Program for adding and changing elements of ceramic forms.


Having read a lot of forums and never received a reasonable description of the “Switch” robot.

Write the axis yourself.
In my opinion, the problem that most often becomes clear is the incorrect statement about the “Switch”.
If you place a bunch of “Switches”, for example 3, on a form, it is important that the program logic has 3 different objects that merge into each other.
But, in essence, the program accepts all three “Peremikach” as one object.
Selecting one of them changes the station of that object.
Let's take a look at the butt.

1. Make three alternations on the mold. For clarity, the name cannot be changed. 2. Go to Peremikach1. For your authority in the “BASIC” section, check the first box in the group.


"VALUE TYPE" is a number.
(We'll look at the number itself later).

EF = ElementiFormi;

Yakscho Peremikach1=0 Todi EF.StanPay.Value = "Unpaid";

InaksheYakshto Peremikach1=1 Todi EF.StanPay.Value = "Partly paid";

InaksheYakshto Peremikach1=2 Todi EF.StanPay.Value = "Paid";

7. Embossed F7.

Embossed F5.

It’s amazing how well the young people are doing.

And the great BoS gives us a bonus.



Why is “Switch1” worth it?
So, as has already been said, the program accepts all three elements as one, and since “Switch1” is the first in the group, then this program accepts the entire element, if you put “Switch2” as the main one in the group, then verification of the correctness will need to be carried out by "Switch2".

Well, what about the stars “0”, “1”, “2”?

The values ​​that the object receives when “Peremikachiv” are re-mixed were set in steps 3 and 4.

This code is set as a robotic butt with peremikachami.

It is important that you mix the Object attribute and the Form attribute to remove the value that is stored in the new one, and then use the following code:

PeremikachElementFormElementForm // is executed directly, since this is the form attribute Object.SwitchInternalDB // is executed through the Object element.

to your details.

Platform 1C: Enterprise allows you to programmatically add and change ceramic mold elements.

For the implementation of certain hidden algorithms.

  • For example, in the "Fence" subsystem, editing of object details is transferred to the object subsystem for all connections
  • program creation
  • buttons to increase the ability to edit details.

For the implementation of certain specific algorithms.

For example, the Nomenclature agent creates fields for editing additional details.

  • You can programmatically add, change and delete the following types of kernel forms:
  • details;

local commands;

elementi. All these operations are possible on the server. Programmatic change of form may include: Visibility can only be added programmatically to details/commands/elements.

    It is not possible to programmatically delete objects created in the configurator. (< ИмяКоманды >)

    It is not possible to attribute the props to the heads.

    Change of team uniforms (< ИмяКоманды >)

    To store a warehouse of commands at the object (< Команда >)


є collection Team Add

Quantity ()
Know vidality
The command collection is available both on the client and on the server. You can change the collection (methods Add() and Vidality()) on the server. You can search and remove the quantity of elements (methods Find () and Quantity ()) both on the client and on the server.);
The command collection is available both on the client and on the server. As an example of working with the commands of the form, create a new command History of changes with the heading “History of changes...”, when you click on the sampler
The command collection is available both on the client and on the server. Represent the story ().;
The creation is completed at the hour of the creation of form.
&On the server
Know Procedure)
When created on the server (vidmova, standard processing)

= Command.


"History of changes" .(< Путь >) which rotates the array of type RequisiteForm.

The function parameter indicates the path to Father's details (in the row view). If the parameter is omitted or an empty row is specified, the details of the upper row are rotated.(<Changing the details is done using the method>, <Change details>) Details that are available All these operations are possible on the server. View details Changing the details is done using the methodі Change details object



are passed to an array with elements of the RequisiteForm type.

The process of changing warehouse details is resource-intensive. In fact, the form is being recreated.

The connection between the robot and the form details is completed in batch mode.

