Vibukhovian character: why burn smartphones.

Don't get involved

The phone itself does not wobble, but the battery can, which is usually a lithium-ion battery.

The number of gadgets that contain such batteries has increased over the past few years, since ion-ion and just-air batteries have become unsafe. and in the most important types of passenger aircraft.

In this case, the batteries of gadgets can be carried with you in the cabin, however, the stink is obvious to some minds: the battery life is up to two grams and the power is no more than 100 W /. How does it work? Canadian weddings with companiesCLSpowered up, what happens in the middle of the battery at the moment of shock?

They decided to look inside the battery and published their findings in the Journal of Electrical Engineering in Canada.

It turned out that this occurs through a short circuit in the middle of the life cycle: the lithium anode (positive electrode of the battery) reacts with the electrolyte.

The battery may be damaged if the phone is not charged correctly and is not properly charged.

Different generators use different materials for battery electrodes, and their charging speed varies.

Some batteries can handle charging at high speed, while others, unfortunately, cannot.

If you connect the battery to an outlet using a heavy charger, frequent breakdowns may occur: with greater power, the non-conductive material heats up and the battery fails.

Calls may not be detected, but later the battery swells.

Getting out of the way

Another reason is the failure of the device, which is responsible for maintaining an equal charge on the gadget.

This is a smart chip that controls the level of charging and prevents the battery from overloading: when it is overloaded, it simply turns it off.

The same can be done if the phone overheats.

Ale yakscho chip vyyshov in good health, watch out for dashing.

Mechanical damage to the battery

It is necessary to carefully place the battery cover in place: if it is important to fit into the groove, it may be that your battery is already swollen and rusty.

Unfortunately, the evolution in the field of rechargeable batteries is already complete.

Russians have always valued lithium phosphate batteries as the safest ones, but I don’t mind damaging such batteries when they are small.

The most serious cases with telephones in our region took place in Primorye, where a phone caught fire in the hands of a schoolgirl right in class (the child lost the custody of her arms and legs and was hospitalized) in Novosibirsk. walking high above the ground.

Today, people who don’t watch TV, don’t read newspapers and don’t look at the global market in search of new things know about the Galaxy Note 7, which is booming.

Have there been similar outbursts throughout the long history of mobile phone production? has published information about the “vibukhov” problem.

Most often, a short circuit occurs through physical damage to the battery.

As practice shows, in some cases it is not necessary to destroy the battery case - just be sure to bend it well.

It is not possible to turn off the vibration switch: minor damage, the ingress of metal particles - this can lead to serious damage.

A number of people who were lost in an accident (including a fall from a bicycle) were caught in the fire of a smartphone, leaving behind a phone that was lying near the gut, burned.

The greatest incidences of sparks are associated with aviation.

So, in 2014, due to the iPhone fire, passengers were evacuated from the plane flying to Prague from Tel Aviv airport.

And across the river at the Irkutsk airport, a Boeing 787 made an emergency landing, flying directly from Seoul to London, and there was smoke on board, which was caused by a Blackberry smartphone.

Can you name the vibrator whose device has been most frequently swelled?

The crazy leaders in Zakhidny Pivkuliya are Apple and Samsung. However, due to its width.

It can be assumed that in parallel to the world, where smartphones of different types of transmitters produce a new drink, the amount of their “vibukhovy” output is not the same for the skin transmitter. Let's try to abstract ourselves from the evil Samsung gadget and simply glance at the tabloid headlines to guess how many mobile devices have been on fire.

Sichen: 20-Rich English, owner of the Sony Xperia T3 smartphone, ignoring the strange noise that seems to be a device, and continuing to exchange information with a friend.

As a result, the smartphone burst into flames, causing serious harm to the right hand of its ruler. Lutius:

Belarus, Lenovo A6000 smartphone. According to Vlasnik, the gadget “stood” on charge all night, and the liar seemed to be stuck.

If you try, the battery will be removed (the battery in this model is low). Berezen: An iPhone 6 slept on board a plane flying from Washington to Hawaii..

The crew was liquidated in their sleep (they did everything, simply watching over it so that the fire did not spread to the speech of the passengers), the commander of the damaged ship decided not to interrupt the flight. Kviten:

The New York Post reported about the LG Optimus F6 vibrating in a jar of sprouts. Following the data, the owner of the smartphone removed the heavy guards from his legs and arms.

The victim needed a skin transplant operation. Znakhidka, Primorsky Krai.

A schoolgirl went to the doctor's office and a ZTE smartphone caught fire in the midst of it.

According to Vesti, the gadget burned down right in class. The girl took off her arms and stitches.

Closer to the end of the month, another news came from Australia: an iPhone 7 burned down the interior of a surfing instructor’s car.

After all, my smartphone burned out, I overheated in the car, I was deprived of sleep.

At the beginning of this spring, buyers of the new flagship smartphone Samsung Galaxy Note 7 began to worry about the battery of their phones.

Samsung has slowed down production and is offering replacements to all customers.

The smartphones of the Xaomi company were wobbling: the owners were losing their custody.


I spoke with a candidate of technical sciences and a leading scientific researcher at the Polytechnic University, Maxim Maximov, who works on the development of lithium-ion batteries, about those that in 2016 smartphone batteries still have drink and so that power owners will not suffer from power technology. Over the past two years, 35 cases of damage to the Samsung Galaxy Note 7 have become known. Due to similar incidents, the car has already burned down, and the six-year-old child has lost custody.

