Metadata - what? What are meta tags, how to correctly remember and verify: applications from the practice of Metadata of files on computers.

What are meta tags? Meta tags are special html tags found in the container It is used to transmit information about the site to browsers and search engines. For example, when crawling your resource, search robots collect page headings, site descriptions, keywords, author information and other information that is included in tags . Before you show the page to the website of the merchant, you should also open your browser to understand how the website appears on your PC or smartphone.

In which material, meta tags will be viewed through the prism of . And you can learn the basic rules for their completion, analysis and verification using additional webmaster tools.

Types of meta tags:

  • title( title) - Side titles;
  • description( discrimination) - Short description of the story;
  • keywords( keywords) - key words;
  • technical meta tags (indicate the correctness of the page display).

How to remember meta tags correctly

From the point of view of SEO, the main meta tags for the site are Title and Description. Therefore, we will examine the correctness of their filling. We repeat that the stench is guilty of spreading between tags and not in any other place code.

If your site is built on a CMS, then to edit the section with meta tags you need to install a special plugin or module.


Meta tag This indicates the title of the page and is displayed next to the text on the browser tab.</p> <p>To search the site, it is necessary for the keyword to be located closer to the top of the head. Title or be the first one. If the site is exposed to any region, we write the name of the place and the region. The following is a selling or clarifying additive. Finally, to make the title unique, after the direct line, insert the name of the site and company</p> <p><b>For example:</b></p> <ol><li>For a commercial site: <i>“Buy a laptop from Moscow - prices from 19,990 rubles in online stores |"</i></li> <li>For informational site: <i>“How to properly grow aloe in your home gardener”</i>»</li> </ol><p>In order for the title not to be cut off before being displayed in the results of search engines, it is necessary for the title to be no more than 65 characters.</p><p> <title>Side title


The Description meta tag is used to describe the essence of the information on the page in many words. Call the search engine to take information from this tag to form a snippet in the results (usually Google, before Yandex).

The description should also include a direct entry of the keyword (if possible, supplemented with another word form), information about the advantages of your proposition, plus serve as the main promotional element of the page. Let’s try to put together descriptions of the pages for two applications of the puzzles.


  1. “Buy a laptop from Moscow. Wash your laptop for a price of 19,990 rubles in the online store. Free delivery. Guarantee 2 years.
  2. How to properly taste scarlet in your home. Gardener magazine shares the secrets of growing aloe plants at home.»

Dovzhina three more than 140 characters. In pure html, the axis would look like this:


The Keywords meta tag is a set of keywords, behind which a page appears. However, today this attribute is already It’s not obligatory and it’s important to remember the fruits, So in the “golden era” of SEO, they had to be evil and search engines practically do not lose respect for anyone. If you still wanted to remember the keywords, it’s better to forgive the re-arrangement of the words in the cob form without a lump.

“Buy a laptop in Moscow, get price, price, ruble, online store, catalog, delivery, guarantee”

Dovzhina be it, but trying too hard is not good. In html, the correct way to write the axis is:

You can parse competitors' meta tags in literally a couple of clicks - using the help of a parser.

Technical meta tags

  • Expires – date of the oldest document.
  • Pragma - fencing of cached data, information must be extracted from the server.
  • Content-Type - the type of content that is coded.
  • Content-language – movie pages/site.
  • Cache-Control - sets whether the document is cached, either way or in any way.
  • Robots is responsible for indexing adjacent pages.
  • document-state - Indexation frequency.

The abundance of meta tags can negatively impact the display, indexing and ranking of pages.

How to add meta tags to CMS

Most often, to manage content on a website, you use various CMSs and their actions involve installing additional modules and plugins to set meta tags. To register meta tags on the CMS you need to:

Hotch Wix And not a CMS - it’s just a constructor, here you can also create a meta description of the site and keywords that contain information about the site. For the skin side, when pressed on three dots, the menu merges, where you can go to the SEO section and set the necessary parameters.

If you seriously intend to expose your site to search engine systems, it would be better for Wix to avoid vikorism and choose, for example, WordPress.

Checking meta tags online + analysis

To check meta tags on a website, you can quickly access the Yandex webmaster panel. Why go to Webmaster "Diagnostics - Site diagnostics." On the side that is open, click “Get to Know.” After which you will be shown a list of pages that are not filled in .

For a comprehensive verification and analysis of meta descriptions from competitors, you can use services such as Swedish and display the required information online.

A number of such services:

  • Promotional console
  • Serpstat
  • Pixelplus


Meta tags are the first thing that the search system is designed to do. The stench itself is the key factor in the ranking of site pages in search results. You can’t leave meta descriptions empty, but you need to be diligent about filling them out and now you know how to do it.

