How to distribute mobile Internet from an Android phone via Wi-Fi. How to distribute Wi-Fi from your phone to your laptop without spending a lot of money How can you distribute Wi-Fi to Samsung Galaxy

If your smartphone or tablet has access to the Internet, but other devices are not connected to the network, you can use it as a modem and distribute the Internet to your other devices. For which two types of connections are provided and all of them do not require additional software or ownership. Everything depends on the characteristics of your smartphone or tablet, as well as the Android operating system. This article explains all three methods and you can independently choose the best way to distribute mobile Internet from your smartphone to other devices for your specific situation.

Mobile Internet via Wi-Fi

  • Open modem mode and activate the Wi-Fi access point.
  • In the access point settings, indicate the name of the current network and the password for it.
  • Turn off Wi-Fi on another device and try searching for and connecting to the new Wi-Fi network that has been created.

Mobile Internet via Bluetooth

If the device that receives a signal does not have a Wi-Fi module or is unavailable for any reason, check how it transmits the Bluetooth module. Yak tse robiti:

  • Unlock settings on your smartphone or tablet.
  • Select the category Drotless Measurements and open the More item.
  • Activate Bluetooth modem.
  • Go back to the root menu Settings, after opening Bluetooth settings, activate the visibility mode for other devices.

In order to receive the Internet distributed by your smartphone via Bluetooth, you must install the BlueVPN program on another device. In your main menu, turn on the search for Bluetooth devices, find the same smartphone or tablet that distributes the Internet and connect the pair.

Mobile Internet via USB

  • To connect your smartphone as a USB modem for your laptop or computer, do the following:
  • Right now, connect your smartphone to your computer with a cable.
  • Go to Settings > Drotless Mode > Increase USB modem mode.
  • Select the creation of a connection to a computer in the Intermediate Care Center.

You already have 3G, but your friends don’t sign up? Do you need to know if your Wi-Fi is broken in your office, but your mobile operator’s 3G is alive and well? You went to the gate with a friend who shared one 3G modem and are now fighting for the right to be the first to post photos on social media? Garazd, there is nothing to worry about, now our hero, Captain Obvious, will teach you to share the joy of 3G in the world in ways accessible to him. Nowadays, in our wonderful hour, for those who do not need third-party services - mobile platforms have begun to replace the router function behind the scenes, and routers with 3G and Wi-Fi support have become smarter and more powerful.

You already have 3G, but your friends don’t sign up? Do you need to know if your Wi-Fi is broken in your office, but your mobile operator has 3G alive and well? You went to the gate with a friend who shared one 3G modem and are now fighting for the right to be the first to post photos on social media? Garazd, there is nothing to worry about, now our hero, Captain Obvious, will teach you to share the joy of 3G in the world in ways accessible to him. Nowadays, in our wonderful hour, for those who do not need third-party services - mobile platforms have begun to replace the router function behind the scenes, and routers with 3G and Wi-Fi support have become smarter and more powerful.

How to distribute 3G to an Android smartphone

First of all, check to make sure your Android smartphone has up to 3G connections. For which you may have data transfer enabled, the smartphone must be in the border zone and it must adhere to this connection standard (any current mobile device already has this). If you have a dual SIM device, please turn it over so that the SIM card with 3G Internet is in the slot that supports 3G. Hint - as soon as the 3G icon appears on the panel next to the network indicator, then all these manipulations are not easy to carry out, let’s move on. However, we are surprised by the screenshots and are afraid of everything on them.

Let's go further Adjustment-Bezdrotovi merezhi-Sche. Depending on the structure, the approach point may be different. Who has it? "Modem mode", and in whom – "Greater access to the mobile Internet", “Modem is the access point”. We go into the new one, delete the name of the password or change it to Vlasna, change it or remember the password. As required, we change the adjustment of safety and life among the additional adjustments. If you want to connect another device to your smartphone with 3G not via Wi-Fi, you can also get access to the mobile Internet through the Internet. We're done with this smartphone.

