Templates without registration. Template Y: human factors and management systems

Spiral Dynamics [Key to Values, Leadership and Changes in the 21st Century] Bek Don

Template Y: human factors and management systems

human factor and management systems

When we wrap pattern Y around pattern X, it does not mean “shorter, lower” or “cooler, lower”, but rather “more sophisticated”. Those who assign functions to the X template are oriented towards completing the work. People are the resources that operate under the name of template Y, support, hide, assist, enhance and increase the productivity and procedures of template X. In objects of a different order, they are not bosses like these, they do not fight for rank, they do not play in the game . The main concern lies with the added value, ongoing repairs and adjustments while the robot is being completed. Lots of people function on both patterns X and Y at the same time.

As we already said, the initiative of the TCH, TUK and reengineering did not lead to anything, because they could not overcome the underground culture and the specific behavior of the template Y, so that they met the needs of the X template.

For example, in the past, the authorities of the middle and high lankas gave little bonuses to literally the ranks of the authorities of the lower lankas and ordinary civil servants. They rode on their backs to template X. However, the process of templates running may change. Template X, where the robot actually ends up, is responsible for getting rich before the top rises to the top.

Template X is to blame for the first decomposition, leaving the fragments on the new straightened line of the schema. Once decisions have been made, you are ready to implement the Y template, such as management systems design, incentive packages, allocation of human and other resources, and engineering and technical services. Once the Y pattern is in place, you can begin to think more broadly and begin to develop command intelligence (the Z pattern), which is necessary in conjunction with your specific X and Y patterns.

The sum of the task, the people and the technology of the skin, the specific function of the template X is dictated by what can be written, when on the template Y and the Z. Submitting the scheme so that you point to a specific robot (or group of people) on the template і X, you can calculate those , which may occur on the Y level to support this work and enhance the interaction in the middle of this group. Since in order to defeat the robot, the CHERVONA Empire is necessary, it is important to motivate and motivate the CHERVONA Empire can be based on Y. This will be legalized and encouraged for an additional template Z in a healthy state for the benefit of all and spirals of organization.

The templates will end the discussion about the “correct” or “beautiful” ways of caring for people. Nutrition, soon, in the way that keruvati have been accepted by these people, will end the work in the minds of life. Looking at the Y template, you appreciate the patterns of the minds of these people, who naturally build robots, laid out on the X template. , who to be shy? Super chicks about management theories, which are superb to teach one to another, compete with gurus or fashionable trainings are fruitless. You simply reduce complexity, and then lay out packages and protocols that will serve both the immediate needs of the population in your place on Template X, and the interests of your company.

There is no standard form for templates. Speck. Companies, especially those that have a global character, must be careful not to impose a single recipe on all the diversity of their different subcultures when molded into a template. Shvidshe, the skin version of the X pattern may be natural for your core. and for the types of “MEMEs” and patterns represented in one’s environment.

Beware of simply importing the latest trendy management theory into your company until you have mastered the design formula, design process, and sequence flow for your X and Y patterns. These things may already be in your hands.

Use template Y for selection, validation and integration of people and processes

The function of the template Y is the management, coordination, and acceleration of the human factor in the process of X. This process of a different order is due to the additional spiral mastery, which is due to the need for interaction with people to the template X, how to take the fate from the middle Virus, fragments of the stench itself are the most important information about the robot (robots) that are being created, but they also, with great confidence, represent a wide range of “mem profiles”.

Grenier and Metes will overhaul the competencies that correspond to template Y:

Measurement analysis of problems and the rise of conflicts [search for problems and their elimination].

Configuration management [organization of people, technologies and objects in functional flows].

Productivity management [effective visibility of people and systems].

Safety management [safety management of speeches and people].

Accounting aspect [talk about statements and fiduciary duties].

Programming [generating new ideas using a different template].

Let's carefully encourage and coordinate the numerical systems of “MEMEs”, since the pattern Y speaks about the health of the entire work stream - people, organizations and communities. You create this healthy climate through a rich strategy of embellishment, strengthening and thoroughness of all the memes that exist within the framework of unification. Discover how preventive maintenance works for people. For illustration purposes.

Violet survives through the development of seasonal rituals and individual ceremonies (festivities, graduations, funerals) and the expression of a sense of enchantment and magic in the rituals of life. Let groups get together and spend their special time together.

