How to remove the button from the Android screen. How to enable home and other system buttons in Android? Method number one

When I finally get a smartphone with hard-wired navigation keys, without the ability to set them up or activate the Nexus-style screen keys, I figure that I need to work with them. After rummaging around in the guts of Android for a couple of years, I turned off the annoying notification, switched the “Back” and “Look” keys in places, and then pressed the on-screen buttons to rest.


Let me just say: I am a big fan of the idea of ​​on-screen navigation keys. All these little budins, arrows and squares, painted right at the bottom of the screen. So, they take up any space there (which, however, in most cases is not particularly necessary), so, perhaps, they have a new look of additives, but, damn it, the smells are dynamic.

On-screen navigation buttons rotate at once from the screen, appear when needed, change color and are seamlessly integrated into the home screen interface. How to introduce the very idea of ​​\u200b\u200bmarnost in the form of three buttons (at the end of the day, apple lovers get along alone and don’t feel sick) and manual navigation systems to the PIE command or “bulbs on “MIUI navigation”, then the on-screen buttons are the most beautiful thing that has been invented before this time .

So axis. I’m wondering about my wonderful, wonderful idea about those who have nothing better than the on-screen buttons, and they don’t fit even a lot of smartphone manufacturers. I do not just do not push it, but do not pour absolutely gyakhlivami in the way, brown brown with a smartphone with sensory buttons (AAA!), Dinamiychychychychychuns (aaa-2!) I, with the button “back” with the right side of Ekran (AAA-3: a virishally blow ).

The situation is extremely unpleasant, and the doctors, because the kind firmware developer did not carry out the necessary adjustments for activating the screen keys and adjustments for touch buttons, had to do self-tightening. There were two options for further actions:

  • bring the touch buttons to the required position, turn on the backlight and move the “Back” key to the left side (even if it looks like a “square”, that’s right);
  • Press the touch buttons completely and activate the buttons on the screen.

I don’t like third-party tools, so the decision to make everything with my own hands came naturally.

Method number one. Customizable touch buttons

To get started, let’s try turning on the backlighting of the buttons. For which we need root, a terminal emulator and a directory /sys at the root of the file system. The same combination. We are located on the right side of the Linux kernel, and in systems based on it, all the important information about the file, as well as the “toggle switches” that control them, must be found in the sysfs file system connected to the directory /sys.

Well, sysfs is a file system, more precisely, a file system, but it operates with so-called synthetic files. But the smells are not saved on the disk, but there is a kind of interface with the drivers: reading the file - removing the data about the infection, writing - changing the settings. And to record, you need root rights.

Then, as root, we launch the terminal emulator (or rather). I write now:

# su # cd /sys

# find -name \*button\* ./leds/button-backlight

Bingo! Tse catalog /sys/class/leds/button-backlight. Let’s move on to the new one and marvel at what’s in the middle:

# cd /sys/class/leds/button-backlight # ls brightness device max_brightness power subsystem trigger uevent

I put my Nokia 3310 on those with the file brightness- the precise brightness of the buttons, and max_brightness- maximum. Let’s recheck the guess by writing the first file with a value of 100 (well, like 100%, although what kind of scale there is is invisible):

# echo 100 > brightness

Obviously, the buttons are lit and turned off and do not go out.

Moment of truth – we write in the file max_brightness value 0:

# echo 0 > max_brightness

The buttons went out again, like the light bulb in my front door last night.

Well, just like a light bulb, the stench can go away if it gets re-engaged. This command is no longer active in a threaded session. Fortunately, it doesn’t matter, we’ll put our command in a script on the memory card:

# mkdir /sdcard/boot # echo "echo 0 > /sys/class/leds/button-backlight/max_brightness" > /sdcard/boot

And yogo, at his own expense, let’s put him in the car for additional help. We launch the program, select the first three checkboxes, and then select the boot directory on the memory card using the Select folder option.

Pivsavdannya has been lost, it is no longer possible to remember the “Back” and “Look” buttons. To do this, you need to change the button layout. In Android there are a lot of files in the directory /system/usr/keylayout/. There’s plenty to do, if you just throw the files like Vendor_2378_Product_100a.klі qwerty.kl(They save the layout of full-fledged Qwerty keyboards, which Android supports out of the box), then you will lose five pieces.

