1c data conversion 3 applications. How to introduce the updated rules of KD3 from the base

Data conversion 2.0 and 2.1 - technological configuration of the 1C company, implemented on platform versions from 8.1 to 8.3.

The main task of the tool is to write rules for the exchange between application solutions 1C 8 and 7. The current version of data conversion today is 3.0.

Converting data is a very basic configuration, with it you can also think of how to transfer information from one information base to another, and, for example, transform all information one single base.

It is very easy to change the configuration when .

Converting the data will be useful for any programmer: the knowledge of the rules of exchange is a serious plus for professional skills.

To get started with configuration, the most practical steps are best. Try to come up with your own tasks, for example: transfer any information from one database to another, transform the sales document into an acquisition document, “drive” the exact balances from the accounting document to the document “entering surpluses” and other tribute.

Even if you look at the “standard” rules for the exchange of 1C 8.3, you can often find useful applications for implementing the task.

To understand the basics, you will need materials, which we will look at below.

Video instructions with conversion

To set up data exchange in 1C for the additional configuration “1C Data Conversion” on the application, see the video:

Materials, accessories for witchcraft 1C Data conversion 2.0

There are not a lot of materials and documentation at the moment, I tried to collect the most important and useful materials:

0. In front of us, the catless video course by Illya Leontiev, available at sent.

1. I would like to please you to get used to the configuration beforehand. It's really badly written and technically well-implemented:

2. Another important source of information is the site http://www.mykod.info/ (the site has closed), which specializes in converting data. There you can access a large number of conversion materials.

3. I would also like to see the training manual for the assistant - (author - Olga Kuznetsova).

  • Video – 21st initial year
  • Methodological materials in PDF - 117 pages A4
  • 16 practical tasks from solved billing

Course format, support

Materials are available immediately after payment is made – you will receive them from the site and will be available at any time.

Support is provided through the Master Group on the website.

Full access to the Master Group may be activated no later than 100 days after purchase.

Relevance of the course

The course materials are relevant for BSP version

If you plan to use older versions of the BSP, be aware that the operating mechanisms of the BSP “Data Exchange” subsystem have changed, and the interfaces have also changed.

The new course for the remaining version of the BSP is in the process of development and will be released over several months. Ale for versions of BSP and for young people the current course will be relevant.

Variety of the course

9700 rubles


We are aware of the beginning of 2008, introducing our courses and giving our course to this course. standard 60-day warranty.

This means that if you started taking our course, but then changed your mind (or, let’s say, you don’t have the courage), then you have a 60-day term to honor your decision - and if you return, we will return 100% of the payment.

Payment line-up

Our courses can be paid in installments or by payment, even without deductions. With this You can access materials immediately.

This is possible when paying for personal reasons in the amount of 3,000 rubles. up to 150,000 rub.

Everything you need to earn is by selecting the payment method “Payment via Yandex.Cas”. Next, on the payment system website, select “Pay in installments”, indicate the term and amount of payments, fill out a short form - and after a couple of steps you will receive a decision.

Payment options

We accept all major forms of payment.

Type of physical features- Pay with cards, pay electronically (WebMoney, YandexMoney), pay through Internet banking, pay through coupling shops, and so on. It is also possible to pay for the contract in installments (using a payout), even without additional payments.

Start filling out your order - and in the next step you can choose the shortest payment method.

Type of organization and individual entrepreneur– unprepared payment, documents are required for postage. You enter your terms and conditions and you can immediately release the order for payment.

The beginning of many spivrobitsniks

Our courses are designed for individual learning. Group pursuit of one set means illegal distribution of all kinds.

If the company needs to learn how to produce a number of new equipment, we call it “additional kits”, which cost 40% less.

To complete an application for the “additional kit” select form 2 or more course sets, starting from another set The exchange rate will be 40% cheaper.

Є three different types of additional kits:

  • It is not possible to add more additional set, since before (or at the same time after it) there was no addition, I would like one primary one
  • There are no discounts on additional sets yet (they are so discounted, it would be “reduced to reduced”)
  • There are no promotions on additional kits (for example, compensation of 7000 rubles) for the same reasons

Respect! Now the course is held in the evening from 18:30 to 21:30 in a classroom format.

The “Data Conversion 3.0” configuration has now been released. It is important to understand that edition 2.1 has not lost its relevance and, as before, was a tool for implementing one-time exchanges and re-transfer of data. Also, in edition 2.1 it is possible to develop the rules for registering objects (PRO), which are used in exchanges implemented with the help of CD 3.0. At this time, the agent who is engaged in the exchange of data is guilty of both KD 2.1 and KD 3.0.