CHARVONY is always chosen to preserve the history of the heroes of the company or the holy day of great feats to conquer, if the company, in a figurative sense, “killed the dragon.” Create positive ways to release energy, for example, sports and constructive activities, to get out of shape.

The blue one will strive for the animal husbandry up to tradition, respecting the past, the new length of service and allegiance. Various forms of patriotic cries and beneficent donations may accompany the rites of national, religious and secular saints and local visits.

The Orange trains with more symbols of progress, success, growth and achievement. Individuals or groups that outperform others may be recognized for their achievements. They should be part of the action, but they will also benefit from good rights.

It becomes green when one listens to the importance of human essences and warmth, which comes out of a feeling of turbocharged somnolence. If a group makes its contribution, social and social gatherings must be carried out with gusto and respect.

Zhovty is painting himself, giving up a feeling of special freedom with an emphasis on the most important tasks without saying anything, as he himself may be. Particularly important here are flexible schedules, alternative work hours, the ability to work from home and the interchange of robots as ways to help achieve unique management.

Although the set of patterns will be different, one basic principle of another order is fair for everyone: decisions are made by competent people who make them, and are closer to pattern X, and not by some great class of “managers” or “chiefs”. The nature of the problem, the solution that needs to be achieved, or the nutrition that needs to be resolved, determines who will be affected and whose word will be the most important. Moreover, compensation for all types of participation will be calibrated according to the level of competence, influx of ideas, amount of contributions and the way in which they have enriched the life of the organizational spiral for the entire hour of passage of the change variation.

Managing technology, resources and objects from template Y

These functions include hardware security, maintenance, cleanliness and order, replacement, updating and other items that are often required by the engineering and technical department. c. If you follow the templates, the difference is that the corporate focus is now on X-results, and not on titles on office doors or salary levels. Additional functions are now integrated across the entire input-processing-output flow, leaving the Y template to destroy them where they are most needed, and not where they need to be ordered. The functions of professional training and personnel selection are now tightly integrated with the benefits of the X template, so that there simply cannot be a conflict between the “tops” and the “bottoms,” since now everyone has one bedroom on the right.

A healthy Y template is stringent, stringy, apolitical and emphasizing B-O-A. It is transforming, changing and reconstructing itself in response to new needs that arise from X. Interpersonal wars and conflicts “we” - “stinks” are rooted in the bud. Improved information systems provide the same knowledge base for all three patterns, so that those who are sensitive to injustice and the wrong helper can be quickly resolved.

Having become a CEO of General Motors, computer tycoon Ross Perot opposed the GM culture in the way his big company, EDS, had acted. Having said that if the people from EDS had treated the snake, they would have killed it. Just like the traditional management of GM, having gone through an investigation by a specially created committee, we are dancing around, trying to find here in our great hierarchy a person who would be sanctioned Named as a “snake killer.” They can hire a special search company for these searches. And during this hour the snake, quite possibly, stood up, especially as if it were Japanese. (The pen is no longer subject to political correctness, and it is no longer marked on the lava of the dead creatures.)

Be careful about topics, problems and productivity from the Y template

Functional patterns X and Y vary more by stage and scale, less by type. People with pattern Y need to have a broader perspective than operatives X, who are victorious robots. They will be responsible for gathering more resources to solve problems and gain more knowledge of the situation. They can be experts, but in times of need they can also act as assistants, supervisors or managers. The staff of the Y template is obliged to bachiti the lanyard of the created vartosti from the cob residually, from the postal worker to the assistant. In organizations of a different order, stench is more likely to occur in teams working on a specific problem than in stable structures. The demarcation between the balls X and Y becomes completely unclear, which avoids territorial wars and achieves good results through partial work of the skin.

In contrast to the traditional “coming-out” models of organization, in another order, passing through does not mean a transition from the X pattern to the Y-types, but only one of the options. The company has its own criteria for skin work and the implementation of drying procedures. A healthy template Y gives the ability to template X, so that more people can rise to horizontally similar competencies, learning more, experiencing more problems, denying access to more knowledge about the whole world of creation or the emergence of new things. I'm recruiting a newbie for the upcoming wiki. Having gone through the changes of the 1st and 2nd variations, people become more valuable to the X template and thereby color the spiral. A person’s entire career, which she is completely satisfied with, can be entirely carried out on the X template. miscellaneous

Thus, the Y template ensures fine-tuning of the work flow, monitoring of all important vital signs, increasing the competence of people involved in work, as well as secure integration, which is required for a company without internal cordons. Ball Y is not a filter but an intermediary between X and Z. Its role is played by the reduced template X from additional tasks and third-party components that involve it in the formulated work. If you want to remove the graphic structure Y, turn the typical organizational structure upside down, as SAS (Scandinavian Airlines) created. Now mechanics and people who are responsible for contacts with customers - “where the roads get busy” - are a priority. Careful rhubarb encourages, rather than “panels over,” people like the airline’s critical work force.