We take a device that needs to be connected to the Internet (another smartphone, tablet, laptop, netbook), go to the Wi-Fi setup, find the name of your network, enter the password (which can be found in a smartphone with 3G), and connect to the broadband Internet!

How to distribute 3G from iPhone

This instruction is relevant for iPhone with iOS version no younger than 5.0.

As many fields will be filled in, you need to go up one item or exit to the main menu. And there, and there a new section will appear "Modem mode". The mode must be activated. A useful iPhone password is registered behind the scenes and can be changed. “Modem mode” is available for three types of connections: Wi-Fi, Bluetooth and USB, and for any of their devices, please make instructions for further actions. It essentially comes down to connecting devices one by one.

How to distribute 3G from Windows Phone

Next, turn one menu item and go to "Zagalny Internet". take a bite "Underground access" and set up the network on the mobile device (name and password). Everything is ready, now you can surf it from your laptop or other mobile Internet and enjoy Wi-Fi access.

How to distribute 3G from a laptop on Windows 7 or 8

If you have a 3G modem and a laptop on Windows, and there are more than one who wants to access the Internet, then this part of the statistics is for you. You can do it in two ways: install third-party software or configure it without Wi-Fi. Mi radimo another. Here again, there are two options for development. The first one is to quickly get into the command line (it’s not scary at all, after all), the other one is a little old, but it doesn’t look so scary for newcomers. If you ever have an emergency, you need to read this phrase with the correct division signs:

netsh wlan set hostednetwork mode=allow ssid="Wi-Fi" key="password" keyUsage=persistent

For Wi-Fi - this is the name of the network, you can set it as your own, and password - the password, which you can also change.

Tim, if you want to navigate the Internet through the command row, then run “Command Row” as an administrator. If you have Windows 7, then, best of all, you have it in the Start menu. Anyway, it’s easy to find a joke behind the command cmd or “Command row”. If you have Windows 8, then you need to right-click on the Windows icon on the desktop and select the command row (Administrator).

The completed phrase must be entered in the window that has opened and press Enter. Or you can quickly use the “Copy” and “Paste” functions. The command line will inform the following about the success of the operation.

Tim, if you want to do without the command row, you need to copy the same phrase, create a new text document and paste the next one. You can name the document whatever you want, but in the extended place.txt enter.bat so that Windows treats it as a command file. Next, you need to right-click on this file and run it as an administrator. The effect will be the same.

Next, to set up the Internet, you need to go through the following steps: Control center for barriers and access(the best way to do this is to right-click on the mouse next to the Internet connection icon) -Change adapter settings. In the menu that opened, you will see that it says “Dartless Connection 2” (which is what all Windows have called it this way since you haven’t managed to make any other nameless Drototless Connection before).

After completing these simple manipulations, you will again need to go to the Control Center for Barriers and Backdoor Access - Management of Droneless Barriers - Droneless Connection 2 - Power - Backdoor Access and check the box "Allow Our clients need to connect their computer to access the Internet" .

To launch the creation of the network, you need to repeat the manipulations with the command row or the creation of the command file, as described above. Now you need to copy the following text:

netsh wlan start hostednetwork

Ready! You can connect to another device.

How to distribute 3G via a router

Those who live in a private sector (or go to the dacha) and do not have a landline Internet connection may face the problem of having quick access to the Internet using 3G for their entire homeland. For this you can either add a standard Wi-Fi router that allows you to connect a 3G modem via USB. Or a compact Wi-Fi router with a SIM card slot, use it in a simpler way. Fortunately, insults to these types of devices are no longer uncommon. The first type of Wi-Fi router is suitable for those for whom a 3G modem will not be the only means of connecting to the Internet. The other one is suitable for those who need maximum portability, the ability to charge not only through an outlet, and definitely do not need Ethernet. The most inexpensive 3G Wi-Fi routers may be reduced by 5 units, whichever you need more (and you definitely need!), so be careful when choosing and understand that for comfortable operation you will need to pay extra.

