Business idea for selling consumer and digital equipment. Huawei Mate X pricing

I'm flying, dear friends. Today, I’m not consuming the current influx of food for the legal/legal “Business with China”, but the very small business/earnings from the resale of goods from Taobao, AliExpress and other Chinese sites. Even the rich people tutted: “If everything is legal and what is not, then how can we legitimize it?” Please note that all the information contained in this article is reported to the best of my ability and knowledge. So let's see.

A single legal scheme for the import of goods

In order to legally sell imported goods, in our branch from China, it is necessary to adhere to one single procedure:

  1. Purchase from a postal owner with submitted documents for the goods (invoices, certificates);
  2. Official distribution of goods and payment;
  3. The entire consignment of goods imported into the territory of the Russian Federation has been formalized. For this purpose, large copies of goods are produced, which undergo a low level of verification and after which the entire batch receives certificates.

That's all! There is no other way! Any product requires documents! What did you want? And start from scratch, and don’t purchase goods, and don’t invest finances, and don’t break laws, but rather take away the good money? Why not with our kohanim Taobao and Aliexpress?) First things first.

Resale of goods from Taobao, Aliexpress and in.

When making purchases on the Chinese sites Taobao, AliExpress, Tmall and similar ones, you are buying goods exclusively for special purchase, but not for systematic resale with the method of defrauding profits. It is your responsibility to know and understand! From which one can logically come to the conclusion that such resale of these goods is a single method of systematically snatching away the profits of ILLEGAL!

Log in everyone who sells clothes from China social measures Are they engaged in illegal activities in markets and stores? If 3 points of the scheme are not completed, then SO. Why are they still working? The types will be low. It’s not good for you to tear out your hair, curse me and my site, what long time ago writing to you about some illegal “Business with China” and going to other extremes. Read further.

How to sell

I will review those methods as I know, but if you know anything, then write in the comments. From behind, I will say that I do not call you on methods that break the laws.

Type 1. If you want to earn a full-time business by registering an IP/TOV, paying taxes, etc.

If you bring yourself to this category, there are two ways.

  1. Buy goods from Russia from postalniks, like whiskers hover necessary documents. These customers also purchase in China, and their great obligations allow them to obtain certificates for the goods, so it is not always cheap to purchase.
  2. Or you can buy goods from China, but not from Taobao and other sites, And for wholesale postal suppliers or producers in large bulk batches or in 40-foot containers, following 3 simple points of the diagram, which I wrote about on the cob itself.
  3. Or buy goods from Taobao and other websites without obtaining certificates, or sell the goods as used ones.
  4. The sales scheme can be used in the same way as at the consignment shops/second-hand stores for the skin position of the product with a description and to the best of our ability (reference station, cleaning in a dry cleaner and others). Phone sellers at the transitions will use this scheme. Transfer your goods for sale to your store for a contract. I believe that the reviewing authorities do not ask for a separate agreement, because for a long time now, we are talking about laws. If you want to buy goods, you can also buy certificates for these goods.

It’s important to follow the laws, but whoever sells like that. In our country there are a lot of opportunities to go through detailed documents.

So, you need to invest pennies, sometimes great pennies. Ale such life. If you want a full-time business, invest. Pennies to pay pennies. Think logically and you will understand that it’s not the other way around.

Problem 2. If you just want to make money by reselling goods from Taobao and similar ones.

  1. Proceed without IP/TOV, without documents for goods and other formalities, as most other in this activity.
  2. I’m talking about fractional earnings for living, 10-20-50 thousand rubles per month. I want someone who earns more money, but there is no one here. This option may be right. Sell ​​from Avito, to VK or else. No one needs something so small. People act in the markets without registration, documents and documents without registration, and here is the Internet. If caught, the fine is from 500 to 2000 rubles. They can do more, but not sing, so that your turnover and profit can be extracted more than punishment. All the numbers are there. Register as an individual entrepreneur and carry out legal activities through resale, as an intermediary.
  3. Tobto. Under the contract, you are charged money not for the product, but for the service of purchasing the product from Taobao. Tobto. You don’t care about the goods, you simply buy them for the client and collect them for the whole city. You can also pay for it. This scheme is legal, but it is hemorrhoids, so it is impossible to conclude an agreement with every buyer. If you sell a lot of goods in bulk, you can also. Golovnya should not buy up buried goods. Register as an IP/TOV and import goods legally, as is the case with the scheme.

This option is quite a minus, because it’s not obvious. For certificates and distribution you will get much more than the value of the product itself.

