How to create your own interface in 1c. Initial program mode

The article should be entered before the cycle “First kroki in development on 1C”. We will continue to get acquainted with the ceramic “Taxi” interface and begin our configuration.

Apparently, the development of the information base interface begins with the creation of the structure of its menu, as much as it will be as manual and logical as it will be as reasonable as the whole system as a whole.

After reading the article, you will recognize:

  • What role does the subsystem play in shaping the menu structure?
  • How to formulate separate menus for the 1st and 2nd levels?
  • How to customize the warehouse of commands that are displayed in the menu sections?
  • Do you really need a Command Interface editor and how do you work with it?
  • How to configure the Command Interface for the main section?


The statistic shows the “Taxi” interface of the configuration developed on the 1C platform The information is relevant for streaming platform releases.

Subsystems. Adjusting the interface for additional subsystems

Subsystems are brought to hidden objects. They will ensure the ability to classify configuration objects for Subsystem.

To indicate the relationship of an object to subsystems Object editing window This is a separate tab, where the numbers indicate which subsystems are present in the object.

Next you can filter the object tree by Subsystem.

In this case, it is possible to use keruvannya: turn on for protection Subsystem objects of minors Subsystem and Father's Subsystem no matter what.

Classification of objects by Subsystem creates handiness when folded Raleigh.

For the object Role You can select the sub-rights and indicate what is given Role You can only attend to such objects as entering before appointments Subsystems.

Similar rank Subsystems vikoristavayutsya when closed Interfaces. Interface This is only necessary if the configuration is started in emergency program mode.

Classification of objects by Subsystem Vikorist is also available when the configuration is matched. Tobto. you can combine objects filtered by Subsystem.

An important feature of the subsystems is that they will have a configuration command interface in the Kerovaniy supplement . Subsystems the first level means .

For those interested Subsystem You can add deposits (additional ones). Dani Subsystems solving the darkness of the group Navigation panels.

When we classify an object according to Subsystem, you can enable the object in the input Subsystem, possibly to the First Level Subsystem, possibly to both.

In the remaining case, the object will be displayed as two: in the middle of the embedded Subsystem and surrounded by Navigation panels. Most often this is absolutely correct.

In principle, a subsystem is not a binding object. Tobto. The configuration, developed on Platform 8.3, can be operated entirely without any subsystems.

In this case, the partition panels will no longer appear, everything will be displayed on the desktop. Even simple configurations with a small set of objects can be run without Subsystems.

If your configuration has a lot of Documents, Documents, and Registers, etc. Subsystem It makes the job of the correspondent a lot easier.

Determine what configuration object is required Subsystems Possible in three ways.

First of all, you can earn money in Object editing window on deposit Subsystems. We have already looked at this option.

In another way, you can become a vikorist How to edit the system itself. On stock warehouse You can specify the objects that are included before this Subsystem.

And you will find that for configuration objects, through the context menu, you can click on a special dialog box called Dodatkovo.

This window also allows an object to indicate ownership up to Subsystem. It’s always a good idea to use this method when we want to immediately work with a number of objects.

When you move the cursor over objects in the configuration tree, the window Dodatkovo Continuous information about the subsystems is displayed.

When the configuration of an object is created, Platform 8.3 does not assign a link to the object to each subsystem.

Tobto. The retailer is responsible for going to this bookmark and checking the appropriate boxes.

If the seller does not recognize anyone, then the system will determine the availability of responsibility up to Subsystem yak mercy.

Anyway, the pardon is not critical, so you can wait a little longer.

In fact, the system promptly notifies those who may have forgotten to include new objects in Subsystems. This type of object is not displayed in the command interface.

Koristuvach can only get to such objects through Golovne menu, vikorist team All functions.

Of course, in order for an object to be opened, it is necessary for the user to be granted exclusive rights.

There are a number of differences if it is more important for developers to include the addition of a standard object configuration to their local subsystem.

For Subsystem V Vіkni edit you can get ensign Enable to command interface.

With this Subsystems do not appear in the command interface. Since there are no specific subsystems that must be enabled before the command interface, then for new objects Platform 8.3 does not check the connection to any subsystem.

In order to customize the warehouse of commands that are included in the relevant section, which is designated by the subsystem, there is a special editor.

This editor can be accessed from the Editing window of the Subsystem by clicking the button Command interface(on bookmark Main).

Suitable for skin Subsystems Wiklikati this editor. The editor has the ability to edit sub-lists Navigation panels, availability of commands Panels.

For the promotion of the proportions for the commands, the created elements of the Documents and Documents have been taken, and they can be entered. U Panels You can also turn on the sound.

