NM5403 Installation of car brake lights. Additional flashing stop signal

Below are diagrams of the electrical connections of the brake lights at the rear lights and the parking brake (handbrake) of VAZ 2108, 2109, 21099 cars, both with a low and a high panel of accessories.

Electrical connection diagram for brake lights and parking area for VAZ 2108, 2109, 21099 (with low panel)
Electrical diagram of brake lights and parking area for VAZ 2108, 2109, 21099 (with high panel)

The brake lights are switched on and off by using the brake pedal under the pedal.

Notes and additions

- On VAZ 2108, 2109, 21099 cars until 1995. V. V electric lancet STOP lamps and lamps of the same level of galmivnoy radidin a relay-intermittent was installed. When the heat level at the tank was low, the lamps often flickered.

— Signal lamps in the panel and on the control panel

The STOP display lights up when one of the fault indicators is turned on, without any notice that further flow is blocked (for example, a falling level into a tank with a galm liquid).

The lamp is a level indicator for the level of balm. At the hour, the liquid that falls into the tank with galvanic liquid lights up.

Lamp - parking warning light (handbrake). Lights up when the handbrake is raised.

Galvanization (stop) signal failure lamp. Lights up when the light bulbs at the brake lights of the rear lights of the car or the side light bulbs are burnt out.

Describes the circuit of an additional self-powered brake light for a car, such as on LEDs. In passenger cars, an additional brake light is already installed at the factory. You can install them at the bottom of the trunk, rear slope, with a plastic cover.

Choose a red-colored light fixture in which a number of heating lamps or LEDs are installed, and this light is connected in parallel to the main brake lights. They turn on and off at the same time.

It is more noticeable to create a brake signal, since the additional brake signal is not just repeatable the main one, but also creates the simplest light effects that greatly attract respect.

Here is a diagram of an additional brake light on LEDs, which works immediately: when you press the pedal, all six LEDs immediately light up.

When the pedal is pressed for more than 5-6 seconds, the LEDs begin to shine in two groups of three LEDs per side. Moreover, the minute is followed by the algorithm of logical zeros of the yard parallel double code.

If the pedal is still being pressed down, the light will burn for 5-6 seconds, after which all LEDs will turn on simultaneously for 5-6 seconds. When the pedal is released, the horn immediately goes out.

Principle diagram

The circuit consists of a double generator generator on a CD4060B microcircuit, two output switches and six LEDs.

Basically, the entire circuit is connected in parallel with the main brake light lamps, so the wiring is all the same. When pressing the voltage pedal pressure, go to the brake light lamps and go to this circuit. Lantsug C2-R3 installs the doctor D1 at the zero position.

The logical zero output through 6 diodes VD1 and VD2 and resistors R5 and R7 supplies the current to the bases of transistors VT1 and VT2. The stench opens and sends a stream to all LEDs HL1-HL6.

The light supply to the skin LED is supplied through a series-exchange resistor, so the brightness of the light of the LEDs causes the values ​​of their direct voltage to vary.

The doctor takes into account the pulses generated by the multivibrator (RC lance C3-R1-R2). After approximately 5-6 seconds of displaying 6, the logical one is installed.


Diodes VD1 and VD2 stop flowing into transistors VT1 and VT2. And now the transistors are controlled by a double code from 7 and 5 D1 microcircuits.

Groups of LEDs HL1, HL3, HL5 and HL2, HL4, HL6 are connected correctly double code. It's been troubling for many more hours. Then the displayed 6 shows zero again and all the LEDs light up at once again for 5-6 seconds.

Light LEDs - be it in the bright red color.

The KamAZ brake signal diagram is more complex than in other vehicles. This includes the installation of several sensors to ensure that the brake lights are turned on during the operation of several galvanic systems. Although the galvanic system is called KAMAZ, it is also installed on other vehicles due to its reliability. The electrical circuit diagram of all such vehicles is identical and is structurally different. The stock of KamAZ brake signal circuits includes sensors, intermediate relays, a buzzer and a parking warning lamp, and especially warning lamps in the rear lighters of the tractor and trailer. Sensors are installed on the contours of the trim system in the area of ​​the trim tap and are used when changing the vice in the circuit. On other models, as a brake signal sensor, there is a push-button switch installed under the pedal, as on most cars. When you change the pressure in any circuit, and if a push-button switch is detected, when you press on the pedal, the contacts of the sensor close and the winding of the intermediate relay is connected to the vehicle ground.

