What is the disorganization of computer science?

Don't get involved

Lesson topic: “Operator uninstallation” Lesson meta:

molding for beginners and learning from the operator. Lesson type

: introduction to new material

    Lesson instructions:

    Beginner - mastered the skills of folding operators;

    Developing – development of algorithmic thinking, memory, respect;

Vikhovna – development of cognitive interest, logical thinking. Robotic form:

work in groups, individually.

    Lesson plan

    Organizational moment.

    Updating of supporting knowledge.

    Forming new skills and making them smarter.

    Zastosuvannya new knowledge.


Lesson bag.

    Lesson plan

Lesson progress

( Hello guys, today in class we will continue learning the program with you.)

    Guess what an algorithm is, its power and type of algorithms.

And for this you will immediately ask in groups.

The skin group is preparing information about the distribution of the material.

For qiu robot, I give you 5 hwilin. distribution of materials

Updating of reference knowledge Understand the algorithm

The algorithm is based on the fundamental concepts of computer science.

    Recognition of the need for effective use of computing technology for increasing practical tasks..

- this is the sequence of actions required to achieve the desired result.

    Algorithm for making a decision

- this is an algorithm that leads to the highest possible goal in the final number of actions
Power to the algorithm.


    Subdivide the algorithm for the sequence of completed actions - time periods.

    The skin action may be completed first, the lower end will be different from the next step.

    Algorithms for culinary recipes are made up of several actions, which are often numbered.


Extraction of output data to the result for the final number of hours.

    Example: Algorithm for adding whole numbers in the tenth number system

The algorithm is not guilty of mistaking orders, which may be ambiguous.
Example: Once the computer is upgraded, the algorithms for testing the computer and the implementation of the operating system begin to change.

    The source of these algorithms is a computer, so they may be recorded on a smart computer by a machine.


    The algorithm should be written in such a way that it would be visible to the skin of the victim which command to follow next.

Completion of the algorithm in the final number of hours.

Nutrient considerations of unconventional algorithms are lost within the framework of the theory of algorithms.

    How to describe the algorithm

Verbal method
The algorithm describes in natural terms the subsequent stages of data processing.

    Add three to two and subtract five.

Graphic method

Representation of the algorithm as a sequence of interconnected functional blocks.

A block diagram is a more graphical representation of the structure of the algorithm.
The flowchart allows you to develop the algorithm in a basic way and shows the main algorithmic structures in the algorithm (linear, unwinding, selection and loop).

Since the algorithm is a human being, you can easily follow the sequence of the algorithm behind the flowchart; the fragments of the flowchart elements are connected by arrows, which indicate the steps of the sequence for the algorithm.

The elements of the algorithm are displayed on a block diagram with the help of various geometric figures, in the middle of which the program code is written

Vikonanny operations / The choice is directly connected to the algorithm, which is due to some of the most brilliant minds




The beginning and end of the algorithm

Software method (algorithmic)

The algorithm used for recording on a computer is guilty of recordings in a wise way.

Such a language is called my programming, the command written down by me is called an operator, and the record of the algorithm is called a program.

Types of algorithms

Based on the order in which the commands are written, three types of algorithms can be seen:

Such a language is called my programming, the command written down by me is called an operator, and the record of the algorithm is called a program. Linear algorithm

Algorithms for uninstallation (uninstallation)

Algorithms based on repetition (cyclic)

- this is an algorithm in which all operations are sequenced one after another

Application of the linear algorithm

"Make a Snowman" Factory

Algorithm "snowman"

1. Make a big pile of snow and place it on the ground.

2.Grip another ball, smaller than the first one, and place it on the first ball.

3. Glue the third bag together, one at a time, and place it on the other bag.

4. Place the bucket on the third bag.

    5. Earn eyes from the lobes on the third spot.

Our children repeated those who told us about the fate of the past.

Open the door and write down today's date.

And now respect for the rest.

    “Tinkle” stage

    Guess the given propositions using the verb.

    If two people work at the same time, then nothing will come of it (If you marry two birds with one stone, you won’t harm anyone).

