A close friend after refilling a Canon 725. Vitra materials for a friend at wholesale prices

Every owner of a printer or multifunctional printer has to deal with a variety of problems over time, related to both the hardware and software parts of the device. One of the most extensive tasks is this: why does the printer use a different blade for the cartridge. This problem is perhaps one of the most common among all models of laser printers. If your printer becomes damaged, do not rush to the nearest service center, or you can fix it yourself. The head will be delivered to her with all the seriousness and relevance, because Problems like these can be different.

The brighter image is due to the insufficient optical power of the laser device. This parameter depends on the charging voltage of the photo shaft, the strength of the laser beam, the “blackness” of the toner, the amount of power that is transferred to the drum and the amount of power that is transferred directly to the surface of the paper. With all the overvalued values, the thickness of the barn is especially important, which is transferred to the photo roll - this parameter itself largely depends on the optical strength of the hand.

The main problems and ways to overcome them

If you have noticed that your laser printer is running dark, then please pay attention to adjusting the device. In this article we talk about adjustments, under the name “Economy Friend”. On the right, such a function extends the operating life of the cartridge to the device, however, there is little corrosion, because This may have a negative impact on your friend's strength. This function helps the device to properly distribute the stock of barnberries. If less than half of the toner in the cartridge hopper is lost, then the adjustment begins to save money, as a result of which the device appears to be of poor quality. In this case, documents that need to be separated may become closer. It is recommended that anyone who owns a laser printer should turn on this function in advance; in addition, with this help, they can save up to 40-70 additional pages.

If you decide to immediately replace the described elements for any reason, for example, financial problems, then you can resort to a number of other methods. It should be noted that the roughness of the surface of such an element, such as a magnetic shaft, can be reduced due to the wear of this part and the filling of “pores” on its surface with barn. Why should the first guy be afraid? It is impossible to turn into the shaft due to wear, because This process is irreversible. And the axis of the problem, connected with this confusion, can be solved entirely, and independently. To fill the “pores” with toner is necessary to cleanse the shaft with the help of a strong agent. Therefore, the printer is responsible for making the image clearer.

To clean the “pores” of the magnetic shaft, add a readily available substance such as acetone. Just remember that you can’t vikoristovuvati zaive zusillya, because In this manner, you can destroy the cover of the shaft and destroy its hairiness. Also do not forget that acetone is toxic and vicoric acid, it is necessary to avoid all unintentional contacts, including ventilating the area. Having cleared all the “pores” clogged with toner, it is necessary to unscrew the test document. If your power is overwhelming you, then the problem is solved, otherwise you will have to go to the service center.

As practice shows, to resolve the problem, after refilling a laser printer cartridge, you should clean the other dispensing slot. On the right, when using the device for handing, a grease is formed on the edge of this part over an hour, which is made up of pressed toner. This lubricant is used to blow the dosing blade out of the shaft, which has a negative effect on the rubbing force as it gradually changes. Moreover, in order to restore normal operation, it is necessary to clean this part. For this purpose, quickly use dry lint-free hearts, which, if necessary, can be lightly moistened with distilled water, since when dry peeled, the barnberry growths did not go well. If the server was unable to remove them, then quickly change the blade or use acetone.

As you can see, the problem with the laser cartridge is likely to be easy to solve. If the device is different after various manipulations, then perhaps the reason is in the device itself, or perhaps in the illness of your printer itself. It is also recommended that you familiarize yourself with the materials for a specific model by selecting it in the right menu that opens.

It is true that the same situation occurs when cartridges of the same model, filled with the same toner, installed in the same printer, give different optical strength to each other. Some people are okay with each other, but others need to be crazy. This article examines the main reasons why HP/Canon monochrome cartridges, which use a single-component magnetic development system, can produce low output power, or, in other words, “shine.”

In order not to spoil the article for too long, let’s fix it in our minds, infusing the skin can be the topic of a follow-up investigation:

  1. The printer is in the help line and causes the power to decrease, then. It’s all about the transfer roller, the cleanliness of the laser block, the contacts and the high-voltage life block. To verify this, please use the original control cartridge.
  2. Let us not respect the influx of minds into the superfluous middle class, having accepted them as normal and normal.
  3. The power of the toner, we won’t be bothered either, because... We would like to understand why the same toner behaves differently in different cartridges.

