How many airports are there near Auckland, New Zealand. Auckland airport

The latitude of the current airport is: -36.848459700000, while the latitude of the airport is: 174.763331500000. Geographic coordinates of latitude and longitude indicate the location of the airport on the earth's surface. In order to completely determine the position of the airport in the trivial space, a third coordinate is required - height. The height of the airport above the sea level is 7 meters. Roztashovani airport time zone: +13.0 GMT. Air tickets for flights always indicate the time of arrival and departure of the airport according to time zones.

Online scoreboard at Auckland International (AKL) airport.

Up-to-date information about flight hours and their possible delays is usually posted on online scoreboard priliotu and online scoreboard vilyotu official website of the Auckland International (AKL) airport: . Also on the official website of the AKL airport, you can always find information about the route to the airport, information about parking on the territory, a map of the airport itself, information about services, rules, etc. up-to-date information for passengers.

A look around the airport in Auckland

Roztashuvannya: Auckland Airport is located 20 km away from the center of the capital of New Zealand. It is the largest airport in the region with a passenger capacity of approximately 16 million people per river. Possession of two flight-landing smugas, covering both of which allows us to accept and service aircraft of all classes, and two terminals. The international terminal at Auckland Airport has telescopic bridges, Duty Free and VIP areas, and no restaurants or shops. There is a bus service between the terminals, and you can get to Auckland by minibus on the Swiss route.

Rozmovi for a trip to Auckland

At Auckland Airport, as in other places in New Zealand, there are airlines that understand (and speak) English.

Those who are going on a trip to New Zealand will be advised to English, the mandrivnik may benefit from the coming rozmovniki:

Memo and documents for New Zealand

Before visiting New Zealand, we recommend that you familiarize yourself with the tourist guide; we recommend that you follow this guide.

Before flying to New Zealand or Auckland Airport, tourists will need to fill out a migration card, which can be obtained and read in advance.

Auckland International Airport is one of the largest airports not only in New Zealand (it has the status of the main international airport), but also in the world. The number of passengers that can be serviced here amounts to tens of millions. Passenger flows of international and domestic flights are distributed almost equally.

The density of the flows here is so high that the flights fly and land literally one after another. Naturally, such functional density will require precise and well-organized operation of rich services. And in truth, Auckland will provide jobs for thousands of people.

The history of this largest airport began in 1928 with a small flying club. In the 1960s, planned work on the renovation of the main air hub of the region began. In 1977, the airport was replenished with a new international terminal. Until 2010, a specialized modernization of the plant was carried out.

Auckland Airport is alive with lively, vibrant and well-organized life. And just standing here, you can appreciate the full scale of this well-thought-out and well-designed work.

Coordinates: -36.99926000,174.78790400