Highest-priced domain for sale. Highest-priced domain names in history

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The development of Internet business is being carried out by a lot of companies on a daily basis. So, in today's publication it is significant Highest cost domains History of the Internet. Of course, the company’s leaders are ready to become victorious free domain Otherwise, others are ready to pay for a new whole country.

What is the domain of the best prices?

Today, the value of a high-cost domain name is worth millions of dollars. Thus, in 1999, the domain Wine.com had sales for 3 million dollars, and in 2004, Beer.com had sales for 7 million dollars. Among other expensive domains, it is necessary to mention Hotels.com, purchased in 2001 for 11 million dollars.

Top 7 highest-cost domains in the world

Business.com 2007 $345.000.000
CarInsurance.com 2010 $49.700.000
Insurance.com 2010 $35.600.000
Sex.com 2010 $13.000.000
Fund.com 2008 $12.000.000
Porn.com 2007 $9.500.000
Diamond.com 2006 $7.500.000

Varto note that long time ago, domain Sex.com is respected by the world's most dear people and has reached the Guinness Book of Records. This domain was initially owned by Escom LLC, and later acquired Clover Holdings Ltd. The current version is about the fact that the domain was sold for 14 million to Clover Holdings Ltd.

Top 7 highest-cost domains in the zoneru

  • sms.ru – 550,000 dollars.
  • Casino.ru – 250,000 dollars. Purchases at the end of 2008 by the Game Media company.
  • People.ru – 90,000 dollars. It was also added in 2008, unfortunately, information about the ruler was not shared.
  • 2014.ru – 2.5 million rubles or 83.333 dollars. The success was achieved in 2010. One of the buyers of the domain was the Creators Art Bureau. Other buyers swear by some of the formulas of “private individuals.” The domain initially belonged to Yan Nevstruev, who was registered in 2004.
  • Hi.ru – 80,600 dollars and sales in 2010, the seller and the buyer lost their identity.
  • Vodka.ru – 50,000 dollars. Purchased from 2006 by Russian Standard from Artemy Lebedev, who registered the domain from 1997.
  • Youtube.ru – 43,000 dollars. Added in 2007 by the British company KSS Associates.

Varto notes that they do not care about purchasing a domain name for 10 million dollars, without becoming a guarantor of increased traffic on the site. In addition, the activities of the sites after such an expensive addition, as before, may have average benefits.

We have collected a list of the fifteen highest-priced domains sold in the entire history of the Internet.

It’s not surprising that in the 28 years that the domain zone.com has been in existence, all the added website addresses have long been registered. Some companies, whose names resemble a similar word, are interested in buying up domains from a lot of power brokers and cybersquatters, while others, who want to get their hands on a better domain, are ready to invest millions of dollars. For a short address, it’s easy to remember. Food, how many pennies were paid for the most expensive domains in the history of the Internet?

The Next Web has selected the top 15 most rated domain names. Such prestigious addresses as yellowpages.com (which was sold for more than $100 million) and insure.com ($16 million) did not make it to this list, because this amount, in addition to the domains, also included other assets.

15th and 14th month: korea.com and seo.com

korea.com became the highest-priced national domain and sold for $5 million in 2005. seo.com (stands for search engine optimization - search engine optimization) paid for the same amount to the WashingtonVC venture fund in 2007.

13th month: toys.com

The domain was purchased by the famous Toys "R" US toy manufacturer from Berezna 2009. According to Domain Monster, the deal cost $5.1 million.

12th and 11th month: casino.com and slots.com

Although the domain belongs to the gambling industry and was likely to be sold for a total of $5.5 million, it went to two different companies: the first was sold in 2003, the other in 2010.

10th month: beer.com

The brewery's address was sold in 2004 for $7 million to Thought Convergence, which specializes in making money from domains. Respecting everything, he will drink without showing up: there is still a stub page at this address.

9th and 8th month: business.com and diamond.com

The offending addresses at the time were valued at $7.5 million. Well, on another domain there is an online jewelry store, which, when clicked on the catalog, redirects to another address - ice.com.