Purpose of the course: become familiar with the possibilities of organizing exchange between “1C:Enterprise” configurations (both “standard” and independently separated) using the additional technology “Data Conversion 3.0” (exchange with the corresponding format “En” terpriseData").

Configuration Conversion of data 2.1 and 3.0 may be based on the same principles. We have prepared a video that describes the differences in these configurations.

The course will cover

  • the possibility of configuring "Data Conversion 3.0" for creating or modifying existing conversions, adjusting the rules for registering objects "Data Conversion 2.1" (detailed in the previous edition of the conf Instructions for registering objects required for exchange with the "EnterpriseData" format)
  • Integration of the initial database with the “Library of standard subsystems” (the functionality of the “Data Exchange” subsystem itself implements the ability to exchange through the Universal Format).

Insurance course for insurance providers, which covers basic programming skills on the 1C:Enterprise 8 platform. For complete mastery of the material, basic knowledge of work (configuration and programming) is carried out using the ceramic add-on “1C:Enterprise 8”. These possibilities are discussed in the course “Additions that are covered.”

With respect to your respects, this course examines the basics of converting data from (to) systems based on the 1C:Enterprise technology platform into a universal format. Data related to the exchange of data from other systems (technologies that support exchange through a universal format) are discussed in the course “Integration and data exchange”.

The WEB course includes:

Format navchannya


What is the format:The presentation format provides a rich advantage of distance learning over face-to-face delivery, presented by video materials and online consultations.
The WEB course consists of videos, practical assignments and webinars with presentations. All course materials have full access via the Internet - you can study right away. The course is divided into classes. Over the long haul, they study materials with current topics, complete practical work, and complete the workbook. At the end of the skin session, a webinar is held, in which the reader sorts out all the foods found, types of treatments, and explains the correct solutions. Recording of webinars available on the portal. In this order, it takes a lot to go through one by one. For example, an independent work and a webinar are carried out.

Trivalism: 5 years

What is the format:

Trivalism:40 academic years

What is the format:A full-time course is a format that combines all the advantages of full-time training, distance technologies and individual training. The lesson takes place in a qualified elementary class, you independently learn the course materials (training videos) and complete the practical work. In whom there is a compiler in the audience who is ready to respond to any questions and assist with the most practical tasks, as well as verify the correctness of their instructions.
Advantages – individual consultations based on your nutrition, so that the pace of completing the material is suitable for you.
All this gives a more in-depth treatment of the course material.
This course can be taken during your work place with the additional effect of the presence of the contribution there, where you study! If this opportunity appeals to you, call us!

Trivalism:40 academic years

Course program

Course program


Features of the development of new exchange technology

Previous adjustments

Adjusting the conversion rules

  • Transferring a simple object (advance preparation)
  • Adjusting synchronization configuration
  • Adjusting the rules for converting value data
  • Transferring the folding tent (preparatory stage)
  • Transfer of hierarchical data
  • Recognition of the number of equals in the hierarchy
  • Transfer of additional data
  • Vikoristannya additional details
  • Data synchronization
  • Registry of records “Public identifiers of objects that are synchronized”
  • Transferring documents
  • A summary of the data has been added
  • Submitting documents and selecting parameters
  • Carrying over surplus (more algorithms)

Adjusting the rules for registering objects

Integration with a library of standard subsystems

  • underground position
  • Subsystem “Data exchange”
  • Integration with the "Data exchange" subsystem

Technical benefits:

  • access to the Internet (you can check your channel link by connecting to ),
  • Availability of the 1C:Enterprise platform 8.3 (not lower than 8.3.6) for completing practical course assignments.

You can vikorist "1C:Enterprise 8". Version for beginner programming.
- electronic (costless) delivery on platform 8.3,

The main thing that comes to mind when starting work in the "1C: Data Conversion" configuration, edition 3.0 - what's the difference? What is the difference between edition 3.0 and edition 2.1.
Intellectually, the capacities can be divided into two groups:

  • Functional
  • Architectural

Architectural features

In version 2.1, there was a development of the rules of exchange, in addition to the skin configuration taken. After this, these rules were used in a universal exchange process in XML format or for exchanging rules between configurations. At the output, a file with extended XML was generated, which is a revenge against the data of the collectors, which is on the side of the owner. Edition 3.0 has a single universal format EnterpriseData This is followed by the transfer of three main types of data:
  • Regulatory and regulatory information
  • Documents
  • Surplus as of date in kilkis or soum terms
Description of the EnterpriseData format version 1.0 can be viewed. This version of the format includes a description of 94 types of business entities from various areas of business. It is also significant that the format is expandable.


