and password. Then the input will appear. As soon as the data is entered, the system recognizes the registered account user and password, and you will be able to log in to the ACCG web interface.

If the data was entered incorrectly, there will be no notification about the cancellation (authentication failed). It is necessary to repeat the test.

At this stage, you can enter the system to start in demo mode.

It is necessary to know that the work in the ACSC is still calling out songs from the koristuvachs. The regions are aware of this problem; on purchasing sites, a number of outlets have provided additional materials. Some organizations that are responsible for purchasing organs carry out cost-free initial visits.

Assigned to the product, the ACC-Municipal Contracts System is designed to organize control and analysis of the entire process of preparation and placement of contracts: from planning needs and procedures for placement of contracts to the conclusion of contracts With their pouches. Allows representatives of departments, responsible bodies for placement and control to quickly review and analyze in real time information about planning, forming, placement and execution of contracts active management decisions

The development of orderly legislation in the Galusia of sovereign and municipal purchases 94-F3 dated 21 June 2005. “On the placement of orders for the supply of goods and services, provision of services for State and municipal needs” Civil Code Budget Code 135-FZ dated 26 June 2006 on the subject of competition" 135-FZ dated 26 June 2006 r. “About the protection of competition” ACC State regulations Municipal regulations Resolutions of the Russian Federation in the sphere of regulation placement Punishments and lists of MEPs in the sphere of regulation placement

BUDGETARY AND FINANCIAL TECHNOLOGIES 3 basic principles of the system’s functioning A single information space for all participants in the process of state/municipal procurement: from the planning process and forming before the process Icon of contracts and control over trade A unified base of regulatory and investigative information for the process of state/municipal goods, work and services , a single representative of the organization and etc.) Interconnected regulations of work of all participants in the process of state/municipal procurement

Advantages of the "ACC-Derzhzamovlennya" system for Deputy Governors Automatic formation of draft contracts, information about the contract and the results of the procedures. Control of the terms of the formation of information about the contract and sending them to the Zagalnorossiysk Official Website The inadmissibility of violating the provisions of federal legislation in the area of ​​placement of the sovereign agreement The necessity of maintaining paper documents with the control department інні, for the promotion of electronic document management with EDS systems Control of the formation of documents for compliance with plans. Control over simultaneity

The corresponding functionality of the "ACC-Derzhzamovlenya" system is extended to 83-FZ. It is extended to 83-FZ that budgetary establishments acquire the status of "Zamovnik" and the action of 94-FZ is extended to them. The process of placement of contracts by Deputy Budget Officers installations in the “ATSK-Derzhzamovlennya” system” does not change during the process of placement of state-owned installations. The cost of budget installations operates on the data rows to accommodate the classification codes: KOSGU, KVFO, Galouze code and Subsidy code

Ensuring full compliance with the principles of the Federal Contract System (FCS) ACC Ensuring the implementation at the sites of all regulated functions of the FCS Contract management from the moment of formation of budget projects to the moment of operation result in the winning of sovereign/municipal contracts Publication of information about the progress of the winning of sovereign/municipal contracts, identification of problems in each vindication at any stage optimal for the given result of the form of the contract, including the choice of security schemes of the government/municipal government Deputy Deputy to ensure the accuracy of the results of state/municipal contracts Planning procedures Review of results planning Type of calls and claims Placement of agreements Type of contracts and agreements

Security until the 79-FZ ACC Possibility of implementation in accordance with the Federal Law 79-FZ “On the introduction of changes to the Federal Law “On the placement of orders for the supply of goods, trade, provision of services for state and municipal needs”” in part bath and installation of cob (maximum ) prices for the contract Review of the register of contracts in the system Analysis of prices for various types of products with further formation of the price indicator of the system Formation of templates for tender/auction documentation from designated documents format and method of distributing the cob (maximum) price of the contract

Selected Price Adviser Price Adviser Plans Purchase Requests Contracts On the basis of these Advisers, plans, purchase applications for further procedures and actual contracts can be formed. During the processing of electronic documents, the “ACC-Derzhzamovlennya” system implements automatic control over the consistency of the prices set by the supplier.