In this case, the current from the driver passes through the relay winding, the contacts of one of the sensors on the car body. The relay contacts close and activate the warning lights at the rear lights. When the parking warning light is activated, in addition to the warning lamps, the parking warning light begins to dim. This is due to the fact that the parking pressure gauge and the control lamp remove the minus through the parking pressure gauge sensor. Since all sensors are connected to the coil of the intermediate relay, then when any sensor short-circuits, a minus appears on all sensors. In order to prevent the warning lamp from turning on, when other sensors are installed, a diode is included in the circuit, which prevents the minus from falling on the parking sensor. There may be malfunctions during operation. The most extensive, for all cars, as long as the galvanization signal lamps do not light up. In this case, you need to check whether the lamps are lit when you park the lamp. If the lamps are on, then the sensor is faulty or the wire from the one to the relay is broken. To check it is necessary to disconnect the wire from the sensor and connect it to the vehicle ground. If the signal lamps light up, the sensor is faulty. Otherwise, it’s a shave. If the lamps do not light up when parking the vehicle, it is necessary to check the function of the indicator, signal lamps and relays. Replace faulty elements. The cause of the malfunction may also be a cut in the wire of the relay with the signal lamps. If the signal lamps light up when you press the brake pedal, but do not light up when you put the brake pedal in park, you must check the serviceability of the sensor connected to the wire and diode. Start by checking the diode that is located on the signal lamp board of the control panel, in addition to the parking control valve. If the diode shows a minus signal when the parking warning is applied, then the sensor is successful. Otherwise, you need to connect the wire to the sensor and connect it to the vehicle ground. If the minus signal does not appear on the LED, it is necessary to remove the voltage from the dart, and if it does appear, change the sensor. Another malfunction, if the signal lamps burn steadily. In addition to the descriptions previously described, this is typical only for the KamAZ stop signal. The reasons could be a few. The first time the positive wire shorts to the signal lamp wires, in practice, it gets shortened, since the wiring was melted in the process of the positive wire shorting to the car's ground. Another reason is that the signal lamp relay contacts are not stuck. To check it, just remove it and put it back at the relay socket. If the relay is working properly, there will be a slight clicking sound. Replace relay faulty. The third reason may be the lack of activity on the parking warning lamp and the breaker relay. In this connection, the plus through the winding of the signal lamp relay, the parking warning lamp, the live wire of the warning lamp and through one of the companions, which is picked up by the same wire, is reduced to minus. When this occurs, the lance switch closes and the signal lamp relay is activated. To check it, it is enough to connect the power supply to the control lamp breaker. The relay will open and the warning lights will go out. Possible reasons There may be a malfunction of the captive or a loss of the dart. The remaining reason can be called the connection of any sensors with the vehicle mass. Just as all vehicles have KamAZ brake lights, it is also possible for the warning lights to burn out. The feeling of inadequacy lies in the moment when the victim burns out. To search, you need to remove the car from the parking lot and release the pedal. If the prisoner is flammable immediately before the hour of installation, then short rant You need to poke under the panel of accessories from the locker to the signal lamp relay. If the burner burns out when you press on the pedal, there is a short circuit at the relay from the relay to the rear lighters or in the socket of the cradle.

It seems that this coming day in St. Petersburg, I noticed that the car ahead had a flashing brake light. It has become so interesting that you may also create a similar stop signal. Prices for such devices start at 400 rubles.

And the best number of options for a flashing brake light. Your choice has been made using the famous NE555 timer.

For folding we need:

Microcircuit-NE555, Diode-1n4007, Transistor-IRF540, C1-22uF, C2-10uF, R1-1k, R2-5k, R3-10k, R4-470k, Breadboard, contacts.

Principle diagram of a flashing brake light

Zibran scheme

Installation on a mounting plate

The circuit is installed in the brake light panel

I should solder on the mounting plate. But it’s even more tiring, but there’s no need to go to the trouble of paying.

When soldering, be careful especially with use a transistor, it is better to touch the legs of the transistor with tweezers for heat transfer. Strictly adjust the polarity at the moment you burn the entire circuit. To protect the circuit, you can turn on the diode at the positive bus section.

The yak axis of the robot can be seen from the side.

