Roman numeral 2 on a computer keyboard. How to write Roman numerals on a computer

Hello, dear readers. Today we will return to working with Word again. Today’s topic will be about how to put Roman numerals in Word. We may need them for the numbering of paragraphs in a document, or when writing text, to write like a century. Roman numerals in Word can make your document easier to read.

I’ll guess that I will rise up after hearing about those how it works. If you don’t know, then read it thoroughly.

Numbering on the list

The first method where you may need Roman numerals is to create a numbered list. For example, at the hour of creation of a document with many points. Let's take a look at how to worry.

You can now write down the required items as required. Then, on the “Head” tab, in the “Paragraph” section, select “Numbering Library” and indicate that we need to use Roman numerals. Marvel at the butt.

We write in English

This is one of the simplest ways to insert Roman number. We can wrap our arms around us. And for this you need to go to English language. Select the same key as ALT+SHIFT, sometimes CTRL+SHIFT.

Now let's guess the spelling of Roman numerals:

  • 1, 2, 3 - I, II, III (letter I, Russian Ш)
  • 4, 5, 6, 7, 8 - IV, V, V, I VII, VII (letter V, Russian M)
  • 9, 10, 11 - IX, X, XII (letter X, Russian Ch)
  • 50, 100, 500, 1000 – L(d), C(c), D(c), M(b)

This method is very simple - press the Shift key and type the required number (more precisely, Latin letters).

Let me write the Word yourself

The third way to finish is cunning, but sometimes even easier. And its simplicity lies in the fact that we don’t need to think about how to correctly dial the number in the Roman version. For which we quickly use a special Word formula.

Let's take a look at this method step by step:

  1. We place the cursor at the place we need.
  2. Press the CTRL + F9 keys.
  3. For the curly bows that have appeared, we put one thing: ( = )
  4. Next we write the number that needs to be changed. I will write this rik: ( =2016)
  5. We put the braid between \
  6. We put a star * and write ROMAN in English. If we type small roman, then Roman letters will be small. Axis my butt: ( =2016 \ * ROMAN )
  7. If the formula is stuck, you need to press the F9 key

If you have done everything correctly, you will see some telltale signs. Marvel at what came out of me.

Inserting symbols

Well and the remaining method. How handy it is, judge for yourself.

Open the “Insert” tab, find the “Symbols” section and the “Symbol” item, and in that click the “Other symbols” button. Now you need to find the symbol you need in the window and click the “Insert” button. And so on, do not insert all the characters you need.

We looked at 4 ways to write Roman numerals in Word. Which one you found most handy - tell us in the comments. Stay tuned.

U to the current world Arabic numerals are respected by the official numerical standard. A system of ten signs is being developed for subdivisions and numbering in all parts of the world. In this case, the Roman numerals, which were used in the non-positional number system of the ancient Romans, were not completely convinced. You can often find that with its help, sections in books are numbered, centuries are indicated in historical literature, blood type is indicated, and a variety of other parameters for which notation in Roman numerals has become standard.

When working on a computer with a browser, text editors Other programs may need to enter values ​​in Roman numerals. Around the digital block with them daily standard device input, as well as several ways to write Roman numerals on your keyboard.

Roman numerals on the keyboard as an addition

Very few add-on vendors provide manual methods for entering Roman numerals in their products using an additional keyboard. Most programs do not have special functionality for working with a non-positional number system, which may be difficult to enter Roman numerals for. You can see two manual ways How to enter Roman numerals from the keyboard in any program

Replacing Roman numerals with English letters

On any computer, the only language available is English. You can quickly switch to this using the additional key combination Alt+Shift or Windows+Spacebar (Windows 10). The English alphabet completely covers the need for food digital keyboard to enter Roman numerals, all of their analogues can be typed for assistance by great writers.

The new letters of the English alphabet will replace Roman numerals:

  • 1 – I;
  • 5 – V;
  • 10 - X;
  • 50 - L;
  • 100 - C;
  • 500 – D;
  • 1000 - M.

Even in school they learn how it is necessary to change Roman numerals in order to enter different numbers. The principle is simple: the required number is reached using Roman numerals as large as possible to suit the situation.

For example:

To enter the number 33, you need to enter 10+10+10+1+1+1.

Apparently, in the Roman variation the number 33 will be written in this way: XXXIII.

There are also special rules for entering Roman numerals, which allow you to shorten the writing of great numbers.

ASCII code wiki for entering Roman numerals

U operating system Windows supports ASCII code for entering various characters. The stinks can be used vikoristovuvatisya, zokrema, for the introduction of Roman numerals.