Let's concentrate more on problems that may be present in the cartridge components (including toner).

Following the tradition that develops on this site, before various reflections, I will immediately give you a ready confirmation:

To solve the problem of the other hand, cardinal technological method– replace the dosing blade and the shell of the magnetic shaft. Better yet, in order to prolong the term of their service and increase the strength of each section by a good amount.

To determine the effectiveness of this method, take any monochrome HP/Canon refill cartridge, which is convenient for you; cover the side with solid gray fill; then replace only the shell of the magnetic shaft and the dispenser with a new one; Arm that same side again. The result may be worthy.

And now this practical result is based on a theoretical basis. :) Possibly, the theory is very palpable.

Behind the great arch, the optical power of the hand lies in two parameters:

  • The optical strength (“blackness”) of the toner itself, which is ensured by the dulling of the light with the pigment-barn, which is absorbed during the toner generation. Most of the current original and commercial toners have very little capacity for this parameter, which is why it is easy to get overwhelmed when purchasing different toners - all purchases will be visually black, although rare There are a lot of blame for this rule, obviously. On this parameter, the processes that are installed in the printer and cartridges do not give practically any impact, so we will not bother you with any respect.
  • The strength of the toner is transferred first to the drum, and then to the paper. This parameter itself may vary greatly for different cartridges.

Kilki Toner, yake to be transferred to the bunker on the top of the drum of the PID Herrywani Zyavnya Porportziyno Riznitsi Potzіaliv mizi by partins of the toner on the surface of the magnetic shaft of the dilated zone on the surface of the drum (overtime laser of the veil). The greater the difference in potentials, the more toner will be transferred to the image area, the greater the strength of the hand. In fact, the difference in potentials is greater than the smaller potential of the received image and the greater potential of the toner particles.

Let's take a look at the location of both ends of the different components of the cartridge.

The potential of the charged image lies on the surface of the drum at the same intensity of the laser exchange is not enough to lie in front of the potential of the charged surface of the drum, then. Inflation of the roller with charge and decreased sensitivity to the charge due to wear on the outer ball of the drum (charge transport ball - CTL) is minimal. Why come out? The problem of the white hand cannot be corrected by replacing the charge roller. Problems with the roller charge may arise from other causes.

Also, on the basis of the deposited material, it would be possible to make a conclusion about the fact that the brightness of the image cannot be corrected by replacing the drum, but this theoretical frame, unfortunately, is important in practice, which shows that in some cases the replacement of a worn-out drum to a new one, you can increase the thickness of the drum . There are two possible reasons for this phenomenon:

First reason- the new drum, due to its characteristics, may be “hot”, lower than the one that stood before, then. The charge generation ball (CGL) of this drum generates more charges and, obviously, the potential of the received image for this drum is lower. In addition, the greater number of charges that are generated leads to the fact that the point illuminated by the laser has a geometrically larger size. The generating power of CGL is weakly dependent on the physical wear of the drum, so the “hotness/coldness” of the drum in most cases can be considered “innate” during generation and unchangeable during operation. The difference between the “hot” and “cold” drums is clearly visible in the presented little one. These are real scans of prints produced by this very cartridge with two different drums in the same printer.

Another reason- The charge transport ball (CTL), which is transparent to the laser light, becomes dull when worn and through it passes less light to the charge generation ball (CGL). On the graph of the depth of the potential of the received image versus the level of exposure for one of the typical organic drums, it can be seen that this depth can add up to a steep plot. In order for our real wear drum to drive the bright colors into this crooked area, it is necessary for the surface of the drum to become very matte. In fact, such a surface can be reached when wear is close to critical, then. In a few more minutes, black artifacts will begin to appear on the reels, indicating the death of the drum again.

In this manner, go out, so Replacing the drum to solve the problem of a white hand may give lesser results in both cases:

  • The new drum, due to its loading characteristics, attracts a higher volume of toner than was previously installed. Replacing a used drum with a new drum of the same type will not provide a significant increase in power. Blame is another kind of failure.
  • The wear drum has a “matte” surface, which strongly scatters the laser light. Such a position must be reached when worn out, so the drum needs to be changed regularly in order to survive until the end of the cycle.

Now let's move on to the other end of the difference in potentials - to the potential of toner particles on the surface of the magnetic shaft. This potential consists of two components: the voltage supplied to the magnetic shaft by the printer, and the charge carried by the triboelectrification toner particles. They are rubbed one at a time, against the dosing blade and the coating of the magnetic shaft.