Now we're wondering about setting up a Wi-Fi router with USB. To do this, you need to connect the router to an electrical outlet, reconnect so that all previous settings are removed (be sure to press the reset key), insert the modem into the USB and finish checking until the line flashes at the output.

Next, you need to connect to your router’s unlocked Wi-Fi network (which may be called the router model) and go from your laptop, smartphone or tablet to page (or it can also be, depending on the IP address and is indicated on the router itself ) via browser. For these purposes, it is recommended to use Internet Explorer and Internet Explorer, so that with great confidence you can easily access everything either via Wi-Fi or through any other browser. The router provides you with a standard authorization interface, which varies from one source to another, and in general it looks like this.

To set up the router, in the fields that appear, you need to enter the admin login and admin password, since no other settings are specified on your router. Further, depending on the router manufacturer, the options may develop differently, but as a result you will need to know the “Connection Type” menu. In some routers you need to manually set up your Internet connection, while in others you need to install your firmware version from the operator’s website. For others (for example, ASUS), the connection to the 3G modem is configured in the USB connection point. There is a lot of carnage, but the result is the same - you need to set the connection type to “3G”.

After installing these settings, do not forget to go to the “Setting up drone-free network” tab and set up your Wi-Fi network: enter its name, encryption type and password.

If you have a 3G Wi-Fi router, then you don’t need any additional tricks - just turn on the router, find out what it is, enter your login and password, remove it from the operator’s card, and log in. Such a router can take over the functions of a modem when connected to a computer via USB (for example, after an hour of charging), without sacrificing the ability to distribute Wi-Fi.

How to distribute 3G from Macbook

To gain access to the Internet (which you, for example, accessed from your 3G modem connected via Bluetooth) directly on your Macbook, go to system settings and follow this path: Zagalny And in the window, select the connection type. Then set up your settings, security, channel and password. After adjusting these parameters, put a tick next to “ ” and you’re ready.

Today, the Internet is used on a variety of devices, from phones to TVs. Most people have a fast connection at home and a Wi-Fi router that can distribute the Internet to all devices in their home. Otherwise, it happens that the router goes out of order, the line is cut, or they simply forgot to pay. And here it is also necessary to quickly obtain information from the World Wide Web. What is it timid?

Android-based devices distribute Wi-Fi no worse than an iPad (iPhone)

You can try to access the Internet from a tablet or smartphone, but the small screen is not comparable to the laptop screen. In addition, mobile browsers will not always adhere to strict standards like their desktop counterparts. This is where the ability of Android devices to act as a drone-free access point comes to the rescue. Just touch the screen and you can access the mobile Internet on any other device via Wi-Fi. Also, the current 3G and 4G standards have practically caught up with speed, and cable connections have been surpassed, and tariffs allow full compliance with the light grid.

There are two ways to distribute Wi-Fi from Android to other devices: standard methods and third-party programs. It is important to report to each person about them.

Shtatni koshti

This feature appeared in Android version 2. The developers are happy to understand this function, and in some cases it is even more practical. The principle has not changed in new versions of the system, the difference is less in the expanded menu items.

Most models have pure Android 4 installed (without additional proprietary skins), then a drone-free access point is enabled in the following order: Setup - Drone-free measures - More - Modem mode - Wi-Fi access point. After switching on, information will appear at the end with the name of the measure and password.

On Samsung devices with its proprietary Touchwiz shell, setup will be available: Setup - Modem and access point Mobile access point. On other systems, instead of the “More” text, “More Measures” may be displayed. It’s easy to override absolutely all the fallouts, but the principle is the same. On older devices with Android 2.3, distribution is activated in Settings - Merezha - Modem - Mobile modem.

As soon as we got together, we got separated. Now the access point needs to be adjusted so that no one is exposed to our interconnected mobile traffic. Regardless of the shell, the system allows you to adjust the method. You can also limit the number of servers that are connected. Click the button to go to the point adjustment menu. At the item "Set up a Wi-Fi access point" change the required data. After logging out, all settings will be saved.

All manipulations must be carried out after the first function is activated. Then you just need to turn on the access point and distribute the Internet. The new functionality is available for regular posting.