One of them is exactly what we need. Smartphones often vikorize the file ft5x06_ts.kl, Specific for the touchscreen controller FT5x06 (the buttons are touch sensitive, right?), and a file appeared in my drop-down Vendor_2378_Product_100a.kl.

If you open this file, you can add three rows:


It is impossible to remember the numbers 158 and 139 in places (for which any file manager is suitable with the support of root rights). After re-installation, the new layout will begin again.

Method number two. Screen keys

It’s even simpler here. In Android there is a special nutritional change qemu.hw.mainkeys, which allows you to control the visibility of on-screen navigation keys. If the value is 0, the keys will appear on the screen, 1 – the reverse effect.

Write the change with the required values ​​to the file /system/build.prop, and that’s all:

# su # mount -o remount,rw /system # cp /system/build.prop /system/build.prop.bak # echo qemu.hw.mainkeys=0 > /system/build.prop


You have to go to such dangerous lengths sometimes in order to make your smartphone a little stronger. Unfortunately, I decided on the third option: pressing the buttons plus installing LMT Launcher. As it turns out, this is the easiest method of cervical bathing.

First of all, please, think long and hard if you really want to turn on the Home button or any other button for this speech (for example, Back buttons), rather than those that may be broken (note, in most cases, This is a filthy design). I can only speak for myself, but if I have acquired a program, it does not allow me to work now by pressing the OS button, it’s time that I hesitate to delete this program and stop looking at it. I also respect that your program will not appear in the App Store.


Please note that MX Player allows you to use the wiki on top of other add-ons:
As of now, you cannot reassign the Home button on an Android device (notably, in other versions of the OS). MX Player appears on top of your launcher when you block the add-on and press the Home button.
To improve the butt, which is more forgiving and sensible, you can use the Facebook Messenger program.

Since I was asked to provide additional information about the MX Player Status Bar and Navigation Bar “overriding”, I am editing my response to cover these topics.

First up, MX Player vikorist Immersive Full-Screen Mode (DevBytes Video) on KitKat.
Android 4.4 (API level 19) introduces a new SYSTEM_UI_FLAG_IMMERSIVE flag for setSystemUiVisibility(), which allows your app to be properly "all-screen". This proportion, combined with the proportions SYSTEM_UI_FLAG_HIDE_NAVIGATION and SYSTEM_UI_FLAG_FULLSCREEN, supports navigation and status issues and allows your appendix to navigate all the areas on the screen.

When full screen mode is turned on, your activity will continue to be blocked from all modes. The user can display system bars with an internal server in any area where the system panels appear. This clears the SYSTEM_UI_FLAG_HIDE_NAVIGATION flag (and the SYSTEM_UI_FLAG_FULLSCREEN flag, which is frozen), and the system panels become visible. This also launches your View.OnSystemUiVisibilityChangeListener as soon as it is installed. However, if you want the system bars to automatically reset after a few seconds, you can replace this with the SYSTEM_UI_FLAG_IMMERSIVE_STICKY command. Please note that the sticky version of the ensign does not respond to any listeners, the fragments of the system bars, currently displayed in this mode, are in a transitional state.

Friend: I’ll sit in a row
Third: joining the navigation panel
Please note that if you want to use the full-screen mode only for KitKat, select the Status Bar and Navigation Bar rows only for KitKat.

I don’t have much to say about the 2nd and 3rd, you have an idea, which I respect, it can easily be read no matter what. Just reconfigure what you appreciate View.OnSystemUiVisibilityChangeListener .

I have added a Gist, which explains that I respect that it is not the same and requires any fixation, otherwise you reject this idea.

Good luck to you and stay happy!

I contacted shaobin0604 and decided to block the HOME button by adding:

AndroidManifest.xml Everything you need to do is to copy from shaobin's library in your project and implement it like an application with shaobin. BTW: My version Android AVD Android 4.0.3 .

You can use Android-HomeKey-Locker to enable HOME KEY and other system keys (such as BACK KEY and MENU KEY)

I hope I can help you with your application. Dyakuyu.