The bias voltage, which is set by the printer, can be varied at a constant value, and it is necessary to create it in the cartridges so that the voltage does not decrease on the way to the magnetic shaft, thereby ensuring stable contact. For whom is it korisno clean the contact pair of the magnetic shaft from contaminated jetting oil and apply a thin ball of fresh liquid to it(for example, OIL - SC-CONLUBE).

The triboelectric charge of toner particles is based on several factors. If we exclude from the mix of these factors the triboelectric powers of the toner and Dovkill’s mind, which we accepted as equals from the very beginning of the study, then we will be left with only two of them:

  • Dosing climbing camp;
  • Magnetic shaft cladding mill.

The main function of the magnetic roller shell is to transport toner from the hopper to the development area. The main function of the dispensing blade is to form a toner ball on the surface of the magnetic shaft. If not, these components have another function - charging the toner by triboelectrification when it passes through the contact point between the blade and the shell. To speed up this process, the surface of the magnetic shaft is rough, which promotes the rubbing force, and the material of the dosing blade is harsh and has a chemical composition.

When working with a cartridge, the edge of the blade that dose is worn, and the roughness of the surface of the magnetic shaft shell decreases. This should lead to insufficient toner charge and, as a last resort, to the last hope. Unfortunately, we have to state the fact that in current HP/Canon monochrome cartridges, the reduction in charging power most often manifests itself on high-performing cartridges, and after several refilling cycles it becomes even more noticeable.

What can be done to reduce the charge without replacing components?

A decrease in the roughness of the surface of the magnetic roller occurs for two reasons - physical wear and filling of the “pores” on its surface with toner. Physical depreciation is also non-negotiable. The option of “improving” the surface with an emery paper or a “sanding sander” is obvious, but if you are too careful to decide this procedure with a result ranging from “pleasant without getting too hot” to unsatisfactory, it is not recommended. Filling the “pores” with toner can be applied to the surface with a strong solvent such as acetone. In this case, the memory trace is as follows:

  1. Isopropyl alcohol cannot be used as a purification agent for purification, because This will cause the pores to become even more filled with damaged toner and the toner charge will be even more depleted.
  2. Acetone is toxic.
  3. When washing, it is not possible to press the surface tightly so as not to destroy the wooliness of the shell even more.

The destruction of the dosing forest, unfortunately, is completely irrevocable. There is only one thing that can be earned without losing its charge of power even more under the hour of purification. And it’s even easier to kill - it’s enough to “stuff” it with stagnant “chemicals”. Our recommendation for cleaning this type of dose blades is a dry, lint-free cleaning cloth. If you have lost toner build-up, soak the server with distilled water. It didn’t help either to remove the blade without further purification and put up with possible defects, or replace the blade with a new one.

Did you divide the purification correctly, but everything is just one mess? This means that the deterioration is irrevocable and the option we started with is lost – replacing the timber and the hull.

Finally, we will provide video instructions on how to correctly and technologically replace the magnetic shaft shells in younger HP models.

The necessary codes for purchasing goods can be found here:

. (147KB, pdf)

A skin specialist who deals with refilling and renewing cartridges encounters a situation in his work when cartridges of the same model, refilled with the same toner, are installed in the same printer, give a Well, the optical strength of the hand. Some of the cartridges work normally, but the other part is shaped as shown. As a matter of fact, behind such a situation the classic explanation of the type: “rotten toner” no longer applies, and one has to joke about the reasons in a different place...

Apparently, in other Canon devices and Hewlett Packard printers that are based on them, a single-component magnetic development system is installed. The principle of this work lies in the following:

1) The development of the image created on the drum is carried out by a developing magnetic roller. This shaft consists of two main elements:

rod multi-pole stationary magnet;

Non-magnetic outer shell.

The magnet is located in the middle and is responsible for the orientation of the photodrum and the toner hopper. This orientation is ensured by a special shaped clamp and a corresponding bevel on the magnetic clamp. The magnetic field created by the poles of the bar magnet is oriented in such a way that its power lines are most straight in the middle of the toner hopper. This is divided for the safe storage of toner from the hopper. In addition, the power lines create a magnetic pen, which ensures that the toner drips from the surface of the photodrum.