If you work on the right, without rushing, then you will finish (The quieter you go, the slower you will be).

If you don’t work, you won’t cook fish (without pratsi you won’t get fish for a fee).

What's so good about these formulas?

Something like that

This construction describes the algorithm that is designed.

Guys, what do you think is the topic of our lesson today?

The topic of our lesson today is “Operators of unwinding”. Apply (if the weather is bad, then I take a parasol; if it’s a physical education lesson, then I put on a tracksuit, etc.)And now we are starting to create posters on a new topic. Work hour 10 minutes, after completing the skin group, present your poster.

Rozgaluzhuvaniy algorithm called

algorithm , Whoever has to remember either one or another sequence of actions in his mind.

Umova - This is a firm thing that can be said: truly it is terrible.. Rozgaluzhennya.


– this is a form of organization of actions, if the conclusion and the conclusion of the mind are determined at the same time as the other sequence of actions.

There are two forms of the operator If Even that is shortened;

To unite several teams, a warehouse operator is hired.

    Forming new skills and making them smarter.

Yogo scheme:




And now we’ll marvel at how this operator works at the peak of his task.

Write down your mind.

There are two forms of the operator

Challenge: Build a program to find the greater of two numbers.

Guys, what have we been given for this task?

What result can we expect?

And so we begin to write a program.

Program z1;

var a, b: integer;

writeln('vvedite a');


writeln('vvedite b');


if a>b then






And now it’s important that this program is installed on a computer.

In order for the computer to work for us, you need to learn how to write programs correctly. On your desktop there is a simulator “uninstallation operator”.

Open it and go to your given number:

Zavdannya No. 1, No. 2, No. 4, No. 6, No. 7, No. 8, No. 9, No. 10, No. 11, No. 12.

algorithm- this is an algorithmic design in which the other sequence of actions is determined in the mind.

The structure of the algorithm that prevents confusion is called What's wrong with me.

This structure will ensure a choice between two alternatives.

To determine this directly, in those who are far away from Vikonanny, a mind check is carried out.

Every path is led to the final point of anger, and the following algorithm will be followed regardless of the path of elections.

In the flowchart, the mental alignment is displayed in a rhombus, from which TWO arrows come out – the first one (the “So” arrow) indicates the commands that will be terminated at the same time as the mental alignment is completed; <условие выбора > friend (arrow “Ні”) - on commands that will be Vikonans, as their minds are not finished. <команды, выполняемые при соблюдении условия> However, situations often become more intense in life, when one of the directions of the algorithm behind the algorithm may not result in any action, but in another way, there will be a lot of action. <команды, выполняемые при несоблюдении условия>

So the algorithm for unwinding may be different (you may wonder more) or unknown. In a verbal formula, the record of dissolution looks like this: YAKSCHO THAT Otherwise What's that " Umova's choice

"? Firstly, a whole logical expression, which emerges meaning


(true) or



If it's true, it's a big deal, but if it's a lie, then it's a big deal.

Let's take a look at the tasks from the collection of tasks from the programming of D.M.<условие выбора >Zlatopolsky:<команды, выполняемые при соблюдении условия>writeln('vvedite a');<команды, выполняемые при несоблюдении условия>

Zavdannya: Decision algorithm: Pascal Brain operator

Full form

Let's take a look at the tasks from the collection of tasks from the programming of D.M.<условие выбора >Zlatopolsky:<команды, выполняемые при соблюдении условия>;


then< меньше, >< не равно, >Respect!<=меньше или равно, = равно.

Before else:


don’t put a speck behind the lump!

Uneven shape
> more,
= more than one,
Logical operations
not - overlap, and - conjunction (I), or - disjunction (ABO), xor - what includes or
Zavdannya on Pascal
Program Z;
x, y: real;



If it's true, it's a big deal, but if it's a lie, then it's a big deal.

write("Enter x=");<условие выбора >) <команды, выполняемые при соблюдении условия>read(x);<команды, выполняемые при несоблюдении условия>

Full form

write("Enter x=");<условие выбора >) <команды, выполняемые при соблюдении условия>;


then< меньше, != не равно, >Respect!<=меньше или равно, == равно.

