How to change hotkeys in Windows XP.

Merezheva security

Windows is the most popular operating system in the world.

The number of its members amounts to tens or even hundreds of millions of people.

Microsoft developers, who continually create new versions of the OS, have always realized the level of reliability that lies behind them.

That's why we decided to sell such a product that would make it comfortable for us to profit from.

Windows XP is not to blame.

To increase the ease of use of the operating system, hot keys have been introduced. This article will look in detail at what is needed in order to end things.

Meaning of the term

Hotkeys Windows XP - buttons on the keyboard that, when pressed at once, are assigned to the programmed action.

The system memory is set behind.

Koristuvachev will lose their money in order to protect the hour and hour of any actions.

The selection of Windows XP hotkeys, before entering the Ctrl button, is familiar to every skin care professional.

Ale nagadati yogo zaivim.

If you simultaneously press the C button with Ctrl, the text on the screen will be copied, X - edited, V - pasted;

A - the entire text of the active page or active work field will be visible; S - saved current document;

O – a dialog is called up, which allows you to select a file to open, P – a different document is selected, N – a new document is created.

If you press the Z key at the same time, this action will be skewed, and again, the previous action will also be skewed.

However, in some programs such as Adobe Photoshop, this combination of skew only leaves the rest of the action and rotates it with repeated pressure.

If you press Ctrl and the F4 key at the same time, you will close the window of the currently running program.

The combination of Ctrl with Alt and Del is one of the most popular sets of hot keys.

You open the Windows Security window, where you can choose what to do with the system: change the password, block access, or turn off the computer completely.

The combination with the End key on the right panel, which is activated, allows you to quickly go to the end of the file, instead of scrolling for a long time, for example, and with the Home key, it allows you to go to the beginning of the document.

Combinations with Alt

If you simply press this key, the “Start” menu will open, and if you use it in combination with Tab, you will be able to switch between program windows, with F1 you will be able to dial Windows hotkeys XP, which you can see for the sake of achieving good work with an operating system;

з R – a window will open where you can select the “Connect” command, where you can enter various system commands (for example, open the console, open the root folder and many others), F – open the search window, etc. about information on the page or at the window, E – The “My Computer” add-on will open, D – the desktop will open, and if you press Win+D again, then all the windows that were opened previously will turn in the cob position, M – as described above, all the windows will burn, L – will block the computer.

The remaining combination is especially useful for office workers or those who need to quickly obtain information that is located in the system, from outside eyes.


It is most often easy to use hotkeys and Windows XP keys to view several objects, for example, photos in an album or documents in a folder.

For whom the following combinations can be used: Shift and arrows (left mouse button), Ctrl and arrows (left mouse button).

With the help of Shift you can easily see more information about this.

For example, when pressing on the first object on the mental list, the tenth one sees everything that is between the first and tenth ones inclusive.

By using Ctrl, objects can be seen vibrately.

For example, if you press Ctrl on the first object and on the tenth, then the smell will disappear.

Everything should be kept in mind by the situation.

Keys F top row

On the keyboard itself (it doesn’t matter whether it’s a laptop or a full-fledged personal computer) there are a large number of hot keys that, without combination, involve all important actions that make it easier for the robot to work with the system.

For example, the Print screen key takes a screenshot of the current screen.

You can open it and start editing it or save it in any graphics editor (Zocrema, Paint).

Before speaking, if you press this key simultaneously with Alt, the clipboard will contain the image of the window that is active at the time the screenshot is taken.

The Esc key closes or lights up the dialog or otherwise active window, and the Del key displays the object views.

When you go to a text document, it displays all the text, symbols that go before the cursor.

By pressing the Tab key, the focus moves in the dialog box, and the skip acts as an activation button or setting the so-called flag.

Digital keyboard (activation via Num Lock)

This typesetting field, as you can see, contains not only numbers, but also various other objects, including algebraic signs, slashes and arrows.