2) See the image, then. The “sticking” of the toner to the photoconductor occurs in an electrostatic manner. The toner is attracted to the photoreceptor under the influx of electrical forces. The difference in potential of the photodrum of the same toner results in the attraction of the toner until the laser plates are illuminated. It turns out that the toner is responsible for carrying an electrostatic charge.

3) The toner in laser printers is triboelectric. It is charged by rubbing the shell. In Canon/HP printers, the toner is charged by rubbing it on the surface of the magnetic developing roller. To create such a rub in the cartridge there is a dispensing squeegee (Doctor Blade), and the surface of the magnetic shaft itself is coated with a special coating (note that the magnetic shaft is even dark, even black, although its edge is highly polished with shiny metal).

Thus, the amount of electrical charge that accumulates on the surface of the toner particles is determined not only by the characteristics of the toner itself, but also by the significant amount of rubbing force. And there, in your drawing, is indicated by a brush and a grinding mill on the surface of a magnetic shaft and a dosing squeegee.

Kilki Toner, yake to be transferred to the bunker on the top of the drum of the PID Herrywani Zyavnya Porportziyno Riznitsi Potzіaliv mizi by partins of the toner on the surface of the magnetic shaft of the dilated zone on the surface of the drum (overtime laser of the veil). The greater the difference in potentials, the more toner will be transferred to the image area, the greater the strength of the image. In its own way, the difference in potentials is greater than the smaller potential of the illuminated parts of the photodrum and the greater potential of the toner particles.

Now let's turn to the problem and discuss it. Also, when refilling cartridges, you often encounter the problem of a faded image. The image is lighter, lighter, and has low optical strength.

In the halal form, the optical strength of the hand lies under the following parameters:

1) The magnitude of the charging voltage to the photodrum. The lower the voltage, the higher the strength of the arm, and, for example, the low strength can indicate a higher voltage on the corotron charge;

2) Intensity of the light laser flow. Reducing the intensity of the laser leads to a smaller discharge on the surface of the photodrum, then. increasing the potential of the illuminated area, and, as a result, reducing the strength of the arm;

3) The optical thickness (“blackness”) of the toner itself is ensured by the dulling of the light with the barn pigment, which is absorbed during the toner generation. Most of the current original and commercial toners have very little capacity for this parameter;

4) The strength of the toner that is transferred to the drum during the development stage. The more the toner is tolerated, the more natural, thicker the ball will be and the stronger the strength of the hand;

5) The thickness of the toner that can be transferred to the paper. This parameter is indicated by a large number of values, for example, the voltage at the transfer coronary, the paper brightness, the brain capacity, and so on.

Of all the values ​​that go into the thickness of the hand, we see the fourth point (the amount of toner that is transferred to the photodrum). This parameter itself can vary greatly in different cartridges, and, first of all, is subject to their physical wear.

Other parameters are not subject to ongoing discussion. And since the printer is in good working order, is in good technical condition, operates in normal conditions (at the same temperature and humidity), and if the paper is of the same type, then the significant factor is lost a toner brush that can be transferred. Therefore, try to figure out which elements of the cartridge can be affected by this parameter.

Based on the structure, photoreceptors can be divided into two types:
- single-spherical photoreceptors;
- Bagatoshar photoreceptors.
So-called “single-ball” organic photoconductors (whose functions of generating and transporting charge carriers are combined in one ball) are rarely produced and are mainly manufactured by Mita. Nutrition about the benefits and shortages of such photoreceptors is more complicated and will require special discussion. It is important to note that the peculiarity of single-spherical photoreceptors is their high photosensitivity.
In multi-sphere photoreceptors, there is a function of generating and transporting different balls, which gives the cells much more freedom in the skin. This allows you to set the necessary power of the skin ball, thereby “programming” the characteristics and parameters of the photoreceptor, which, for example, are more sensitive to light, or wear-resistant, less sensitive to changes in temperature, etc. The multi-spherical photoreceptors themselves find themselves most stagnant, so we need to discuss them in detail.
The number of balls in a multispherical photoreceptor can vary - it all depends on what characteristics you want to endow the photoreceptor with. This is a classic version, characteristic of an important majority of current photoreceptors of all brands, and
a spherical photoreceptor, applied to an aluminum base, vikonana near the drum (photodrum).
So, in this case, the photoreceptor is formed from the balls of the feet:
1) PL (Protective Layer)- a dry ball, thickness 0.5 - 5 microns, used to protect the surface of the photoreceptor from mechanical wear and harmful atmospheric factors, corona discharge, etc. Nina rarely uses current photo drums.
2) CTL (Charge Transport Layer)- charge-transport ball (ball of charge transport), thickness 25 - 35 microns, serves to transfer the charge to the surface of the photoreceptor and local change in the surface potential.
3) CGL (Charge Generate Layer)- a charge-generating ball (charge-generating ball), thickness 0.2 -1.0 microns, used for polishing the exposure, producing and creating an electron-electric pair.
4) G.L.- a primer ball, thickness 10 - 20 microns, serves to level the surface of the aluminum lining, and also has the function of transferring dark injection of charge from the lining into the CGL ball, etc.
5. Substrate or UL- aluminum lining (aluminum cylinder) polished up to class 14. The basis of the photodrum.

