Seeing rows in Excel behind the brain. Filling the centers according to the values ​​in Microsoft Excel

For the Vikonannya of this plant, vikorystuvatimemo possibilities of mental formatting.
Let's take a table to show the list of terms, their terms, current status ta vartіst. Let's try to do it in such a way that the middles are prepared themselves, separately from them.

Instructions for Excel 2010

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How to get started in Excel 2007

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Apparently there are orders with prices and by clicking on the arrow with the “Smart formatting” button, we will select “Create a rule”.

Select the fourth item, which allows you to adjust the exact value from the average. We should be marked more than average. By pressing the “Format” button, you will set the color of the middles.

We confirm our choice, and the middles with a price above average have turned into a black color, turning our respect to expensive deals.

Apparently, businesses with statuses have agreed to create a new rule. This time, there is another option that allows you to check instead of checking. Select “Text”, “revenge” and enter the word “Viconany”. We set the green color, and we confirm that our Wikonian robots have turned green.

Well, let’s create one more rule, which will prevent stitching in a red color. It appears that the date of the contract was signed. When the rule is created, another item is selected again, and this time we set “Value in the middle”, “less”, and in the next field we enter a function that rotates today’s date.

“OK,” and we looked at the cheerfully decorated table, which allows us to clearly follow the progress of the transaction.

Did you remember that statuses are set by choosing a value from the list? How to operate such lists is explained in the instructions.

How to get started in Excel 2003

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"Smart Format" in the "Format" menu. A little more manual labor is needed here. This is how it looks like the preparations for our first task are to stock up on companies with values ​​greater than the average.

When you come to manually enter the function “=AVERAGE()”, place the cursor between the arms, click on the button and use the mouse to indicate the required range.
The principle is the same.
Improve Excel to new heights!

Excel is not only a powerful tool for carrying out analysis, but also a tool that can help you present the results of analysis in an attractive way. In this regard, I would like to tell you about the ways of giving color to the middles. The color of the middle in Excel can be set in a number of ways. It is impossible to say which of the methods is the most beautiful, even if it is unique in its own way and has a purpose for the recovery of great minds and environments.

Manually set the color of the lamp

The greatest in a simple way To set the color center in Excel, use the Fill Color tool, which is located on the main toolbar.

Having seen the current range of colors, you need to press the “Fill Color” tool and press the arrow. As soon as you press the arrow, the colors will appear. From the assigned colors, you can select the desired color or press the “Other colors” button. Who will have another window with a wide choice of colors.

In addition to the described method, there is another manual method. You need to first see the range of averages, and then click context not menu Then click on the menu item “Middle Format”.

A dialogue window will open in the format of the transaction. After this you will need to click on the “Fill” tab.

In this dialog box you need to select a color and everything.

Slide mark that's all manual methods Vykoristovuyutsya more than giving tables a more readable form. In these ways you can decorate the table headers and see the table rows. However, manual methods are not suitable for assigning color to the middles depending on the recorded value.

Set the color of the background of the bookmark to the value

Sometimes it is done in such a way that depending on the value recorded in the document, it is necessary to set the color of the background. Let's take a look at how to work from the butt. We have sales agents who are responsible for the plan for all product groups. If the norm is not vikonan, then the middle of sales may “catch fire” with red coins. As a first-rate thinker, let’s say that sales for the current year are not to be less than 185 thousand rubles.

To select a given task, you need to see the range of midpoints and click on the “Smart Format” toolbar

In the menu, click on the item “Rules for serving middles.” If you click on the entry, you can see that the Excel developers have implemented many options for seeing the middle ones. You can see the background using the following criteria: more, less, between, and text, date, repeated values. For the sake of our mission, we need the “Less” verse.

After we have specified the criterion of 185 thousand, the table shows a number of middles.

The proponation method is widely used in the economical analysis of various data. Є forgive and accessible. Allows you to lay down the songs of the mind of the vision even before the explicit identification of the data.

Set the color in the middle using additional VBA

The method of seeing middles in Excel is the most universal one. With this help, you can learn the simplest rules for seeing the middle. It’s a pity, only the most prosperous people can be victorious. The reason is simple - it is necessary to program, which means more complex skills.

Set the color of the book when VBA help easy to finish, program code The video looks like this:

Selection.Interior.Color = QBColor(10)

After the end of the war, the middle O6 will become light green.