Hello everyone! For those who are stuck with the Android system, you can create this article. Everyone who uses the Android OS is not only for chatting and creating media files, but who likes to experiment with other firmware, add embellishments to completely change the interface, different TV Like with increased productivity, etc. (well, of course the root is right), we tried several times with extended for installation via CWM recovery. What is the structure of these packages, how they are placed, how to pick up such a package yourself is amazing under the cat.

What is important is the large number of newcomers to our nutritionist, I will describe everything in my own words. A zip package for recovery includes a set of files, scripts that replace the syntax (text) of my edify before removing any tasks (replacing any files, deleting, formatting, inserting files, launching them, etc.). Package structure:
In the middle of the package we first have the “META-INF” folder, in which lies the “com” folder, then the “google” folder, then the “android” folder, and then in the rest we have two files: updater-script and update-binary. This “commodity” instead of the META-INF folder is new for all recovery and devices on the Android OS and only those that can “read” the recovery. Updater-script is a file that you can use to install commands for recovery step by step. For example, open updater-script using root explorer in a text editor and bachimo:
mount("/system"); - the script mounts the system for recording
delete("/system/app/calculator.apk"); - deletes the calculator from the system/app/ add-on folder
umout("/system"); - uninstalls the system.
This script can use any syntax for deleting, copying, editing, etc. Another update-binary file is a set of commands on the edify language (like a cheat sheet for updater-script). Route Explorer does not open through a lot of water and, as a rule, downloads already ready. The butt is just in need. To install archives, recovery, “wonder” in the updater-script I first enter a command, for example, mount("/system); then this command is checked in update-binary, and there it is written that this command mounts the system for recording, and the system does not mount. unpacked in the META-INF folder, you can download the files MANIFEST.MF, CERT.RSA and CERT.SF. For example, a package for replacing the system kernel: put it in the new META-INF folder with everything that I wrote above ( META-INF/com/google/android/updater-script and update-binary) and the boot .img kernel image. Or a package for remotely replacing, for example, a standard music player: META-INF and the system folder, in which we put, for example .
In order to download a package, change or repack directly on a smartphone, we first need root rights, an update-binary file and three programs: root explorer, zarchiver, and a program for signing archives, zip signer. Let's go! On the application we will delete the player, and in its place we will install PlayerPro.
1. Open root explorer and create routes from the META-INF/com/google/android/ folders.
2. Unpack the android folder and add update-binary.
3. Also in the android folder, press (in the Root Explorer add-on) the additional menu and click on “create file”. The file name is written as updater-script.
4. Open the updater-script in a text editor of the same root explorer and write the commands:
mount("/sbin/busybox", "/system");
package_extract_dir("system", "/system");
5. Apparently it is saved.
6. Go to the META-INF folder, and from it create the system folder, and in it the app folder, where we put the already installed apk file of our player (you can take it from the data/app path).
7. Go to the program Zarchiver/nashtuvannya/rіven compressed zip and select “normal”. Then we come out of the adjustment and finally multi-view. We select our two META-INF and system folders and package them in archive zip.
8. Open the Zip signer program, find our archive, call it whatever you want (only without Russian symbols and gaps, eg Playerpro-system-by-me), signed test key is stamped at the bottom.
9. We know the signatures of the archives, which are ready for installation via CWM or any other custom recovery.
A small example of commands for updater-script:
Syntax: copy_dir []
Copies instead V . Files in in reality re-record.
Example: copy_dir PACKAGE:system SYSTEM: Copies files from the folder to /system
Format the section (div. addendum)
Example: format SYSTEM: Completely formats /system. Note: formatting renders data non-negotiable.
Syntax: delete [… ]
Visible file(s)
Example: delete SYSTEM:app/Calculator.apk Delete Calculator.apk from the system/app folder.
Syntax: delete_recursive [… ]
Recursively deletes files and folders together
Example: delete_recursive DATA:dalvik-cache Delete the folder /data/dalvik-cache together
Syntax: run_program [ ...]
Launches the program (script).
Example: run_program Run the script
Syntax: set_perm [… ]
Installs vlasnik, group and permission for file or folder, such as 'chmod', 'chown', and 'chgrp' all in one
Butt: set_perm 0 2000 0550 SYSTEM:etc/ Install Vlasnik, group allowed for file /system/etc/
Syntax: set_perm_recursive [… ]
Recursively installs the folder, the group and permission for the folder instead. - for folders, - For files.
Example: set_perm_recursive 0 0 0755 0644 SYSTEM:app Set permissions for /system/app, for folders - 0755, for files - 0644.
Syntax: show_progress
Shows progress in the position seconds (or shvidshe, if the actual speed of the Vikonanny can be indicated).
Butt: show_progress 0.1 0
Syntax: symlink
Creates a symbolic message (like 'ln-s'). written in the format root:path, and in the format of the target file system (and may be related)
Example: symlink /data/app_s SYSTEM:app Create a symlink to the /data/app_s folder for the /system/app folder
UPD: if you picked up the package and flashed it through recovery, then there are two options - or with recovery installed, write a message and nothing will happen, you won’t get out. not be replaced (this occurs when the package structure is incorrect, there are any changes in the names of files/folders, incorrect (wrong order or changes) commands in the updater-script or an inconsistent update-binary.) As a rule, recovery writes the correction code from 1 to 9. Otherwise, everything has been prescribed as it should be.
I wonder who needed this article. Of course, this does not mean that you will immediately rush to create a work package correctly, but will even help you with your undertakings.