Elements in the editor can be moved. For what reason? Navigation panels V Action panel And at the gate, direct movement is impossible. You can move elements either in the middle Navigation panels, or in the middle Panels.

There will be a column for background visibility and a column for visibility behind roles. The skin role designated by the configuration will have its own column. The values ​​that are set in the background visibility column and the values ​​behind the promotional options for visibility behind roles.

Visibility behind roles can take three values: either for that role the element will be invisible (1); because it will be visible in the future, regardless of what order of placement in the visibility column (2); and the sign of visibility in the role of decline is similar to the sign of backward visibility (3).

Since two roles are assigned to koristuvache and for one of them the meanings are equal, but for the other there is no meaning, then the standard rule of the 1C:Enterprise system 8 will apply - the work of koristuvache is allowed, since it is allowed in one From roles.

Sometimes it may be necessary to immediately change the command interface for some Subsystems. The 1C:Enterprise 8 platform has a service tool that allows you to edit the command interface in several times Subsystem.

This tool can be accessed from the context menu of the root node of the folder Subsystems.

In the window you can quickly move around Subsystem and edit command interfaces. In addition, in whose account you can edit the warehouse Subsystems. You can also move objects to Navigation panelsі Panels.

In addition, you can also change the ordering Subsystems. Who is there a special button for? Move subsystem.

To configure the command interface Main section The command interface editor is also used.

Calling in is no longer for Subsystem, and through the context menu of the root configuration node, item Vidkriti command interface of the main section

In the window we can specify: what kind of agents, documents and other objects are included in this command interface. You can also turn on their visibility and visibility behind the roles.

The trace of the mother is on the surface, so when seen Subsystem The platform, unfortunately, does not verify whether you enter into this subsystem or one object or not.

After seeing you Subsystems For saving daily changes, notifications about the restructuring of the information base will not be displayed.

This is where we conclude our knowledge of the adjusted structure of the information database menu. In this article, we will continue our knowledge of the Keratin interface and look at what capabilities the 1C:Enterprise 8 platform offers for working with lists.

It’s time to read the previous article. Kerovaniy command interface of the 1C Accounting program 8 ed. 3.0 - first of all, you obviously gained respect that we never talked about special interfaces for this or that other customer. They didn’t say, because the program 1C Accounting 8 edition 3.0 simply doesn’t have them.

Shvidshe for everything, thanks to the software of 1C Accounting 8 edition 2.0. It even has such interfaces.

  • Accountant.
  • PDF acquisition.
  • Administrative.
  • Povny.

That's right. So what? What did these interfaces give us? Let’s say that in addition to the head accountant, the accounting department has two more accountants. One deals only with banking and cash transactions, and the other deals with basic functions. And here it was necessary to ask the programmer to develop specialized interfaces for the skin of these patients. Only a consultant who knows the configuration well can create and correctly describe the new role and rights. Obviously, such changes are only possible when the configuration is removed from support.

For example, the 1C Accounting program has 8th edition. 3.0 users can independently or with the help of a more trained colleague formulate the command interface required for their work. Let's take a look at real butts and see how to fight.

1. Command interface for processing 1C interface

Command interface for the 1C Accounting program 8th edition. 3.0 has a ceramic interface. This means that the owner can independently handle it directly in the 1C Entrepreneurship mode. So, you yourself are a developer, and not just a programmer, in the Configurator mode.

For this purpose, on the system commands panel in the main menu there is a “View” item, which provides access to commands for editing panels in the ceramic interface.

Only two commands need explanation.

  • Sections panel. The section panel on the command interface blinks and blinks.
  • Navigation panel and action. The navigation panel and action panel on the command interface will blink and blink.

2. Create an interface for the layout

We will look at creating and adjusting the interface using a simple example. It is acceptable that our personal needs for work are divided into two categories: “Bank and cash” and “Spivrobitniki and salary.” You can delete unnecessary sections in the form by clicking on the command “INFORMATION PANEL \ Main menu \ View \ Customize sections panel”.

You don't need to use the "View" button to delete our sections. Eliminate “Bank and Casa” and “Spivrobitniki and Salary”. After saving the changes (OK button), the interface will look like this.

Change the value to the “Show” attribute in the “Customize the section panel” form. It allows you to display sections as well as images and text. For example, they can be represented only with text, like a baby.

This ability can be quite disconcerting for those who work with small screens.

3. Customize the interface for the cashier

We are adjusting the interface for the cashier, who only deals with cash transactions. Please note that the administrator has already created the account manager “Cashier” and given him additional rights.

