Pomilka Flood Control VKontakte.

Golovna Merezheva security If you actively search for various opportunities on the social network VKontakte, you could get a mercy

"Flood Control" Merezheva security, which is to blame for the singing furnishings.

This article reveals the main reasons and methods for eliminating this problem.

To be clear, it is clear that the damage that is being looked at is solely the result of the help of the automated system for the protection of the VK website. Merezheva security.


You can, for obvious reasons, bypass any restrictions set by the administration. Note: It is important that most VKontakte users do not suffer from this problem, as long as they do not use third-party programs. Please note that this may not only happen on the latest version of the site, but also on mobile devices.

Moreover, third-party programs themselves, such as Kate Mobile, are most often the cause of culpability

Reason 1: High activity

The first and most relevant reason for the guilt of the meal, which seems to lie in the frequently displayed icon

"Befits me"

. Merezheva security This applies to both the official program and the VKontakte website.

The variety of posts you like does not matter - as soon as you rate a number of posts with different weights, there is a risk of mercy.

Before that, you can solve the problem by frequently giving special notices, comments and other activities. Merezheva securityє selection of various unofficial software.

There is a large extension that allows you to listen to music on VKontakte without going to the site or download songs.

All this also applies to the Kate Mobile mobile app, which has long replaced the official analogue for many wealthy customers. Merezheva security If in large areas it is difficult to penetrate without the ability to do so, then in this addition the benefit can literally penetrate through the skin of your life.

In fact, the most pressing problem is that of guilt

for a third-party PZ is located in the victorious field.

There are also programs for mobile devices and extensions for Internet browsers.

It is entirely acceptable to look for an alternative to whatever extension you need that gives you the power you need.

However, this approach can be tricky, since most important browser plugins are unique.

Reason 3: Outdated versions

The message may appear in certain programs and programs, such as VKmusic and Kate Mobile, since the version is already outdated.

The need to update to protect the police is also relevant in connection with the official VKontakte add-on.

You can solve the problem by simply downloading the latest version on the official page of the program on Google Play or the website.


  1. Regardless of the reasons for the guilt, the problem can be solved simply by not violating the basic rules of the VKontakte social network.
  2. PHP Timeout (assigned to the hour of work associated with external resources).
  3. Damage to the normal structure of the .htaccess file, exceeding the server memory limit.
  4. The heating panel has non-expansion options enabled.

The Javascript Error on VKontakte is associated with the incorrect operation of modules written in JavaScript - scripting my add-ons.

They are of sufficient strength that their specificity will be useful to other Java programs.

How to troubleshoot Javascript Error and Server Error on VK

  1. If you are a serious cashier, and the above descriptions of your favors are repeated at all times (and among friends and acquaintances from VKontakte, all the time), then you need to do the following:
  2. Reverse the page by pressing F5 or Ctrl+F5 in the browser.
  3. Possibly, it’s just a “glitch” of the page and after re-engagement it’s gone.
  4. Renovate your computer, a truism that is often used;
  5. Try changing your browser, this has helped some koristuvachs in the downloaded messages that are being described;
  6. Save some money.
  7. It is possible that the problem is of a temporary nature, and investigators will soon be able to correct it;
  8. Remove suspicious extensions from your browser.
  9. Such extensions as Vkplugin, Vksaver and others may be responsible for the appearance of problems that seem to me.
  10. Delete them, and then try to access the site again to check its effectiveness, as shown in the video below;

However, this approach can be tricky, since most important browser plugins are unique.

The most common causes of Server Error and Javascript Error are the failure of the VKontakte social network.

Rest assured, retailers are already aware of the problem, and investors can begin to rely on the stable work of the social system.

If your friends are working on this site, everything is going well, then be quick with my pleasure for a specific merchant, who will allow you to quickly and effectively correct the problem. Shvidke's decision Most often, such a treat will appear when you like it.

It appears

Flood Control

  1. and do not like.
  2. The download occurs both on the phone and in the latest version in the browser.
  3. This is also the case with koristuvachs using the Kate Mobile program.

How to clean up the mess - options:

If you put a lot of likes after a while, check out the time, and get two more.

Those you want to like can still be bookmarked. Note: It is important that most VKontakte users do not suffer from this problem, as long as they do not use third-party programs. Once you have chosen the program or expanded it to attract music, then don’t abuse it anymore. If you have installed Flood Control on Kate Mobile, update Kate Mobile to the latest version. More details Pomilka Flood Control, if you like it

The Kate Mobile program sometimes does not allow liking (badges)


Press on your heart and the writing appears

Flood Control.

Please note that I can’t give a like via Q&A.

This allowance for listening to music (audio recordings) is due to the fact that in 2017 VK had a restriction on the cost-free listening of music for a mobile add-on - initially there was 1 year to download, and then every year ini.

This means that if you have not updated the VK program on your phone, you will have to earn it.

And in third-party supplements like Kate Mobile, now, perhaps, the music will not turn on.

Hello everyone!

My vkmusic shows an authorization ban.

What is it timid?

The program began to disappear after the program was updated to the remaining version.

Before everything was wonderful, now it’s terrible.

Who's stuck with the problem?

Can you help me?

Vkmusic authorization issue, try restarting the program. May I help you?

Install the VKontakte DJ program and forget about the favors Nowadays you will have to worry about playing music because you can download and install Vkontakte DJ.

The solution in this case is simple: do not use third-party programs to listen to musical compositions from Vk, and also do not try to download them.

Once you have enough resources on the Internet, you can easily and harmlessly enjoy music :)