12 episodes

Please note that you are not responsible for contributing anything to META-INF on your own. It is your responsibility to rely on everything you use to package your JAR. There is one area where I think Ant effectively improves: adding attributes to the JAR file manifest. It’s really easy to say in kshtalt:

Hire, I think it’s easy...:-)

On the right is that META-INF can be seen as an internal Java metadirectory. Chi don't contact him! Any files you want to include before the JAR must be placed in either another subdirectory or the root of the JAR itself.

I noted that some Java libraries have begun to use META-INF as a directory before including configuration files that are packaged and included in the CLASSPATH along with the JAR. For example, Spring allows you to import XML files that are up to the following classes:

In this case, I am quoting directly from the Apache CXF User Guide. For the project I was working on, where we needed to allow a number of different configurations through Spring, we finalized this and placed our configuration files in META-INF.

As I consider these decisions, I don't know what would be wrong with simply including the configuration files in a specific Java package rather than in META-INF. Ale tse, perhaps, a new de facto standard; either this or a new anti-pattern :-)

You can also host static resources.

At the butt:


and extract them from web3.0 containers via


The value/META-INF/MANIFEST.MF has special meaning:

To add to the information here, the WAR file META-INF/MANIFEST.MF gives the developer the ability to initiate verification of the container's opening time, which ensures that the container can find out everything your program can store your deposit. This guarantees that if you missed the JAR, you do not need to check until your account is up to date to realize that it is missing.

Maven has a folder META-INF I realized through the Standard layout of the directory, which after a year about the mental package of your project resources in JAR: be it directories or files placed in the directory $(basedir)/src/main/resources, will be packaged in your JAR with the same structure, starting with base JAR. The folder $(basedir)/src/main/resources/META-INF will contain the .properties files, as soon as the bank has generated them MANIFEST.MF, pom.xml among other files. In addition, frameworks such as Spring use classpath:/META-INF/resources/ to serve web resources. To remove additional information from the div.

If you are victorizing JPA1, you may need to add a persistence.xml file that specifies the persistence unit names you might want to vikorize. The persistence module provides a manual way to insert a set of file, class, and jar metadata to include all the classes that are stored in a group.

Import javax.persistence.EntityManagerFactory; import javax.persistence.Persistence; // ... EntityManagerFactory emf = Persistence.createEntityManagerFactory(persistenceUnitName);

I recently thought about this problem. Obviously, there are no common connections between the META-INF wiki. Of course, there are no strictures about the need to place a manifesto there, but there seem to be no similar barriers to placing other speeches there.

Why so?

Vipadok cxf may be legal. Here is another place, where it is non-standard, it is recommended to bypass the unpleasant fix in JBoss-ws, which avoids reversals on the server side against wsdl schemes.

But it’s true that there are no standard standards, there is nothing but. Granted, these speeches are very strict, but for whatever reason, there seems to be a lack of standards here. Marvelous. It seems that META-INF has become a popular place for any necessary configuration that cannot be easily handled in any other way.

To add information here, META-INF is a special folder in which ClassLoader treats it differently than other folders in the bank. Elements placed in the middle of META-INF are not combined with elements behind it. It's like a different root. Refer to the Enumerator method ClassLoader#getSystemResources(String path) same: If path tasks begin with "META-INF", the method looks for resources contained in the middle of the META-INF folders of all jars for the class path. And if this path does not start with "META-INF", the method searches for resources in all other folders (META-INF position) of all jars and directories up to class.

HTML Tag - Metadata

Try it yourself »

Viznachennya and Vikoristannya

Metadata is information about the data itself.

Tag will provide metadata about the HTML document. Metadata will not be displayed on the site, but will be processed by machines.

Meta elements should be used to add a description of the page, keywords, author of the document, date of last modification, and other metadata.

Tag First of all, it can be nested in the head element.

Metadata may be processed by browsers (to display content or re-engage a page), search engines (keywords) or other web services.