First of all, it is important for us to note one important feature that must be taken into account when forming power interfaces.

Whenever a new program is launched, it will automatically open in the “Desktop” section.

You can turn on the mode of displaying the section panel or remove one section, for example, “Bank and Cash”. Or you could complete the work, for example, in the “Purchases and sales” section. It doesn't matter. Every time a new program is launched, the “Desktop” will be updated. Yogo vidaliti is impossible.

Thus, if we only need one section of the accounting area, for example, “Bank and Cash”, then it will not be possible to display it on the section panel. At the same time, the “Work Desk” section will be displayed. In our case, the show does not require the cashier to send it.

Let's take it upon ourselves with the coming order. Activate “Desktop”. Please note that on your navigation panel there is a command message “Cash documents”. You can edit the navigation panel and action for the “Desktop” section.

To edit the navigation panel, select the command “INFORMATION PANEL \ Main menu \ View \ Customize navigation panel”.

By manipulating the “Add”, “Add all”, “View all” and “View all” buttons, remove the “Cash Documents” navigation command from the right window.

You can edit the panel from the desktop section. To do this, select the command “INFORMATION PANEL \ Main menu \ View \ Customize action panel”.

By manipulating the “Add”, “Add all”, “View all” and “View all” buttons, remove the commands from the right window, labeled with red rectangular ones.

We admitted that our organization does not engage in retail sales. Therefore, the cashier does not need the document “Report on general sales”. We also assumed that the cashier does not need standard accounting records. That's why we also got them from the action panel.

Following the command “INFORMATION PANEL \ Main menu \ View \ Sections panel”, enable the display of the sections panel. Quit the program and open it again as cashier. This is how your interface looks like.

Nothing funny! The only documents the cashier needs are two calls. If necessary, the list of cash documents can be opened by clicking on the navigation command “Cash Documents”. It's shown on the navigation panel.

4. Interface of the 1C Accounting 7.7 program

The 1C distributors miraculously understand that, even though the new interface is not good, many of us live by the principle: the best is the enemy of the good. So, transitioning from 1C Accounting 7.7 programs is often quite easy. I don’t understand anything about the new interface, I don’t even know how to work with it.

Such accounts can be installed in a few clicks in your program 1C: Accounting 8th edition. 3.0 is similar to the SIM card interface. It looks like a baby is shown.

The calls are obviously different from the original SIM interface. Ale structurally everything is the same.

You can only close the SIM interface if the program has the “Bookmarked” mode set to open object shapes. It is installed in the “Parameters” form by clicking on the “System command bar” command in the main menu “Service Parameters”.

Then on the sections panel, activate the “Administration” section and click on the “Administration of programs” option in the action panel.

In the “Program setup” form that has opened in the work area, go to the “Interface” tab and activate the radio button “Interface similar to 1C: Accounting 7.7”.

That's it. Save the result by pressing the OK button. Use the seven-faceted interface familiar to you. At the same time, do not forget to reserve an hour in the demo database to master the original interface. When you call the appropriate interface of the program 1C: Accounting 8th ed. 3.0 then you can quickly renew it.

To do this, click on “Service” on the section panel. On the navigation panel, click on the “Setting up programs” message. Activate the “Interface” tab and select “Standard Interface 1C: Accounting 8”. Well, of course, OK.

6. Managing object forms

Program 1C Accounting 8 ed. 3.0 adds the ability to control the command interface. In any case, it is possible to keruvate with the forms of large objects. These are the forms of journals (lists) of documents, the forms of the documents themselves and the evidence. To work with these forms, there is a “All actions” button in the upper right corner of the form’s work area. And in it there is a command “Change form”.

Naturally, the program has more capabilities when creating object forms. But let’s take a look at one simple butt.

Right off the bat, the form of the document “Rakhunok for payment to buyers” looks like this, as shown in the little one.

And now it is acceptable that our organization is engaged in more than just providing services. Well, we don’t need the “Warehouse” and “Delivery Addresses” details. In the tabular part we also do not need the “Products” and “Return Nomenclature” bookmarks. To get started, click the “All actions” button and select the “Change form” item.

If the hole we need is not open, then click on the cross. The kitchen has a left-handed hand at the top. Then remove the titles from these details and sides that we do not need.

This way you can also change the command panel of the document form. Let's make these changes. First of all, open the “Command Panel” tab.

  • "Swipe Close" button. Now only the text is displayed on it. In the “Form Customization” form, on the “Command Panel” slider, see the “Swipe and close” checkbox. In the right-handed window, go to the “Videobrazhennya” details and select the value “Malyunok and text”.
  • Buttons “Record” and “Order structure”. For these buttons, the “Vibration” attribute also assign the value “Malyunok and text”.
  • Frame for hats. For beauty and clarity, the left and right sides of the cap can be decorated with a frame.