This form is natural for the Masters of the spiral, but it conveys the integration of “mem Profiles” and various models of design in folding systems, rather than revolving around the leader’s figures and demonstrating a sign of success.

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Once HTML5 began to be adopted by modern browsers, it began to be used on almost all modern sites. HTML5 in conjunction with CCS3 provides great potential for creating amazing, functional and user-friendly websites.

I have tried many of the best responsive website templates based on HTML5 and CSS3. Regardless of what they look like, you may notice that most of these templates look like premium templates.

5. SquadFree – no-cost template on Bootstrap HTML5

Squad Free - responsive bootstrap template

6. Pluton – no-cost, single-sided template on Bootstrap HTML5

Pluton – no-cost, single-sided template on Bootstrap HTML5

9. E-Shopper – a cost-free template for an online store

E-Shopper – a cost-free template for an online store

10. AdminLTE - admin panel template

AdminLTE - admin panel template

11. Magnetic - a cost-free template for a photographer’s website

Magnetic - a no-cost template for a photographer’s website

12. Mabur - adaptive portfolio template

Mabur - adaptive portfolio template

13. Moderna – responsive website template on Bootstrap

Moderna – responsive website template on Bootstrap

14. Sport Here - minimalist website template

Sport Here - minimalist website template

15. Crafty - adaptive corporate website template

Crafty - adaptive corporate website template

16. Infusion - single-sided portfolio template

Infusion – one-sided portfolio template

17. Yebo - HTML/CSS website template in flat style

Yebo - HTML/CSS website template in flat style

18. Twenty - HTML5 template with parallax effect

Twenty - HTML5 template with parallax effect

19. Urbanic – Bootstrap template

Urbanic – Bootstrap template

20. Calm - portfolio template

Calm - portfolio template

21. Mamba - single-sided template

Mamba - single-sided template

23. Brushed - one-sided adaptive website template

Brushed - one-sided adaptive website template

24. Big Picture - HTML5 website template

Big Picture - HTML5 website template

25. Tesselatte - cost-free adaptive website template

Tesselatte - free responsive website template

26. Overflow - adaptive website template on HTML5

Overflow - adaptive website template on HTML5

27. Runkeeper - template for mobile app website

Runkeeper - template for mobile app website

28. Pinball - responsive blog template

Pinball - responsive blog template

29. Bak One - one-sided adaptive website template

Bak One - one-sided adaptive website template

30. Andia - cost-free website template

Andia - cat-free website template

31. Produkta - 4 HTML templates in one

Produkta - 4 HTML templates in one

33. Studio Francesca - adaptive website template

Studio Francesca – adaptive website template

34. Prologue - HTML5 website template

It is also important for the current world to have a mother's website, for example, the availability of a telephone number or email address. Unfortunately, you can’t create your own great professional website on your own, and sometimes you won’t go wrong. It’s also not an ideal solution for programmers, which is why not everyone is happy with it.

Cost-free HTML website templates will help you overcome this situation. HTML website template is a set of ready-made static pages for a singing-themed website. Using this template, you can create a simple website in literally a couple of years, as long as you have basic knowledge of HTML layout. In the HTML section, you take away the knowledge that if you spend another couple of years on development, and if you don’t waste an hour on the CSS section, you can fill in the design of HTML website templates and customize them to your own needs consume.

Another significant advantage of website templates is that they are written in most cases by professionals. A professional website template means not only beautiful and modern design, but also writing code. Search engines will be surprised at how you write a website, SEO optimized code, and on the basis of which they reduce and promote your positions in the eyes. Therefore, a good website is not only beautiful and modern, but it is also important to write the code correctly.

Get free HTML website templates and create your projects in the shortest possible time.

All templates for your site are based on the current versions of HTML5 and CSS3. In addition, the authors introduce such fashionable features as flat design, creative design, adaptive layout, jQuery sliders, CSS3 animation, etc. If you are looking for a mobile website template, you can choose from any of the presentations. Beautiful html5 templates 2017, although they are catless, but look equal to the premium class.

