What is Open Graph and how to get traffic from social networks. Alyapuvatiy Alyapuvatiy shop html

Rough, unsubtle, unbreakable.

Similarity to the word ungrabable

A form of the Russian word “oblyapati” (to act rudely, abyak).

Ownership of the word malady

Zagal slang.

Butt vikoristanny of the word ungrabable

You need to be convinced of this uncanny style.

Budinok Viishov is indestructible.

I wouldn't undertake such a messy repair on my own.

At the great square window, in front of which stood a sewing machine—a Czech writing desk—Isaac Illich pasted an intricately painted and painted glass.

Ale, with all the importance of the chase, there was no need for subtlety and sweetness, and such inconsistency, which would indicate those who were prepared with a successful misfortune, inappropriately, inappropriately, The foxes were majestic and showed themselves not only by their works, but also by their works of beauty.

The fever has taken over Britain, flooding the nation with cribs with scarabs, teapots with krills, indestructible stereo photographs of fallen obelisks and small - just for the stone police - wearable sphinxes made of milestone.

Our entire table with a majestic slimy deck, on which baked meat lay in pieces, a high, ungrabbed clay pot with calamute mead, a pole canopy above us, from which dry paws hung from between, and, they say, ours were confused by this no silhouette. everything took on such a gloomy, primal coloring.

Like undead shepherds and shepherds in the manner of Bush, and Lancret laughed and stood empty over the windows.

The threads, the whole ungraspable flower beds of flickering electric light bulbs were together with the flatter ligroine flames of the mortgages, and because of them everything flickered, trembled, and shook.

In the machine department, motorist Stepanivna, a large lady with heavily applied cosmetics, was in charge of the engines and other technical skills.

The new opus of a dubious aristocrat promised to be clean from the front: the picture on the uncloaked, brightly colored cover depicted a mischievous steam crew of a new design - with a smooth and swollen, like a fox seam Brie Shviralitsi.

On the table in the office there is a bulky and unnecessary writing utensil: a tall inkwell with a sandbox, a cut-out knife, a flask for feasting, an important press-book, a compiler, all gray stone with ungrabbed bronze.

Having been consumed by the world of luxurious mansions, she gave birth to a sick son, in which oppression the rich generations of Gregory and Halletts aesthetically blossomed into a yearly color, having developed a passion for Russian operas and speeches, whose simplicity of soul was attributed to the chots, to the clothes of the Capri villagers and to Domenichino's canvases.

Felsner-Imbs with a black piano and mountains of rusty notes, with goldfish and a shortbread fish, with untouched photographs of famous artists and musicians, with a porcelain figurine of a porcelain ballet dancer that caught on the and porcelain ballet shoes in one of the classic apartments that came together, Let's not change the faded trellises in the living room and not with the flowers in the bedroom.

It’s time for a love affair with my father, the words of the wedding ceremony were muttered over clasped hands in the dark Franciscan church with unforgiving gilding, and behind two witnesses, Albert and Absalom.

We cannot be deprived of something to the point of unsatisfaction, be it empty, a vulgar book or a poor, mediocre picture, something mass-produced to decorate new apartments, a rotten film or a hastily edited TV show, a chimerical style of cloth or a poor one, creative

He painted small, uncanny pictures with views of Widnia, and all the monuments of the capital, such as St. Stephen's Cathedral, the Opera House, the Burgtheater, the Schönbrunn Palace and the Roman ruins in the Schönbrunn Park.

We have published a new book, “Content Marketing in Social Media: How to Get into the Heads of Payers and Confuse Them with Your Brand.”

Open Graph is a protocol that forms the external appearance of external messages to the social network

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Open Graph micro-layout is now needed

From now on, the protocol will be broken up for Facebook, but at the same time it will be used in many other social settings. The simplest application of the Open Graph robot is sent to Google and Yandex on the VKontakte page:

The site independently displays either a picture or text, most often those that are the first to touch. No one wants to deprive themselves of such a message on their wall and move on with it.

What happens if you use the Open Graph protocol:

  • on the preview before sending the correspondent, download relevant images or videos;
  • The post can be accompanied by additional text, a slogan and a description;
  • the publication looks like a full-fledged independent object.

In this manner, we will add to the protocol the vikoristannya protocol for your resource at the social media. Customers want to click on such messages, so they can immediately download what they check after going to the side of your site.

How to customize Open Graph micro-distribution: from theory to practice

In order for Open Graph to work, you need to enter additional meta data in the tags і .

Main tags of Open Graph