We are creating a new form details with the name Buyer:

Details that are provided = Novyi Masiv; All these operations are possible on the server. Programmatic change of form may include: Details that are provided. Add(New PropsForm

    (“Buyer”, New Description of Types (“Dovidnik Posilannya. Counterparties”), “Client”)); (< Имя>, < ТипЭлемента>, < Родитель>, < Элемент >)

    It is not possible to programmatically delete objects created in the configurator. (< Имя>, < ТипЭлемента>, < Родитель >)

    It is not possible to attribute the props to the heads.

    Change of team uniforms (< Имя >)

    // Change the warehouse details< Элемент>, < Родитель>, < МестоРасположения >)

    To store a warehouse of commands at the object (< Элемент >)

Changing form elements () For storing a warehouse of elements at the object

  • Elementi
  • .
  • The collection contains a number of methods:
  • Paste

Move( The Elements collection is available on both the client and server.< ИмяСобытия>, < Действие >) .

Change collection (Insert methods

, Add () , Move () and Vidality () ) can only be done on the server.

You can search and remove the quantity of elements (methods Find () and Quantity ()) both on the client and on the server.
The command collection is available both on the client and on the server. You can change the collection (methods Add() and Vidality()) on the server. You can search and remove the quantity of elements (methods Find () and Quantity ()) both on the client and on the server.);
The command collection is available both on the client and on the server. Collection elements can be: GroupFormi;; TableForm;
The command collection is available both on the client and on the server. FieldForm; = ().;
Form elements can be programmatically assigned subscripts. For this purpose the method You can search and remove the quantity of elements (methods Find () and Quantity ()) both on the client and on the server. Install Diyu (
Let's take a look at a number of the most widespread practical applications of robots with commands, details and form elements. = You can search and remove the quantity of elements (methods Find () and Quantity ()) both on the client and on the server.;

Adding a command and the button associated with it:

// Command creation
. Diya = “Connect_View History”// The form has a procedure based on the designated names
// Create a button and link it with the command
Form elements can be programmatically assigned subscripts. element
Form elements can be programmatically assigned subscripts. = Elementi.
Form elements can be programmatically assigned subscripts. Add(, Type("ButtonForm");


Adding details to the entry field associated with it:// Description of the details that are added Details that are provided.);

&On the server
Know Add(New RequisiteForm (“Buyer”, New DescriptionTypes (
"Dovidnik Posilannya. Counterparties"


Procedures that are installed as samplers under the code for an additional method Insert Diyu(), it is recommended to set the prefix Connecting_.


You can use the software to search and change the details, commands and elements of the ceramic form.

1. Input field
2. Praporetsya
3. Peremikach

Input field

As a rule, the input field is associated with the object details and displays its data.

This is perhaps one of the most broad elements, and there are many ways to select a value:

Select from list (Select from list mode)

Select from another form (Select button)

Adjustment buttons

The implementation of pointing the most of the butts does not attract significant strength from the side of the distributor.
For example, for the list mode it is necessary to fill the element list with values; to select another form, you simply need to associate the control element with the data of the browser.
And the axis for the adjustment buttons will need to be written in more code, similar to pressing on the skin button, although it won’t be too big:
Procedure pvVibirNomenclatureRegulation (Element, Direct, StandardProcessing)
//Select data for the input field
// at the same time Nomenclature
Zapit = New Zapit;
Nomenclature. Posilannya Yak Product

Dovidnik Nomenclature YAK Nomenclature

|Order by
TZNomenclature = Request.Run().Upload();
//Look for the current element of the value explorer near the input field
CurrentElement = TZNomenclature.Find(Element.value);
Yakshto TekElement = Unidentified Todi
// if we don’t know the element, then set the index number
// table pose value, because

the greatest element of
// table value is index 0
TechIndex = -1;
// which element of the knowledge can be removed from its index

TechIndex = TZNomenclature.Index(TechElement);
// The new index is released by pressing the button

// minus before the change Stand straight in order to< 0 Или НовИндекс >// click on the top arrow to show the element that costs more
// and also with a smaller index
NovIndex = TekIndex-Directly;
// selectable number of elements from the appendix
// one is taken out because
CurrentElement = TZNomenclature.Find(Element.value);
all collections in 8.1 start with 0
Element.value = TZNomenclature.Otrimati(NewIndex).Product;
// table pose value, because



Most programs are intended to serve to display two states: installed, uninstalled.