Before else:

if x>0 then y:=sqr(sin(x))

else y:=1-sin(sqr(x));

if (
;<< "Vvedite x=\n";
Translation, && - conjunction (І), ||
;<< "y =" << y ;
-disjunction (ABO)
Zavdannya in C++


using namespace std; It is important to choose one of two series of commands, depending on the truth and falsehood of the singing mind.

Butt of a program of uncorked structure

Block diagram

My Pascal program

program choice;

var a, b, c, d: real;

There are two forms of the operator

readln(a, b, c);

d := b * b - 4 * a * c;

Let's take a look at the tasks from the collection of tasks from the programming of D.M. d< 0

Zlatopolsky: writeln ("there are no roots")

writeln('vvedite a'); writeln("root є");


Please note that there is no dot before the words then and else - they are respected by parts of one mental operator if...then...else.

In that situation with a gentle mind, daily actions are not compromised, on the block diagram on the “НІ” line, do not place the same blocks, and skip “else” in the entry of the mental operator.

Since a series consists of more than one team, it is necessary to fit it into Operator bows begin...end.

For example:

Let's take a look at the tasks from the collection of tasks from the programming of D.M.x > 0

Zlatopolsky:There are two forms of the operator


Z: = z + y;

Even that is shortened

writeln('vvedite a');z: = z + x;

If the program has a breakdown, it is necessary...

    Know what options there are for this and how many options there are.

    There will be one less number of smart operators, fewer options.

    Know what kind of minds you have to worry about when it comes to options.

    If there are more than two options, choose the sequence of the mind check.

    Please use a block diagram. Write down the algorithm using my programming. Select data for testing programs (transfer data sets that allow you to check


option diy).

Leveling operations

When recording minds in Pascal, you can use the following alignment operations:



Butt recording

Is that it?

d = 0


x + y > 100< 5 * x



More than one?

sin(a) >= 0.5<= 60

Less than one?

v<> 0

Not dear?

Before else


Leveling operations

When recording minds in Pascal, you can use the following alignment operations:

The result of the equalization operation will be either false (false) or true (true).


Often a mind that requires re-verification cannot be found in a single place for help.

Then there are vikory minds that are created using additional logical operations. (і My Pascal program has three (some implementations have more):і Result

(conjunction)< 2)

“truth”, as true grievances of the operand


other) ((x > -2) and (x My Pascal program has three (some implementations have more):(x > -2) and (x Result

"Abo"< -2) or (x > 2)


“true”, as truth would like one operand

or else




"true", if the operand is put

not (a > b)<> 4)

Zavdannya<>1. Rearrange the mentally assigned elements of the algorithm on flowcharts (the figures indicate: the beginning and end of the algorithm, input and output of data, processing, revision of the mind).

2. Calculate the value of the offensive virazu at x=1, y=2:

a) (x> = 0) or (y * y<> 4)

Zavdannya<>b) (x * y< y)

0) and (x > y)< 0))or (y < x)

c) (not(x * y > 0))and (y > x)

a) x is more than 2 and z is less than -3;

b) d less or more than 0 or w more than d;

c) -10 ≤ z< 0.

a) a less than 8 or b more than -10;

b) s more or up to i k less than 0;

c) 0< y ≤ 100.

4. Put the program into Pascal language, which means...

There are two distances (S1 and S2) more for the mind, the first one is entered in meters, and the other - in fathoms.

For finishing:

1 fathom = 2.134 m

Which of the two bags is important for the mind, that the weight of the first of them (m1) is given in kilograms, and the other (m2) - in pounds.

For finishing:

1 pood = 16.38 kg

Municipal budgetary lighting installation

Chervonopolyansk secondary school No. 32

Pishchanokopsky district of Rostov region

Summary of a computer science lesson in 9th grade


computer science teacher

Mikhailova Natalia Valerievna

Lesson objectives:

    enter the concept of the unstructured algorithm (povna, nepovna form)

    Learn how to draw algorithms and figure them out by looking at a block diagram.


