How to add Ukrainian language to flyme 6.1.

Golovna Installation and Russification Flyme 6

for Meizu smartphones is presented below.

  1. The remaining global version of the firmware has been stuck for the past month, and now the Chinese ones have entered a stable stage, so you can try and install the firmware for the Chinese market and follow the instructions for transferring it I'm mine.
  2. Installation and Russification of Flyme 6
  3. Before installing the software, save all the data you need on your PC or SD card
  4. We go to the official website of the Meizu company and download the firmware for your smartphone. We throw it into the root memory of the device and open it through a standard explorer and install it after clearing the data. After installation, log in to the Meizu cloud account and go to the item “
  5. Fingerprint & security And the word Root is there. The device is in good condition and can be re-installed.
  6. After the re-installation is completed, download and install the program Florus and let's go to new In the addendum, select "».
  7. Have you seen any Chinese software?

", we are given root rights, and after completion we are not allowed to re-engage and select the item "

Install Russian localization
We are waiting for re-engagement and after this we can remove the addition.

This instruction has already been tested on many smartphones that run on Flyme 6. I especially installed this Russification on the Flyme beta firmware for Meizu MX6.

Everything you do, you do with your own hands and brushes.

You can install the Morelocale program, but there will be no problem with the translation.

Since previously there was little support for the Russian language from the “box” and updating the firmware in two clicks, there is no choice at all.

Or buy a smartphone from a local distributor at a 25-30% mark-up, or use the Russian language, or don’t renew the smartphone.

It would seem that the problem could be caused by the firmware of the smartphone software version “I”, but it all boils down to the fact that Meizu’s smartphones may be closed.

  • Romodels have not yet been able to overcome the blockade.
  • Initially, the motives for this decision are clear.
  • The Meizu company is trying to seize its market in these countries, which open Meizu representative offices, and in this way it can completely remove buyers from low-income countries, which will give advantage to cheap brands like Lenovo.

Chinese stores CooliCool, Gearbest and sellers from Aliexpress are not at all happy with this turn of events, so they understand how this could end for them:

a) out of the way from removing the forces

b) vidmova for the purchase of smartphones

c) disputes in the area of ​​​​reversing the cost (it is enough to update the firmware, open the dispute, cancel the refund and then return to the old firmware).

Since Gearbest cooperates with the largest stores on Aliexpress (Eternal Time, SBT, Gold Way), as well as CooliCool, they may be able to teach the Meise company to turn the focus on distant markets.
Hire Gearbest and agree to contact Meizu.

Virizan language:

Update 07/29/2015:

a) A group of shops with Aliekpres with a quantity of 25-30 pieces pooled zusilla to supply skarga to Maisie.

Today, smartphones from Chinese manufacturers are gaining particular popularity, such phones do not differ, and sometimes are better for the rich analogues of the manufacturers.

When purchasing Chinese smartphones, you can save money on purchases through online stores (AliExpress), otherwise the power supply will be affected by the installed language on the phone.

  • The virobnik on the official website published information about those that in our countries SND will be provided with a device with a firmware version intended for the sale of devices on the international market, such phones are for sale on You don’t know about Internet Maidans.
  • Smartphones with older firmware versions do not transfer languages ​​other than Chinese, dialects and English.
  • In this article we will show you ways to Russify Meizu without flashing and other complex manipulations.
  • Meizu smartphones without international firmware do not have Russian language installed.
  • In order to sell devices to retailers, it is necessary to incur additional costs for the Russification of devices, updating them with Russian instructions.

These manipulations lead to an increase in the price of goods.

When connecting a smartphone via the Internet from China (AliExpress, Banggood, Gearbest), users are faced with the presence of Russian language on the device and the need to install Russian language arises.

Previously, the Russification of Meizu required changing the firmware, but this ability is blocked, the blocking is due to internal policy and is difficult to fix.

  • To Russify your phone, you need to unroot the Meiza.
  • firmware for the device from the list that you have entered;
  • check out your favorite programs;
  • click on Russification and press “Russify smartphone”;
  • allow the SuperSu program to overwrite system firmware files;
  • After completing the software re-locking of the phone, re-lock the smartphone again.

The axis and all the simple crocs on the device are obsessed with the Russian language.

Now you can browse, surf, surf the Internet, listen to music and tune your phone using Russian language.

Zmina language

  • The system language is either installed, which displays all the entries in the smartphone menu.
  • Since after the infatuation of the Russian language and the re-infatuation of the language, the language did not change automatically, the nutrition is to blame, as when changing the language for meiza.
  • To change the language on the device, you need to select the following:

go to settings;

select "language, time, keyboard" from the system tab;

You need to select “language” from the window, find it in the list and select Russian.

With these complicated manipulations, you can easily change the language on the device and significantly save on the attached device through the Chinese Internet platform.

We are confident that we have confirmed to all your information about the Russification of the Meizu brand smartphone and the installation of the Russian language on your own.

We hope you enjoy using your smartphone.

It’s no less important that you need to add devices in China and save a little, we have an effective method that allows you to add Russian language without reflashing and complex procedures.

How to Russify a Meizu smartphone

  • Install the SuperSu program on your smartphone, give it all the necessary permissions and access to the Internet.
  • Install the FlymeLocalizationFree program from Google Play.
  • Launch it and select a model to install.
  • Select the firmware version that is currently installed on your smartphone.
  • Press the check access button before changing files using microprograms and check for notifications about the presence of root rights.
  • Press the button for Russian localization.
  • The Russification file is due to connection with the Internet, which may result in connections to the device.
  • Bazhano vikoristovvati Wi-Fi connection.
  • Once you have completed importing the Russian language, press the “Russify your smartphone” button.
  • Allow SuperSu to overwrite system firmware files and wait until your smartphone is reinstalled.

After you have canceled it again, perform another manual reset.

After the introduction of the device, the Russian language will be activated for the producers.

Chinese manufacturers for the domestic market produce phones based on the OS Flyme wireless system.

This system is based on the remaining version of OS Android, and it contains all Google services, including the Play Store.

Here we will look at the method of Russifying this system and how to connect to it the Play Store and other official Google services. For example, take the new Chinese mobile phone Meizu M3 mini. Description of the Meizu M3 mini smartphone and Russification of OS Flyme.

Recently, the Chinese brand Meizu began to gain coverage.

The design of the Meizu M3 mini smartphone is very similar to the iPhone 6 and 6S, it has the same neat appearance, rounded edges, but the screen is smaller, its size is 5 inches.

There is nothing visible as the screen does not have an ISP matrix with a separate part HD - 1280 x 720 pixels (296 ppi).

The phone has a good current 8-core MediaTek MT6750 processor with a frequency of 1.5 64-bit.

І not a weak battery – 2870 mAg.

The phone supports all formats of the LTE mobile Internet.

Now you can access the Internet via 4G not only in Russia, but beyond the border.

The phone looks like a well-thought-out device, handy for everyday life and for little money.

The main problem for Russian users will be the OS, either Chinese or English, and there is no Play Store.

Although it is not entirely clear, in many Russian online stores this phone is sold already Russified from the Play Market, and also with special features during its operation. And the word Root is there..

We launch it and click on “Localize (RU)”.