Special programs

If you think it’s difficult, because you’re just too lazy to copy the settings, you can use special programs that can activate an Internet access point with just one click. You don't need to change anything on your phone, just turn on and off the modem mode.

osmino: WiFi distribution cost-free

After installing the program, find it in the menu of your tablet or smartphone and launch it. Get excited in the end with the name of the barrier and the password, which, before speaking, can be entered. You can change them for free. You can press the “Give” button. The menu icon has a blue color with a bow, destroying the right-handed one. For the distribution to start, exit the program and click “Zupinate distribution”. The icon will turn black, and the button will be pushed to the left.

WiFi hotspot (widget)

A small program that can be used as a desktop widget for quick access to the drone modem mode on an Android device. Allows you to change the color of the widget and the size of the icon, enable and disable data transfer, and also start Wi-Fi after the distribution is disabled.

To add a widget to the desktop of your Android tablet, press on the right side of the screen for a few seconds, select “Add widget”, look at the list of available ones and add. After the first change, you will only need to press the widget once to start the mode, and then again to turn it off.


Now you can use the dartless mode on your Android tablet modem. If you respect the standard capabilities of the folding system, you can install it from the presentation of add-ons, and you can do it with one click. This is even easier, since you are constantly profiting from this regime. As time goes on, nothing needs to be installed.

Are you already using this mode on your device? Tell us about it in the comments.

Any current phone can distribute the Internet to other devices using an additional Wi-Fi access point. In this case, a minimum amount of force is required. You just need to go to settings and turn on the additional function. This article tells you how to work on phones with an operating system Android, iOS and Windows Phone.

How to distribute Wi-Fi from an Android phone

In order to distribute Wi-Fi from a phone based on the Android operating system, you need to open the phone’s settings and go to the “Other Services” section. If you cannot recognize the settings section with this name, it means that on your phone this section is called differently. To find the section you need, look at the sections that are located under Wi-Fi and Bluetooth.

Next, open the “Modem and access point” section. If there is no section with such a name, then look at the sections with similar names. The required section can be called “Modem mode”, “Access point connection”, “Modem” or simply “Access point”.

After this, you may see a message on the screen about connecting the access point and connecting Wi-Fi. If it appears ahead of time, then press the “So” button to continue.

That's it, the access point is created, and your phone is already distributing Wi-Fi. But in order to connect again, you need to know at least the password. For which the “Mobile access point” section is open (you must use the switch).

As a result, a window may open with information about the created access point. Here you can look at the name of the access point and the password for connecting to it.

How to distribute Wi-Fi from iPhone

If you have an iPhone, then in order to distribute Wi-Fi you need to open the settings and go to the “Modem Mode” section. If you don’t have such a section set up, then, first of all, you need to turn on and set up the mobile Internet.

After you have reached the “Modem Mode” section, you will need to activate this mode. To do this, move the switch to the “Down” position.

Which section is configured will display the name of the Wi-Fi access point and the password for connecting to it.

Distributing WiFi to a phone based on Windows Phone 8

On phones with the Windows Phone 8 operating system, you can distribute WiFi. To do this, you need to open your phone settings and go to the “Galny Internet” section.

After this, your phone will automatically distribute WiFi again. The name of the access point and the password for connecting to it are displayed in which section of the setup.

It is clear that smartphones have a large number of functions that create great convenience for business owners. Such devices are equipped with programs that require entry to the global network. Speaking about the Samsung Galaxy S3 model, it is significant that this phone is built to replace a USB modem, so that it can be used as a distribution point for the drone-free Internet. This means that it will be possible to connect to another PC using the login method to the specified limit.

Let's take a look at the top nutritional options:
- Open the “Adjustment” menu;
- Select the “merezha” item;
- enter the “modem and access point” row;
- Vibir “Wi-Fi”;
- at the configured access point, an icon (“tick”) is placed on the launch implementation.

Then you need to enter your names in the “SSID of the account” (for example, MySamsung) and about security, so as to protect against someone else’s access. Enter the password with 8 or more characters, after which all data must be saved. As a result, the user will again select the access point in the settings, check the box and confirm by pressing the button like this.