If you use this field in the frames, for example, of “Explorer”, then using the arrows, plus and minus buttons you can adjust the navigation, so that you can browse and browse catalogs, go into them, admire them, and you can display everything with the star sign folders , which are included in this catalogue.

Visnovok « » We let you know not only what the hot keys are in the Windows XP operating system, but also what their specific applications, combinations are, and how these combinations are created.

By using a small number of hot keys, you will speed up your work on the computer, and the efficiency will increase significantly.

The list of hot keys for Windows XP is lower.

Zagalni Ctrl + C

– Copy video elements. Ctrl+A

- See everything. If you are in a text document, then when you press these keys, you will see all the text, and if you are in a folder that contains other files, you can see all the files and folders.

Ctrl + X- Virizati.

The command verifies the visible elements (files, folders or text). Ctrl + V

- Paste. Paste the copied and revised elements.

Ctrl + Z- Skasuwati.

For example, if you have typed out the text in MS Word, then using these keys you will rotate the output text back (skewed input and action).

ALT+ ENTER or ALT + Double click the left mouse button– Review of the power of the seen element(s) (selected for files).
CTRL+F4– Exactly close the program window.
View files and text Delete

– Vidality element(s).

If you select this key in the text, then by placing the mouse cursor in the middle of the word and pressing the Delete button, the selection will appear to the right. Shift + Delete– Vidality element(s), bypassing the cat. For files and folders.і Backspace -.
See the text. If you work in a text editor, then this key can be used to delete text, place the cursor, perhaps in the middle of a sentence, by pressing the “Backspace” button, or right-hand to left.

Others— Open the Start menu or
CTRL+ESC, the button appears and appears between the buttons
For files and folders. CTRL
— Switching between windows and programs. ALT+ F4-
Close the window or exit the program. ALT+ Space
- Enter the system menu for the streaming window.- Vision of elements.
By pressing CTRL, you can select elements. For example, while in the folder, use the left mouse button to click on the folders that you need to copy or copy, after seeing it, release CTRL and select the folders you see for further work with them.

CTRL+TAB- Rukh ahead of the bookmarks.

SHIFT + ARROW— View of elements with arrows left, right, down and up.

Suspension for text and files. ESC - Start the operation..

When you open, for example, the authorities of a folder by pressing the ESC button, the “Authorities” window will close. ENTER

– Open the file or folder. TAB

- Roc forward for options.- Show the work table (all the windows are lit, when pressed again, they are lit at the window near the cob mill).

There are a lot of standard hotkeys that work not only in Windows XP, but also in most versions of Windows, as well as in many Windows add-ons.

Hotkeys on the desktop and Windows Explorer

Display of the Start menu.
Ctrl+Shift+EscapeThe dispatcher's call is much more urgent, no matter how different.
Click on the Windows Security dialog.
Displays the context menu of the stream object.
Win+ELaunch Explorer.
Win+RDisplays the "Launch programs" dialog ("Start" - "Visconati").
Win+MAll windows are lit (show the work table).
Win + Shift + MGrab a handful of all the vicons.
Win+DClose all the windows (show the work table) or squeeze out a bunch of all the windows
Win+BTransfer focus to the system tray (the area at the bottom is right-handed, right-handed).
Further is possible
Use the arrow keys to select, Enter to imitate a click, AppsKey or Shift+F10 toWin+L
Blocking the work station.
Launch Explorer with the search panel displayed.F3
Select or grab the panel from the conductor (remixer).Win+F1
Click for Windows updates.Win+Pause
Vikklik to the dialogue of the authorities of the system (dialogue of the authorities with the icons “My Computer”).
Win + Tab
Win + Shift + Tab
Give focus to the command panel and navigate through the icons.
You can then use the arrow keys to select, Enter to imitate a click, AppsKey or Shift+F10 to
Simulates clicking the right button.
Alt + Shift + Tab
Click menu to move between windows (running programs)
and move along the new one.
Moving between windows (launched
Closing the active window (running a program).
Click on the dialogue on your desktopcompletion of Windows robots.
Block CD-ROM autorun (leave until the drive reads insertions thoroughly)disk).
PrintscreenCopy the screenshot to the clipboard.
Alt + Printscreen
Copying a screenshot of the current active window (add-ons) to the clipboard
bottom right, de godinnik).
In Explorer and Internet Explorer - moving between the main part of the window and the address part
side by side (F6), moving elements (side by side) of an open document (Tab).Alt+Enter
Click on the dialogue between the authorities of the object in the explorer and on the desktop.F2
Rename an object in Explorer or desktop.Ctrl+NumpadPlus
Automatic selection of column widths for the list in the explorer.Enter
ALT+ ENTER or ALT + Double click the left mouse buttonThe same ones that click on the object in the explorer or on the desktop.
CTRL+F4Visible object at the conductor or on the desktop.
You can see the distant object “past” the cat at the conductor or on the desktop.
Navigation along the explorer tree, hillock-hill
directory entries.NumpadAsterisk
The entire catalog is located in the explorer tree.F5
Update your browser window or Internet Explorer.Backspace
Go to the top of the mountain in the Explorer or Internet Explorer window.F4