ASCII is an American coding table that contains the most popular armed and unmanaged characters in the form of digital combinations. To use the symbols from this table on a standard keyboard to enter Roman numerals, you must place the NUM number block on the right side of the keyboard.

Activate the additional digital block using the Num Lock button. Then press the left ALT on the keyboard and enter a combination of Roman numerals on the right numeric pad. After entering a skin symbol, you must release ALT for the symbol to appear in the entry field. Next, the ALT key needs to be pressed down, and you can enter the leading character.

The current combinations of the additional digital block are identical to Roman numerals:

  • ALT+73 – I;
  • ALT+86 – V;
  • ALT+88 – X;
  • ALT+76 – L;
  • ALT+67 – C;
  • ALT+68 – D;
  • ALT+77 – M.

The method of entering Roman numerals from different ASCII codes cannot be called manual, but may become stuck, for example, if for one of these or other reasons the English layout on the keyboard is enabled.

How to add Roman numerals to Word

Microsoft is in the process of development office package Word programs have advised that writers who work with texts may need to enter Roman numerals. Since you don't have to manually work with the English layout or ASCII codes, Microsoft has introduced a special command in Word that automatically translates Arabic numerals into Roman ones.

To add Roman numerals in Word quickly and manually, you need to do the following:

After this simple actions Word will automatically convert the Arabic number to the Roman variation.

    The ancient Arabs guessed a wonderful system of numbers! In fact, on our planet, various people have been profiting from it successfully for as long as a century. Even Roman numerals have not yet lost their relevance. The non-positional number system of the ancient Romans is listed in the sheet for the designation of centuries and thousand, serial numbers monarchs and volume numbers in encyclopedias, with designated valency chemical elements, numbering of the dials of the wrist anniversary. Only when you have to type Roman numerals on the keyboard are those who have never tried before, you can click on some difficult steps.

    You will immediately realize that the Roman number system is cumbersome and difficult to use, and it is difficult to read for writing down specific dates. You will learn how to dial Roman numerals in no time.

    How to type Roman numerals on a computer keyboard
    You, of course, have a standard keyboard, where there are letters of the English alphabet, then entering Roman numerals into any text is not particularly difficult. All you need to know is which letters represent which number.

    To quickly type Roman numerals on your keyboard, change to English. Press on CapsLock to get great letters.

    Number 1 – ce letter I.

    Numbers 2 indicate two letters II And so on until three.

    Number 5 is supported by a letter V.

    The number 4 in the Roman system is “5-1”, which means dialing IV. When typing less, the number is written before the greater number.

    Number 6=5+1, then VI. When typing a smaller number, the number is written after the larger one.

    Number 10 – tse X. With a nine we do the same thing as with a four. 9 = 10-1, which means we write IX.

    The number 50 is indicated on the sheet with a letter L. And axis 40 = 50-10, which means XL.

    The number 60 is 50+10, then, LX.

    Litera Z– one hundred (easy to remember when you associate with a centner), letter D- 500, letters M- Thousand.

    If you need to write a foldable number, such as 178, for example, then the right-hander writes a smaller number, the left-hander writes a larger number: 178 = 100 +70 +8, which means СLXXVIII. Since your National Day in Arabic numeration is 06/23/1977, then entries in Roman numerals appear as XXIII.VI.MCMLXXVII.

    In some situations when writing large numbers in Roman numerals, difficulties may arise. To successfully convert them, we recommend using one of the Roman to Arabic numeral converters. One of these view converters is on the site

    Before the speech, the Roman system of calculation had been popular in Europe for over 2 thousand years. Only in the era of the late Middle Ages did the Arabs replace them with a simplified system, which we are constantly becoming corrupted by. Fortunately, the Roman number system is rarely used on the Internet.

    Standard solution

    The simplest answer to this question is how to type Roman numerals on the keyboard - instead of using the English keyboard layout. The procedure is included in the skin version of the Windows operating system, so there is no need to worry about the process of introducing problems. The only thing you need to know at this time is the set of numbers that are used in this numerical system. This includes:

    • "1" is the same as the number "I" (an alternative is the English letter "I").
    • “5” is the number “V” (the same alphabet has “B”).
    • "10" - not "X" (you can put the Russian "X" or the English "Ix").
    • "50" - is designated as "L" (the Latin layout of the skin keyboard is not present).
    • “100” is the same as “C” (for this type everything is the same as “10”).
    • "500" - designated as "D".
    • "1000" - in the Latin number "M".

    Combining numbers can be separated as a number. Under what varto means one polite nuance. If there is a smaller number in front of a great number, it appears from the new one. For example, IV - will be 4 in Arabic calculation. And since everything is at random, after more there is less, then everything is taken into account. Like a butt, you can aim 6 – VI. Knowing these rules, you will understand that typing Roman numerals on the keyboard is not particularly difficult. It’s always worth remembering everything. In such situations, it is best to create a cheat sheet and use it when typing such numbers.

