Chiti, codi gta san andreas. Kodi for GTA San Andreas (New list) Kodi for 6 stars

If you like to fight with the cops, you like to run around with them, then code for GTA San Andreas with 6 stars, just for you!

GTA San Andreas has six rubles in total. The skin rhubarb resembles the eyes. In the original version GTA San Andreas has no stars. You just can’t show them off. Ale in new versions of the star.

Cheat code for GTA San Andreas for 6 stars rozshuku - see the stars:

  1. riven rozshuk (one star) - the police are running after you, they can beat you, but if you get unarmed, you will not be shot. One star will quickly disappear, as it will be ruined.
  2. rive rozshuk (two stars) - you are being chased by one or more cars. The police are shooting. It is important to look after yourself.
  3. Riven rozshuk (three stars) - a bunch of cars will follow you, special forces will drive in vans. And fly the helicopter. And this is stronger, because the helicopter flies quickly and shoots specifically.
  4. If there is a sound (although there are stars) - the number of police equipment behind you will increase and the mines will become smarter. The number of helicopters will double. If you are near the wind, then it will be sent for you.
  5. rіven poshuku (five stars) - plus everything said is delivered to the FBI in black, long jeeps. The smell of SMG is even more precise.
  6. riven rozshuk (six stars) – military technology is directly behind you. Vantazhivka with military, some with M4 machine guns and tanks. And just like that, the FBI, special forces.

Axle is axle. It is important to get at least six stars on a simple car. Be careful. Enter the code for GTA San Andreas for 6 stars “LJSPQK”. If you feel like playing with the cops, just enter .

Look, it’s fun to play with the cops, since you’re immortal and it’s impossible for you to be beaten. Ale, after all, you can get up to six stars without codes and without codes to receive them through. Don't bother with the farbuvans.

Video code for GTA San Andreas for 6 stars rozshuku

A good video, you know it as a real money maker, shows how to properly steal from the cops. Boy, go and wet them right away.

At this hour Kodi for GTA San Andreas do not lose their popularity, and continue to gain more and more! GTA San Andreas has the widest and most varied assortment, and we can get almost everything you want, be it cars, bikes, military equipment such as planes, helicopters, tanks, as well as a bunch of brown chips, like I'm very healthy pennies, we may be able to change the weather at the same time, so... literally everything is now under control for us, having introduced Kodi GTA games San Andreas!

GTA San Andreas Cody on the wild

Of course, the board has become deeply involved in the gaming process, so we can no longer see the game without it. Aje, think about it, in order to go through more missions, we need protection, and the free game has even more! Therefore, in GTA San Andreas, the code for the armor becomes literally irreplaceable, and even then we can quickly remove the new set of armor collected by us, for the speed of achieving the result and is priced in GTA SA on the armor.

Before speaking, for greater realism of what is expected, there is a mod that implements visualization full recruitment zbroi behind the shoulder of the main character!

LXGIWYL - gun kit No. 1 (AK-47, shotgun, 9mm pistol, screw gun, mini-MP5, rocket launcher, spray can, brass knuckles, bat, Molotov cocktail)
KJKSZPJ - zbroyovy dial No. 2 ( sniper rifle, Tec-9, Desert Eagle pistol, M4 assault rifle, Sawed-Off, grenades, igniter, lower, igniter)
UZUMYMW - armored kit No. 3 (9mm pistol with silencer, sniper rifle, M4, MP5 assault rifle, Lanczug chainsaw, thermal RPG, Spaz, mini)

Kodi for GTA San Andreas on rozshuk

Cheat codes for GTA San Andreas, as we have already guessed before, are priced for speed and effectiveness, let’s understand the situation that we are being chased by cops, we have a lot of noise and we need to understand the terms in pursuit, otherwise you will be arrested! What are we doing? The answer is simple, enter the required code for the sound of GTA San Andreas, or more precisely, to reduce the level of noise, and even for fans of extreme sports, there is a cheat to increase the number of stars!