    Home : understanding the development of algorithms, which are decomposed, permanent and non-continuous deconstruction, sequence of actions for the highest orders, forming the skills of creating flowcharts.

    Developing: embrace the development of logical thinking, respect;

    development of cognitive interest to the subject. Vikhovny:

development of the ability to connect new material with known facts; the development of independence and practice in groups, in couples and independently.

Lesson type: lesson on learning new things.

Lesson overview: combinations.

Lesson bag.


computer, multimedia projector, multimedia presentation, lesson notes for students, tasks for independent work, emoticons for reflection (black and red)

1. Organizational moment
Hello guys!
Vranti's sun has fallen asleep,
Stretched, chuckled

I went out for a walk

The dark night will be banished.

    2.Updating basic knowledge

    Frontal feeding:

    Give some meaning to the algorithm;

    Review the power of the algorithm;

    Name ways to write algorithms;

    What algorithmic structures do you know?

Which algorithm is called linear?

How to depict a block diagram of a linear algorithm? 3. Formation of new knowledgeEnter the word of the teacher:
Every song we choose, we can choose any algorithm.
Kindly point out what linear algorithms are like in everyday life. (Learn how to apply linear algorithms)
Unfortunately, in real life, linear algorithms rarely fail. : Vranci, getting ready for school, we always marvel at the window: if we go to the road, we take the parasol with us... (The boys continue to point their butts) Such minds become sharpened in our life often.

Guess the Kazka:“On the forks of the highways lies the Great Stone, and on it there is an inscription: “ Right-handed you'll gohorse spend it, you lie to yourself; you'll go left-handed spend it, horse- to myself you'll go...


This is the name of a new type of algorithm.- What was your name?
Try giving you money.

(An algorithm is being discussed - an algorithm in which either one or another sequence of actions is completed in the mind's eye)

Lesson topic: “Operator uninstallation”

    – The form and arrangement has been lowered.

    What does the stink cause?

What would you call them?

Now try to formulate the topic and purpose of our lesson:get to know the algorithmic structure of the procedure;Zlatopolsky:Learn how to draw algorithms and figure them out by looking at a block diagram.writeln('vvedite a');Full form of unwindingIFget to know the algorithmic structure of the procedure;UmovaLearn how to draw algorithms and figure them out by looking at a block diagram.Act 1diya 2(

Full form

Now try to formulate the topic and purpose of our lesson:get to know the algorithmic structure of the procedure;Zlatopolsky:Learn how to draw algorithms and figure them out by looking at a block diagram.





Apply the selected algorithms to be developed in the form of block diagrams:

Just as swallows fly low, there will be rain, otherwise there will be no rain.

If the weather is fine, then before that, to finish my lessons, I’ll go skiing.



Securing the screwed material

Zavdannya No. 1

You're hanging out at the cinema.<0 THEN y=8+x ELSE y=4*x+10

40 When you get to the cinema, you find that there are two films showing today: a new series of “Harry Potter” and a new action movie starring Sylvester Stallone.v

50 If you have tickets for the first one, then you will be amazed at him, but the fighter will be amazed.


Let's try to write a program in BASIC


10 REM

20 INPUT x

30 IF x


END 5 Practical robot>10

Kozhen studies at the computer. 3 There is a task on the desktop, he selects one of the registered tasks and writes the program on the computer, the result is reported to the reader.<10

Zavdannya 1. Two numbers are given.

More information to square.

Zavdannya 2 Two numbers are given.

Triple more, square less
Problem 3. Find the sum between the larger square and the smaller cube of two numbers.

Zavdannya 4. Increase the positive number by five. Zavdannya 5. Y = x

+1 x


    X “Informatics and ICT 9”, basic course - Moscow, BINOM, 2012.

    A.A.Chernov "Notes of lessons in computer science in grades 9-11", Volgograd, Vchitel, 2006.