The VBA tool for seeing the color of the middle allows you to choose a wide range of colors, for example, to see the middle with a different color:

  • depending on the type of value entered;
  • carefully during the editing of the document;
  • Be sure to log into your computer so that the document is edited.

In order for a document created in MS Excel to correctly place accents, you can increase the size of the middles, choose a different font or size of letters, and you can add squares that need to be respected.

We will now figure out how to see the colors of the middle in Excel, or change the color of those that are already pre-filled. How to make it so that the product changes the color according to the given mind, carefully read the values ​​​​inscribed in it and how to work according to the created rules.

Just fill the block

It’s not difficult to create one or a number of blocks in Excel. You can see them now and on the “Head” tab, click on the arrow next to the header to expand the list. Select a suitable color, and if nothing comes up, click “Other colors”.

Before speaking, you can fill a whole row in this manner, just click on the number behind you to see it. To see the results in Excel, you can read the article.

If you are working with a table in which everything is already pre-filled, then you can change the color of the blocks, or you can get everything like this. Click on a new one from the colors or select a new one, or click on the “Nor” option.

Depends on the entered data

Now let's look at how to do it so that the middle changes the color according to the given mind. Vikorystvovaetsya for this purpose the formatting, about how the article is published on the site.


Take it for the butt I'll step on the table. Let's mix it up so that the red one tastes like an apple, the yellow one tastes like a pear, and the orange one tastes like an orange.

We see the data that we are using in my opinion – the name of fruits. Then we press on "Umovne formatuvannya", yak steadily vikoristovatimemo far away. Click on the list "Create a rule".

It appears like this. Here you can select the type – “Format your commercials for revenge”, Further, it is also significant. It’s even more intelligible: we have a text that takes revenge song words. In the remaining field, either click the button and enter the commercial, or enter the text.

The importance of the one who put the message on the account (=$B$4), the mind changes depending on what is typed in it. For example, instead of apple B4 I add currants, the rule will obviously change, and blocks with the same text will be filled. And if you write an apple in the field, then the word itself becomes a joke, and there’s nothing wrong with it.

Here select a fill color and click “OK”. To view all options, click on the “More” button.

The rule is created and saved by pressing the “OK” button.

As a result, all blocks, including text, were filled in red.

The rules for other fruits are created in the same way, and a different filling option is selected.


Now let's look at the numerical data. Let's place the numbers in column D on the singing background behind the sink, as we put it.

We see the pattern, we create the rule, we indicate its type. Next we write – “Value” “greater than” “15”. You can either enter the remaining number manually or enter the business address, information will be collected. Indicated by the fill, embossed “OK”.

Blocks containing numbers greater than the entered number were filled in.

Let's outline the rules for seeing the middle ones - choose "Rule Management".

Here, choose everything, as I described, you just need to change the color and set the brain "less or more ancient".

When everything is ready, press “Zastosuvati” and “OK”.

Everything works, the values ​​equal to and below 15 are filled with pale blue.

Here it would be better to see the difference between imported and sold goods. We see two columns and pressure "Rules for seeing middles"“Repeated meanings”. Select a suitable color. After all, since the two middles will be colored, then the fruits that were brought in were all sold.

Let’s use the example of the remaining step to show you how to make sure that the company changes the color according to the specified value. We see them and go to "Rule Management".

Create a new one for the flow fragment, as needed, in the list that appears, you can select either for any arch or for other arches.

Select the required items from the window that has opened. I will fill in dark green all the values ​​that are greater than 90. I entered the fragments in the remaining field to the address (=$F$15), then when you change the number 90 in the world, for example, to 110, the rule will also change. Save your changes by pressing the “OK” button.

I’ll make one more rule, but in the new candle we’ll turn light green everything that’s less or more than 90. Don’t forget to save everything by pressing the buttons, right-handed at the bottom.

Axis what happened. In addition, you can visually clearly see the profit from the sale of a larger product.

For example, if the price changes, the rules will be changed. If the value becomes greater or less than the specified value, the color of the cell will automatically change.

I think you have gained respect that the rule is created not only for text and numbers, but also for dates, and it depends on the completion and availability of favors at the counters. Show your brains, choose a color and save.

To see what you've added, select a range from the window "Rule Management" will latest list. Vikorist buttons are on the bottom, they can be added, changed or deleted.

