How to add the final touches to your new lume.


It’s not surprising that some of the koristuvachs were talking about the Anniversary Update, the delivery of which began a few days ago.

This indicates that the device freezes after updating.

At the moment, the number of merchants who are faced with such a problem is growing.

Therefore, the Reddit discussion about the bug is rapidly growing.

The first conversation in history was the message from the SoloWingX customer.

He wrote that after installation, the device freezes 20 seconds after the PC is installed.

And for the time being, Windows 10 Mobile users will have to check it out.

It was immediately reported that the Anniversary Update has the power of 9 sickles.

The answer was posted by representatives of the Indian branch of Microsoft, and later removed.

However, the WindowsCentral portal is supported by the fact that the information shows effectiveness.

Ale couldn’t do without “ale”...

The 9th Anniversary Update will no longer be available for those with unlocked smartphones.

  1. And the owners of operator devices will have the chance to hit the 16th sickle.
  2. Although most Windows 10 Mobile smartphones are not assigned to mobile operators, it is important that most customers cancel the collection in the near future.
  3. Not only people who work in the everyday life suffer from such a problem, like putty on their clothes.

In a similar way, Nina can hamper the speech of an office student or a student.

This is due to the fact that the putty can be not only a routine, but also a clerical one.

It doesn’t matter how much putty you put on your clothes, it will come off as quickly as possible.

If you consider that there are a number of ways, you can cope with the problem.

A stationery proofreader, or as it is also called a “stroke”, is a putty intended for correcting text marks. Please note that there are a number of different types of correctors, which are divided into one type by their storage and drying method. There are 3 types of stationery putty: Spirtova; Vodna;

Emulsiina. The easiest way is to remove the water-based corrector and apply other putty..

Now you can only wipe it off from the washing machine, and then dry it in the usual way.

Reducible to alcohol (emulsion putty)

Having found themselves with putty on their speeches, the guilty gentlemen immediately tried to wipe it off.

If you consider that there are a number of ways, you can cope with the problem.

Unfortunately, not everyone knows how to remove stains from corrector from clothes made with an alcohol base.

Twist the trace so that the alcohol putty can be removed much more easily, lower correctors on the base. Regardless of this, there are a number of ways that can help you pick up the dust that has appeared. If the putty hardens, you must carefully remove the ball with a knife

If splashes of alcohol-based putty appear on the streams, it is necessary to wait until the stench hardens.

At the next step, carefully remove the top ball of putty.

For this purpose, you can vikoristat any holy object.

Any stain that has been lost must be wiped off with a cotton swab soaked in alcohol.

After removing the corrector, it is better to apply it in the final machine.

Another effective way to use alcohol corrector is ammonia t. The kidney needs to be separated from the water. Skin fluid is taken in equal proportions. Afterwards, apply putty to the traces. After the end of the hour, wash your clothes at the washing machine. Displayable corrector based on retailer

Faced with the flames of the corrector, prepared on the basis of the dispenser, the gentlemen will become very embarrassed.

This is due to the fact that such putty can be removed more easily.

Don’t get embarrassed, because you can still put the corrector in the back. Of course, you have to tinker, but the result is pleasant. Otherwise, the clothes will simply be zipped.

Any stain that has been lost must be wiped off with a cotton swab soaked in alcohol.

If you follow simple instructions, confusion may arise.

Corrector-touch is not easy to see If the putty has rubbed off on your clothes, it is recommended to apply a serving dish or sponge to the pulp as soon as possible, clean off the debris, then it will be smoother. If the flame is lost, the quickest way is to use a special method called “

Antistroke " At the next stage, the river enters the washing machine.

There is another way that allows you to remove the roller stroke.

It is necessary to prepare warm water and add it to it

Gospodar's sweetheart

Because it is easier to remove the putty, it is easier to clean or wipe it off.

Since the flame stretching for 3 khvilins did not disappear, it would soak for 45 khvilins.

At this stage, you will only be unable to wear clothes in the car.