Also, photoreceptors are usually divided into so-called “cold” and “hot” photoreceptors. Kholodny photoreceptors have a remarkably low sensitivity to laser stimulation. Therefore, when the surface of the photoreceptor is illuminated by a laser exchange, only the same charge carriers are activated in the CGL ball. which are always located in the exhibition area. completely feel the laser light. As a result, the size of the dot (that is, the size of the illuminated area) practically corresponds to the area of ​​the laser cut. Hot Photoreceptors, however, are very sensitive to external changes. Therefore, during their exposure, not only the wearers that are in the illumination zone are activated, but also all the wearers adjacent to the charge. As a result, the charge drains from the surface. significantly moves the area of ​​the laser cut. That is, the point is illuminated to reach a great point. the transmission of detailed details on “hot” photoreceptors is deprived of the benefit of the beauty. Therefore, “hot” photoreceptors are more likely to vikorist in quiet episodes, if the text is important to fight. they look less intense and clearer
In addition, stagnation of “hot” photoreceptors leads to greater toner wastage.

Shaft charge

The potential of the illuminated plots lies on the surface of the drum at the same intensity of the laser exchange is not enough to lie against the initial potential of the charged surface of the drum, then. Inflation of the roller with charge and decreased sensitivity to the charge due to wear on the outer ball of the drum (charge transport ball - CTL) is minimal. This means that the problem of the white hand cannot be corrected by replacing the charge roller.

Image drum

In the previous paragraph, you could make a note about those that, as shown in the picture, cannot be corrected by replacing the drum, but this theoretical picture, unfortunately, is important in practice, which shows that in some cases replacing a worn drum with a new one You can increase the strength of your hand. Tsomu combines two factors:

1) Due to its characteristics, a new drum may be “hot”, even if it was previously standing. The charge generation ball (CGL) of this drum generates more charges and, obviously, the potential of the received image for this drum is lower. In addition, the greater number of charges that are generated leads to the fact that the point illuminated by the laser has a geometrically larger size. The generating power of CGL is weakly dependent on the physical wear of the drum, so the “hotness/coldness” of the drum in most cases can be considered “innate” during generation and unchangeable during operation;

2) Reduced optical clarity of the photodrum (optical decay). The charge transport ball (CTL), which is transparent to the laser light, becomes dull when worn, and through it passes less light to the charge generation ball (CGL). This, of course, is typical for significantly worn drums, the level of wear of which is close to critical.

Thus, it turns out that replacing the drum to solve the problem of the other person can give the result in only two cases:

Because the new drum, due to its loading characteristics, attracts more toner than was previously installed. Replacing a used drum with a new drum of the same type (drummer) will not yield a significant increase in power;

When worn, the drum has a “matte” surface, which strongly dissipates the laser light.

Magnetic shaft and dosing laser

The potential of the toner particles lying on the surface of the magnetic shaft consists of two components: the displacement voltage, which is applied to the magnetic shaft, and the charge carried by the toner particles through triboelectrification, then. They are rubbed against each other, against the dosing squeegee and the shell of the magnetic shaft.

The bias voltage, which is set by the printer, can be adjusted at a constant value, and it is necessary to create it in the cartridges so that the voltage does not decrease in order to ensure stable contact. To do this, carefully clean the contact pair of the magnetic shaft from the contaminated jetting oil and apply a thin ball of fresh oil on it. Otherwise, the infusion of this potential can be turned off.