Go to the address bar in Explorer or Internet Explorer.

Hotkeys of the desktop and Windows Explorer connected to clicks and drag-and-dropDescription
PriyomDrag with Ctrl
Copying an object from Explorer or desktop.Drag from Shift
Moving an object on the Explorer or desktop.Drag using Ctrl+Shift
Creating a shortcut for an object for a conductor or a worker
stil.Click with Ctrl
Creating a shortcut for an object for a conductor or a worker
Visibility of many objects in sufficient order in the explorer or on the desktopClick with Shift
Visibility of many related objects on the Explorer and desktop.Double click with Shift
Open the folders in Explorer in a new window, as the folder tree is saved.
A folder tree will open in the new window.Double click with Ctrl
Open the folders in Explorer in a new window, as the folder tree is saved.

The folder tree will be selected.

First of all, you need to delete the videos from the folder (single click on

Hotkeys for Windows programs and dialogs
Note: these keys can be used directly (not in all programs).
However, these keys are standard
"behaviors" of Windows programs.
Copy to clipboard.
View the clipboard.Ctrl+V
Shift + Insert
Insert clipboard.Ctrl+N
Create a new document, project or something similar.In Internet Explorer you can't point
to open a new window with a copy instead of a stream window.Ctrl+S
Save the current document or project.Ctrl+O
– Copy video elements.Click the dialog to select a file to open the document or project.
Ctrl+ZReplace the click on the dialogue.
Ctrl+F4Close the child window (for example, close the current document).
Ctrl+F6Move between child windows (for example, go to the next open one
F1Viklik dovidki.
F11Switch to full screen mode and back (switch; for example, Internet Explorer).
side by side (F6), moving elements (side by side) of an open document (Tab).Switch to full screen mode and back (switch; for example, Windows Media
Player or in the command interpreter window).
Alt+SpaceViklik system menu window.
Alt + -Click the system menu of a child window (for example, a document window).
Viklik menu window.
EscapeExit the window menu (recover focus) or close the open dialog.
Alt+<буква> Click the menu command or open the menu.
Daily letters
In the menu, select armchairs (either initially or become armchairs after pressing Alt).
The menu column is already
Opened, then to click on a specific command, you can press the key with the letter corresponding to that command.
There is also an open context menu.
Shift + Tab
Automatic selection of column widths for the list in the explorer.Navigate through the dialog control elements (sometimes this action also works with
I will help you Enter).
Click on the currently active button in the dialog.
Often - pressing on the “get ready” button
at the dialogue.
Ctrl+PageUpGo to
Icon of proportions and peremikachiv in dialosis.
Go to the words in the text.
It works not only in text editors,
and in the dialogue entry fields.
Scroll text vertically or move up and down between paragraphs
Seeing the text.
I don't do it
This is especially true in text editors, but also in dialogue fields.
Seeing the text behind the words.
Not only does it work
in text editors, and in dialog entry fields.