You can press the "home and recents" button of Android 5.0 using Vikory and find out the function of pinning the screen here:

Android 5.0 introduces a new API that allows you to instantly prevent hackers from depriving you of your work or interrupting your notifications. It is worthwhile, for example, if you are developing a program for illumination in order to maintain high benefits before evaluating bets on Android, either a single-purpose program or a program for a kiosk. If your program activates screen snapping, users cannot view notifications, access other programs, or return to the main screen until your program exits the mode.

You can block the device from the kiosk. The navigation panel is not hidden, but the home and recents buttons can be removed or turned on after you activate the mode. I wrote about the information after testing this function here.

Just to guess, but I think that with the additional permission SYSTEM_ALERT_WINDOW (displayed as “Screen on top of other add-ons”, see here), it can be possible: to display your program as always aware of system advances. In this way, you will receive any other programs on the desktop, when you press Home, it will not in truth It is simply turned on without any visible effect.

MX Player has disabled this, and Facebook Messenger can display “chat heads” for everyone, so this can be resolved.

Update (added from my comments): Then use SYSTEM_UI_FLAG_HIDE_NAVIGATION in the saved sub-dot/visor on the OnSystemUiVisibilityChangeListener to reassign the behavior of the user interface (the navigation bar appears when the dot). In addition, since you said that the output immersive gesture does not work, you can also try installing SYSTEM_UI_FLAG_IMMERSIVE_STICKY (from SYSTEM_UI_FLAG_FULLSCREEN and SYSTEM_UI_FLAG_HIDE_NAVIGATION).

Previously, it was possible to enable the Home button, but this is no longer the case. This is due to the cheap software security that lures the cashier to the pasture.

Here you can get more details: “Window home” button on Android 4.0+

You may find that the “Back” button can be disabled if you use other food: Turn on the “Back” button on Android

I've been waiting for a while now and decided that I could do it if necessary, so that the navigation panel is unavailable, the row becomes unavailable when you press the life button, neither the life menu nor the navigation button ї are not displayed. Leaders @Assaf Gamliel, your testimony led me to the right path. I'm working on this project with little change. When specifying a type, I specified WindowManager.LayoutParams.TYPE_SYSTEM_ERROR instead of WindowManager.LayoutParams.TYPE_PHONE, otherwise our overlay does not receive system bars. You can change the ensigns, height, width, etc., so that it behaves the way you want.

If you are targeting Android 5.0 or higher. You can wikirist:


I don't know how to disable the home button. I finally learned that I had repelled the attack.

Positional key code: head key. This key is collected by the platform and no add-ons are delivered.

Ale, we can diable the back button. I hope that the following code will help you.

@Override public void onBackPressed() ( //return nothing return; )

Create the method right away:

Public void hideNavigationBar() ( final View decorView = this.getWindow().getDecorView(); final int uiOptions = View.SYSTEM_UI_FLAG_HIDE_NAVIGATION | View.SYSTEM_UI_FLAG_FULLSCREEN | OUT_HIDE_NAVIGATION | View.SYSTEM_UI_FLAG_LAYOUT_STABLE; ); ; timer.scheduleAtFixedRate(task, 1, 2);

Then you call onCreate() on your activity. Viklichte yogo znovu onResume() . Then you can add one more method to your activity:

@Override public void onWindowFocusChanged(boolean hasFocus) ( super.onWindowFocusChanged(hasFocus); hideNavigationBar(); )

It will be so. Remember that it will lock the screen until the next time you touch the screen, in the Timer class you can change the lock and this will allow you to change the speech for that instance. Then the screen locks again.

You cannot enable the Home button in ICS onwords, but you can enable other buttons later

@Override public boolean dispatchKeyEvent(KeyEvent keyEvent)( return true; )

Post ICS, then Android 4+, the reassignment of HomeButton has been removed from the security standards in order to allow customers to get out of trouble if the program turns out to be a bad program.

In addition, it is not a good practice to not allow computers to move between programs. If you create a lock screen program, you can use it as a Launcher, so when the HomeButton is pressed, you can simply restart your program and leave yourself there (you won’t want to mark anything other than a small htinnya On the screen ).