I wish Microsoft would make a new life for Lumia.

In 2015, no one has high hopes for the breakthrough of Windows Phone.

However, the budget line began to become more popular, more and more add-ons appeared and the possibility of securing Lumia in the budget segment of the market became more and more real.

The icing on the cake is the announcement of the release of Windows 10 Mobile, which is sure to ruin the market.

Coming out of this current market, 2015 will see the addition of the Lumia 640.

Not a budget device with an attractive design, a Microsoft nameplate on the corner (which I already liked), a smooth robotic system (to be found) and the near prospects of upgrading to ten.

The same interface, also WP, is worthy.

Simple and pure - those that are not available on Android.

Sometimes illogical (presumably the pathetically confused section of the setup and calming down the three hands that begin), sometimes too ascetic, and soon Windows 10!

Let's live!

But there, on 8.1, you can live without any special problems.

The concept of tiles has been successfully implemented.

So, both the size of the size and the information do not need to be displayed informatively.

The camera is overall good, especially after adding the “final touches” that are added automatically.

A couple of butt shots, as if I haven’t had enough yet.

The situation with Windows Mobile is slightly different.

Updates are coming out very often (third-party vendors, of course, don’t bother; Yandex still hasn’t updated its navigator, and Instagram doesn’t even think about leaving eternal beta), but it’s up to you to fix the stinking bugs in your fantastic world.

It is even problematic to move the screen, the browser to scroll sideways jerkily, and websites to move when displayed - through these bugs, it is even problematic to deal with the device, although re-installation helps.

Have you re-introduced your robohorse more than once a day?

But I don’t want to get used to 8.1.

An even greater vacuum.

The main thing is that you can’t get anything right on your device.

  • To be ignored is not only unacceptable, but also inappropriate from a practical point of view.

It is impossible not to take into account Microsoft's plans to close the Lumia line.

That's it, the project has not been completed, and now, especially, it is no longer possible to spend money on cash.

I sold my Lumia.

On devices with Android 4.4 and older versions, this is not the case, and the vacuum does not work as well.<“, левая фигурная скобка “{“ и левая квадратная скобка “[“. Чтобы добавить только один символ или цифру, не обязательно переключать клавиатуру с режима на режим. Достаточно коснуться кнопки переключения режима на цифровую клавиатуру и задерживая палец на экране переместить его к нужному символу.

And if you adhere to the rules of punctuation in the Internet browsing, then in addition to a plus in karma, we are glad: click and press the “period” key - you will see a menu with frequently used division marks.

The symbols that are displayed are located on your keyboard.

2. Become a master of Internet Explorer.

The peculiarity of Internet Explorer on Windows Phone is its minimalism: there is only one button next to the address row, and the solution to all commands is hidden in the menu.

The button behind it is “Onovity/Zupinity”.

Let’s assume that it’s not so important for you to update your mother’s ability to change your mind or to stop looking at your favorite pages.

It’s possible that you want to have your bookmarks in your hand from now on.

This is not a problem: open Settings > Programs > Internet Explorer and select “selected” from the “Button in the address row” menu.

You can also select the “tabs” item for quick display of closed tabs, if you, for example, are an avid fan of mobile Internet surfing.

3. Be attentive when you hear the bell.

We are glad that you have a rotten day or, for example, that you are planning to have a fun and gallant Friday evening.

In order to ensure that you are able to complete the required programs without any hassle, write a notice or view other text, go to the “Special Options” menu (Settings > System > Special Options).

There you can turn up the high contrast mode for clearer visibility of a number of elements, increase the font size, and turn on the screen magnifier, which lets you click on the screen with a small dot.

6. Use your Lumia's voice.

Of course, not everyone knows that with the help of a voice assistant you can not only call the subscriber from the recorder, but also launch programs, dial a number during the call and start launching your favorite mixes from MixRadio.

It’s really handy, since you’re too lazy or you’re behind the scenes.