Here you will find over 50 cost-free, high-quality responsive website templates in HTML5 and CSS3 that can be customized both for new websites and for reworking existing ones. Stylish website templates- what do you need!

Updated 03/12/2019: So, since the article was written two years ago, many of the messages became beaten. Or the masters of the templates were angry, or they changed the status of the templates from costless to paid, or the aliens lost it. Sorry to you, dear readers, if you know this message, leave it in the comments, I’ll correct it.

1. Snow - free landing page template on HTML5 and CSS3

HTML5 css3 template for the Snow purpose page based on the Bootstrap framework. The template is very stylish and cool! The fixed background and magnificent Jumbotron is a thing that shows the main one on the site. What’s the most important thing on the landing page? Correct call to dii. Naturally, this pattern will be widely used for adaptations to mobile devices. You can use it as a basis for powerful templates.

2. Sima – a chic commercial website template

This html5 css3 template is also based on the Bootstrap framework. You can create a unique website on this template with your portfolio, your team, prices, promotions and everything else that will be necessary. For example, this template will work wonders for a cleaning service website. The animation in this template is smooth and effective, the fonts are clean and easy to read. Just the perfect template!

3. White – a wonderful one-sided template!

Subject to the rice template on the White website - two options for the background at the top part. On your choice either a slider with pictures or a video background. A very clear and effective template for the website!

4. Platz – a cost-free HTML5 website template based on the grid

A current visually attractive HTML5 website template, based on the grid (read the report about the grid). A beautiful and charming design template for a blog or website.

5. Mart eCommerce - excellent HTML5 and CSS3 website template for e-commerce

The fresh and stylish design of the website template is best suited for all types of fashion websites that sell clothes, clothes, birthday clothes, accessories, sportswear, etc. The kit includes a PSD file that you can customize to suit your needs.

6. Nava - an effective HTML5 and CSS3 template for creative websites

Nava is a current HTML5 website template that is mainly used by creative professionals who want to show off their work in all its glory. Customizing the template without personal variations allows you to make your website unique. Lightweight, beautiful and cool template for the website.

7. Box Portfolio - a unique creative website template in HTML5 and CSS3

The Box Portfolio website template has a clean and modern minimal design. Perfectly suitable for professionals who want to effectively show their work on stage. As the name suggests, the website template is ideal for a portfolio.

8. Mountain King - popular and functional HTML5 and CSS3 website template

The Georgian theme for website design is still very popular. The Mountain King website template is not to blame. Includes 336 vector icons in Typicons. Plus wonderful animation on CSS3. The template is ideal for websites about travel and portfolio.

9. Beauty Spa - a cool website template in HTML5 and CSS3 for spas

Beauty Spa is a unique website template that has a unique function and is ideal for websites of spa salons, health or fitness centers, websites about yoga or exercise. Excellent readability of fonts and unobtrusive minimalism.

10. Bent – ​​stylish and effective landing page for websites using HTML5 and CSS3

Bent is a wonderful, cost-free website template in html5 and css3. Awesome design, CSS3 animation, parallax scrolling, navigation, what to configure, and other goodies. This is a clean design template for sites that want a well-balanced design to ensure that users are consistent with the overall look of the site, while at the same time clearly emphasizing its main focus.

11. Triangle – a cat-free and rich template in HTML5 and CSS3

Triangle is an exclusive creative HTML5 and CSS3 website template specially for those who want to improve their design, but at the same time do not end up with the worst. The template has more than 40 pre-divided pages that allow you to customize your site as needed.

12. Future Imperfect – a brilliant website template for creative people!

Try it and feel satisfied with this website template, which is ideal for writers, authors, copywriters and other pen and paper workers. The template can also be used for a special blog, a blog about travel, about creativity, etc. Creative design and adaptive layout of the template are rich in richness.

13. Bodo - a wonderful template for a personal website

Bodo is a great website template in HTML5 and CSS3, which is ideal for a personal website. Especially for organizing a portfolio. Clean and crisp typography, carousel slider, collapsible popup windows to show work and much more.

14. Lens – the perfect HTML5 website template for photographers

Photographers are always looking for the perfect template for their website to show off their work in all its glory, effectively and most importantly - great! This unique website template demonstrates these benefits. Lens is one of these templates for a photographer’s website.

