Methods for placing blocks horizontally.

Operating systems (OS) Apparently, a web designer paints the layout of the site, and a layout designer does the layout, so you write HTML/CSS code. And what do you write on HTML


All elements of the design layout are placed in blocks. If you look at the output code, we notice that there are a lot of wonders there and they are all filled with design fragments..

The whole baby was scattered like a mosaic among its centers. In order for all the design fragments to not go anywhere, but to be clearly fixed in their blocks, as painted by the designer. It is necessary to know well how to behave code. And what do you write on blocks by height and width

Let's take a look from the butt block


, zrobimo

Behavior of blocks based on height
The empty block is not visible on the page, and in order for it to become visible, it needs to be set to a height or inserted into the new content.
Body (

background: #d5d5d5;

Div (

background: #d56287; height: 100px; Set the height to 100 pixels and the color of the background so that the background of the page and the block are a different color, otherwise we won’t be able to do anything else.

Behavior of blocks based on height
The empty block is not visible on the page, and in order for it to become visible, it needs to be set to a height or inserted into the new content.

Behavior of blocks with content We gain height height

This inserts text in the middle of the block.

We understand that the height of the block changes, so there is a lot of content to be stored.

Why are you so excited? Behind the walls, the height of the block is the same as before.


This will automatically adjust to the height of the borrowed content in the Father's Block. Block priorities Let's rotate the height of the block 100 pixels back and insert a paragraph with text, while there is not enough text, the block effectively occupies a height of 100 pixels on the side. We add more text and it is important that the block ignores the specified height and takes the height required by the text.

Behavior of blocks based on height
The empty block is not visible on the page, and in order for it to become visible, it needs to be set to a height or inserted into the new content.
Body (
The height is set, but everything is given to the content.

Is it really not possible to shrink a block to achieve the specified height and not get caught up in the content?

It is only possible to automatically trim text that exceeds the specified dimensions, this is called power overflow.

Taking the hay together with the bloc

In practice, it can be beneficial when virivening so that all blocks that stand in a row have the same height or so that the content can be dynamically displayed without breaking the design of the site.

Behavior of blocks by width

How can you arrange blocks if you don’t set their width?

Behavior of blocks based on height
The empty block is not visible on the page, and in order for it to become visible, it needs to be set to a height or inserted into the new content.
Body (
We did not set the width of the block, but its width automatically takes up the entire space of your block.

The width of the block behind the lining is 100%.

If we enclose the width by setting, for example, 200 pixels, then it is visually noticeable that the block occupies 200 pixels.

width: 200px;

However, there is a trick here, since we point at the element in the inspector code, then it is important that the block actually continues to occupy the entire width of the browser, otherwise it will stop working.

Thus, 200 pixels are taken up openly, and the space is reserved and does not allow other elements to line up with them. In order for all the design fragments to not go anywhere, but to be clearly fixed in their blocks, as painted by the designer. We duplicate our block and then place another block on a new row and also occupy the entire row. This is the peculiarity of block elements..

So how can we put them together in one row?

It is necessary to create them with row-block elements and then they will miraculously stand in order in one row.

The skin block must be given power. Display: inline-block;

The height and width of the block can be specified in bearing units, for example %.It is necessary to ensure that the dimensions of the child blocks are set as the father and the same father for the block.will

I will help you move from theory to practice and launch your first website. Description Sets the width of block or replacement elements (before them, for example, the tag
). The width does not include the thickness between the elements, the size of the entrances and the margins. Browsers work differently with width, the result of the rendering lies in the vicorized


In the table
1 possible options shown
and the width has been adjusted.

1. Diia width in browsers

Internet Explorer

1. Diia width in browsers

Opera 10+, Firefox, Chrome, Safari

Opera 9


width: value |

vіdsotki |

auto |



The value includes any units of value adopted by CSS - for example, pixels (px), inches (in), points (pt) and others. When calculating the height of the cell record, the width of the element is calculated according to the width of the cell element.

Since Dad clearly has no instructions, the browser window appears.

Auto Sets the width based on the type instead of the element.

inherit A significant dad inherits.