Press and hold the Windows key, click the voice assistant, and then type one of the following commands (you can view the full list of commands).

7. Don’t let your photos get ruined.

To avoid this, set up automatic synchronization of photos with SkyDrive.

There is nothing simple enough to do on Lumia: the synchronization parameters are located in the “Automatic upload” menu (Setup > Photo + camera).

The “Contacts” add-on is the ideal place to save all your contacts (I wonder what’s wrong?), regardless of where they are

Is it important to use a barcode corrector?

This is not entirely true!

The stock of this office assistant is varied, so there are a lot of options for solving such problems.

I have already encountered a similar problem, so I will share with you how to wipe the touch from the clothes with my own hands in the home.

Ways to learn How to remove a stroke from a garment and not to press it?

In order for all your actions to achieve a positive result, you need to understand how the flame from the corrector appeared on the blouse.

The most popular types of strokes and for the sake of their usefulness are presented in the table:



Type 1. Stitch.

A small appendage with an origional stitch in the middle.

This type of corrector can be easily removed for other purposes.

Type 2. Water-based.

The most popular type of stroke.

You can get a flame of this kind with the help of basic pryanya.

Type 3. Alcohol based.

To remove such a touch, you need to mix alcohol and alcohol-based drinks.

The sooner you start before the obstruction is visible, the more chances you have to get rid of the congestion.

Type 4. On a linear basis.

The best and most expensive type of corrector (the price is significantly higher than analogues).

To correct a touch of this kind, it is necessary to vikorize the everyday robbers.

Type 5. Based on the retailer.

Putties based on resin are most often produced in the form of olives and handles. You can apply a corrector based on a ripening agent, vikorist and different methods for removing spots with obstructive anterior wounds.

Ways to learn How to remove leather from the different types of corrector?

Remove fresh congestion: 3 ways
  1. Instructions
  2. , is presented in the table, showing how to clean the clothes without folding them:
  3. Description

Method 1. Super cute:

Pour water into the container.
  1. Soak her clogged river.
  2. Viprati odyag zvichainim mil.
  3. Effectively removes traces of water-based putty.
  4. Method 2. Miyuchiy zasib

Fill a small basin with water.

Add a little bit of miyuchu for the dishes.
  1. Wash the necessary pieces of fabric.
  2. Wash the river at the washing machine.
  3. This method is also suitable for removing marks from stitch putty.
  4. Method 3. Mechanical

Wait until the flames are dry.

Scrape the putty with a glass nail file.

Ways to learn How to remove leather from the different types of corrector?

Shy the surplus.
  1. Soak a cotton pad in alcohol.
  2. Gently blot the dirt and cover it with 10 layers.
  3. Reverse the result: if there is no flame, remove it; if there is no more flame, repeat the procedure.
  4. Finally, be sure to rinse thoroughly.

Instead of medical alcohol, you can use a burner or alcohol-based perfume.

Method 2. Skin tonic
  1. Soak a cotton swab near the skin for rinsing.
  2. Rub the dried putty.
  3. If necessary, repeat the process.
  4. Rinse off excess under running water.

The facial toner can be used for cleaning delicate fabrics.

Method 3. Acetone
  1. Turn the dial to the opposite side.
  2. Place a piece of cotton fabric underneath the required area.
  3. Soak a cotton pad in acetone and apply until thickened for 15 minutes.
  4. At the end, wipe off the acetone with the addition of aromatic conditioner to remove the unpleasant chemical smell from the acetone.
Method 4. White spirit
  1. Repeat the first two layers of the previous method.
  2. Soak a cotton swab in a bottle and apply to the patch for 10 minutes.
  3. Then take a new swab and gently rub the blockage.
  4. Please rinse off any excess dirt and dry it off as soon as possible.

Method for removing traces of putty from a retailer

It will be easier to use putties based on raschinnik.

Ways to learn How to remove leather from the different types of corrector?

There is an effective technique for removing such obstructions:.

Krok 1