7th place: fb.com

6th place: porn.com

It’s hard to guess what could be behind this address - just like that, they paid $9.5 million for this domain in 2007.

Companies that are successful in the lighting market are encouraged to keep things short and concise. domain names. Moreover, the highest-cost domain represents the thickest name for the brand, which is easy to remember.

It is not important to apply for expensive domain names, as companies usually pay a lot of money. Obviously, the most profitable types of business in the Internet space lie:

  • insurance of life, creatures, and the indestructible and the indestructible;
  • Volodinia with strong investment flows;
  • sexual excitement.

And the stinks are really thriving. A short domain name is easy to remember, which guarantees frequent browsing of sites. The guests are visited by both the famous and the famous.

Highest-cost domain – five prestigious website names

The most expensive domain for the remaining rocks was added:

  1. com – for 16 million dollars.
  2. com – for 13 million dollars.
  3. com– 9,999,900 dollars.
  4. com - 9500000 dollars.
  5. com. - 8888888 dollars.

The first place in the column of high-cost domains is not necessarily Insure.com. This insurance company is at the forefront of the world. Vaughn insures everything. Insure.com is not far from exotic exotic lands.

It is noticeable that, being one of the most expensive names of Fund.com, the ruler of the domain has not been victorious for many hours. When you entered the domain name in the address bar, a notification was displayed with the proposition that the site would be added later.

Since 2010, business has been booming, and information about investment funds and important business areas has been posted on the website of the investment company. The company is at the epicenter of the business involved in the purchase and sale of domains.

Highest value domain PrivateJet

The most expensive and most profitable domain is PrivateJet.com. This total amount is 30,000,000 dollars.

The domain name is part of a richly profiled holding company that cooperates with the most reputable companies in the world. One of the main directions of business is air travel. The holding creates a comfortable environment for clients.

Russian priorities in the choice of high-cost domains

In the Russian Internet space, domain names are not so expensive. Well, here you can earn a lot of capital by selling.

In the first place in business there are companies that provide services:

  • mobile connection;
  • information flows;
  • gralny business.

Alas, half of the buyers' names are protected under an incognito mask.

Highest road domain, addition to Russia:

  1. ru - the stock is 550,000 dollars.
  2. ru - 250,000 dollars.
  3. ru - 90,000 dollars.
  4. ru - 83,333 dollars.
  5. .ru - 80,600 dollars.

Other useful statistics.

In the early days of the Internet, you could cancel your domain name for free. Today, the domain's operations cost millions of dollars. Axis 12 most expensive domain names in history.


Internet entrepreneur Michael Castello bought whiskey.com back in the 90s. In 2014, the Russian domain was sold to a German whiskey distribution company. Do you want to taste happiness? Buy or register your domain at www.domenus.ru. Perhaps, after 10-20 years of sales, I will bring you millions.

Xiaomi, a Chinese smartphone manufacturer, bought MI.com from 2014. Try to expand the scope of your activity in foreign markets. Brand MI releases Various devices from smartphones to headphones.

3. ig.com - 4.7 million dollars.

The British company IG Group spent millions on purchasing a double-digital domain in 2012.

Zappos is a popular online clothing store, with Amazon purchases for $928 million in 2009. It turns out that Zappos paid 4.9 million dollars for the clothes.com domain. If you go to clothes.com, you will be taken to the Zappos website.

Grocery store ToysRUs paid over 5 million dollars for the domain name toys.com in 2009.

6. slots.com - 5.5 million dollars.

In 2010, the slots.com domain was sold at auction. The buyer was Canadian businessman Kelvin Aure.

One of the shortest domain names on the Internet. This domain was purchased by the largest Japanese Internet company GMO in 2007.

8. fund.com - 9,995 million dollars.

Fund.com was created in 2007 as a financial portal. Domain buv purchased from 2008 roci. Three domains of mature topics, the addresses of which are, of course, not published. One of them was purchased for 42 thousand dollars in 1997 and resold in 2015 for 8.8 million. The most expensive “mature” domain was purchased in 2006, but the company went bankrupt and sold the domain in 2010 for 13 million dollars.