Browser support

The Supported by major browsers.

Features between HTML and XHTML

The HTML tag There is no end tag.

The XHTML tag This may be the final order of closure.

Note: Metadata will always come in name/value pairs.

Language attributes

DTD indicates which document type HTML 4.01/XHTML 1.0 DTD attribute is allowed. S = Strict, T = Transitional and F = Frameset.

Attribute Significance Description DTD
content text Indicate instead of meta-information STF

Non-language attributes

Standard attributes

Tag supports the following standard attributes:

Additional information about Standard Attributes.


The tag does no support any event attributes.

There are no databases. To understand what stinks are, it is necessary to look at them instead. There is one small, interesting detail - metadata. These are the ones that hide all obvious information. Why did the stench break down and continue to vikorize?

What is metadata?

It should be noted that there is no single formulation of this concept. Well, metadata is the secret name for information about

Basically, the following meanings of this term are discussed:

  1. You can take note of the subchannel information about vikorystvo data.
  2. This is what you call the characteristics to describe the essence. The smells are necessary to detect, identify, evaluate and assign values ​​to the database. This is also the name given to the important collection of a large number of structured descriptions, given in an acceptable form and accessible at a clear glance, so that the required object can be found. A similar formulation is used in situations where it is necessary to search for entities, resources and objects.
  3. Data from a formal formal system that describes the power of a particular information reservoir.
  4. Information about the characteristics of the web page (if it was created, who is the author).

Variability between data and metadata

How do they recognize them? On the right, it is impossible to carry out an unambiguous process. Why? Let's take a closer look at the butt:

  1. You can play in both roles. For example, the title of an article can be seen as both an element of metadata and information that is conveyed to the reader.
  2. The ability to change places. It is acceptable, even if you write a new version. It's given. A composer, focusing on words, creating a musical composition and attaching this text. In this case, it is converted into metadata. Everything should be left in the vicinity. In the meantime, similar episodes are possible through the addition of a singing point to the gaze on the base of your judgments (here the name system plays a role).
  3. The possibility of creating meta-…-metadata is oriented towards an axiom of choice. This stems from the fact that just like information, its own system of characteristics can be created.

Metadata of files on computers

Their stagnant stench was also revealed in automated work flows. Any program can be used instead and can be converted to another type of information, which allows you to save money from inconvenient and routine activities.

Butts can be developed, which allow you to view graphic images with different extensions. You can also guess about various sound recordings, films and many other speeches.

Metadata on the light barrier

On the Internet, they help you find the necessary relevant information among large amounts of data. From this point of view, metadata, which are created manually, become of great value through their familiarity. This type of information can include keywords, tags and a number of other elements. Metadata are those that briefly describe the site. When the search engines analyze several sites, they reveal new thematic words on them, their mutual insertion is one on one with more significance than other sites.

Metadata classification

How do they separate them? Basically, classification is carried out according to one of two principles:

  1. Zmіst. Metadata is created to describe a file, resource, or something else (for example, the title is “how to cook potatoes”).
  2. For due diligence. Metadata can be used to inform you about your warehouse. So, the title of the film is updated to everything new, but the description of the episode only informs about the song part.

Since metadata is a collection of deposits and possibilities of logical construction, then in this case the smells are divided into 3 types:

  1. "Sir" given. The basis of information security.
  2. Metadata to describe instead. Stink, in your own way, also vikorystvoyutsya.
  3. Metadata, with the help of which you can create a logical summary.

These types of metadata are:

The three most requested classes

It is advisable to get acquainted with the three classes, which will immediately become clear:

  1. Internal metadata. This information describes the vocabulary of speeches, their structure and what it is. As a butt, you can adjust the size and format of the file.
  2. Administrative metadata. Requirements for processing information, as well as for recognizing speech. For example, who is the author, editor, if the file was created.
  3. Description metadata. Vykoristovuyutsya, to characterize the nature of the file and its signs (to which category should be based on what else is connected).

Metadata format

This is the name of the standard that is used to carry out a formal description of any category of resources (entities, objects, etc.).

Call someone's song, which characterizes the object that is being looked at. For which attributes, powers, elements and metadata are discussed.
Classified by the collections and details of the described resources.

Possible problems

If you can get rid of metadata? The lack of necessary information or access restrictions is the main cause of the problems that arise.

Also, the importance of metadata appears in these cases if the file is damaged. There are three main reasons for this: wear and tear of equipment, unnecessary influx of other programs (usually computer viruses), and incorrect completion of work with a document, through which the data was not saved correctly.

Apparently, it is important to re-evaluate the importance of metadata in classification and systematic management information. If we want to optimize our website, we simply need to know about them.