How to create a password using 6 characters. The simplest and most reliable password is collective creativity

Axis you, shanovny read, singly your little booth, flat on the stick, don’t close the hook. Select the entrance doors and the lock with the key for the living area so that no one can enter without your knowledge. And that’s right, and that’s how it goes! Otherwise, at any moment, or rather, day or night, you can spend all that you have acquired through back-breaking efforts.

It is noteworthy that this living truth is also true for cloud records in online services. They also need to be locked, and it’s best to lock them with a key – a password – from outsiders. For those who want to look at profiles and cloud records payment systems, online games, social measures, that’s all right (the Internet is great!), I want to row the river. And you don’t need to calm yourself down during the process of registering on a web resource with thoughts like “Who knows me here...”, “Who needs my profile...”, etc. The tendency to hope for “perhaps” in such a situation can turn into unpleasantness. Moreover, the biggest ones, for example, are going to pay for money in online banking.

From this article you will learn how to guess the correct password, how to remember it and how to safely save it on your computer.

Folding password – guarantee of confidentiality

Why is it necessary to guess a good password? The one who is the first and most important equal to the protection of your special data. Computer scammers “reveal” the anonymous profiles of the customer using the method of password selection for assistance special programs. Easy symbolic keys are a find. Once - and you're ready! There is no need to particularly deal with evil.

To further clarify this situation with statistical arguments, provided by a special web service It tells you how long it may take to break the password you provided. This is how he evaluates the level of his resistance to evil.

So, it’s acceptable that we decided to guess the password, vikorista and change the type on the keyboard - qwerty (well, a very trivial combination). Ask the service.

Now let’s try to prove the 6-character key, which is made up of small English letters and numbers - ty23ds.

The result is still unexpected: 54 milliseconds. Of course, in such an hour, the sequence can be “figured out” using an automated method. However, in most cases, hackers vikorize this technology itself.

The combination can be simplified: add a large number of letters to the dialing and increase the key up to 11 characters. Enter - eYtou349i93.

The axis is already much more beautiful: 41 times a crazy burglar will have to work on selecting a key (actually, theoretically!).

You can also guess the password in a more complex way: increase the length even further, for example, up to 18 characters, and use special characters in the order of letters and numbers. Shchos on kshtalt - ew$yu*ow)RweQ23&tT.

The result is simply “cosmic” (among other things, to the delight of Koristuvacheva): the divergent hour required for selection is 7 quadrillion rocks. And in 1 quadrillion, as you know, there are 15 zeros. Zagalom, no comments.

Readers will immediately ask: “Select by choice, but what about the Trojans? Why steal passwords? Thus, the tools of evildoers are great: they include viruses, social engineering, and special software. And a folding password, insanely, is not an unknown panacea for evil. regional registration. Ale yogo can be politely called a sweaty, withering mischief on the path of hackers to confidential data.

Password rules

Before creating a symbol combination to enter the site, regardless of its functionality, be sure to ensure the following moments:

1. Use simple combinations. Zokrema:

  • logical sequences - abcde, 1234;
  • keyboard layout vertically, horizontally, diagonally, etc. - asdfg, qscwdv.

2. Do not use “pure appearance” (without adding other symbols, numbers) words from the dictionary. Especially such as “parol”, “password”, “admin”, “my_parol”.

3. Do not vikorist as a key to special data, which is in private access, for example, on the official page of social media or on the profile on the forum. News from the added numbers! This includes a telephone number, date of birth, address postal screenshots, name, nickname, according to Father, nickname of domestic animals.

5. Do not enter Russian words into the English layout (example: input - d)