OSRBLHH - move the sound level to two stars
ASNAEB - take all the stars
LJSPQK - rhubarb rozshuk - 6 stars
AEZAKMI – never discover the mines

GTA SA Cody on the move

Code games of GTA San Andreas cover almost all spheres and areas, starting with vehicles and ending with the disputes of the main character, about the rest, we’ll talk. We are constantly in turmoil, either by the marriage of health at the most unpredictable moment, or by the search for armor or pennies for a bath, spare parts, and other needs. Or maybe we want to take off the parachute without using up the ammo? So, now everything becomes accessible, and we can be helped, obviously, by GTA San Andreas codes for immortality, and to increase the financial well-being of the character, we will introduce GTA San Andreas codes for pennies, etc.
Before speaking, the mod is now available, which is transferred I'll make an exact copy parachute from GTA 5 We all love GTA SA.

HESOYAM - full armor and health + $250,000
WANRLTW or FULLCLIP - unlimited cartridges, without reloading
OUIQDMW - in case of keruvani in full combat disputes
NCSGDAG - all beginners will lose their energy due to Hitman rhubarb
AIYPWZQP - free parachute

Codi GTA San Andreas by car

In GTA SA, the codes on the car deserve respect, kindness and great respect, and also one of those indispensable and most valuable speeches in the entire game! Well, tell me, how often we go to play pishki, perhaps, we break down while walking between districts and places... No! Cars come to our aid. Apparently, the diversity of car brands in the country is quite large, but if all the stinks start to appear early and late, then it’s very noticeable to own a car fleet that has installed GTA San Andreas Codes on cars.

CQZIJMB - Bloodring Banger
JQNTDMH - Rancher
PDNEJOH - Racecar
VPJTQWV - Racecar 2
KRIJEBR - Stretch
UBHYZHQ - Trashmaster
AMOMHRER - Tanker Truck
KGGGDKP - Vortex Hovercraft

And for lovers of something special, those who are ready for more and more, here is a great mod that you can bring into play with an ATV, which you can use to cheerfully decorate any road surfaces!

GTA San Andreas Cody on flights and helicopters

GTA San Andreas code for letaki

Continuing the theme raised in the discussed cars in the game, we can safely say that this is one of those important, colorful and valuable miracles of technological progress, which is due to kilometers under the wing, yet She, we wouldn't have lost our pawns and let's say The most luxurious car, even if any car needs it, let it be the best, there is a road, and when we get into the plane, we fly to wherever we want! GTA San Andreas codes on the fly will help us with our rich undertakings, speeding up the hour of arriving at any point on the map to a minimum, and it’s simple, sometimes we so want to look at all the animals, from the heights of the bird’s flight, to see ourselves as masters of not only the earth, but and this vast expanse!

URKQSRK - Stunt Plane

However, the planes in GTA San Andreas are represented not only by highly conventional models, but also by two important modes: the one that adds the famous Boeing 777 to the game, the imposing and the majestic one, which wants or doesn’t want to feel like a true king again shaking, and also mod, What does our current winemaker add, the creations behind the rest of the technology.

GTA San Andreas code for helicopter

Helicopters are no less popular than other types of transport, such as fish, insects, and flights. We are presented with a number of models, from simple strollers, to more casual ones, to the ones that cheat codes for GTA San Andreas on Helicopter will give us a headache - the same, most beloved and cherished military helicopter, with super-sophisticated components and greedy and swift design - Mriya !

OHDUDE - helicopter (Hunter)

Tank code for GTA San Andreas

From i enters the battle, that is the name of the important artillery! Under the lasting and overwhelming fear and the constant sound of armor, we guard against nothing less than a tank! So, Chiti GTA San Andreas will be added to the tank especially for us, in any place in the world, where we would not have known, a valid military military tank, which is no less than a combat vehicle, no, we have all the same ones that are valid - Drive, shoot and get rid of satisfaction!

AIWPRTON - tank (Rhino)

And also, we have a unique opportunity to drive through the expanses of San Andreas on a tank with GTA 5 in full fashion!