It is important to understand

Please understand that resales from Taobao, AliExpress, etc. cannot be called a full-time business. It’s all a small income that wants to bring in a lot of pennies, but still it’s not a business. Everyone has both legal and illegal ways of doing business, as you understand from the overinsurance of the property. So you will decide for yourself what you want: to start a business and invest, or just find out your secondary, supplementary and main income. And if you choose another option, then worry about legalization and other speeches. This is equivalent to the fact that you can legally drive at a speed of 120 km. per hour at an exchange rate of 60. Not really that’s all!

Although I don’t respect this pessimistic article, I don’t give any reasons for panic. I have thousands more people to ask for one article. And I sing that everyone who has been wise to sell from the beginning will continue to sell.

I look out for hectic discussions in the comments under the article, food, ideas, list and clarify!

With respect, Shmidt Mykola on There are a lot of retail outlets that sell phones, and at the same time other entrepreneurs open small shops with the same goods and successfully sell the same phones, but cheaper ones price segment. In this article we will talk about how to start a business from sales mobile phones in your own place, which product to focus on and which advertising methods you can use to get the largest number of customers.

Business specifics

Competition in this area is very high, doctors great internet stores in which young people have begun to buy all the daily equipment, but now some customers want to come to the store, look at the phone “live”, and then make a choice about their purchase. There were a lot of such buyers. Therefore, we can confirm with accuracy that separate trade phones, in general pributkovy business, especially in small provincial towns, where there are electronics supermarkets every day.

Basically, these other retail outlets deal not only with new devices, but also with selling used phones. Particularly in this segment is the sales of used devices from Apple and Samsung.

Also, their business is often motivated by the sale of cheap Chinese phones- Meizu, Xiaomi, One Plus, and others. Their choice is great, and for low price you will eliminate the productivity worries of your phone from having to deal with expensive from the outside looking in made from metal or glass. It is on such structures that local provincial shops make a lot of money. mobile devices, at which their price is usually a fraction lower than what is found in online stores and, of course, the service guarantee also increases customer confidence.

Accommodation and possession

Select retail space for business for sale old phones It's quite a lot of fun. Ask such stores to rent small retail islands in shopping centers, for example, between the tops, where there is a lot of traffic, or to rent a small store next to it. Golovne to know the place where it is today great flow people. This will save you money on advertising.

The size of the premises should be 15 sq. If this is a full-time store, and if it is a trading island, the area there will be 5 – 7 sq.m.

Now let's take a look at the possessions needed to sell mobile phones.

  • racks with cursed police;
  • boxes for storing assortments and packaging;
  • furniture under work place for the seller;
  • computer equipment with a printer, for other warranty cards;
  • friend to the store;
  • cash register;
  • Packaging products with store symbols.

Rules for trading phones

In order to open a retail outlet selling mobile devices, you will need to revoke all permissions from other services. Axis main documents:

  • You may be registered as an IP;
  • you need to enter the correct QUED. For Russia - 47.42 — Trade in separate telecommunications equipment, including separate trade in mobile phones, in specialized stores. For Ukraine 52.48.9 - Specialized specialized trade in non-food products.
  • product certificates;
  • shopper's little spot. Since this is a local store, it is also necessary to withdraw permission to trade under the SES and Fire Service. At the shopping center this food service is dominated by the administration.


Before you open a store that sells phones, you need to competently manage the assortment, the price list of your competitors. Find out what popular models they have, and find the owners of these devices. It will also be necessary to know the owners of used phones from Apple and Samsung. All of them can be found on the Internet, and, for example, a batch of Chinese phones can be purchased directly from China, through intermediary companies.

The main assortment of such outlets is:

  • mobile phones of new origin, in different price segments.
  • accessories for them: chargers, batteries, cases, liquids, etc.
  • audio devices: headphones, mobile speakers.
  • memory, flash drives and memory cards.
  • Power Bank. Portable charging devices.
  • Stilnikovy link: starter packs, connecting tablets to the Internet is different.

As an additional service, if possible, you can offer the repair of mobile phones and tablets.


If you open a mobile phone store in a small town, then it will be enough to distribute leaflets when starting a business, and the date of the announcement in the PMI.

How do you plan to work in great revenge, then it will be necessary to develop and open an online store and sell mobile phones of popular brands through the website.

Unfortunately, the sale of used phones in social networks also deserves credit. With the right approach, as long as you don’t tinker with prices, your phones will fill up promptly, and you can make money on anything.

