Superstructure sign html. Html - how to get text from uppercase css

Converting small letters to lower case and first upper case using CSS (8)

CSS does not have a cap-proposition option. Other ideas that represent text-transform: capitalize are incorrect, since this parameter is vikory kozhne word for skin word .

Axis rude The way to do this, as you want, is to ensure that the first letter of the skin element is at the top register, but it is absolutely nowhere near the actual boundaries:

P ( text-transform: lowercase; ) p:first-letter ( text-transform: uppercase; )



How can I change the letter UPPERCASE to lowercase and the first letter Uppercase for the skin clause, as shown below, without using additional CSS?


To: This is Zrazkov’s proposition.

Update: if vikorist text-transform: capize; The result is still the same.

You can't do much without additional CSS. This is the text-transform attribute, but it only accepts none , capitalize uppercase , uppercase , lowercase and inherit .

You might want to take a look at the JS solution or the server solution.

If you can create all the symbols in small letters on the server, you can do the following:

Text-transform: capitalize

I don't think so textual reworking will work with great writers as an introduction.

If you want to vikoryst for anyone, for the text area you will need to vikorist Javascript

function capitaliseName() ( var str = document.getElementById("name").value; document.getElementById("name").value = str.charAt(0).toUpperCase() + str.slice(1); )

who is guilty of good practice for or

Hello. When creating web pages, you need to specify words please help css upper case or supernumerary position. Let's take a look at how to worry.

Upper and lower case using additional css

Nowadays, you can put the required text in tags and eliminate the need for display, but let’s also wonder how it can be done with the help of CSS, because the technique changes a little.

For example, you need to write the formula H 2 O in an html document. Try it like this:

  • The formula itself is written
  • The words and numbers that need to be displayed in the upper and lower indexes are placed in the span tag, which needs to be specified in each class. For example: symbols that need to be entered
  • In CSS you need to set this element:

    Vertical-align: super;

This power is due to the vertical alignment of the text. This value of super means that the text appears at the top index. However, the size of the font is no longer the same as that of the original text. To make everything look more beautiful, you also need to set the font size a little smaller to control the font-size.

The axis simply exercises power. Apparently, to appear in the lower index you need to write like this:

Vertical-align: sub;

The importance of similar HTML tags is that these rules do not change the size of the font, so if you need to work with this, you will have to write new size at the style sheet.

This is everything you need to know about the top and bottom index in CSS. Zhodnykh additional possibilities power does not give and there is no need for a stink. For example, you can customize this text in a special way, but this is rarely necessary.

Where can you stay in good fortune?

The superordinate and subordinate text may become stuck during the writing of formulas, the addition of notes and icons to articles. For example, on Wikipedia, details and notes are provided to the skin. As the stench progresses, small superordinate signs appear in front of the view. This does not harm the readers and at the same time allows us to give the articles the required look.

The effect is cross-browser and supported in all versions of CSS.

The index in relation to the text is the list of symbols either up or down the base line. Dependent on the positive side negative meaning The displacement index is called, obviously, upper or lower. The stench is actively involved in mathematics, physics, chemistry and for assigning units to the world. HTML represents two elements to the corresponding index: (superscript) - upper index and (subscript) - lower index. Text placed in one of these containers is indicated smaller size, the lower base text, and is shifted up and down. In application 1, there is a more detailed selection of the meaning of elements and styles for changing the appearance of the text.

Example 1. Creation of the upper and lower index

Top and bottom index .formula ( font-size: 1.4em; /* Size of formula text */ ) sup, sub ( font-style: italic; /* Italic image */ color: red; sub (color: blue; /* Blue color of symbols */ )

Characteristic level of the surface of another step

λ3 - I1λ2 + I2λ - I3 = 0

At the same time, both the lower and upper index are sharpened. To change the image of the font index, the styles that you set will be set one design(Fig. 1).

Small 1. View of indexes after setting styles

You can always rely on the advantage of styles. An analogue of these elements is the power of vertical-align, which moves the text vertically to the specified position. Zokrema, in application 2, the values ​​are fixed at 0.8em for the upper index and -0.5em for the lower. Em is a significant unit that is comparable to the size of the line font. For example, 0.5em indicates that the text needs to be reduced to half the size of the font.