Illustration. Dotcom, US Dollar texture.

Registration of a new domain will not ruin you. The cost is 10-20 dollars, or even less.

However, there are no domain names that have not yet been registered by anyone. What should you do if you have a domain that is ideal for your company? You can copyright the new gTLD (Top Level Domain) with the same domain names. Or you can find the leader of the domain you need and try it out. Do you need to list all the pros and cons and understand that the advertising company knows that people go to someone else’s site? If this is the case, then, of course, it’s a good idea to buy a domain that has already been registered.

Of course, there are companies that are throwing away millions of dollars to buy a domain name! Just look at how much was spent on purchasing high-value domains from the world:

  1. LasVegas.com – 90 million dollars;
  2. CarInsurance.com - 49.7 million dollars;
  3. Insurance.com – 35.6 million dollars;
  4. VacationRentals.com - 35 million dollars;
  5. PrivateJet.com – 30.18 million dollars;
  6. Internet.com – 18 million dollars;
  7. 360.com – 17 million dollars;
  8. Insure.com – 16 million dollars;
  9. Bankaholic.com – 15 million dollars;
  10. Sex.com – 13 million dollars.

Dani for this period will also not deprive you of anything. Axis list of high-cost domains 2016:

  1. Jade.com – 1.25 million dollars;
  2. LA.com – 1.2 million dollars;
  3. TP.com – 929 thousand dollars;
  4. YK.com – 900 thousand dollars;
  5. Kiwi.com – 800 thousand dollars;
  6. Rate.com – 725 thousand dollars;
  7. DA.com – 650 thousand dollars;
  8. Furniture.co.uk – 650 thousand dollars;
  9. Wave.com – 420 thousand dollars;
  10. Broker.com – 375 thousand dollars.

The third number is really cool... Who cares who needs to register the TP.com domain? Mozhlivo, T.R. – what are the initials? Who is famous with such initials and wants to create a powerful website (the site itself is not working, so we have not yet managed to open this secret)? І znenatzka kochakovy vlasnik becoming practically a millionaire.

An excellent way to get rich.

Resale of domains.

Some people purposefully buy domains and then resell them at a higher price. Why is it pributkovo? It’s entirely possible. Ale y rizikovano, even though there are no guarantees.

This is called "domain resale". As you can see from most of the lists, domains that consist of one word (which is especially important for any business) are even more popular. Shvidshe for everything, it is connected with this that hundreds, not thousands of people can be tied in a row at any given time search Google the word "insurance". And what would I respect more, the site insurance.com?

Of course, the site will have to be reworked a little for itself, but the worst thing is that keywords domains will become useful for SEO promotion. If you can accurately predict which trends and developments will gain popularity in the future, then you can add a domain in hopes of reselling it later. Just don’t invest your pennies in this.

Have you noticed a trend in the list of domains for 2016? Double domains are gaining popularity. For example, the short "LA.com" has nothing unusual, and when looking at the site, it becomes clear that buyers have dedicated it to Los Angeles. Other sites are not operating yet, so we still don’t know how they could have made such pennies. Perhaps, the registration of domain acronyms with the intention of resale will bring you profit.

Domains with registration term

There is another opportunity to remove the bananas from the domain name. Otherwise, automatically pay 25 dollars and register a domain with a line that will not be released. Previously, this was possible, but if registrars also want to earn money, then such domains should be put up for auction. The buyer moves around, having confirmed the highest price. And if there are no annual bids, the domain will be registered to the first person who pays the set price of 25 dollars. If most domains use the registration term, you will find a new owner after another auction.

Insightful entrepreneurs and businessmen should be sensitive to all the news about new trends and trends in people. If you like to take risks, then resale of domains will be ideal for additional income. And if you can boast of singing memories, then you can decorate the site a little, think over the design and add keywords for sound optimization, to increase the price for new resale.