How many pennies do you need to start?

Mobile phones are not cheap; to stock a store display, you will need to spend a considerable sum, otherwise most of the devices can be transported for processing. We provide basic expenses for starting this business.

  • Renting an apartment - $200 - $250
  • Donations - $150
  • Salesperson salary - $200
  • Pochatkova purchasing goods - $6000 - $7000
  • Purchase of equipment - $1200 - $1500
  • Advertising - $100 (viso, flyers, corporate identity).

What kind of income can you pay for?

In fact, the markup on phones is not that high, so the main income comes from the sale of accessories and other electronics.

The average markup on telephones is 15% – 25%.

For accessories – 90% – 110%.

Looking at these numbers, you can already estimate how many products you will need to sell in order to cover the costs of rent and taxes.

Visnovki. Business from selling phones is a bad start for a beginner who knows and loves technology. It is best to launch in a small location and focus on cheap Chinese mobile phones and technology from Apple and Samsung.

Whose business did you work for directly? Perhaps you can suggest something for our readers, please be kind.

Anna Sudak

# Business from China

How to start trading goods from China

China is preparing the same skin treatment as the world.

Products from China are gaining great popularity. Why not earn money for this? Yak? Our column “Business with China” contains a lot of other ideas that benefit both newcomers and experienced entrepreneurs who want to develop their business . Let's talk about everything in order.

How to unlock your income and get a stable income?

Twelve ways to make money selling Chinese goods

  1. Find a partner (middleman) who lives in China and will provide you with products. Wait a minute, put a human being in the place, so that you can find out what is needed and if the need is more urgent, it is better to do it yourself. Just say: go to China, find a product, buy it conveniently (it’s not a fact that you’ll get it the first time), and then bring it back... It’s expensive, irrational and ineffective. Especially if you are planning a great turnaround.
  2. Whole purchases (or dropshipping). This method will work wonders for those who want to try this business with minimal investment by purchasing a small batch of goods. Today on the Internet it is easy to find people who will be happy to help you achieve your plans.
  3. Delivery of honey to the People's Republic of China. Today is the perfect time to deliver honey to the Celestial Empire. Of course, like any other entrepreneurial activity, it has its pros and cons. We recommend that you familiarize yourself with them first, and then make a decision – whether this niche is suitable or not for you.
  4. Sales of Chinese light industry goods. It has been proven that the Chinese love Russian products. And there’s no more fuss than matrioshkas. We do not care about energy and technical resources. Let's talk about light commercialism. In addition to honey in the Middle Ages, you need: kava, confectionery sprouts, cosmetics, cereals (wheat, borosno), lyon, mineral water, olive oil... You can try to fill a “personal niche” for your skin. Head - ten.
  5. Become an agent. You can also earn money through other transactions by becoming a Chinese intermediary of TaoBao for Russians. For this you need to thoroughly know the Maidan, your contacts in China, and know the language (Chinese is ideal). Having become an intermediary on TaoBao: you help clients complete the order, select the size... You then guide the purchase in all details in relation to the store. Pass the information to the warehouse clerks and select your quantity from your purchase.
  6. Become a logistician. Most often, a logistician is a person who picks up goods, checks their contents, repacks them and forwards them to customers. The work is technical, but not rude.
  7. Vidkrittya vlasny store on Aliexpress. Since 2016, the recovery procedure has been forgiven for residents of Russia Vlasny's store on this famous Maidan. Now it is enough to enter into an agreement with Pointe - the Russian official partner of Aliexpress, which will provide comprehensive support to new sellers from Russia, register on the platform and start trading. But don’t worry about it and read the recommendations to make your start even easier and more enjoyable. You will understand all the subtleties of the process, understand the difficulties you may encounter and learn to handle them painlessly and efficiently.
  8. Affiliate program for Aliexpress and other online stores in China. This method is suitable for those who want to start a business without capital investment. The earning scheme is simple. You are registering in affiliate program, remove referral messages and post them on social media, YouTube channels, blogs, forums, groups. Let's look through where it's possible. As many people click on them and buy a product that is recommended, you will deduct a hundred from your purchase.
  9. Resales. Everything is simple here - you buy viruses cheaper, sell them more expensive. The scheme is old, but robotic. What products can you make money on? We were pleased, as you know. .

    Sometimes the markup on Chinese goods reaches 200% or more.