Ctrl + Home
Ctrl+End<буква>Moving to the beginning-end of a row of text, document or
table.<буква>Assigning hotkeys to shortcuts

Shortcuts in the main menu or on the desktop can be assigned hot keys.

You can use the special built-in capabilities of Windows to enable you to use your keyboard.

It may be brown in cases where the mouse is missing (for example, in case of unforeseen breakdowns) or in situations where it is necessary to re-select the mouse indicator with very high accuracy (for example, when working with graphics). Press the key combination to access the mouse emulation mode dialog box. Left Alt + Left Shift + NumLock

.After clicking “OK” in the dialog, the mouse emulation mode is activated (in which case there is a “Options” button, which allows you to set important behavior options for the mode, for example, the speed of moving the mouse cursor i).
You can exit this mode at any time by pressing the same key combination.If the mode is active, the tray has a characteristic icon that represents a mouse.
5 Hotkeys in mouse emulation mode (all keys are rotated on a right-handed numeric keypad):
+ NumLock
/ Timing of the hourly suppression/adjustment of the target emulation mode.
If the mode is lowered, the pictogram on the tray changes to chairs.
* 1, 2, 3, 4, 6, 7, 8, 9 (all numbers, except zero and the “central” five)
0 Move the mouse cursor in all directions, close to the diagonal.
. Press the keys until the mouse cursor moves smoothly across the screen.

The Ctrl and Shift modifiers allow you to significantly speed up or increase the movement of the mouse cursor, as these modifiers are allowed in the parameters, as described above.

Many people who own computers and laptops want to speed up their work with them.

Sometimes you don't have to manually click on different dialog boxes to copy and paste an element. In order to forgive this problem, there are so-called hot keys, as clicking will speed up the process and make it easier to work on the computer.

Hot keys

– This involves the addition of a number of buttons on the keyboard, which allows you to select a song with different objects.

This article tells us about hotkeys that are used in Windows XP.

Dzherelo material -

WIN – the key with the Windows icon.

Vikorist works on standard keyboards.

Rotated in the lower left corner (call 2nd or 3rd zliva)

Left – left arrow

Right – right-handed arrow Moving to the beginning-end of a row of text, document or Down – down arrow Up – arrow uphill

Ctrl+Shift+Escape Space - break

Hotkeys for the desktop and Windows Explorer WIN

Ctrl+Escape- Viklik window START

- Viklik dispatcher Moving to the beginning-end of a row of text, document or Alt+Tab Shift+F10

- Visibility of the context menu of the stream object Moving to the beginning-end of a row of text, document or Alt+Escape Ctrl+Alt+Delete

add-ons).- Display the Windows Security Dialog window

Click on the dialogue on your desktop Alt+Tab

Block CD-ROM autorun (leave until the drive reads insertions thoroughly)– click on the window for accessing open programs and switching between them

Printscreen Alt+Escape

side by side (F6), moving elements (side by side) of an open document (Tab).- Moving between windows

Click on the dialogue between the authorities of the object in the explorer and on the desktop.– A command that allows you to close an active window or a running program.

Rename an object in Explorer or desktop. When you enter this command on the desktop, the Windows completion dialog will start

ALT+ ENTER or ALT + Double click the left mouse button– if you press the key while reading the disc, the command to block CD-ROM autorun will be displayed

CTRL+F4– take a screenshot of the screen and copy it to the clipboard

Automatic selection of column widths for the list in the explorer.– take a screenshot of just the open window and copy it to the clipboard

The entire catalog is located in the explorer tree.- a click from the window of power of the object displayed on the desktop or in the explorer

Update your browser window or Internet Explorer.– renaming the visible object displayed on the desktop or in Explorer

Go to the top of the mountain in the Explorer or Internet Explorer window.– automatic selection of column widths for the list in the explorer

– Moving an object from the explorer or desktop to the box

– outside the view of the object from the desktop and the conductor. After pressing these keys, the object will not move but will be immediately removed

Win+E– when clicked on the image, the object is replaced by the clicking mouse

Win+R– Update your window

Win+M– at the open window of the explorer there is a transition to one level up the mountain

Win + Shift + M– move to the address row of the explorer

Win+D Hot keys behind the additional WIN button

Win+B– transfer focus to the lower part of the work table.