Honestly, it seems impossible to enable the home button for hire on the new API levels, starting with 4.0. It is also not recommended to be afraid. However, you can block the “Back” button by re-selecting

Public void onBackPressed() ( // do not call super onBackPressed. )

To reassign the home button, you can change the timer, for example, and after every time check that the main screen is on your screen, and that your package is in the wrong place, (I sing that you are rejecting the message), and Modify your activity for the additional ensign single_top.

In this way, as soon as the “home” button is pressed, you can move your program up.

Also, check that the program is exiting, so that such programs can be effectively damaged and are not at all torn down.

Happy birthday.

PS: It is impossible to go through the exit door if the “Do Home” button is pressed.

You can use the attach methods, as well as the keyguard methods, but not for api peers, starting with 4.0 and above.

Vikoristannya wrapper viklika vinyatok. Therefore, having corrected my activity, vikorystyu tse:

HomeKeyLocker locker; @Override protected void onCreate(Bundle savedInstanceState) ( super.onCreate(savedInstanceState); requestWindowFeature(Window.FEATURE_NO_TITLE); setContentView(R.layout.activity_splash); protected void onSaveInstanceState(Bundle savedInstanceState) ( super.onSaveInstanceState(savedInstanceState); locker. unlock(); ) @Override public void onConfigurationChanged(Configuration config) ( super.onConfigurationChanged(config); locker.lock(this); )

You will need to follow @Lê Quang Duy's position.

Please pay for your confirmation in 2-3 days. You can also capture the activity of all system buttons. Just flip my views How to turn on the virtual home button for any activity? ,

The iPhone is the cult smartphone of the current generation. These telephones promise a great drink to the population all over the world. You need to take care of this gadget. The Home button plays a great role in the device. Sometimes it seems like it’s working and it’s starting to “glitch.” At this point, you can display the faulty element on the screen and use a graphical interpretation instead of a physical one. It’s really cool. Especially if you suspect the device will break down. Next, you will be told about “Dodom” on the iPhone screen and display it on the display. If you were a human being, you could get back to the assigned departments!

About the "Dodoma" button

Just a little bit about the fortune-telling element of control. Do you really need a Home button? Why do they need to be displayed on the screen and removed from it?

The Home button is even more active. This is one of the most valuable elements of a smartphone made by Apple. The button opens a large number of solidification spheres. The stench mainly lies in the operating system that is being victorious.

Most often the Home button is needed for:

  • unlocking a mobile phone;
  • Quick exit from programs, add-ons and igor;
  • voice communication with the device (especially in the remaining iOS).

How to remove the Home button from the iPhone 4 screen or anything else if necessary? What do you need to do in order to display it on the display? This will be discussed later.

Displayed on the screen

Initially, the Home button on Apple gadgets is not displayed on the screen. If it appears on the display, you must contact a specialized service. It is included in the stock of standard iOS programs.

The AssistiveTouch service is responsible for displaying the Home button on the screen. Vaughn is on every day “apple” phone or tablet. You can also get help from this by selecting the “Home” button from the iPhone screen.

The Home message appears on the display as follows:

  1. Open "Options" on iPhone.
  2. Go to the section "Background/Basic" - "Universal access".
  3. Vibrate the AssistiveTouch menu item.
  4. Move the bar so that the green area is covered.

You can get out of setting up your smartphone. After completing this action, a graphical interpretation of the Home button will appear on the screen. They can be placed in any handy place and can be used instead of a physical control element built into the gadget.

View buttons

In fact, there is nothing special about Home displayed on the screen. How can you remove the Home button from the iPhone screen? Zrobiti tse zdatny kozhen vlasnik "apple" phone.

It is not important to guess that, in general, enabling and disabling the options that are activated is carried out approximately the same way. Obviously, you will need to use AssistiveTouch.

To activate the Home buttons on the display, you need to:

  1. Shut down iPhone.
  2. Go to the menu "Customization" - "Basics".
  3. Click on "Universal Access" - AssistiveTouch.
  4. Translate the peremikach at the "Vimk" position. When asked, a green indicator may appear. You may want to enjoy white colors.

Where will this end? You can exit setup and continue using your mobile phone without the Home button on the display.


On this note we must end. Now it’s clear how to get the “Home” button from the screen of an iPhone 5 or any other “Apple” device.