  10. Wholesale purchase of goods without intermediaries. Now, any businessman who wants to do business from China can easily purchase products in bulk without overpaying to middlemen. Of course, here, as a matter of fact, there are pros and cons.
  11. Establishing your business with China. Long dances with tambourines, and more real information about the possibilities presented by the Celestial Empire for Russian businessmen. It is difficult to open up power in China, but even less possible. This procedure is much easier, for example, for the EU. If you are “burning” with the idea and are ready to commit 100%, the road is open. The People's Republic of China gives green light to its enterprises.
  12. Recognition of power generation in the People's Republic of China. This method is available to those who have serious capital and intend to commit themselves to business for a difficult time.

The “Business from China” section was created in order to make your entry into business as comfortable as possible. We tried:

  • Select available earning methods for newcomers and advanced entrepreneurs:
  • explain complex processes and legal aspects of running a business;
  • information about the difficulties you will encounter at all stages of your skills development;
  • show the opportunities that open up new business horizons for you.

Have we been given the opportunity to create a resource that is as useful as possible for you? We look out for you the call of the bell, how can we help us become more profitable for you and your business. Write comments, ask questions. Your thoughts, suggestions and recommendations are invaluable.

The business of buying and selling mobile phones is one of those types of business where anyone can easily print their license, earn decent money from the first days and successfully develop their business.

This profitable business is accessible to everyone without any starting capital. Moreover, in just a few months you can actually reach the level of net earnings of $1000 per month. I am a clear example of this, and many of my friends who are engaged in this business are very satisfied with it, and have long since crossed this bar.

Wait, while big cities don’t deserve respect, in small towns it’s possible to earn enough to earn a monthly income and allow you to lead a full-fledged life without worrying about your needs.

About the prospects of this business. We all noticed that mobile communications have long been unavailable, and are now completely accessible to everyone in a simple way. People already have tens, or even hundreds of millions of Stilnikov coins in their hands. And the worst thing is that more people are steadily buying newer and more expensive phone models. A large number of people change their phone to a new one. There is a clear demand in the market for the Swedish population to sell phones that are in use.

For example, you have this option. New phone costs $200 in the car, people feel the need to sell their car, renew it and buy a new model. It costs a total of $120, and you want to sell it without any problems and even quickly. You check and buy. The market price for such a phone as a used phone is $160. You successfully sell and make your profit of $40.

I respect more than my mother on the right inexpensive phones up to $100. So, in this category of phones, they have begun to buy for money. You get almost 100% profit, and on cheap phones it’s even better than expensive models. The stench rises like hot pies during intermission.

In a month of such profitable benefits, you can easily accumulate from 20 to 50, which is very important for you. Here, estimate the average profit of $30, and you can clearly see your capabilities.

There are a number of ways to buy phones, all of them are really robotic, and I especially highlight them in practice:

1. Purchasing from your knowledgeable people, your knowledgeable people. Options have told you.
2. Purchasing through local newspapers with private votes, you can submit your own votes.
3. Purchasing through websites is overwhelming on the Internet. For the presence of your local sites on the Internet, where people sell in your region.
4. Shopping at the store. This is what I call buying phones from localities, buying up people, where there are showrooms with new mobile phones. Now people will need to sell their old one and buy a new one. And respecting the popular saying “I want it here now,” I can confidently say that there are a lot of options there.

Let me tell you something new: it’s easier to sell a phone than to buy it.

There are a number of options for selling phones:

1. Sales through the same number of your contacts and your satisfied clients.
2. Sales through newspapers are overwhelming.
3. Sales through websites on the Internet.
4. Sales through a retail outlet that specializes in the sale of used steel. Here, for a small sum, I’m happy to sell your phone.

And once, in a couple of months, you earn capital of at least $1000, you can open your own retail outlet.

For this purpose, it is enough to rent a small kiosk from the place where there are more people. And you can earn money not only on phones, but on all kinds of goods for mobile connection: accessories for phones, prepaid for the products of mobile operators. Put a guy there on a salary and sell phones through your outlet.

Of course, there is nothing tricky about this business. Available to anyone who wants it, start it tomorrow. And here you can really make money, it’s not just an idea, it’s a real business that young people engage in and make decent money.

And what is most important is that this market is growing. Once we turn the salon, the connection to mobile business will no longer fit. And the private small business of selling phones is even more accessible. And its profitability outweighs the profitability of salons with new mobile phones by tens of times.

And, of course, the pitfalls of this business and other nuances. Who would be most important to know more from the satisfaction with your feedback from the comments.