In cases like this, it is necessary to marvel at how the telephones swayed in some circumstances.

Perhaps the reason is not the battery, but the microelectronics.

For example, the charge-discharge voltage is incorrectly regulated.

It may be overcharged.

They wrote about my phone model that it vibrates.

What should I do?

Such a phone must be disposed of, however, in a specially designated place: batteries contain important metals, such as cobalt and others, which are harmful to the battery.

How can I tell if my phone can get knocked out?

Checking the phone in everyday minds is difficult.

If your phone's battery overheats, that's bad.

If you continue to carry out any processes, for example, playing on your phone, the battery heats up so much that you can’t touch it and the temperature reaches 30-40 degrees, you need to go to the extreme.

You can also stop your smartphone from charging for anything else, and wonder whether it will heat up or not.

Today there are a lot of different devices and technical innovations that are based on lithium-ion batteries.

This type of electric battery differs from other similar energy carriers for its versatility, high energy density and ease of maintenance.

Regardless of their positive characteristics, such batteries are a dangerous threat.

Batteries of this type can swell, damage or cause damage or, worst of all, cause serious harm to health or lead to death.

Timing is no less, lithium-ion batteries are widely used in various areas of human life.

A similar type of energy supply can be found in cars, airplanes, and even in smartphones and tablets, which the majority of people use today, on a regular basis.

Roughly speaking, as it was said above, all the vitality of carrying with oneself can be activated at the time of death, through an unlucky fall or through the malady of the plant.

Possible causes of battery vibration

Lithium batteries have been tested for hours and are considered to be remarkably safe, so do you follow all the manufacturer’s recommendations, but how often do you want to refer to the instructions?

Although this may sound ironic, if you deprive the lithium-ion battery of a quiet battery, then it is still unsafe, since you can lose a critical amount of charge.

If in such situations the battery simply goes out of order and stops functioning, but human stupidity and humility do not exist between.

It was registered that there were several attempts to turn a completely discharged battery back to life by simply putting it on charge (with or without a functioning device).

In either case, the battery can be short-circuited, heat up to burning temperature and burst into flames.

So just like an old wardrobe can fall apart or something, an old battery can overheat.

In the world, everything wears out, wears out, and all the details get damaged.

The time will come when physical changes to the battery will require replacement.

Independent organizations are collapsing until the vibukh emerges through problems with the food controller.

The folding (thick) design of the smartphone, which includes a curved display, provoked the condensation of two parts of the battery: the cathode and the anode, which, in turn, led to overheating.

The lithium battery will first increase the temperature, which is normal, but the driver will have to switch over so that at the right moment, the smartphone will save life.

It's a pity that it didn't happen.

And, regardless of how careful customers were with their Samsung, battery failure has become a widespread problem, which affects everyone without blame.

Legacies for the company

To understand how such a situation turned out for the company, it is enough to put yourself in their place.

What will a resident think about a product that has immediately become a joke and a threat to life?

Shvidshe for everything, unique.

The one on the right is a reputation, which today is gone tomorrow, and the next day it’s new, the other on the right is the real facts.

First of all, you need to accurately adjust the temperature regime, so as not to leave your smartphone in direct sunlight for too long.

It is not possible to remove the battery in smartphones on your own, since this capability is not transferred to the battery (we are talking about gadgets with a monolithic body).

Give priority to the devices that may be around you, over time, avoid the impulsive addition of “top-end” new products.

Please understand that a leaking lithium battery is real and even dangerous, so if possible, do not leave your gadgets on charge without looking, who knows at what point the technology will fail and catch fire.

What's next?

In terms of technology, lithium batteries are the cheapest and most energy-efficient option for mobile devices and other electronics.

Naturally, this type of battery is still a priority.

They can replace it. Regardless of its terrible name, this type of battery is absolutely inexpensive for people, and the gadget can be allowed to live on a single charge many times longer than that.

Unfortunately, the development of this galusa is expected to last forever and in the near future it will not be possible to check for movements.

It is possible that the Samsung Note 7 battery will not go away for nothing and engineers who work in the field of information technology will have to worry about it.

Today there is a good chance that the majority of seizures will occur under the influence of fatigue, including a variety of options if the energy is spent “on the job.”

Batteries based on lithium-ion technology have been a big part of the mobile revolution, and they are increasingly appearing in cars and aircraft.

In such a manner, this means that the daily life of life is absolutely safe, isn’t it?

In fact, Boeing 787 claims that lithium-ion batteries, as before, can swell from time to time, as well as incidents when telephone batteries burn out right in the hands of customers.

Why hasn’t this important problem been solved yet?

The technology of battery generation had been tested and tested by fate, and the technology had not experienced any major breakthroughs since that time.

Of course, we also have batteries that come in different sizes and shapes, so the generator can produce a smaller size while increasing the capacity.

If the technology of generation has been destroyed, or if a switch appears, the battery can easily overheat, as a result of which the internal media are subject to a Lanzug reaction.

This process is called “thermal leakage”, and is itself the cause of most “battery leaks”, or, less dangerously, sudden “drying” of the battery.

The defect could be a simple short-circuit break, or water in the design, which results in improper insulation of the media due to heating of the vessels.