15. Spectral – a unique template for a manual robot website in HTML5 and CSS3

Are you kidding? free website templates on auto theme, then Spectral will be the ideal solution. Here is a unique design template for a single-sided website made by hand. The design can be changed at the discretion of the authorities. Using this template, you can create an interesting website on any topic, be it a travel blog or a photo gallery, an automotive website or a hosting provider.

16. Oxygen - single-sided HTML5 and CSS3 website template

Oxygen is a handy and unique template for a business website. Modern flat design, adaptive layout. For example, this template is ideal for a site about mobile apps or mobile technology.

17. Mobirise Bootstrap - a thorough, cost-free website template in HTML5 and CSS3

If you are looking for a cost-free website template, Mobirise Bootstrap will be ideal to get you started. This is a richly functional template with a lot of extras included in the kit. Three, previously completed, head page layouts for the blog will help you with this. Mobirise Bootstrap is also 100% SEO optimized and adapted to any screen size.

18. La Casa - a beautiful and cat-free HTML5 template for the non-ruhomosti website

The Brandy template is a wonderful choice for organizing a commercial website. The unique and beautiful design suits not only the website, but also the teachers.

19. Drifolio - stylish HTML5 website template for portfolio

Stylish and animated HTML5 and CSS3 website template for organizing a portfolio. Clean design, unique design, beautiful icons and much more.

20. Pluton - a bright and stylish template for a single-sided website

Pluton is a powerful and effective website template on Bootstrap. Today's website template, with its unique one-sided layout and responsive design, is perfect for studios, photographers and creative designers.

21. SquadFree - professional template for a single-sided website on HTML5

The SquadFree template is a great choice for creating a single-sided commercial website. The template looks not only professional, but can be adapted to all types of screens. Collection template based on Bootstrap.

22. Sublime - a charming website template in HTML5 and CSS3

Sublime is a clean and beautiful website template on HTML5 and CSS3, which is ideal for a startup, creative agency or portfolio website. Great design and two side options to choose from.

23. Timber - unique and beautiful HTML5 and CSS3 website template

Timber is a fresh, stylish and unimportant theme for a single-sided website template. Diagonal is the main feature of the design of this template. The template is perfect for a business website or portfolio. There is a gallery, map and contact information that you can easily adapt to your needs.

24. E-Shopper - the best website template for electronic commerce

E-Shopper is a wonderful option for a website template for electronic commerce. Promotions based on bootstrap with an amazing set of functions for a fully functional and effective online store.

25. Magnetic - cost-free HTML5 and CSS3 template for photosite

An absolutely stunning HTML5 and CSS3 template for creating a photo site or portfolio for a designer, illustrator or artist. This template raises the bar for professional templates to a new level! Sensitive design, seamless support for all types of display devices, easy and manual navigation and much more.

26. Mabur Portfolio - a wonderful website template in the style of minimalism on HTML5 and CSS3

The flat design of this website template in a minimalist style is perfect for creating a portfolio. The pattern has all the details perfect!

27. Modern Bootstrap HTML5 – cost-free one-sided website template

This cost-free one-sided website based on the Bootstrap framework is a wonderful solution for corporate websites, both for small and large companies. Flat design, adaptive layout, all elements of high-quality design. Presentation template in 4 different colors.

28. Infusion - a stylish one-sided website template in HTML5 and CSS3

Infusion is a wonderful website template in HTML5 and CSS3 standards, which is specially designed for creating a business portfolio. The rich functionality of this template allows you to effectively work with clients and get new ones.

29. Yebo - corporate website template in HTML5 and CSS3

This high-quality website template with a flat style is perfect for any corporate website. Adaptive design, lots of options for editing.

30. Twenty - an effective HTML5 and CSS3 website template with parallax

This unique and very beautiful website template with the parallax effect will not deprive anyone. Single-sided prompt template in pure HTML5 and CSS3 with adaptive layout, striking backgrounds, support for social media, etc.

31. Urbanic – advanced HTML5 and CSS3 website template on Bootstrap

Urbanic - new and cool HTML5 and CSS3 website template, based on the Bootstrap engine. It’s great to start creating your website right away without any problems. The template can be easily adapted to any screen size.

32. Design Showcase - HTML5 website template for portfolio

A visually harmonious and effective HTML5 website template for organizing your portfolio. The template is wonderfully adapted for mobile devices, which is not easy to create for sites of this format.