We will cancel this form for the document “Rakhunok to pay for the purchase.”

For careful lovers, I would like to mean this.

Respect. Don't be afraid to experiment with adjusted object shapes. You must not change the area instead of the information base.

Of course, it’s better to train on a demonstration basis. If you haven’t been able to do this in your work base when you’ve adjusted a certain form, there is no need to consistently update the cob mill of the form.

For this purpose, select the command “All actions \ Change form” on the object’s form. “Adjusting the form” is already visible to us. Click on the command “All actions \ Set to default settings”.

7. Information about amends

Program 1C Accounting 8 ed. 3.0 controls the update of obligatory details. However, the previous editions did not work. Also, as of the latest editions, the diagnostic information of 1C Accounting 8 edition 3.0 has become more informative. They will show which details and how the settlement will take place.

For example, corn-cobs often shy away from such a treat. They are forced to fill in the details of documents without selecting from the relevant contractors, but to manually fill in the required values. The little one shows that the customer has manually entered the LLC “Zorya” at the “Counterparty” requisite. Such a counterparty Program 1C Accounting ed. 2.0 I didn’t know from the contractor “Counterparties”. Just before the hour of recording the document, she told me about the pardon, as shown to the little one.

If the correspondent doesn’t go through any training, he doesn’t know that most of the details are filled in by selecting from the operatives, then there’s nothing to be said about this ikliche.

And how does the 1C Accounting program react to the same kind of punishment? 3.0.

Here the program not only seems to have entered a value that is incorrect. Let me tell you that nothing significant has been found. It’s not known, it’s easy to guess by clicking the “Select from list” button.

In forms with a lot of obligatory details, it is possible to skip filling out some of them. And here the program also provides informative information. In spite of this show, you forgot to fill in your details.

There are two ways to move from one place to another. Either use the navigation arrows in the diagnostic notification, or click the message in the notification panel.

Axis, perhaps, and that’s all. I believe that the command interface of the Accounting 1C 8th ed. 3.0 will not be a stumbling block while mastering this program. It’s really easy, but you have to waste a few hours of your precious time to master it.

The 1C interface is a set of menu commands, command buttons and the ability to customize them. To put it simply, the 1C interface is a combination of people and programs.

The accountant presses menu items in the robotic process, and the program reacts to the pressure in its own way.

The work of standard configurations is based on the fundamental principles of work interfaces. If a 1C Accounting specialist on May 8 knows about the work with one configuration, then I will simply use the work in a different configuration of the eighth platform, for sure, you know omy with the very appearance in the subject area.

On the other hand, 1C interfaces have features that, knowing them, will greatly help home workers when working:

1. There are a lot of 1C configurations and a bunch of interfaces. Moreover, they can get very upset. Because different software programs require different functionality, depending on the tasks. The cross-country accountant does not need (and it is quite unsafe) the additional interface of the head accountant. Either the sales manager does not need the interface of the purchase manager or the cashier.

2. Cream of typical interfaces in 1C Enterprise you can configure cloud interfaces. This is true for programmers, but it’s not at all difficult, and with the understanding of the wireless interface, it’s easy for any programmer and competent user to navigate. For example, for a cashier it is easier to create the 1C interface with only two types of documents: “Buy cash order” and “Vidatkovy cash order” and two documents “Counterparties” and “Individuals”.

3. It often happens that one and the same operation can be eliminated in different ways. One and the same document or document can be found in 1C in several different sections of the menu or function panel, and the same command can be accessed through the menu or using the following key combination.

How to change the interface in 1C

The cob-cobs sometimes find themselves in an unpleasant situation: in courses they learn to work in a new interface, and when they come to work, it quickly becomes apparent that the program they are supposed to work with looks like a This is different and they cannot recognize familiar interface elements. In fact, it is the same program itself, only it includes a different user interface.

To change the interface of 1C programs, click on the menu Service - Switch interface— find out and select the interface from the system’s default settings. For this operation, the client must have access rights to the interfaces. The procedure for alternating the readings in the image (clickable).

An important aspect of the development of 1C is the understanding of the essence of the cloud mechanisms of Accounting 8.2, and not simply the addition of cloud operations to the program.

Typical Accounting interfaces, methods of interfacing them and how to customize the 1c interface according to your needs are shown in. There are also possibilities for customizing document logs and data logs, tabular parts of documents, customizing the function panel and toolbars. As evidence shows, the adjustment of the warehouse of tabular parts of documents becomes an acceptable response to the correspondents.