HTML5 CSS2.1 IE Cr Op Sa Fx


Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet,consectetuer adipiscing elit,seddiem nonummy nibh euismod tincidunt ut lacreet dolore magna aliguam erat volutpat.

The result of this example, as displayed in the Safari browser, is shown in Fig.



1. Block width

Object model

document.getElementById("elementID ").style.width<ширина>Browser
Internet Explorer 6 incorrectly interprets width as min-width.<ширина>In capacity mode, Internet Explorer up to version 8.0 incorrectly calculates the width of an element, not including the values ​​of padding, margins, and margins.

Internet Explorer up to version 7.0 does not support the inherit value.

Hello, dear readers!

Today we will look at how to set the dimensions of block elements of a web page using additional CSS controls and adjust the display of content that does not fit in the element.

width и height — width and height of css elements

Using additional attributes in the width and height style, you can set the corresponding width and height of block elements:

width: auto|

Using additional attributes in the width and height style, you can specify the width and height of block elements:


height: auto|

In this application, we created a div block and inserted a paragraph with text.

For the div we set the dimensions to 300 by 300 pixels.

The element p has the values ​​of width and height equal to auto, as can be seen in the screenshot, whose width became equal to the width of the Father’s element, and the height became such that it would accommodate text that would fit in a paragraph.
Now we can change the css for the paragraph p and set the fixed dimensions:
Layer2 (

height: auto|

background: #eee;


The element p has the values ​​of width and height equal to auto, as can be seen in the screenshot, whose width became equal to the width of the Father’s element, and the height became such that it would accommodate text that would fit in a paragraph.
Now we can change the css for the paragraph p and set the fixed dimensions:
As a result, the width of the paragraph has now become 250 pixels, and its height has increased to accommodate the text, so the height parameter is set to auto.
Now let's set the height and width of the paragraph in the hundreds:

height: auto|



As can be seen in the picture, the width of the p element was half the width of the div element.

And the height increased and reached 75 meters in height div.<ширина>
Given the width and height of any elements in the header units, you may need to specify the minimum and maximum possible dimensions.<высота>

Even, for example, when changing the size of the browser window, the dimensions of the element can change and increase to such sizes that the ease of reading the site becomes even lower.

You can determine the minimum width and height using the additional attributes min-width and min-heigh:<ширина>


Similar attributes to the max-width and max-height style allow you to set the maximum size: max-width: max-height:

It is clear that given the maximum and minimum values ​​of height and width, the dimensions of the element cannot become larger than the maximum or less than the minimum value.

Varto, clarify what the place is

The element p has the values ​​of width and height equal to auto, as can be seen in the screenshot, whose width became equal to the width of the Father’s element, and the height became such that it would accommodate text that would fit in a paragraph.
Now we can change the css for the paragraph p and set the fixed dimensions:
The height and width parameters are sensitive only to block tags
, fragments for small elements and parameters are not collected by the browser.

height: auto|

It may turn out that, given tight parameters for the height and width of the element that fits into it, the content may not fit into the bounded area.

For example, change the size of the paragraph from the view of the above examples to 100 pixels:



Apparently, the text that goes beyond the paragraphs doesn’t look very nice.

height: auto|

Since neither the width nor the height for paragraphs are specified, the browser automatically expands them, based on its default value of auto.

As a result, the width of the paragraphs occupied the entire available space, and the height corresponds to the content that fits in them.


Apparently, the text that goes beyond the paragraphs doesn’t look very nice.

height: auto|

Now the width of the first paragraph is reduced:

The width of the paragraph has clearly changed, and the height has been adjusted to accommodate the entire text.


Apparently, the text that goes beyond the paragraphs doesn’t look very nice.

Well, now let’s close the first paragraph: As a result, it turned out that the text would not fit into such a bounded paragraph, and therefore it would end up in the area of ​​the lower paragraph.:

Apparently, it is practically impossible to read the text in either the first or the other paragraphs.

It is necessary to control the behavior of content in such situations

overflow rule

overflow: visible|hidden|scroll|auto|inherit


Apparently, the text that goes beyond the paragraphs doesn’t look very nice.

Overflow is set to visible, which tells the browser not to display anything that does not fit in the container. We gain height The result can be seen in practice.