GTA San Andreas code for chaven

Let's go closer to the water, it doesn't matter whether there is a river between places or a clear ocean that covers the entire territory, what do we care? That's right, we have a very large number of highly versatile water vessels, starting with small boats and boats and ending with larger yachts and speedboats! We are blessed with a great vibe, but... what about excitement? We sit down and instead of the simple and inconspicuous sailing of Chovni in GTA San Andreas we can now fly!

AFSNMSMW - all planes fly

Unfortunately, GTA San Andreas has not transferred the code to the choven, otherwise there is a good replacement - the program Spawner for GTA San Andreas Any kind of transport service we can call for, including all types of transportation!

Jetpack code for GTA San Andreas

The Jetpack code for GTA San Andreas adds ranks to the game process jetpack for GTA San Andreas, why can we easily pay whatever altitudes arise, regardless of the presence of pilots or helicopters, or air-landing smudges, we fly where we want and wherever we want!
Jetpac code for GTA San Andreas allows you to marvel at the game from a different angle, feel like a master who marvels at the beast on the map, on which all sorts of things are revealed in the stormy life!


GTA San Andreas codes for game characteristics

GTA San Andreas code for car characteristics and traffic

No matter how cool or cool we chose, we are constantly surrounded by one thing, either insufficient driving skills, or we just want something more, for example, only rural cars are on the road, and is it possible to make all cars invisible? Everything and so much more is now possible!

VQIMAHA - maximum water skill
XICWMD – cars become invisible
PGGOMOY - control becomes ideal
BGKGTJH – drive inclusively cheap cars on the roads
GUSNHDE – drive all-road cars on the roads
CPKTNWT - vibukh sykh auto
LLQPFBN - rusty machines
IOWDLAC - black machines
RIPAZHA – a car that can fly
BMTPWHR - rural residents on the sidewalks and rural transport
FVTMNBZ - kolgospny odyag and auto
THGLOJ - minimal traffic on the roads
COXEFGU - nitrous oxide for all transport
BSXSGGC or BUBBLECARS – when connected, the cars are one type

GTA SA kodi for character characteristics

Places, cars, planes... Well, without what, everything won’t be so good for us? Of course, you are working without a main character - a dignified character, whom we gradually paint, putting ourselves before the new, as much as ourselves, making fun of everything the best.
GTA SA codes for character characteristics give us the opportunity to decorate and add superpowers that go beyond the limits that game developers have set for us!

BAGUVIX - immortality, no matter what
CVWKXAM - kisen neskіnchenny
AEDUWNV - not at all hungry
BTCDBCB - tovstiya
JYSDSOD - goydalka
KVGYZQK - skinny
BEKKNQV - attracts new ones (girls)
OGXSDAG - the greatest respect
EHIBXQS – the greatest profitability
VKYPQCF – the most vibrant
NATURALTALENT - max skills in driving, piloting, riding a bike and motorbike
AFPHULTL - Japanese sword and ninja everywhere
KANGAROO - megastreak

GTA San Andreas weather code

The weather for GTA San Andreas is not the most important, although it is practically unknown for us until the perfect hour of meaning. And, guess what, when it’s raining and there’s zero visibility in front of us, the mood suddenly drops and we want sunshine again, a cloudy sky... And the weather has become pleasant for us!

AFZLLQLL - make the sun shine
ICIKPYH - specular weather
ALNSFMZO - gloomy everywhere
AUIFRVQS - let's go
CFVFGMJ - foggy weather
MGHXYRM - thunderstorm
CWJXUOC - storm with sand

Change hour code for GTA San Andreas

The hour is already clear, if we can wait out the impatience, it’s all too easy for us, and if it’s time to fly through the light... So let’s wait for the hour, hastening or satisfyingly, Koristovuyuchi Cody for an hour for GTA San Andreas.

XJVSNAJ or NIGHTPROWLER - steadily on nights
OFVIAC - the sky is turning orange (21:00)
YSOHNUL - hastening the hour
PPGWJHT - speedy gri
LIYOAAY - enhanced gree

Other cheat codes for GTA San Andreas

Below is a selection of cheat codes for GTA San Andreas, which are difficult to put into any specific category, but from which the stench does not become less noticeable and unpleasant for us!