After this, you can apply the lower elements without vikoristanya. Moving to the beginning-end of a row of text, document or Win + Tab Win + Tab

Use the arrow keys to select, Enter to imitate a click, AppsKey or Shift+F10 to– transfer focus to the command panel

– exit from the menu for selecting your computer Moving to the beginning-end of a row of text, document or Win+F Win+F

Launch Explorer with the search panel displayed.– launches Explorer with the active search panel

Click for Windows updates.– the conductor displays or the entrance panel searches

- Wikklik to the dialogue between the authorities of the system

Hotkeys for dialogs and Windows programs

Many of these hotkeys are used for working in various programs, so most of them work with desktop objects. Moving to the beginning-end of a row of text, document or Note: these keys can be used directly (not in all programs). Ctrl+C

– Copy images of an object Moving to the beginning-end of a row of text, document or CTRL+F4 Ctrl+X

– Virus of visions of the object Moving to the beginning-end of a row of text, document or Copy to clipboard. Ctrl+V

Save the current document or project.– Paste an object from the clipboard

View the clipboard.– Ask the rest of the story

Insert clipboard.- Creation of a new object

Create a new document, project or something similar.- Saving the running object

to open a new window with a copy instead of a stream window.– click on the dialog to open the file

– Copy video elements.– click on the window for a stream file

Ctrl+P- Visibility of all objects

Ctrl+Z- vyklik dialogue search

Ctrl+F4– click on the dialogue and replace it

Ctrl+F6– closing the current closed file

F1– go to the currently opened file

F11 Moving to the beginning-end of a row of text, document or side by side (F6), moving elements (side by side) of an open document (Tab).– team wikliku dovidki

Alt+Space- Switch to full screen mode and back

Alt + -- click on the system menu of an open window

Click on the system menu of a child window Moving to the beginning-end of a row of text, document or F10 Alt

Escape– click on the open window menu

exchange. Moving to the beginning-end of a row of text, document or There is also an open context menu.– exit the menu of the open window

- Navigation through control elements Moving to the beginning-end of a row of text, document or Ctrl+Tab Moving to the beginning-end of a row of text, document or Ctrl+Shift+Tab Moving to the beginning-end of a row of text, document or Ctrl+Tab Ctrl+PageDown

- Navigate through bookmarks Moving to the beginning-end of a row of text, document or Space Ctrl+Left

– go to the words in the open window Livoruch or right hand Moving to the beginning-end of a row of text, document or Go to the words in the text. Ctrl+Up

– move up or down in paragraphs or vertically scroll text up or down Moving to the beginning-end of a row of text, document or Shift+Left Moving to the beginning-end of a row of text, document or Shift+Right Moving to the beginning-end of a row of text, document or text. Shift+Up

– seeing the text up, down, left-handed or right-handed. Moving to the beginning-end of a row of text, document or Shift+Down Ctrl+Shift+Left

– see the text behind the words left and right Moving to the beginning-end of a row of text, document or Home Moving to the beginning-end of a row of text, document or End Moving to the beginning-end of a row of text, document or Seeing the text behind the words. Ctrl + Home

– moving to the beginning or end of a row of text/document/table

Hot keys paired with a target Ctrl+drag

- Copying an object Shift + drag

- Moving an object Ctrl+Shift+Drag

- Creation of the label Ctrl + click

- Visibility of several objects. When you do this, press the Ctrl key and select a number of objects in the appropriate order

Shift + click– visibility of many related objects

Shift + double click- Open folders in a new window

Ctrl + double click

Wait, there is a richly copyable word or any other object, for example a file, press Ctrl + C, right-click on it and select the “Copy” item in the menu.