The triboelectric charge of toner particles actually resides in a number of materials. If you turn off from this the triboelectric powers of the toner itself and the mind of the superfluous middle, then you will lose only two of them:

Dose squeegee mill;

Magnetic shaft cladding mill.

One of the functions of the magnetic shaft shell is to transport the toner hopper to the developing zone. One of the functions of the dosing machine is to form a toner ball on the surface of the magnetic roller. In addition, these components perform another important function - the charge of the toner rubs when it passes through the contact between the squeegee and the shell. To speed up this process, the surface of the magnetic shaft has a roughness, which promotes the rubbing force, and the material of the dosing blade has a harsh harshness and a similar chemical storage.

During long-term use of the cartridge, the edge of the cartridge that dispenses wears out, and the roughness of the surface of the magnetic shaft shell decreases. This causes a decrease in rubbing strength, then. until the toner charge is insufficient and, as a last resort, until the end. Unfortunately, we have to state the fact that in current monochrome HP/Canon cartridges, due to a decrease in charging power, it appears already during the first cycle of the cartridge, and after several refilling cycles it becomes even noticeable.

Solving the problem

You can radically solve the problem of a white hand even simply - replace the dosing squeegee and the casing of the magnetic shaft (or the magnetic shaft as a whole). It is better to replace them immediately in order to prolong their service life and increase the strength of each adhesive by a noticeable amount.

However, if such an option is impossible for any reason (the lack of necessary spare parts or financial problems), you can try to solve the problem with a close friend and “little blood”, that is. without changing the names of the components.

A decrease in the surface roughness of the magnetic shaft is due to two reasons:

Physical wear of the magnetic shaft;

Filling the “pores” on the surface of the magnetic roller with toner.

How to deal with physical wear without thinking, because... However, it is irreversible, then the problem of obstruction of the magnetic shaft can still be overcome. The toner filling of the “pores” of the magnetic shaft can be applied to the shaft with a strong tool. Acetone can be added to such solutions, accessible to any person. Just cleaning the magnetic shaft with acetone will solve the problem immediately.

However, when carrying out the cleaning procedure, it is necessary to adhere to several basic rules:

It is not possible to freeze the surface of the surface, the fragments may destroy the coating of the magnetic shaft, then. smudge your furryness;

It is necessary to remember about the toxicity of acetone, and therefore follow the rules of working with it (well ventilate the area in which the work is carried out, and also be sure to use dry gloves when working).

Since isopropyl alcohol is used as a source of toner, it is not suitable for cleaning the magnetic shaft. On the other hand, isopropyl alcohol is not a very strong remover, and it can, instead of cleaning, clog the “pores” of the magnetic shaft with the used toner.

Practice shows that it is necessary to clean the dosing squeegee next to the magnetic shaft. During operation at the edge of the machine, which is dosed, the smudge of the pressed toner usually disappears. This mixture “sucks” the squeegee into the magnetic shaft, which causes the rubbing force to change. Therefore, to restore a normal hand, you need to clean the squeegee. It is important that the use of any kind of robbers (and first of all, acetone) will destroy the chemical storage of the squeegee and lead to the destruction of its elastic powers. Therefore, it is most often recommended to use dry, lint-free silverware to clean the squeegee. If dry cleaning does not give the effect and the toner build-up is removed, then you can wet the server with distilled water and repeat the procedure. If this does not help, you will have to either remove the squeegee without further cleaning and accept possible defects, or replace the squeegee with a new one.

However, our evidence is that, regardless of all concerns, using acetone to clean the squeegee gives an even worse effect. More importantly, it is necessary to choose between installing a new squeegee and cleaning the old one.

In principle, there is another “folk” method of updating the shortness of the magnetic shaft, which with varying degrees of success will stagnate around the fakhivtsa. We are talking about sandblasting or grinding the surface of the magnetic shaft with abrasive sandpaper. However, the result that is obtained in this manner is extremely unstable and requires a number of practical skills that can be developed, as a rule, by “driving in” a few magnetic shafts. Therefore, we would not recommend this method for practical settlement.