BAGOWPG - attack of peds from all sides
SZCMAWO - put your hands on yourself
ZEIIVG – green color on all lights
YLTEICZ - car chases
ASBHGRB - Elvis" through and through
BGLUAWML - attacked by armed pedestrians
AJLOJYQY - war of pedestrians among themselves
CIKGCGX - party on the beach
MROEMZH - through members of Los Santosa gangs
BIFBUZZ - through the members of the gangs
JHJOECW – super bike ride
JCNRUAD - Smash "n Boom (mega-vibuh auto when closed)
LFGMHAL - super-striker
IAVENJQ - super kick
IOJUFZN - camp of rebellion
PRIEBJ - madhouse camp
MUNASEF – adrenaline rush
SJMAHPE - recruit whatever (9mm)
ZSOXFSQ - recruit anyone (Rockets)

Of course, if you want to get ahead, if possible, we recommend that you go through the game and save yourself without reading, and we can only proudly say that we have completed the whole game with flying colors! Why do we need todi codes? The message is simple - take courage! Be one of them, change the weather, fly in cars and planes, so there’s no way to overreact, try everything you’re tempted to do, it’s not easy to save the load with the introduced readings, and even then we can’t get rid of it again itisya chesnym passzhennyam gri .

The codes must be entered within an hour. Once you have completed your reading, you will receive prompt notifications on the screen. To enter the read or boost yogo, enter it again.

These codes can interfere with the passage of the game by 100%. It is not recommended to save the group after activating any of the codes below.

Code for health, armor and pennies in GTA: San Andreas

I'm in good health, the body armor is $250,000
If you take the hit from the fire, you can bend because of a bulge, falling from a height or drowning. You can also be hit by a car
Infinite breath under water
Not at all hungry
Adrenaline mode
Increased power and additional strength, which allows you to hit harder and push the machine

Cody on the wild side of GTA: San Andreas

Armor kit for amateurs
Brass knuckles, Bat, Pistol 9mm, Shotgun, Mini SMG, AK-47, Gun, Rocket launcher, Molotov cocktail, Spray can with farbeau
Retrofit kit 2 for professionals
Nizh, Desert Eagle Pistol, Obriz, Tec-9, M4, Sniper rifle, Flamethrower, Grenades, Flamethrower
Zbroi set 3 for psychos
Chainsaw, Silenced Pistol, Combat Shotgun, MP5, M4, RPG, Radio-Coated Charge
Unlimited ammo and firing without reloading
Maximum yield of all types of crops
Auto-aim when shooting from a car
After entering this reading, CJ can conduct precise aiming of the vehicle

Codes for the respect of the police in GTA: SA

Change rhubarb rozshuk
All eyes know the sound
Freeze rhubarb
The rhubarb of the sound does not move
Move the noise level by 2 degrees
Maximum rhubarb rozshuk
6 stars rozshuk

Codes for access and status in San Andreas

Maximum respect
Maximum profitability
Maximum vibrancy
Change the skin (model) of the hero

Kodi on a car in GTA: SA

Rhino tank
Car for stuntmen
Race car 1
Race car 2
Coffin carrier
Police officer
Golf Cart Caddy
Fuel truck
Monster Jeep
Jeep Rancher

Code for letaki in GTA SANANDRES

Vinishuvach Hydra
Helicopter Hunter
Flyer for tricks

Codes for other equipment in GTA: San Andreas

Boat on a windy surface
Jetpack (jet backpack)
Otrimati parachute

Codes for car characteristics and traffic in GTA: SA

Maximum experience with all transport
All cars have nitro
Because you have enough reserves, you will have to get out and back into the car to replenish
Maintain all transport features
All cars within sight of the gravel are flying towards the wind
Invisible cars
All transport becomes invisible (visible), except for motorcycles. The cars are missing their wheels
Perfect control
Press L3 to shave
Svetlofori forever green
Cars drive faster
Aggressive waters
The water and its passengers begin shootouts with the police
Rozhev cars
Black cars
Cars fly
Once you drive the car, you can fly. Controlling like a flyer
Cars drive on water
Chovni fly
All boats and yachts fly, but on a yacht you fly high, because... that's a big one
There are expensive cars everywhere
Cheap cars everywhere
All cars and people are from rural locality
Cars leave during closing hours
Death machine
Machine - tank: no matter what kind of transport, no matter what you bump into