Previous publications have already discussed the topic of the stop sign with dynamic lighting, or rather, there will be a guessing option for a stop sign with lights to run. Marvel at the article “Stop light, what to run.” People are satisfied with the emergency flashing of brake lights. At the end of the day, we get a lot of attention from other participants in the revolution. And the advantage of this option is that the complexity of the circuit will be low. The very flashy signal is available in this article.

Well, sorry, the fleeting stop signal is clearly giving up the visibility of the vicor to its older brother, otherwise it is much simpler to create such an option. There is no evil without good. This is the first time to adjust this phase, and then adjust the frequency of the blinking LEDs. This can be achieved with the help of capacitors of different capacities. View from left to right - going up to the electrical circuit

A fleeting brake light with your own hands can be broken on the basis of the already familiar brake light circuit with lights that run, as revealed in the front exhausts. The circuit is based on the KA561LA7 microcircuit, on 2 multivibrator organizing elements. To obtain a clear digital signal at the output, the third element of the microcircuit is configured as an inverter, which plays the role of a separator of analog circuits and a multivibrator. As expected, the instantaneous frequency is directly related to the capacitance of the capacitor. Gate density - the higher the capacitance of the condenser, the greater the intensity of the moment. On the other hand, a capacitor with a lower capacity will provide a higher blinking frequency. The order of the resistor, which is located in the capacitor lancet, also causes an influx to the frequency through a new capacitor recharging cycle.

Now we know how the power part of the circuit works. The active signal is located in the KT816B transistor. By pulling the positive forward, the transistor turns into a conductor, passing through itself electric strum. As a result, at the output of the transistor there is a much greater tension that could be eliminated by vikoryst microcircuits.

This means that a sufficient connection of LEDs will be sufficient for life. As a protector or voltage stabilizer, the KR142EN 5 V microcircuit is recommended. Apparently, in this case, voltage stabilization will operate at around 5 V. The report in the article “How to remove 5 volts from 12 volts"

Thus, when applying power to the connection circuit, the LEDs blink at the frequency determined by the capacitor and the ceramic resistor.

If your standard brake light is powered by 12 V, then the KR142EN 5 B circuit will not be needed. To simplify matters, you can connect to the emitter of the transistor as the positive terminal; the negative terminal can normally be connected to the body. After connecting in this mode, you can disable the standard brake lights without connecting additional LEDs.

Microcircuit - let's look at its analogues first. The easiest way is to come American version CD4011A "Texas instruments". The microcircuit, manufactured in the USA, will be easy to obtain, the Chinese variants are too strong on the market.

Capacitor C1 has the following parameters: variable voltage, voltage greater than 16 V. The resistors must cope with a voltage of 0.25 W as a minimum. LEDs can be installed either way, depending on the voltage of 3.3 V. Another important indicator is the color – the brake lights are mostly red.

A universal circuit board fits well into the role of the basis of our circuit; it is necessary to organize the connection of elements with multiple conductors, which in itself is in a simple way implementation. Also, no adjustments or adjustments are required, it is important to select everything correctly and test before putting it into operation.

One thing we can only say is that there is no control over the blinking principle. This scheme will ensure that the brake light blinks from the moment it is pressed on the brake light until it is released again. It is logical to assume that the light would blink for 3-4 seconds after pressure, and then light steadily. U offensive scheme We will look at the implementation of this option itself.

Electrical diagram of the blinking brake light "option 2".

This scheme implements the option of momentarily setting up brake lights during the first phases, and then the LEDs must light evenly, without interference. The circuit is based on 2 timers based on NE 555 microcircuits. First, the control signal is discretely applied to the transistor in a similar way to the first circuit, and then formed on its basis constant voltage. When the relay is closed, it stops working and turns into a conductor.

It is important that if you need to turn off the inflow of the circuit, you need to move the switch SW1 to position 1-2. Tim, no less, the transistor and relay will be faulty after such a mix-up.

To see more diagrams of the flashing brake light, click on the picture, there is a description and marking of the parts.

Below you can see the circuit board for a blinking brake light with your own hands, in which case the circuit is implemented on a universal circuit board.

Shown here is a version of the finished payment on the side of the tracks.

On the top side is the side where parts are unsoldered.

There are options for creating such a highly frequent stop signal. And those, how the scheme works, and those, what the result will be, vary. In this case, any option can be easily implemented independently, both the simplicity of electrical circuits and the low cost of components play into their hands.

The asset can also include the need for programming controllers.

Now it’s up to you on the right to choose the most suitable option and organize further examination. We ask you that the information you remove will be useful for you, and the result will be fruitful!