On a PC that needs to connect to the Internet, a Wi-Fi network is scanned and the name MySamsung appears. You need to click on the mouse and enter the password for the creation. After this, Windows will provide notifications about the connection. Check with the customers of the Galaxy S3 there are no problems with the above-mentioned procedure. Android version 4.0.4. є wonderful possessions for this model.

From what has been said, it is clear that the potential of this smartphone is great and allows you to access the Internet on the fly by bus or train. Vlasnik Galaxy S3 can be used entirely on social networks (for example, such as Facebook and Vkontakte). Since Wi-Fi is not accessible to many people, another option – 3G Internet – is lost.

It is important that with limited traffic, you can use vicor with caution: music files and video materials are thus less likely to be opened (volume resources can quickly waste money). However, viewing the notification in email and social sites will be acceptable.

To connect 3G, click on add-ons (this icon is located on the bottom of the screen and right-handed). Select the “setup” icon and select the “additional setup” item, where “mobile networks” are indicated, then go to the setup of the access point (it can be registered, so it will be assigned automatically by the operator). In principle, you can register them yourself or request them from the operator. It’s important that an inexpensive Internet connection be installed, since clients are often forced to use the VAP version.

Now we come up with a pouch: Wi-Fi allows you to enjoy free local traffic, and at the same time you can use this type of connection. However, access to it is not possible forever, and in such situations you rely on expensive 3G Internet. It turns out that you need another option in reserve.

The Internet is required without any other devices. Almost everything is connected to the Internet, from laptops and tablets to TVs. The simplest way to connect such devices to the Internet is through wireless Wi-Fi. In this material you will learn about how to distribute Wi-Fi from Android to your devices, which allows you to connect to the world.

It's actually even easier with Android. We will now demonstrate the price on a Samsung smartphone with TouchWiz. If you have a phone with a different shell, some menu items may be slightly different.

The first thing you need to do in order to distribute Wi-Fi from Android is to open the settings and go to the “Other Measures” section. In other shells, this section of adjustment can be simply called.

After this you will need to set up your access point. Here you need to turn on the “Portable access point” function. In other shells, this item may be called “Portable access point.”

After which you will learn in advance about those who will bring Wi-Fi to a standstill. Press the “So” button to continue.

All these simple steps are enough to distribute Wi-Fi from Android. Now your Android smartphone acts as a Wi-Fi access point and you can continue to connect other devices. To access information about the password for this access point, open the “Portable access point” section.

After this, a screen will open in front of you, on which the password and name of the access point will be entered. If you want to change this data, you need to click on the “Adjustment” button.

When you press the “Setup” button, a pop-up window with the configured access point will open. Here you can change the name of the access point (SSID of the network), change the encryption method (our version uses WPA2 PSK), and also change the password for connecting to this access point.

After making changes before adjusting, you need to close the drain window and click on the “Save” button.

It is necessary to note that in order for an Android smartphone to distribute the Internet via Wi-Fi, it must have access to that Internet. In other words, your smartphone costs money to connect to the mobile Internet and costs money.

Hello friends! I call again your humble servant. And today we are celebrating a living history. It started out really good, but ended unsatisfactorily and not funny. In short, the author himself was shocked, as it was.

Therefore, read this article to the end to find out yak And under no circumstances will it be spent on great pennies.

And my dear friend needed to quickly contact the “Client-Bank” services in order to make some kind of payment. The fragments work on himself, efficiency for him at that time was even more important.

Along the way, it turned out that it was “totally awkward” for this to happen when I took my laptop with me. It was necessary to connect it to the Internet. How can you make a living while lurching around the car? So, just as soon as it’s time to leave the room:

It was clear that it was not a problem. And an old Samsung Galaxy Ace based on the operating system helped us Android 2.1. Before speaking, as you remember, the testing of the droneless access point has greatly eased.