Competitive, auction documentation and information about the placement procedures The subsystem for generating competitive, auction documentation allows you to create templates for generating standard documents, such as: Competitive documentation Documentation about the auction Information about the conduct procedures for placement of contracts Templates Documentation Notification

Centralized solutions for automating the management of procurement procedures from the subject of the Russian Federation OOS Unified database of the system Budget of the subject Budget of MO 1 Budget of MO 2 Budget of MO N GRBS/RBS Autonomous installations of AU, BO, CU AU of the subject Control body Municipal lighting 1 N Budget of the Moscow Region…..

Interaction of the “ACC-Derzhzamovlennya” system (“ACC-Municipal Agreement”) with the treasury budget system “ACC-Finance” and the Zagalno-Russian official website of the ACC-Finance Application for purchase Contract/Agreement ovdniki -Municipal regulations Zagalnorossiysk official website Vidomosti about installation, change , vykonannya, rupture of the contract Rakhunok Evidence and classifiers Protocols. Information about the applications of the participants Information about Vidmova Registry entry number and date of assignment Single information space for the financial authority, authorized body and deputy officials (dividers of budgetary funds of the region) at/municipal lighting.

Integration with the Zagalnorossiysk official website (OOS) of the ACC-Derzhzamovlennya (ATSK-Municipal Reconciliation) The subsystem allows for vikory-related procedures and the “ACC-Derzhzamovlenya” interface (“ACC-Muni” general agreement"), arrange the placement of the sovereign/municipal agreement on the agreement in a proper manner legislation that is not related to the scope and introduction of information by the Environmental Protection Agency 13

Functional capabilities of the subsystem for interaction with the OOS Information Documentation Information about the Vidomosti information about the participants’ applications, results of trading, quotation requests, Vidomosti protocols for installation, min, signing and dissolution of contracts Registry entry number, date of publication of the ACC OOS FC

Integration of treasury systems into the budget of "ACC-Finance" and state/municipal agreement "ACC-Derzhzamovlenya" ("ACC-Municipal Agreement") Creation of a unified information space in the sphere of distribution of the state authority between the Deputy Directors, the Financial Authority and the Appointed Authority for Budget Costs for Purchasing, what is carried out at all stages of placement and contracting Reservation of limits for budgetary requests Intensification of contract negotiations Policy of one-time entry of information Shorter terms of preparation and processing of documents Maintaining electronic document management with EDS wikis

Interaction of the system "ATSK-Derzhzamovlennya" ("ATSK-Municipal Zamovlennya") with the system of CIB ATSK-DERZHZAMOV (ATSK-MUNICIPAL ZAMOVLENNYA) SKIB (ATSK-FINANCE) Application for purchase Resolution on placement approved There is a decision about the placement of payment agreements for the contract/agreement/order Form of payment to the contract/agreement/rakhunok Vikonannya contract Rakhunok Control of limits. Reservation of limits Information about the purchasing procedure Control of excess limits, removal of reserve limits, release of reserve Acceptance of Budget / penny crops Penny crops are submitted before the end of the contract Payment under the Contract

Automation of processes in the “ACC-Derzhavny” system (“ACC-Municipal Purchasing”) Distribution plan A purchase request has been created Subject to procurement (control and appearance) Procurement placement Formation of procurement Purchase plan Purchase request ly Placement plan A purchase order has been submitted Resolution regarding placement of contracts Contract Agreement Applications of postal customers Fact of delivery Fact of payment Planning of procurement procedures

Openness and clarity to the process The principle of convenient documents Unified electronic document management Statuses and additional details of contributions Inconsistency with the plan Project Control of limits and limits Please accept accepted without excess » GRBS Zamovnik

Subsystems and document management systems. “Review of the results of planning and placement of procurement procedures” Availability of drill down technology Purpose of the module: Operational control over the progress of procurement Possibility of working with the module of planning procurement or procedures, or without it