When working with tables, you can see the values ​​that appear in them. A very important warehouse has the same design. Actors of the profession respect a number of other factors and do not rely on any particular respect. And darma, the table is also beautifully designed with an important mind for the best understanding and understanding of the koristuvachs. The visualization of data plays a particularly important role. For example, with the help of additional visualization tools, you can prepare table entries separately from them instead. Let's find out how you can work with Excel.

Of course, it’s best to have a well-designed table in which the middles are stored together in a variety of colors. Ale is especially relevant given the possibility great table, which contains a significant array of data. In this case, filling the center with color will make it easier for the students to navigate this large amount of information, which, one might say, will already be structured.

The elements of the sheet can be prepared manually, or again, since the table is large, it will take many hours. Before that, such a massive amount of data human factor You can play your role and be granted mercy. Not to mention that the table can be dynamic and the data in it changes periodically, and in large quantities. And here it becomes impossible to manually change the color.

Ale vikhid e. For data that contains dynamic values ​​that change, smart formatting is established, and for statistical data, you can use the tool "Find and Replace".

Method 1: smart formatting

With the help of mental formatting, you can set songs between the values ​​for which products will be prepared in a different color. The preparation will be carried out automatically. If the value of the mixture after the change goes beyond the boundaries of the cordon, then this element of the arkush will automatically be overfilled.

One wonders how this method works specific application. Here is a table of the enterprise's income, where the data is broken down on a monthly basis. We need to see in different colors those elements that have less income 400000 rubles, in 400000 to 500000 rubles and transfers 500000 karbovantsiv.

  1. It appears that there is information about the income of the enterprise. Then we move to the tab "Golovna". Click on the button "Umovne formatuvannya", which is displayed on the page of the tools block "Styles". From the list that opens, select the item "Management by rules...".
  2. Runs at the end of managing the rules of mental formatting. In the field “Show formatting rules for” There may be a value installed "Flow Fragment". It is your responsibility to do so, but in case of any inconvenience, change the settings in accordance with the above recommendations. After this, press the button "Create a rule...".
  3. The created formatting rules window will appear. Select a position from the list of rule types . In the block I will describe the rules in the first field, the switch may stand at the position "Significance". In another field, a jumper is installed in the position "Less". In the third field there is obvious significance, the elements of the arkush, in order to accommodate the smaller size of it, will be filled with a song color. Our guy will have a lot of value 400000 . Whose name is embossed on the button "Format...".
  4. The middle format window appears. Moving to the tab "Fill". Select the fill color you want so that the centers are visible, so you can apply a smaller amount 400000 . Whose name is embossed on the button "OK" there is a window at the bottom.
  5. Turn over the easily created formatting rules and there we will also emboss it on the button "OK".
  6. After this, we will again be redirected to Smart Format Rules Manager. As a matter of fact, one rule has already been added, but we can add two more. That's why I want to emboss it on the button "Create a rule...".
  7. And once again we are losing the rules we have created. Moving around the sections “Format your commercials for revenge”. The first field in this section is stripped of its parameter "The meaning in the middle", and for the other we set the switch to the position "Mizh". In the third field, you need to indicate the cob value of the range in which format the arkush elements are assigned. Our vipadka has a number 400000 . The fourth indicates the end value of this range. Von warehouse 500000 . After clicking on the button "Format...".
  8. The formatting window is moved to the tab again "Fill", and then select a different color, after which we stamp on the button "OK".
  9. After turning the window, the rules are also embossed on the button "OK".
  10. Yak Bachimo, in Rule managers We have already created two rules. With this rank, the third building was lost. Click on the button "Create a rule".
  11. The created rules window is moved again to the section “Format your commercials for revenge”. The first field is deprived of the option "The meaning in the middle". In another field, we install a jumper in the police "More". In the third field, enter a number 500000 . Then, as in the front folds, we emboss the button "Format...".
  12. At the window "Format of the middles" moving to the tab again "Fill". This time we choose a color that varies from the two front drops. Click on the button "OK".
  13. In the rules creation window, press the button repeatedly "OK".
  14. Opens up Rules Manager. Once all three rules have been completed, we will emboss it on the button "OK".
  15. Now the elements of the table are prepared according to the specified minds and boundaries in the adjusted mental format.
  16. If we change it in one of the middles, going beyond one of the rules, then the sheet element will automatically change the color.

In addition, you can use clever formatting in a different way to prepare the elements of the arch with color.