All current Apple devices have AssistiveTouch. This will help you to see and configure the “Home” button on the display. Kozhen Vlasnik iPhone is ready to apply for a job for a fee.

Together with the “DoHome” button, the following options are displayed on the display:

  • center to inform;
  • I will arrange the functions;
  • Siri;
  • "Koristuvach".

It means that without them you won’t be able to display “Dodoma” on the screen. Just like you can get from the display. Perhaps that’s all that can be said about the display of the control element called Home on the screen and its display.

No matter what the statistics may say, life will always lead to an unpleasant situation, especially in recent days. You singly know what it is like when everything went wrong. All day, from early sunrise until late evening, no matter how timid you are, everyone goes ahead. It seems like days like these are better when you don’t leave the house. However, it may become more unacceptable to hang near the opposite walls. For example, especially “in the distance,” the phone is put to bed. Or to the gatherings, I'm leaving.

As a result of the loss of furniture (or the wrong size of the eyes), the physical buttons on the phone are likely to work. But don’t rush to spend pennies on repairs right away (or throw a hole in Smith’s cat). The shortest way is to add virtual buttons to the smartphone screen. Yes, yes, just like on the screen of any tablet.

Why bother if the physical buttons don’t work, but you want to use your smartphone now? Let's vipravimo tse za chotiri kroki.

Croc first. Otrimati Root. The administrator's rights to the owner of the smartphone are closed "for reasons". The Kingo Root program helps you unblock them. After installing it on your computer, do not forget to check the “USB setup” item in your phone settings. The program is simple and does not require any special knowledge - just press “unroot” on its main screen and after a couple of re-keying, Root rights will be part of the firmware of your smartphone.

Croc is different. Install Root Explorer. The program is on Google Play, and on the Internet you can find a cost-free and completely practical version. We are for legal victorious programs, so it is entirely up to you to decide whether to install programs for Android from alternative devices.

Krok third. Launch Root Explorer and find the new System directory. You will definitely have the build.prop file. Choose yogo by placing your finger on the name a few minutes longer. In the menu that has three right-handers and a little more, you will find the item “Open in a text editor.” Open build.prop like this and press the long text to the very end. Here you need to add just one row qemu.hw.mainkeys=0. Save the updated file and re-lock your phone.

Crock of quarters. There are buttons on the screen. Everything is ready, you can manually access your phone again - “back, home and menu” will appear at the bottom of the screen. If you are no longer in need (you have repaired your smartphone or the physical buttons are working themselves), open build.prop again to change the line qemu.hw.mainkeys=0 to qemu.hw.mainkeys=1. Another update - and there are no more virtual keys on your phone.

For a long time, since the Android operating system just started, the smartphone driver on it had to manage it, because it’s easier for me. The reference devices, the Nexus line, had a standard set of touch keys under the screen, and then everything could be seen - a Samsung mechanical button, an HTC touchpad scanner, left-handed and right-handed buttons, and so on. The first axis is on the right, since the creation of the first smartphones on Android, little has changed, six years have passed, and manufacturers continue to work on managing what they consider most correct. Unfortunately, and fortunately, as before, there is no such standard.

I’ve decided to think for a while and collect all the main methods of operating in a smartphone based on Android OS, which of them are the most manual and ineffective, as well as what you think about this drive.

Classic controls are what we expect from smartphones in the Nexus line, including the current LG Nexus 5X and Huawei Nexus 6P. Regardless of the fact that the new “nexus” interferes with another browser, Google protects its right to dictate minds. The system is extremely simple - three on-screen touch buttons: Back, Home, Running programs. A similar control scheme is used by Japanese Sony, Motorola, as well as many smartphones that are still of little popularity among Chinese brands. The advantages of such management, in my opinion, are that it is as simple and sensible as possible, always tailored to the current version of the operating system. Minuses - lack of any settings, three on-screen buttons and that's all.

There is an option with interchangeable on-screen touch keys, essentially the same classic scheme for Android, but in it you can change the rearrangement of the keys or add a new one. This type of control is available in all LG devices, YotaPhone 2, and in devices with Cyanogenod, optionally. The advantages of this scheme are all the convenience of classic control, but also the ability to customize, add a remote key, change their positions.