Apparently, the text that goes beyond the paragraphs doesn’t look very nice.

height: auto|

The rule accepts everything that does not fit in the container: The scroll values ​​are displayed in the element vertically and horizontally and scroll in the same way as everything fits: The most popular and logical solutions when you need to create scrolling options for a container are: ..

In this case, the browser itself is significant if and along which axes you can display scrolling patterns:

To customize the scrolling pattern, you can also customize the attributes of the overflow-x and overflow-y styles, which allow you to customize the scrolling behavior along each axes.

In such a manner it stands for

all horizontally

, and for

all vertical

Therefore, if you, for example, need horizontal scrolling to not appear in a paragraph at all, but vertical scrolling to appear only when required, then it is enough to write a css rule:
The layout should be set to a horizontal dimension of 960-980 pixels (on most devices, most resolutions were included), so that with large horizontal dimensions the window looks kind of frosty - a thin vertical layer of bark instead of the side and the majestic Marn fields of untouched soil.
“Gumova” mock-up mesh the width of the window
Again, with the large horizontal dimensions of the window, there is another problem: the rows of text become longer, and reading them is not as comfortable as one would like.
Another expanded problem of this solution is that the side openings with high horizontal dimensions of the window are no longer so visually compatible with the horizontal dimensions of the elements, which also does not provide comfort when looking at the hunched layout.

I would like to introduce a simple solution - to limit the minimum horizontal size to the fixed values ​​in pixels, and create the maximum size in the height of the window to the width of the window.

This is quite trivial and can be explained in simple ways by two more versions of the CSS specification. Update:

I want to point out that I am not talking about the classic gumi effect and about adaptation to all permissions, but rather about some reasonable range of permissions for which the layout is designed. The butts below have a classic desktop display range with a horizontal dimension of 1024 pixels. Once again I emphasize my respect: This post does not have solutions for all types of devices and all ranges of permissions.

Within the framework of one layout, the price is not determined in principle

For this to be successful, you will still need a number of layouts.
Flies okremo, cutlets okremo.
Let's create a container layout:

It is formatted with a non-visible style code:

... ( min-width: 960px; max-width: 75%; margin: 0 auto; padding: 0; ) ( max-width: 75%; min-width: 960px; margin: 0 auto; padding: 0; ) ( min-width: 960px; max-width: 1600px; margin : 0 auto;
As you know, the solution is very simple and can be applied universally, and can be used for any block elements.

Hello, shavenous reader.

This is the eleventh lesson on CSS.

In this lesson we will look at only two simple but important powers.

These authorities determine the height and width of the block.

Before learning this lesson, complete the previous lessons: height: 100px; Theory and practice Auto Sets the width based on the type instead of the element. Last lesson we looked at the block model, internal and external entrances.

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 <In this case, we can all see only two powers: the height and width of the block. <Height in CSS is assigned to authority <, and the width of power is Go to<. <It’s immediately obvious in the code on a real example (let’s take the example from the last lesson): <html > <head > <title > </title> <meta http-equiv = "Content-Type" content = "text/html; charset=utf-8" > <link rel = "stylesheet" type = "text/css" href = "style.css" >/head><body > <link rel = "stylesheet" type = "text/css" href = "style.css" > div id = "content" ><body > <div class = "firstPar" > <p> <link rel = "stylesheet" type = "text/css" href = "style.css" > Aliquam malesuada tellus justo, eget lacinia nunc rutrum a.<body > <Phasellus dictum tempor eleifend. <Nunc ut magna no purus fermentum egestas ac eu nulla./p><Fusce est tellus, mattis quis nisl et, egestas posuere libero. <Nunc ut magna no purus fermentum egestas ac eu nulla. Donec scelerisque tellus porttitor massa dictum pulvinar.<Fusce est tellus, mattis quis nisl et, egestas posuere libero. <Nunc ut magna no purus fermentum egestas ac eu nulla./div><Fusce est tellus, mattis quis nisl et, egestas posuere libero. <div class = "secondPar" > <div class = "firstPar" > <div class = "firstPar" > <Cras <ul >

li >

amet condimentum