Method 2: using the “Know and See” tool

If the table contains static data that you do not plan to change over time, you can quickly use the tool to change the color of the middles instead of the name “Know and see”. The Settings tool allows you to select the specified values ​​and change the color of these to the desired color. Ale trace, so that when you change the colors in the elements of the arch, the color will not be automatically changed, but you will end up with too much. To change the color to the current one, you will have to repeat the procedure again. Therefore, this method is not optimal for a table with dynamic space.

Let's see how it works on a specific application, for which we take the same table of business income.

  1. It can be seen from the data that it is formatted by color. Then we go to the tab "Golovna" and embossed on the button “Know and see”, which is located on the page of the tools block "Redaguvannya". In the list that has opened, click on the item Know.
  2. The window opens "Find and Replace" at the deposit Know. We know the meaning ahead of time 400000 karbovantsiv. Since we don’t have much in the middle, there would be room for much less 300000 rubles, then, in essence, we need to see all the elements that contain numbers in the range of 300000 to 400000 . It’s a pity that this range is stated directly, since the mental format has stagnated, this method It's not possible.

    But it is possible to do something differently so that we can give the same result. You can show the offensive pattern in a row by search "3?????". The food sign means whatever symbol. In this manner, the program will search for all six-digit numbers that begin with the digits "3". So you can see the search for values ​​in the range 300000 – 400000 whatever we need. Yakbi in the table of boules, numbers are smaller 300000 chi less 200000 Then for the skin range of a hundred thousand searches it would be possible to work hard.

    We introduce Viraz "3?????" in the field Know and embossed on the button "Know everything».

  3. After this, the results of the sound type are finally revealed in the lower part. Click the left mouse button on the skin of them. Then we dial the key combination Ctrl+A. After this, all the results of the sound type are visible and the elements in the column on which the results are based are immediately visible.
  4. Once the elements are already visible, do not rush to close the window "Find and Replace". Intermittently with the deposit "Golovna" Where we moved earlier, go to the page to the tools block "Font". Click on the jersey with the right hand on the button "Fill color". A selection of different fill colors will appear. We choose the color that we want to set to the elements of the arch, so as to accommodate smaller values 400000 karbovantsiv.
  5. As a matter of fact, all the middle steps are in order, in which there are lesser values 400000 rubles, seen in the selected color.
  6. Now we need to prepare the elements that will accommodate the values ​​in the range of 400000 to 500000 karbovantsiv. This range includes numbers that match the pattern "4??????". We type it into the search field and click on the button "Know everything" Having previously seen the stuff we needed.
  7. In the same way as before, the sound viewer monitors all the results obtained by pressing a combination of hot keys CTRL+A. After this, move to the icon and select a fill color. Click on the new one and press on the icon of the color we need, which is the barbed element of the arch, where the values ​​​​are in the range of 400000 to 500000 .
  8. As a matter of fact, after this, all elements of the table with data in the intervals 400000 By 500000 seen in the selected color.
  9. Now we are no longer able to see the remaining range of values ​​- more 500000 . Here we were spared, because all the numbers are larger 500000 be within the intervals 500000 to 600000 . Therefore, in search of the field, we introduce Viraz "5?????" and embossed on the button "Know everything". Yakbi boules of magnitude, what to move 600000 , then we had the opportunity to conduct additional searches for vislovlyuvannya “6?????” etc.
  10. Once again we can see the results of searching for another combination Ctrl+A. Then, by pressing the button on the page, we select a new color to fill the interval that moves 500000 for the same analogy as we have done before.
  11. As a matter of fact, after this, all elements of the stack will be packed, according to the numerical values ​​that are placed in them. Now you can close the window by pressing the standard close button at the top right corner of the window, since our task can be respected above.
  12. If we replace the number with something else that goes beyond the boundaries set for a specific color, the color will not change, as was the case in the previous method. It is important to note that this option will only be reliably processed in tables in which the data will not change.

As a matter of fact, there are two ways to prepare numbers based on the numeric values ​​contained in them: using mental formatting and using a special tool "Find and Replace". The first method is more progressive, as it allows you to more clearly define how the elements of the sheet are visible. Before that, when umovne formatbathroom The color of the element is automatically changed, if you change it instead of something that cannot be done any other way. At the same time, fill the middles thoroughly when the tool is frozen "Find and Replace" It is also entirely possible to select data, but only in static tables.