The next lesson in working with interfaces can be learned without costs. For this purpose, please submit a request in the additional form by mail.

Important. The interfaces of the 1C Enterprise program do not delimit the access rights of the assistant to the configuration objects, as this will deprive the operator of his work. To reliably share access to configuration objects (experts, documents, registries, calls and interfaces, among other things), the parameters of access rights to objects of the 1C information base (roles) are selected.

We all know that the 1C company has a small number of different versions of the 1C platform; we are limited to one of the remaining versions at the time of writing this article, versions 1C 8.2 and 1C 8.3. Since you have had the opportunity to work in both versions, then V, for everything, noted differences in the interfaces of these versions, for koristuvachs the stench is more pronounced than the sound. Essentially, choose primary or unsecured program Every system that displays forms needs to be launched, original or ceramic, as well as any client of the program will be victorious about the preparation, product or thinness. For more detailed information about clients, read the article “What is a strong and thin client for 1C, as well as its features.”

Primary add-on 1C (primary forms, primary interface, version 1C 8.2)

1C 8.2 can only work From primary forms, from the regime of primary supplement. The image below shows the base in the "primary supplement 1C" robot mode (primary forms).

Kerovaniy addendum 1C (kerovany forms, kerovany interface, version 1C 8.3)

On the 1C 8.3 platform we can work with both natural forms (in the volume mode) and ceramic ones. Moreover The ceramic molds have two types of display, standard and taxi.. Example configuration 1C 8.3 with standard ceramic forms of readings below, and after the new readings the “Taxi” interface.

What is the main purpose of the 1C add-on?

I've already been told The most important addition is the same for launching 1C programs. Moreover, it is important to consider the type of launch of 1C ( svichayny or kerovany supplement), behind the scenes there is a singing interface ( original and ceramic forms), here are some synonyms for this concept. We would like to point out that the importance of interfaces should be increased by saturation, the hardened interface will require a lot of reworking. In principle, this is all the functions required to run regular 1C programs. As far as programmers are concerned, the modified interface requires the writing of modified code, and the technology is already carried out in 1C 8.3, and not in 1C 8.2, and all the same. The code can also be divided into client and server and must be specified in addition to additional directives in the configurator.

The Concept of User Interface

The concept of the 1C:Enterprise 8 system interface is focused on the idea of ​​ensuring comfortable, efficient work and, of course, follows current trends.

Launching programs in 1C mode: Business begins by opening the main window of the program

It is useful for displaying the main, main structure of the application solution (this is the name of the division panel) and the work table.

Desktop 1C:Enterprise 8.3/8.2

The desktop is an element of a program that contains the most frequently searched news, documents, reports, etc. A work table is a great helper for a kistuvach. The skin session begins on its own at the work table. Through the desktop, the operator retrieves the necessary information and provides feedback to the powered operator.

Work table: Section panel

Sections panel. It is the top level of the subsystem and serves the greatest subset of functionality of the application solution. Located near the main window. This allows you to navigate to other sections of the program.

Work table: Separated

After activating the section, all the functionality of specific subsystems is available in two panels – the action panel and the navigation panel. This functionality includes subsystem inputs.

Work table: Commands

The commands mean the actions available to you. These commands can be different. Often standard programs are provided by the platform itself. The other part is being broken down by the creators of applied solutions.

Work desk: Navigation panel

The navigation panel is like a “substitute” for the section. She has a so called navigation commands. The stench serves for the transition to various points in this section. Click through the navigation panel to navigate to different lists. After activating the navigation command, the list that it represents appears in the work area of ​​the section, replacing the front of the work area.

As an example, you can click the Warehouse command - after clicking it, the list of warehouses will be displayed in the work area.

Work table: Action panel

Action panel. This panel contains the commands that are most frequently used. They allow you to quickly create new objects, eliminate typical designs, and create the most popular news. These commands are called action commands, since their activation leads to the creation of a new program window, an additional one, and at any time moves the program until the window for the implementation of another task.

Zokrema, when you call the Warehouse command, a new, additional window will be created in which it will be possible to enter data for the new warehouse. This will change the settings of the navigation that were entered in the main system window until a new item is added to the Warehouse.

Work table: Additional windows

After activating the commands for editing existing objects and creating new ones, and when opening processing and sound, additional program windows are opened. Additional windows are displayed on the computer monitor independently of the main window. Please note that the standard Multi-Display Interface (MDI) is not used.