Code for weather in GTA: San Andreas

Sonyachnaya clear weather
The weather is so sleepy
Khmarna weather
Doschova weather
Foggy weather
Hurricane and thunderstorm
Pishchana storm

Cody at any hour in San Andreas

Speed ​​up the gaming hour
Speed ​​up the gaming process
Enhance the gaming process
It may be administered several times to enhance the effect
Tomorrow night
The year anniversary ticks to 00:00. The weather is about to change. Death will be transferred and the anniversary will be changed to 12:00
Orange sky
After the windy weather changes, the sky will be orange and the hour will be set to 21:00.

Codes for game process in GTA: SA

Passers-by fight one against another
Everything is shaking
Walkers will attack you
The walkers will attack you with armor
Stop living with self-destruction
Bandits control the streets
The streets of the place are completely empty, there is no one on them except bandits from rival groups who are constantly conducting shootouts
Bandits everywhere
There are bands through, the stinks will be everywhere, in places where they don’t exist (for example, Ballasi in Las Venturas)
My streets
All the streets are under the influence of your gang
Elvisy everywhere
Elvis Presley lookalikes walk the streets
Beach party
All the people are dressed like they are on the beach. CJ is wearing shorts. All transport in beach style
Ninjas are everywhere
Replaces pedestrians with Asians using katanas. Most of the transport is black motorcycles
Magnet for girls
On the streets, girls will resume easy behavior with dildos, so that they can reach out to the main character, and do not hesitate to get into the car before anyone else and get kidnapped by unkind people.
I'm starting to pay you again
Instead of making sure you pay them
Silk theme
On the streets you will see only creaky rural carts and rural residents
Chaos Mode
The walkers become riotous, like the rest of the campaign. Houses are burning, people are stealing TVs
Clout theme
Pilgrims become fast food workers and clowns. CJ is wearing shorts and a clown mask
Super Streaks
Super kick
BMX stripes
You can ride bikes on BMX bikes
No pedestrians, low transport capacity
Be accepted into a gang of pedestrians with a 9mm Pistol
Let's go pick up a 9 mm caliber pistol, because there's no such smell before
Be accepted into the pedestrian gang with a Grenade Launcher
Walk up to grab the grenade launcher

Rozshuk in GTA 5: with one look, the police will simply re-examine you. Two stars - the stench is already turning up the fire to defeat. With three eyes on you, a helicopter will be sent after you, and the police will increasingly use more advanced strategies in an attempt to catch you. Those little stars mean that SWAT is at stake on your soul. Let's face it, with a five-star rating of noise, the streets are literally replaced by police officers, and they will punish you at any price.

But what will happen with six stars? Well, unfortunately, there isn’t a lot of six-star level noise, take it from GTA 5. In previous games in the series, the sound system transferred 6 stars, but in the new part, developers tended to miss one point, focusing on 5 stars. In principle, the price was by no means a secret - even from the moment of the release of GTA 5, the Gravians miraculously knew that the game had a scale of 5 stars.

Most of the graves settled down to this point. Closer to the end of 2014, hardcore activists dug into the code of the game and found, in their own words, evidence of the obviousness of the received ravenous rozhuk. In the middle game code One of the Reddit contributors received dozens of attacks when the code was widely received. For example, like this: PLAYER::SET_MAX_WANTED_LEVEL(6) and so on.