Participants in the process Addition of purchasing plans to the application Control of available limits when associated with SKIB across budget classification codes Automatic re-verification of the type of purchase plan to the allocation plan Graph ік Delivery List of products Names of products Subsystems and document management systems. "Formulation of the agreement" Deputy of the State Budgetary Institution of State Budgetary Institutions An application for the purchase of financial funds has been submitted. authority (SKIB) Purchasing plan Purchasing application Purchasing application Purchasing application Schedule of deputy manager

Subsystems and document management systems. “Formation of lots from a purchase application” Purpose of the module: A tool for short-line planning of procedures by a deputy Possibility determined by a deputy at the stage of forming the request for documentation, evaluation criteria Possibility determined by a deputy at the stage of forming ordering warehouse lots

Subsystems and document management systems. Formation of CD (DoA) templates Formation of bidding documentation templates according to the specified custom rules Automatic filling of the bidding documentation template with data generated in the system Automatic formation of documentation on the data base ED Resolution on procurement

Subsystems and document management systems. “Formation of templates for electronic documents” Formation of templates for contracts and agreements according to the rules specified by the customer Automatic filling of the manual form of the contract / agreement with data generated in the system Automatic formation of supply agreements on the basis of data to the contract Rules specified by the customer Adding text fields iv

Monitoring the arrangement of contracts in accordance with the planned indicators Control over the contract not exceeding the maximum amount for the placed purchase of products Control of the signing of contracts Formation of documents that confirm the postal owner's commitment to the contract / agreement change of minds of contracts/agreements in the process of negotiation Automatic formation of a contract with a representative for the results of the procedure Generating calls from the subsystem and document management of the system. “Control of contracts/agreements” Participants in the process Postal manager Organizer Financial. Authority (SKIB) Zamovnik Contract with contractor Fact of delivery (invoice) Fact of payment Fin. by the authority “Resolution on the placement of agreements” (results of the procedure)

The scope of claims before the termination of the contract/agreement The scope of the ship's calls before the termination of the contract/agreement The scope of the terms of the contract The postal owner of the request for the contract/agreement Generation of comments about the contract I contracts/agreements Subsystems and document management systems. “The scope of calls and claims for contracts and agreements” Participants in the process MA Control body Deputy Claim Fact of delivery (invoice) Calls Contract/Agreement

Subsystem and document management system. “Control of small-scale purchases” The formation of a register of purchases made in the sum does not exceed the limit established by the Central Bank of the Russian Federation for the size of transactions between legal entities. by individuals Formation of schedules for payment for “non-contractual” purchases for unprepared procurement at work sites Budgetary officials Control of schedules for compliance with standard prices, permissible amount and availability of purchases in the plan The concept of accounts and transfer of them to the authority that organizes the allocation to the budget The form of payment for accounts is confirmed by the withdrawal products from non-contractual purchases, in the workplace Budget holders Analysis and control of non-contractual purchases Participants in the process Postal manager Organizer Financial. authority (SKIB) Deputy Rakhunok from “non-contractual purchases” Agreement Fact of delivery (invoice) Fact of payment Fin. body

Advantages of the competition: expanded number of potential trading participants; reduction of expenses for carrying out procedures for placing agreements for the automation of key processes; security of operational control; In order to adjust the complete set and configuration of the system according to the requirements of the client and the specifics of the law

Implemented projects Amur region Bilgorod region Volgograd region Voronezk region Transbaikal district Irkutsk region Kaliningrad region Republic of Kabardino-Balkaria Kemerovo region Komi Republic Krasnoyarsk region Lipetsk region Nizhny Novgorod region Perm region Samara region Sverdlovsk region Tomsk region Tyumen region Ulyan Khabarovsk region Chelyabinsk region System "ACS-Derzhzamovlennya" ", "ACC-Municipal Affairs" successfully functions in many subjects and municipal authorities of the Russian Federation

Contact information: , Moscow, st. Folding bud. 3, page 1 LLC "Budget and Financial Technologies" tel./fax: (495) THANK YOU FOR YOUR RESPECT!