The latest technology is a touch panel under the screen. Typical for the great and middle Chinese brands - Huawei, Lenovo, ZTE, Xiaomi. Most smartphones from these companies are equipped with a touch panel with three keys under the screen. The advantages of this option are that the touch panel does not take up valuable screen space, as on almost all devices with keys with backlights. Disadvantages typical for the classic scheme - there are no adjustments for most devices, it is not possible to add or change buttons here for obvious reasons.

One of the most popular options is a button under the screen and two keys, one left-handed and one right-handed next to it. This option is popular because Samsung uses it on its smartphones and, as a result, even extensions. The new flagships also have a finger scanner attached to the central key. Pros - there is a hardware button, which is simpler and less pressing than pressing, and it can also be used as a device without extending to the life key. Minuses – to be honest, it’s difficult to call me. Of course, it doesn’t matter that this is a circuit that connects mechanical and touch buttons and requires an hour to sound.

A very rare option, implemented in Android smartphones by the Meizu company, and in a pair of devices - a mechanical key with a sensor and a finger scanner inscribed in it. The Chinese borrowed from Apple, but they expanded the idea of ​​one single button and a scanner on it further, adding a touch panel here. Exit is a universal button that replaces the role of the Home and Back keys and the role of a scanner, and also replaces the live button. Plus a tsoy warsie in the yogo spials Zruchnosti - on the same button I have Zservzhezhezhezheni, Vikonuvati is able to do the maximum of the maximum, not moving the finger of the same Klavishі on Insha. Minus - it takes an hour to call this circuit.

The HTC company is also worth it - for one hour their smartphones had touch keys, then touch keys under the screen, and not three, like most manufacturers, but two (in the center there is a beautiful HTC logo). Now in the devices of the Taiwanese brand there are buttons on the screen and a scanner with a built-in touch key under the display (HTC One M9 Plus, One A9). It’s difficult to describe the pros and cons of these options objectively, which is why I love HTC smartphones and use them most often.

If we take all the schemes as a whole, then especially the Meizu option would be the closest, Apple has a scheme with a development of the idea: a mechanical key under the screen with a sensor and scanner inscribed on it. And the other one is manual, in my opinion – a classic option with the ability to add or remove keys and change their position on the touch panel. Which option is best for you? It’s not because you have a smartphone with a different type of control, and you’ve heard it before, but with a zagal.

Mechanical buttons in smartphones – it’s been a century since people boasted about the number of voices, polyphony and colors on the display. Since we didn’t have touch screens or other access to progress, my Home button was replaced by a joystick.

Nowadays, the concept of controlling gadgets is unique to all kinds of exciting pressure, touch interfaces, and the main control element is your wet finger, which makes a singing gesture on the display. After seeing mechanical keyboards, printers began to realize that they were holding down physical control keys, replacing them with on-screen ones. And the new generation of smartphones can be unlocked without pressing the live button, Moto X just needs to be taken in your hand, and LG G2 you just tap the screen.

Why work, since you haven’t already invested in a new gadget, but you see the beauty of controlling the device behind the rest of the technomody word?

Gravity Screen - On/Off

This program will help those who want the phone’s screen to become active, as only wine falls into the hand of the ruler and falls, having fallen on the table or in the cauldron.

It collects data from the proximity sensor and gyroscope, locking and unlocking the screen at the required moment. I tried it and decided to leave it. It’s very easy, if the phone is dying, you can take it in your hand, without rotting, analyzing the smallest parts of your hand, if you read the information on the screen, and it’s blinking, you can put it in the gut or put it on the table. You only need to ring the button without pressing the button for resuming the old memory.

The basic capabilities of the program are cost-free, and include training in skills and sensitivity. For more compactness you will have to pay about 2 dollars.

Vidmova's physical buttons on the merits of gestures can bring little bits of goodness into the life of a selfish person. Especially in the minds of the ever-growing screen diagonals. The Swipe Home Button will also help.

Vikonati finger gesture is much simpler, just flip the phone to remove the menu button. In settings, you can recognize the following actions on the song, such as: pressing the Home button, opening any program or opening the curtains.

Unfortunately, the add-on does not have a “Back” button. Due to the peculiarities of Android, this requires Root, and the retailer probably doesn’t want to go down that path. If you have a great proposition, based on gestures itself - share it in the comments!