Of course, it’s time to eat - what can that mean? Why is there only part of the code, why not vikorist? Maybe people just didn’t understand what was written in the code? In what manner can one suppress the “shasta zirka”? Perhaps these are the ones that are planned to be implemented in future versions of the game? Maybe this is connected with the great unsolved dungeon, which, as the graves swear, lies here in the middle of GTA 5?

This may seem funny, but that's all - people miraculously knew that in past games in the series there was a six-star rating and here, undeniably, in new gri Yogo mute. Wait, the gravel looks rather suspicious in his eyes. The absence of a large mirror means that in GTA 5 there will be no tanks behind your head, which, in the opinion of some locals, is an oversight. I'm sorry, GTA 5 has tanks. Why not stick a bunch of them on the gravel, like in the old parts of the series?

By the way, until the hour of singing, this topic was heard, but only recently they started talking about it again. In principle, this kind of thing has been around since GTA 5 just recently came out on PC. This means that players can more easily delve into game files, which could not be done on consoles. It’s very important, please, please, what can you do with GTA 5, why not?

Having rummaged through the files, there is ClicheUsername, a member of the “r/chiliadmystery” team. You can download the program under the name “ ” and select it to put the noise level on the “6” icon. I didn’t ask. The game showed up with six new stars. The video below shows in detail what happened:

Immediately after the six stars had been placed, a number of police cars were directed to his bay, and a helicopter arrived. Nothing new. Activation of six stars, behind the words ClicheUsername, are those that were immediately acquired after the release of GTA 5 on PC. According to the words of the pershopper, there was a vindication, which did not cause emergency closing play.

« I don’t think that any additional police officers will show up and start chasing you.- Like ClicheUsername. - The guys who attacked me first in that video were already at the airport" Tsikavo, that at the hour of setting 7 stars, it was thrown out of the game.

ClicheUsername of reconstitutions, which is the biggest reason for rozshuk – it’s not just a code that hasn’t really been used in the game. There are changes, which generally suggest that there is more to understand, due to the equal resonance that people could reveal today.

« I still can’t sing about it, but the only way to find out the whole truth is to look at this code and at how it works" by saying ClicheUsername.

All this brings us directly to the heart of the great dungeon of GTA V.

« If you downloaded a copy of the map of Los Santos and Blaine County in blue tones, which is included in the GTA 5 collection, then there are a few things you can see that you can get only in the ultraviolet range" by saying ClicheUsername. To be more specific, speaking about this:

The words appear on the map, showing Fort Zancudo, a military base in GTA 5. Do you remember how people discovered that the hype of GTA 5 does not include the acquisition of military forces, including tanks? The axis of the star is to grow your legs.

« I think that once the actual activation of a large star in the noise scale, the military from Fort Zancudo will very likely end up working. I, melodiously, this and will be the coming day", - Stating ClicheUsername.

The disappointment lies in the fact that it is possible that the Gravians have not yet found a way to activate this mirror. A number of people on r/chiliadmystery are confident that they will find variants after testing some of Zancudo's speeches. Perhaps they will find something that allows them to fully activate the six-star rating of noise by connecting tanks and others until the great battle for Gravets. Well, maybe they won’t come up with anything.

There are a lot of theories about secrets in GTA, and any Gravite who plays GTA 5 for a long time can probably tell one or two stories that confirm one or another rumor. As a rule, such assumptions do not come true. Most of the “evidence” that points to the mystical great mystery comes from a deaf corner.

This place, the place of the greatest star rating, appears among the array of others. It’s possible that the game has a very good idea, but perhaps it’s just a code that’s not being tested, that doesn’t match anything (maybe, but it doesn’t match anything yet?). The story will not end there just yet.

Are you kidding Cody for GTA San Andreas? Todi you wasted at the address. On this page of presentations is the most up-to-date and working list of codes for GTA San Andres. Vikorist the cheat code at your own risk, fragments of the stench may interfere with the process of passing the test. To activate the code, enter it under the hour, do not pause. To turn it on, enter the code again.