So, we decided to distribute mobile 3G Internet via Wi-Fi to a laptop. And, as it turned out, earning money is as simple as shelling pears. Marvel at yourself. For which we go on the phone using the route “Setting up - Drill-free measures - Modem and access point”:

Finally, you need to activate the “Portable access point” item, and then select the “WI-FI access point” section. After this is stamped “Set up a WiFi access point” and indicate the network name, encryption type, password:

If you are using a current smartphone based on Android version 4 or higher, then all the described descriptions are easy to set up, you will need to work in the section “Setting up the modem”:

At this point, all setup of Wi-Fi distribution from the phone to the laptop is completed. As you can see, it took us about fifteen seconds to do everything. Now you can cheerfully hurry up. For this reason, let’s look at our dart-free measure on the computer:

It's connected to the radio. More precisely, I worked and gladly my friend, since I was at the kerm all this hour. Zagalom, finish shvidko vin with his right hands. After this, I launched a navigation program on my phone with online services active on my phone.

And all pumping over the limit is very expensive. As a result, it turned out that, perhaps, some programs on the laptop secretly went to the limit, then navigation with its “bells and whistles” helped. І axis result - chimaly borg for the phone:

To be honest, I want to say that Viyshov is not such a great man. Let you, dear readers, be ahead of all one requirement, so that you do not step on the same rake. As you know, everyone is talking about you, having already filled in the author of the article. 😉

It would also be nice to say that version Android 4 already has a function that can protect you from such surprises. To do this, you need to go through the “Adjustment-Data Transfer-Mobile Mereji” path:

І activate the “Set limit” option. After this, you can indicate the amount of traffic allowed for a given hourly period. But there’s a lot to say here, the system itself will reveal and show everything:

Well then, the article is about those yak distribute Wi-Fi from phone to laptop reaches the end. You see, everything is very simple. If you don’t understand what you didn’t understand, ask in the comments.

In the meantime, I’d like you to listen to one of the golden hits of my youth. Oh, it's time, it's time...

If your smartphone or tablet has access to the Internet, but other devices are not connected to the network, you can use it as a modem and distribute the Internet to your other devices. For which two types of connections are provided and all of them do not require additional software or ownership. Everything depends on the characteristics of your smartphone or tablet, as well as the Android operating system. This article explains all three methods and you can independently choose the best way to distribute mobile Internet from your smartphone to other devices for your specific situation.

Mobile Internet via Wi-Fi

  • Open modem mode and activate the Wi-Fi access point.
  • In the access point settings, indicate the name of the current network and the password for it.
  • Turn off Wi-Fi on another device and try searching for and connecting to a new Wi-Fi network that has been carefully created.

Mobile Internet via Bluetooth

If the device that receives a signal does not have a Wi-Fi module or is unavailable for any reason, check how it transmits the Bluetooth module. Yak tse robiti:

  • Unlock settings on your smartphone or tablet.
  • Select the category Drotless Measurements and open the More item.
  • Activate Bluetooth modem.
  • Go back to the root menu Settings, after opening Bluetooth settings, activate the visibility mode for other devices.

In order to receive the Internet distributed by your smartphone via Bluetooth, you must install the BlueVPN program on another device. In your main menu, turn on the search for Bluetooth devices, find the same smartphone or tablet that distributes the Internet and connect the pair.

Mobile Internet via USB

  • To connect your smartphone as a USB modem for your laptop or computer, do the following:
  • Right now, connect your smartphone to your computer with a cable.
  • Go to Settings > Drotless Mode > Increase USB modem mode.
  • Select the creation of a connection to a computer in the Intermediate Care Center.

The steadily increasing brightness of both 3G and 4G allows you to comfortably watch videos and quickly view pages not only on the screen of a smartphone or tablet, but also on a laptop or phone. This is true, allowing you to connect via Wi-Fi, and the unlimited or unlimited traffic tariff plans offered by operators often allow you to connect to the landline Internet. You will suddenly lose the current supply of power to your laptop or your personal computer, which means that your Android phone will immediately switch to modem mode. It is necessary to provide clear and easy access to the Internet in the street, park, cafe or other place, allowing you to get any work meals or just prefer it. This option is very useful for students, custodians and managers who can spend more time efficiently.

