How to find new members in the VKontakte group.

Don't get involved

Has this ever happened to you?

You see that a lot of new participants have joined your team and you still want to find out who these people are?

In this article, I will tell you how to show new members of the VKontakte group based on the sequence of their entry.

I especially want to get to know people better who came before I went to sleep.

Marvel at their profiles - how they live, what makes them happy, what they like.

This is how I get to know my target audience :) How to look at all the members of your VKontakte group It’s really hard to be amazed by all the members of your group.

To finish, simply click on the clickable button “Subscribers” under the avatar.

A window will open in front of you in which you can teach all your participants.

How to get new members of your VKontakte group
And the axis is to know how to unstitch new Prepayments in the VKontakte group are already a little lower.

For this purpose, let’s move on to “Sleep management.”
In the window that appears, look for the “Participants” button and click on it.

You will receive a list of all prepayers of your salary according to the sequence of their entry.

But in any case, after adding a group to the script for the promotion of newcomers, you will need to spend at least a day, or at least a few days, until the first results appear.

If, besides you, we already know new people in this group, we will immediately have information for you.
Who can use this functionality quickly?

The ability to use the functionality to create new prepaid members of any VKontakte groups up to 1 million prepaid members (including those groups that have recruited their prepaid members) and all co-hosted services have a website with universal access 1 month during the entire term of their unlimited access. Add new group
for the registration of new participants More public access

- More groups
Up to 1 million participants

It is recommended to keep small groups first - they themselves have a “hot” target audience from the number of participants who have joined.
In groups of over a million, this effect will not occur.

Therefore, the service supports groups of up to 1 million participants.

Chimalo group?

If you need to monitor hundreds and thousands of groups, and there are no standard tariffs for anyone, write to our support service, we will assign you a convenient option at a price

Darya Barkova, a service specialist at, reveals and shows">

How to use the CIM script? Detailed video tutorial with explanations and examples How to collect tribute?

The greatest in different ways for example (although not all possible options):


Є advertising office VKontakte, creating audience retargeting for stunning

Vikorist to create VKontakte branches under group names

1. whole row

  • from other web services that allow you to organize the collection of prepayments for VKontakte outlets and the organization of the VKontakte outlets themselves.
  • Description of the results of monitoring with the possibility of filtering: Description of monitoring:.
  • Status: displays the monitoring status - running or paused.
  • Changed: hour and date entered
  • the rest of the changes
  • Created: hour and date of creation.
  • Group: number of analyzed samples.
  • Project: select a project prior to monitoring.
  • Posted: hour and date of data collection.
  • Finished: hour and date data collection was completed.
2. Monitoring.
  • Make a copy of this treasure.
3. Visibility of this monitoring
  • Filter by update date:
4. Filter for the number of investors that came out of the analysis:
  • choose how many promptly the traders must go in order to achieve the result.
To stop filtering, click the “Filter” button.

5. Filter for the list of spilnots:

  • Number - ID number.
  • Avatar - avatar of sleepiness.
  • The name is the name of the sleepiness.
  • Ushogo – the number of participants in a given class is inappropriate.
  • New - the number of participants who joined the meeting within an hour.
  • % - the number of participants per recruiting period per hour, compared to the total number of participants of a given strength.
  • Those who are in - the number of participants who left the given payroll for the meeting period of an hour.
  • % - the number of participants who left during the election period of an hour out of the total number of participants in a given strength.
For consumption, the results can be sorted by the total number of participants in the study, by the number of those who entered and left, and by hundreds.

6. For this you need to click on the required parameter.

7. Those who entered in groups - only those who came out correspond to the filtering parameters, divided into groups in txt format, archived in ZIP.