Yes, I have a cheap smartphone Fly IQ434. It’s as if I’ve drowned, but in spite of my senses I haven’t stopped working. As you work, you work, except the back button. It either works from the twentieth pressure, then wedges and presses on its own, in short, it creates a mass of inconsistencies.

If I want a cheap phone, I’ll always get rid of my working device through one button - Skoda. Bringing it in for repairs is not completely, singly, the repair will be costly like a telephone, but no more. After thinking for a while, I decided that it wouldn’t be a bad idea to turn this button off, and instead of putting it in place of the software button on the screen, instead of the hardware one.

As planned, it’s very simple, but it’s also possible - your Android device will have root access.

From now on you will need to install some kind of file manager that can be given super root rights. I am willing to use this explorer, download it from the Play Market,

Launch and in the evil menu enable the root explorer.

Depending on what kind of root manager you have installed, jump ahead/confirm the transfer of root rights to the application. Confirmed.

After this you need to go to the /system/usr/keylayout folder

In case of any emergency, make a backup of all folders.

This dad will have several files with extensions.kl, one of them will need to be edited. Which is the same – I’ll install it in your Android device. My link is Geneic.kl.

We edit it in the es editor

that row is known, where it says BACK WAKE_DROPED and commented out (you need to add the # symbol to the beginning of the row). It’s not hard to guess that if you need to enable another button, for example, to increase thickness, then you need to find the row where VOLUME_UP is.

We are re-protecting the device. Once pressed, the button does not need to be activated. If she continues to process, you will need to edit another file from the same folder. Which Google can tell you, or you can simply brute-force, commenting on the required row in all files, so you don’t spend on the required one.

Before speaking, on the Samsung Galaxy Tab 2 with CyanogenMod 11 firmware, the hardware buttons display the same file – Generic.kl.

After the button is disabled, you need to come up with a replacement. Let's install a program button. There are plenty of programs for emulating buttons in the Play Market, but Button Savior is the best one.

It can handle almost all standard hardware buttons, looks good and has a decent amount of adjustment. I won’t describe it, because... everything works fine with standard settings. I’ll just say about two.

First of all, I’m worried about those who can clearly see behind the buttons:

To do this, you need to select a different theme, for which in the look and feel tab, click on themes and select a different theme. I was honored with Froyo. The axis looks like this:

Another adjustment is to make sure that the panel with the buttons is located behind the panels. In the Advanced tab, you must check the box next to Hide On Outside Touch.

And so, everything you do, you do at your own risk and peril, I do not bear any responsibility for the reserved devices.

[Competition] Alternative options for controlling Android using on-screen buttons

Why I love Android is due to its continued customization. While users of devices with other operating systems are overwhelmed by innovations and the presence of them on the forums, Android users can adjust everything for themselves, all it takes is just a little bit of an hour. This article, as you understand, concerns the customization of Android elements and the protection of devices with on-screen buttons.


With the presentation of Android 3.0 Honeycomb, Google introduced a new method of connecting devices - on-screen buttons. Even though the stench didn’t attract much attention, that part of the devices with the third android on board was lost even a little. But everything changed with the release of version 4.0 Ice Cream Sandwich and Samsung Galaxy Nexus.

Once upon a time, the enormity already led to a storm of dissatisfaction: these buttons took up valuable space on the display, there was no useful HD on the Nexus, the screen wasted a couple of ten inches and all through damn buttons. I, as the ruler of this device, controlled this system: in everyday life we ​​have a phone with a diagonal of about 4.5 inches, it’s easier to handle with one hand, like a Samsung galaxy s3, for example, and if you want to be surprised If you have any video, then you already have full-fledged HD in front of you screen 4.65 inches. So, in games there were no buttons, but it was not important to take them away at any time, and with the release of 4.4, developers may be able to grab them from their add-ons. After purchasing the Nexus 10, the problem with the buttons became a problem. The tablet smells in an incredibly large number of areas and is present at the edge of the intangible place. After digging around a little, I saw a bunch of alternative options for controlling the android.

GMD Gesture control

Price: 167 rubles, this is the free version, it contains a few standard gestures for testing.