Work table: History of robots in the main edition

The user's navigation in the program (moving to different forms and other sections) is automatically saved in the work history. This is displayed in the main window, and you can follow the saved actions by going to the following pages in your Internet browser. The entire list of navigation points is available in the menu list, which allows you to directly go to the desired point.

Work table: Vibrane

Like a web browser, you can add any list, object, database section, processing or sound. This allows you to carry out militia transitions to them, for consumption.

Work table: Posted on data

It is possible to select a message in a text row, for any list, object, database section, processing or call. This message can easily be sent to the wheels so that you can easily know what to fix and make the necessary changes.

Information panel 8.2

The information panel appears at the bottom of the program window. It is used to display the remaining actions available in the system. If the action is thoroughly connected with the data recording, then when you press a notification on the alert, a form will open to allow you to change the data. Like a butt, the form of the submitted document is displayed.

History of Viconn 8.2

The History button allows you to access the history of the user's work with the program.

System command area

The upper part of the main window is the area where you can click on system commands. We have a new system menu. With this help, you can move through different sections of the applied solution that were already involved in the process. In addition, this area contains a set of additional programs (calendar, calculator, etc.) and selected messages, saving money.

Golovne menu

This menu contains commands that relate to the main application solution, but do not lie under a specific configuration.
As an example, you can create commands for setting up commands for setting system parameters and the interface.

Additional commands

Rights in the system command area to override additional commands. For example - a calendar, a calculator, going after orders, information about the system, etc. The Koristuvach himself can staff this region with teams - taking or adding necessary teams.

Desktop 1C:Enterprise

The desktop is restored to standard sections of programs, and there are editors, calls, documents, etc. The work with the program starts from the desktop.

The work table plays the role of a kind of assistant to the assistant. At the beginning of the working day, you will be aware of the information provided by your work desk:

  • What's new?
  • What do you need to earn today?
  • What kind of information is important to me?
  • What should you do to increase your respect?

The work desk allows you to place a number of forms: a list of exchange rates, a list of documents for the purchase/sale of goods, details of frost protection, etc. The working table warehouse is customized for a specific location. For example, the salesperson's table and the manager's table for the sale, which is more than for everything, are divided

It is also clear that when configured with programs, the retailer indicates which forms may be the same as the other facsimile. When programs are launched in 1C mode: The set of standard forms, which correspond to other systems, are configured automatically. I is assigned to the role of a specific koristuvach.

Setting up desktop 1C 8.2

Koristuvach can customize the new look of your work desk. Koristuvachev is available for changing the re-stuffing of forms, changing the warehouse and a number of forms.
For example, instead of current mutual frosts, you can add data searches.

The setup selections will be remembered automatically and, after the next system starts, the desktop will be displayed as it was configured by a specific user.

Editing the desktop in the configurator

To develop an application solution that serves to customize and organize the desktop, a special editor is used. It allows you to select in any way how to place forms on the desktop, add or create forms and organize the visibility of these and other forms that correspond to the roles of the staff in this system.

Partition Panel

Sections panel. Locate the elements of the command interface. This panel shows the main structure of the application solution. It allows you to navigate between sections of the program.

Pressing the mouse on the separate bookmarks of the sections moves the operator to the section (this part is assigned to the program, which serves to complete a specific, clearly designated number of orders). The activities available in this section are presented in the form of commands available in the navigation panel and the action panel for a particular section.

If such a panel (section panel) exists, it will be displayed next to the main window. Hello, this panel is not forever.

For example, you can run programs that can remove the partition panel. Such programs are simple to use and offer few functions. In such programs, commands are displayed above the sections panel, and in the desktop action panel and in the navigation panel.

You can also turn on the partition panel in the 1C:Enterprise mode, having quickly adjusted the settings of the account manager.

The partition panel is formed automatically by the platform itself. The work table was once again divided. Alternatively, the set of other sections of the system for one application solution may be different.

For example, the panel of sections, which the seller accounts for, is comparable only to the panel Business and Sales, and the admin panel includes absolutely all sections.

This means that the roles of different core players may also result in access rights to various upper-level subsystems. And these subsystems are the same sections that appear in the section panel. Conducting an analysis of the client's rights, the platform displays only the sections that the client has access to.

Setting up the panel of sections

Customers can set up a warehouse panel of divisions for themselves - see or add divisions, remember their appearance.

For example, go to the Business and Inventory sections and enter them so that the text appears.

Editing the section panel in the configurator

When developing an application solution, use the command interface editor to configure and shape the section panel. This will help establish the order in which sections go, and adjust their visibility based on the roles of the servers, as in the configuration.


The command is a configuration object that serves to allow the developer to describe actions that correspond to a specific system.