In 1c the ensign has three positions, in the third position the ensign appears - as with shading.

Three stages are available, only because the proportion is given - the number at which the following values ​​loom:


The remixer is used to select one value from a small number of possible ones (usually no more than five), in which the values ​​cannot be combined. For example: suitable for choosing a person’s status.

      Another example: it is acceptable that the company gives one in 3 discounts on goods, for which the discounts are not included:

      In this case, the strength of the choice of peremikach can be attributed to the fact that it can be important for them to be “chosen” by the authorities. In case of “5% reduction” you can save a value of 5 or 0.05. When vikoristan peremikachі it is important to remember three speeches:

  1. The first remixer may have the authority “FirstInGroup” (this example has the remixer “Reduced 5%”).

The remixers, which are brought after the place to one group, must follow the established order of the bypass, without interfering with other elements of the form. The traversal order is indicated in the menu "Form -> Setting the traversal order", for given the butt

it looks like this:

The type of the selected value is set for the transmitter with the authority “FirstInGroup”.

1C are created automatically by the system at the hour of entry

  • applied solutions
  • .
  • It is based on the submission (display) of information to the 1C:Enterprise system.
  • Structure of the 1C form
  • The form is a logical description of the warehouse of the form.
  • elements are described by how the form appears.

The placement of form elements is drawn by the system automatically during the display hour.

The part of the form that is displayed (visible) is described as a tree that includes form elements (div. figure below, “Form Elements” field):

groups that include other elements,

  1. input fields,
  2. praports,
  3. peremikach,
  4. buttons,

tables that include column elements etc.

  • "Elementi formi 1C"
  • [burn]

A group of form elements can be represented as

panel with frame,

panel with sides (tabs), vlasne side, ceramic forms can be produced on the level of koristuvach.

For this functionality, the main command for form actions is “More” - “Change form” (managing other form elements as defined at the development stage or following the standard rules of auto-generation of the form).

"More" - "Change form"

Command "More" - "Change form":

The part of the form that is displayed (visible) is described as a tree that includes form elements (div. figure below, “Form Elements” field):

After clicking “Change form”, the window for customizing the 1C form is displayed:

  • In addition, in the customer mode you can:
  • it is not possible to change the order of straightening forms, transfer them from one column to another (as if the worktable has two columns), but it is not possible to change the number of columns on the worktable;

Display information from the view of the surrounding windows (when clicking the navigation command, you need to hold down the Shift key).

As soon as the sections are selected, when you click a command in the navigation bar, the resulting list is displayed in the work area, replacing the other work area.

Adjustment of the modern appearance of the ceramic form by the retailer The retailer can be combined with the development of elements different installations

  • .
  • You can specify the order of the elements, indicate their width and height, and also add value:
  • teams of the most shape;

global commands that apply to all configurations;

The part of the form that is displayed (visible) is described as a tree that includes form elements (div. figure below, “Form Elements” field):

commands that can be parameterized that will open other forms based on the specific data of the flow form.

  1. Malyunok (change of form 1C with box)
  2. When developing the 1C form, you must:
  3. In the form editor, enable the necessary details and commands in the form;
  1. create the form elements that display them, determine the order of the elements, specify the width and height (if necessary);
    • arrange the elements of the group (if necessary). Adjust role-based visibility in form elements (view and edit details by , customized visibility of form fields by roles, visibility of commands by roles) for a large number of roles in a configuration (including several tens). Continue with the following approaches:
    • with strong importance of the external appearance and functionality of the form, it is due to the obviousness of these and other roles in the correspondent – break apart the shapes specialized for a specific set of rights of a client;
  2. Vikorize role-based visibility settings in the configuration command interface, the main section command interface, and the workspace cob side. It is important to ensure that rights to sections of the command interface are configured, and objects included before command interface or in working area . This allows you to promote the transferability of behavior

ceramic interface