33. Mamba One - a simple and stylish website template in HTML5 and CSS3

Mamba One is a simple yet stylish website template for a one-sided website. Suitable with all modern browsers and displayed adequately.

34. KreativePixel – a cost-free website template for photographers

Another wonderful website template for photographers. The unique design and easy sorting of photos in portfolios and galleries will appeal to many photography enthusiasts. The template also has a parallax effect, which also irritates viewers while looking at photos.

35. Retina Ready Responsive App - cost-free landing page template on HTML5 and CSS3

As the name suggests, this wonderful website template is not only ideal for specific pages, but also meets the new mobile trends, especially in terms of clarity of display on devices with Retina displays.

36. Brushed - awesome HTML5 and CSS3 website template based on the Bootstrap engine

Brushed is a cool, simple HTML5 and CSS3 website template based on the Bootstrap engine. Also optimized for Retina displays (iPhone, IPAD, iPod Touch and MacBook Pro Retina).

37. Big Picture HTML5 and CSS3 website template

We kindly ask you to Big Picture! This adaptive website template on HTML5 will be a great fit for all creative people who need to show and show great results on their website. In addition, the template has amazing animation.

38. Tesselatte – a crazy template for HTML5 and CSS3

A simple one-sided template that includes all the necessary tools for creating a website. Ideal for a dedicated blog writer, copywriter or just a lover of the written word.

39. Overflow - a unique website template in HTML5 and CSS3

This unique website template based on pure HTML5 and CSS3 will be perfect for any creative person. The wine is completely smelly and absolutely catless.

40. Runkeeper - awesome website template

Runkeeper is a cat-free, clever and very beautiful website template. You can be a vikorist for a site of any topic. Brilliant style and clear fonts, adaptive design and matching details to the template. Everything is working on you!

41. Pinball Responsive Grid Style - a wonderful website template based on a grid

This wonderful professional website template based on a grid is ideal for a corporate website. The current flat design and structure of the template is wonderfully displayed both on the screens of large monitors and mobile devices.

42. Prologue - a clean template for a single-sided website using HTML5 and CSS3

This clean, simple and clear HTML5 and CSS3 website template is perfect for creating a landing page. The minimalist design does not overwhelm the head. An effective navigation bar with scrolling and clear lines on the sides - just a perfect fit!

43. Helios - current website template using pure HTML5 and CSS3

Another website template in the style of minimalism and clean forms. Specially developed to exploit the benefits of large display screens, as well as miraculous adaptations for small screens of mobile devices.

44. Telephasic - a cost-free and clever HTML5 website template

This simple, intuitive and absolutely cost-free website template has one great advantage - it’s simple and laconic, but it doesn’t have much in itself.

45. Strongly Typed – a very cool website template with a retro style

A new website template with a minimalistic, retro style. It’s just that retro is no longer in fashion, and the light pressure on the new one is almost to the point. This website template is based on pure HTML5 and CSS3 and includes all the necessary basic elements of the side page. The Strongly Typed template is ideal for creative websites. For example, for a site about home decor.

46. ​​Striped - clean, beautiful and functional HTML5 and CSS3 website template

Fresh and clean, beautiful and functional, new website template in HTML5 and CSS3. We have all the necessary elements of pages in our arsenal, including the design of quotes, tables and lists, as well as customizable sidebars (right or left-handed - behind your banner).

47. Parallelism - a unique and stylish website template in HTML5 and CSS3

Parallelism is a stylish website template for organizing a portfolio or photographs. The uniqueness of this is that the scrolling here is not vertical, as before, but horizontal. This gives the site a special chic and memorability.

48. Miniport - I’ll bring a cool HTML5 template to the site in a minimalist style

An excellent website template in a minimal style on HTML5. It is perfect for a special website/blog, or for a small one-sided corporate website or as a business card site.

49. Verti - a spacious and unique HTML5 website template

The clean and spacious design of this website template is perfect for most corporate websites or commercial projects. Sensible and handy for the author, as well as for writers.

50. ZeroFour - a stunning and stylish website template in HTML5 and CSS3

The last one on the list, but not the only one for its simplicity and high efficiency, is the website template - ZeroFour. Stylish design, even on top of the menu, perfectly shaped shapes and buttons, beautiful icons and much more. And everything is absolutely cost-free!

I hope you have found something suitable for yourself among these wonderful HTML5 and CSS3 website templates. Good luck!

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PS: If you can’t decide on your choice, read the article “I don’t know what I want.” It will be brown.