Dzherelo World of peripheral devices PC-6"09

A series of cartridges for HP P1005 printers and their similar counterparts (HP CE278A, CE285A, CB435A, Canon 725, 728, 712, etc.) are not limited only by the vibrancy of the toner or the type of toner. so there are a number of peculiarities, characteristic ones. One of these features is the reduced density of toner transfer to the right side of the pad. Sometimes the operation of such a cartridge is accompanied by extraneous noise and crackling. This problem tends to occur regularly, occurring after several cartridge refill cycles.

Malyunok 1. Defect in hand. The right part will smoothly go down again. The outer frame is not damaged, the barcode cannot be read by the scanner (thin lines are not damaged). The left side has normal padding.

As we have learned, the reason is the weak mutual pressure of the two parts of the cartridge, and then the magnetic shaft and photocylinder mounted on them.

Malyunok 2. Two halves of the cartridge. The selected view is to ensure equal mutual pressure of the two shafts.

Strong and even pressure is ensured by two springs extended from both sides of the cartridge. During this process, the force of their pressure is weaker, as a result of which the toner from the magnetic roller is poorly transferred to the photocylinder, and therefore, the image density is less strong. Due to the design features of the cartridge, problems begin with the spring on the right side of the cartridge (the one located on the side of the gear), and end there. Even through heavy pressure, the gears of the magnetic shaft and the photocylinder are worn out, and then they are licked, which leads to a clattering sound, as mentioned above, and an even greater loss of horizontal smuga).

Malyunok 3. Vinuvatka - a spring on the side of the gears.

The core of this problem appeared on the surface. It is necessary to somehow change, increase the stiffness or increase the number of coils of the spring. We experimented with different springs and were able to eliminate the defect. Once we realized that it would be important to find such springs with the characteristics we need, we decided to conduct further experiments. We tried to stretch the original spring - the test gave a positive result, but, unfortunately, after about an hour the spring sagged again and the defect turned, although not so clearly. The idea was logical - put it under this spring, thereby squeezing it more tightly. Again, due to a defect in the design, the standard washers did not fit, something else was needed. An emergency nylon coupler came to the rescue, as it was ideal in terms of dimensions, ease of installation and accessibility. And since it’s still black in color, then further processing does not apply to Vichi.

Malyunok 4. The coupler is installed under the spring.
Malyunok 5. Spring on assembled cartridges. When you disassemble a cartridge, you need to be careful - it will be very powerful.

After a series of tests, the final solution was taken back to our service center.

Malyunok 5. Cartridge beater.

Please note that this defect is not avoided on the new cartridges used by Patron and ColorWay. This is due to everything, due to the changed design of fastening the halves.

The other cartridges are HP 36a, 35a, 78a, 85a and Canon 712, 713, 725, 728.

A problem that often plagues many laser printers- Printer after. This is often the case with cartridges. HP 36a, 35a, 78a, 85aі Canon 712, 713, 725, 728. The problem could be either the printer or the cartridges. Let's take a look at the widest example - the printer is new, recently purchased and inspected. The cartridge was thoroughly refilled with fresh yak toner, And here is something else. Shvidshe for everything, the problem is with the cartridges.

The most common cause of fading on HP and Canon printers is the magnetic shaft or cartridge dispenser.

The main purpose of the surface of the magnetic shaft is transfer from the bunker to the development area. The purpose of the dosing blade is to allow the toner ball to lie on the surface of the magnetic shaft. The additional function of both is the electrification of the toner as it passes through the contact point of the blade surface. Using the robotic method, the surface of the magnetic shaft is shortened, and the blade that dispenses is prepared in a uniform shape, hardness and consistency.
As the cartridge operates, the edge of the dosing blade wears off, and the magnetic shaft becomes rough. The toner is not charging enough, the result is a bad friend.

The biggest problem will be replacing the magnetic shaft and dosing rod. You can try to reanimate the cartridge without replacing parts. What is needed for what?
1. Remove the cartridge and look at it respectfully.
2. Clean the surface of the magnetic toner roller. It is possible to use a vikorist and a strong raschinnik - for example, acetone.
3. Look at the surface of the dosing blade - we can clean it there. If there is toner on the surface of the blade, clean it with a cotton swab and a squeegee.
4. Remove the old one completely toner.

When cleaning, you need to work carefully, without making large noises, so as not to damage the surface.
It may appear that the magnetic roller or dispensing unit is not only contaminated with toner, but also very worn. Unfortunately, the physical wear of the magnetic shaft and the blade is not negotiable. In this case, there is no alternative to replacing the shaft.