Below is a list of Windows XP hotkeys, which in truth seem to be not only available in this operating system; in Windows, this list will be the same, except for certain combinations, which will be written about in the next article.

Press the keys in order: if it says Ctrl + A, then press Ctrl first, and then press A, without releasing Ctrl, at all.

At the same time, you don’t need to press all the keys.

Keys F top row

Sometimes you don't have to manually click on different dialog boxes to copy and paste an element.

You will also need, for those who do not yet know, that the Win key, as you will see many times, is located at the very bottom of the right hand next to the left Ctrl, with the Windows icon painted on it.

Another hidden Menu key is located next to the right Alt.

What can happen?


The Start menu opens


Click on “Workshop Manager”

"Explorer" starts

The same ones as “Start” - “Viconati”

Lights up all windows and goes back

Blocks the work side

Click on Windows update

Vikno “System Power”

The search for files window opens


The window starts to search for computers

Vikklik to the dialogue of the authorities of the system (dialogue of the authorities with the icons “My Computer”).
Win + Tab

Take a screenshot of your entire screen

Icon of the active window and its location on the clipboard

Interchanges between buttons on the task panel

Hotkeys for Windows programs and dialogs
Note: these keys can be used directly (not in all programs).

Moving between panels.

"behaviors" of Windows programs.

For example, between the desktop and the “Swedish Launch” panel

Copy to clipboard.

See everything, browse both to the text and to other objects

Copy to clipboard is blocked both to the text and to other objects

Uploading to the clipboard is limited to both text and other objects.

Paste from clipboard is limited to both text and other objects

A new document is being created.

The exact document is saved.

A dialog will open to select a file to open the document.

Sometimes you don't have to manually click on different dialog boxes to copy and paste an element.

You will also need, for those who do not yet know, that the Win key, as you will see many times, is located at the very bottom of the right hand next to the left Ctrl, with the Windows icon painted on it.

Ask for the rest of the day

Hotkeys for Windows programs and dialogs
Note: these keys can be used directly (not in all programs).

Block CD-ROM autorun (leave until the drive reads the inserted disc)

"behaviors" of Windows programs.

Hot keys for working with text

Copy to clipboard.

See all



Ctrl + →
Follow the words from the text.
Shift + ←

Shift + →


View of the text

This is especially true in text editors, but also in dialogue fields.
Seeing the text behind the words.


Seeing the text behind the words.

Ctrl + Shift + →

Seeing the text behind the words

Sometimes you don't have to manually click on different dialog boxes to copy and paste an element.

You will also need, for those who do not yet know, that the Win key, as you will see many times, is located at the very bottom of the right hand next to the left Ctrl, with the Windows icon painted on it.

Moving to the beginning and end of the row of text

Moving to the beginning and end of the document

Hot keys for working with files

Renaming an object


Copying an object

Copying an object from Explorer or desktop.

Moving an object

Moving an object on the Explorer or desktop.

Creating an object's shortcut


Seeing many objects in good order

Visibility of many objects in sufficient order in the explorer or on the desktop

Visibility of many related objects

The same ones that constantly click on the object

Visible object

Deletes an object, such as a file, that is not placed in the box

Hot keys for working with the explorer

Hotkeys for working with windows

Sometimes you don't have to manually click on different dialog boxes to copy and paste an element.

You will also need, for those who do not yet know, that the Win key, as you will see many times, is located at the very bottom of the right hand next to the left Ctrl, with the Windows icon painted on it.

Simulates clicking the right button.

Click the menu to move between windows and move to a new one


Transition between windows (in the order in which they were launched)

Interchange between multiple windows of the same program

Close the active window or on the desktop - click the Windows End dialog

Closing the active document in programs that allow multiple documents to be opened at once

Viklik menu window

Alt + − (minus)

Click the system menu of a child window (for example, a document window)

Exit the window menu or close the open dialog

Viklik system menu window

Click for more programs.

Go to the words in the text.

Vertically scroll the text or move up and down paragraphs of the text.

Hotkeys for working with dialog windows