    ASCII code

    An alternative way to enter Roman numerals on a laptop keyboard is either desktop computerє dictionary of so-called ASCII codes. Also, the same English letters can be typed using a combination of the ALT key and the last set of a combination of Arabic numbers on the keyboard extension (do not forget about those that the Num Lock key is required to be turned on). Possible combinations of codes can be found in Table 1. this method This means that everything is complicated, so it’s easier to stick to the practice of what was introduced earlier.


    The easiest way to type Latin numbers on the keyboard is in Word or any other office application. For whom in this group of supplements were transferred special function. Recruitment order for each attack:

    • Press the key combination Ctrl and F9.
    • Next, a special function will start: re-arrangement and the arches will appear ( ). You need to dial the following =required_Arabic_number\*ROMAN.
    • Then press the function key F9.
    • After this, our Arabic number is converted into Roman.

    The guidance algorithm is actually simpler than previously described. However, there is one real shortcoming - it’s only in office applications, and if you need to type a Roman numeral in Photoshop, it’s impossible to speed up. U to the extreme vile You can dial the required number here. Then go to the additional manipulator, copy and then paste to another program.


    Within the framework of this material it was stated different ways How to type Roman numerals on the keyboard. Having reviewed them, you can go back to the simplest way to learn the English alphabet, which contains all the necessary numbers. This solution applies to all supplements without guilt. My only drawback is the need to know the numbers of a given numerical system. Ale ce nutritiona can be virishiti. If you often use Roman numerals, you will memorize them. Well, in the worst case scenario, you can harvest blackberry, which means you can forgive the plant.

U Vіk current technologies Roman numerals may be needed by anyone who searches the depths of the Internet. The guy thinks that this is an unforgivable misfortune. Let us remind you that after reading this article, you will easily type Roman numerals, without having to worry about Wikonian.

The simplest option

Advance preparation:

  1. Switch the keyboard to the English layout. (simultaneously pressing the Shift + Alt keys)
  2. Now let's get quiet Caps Lock This will make your life easier so that you don’t have to press Shift on the skin symbol (if you want, you can use Shift)

Now let's create magic!

ASCII code

You can also use an alternative and better way to translate Arabic numerals into Roman notation - This is an ASCII table. This is a coding table, which is a combination of popular symbols with a specific set of numbers. By following the instructions below, you can quickly access the ASCII table:

  1. You need to enable Num Lock mode (just press the secondary key).
  2. Press the Alt key and press the combination of numbers you need on the right-hand keyboard.

For Roman notation, the combination of offensive keys is:


One of the easiest ways to convert Arabic numbers to Roman ones get them from Wordi or another office supplement like you. For this you have to follow the following algorithm:

  • Vikorist immediately press the keys Ctrl+F9;
  • The arches appear ( );
  • You need to type a simple expression in the arms: (=necessary number ROMAN);
  • Press F9;
  • The goal has been achieved!

It's true even more garniy method, if you have a computer office add-on, but not limited to access to the Internet. However, the truth of such a rich and simple way There is one shortcoming: you can only get it from Word and similar supplements. If you need to enter a Roman numeral in any other application without the hassle of office tools (for example, Photoshop), you will have to choose an alternative from two input methods. But here’s a little secret: you can type the number you need in the Word program, and then just copy and paste where you need it. Everything is brilliantly simple!

We have already discussed three ways to dial Roman numerals on a computer. The easiest way to type Roman numerals in the document you need just put them on the keyboard using the English layout. The greatest advantage this method- it is universal, and you can use it in any program, on any operating system. The only drawback to this approach is the need to know all the numbers of the system and how they are created. Ale tsey minus just put it in.

Memorizing Roman notation is not so easy - if you use it often, you will soon learn everything automatically, without worrying about the necessary steps. If you take into account the fact that today's Roman numerals are not so popular, then you can now set aside a few hours for learning this food. Well, from now on you can create your own little clue and look there hour after hour. In this way, understanding the numbers will come much easier. Good luck with your learning and learning new things!

If you are wondering how to type Roman numerals on the keyboard, you have missed the address.

In some cases, Roman numerals are necessary in the text, but the methods of their use are not all clear.

Such writing of numerical figures is rarely possible, but it is necessary in scientific practices, with the accumulation of richly accessible partial lists, etc.

Several ways to select them will be discussed below.


English letters

This method is the simplest, but it depends on the basic knowledge of how numbers look in such a system of rackets and how large numbers will be folded.