Kodi for GTA San Andreas on good health, bulletproof vest and pennies

These are the most popular codes for GTA San Andreas, for the sake of remembering them

LXGIWYL = armor set 1 (bat, brass knuckles, shotgun, 9mm pistol, micro SMG, AK-47, rocket launcher, rifle gun, Molotov cocktail, can of porcelain)
PROFESSIONALSKIT or KJKSZPJ = another package. Professional recruitment (nizh, Desert Eagle pistol, Tec-9, shotgun (Sawn-off shotgun), M4, sniper rifle, flamethrower, fire extinguisher, grenades)
UZUMYMW = armor set number 3 (silenced pistol, chainsaw, Combat shotgun, M4, MP5, Stinger, shotgun with distance guns)
HESOYAM = get health, $250k and armor
BAGUVIX = code for immortality
CVWKXAM = never-ending kisen
FULLCLIP = unexpended cartridges
MUNASEF = adrenaline mod (more and more)
AEDUWNV = not at all hungry
NCSGDAG = maximum amount of water consumed

Codes against the police, statistics and gangs

ASNAEB = peel rhubarb by search
LJSPQK = six stars
AEZAKMI = the police are not looking for you at all
OGXSDAG = maximum strength
VQIMAHA = beginner watering to the maximum
EHIBXQS = maximum gain
OSRBLHH = add two stars to sound
KVGYZQK = skinny CJ
JYSDSOD = goydalok
BIFBUZZ = gang war
MROEMZH = gang members everywhere

Cheat code for changing the characteristics of transport facilities

COXEFGU = supply nitro to all cars
XICWMD = all cars are invisible
GUSNHDE = car code
BSXSGGC = cars run when closed
JCNRUAD = cars wobble at sunset
JHJOECW = BMX bike shave richer
FVTMNBZ = cars only from rural areas
BGKGTJH = cheaper cars
YLTEICZ = aggressive drivers
THGLOJ = change traffic (there are no more cars or people anywhere)
CPKTNWT = pick up all cars in the area
VKYPQCF = all taxis have nitro
IOWDLAC = all cars are black
LLQPFBN = all cars are born
ZEIIVG = all light green
RIPAZHA = cars that fly (when accelerating, the car flies and you can fly like a plane)
AFSNMSMW = people who fly
PGGOMOY = perfect cherubanya
OUIQDMW = aiming when shooting from a vehicle
GHOSTTOWN or THGLOJ = change traffic (there are no more cars or people anywhere)

Cheat code to change gameplay

AFPHULTL = ninja theme (where you ride black motorcycles and walk around with katanas)
PRIEBJ = there are clowns and fast food vendors walking the streets
ZSOXFSQ = recruit someone to work (without armor, remove a bazooka)
SJMAHPE = recruit anyone for work (unarmoured 9mm pistol)
IOJUFZN = about everything is smoking and burning
ASBHGRB = Elvisy everywhere
AJLOJYQY = the marchers will fight one against another
BEKKNQV= magnet of sluts
FOOOXFT= all walks of life
BAGOWPG = everyone is trying to kill CJ
BMTPWHR = people and cars from rural areas
KANGAROO = megastrik (strik 10 times more)
IAVENJQ = mega strike
CIKGCGX = beach party

Wait for a change for a while

OFVIAC = orange sky (after 21.00)
YSOHNUL = speed up the hour
PPGWJHT = speed up gameplay
LIYOAAY = improve gameplay
AFZLLQLL = sleepy weather
ICIKPYH = really sleepy weather
ALNSFMZO = gloomy weather
AUIFRVQS = board
MGHXYRM = thunderstorm
CWJXUOC = blown storm
XJVSNAJ = last night

Code for GTA San Andreas in cars and other vehicles

JUMPJET = fly Hydra (hydra)

OHDUDE = Hunter helicopter

AIWPRTON = code for Tank


AGBDLCID = Monster Truck

CQZIJMB = Bloodring Banger

PDNEJOH = Hotring Racer 1

VPJTQWV = Hotring Racer 2

KRIJEBR = limousine

URKQSRK = Stunt Plane

AKJJYGLC = quad bike