For the possibility of formatting EnterpriseData It is necessary to have the latest version of the Library of Standard Subsystems not lower than 2.2.5, otherwise version 2.1.
Do you need to develop rules for one-time transfer of data (or renewal) or transfer of surplus... Then! It is more and more important to vikorist to develop the conversion of edition 2.1
If you want a reliable and reliable exchange of solutions on the “1C:Enterprise” platform (for the reason that the BSP version supports), then your choice is “1C:Data Conversion” edition 3.0.

Great! Who can say that until this day we continue to exchange data in the old format, and every second gigabytes of data fly by, and everything continues to work... It works like crazy! As well as many organizations, vikoryst is using the 1C platform version 7.7 to build it. It is important to understand that we are talking about the new format, and about those that typical solutions use the "EnterpriseData" format, and also, to conduct development in the 3.0 edition, you need to take note at the same time.

Colleagues, there are two new releases from CD 3.0

1. Already accepted more than 500 applications for the course. It dawned on me that not all the payments had been paid, but there was still something to be expected.

Therefore, dialing from the group is pragmatic, and Already through the good fortune of your brains it will be known.

2. For those who want to start practicing with CD 3.0, but for any reason it doesn’t reach the group – we’ll add it.

Three videos for beginners to use CD 3.0

Judging by the discussions on the spot, part of 1C-Niki "looks into the middle" of KD 3.0 and wins the stars, saying "too much" :)

In truth, everything is richly Orthodox. The whole thing seems more complicated.

Unknown - yes. Ale, we won’t fold.

We want to show you this today.

Today's videos include learning the rules of exchanges “from scratch” for self-written (non-standard) exchanges.

The setup of data exchange between standard ones will be completely similar, except that there will be more objects for exchange (more setup will need to be done).

I'll get it for 20 rubles:)

Moreover, half an hour consists of preparatory operations that need to be completed once before setting up the exchange.

If you want one of your colleagues to say: “so 1C has screwed up there at CD 3, damn it…” - show them this video.

If you want to say: “Ok, I’ll set up the transfer in a couple of days” and then break OLE/.txt - show this video.

Let the old farts be disgraced :)))

Well, we probably have a simple task - transferring the elements of the editor, but let’s do everything correctly:

  • The exchange will be processed through a universal format (vivantage xdto)
  • If you change the object, exchange plans and standard change registration functionality will be affected.

In this way you will understand how to transfer to CD 3.0 from scratch.

These video lessons are relevant for BSP edition 2.3.2(For any version older than

If you are using an older version of the BSP, you can make a “correction” to the interface that has changed and expanded functionality. For this purpose, you can independently repeat the example from the video.

In the lesson, we will introduce obligatory activities to adjust the exchange:

  • Vivantage of the metadata structure with the configuration of the device and the device
  • Interesting metadata in CD 3.0
  • Zavantazhennya XDTO packages EnterpriseData and ExchangeMessage in CD 3.0
  • gateway two conversions– for configurations the device is used

If you have already tried this, you can happily hop on to the next video - that’s where the transference magic will unfold :)

In the video we will show:

  • Yak adjust the network objects and authorities between configuration and universal format
  • Yak transfer rules code the external module has a configuration-device
  • How to Vivantage Data in universal format

Before the speech, as part of the course we show how to exit these same actions without changing the configuration ( without any lifting).

We will also demonstrate how to create the rules necessary for data exchange:

  • Rules for the conversion of objects (PKO)
  • Rules for the Conversion of Powers (PCS)
  • Rules for converting forward data (PCPD)
  • Rules for processing data (PID)

So we'll show you how to understand what kind of power format is obligatory for filling.

Video No. 3: Capturing data from a universal format

In this lesson, the rules for capturing host configuration data are created.

So, just like in the case of development, it is necessary to adjust the PKO, PKS, PID.

As a result, we rejected the exchange that is working on the exchange plans:

And a few words about dialing to a group

There are a lot of applications.

Call us just skip dialing to the group.

But here everything is simpler - you will lose the opportunity to buy a course, but we will raise the price to 9700 tomorrow (Wednesday, May 25).

Znizhki and pilgi will also be announced tomorrow.

The only culprit is the purchasers of the rate according to KD 2.0: for them the price will be 6900 for a few more days. For those who turn away from stress, and there is a squad in the bedroom, and here it was :)