The fragments, in fact, are written in Latin letters, you can write them and on.

Earn money let's come in order:

  1. Change the keyboard layout to English (one-time pressing Alt+Shift or otherwise, please adjust);
  2. Depress Caps lock;
  3. Give the numbers one sign at a time.

To complete this, there is a table below to help you add up the number.

Table 1.Roman numerals and the principle of random numbers

In the Roman system In the Arabic system Note
I1 Apparently, II – 2, III – 3
V5 From five to ten to letter V is available strength required letters I. Prote 4 is spelled Yak IV
X10 Apparently, XX - 20 etc. Up to 40 - XXXX. In this case, the principle of writing non-round numbers is the same as in the case of V, so, for example, XXII - 22, XXXIV - 34, and XXXXIX - 49, etc.
L50 The principle of numeric stimulation is the same as in the front row. From the very beginning, the required number of letters of the highest significance is prescribed (for example, several hundred - not a CD, that is, five minus one), then the smallest (for example, LX - 60), then the smallest (for example, VII - 7). Thus, the number 467 looks like CDLXVII

The method of such a method is not the simplest, but it is due to the complexity and inability for the everyday people of the Roman system itself.

However, in scientific work and official documents, in various fields of physics, mathematics and chemistry, this method can be used widely.

There is a specially complex system for writing great numbers.

Windows supports coding system songs. There is a lot of talk about the ASCII system.

The reason is that this program focuses on the collection of rare or specific symbols from both physics, chemistry, geometry, high mathematics and other sciences.

And there is the introduction of numbers from the Roman tradition.

This functionality is included in the next module, when it appears you need to click on the buttons. How can you help someone in need of help?

  1. Place the cursor on the plot and a new number will appear;
  2. Ctrl+F9;
  3. Now a gray field has appeared - this is the field for entering the future date, it is marked with curly arches;
  4. Place the cursor at the arm and write from the keyboard = the required Arabic number ROMAN (replacing the “necessary Arabic number” with the number you want to overwrite, for example, = 335 the Arabic number ROMAN);
  5. Press F9 again and the command will freeze;
  6. The gray entry field will display the Roman equivalent of the Arabic number you entered.

The method works well and helps in writing large numbers. It is also indispensable for these koristuvachs, as they do not know the numerical rules behind such a canon.

The ancient Arabs guessed a wonderful system of numbers! In fact, on our planet, various people have been profiting from it successfully for as long as a century. Even Roman numerals have not yet lost their relevance. The non-positional number system of the ancient Romans is listed in the list for the designation of centuries and thousand, ordinal numbers of monarchs and volume numbers in encyclopedias, with designated valency of chemical elements, ii dials of the wrist anniversary. Only when you have to type Roman numerals on the keyboard are those who have never tried before, you can click on some difficult steps.

You will immediately realize that the Roman number system is cumbersome and difficult to use, and it is difficult to read for writing down specific dates. You will learn how to dial Roman numerals in no time.

How to type Roman numerals on a computer keyboard
You, of course, have a standard keyboard, where there are letters of the English alphabet, then entering Roman numerals into any text is not particularly difficult. All you need to know is which letters represent which number.

To quickly type Roman numerals on your keyboard, change to English. Press on CapsLock to get great letters.

Number 1 – ce letter I.

Numbers 2 indicate two letters II And so on until three.

Number 5 is supported by a letter V.

The number 4 in the Roman system is “5-1”, which means dialing IV. When typing less, the number is written before the greater number.

Number 6=5+1, then VI. When typing a smaller number, the number is written after the larger one.

Number 10 – tse X. With a nine we do the same thing as with a four. 9 = 10-1, which means we write IX.

The number 50 is indicated on the sheet with a letter L. And axis 40 = 50-10, which means XL.

The number 60 is 50+10, then, LX.

Litera Z– one hundred (easy to remember when you associate with a centner), letter D- 500, letters M- Thousand.

If you need to write a foldable number, such as 178, for example, then the right-hander writes a smaller number, the left-hander writes a larger number: 178 = 100 +70 +8, which means СLXXVIII. Since your National Day in Arabic numeration is 06/23/1977, then entries in Roman numerals appear as XXIII.VI.MCMLXXVII.

In some situations when writing large numbers in Roman numerals, difficulties may arise. To successfully convert them, we recommend using one of the Roman to Arabic numeral converters. One of these website presentation converters.

Before the speech, the Roman system of calculation had been popular in Europe for over 2 thousand years. Only in the era of the late Middle Ages did the Arabs replace them with a simplified system, which we are constantly becoming corrupted by. Fortunately, the Roman number system is rarely used on the Internet.