Hidden commands are those commands that do not contain object specificity or are intended for interacting with objects that do not interfere with standard commands.

You can issue commands and any configuration objects. The smell is designated for operations directly related to a specific object.

Parameterized commands are commands that define the values ​​that the platform transmits to its algorithm. The type of this value is determined by the configurator and is given, parameterized, the command is only displayed in forms that contain details of a similar type.

Actions that are used by a command are described in the command module created by the user.

  • Configuration objects
  • Take care of the spoils.

Depending on how the command is configured, commands can be divided into:

  • Standard
  • Created by a retailer.

Standard commands 8.2

Standard commands are provided automatically by the platform. Standard commands are provided by configuration objects, form extensions, and Table element extensions located on the form.

For example, the Accounts agent sends the following commands: Accounts, Accounts: create group, Accounts: create.

Commands created by the robber

The developer can create more commands before configuring. You can add a similar object, Team, either to the Zagalny glove, or to a specific object, or in a specific form, create a description of the procedure that will be used in the language.

As a rule, you can issue the following secret commands: Set up Barcode Scanner, Install Barcode Scanner, etc.

Action and navigation commands.

  • Navigation commands
  • Action commands.

Navigation commands 8.2

The forms you click with these commands will open in the window. These commands also help you navigate through different lists.

Example: The Warehouse command, which requires navigation, mainly displays a list of warehouses in the window.


When such a command is executed, an additional window will open. Call for additional action commands to move to the processing/sound form or to the object form.

Example: at the time of the Warehouse command, an additional window will appear in which you can edit the data for the new warehouse.

Parameterized and independent commands

The teams, according to their internal organization, are divided into:

  • Square
  • Parameterized

Independent teams 8.2

The execution of such commands is completed without asking for additional information.

Example: the Counterparties command, which avoids irrelevant ones, opens a list of all Counterparties without asking for any other information.

Parameterized commands

The execution of such commands will require the value of the command parameter (additional information).

Application: the command Rozrahunkovy rahunki (Object. Postachalnik), which goes to the parameters, opens the list of rozrahunkovy rahunki of the designated counterparty. To enter this command, you must indicate which counterparty you need to open the account. In this case, the parameter of this command is the counterparty.

Global commands and local commands of the form

According to the way the commands are placed before the song form, they can be divided into:

  • Global
  • Local

Global teams

Such commands are provided by the platform and, without being part of the form, can be included either before this or in other forms. These commands are also divided into independent ones, which can be parameterized to make working with these commands easier.

Local form commands

These commands cannot be included in other forms, being, above all, part of a specific form. These commands are supplied by form elements, extensions, and are organized by the developer within the form itself.

Navigation Panel

The navigation panel is an element of the system command interface. This is like a “replacement” of the additional window and division. The navigation panel allows you to get acquainted with information that is located in a separate window or section.

The navigation panel contains navigation commands. Such commands are important as they only move the client to the necessary information without causing a change in the data. Call these commands that give access to different lists. After clicking such a command in the work area, a list is displayed that is clicked, which replaces the front position of the work area.

Example: clicking the Warehouse command will bring up the list of warehouses in the work area.

Show the list in an additional window

Alternatively, if you need to perform an analysis and align different parts of one list or different lists, you can open the lists section. Mostly windows and related windows.

To do this, you need to hold down the Shift key while pressing the navigation command.

Team groups 8.2

Make commands grouped in the navigation panel into three standard groups.

  • Important. The group name is not displayed, but the commands that precede it are shown in bold. This group contains commands to go to information that is most often discussed in this section.
  • Zvichaine. This group has a single title. Commands are displayed in a different font.

In addition to standard groups, the navigation panel can contain groups that create a folder.

Group of standard commands 8.2

Another group (team located before the Zvichaina) may have additional command groups. These groups are accompanied by a title and commands to remove them appear on the left edge.

The selection and display of these commands is activated after pressing the bear on the headers of such groups.

Finally, if sections of programs are created under first-level subsystems, then in the navigation panel, command groups are created for subsystems of the next level.

Call the groups Important and Div. Also take revenge on many teams. As a matter of fact, the group usually tries to achieve a serious number of teams. For easy navigation through them, use additional groupings of these commands.

Customization of the navigation panel 8.2

It is possible for the user to customize the warehouse of commands to enter the navigation panel - change the display order, delete requests or add necessary commands.

Example: delete the groups of commands Prices and Characteristics, and transfer the Customization command to the SM.

The program remembers the settings that have changed the settings, and automatically, when you start the program, it will show the panel as if you have created the settings.