Example 2. Variation of styles for indexing with indexes

Upper and lower index. /font-size: 0.6em; /* Index size */ color: red; /* Color of the top index */ vertical-align: 0.8em; lower index */ vertical-align: -0.5em;

Rich member stage n

f(x) = a0 + a1 x + ... + an-1 xn-1 + an xn

In the application, the formula itself is displayed in a larger size, the upper index symbols are set in red, and the lower ones in blue (Fig. 2).

In many lessons we will focus on formatting the text using additional CSS, and then we will change the register of the text. In this case, cascading style sheets offer a wide range of possibilities, and to be more precise, we can:

  • Represent the entire text by great writers;
  • See all text in small letters;
  • Make sure that the first letter of the skin word starts from the upper register.

“Is everything really good, but when can I need it?” - Power up the vi. This situation is obvious if you need to display all menu items with great writers. For whom it is not obligatory to type them, turning on the CapsLock key, or pressing the Shift button. It is enough to set all items in the selection list to uppercase, creating a sub-rule in CSS files. And this is just one of the many possible situations.

Power text-transform

Register the text using the additional text-transform option. It has 4 main values ​​- uppercase (great letters), lowercase (small letters), capitalize (upper case in the first letter of the word, other values ​​do not change), none (formatting is not stagnated). At first glance, you might still think it’s even more complicated.

Golovne - don’t panic.

But in practice, it’s easy to do everything, which is what you end up with at once. The main thing is to select the correct selector, and even the text-transform values ​​​​are reduced.

Seen by great writers

First of all, I’m going to give all text great letters, for which we’re creating a new CSS rule:

Body (text-transform: uppercase; )

In principle, there is nothing foldable, and they just vikorized the meaning of the uppercase. It seems that everything has become intuitively clear. This is what the axis looks like in life:

All from the great literature... Lower case - stagnant for everyone

Let's start stagnating everywhere with little letters, for which we write now:

Body (text-transform: lowercase; )

As you have already melodiously guessed, two meanings that we have become familiar with are antonyms of the melodious world. And in the illustration below you can see the result of carefully created power.

Web page with lowercase enabled. It appears that the letterer of the skin word is written in uppercase

For this, it is enough for us to quickly calculate the following values:

Body (text-transform: capitalize; )

I don’t know how often you will use this CSS rule, but you won’t be fooled by this possibility, especially with very non-trivial tasks. The result can be seen in the image below.

Text after stagnation capitalize

And let's talk briefly about the remaining meaning - none. As I have already said, you can stand up for the inheritance of your fathers. For example, it is clear that we have all the previous rules, and for paragraphs we have to express them, for which we are writing next:

P (text-transform: none;)

I dare say that everything has become clear to you, if not, put your food in the comments. And that’s all for now. I hope this CSS lesson will be of interest to you. It's like this:

  • Repost this article from social measures so that more people would take the bark out of it;
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That's why I'm not saying goodbye to you. Thanks for your respect and encouragement in future publications!

In the last video lesson we learned how to remove and add new information from new version HTML document, which informs about the process sound systems and see visually, so that the guides can also make changes. For this reason, we vikorized the del and ins tags.

This video lesson continues the topic of formatting the text of an HTML document. We are familiar with two HTML tags that indicate the upper and lower index of the text.

HTML sup tag is the superscript of the HTML text.

HTML tag for inserting a superscript into HTML text. For various website topics, this tag will be simply irreplaceable. For example, if you are planning a website related to any formulas, mathematical or chemical. Or, if it’s a site with a daily theme, the tag will be even more colorful and will help with the design of articles, when writing formulas or any measurements, for example, square meters for a daily topic.

Just because your site is not exposed to over-the-top topics, this does not mean that the tag will not be useful. It is enough to show imagination and intelligence and know the essential element.

HTML sub tag is the lower index of the HTML text.

If there is an HTML tag, then it is the length of the tag and indicates the insertion of a subscript into the text. The lower index of the text may be used when writing formulas or mathematical equations. Ale cream, perhaps you can find another way to describe it.

Upcoming Video Lesson on two more tags that can be simply irreplaceable in certain situations. Moreover, it is important to format the text, for example, in statistics, and behind the insert Various information The site is currently undergoing page layout. One of the tags is transferred to HTML, and the other draws a horizontal line.