How to turn off WiFi distribution on Android

Most current smartphones and tablets operate under this mobile system. The OS shell may vary depending on the brand of the gadget, but the operating principle is similar, so you may need to consider setting up Internet access on your Samsung phone. For whom do you sign these actions:

  • Go to the settings of your phone and click on the “Merger Connections” field, where you will find the “Other Connections” or “More” sections.
  • Open the “Modem and access point” menu (it may also be called “Modem mode”) and launch “Portable access point” with a confirmed action for consumption. Please note that at this moment your smartphone or tablet is connected to the Internet via Wi-Fi, since the adapter begins its work in router mode, so be aware that you have limited mobile traffic.

How to connect to a Wi-Fi network distributed from Android

Once installed, your smartphone or tablet distributes the Internet to the network under the name AndroidAP. To connect to a laptop or other gadget, simply select and enter the password that can be obtained from the configured network. At the same time, in places with great crowds of people, a number of Android gadgets that distribute the Internet can be active at the same time. To make identification easier, we recommend that you change the name of the drone-free route and enter a new password. After washing, it is generated automatically and is even easier for memorizing, which is logical considering the moments of security, but you can set your own, which will be easier for memorizing and passing it on to your loved ones.

After successfully connecting to the screen on the screen of an Android smartphone from which the Internet is connected, you will be notified about this. If this has become unauthorized, simply turn on the modem or mobile data transfer mode, turn off Wi-Fi access on your smartphone. For this type of access, access is automatically granted and the third party loses the connection. You also need to change the active password in settings, which you also need to change on your computer, laptop, or other end device.

What to do if your PC or laptop cannot connect via Wi-Fi

If the end device that needs to connect to the Internet via a phone running the Android operating system does not have an adapter for access to the drone-free network, then additional wireless instructions are included. This usually applies to personal computers that connect to the Internet via an additional wire, and laptops with a faulty adapter. In this case there are two possible solutions to the problem:

  • installing an external adapter, after connecting it, more instructions are indicated (it easily connects to a standard connector and does not take up much space);
  • No other type of connection is required.

Android OS has a stock of alternative tools that can be connected to other devices. Language about Bluetooth modem and USB modem. In the first phase, a power adapter is required on the end device, after installing any sufficient viscosity, follow the instructions below.

If you want to share the Internet via Bluetooth, select the following operations:

  • activate mobile Internet consumption on your Android;
  • open the settings and go to the “Other Measures” or “More” sections;
  • In the “Modem mode” item, select the “Bluetooth modem” item.

Now it is no longer possible to communicate with the device through searching and adding a new device via Bluetooth. To make your smartphone “visible”, and on your personal computer, activate the detection process. Once completed, the access code will appear on the phone screen and you will be prompted to connect. Then you will no longer have to go on your computer to the “Adjustments and Printers” settings, right-click on the icon next to your phone and activate connections via the access point. If everything is fine, then you will be denied access to the Internet, otherwise its speed will be low and highly dependent on the remoteness of both devices.

A more convenient alternative to connecting to the Internet via USB, since this option guarantees higher speed access to the world wide web. To connect in this way, do the following:

  • activate mobile data transfer with your phone;
  • When configured, activate the USB modem mode;
  • connect the phone to a PC or laptop via USB;
  • If installed on a PC (laptop), find the list of local network connections and launch it by right-clicking.


In choosing more ways to distribute the Internet from a mobile phone, it is most likely to interfere with the Wi-Fi mode itself. It gives the following advantages:

  • high speed of access;
  • Possibility of one-hour connection to a smartphone of many customers.

At the same time, Wi-Fi can reach a large coverage area, allowing you to choose the optimal location for your apartment or home, where the mobile phone signal will be maximum, and at the same time you will need the necessary intelligence for comfortable access to the Internet at a cost of hot water. In small booths, it is highly recommended to install repeaters, which will amplify the signal for any location and will be inexpensive.