During the process of developing the application solution for setting up and shaping the navigation panel, install the command interface editor. It gives you the opportunity to establish the rotation, the order of directing, the structure of commands and to create customization for the roles of the backers that arise in a particular configuration.

Actions Panel

The action panel is linked to elements of the system command interface. This panel contains commands that are most often used, which allow the rapid creation of new objects, the introduction of popular news and the modification of standard treatments.

This panel allows you to use action commands. The use of such commands allows you to change data and open an additional window, instantly switching the system to another operation.

Example: click the command "Warehouse Open" to edit additional data window for the new warehouse.

Team groups 1C:Enterprise 8.3/8.2

The action panel contains three standard groups of commands.

  1. Create. You will need to issue commands that will lead to the creation of new objects that will be stored in the database - evidence, documents, etc.
  2. The commands of whose section are to move the staff member to the variety of staff available to that section.
  3. This group contains commands that link various service activities: moving to service processing, commands for working with previous trading properties, etc.

In addition to standard groups, the panel can contain groups that create a box.

These groups of commands are surrounded by a frame and have a title. If a group contains a number of commands, only a few of the first ones will be shown.

Setting up panels 8.2

It is possible for a user to customize a warehouse of commands that can be accessed from the action panel - change the display order, delete requests or add necessary commands

Example: You can select the command to create a new account and select the Service group.

The program remembers the settings that have changed the settings, and automatically, when you start the program, it will show the panel as if you have created the settings.

During the process, you will develop an application solution to configure and shape the panel to install the command interface editor. It gives you the opportunity to establish the rotation, the order of directing, the structure of commands and to create customization for the roles of the backers that arise in a particular configuration.

Vibran (Favorites)

Select one of the standard interface elements. This mechanism is provided by the platform and is accessible to developers of any application solutions. The selection allows you to organize your list of necessary items.

The correspondent independently adds to this list messages for sections of programs, for lists that are opened in the main window, for processing, for calls and for objects that are added to the database - documents, elements of documents, etc.
An element of Vibrane insurance for those who need to add to this list the most important, necessary or frequently used messages for a smooth transition through them.

When you open the Selected menu, the list will appear in the main or additional windows.

Add silannya to vibran

You can complete the selection using the classic method that is used in web browsers - using the Add to Selected command or pressing the Ctrl+D keys. The Add to selected command is expanded in the Vibran menu in additional and main program windows, in the system commands area.

Adjusting the chosen one

The user has the ability to edit the list of selected items. You can delete the requests sent or change them in other places. This option is available in the window that opens behind the Adjust selected command, which is located in the menu of the additional or main program window.

Work with assembled language

Let's take into account the possibility of keruvannya programmatically, vikoristuyuchi vbudovana language ObraneRoboti Koristuvach.

Access to this object is not granted through the context of the global context, as is the case, for example, with the history of the correspondent’s work.

To regain access to the selected track, read the entry from the setup system folder, add an item from the required settings, and save the change by selecting back to the setup setup system.

On the next page, you can see how two orders are added to the selection: sending to the agent element and external hyperpower.

Posilannya (Reference)

This is one of the standard interface elements. This mechanism is provided by the platform and is accessible to developers of any application solutions. This element allows you to retrieve text messages from sections, lists, database objects, processing or calls.

Interactive and non-interactive messages

Interactive - this is the name given to messages sent to database objects (documents, editors), sections of programs, processing and calls. These messages can be forwarded to your friend, go through them, and add them to your choice. It is also our intention to remember the history of the work.

Not interactive - the sent data can be accessed until downloaded. As an example, you can send details of tabular parts of the database, details of objects, send time clocks and details of registry entries. Similar instructions are used when designing forms, for displaying images in the form, as well as in order to transfer external files to the server in a timely manner.

Ottrimannya posilannya

Internal and external messages

There are three ways to vikoristuvat such a message, from the viewpoint of the koristuvach:
*External and internal messages can easily be added to the selected one, so that you can quickly navigate to the selected list or document whenever you need it.

  • Internal messages are generated within the internal information base. One correspondent can hold and transmit the internal message to another. You can contact such requests by connecting to this database as a client. The transmission of such a message is available using a variety of methods: electronic mail, for example.
  • External messages were designed in order to vikorist their position in 1C:Enterprise. Such messages can be modified for the web client.

Example: the server, which connects to the database with a thin client (http protocol) or a web client, rejects the current message and transfers it to another server. Please enter the message into the address bar of your Internet browser. The next step is to launch the web client, connect to the necessary information base, and then proceed to send messages.

Going beyond the order

To go to the previous messages, click the Go to messages command in the secondary or main window.