How to update your web page on Skype. How to update Skype on a laptop and more

The developers pay special attention to the release of the system update after the final version of the PZ. During the development process, it is allowed to make no mistakes or inaccuracies, corrections of which are dealt with by specialized specialists. In addition, new versions often expand the standard functionality. Today we’ll talk about those onoviti Skype with an understanding of the specifics of various operating systems. The identification process will look at the strengths of the project and the peculiarities of the proposed procedure.

Skype update procedure

As stated earlier, the result of the update is a confirmation of the work of senior staff on improvements in functionality, bug fixes and output code improvements. For different operating systems, the procedure is slightly different, depending on their specific features.

To make it easier to understand the connection, we need to separate the connection into a number of logical blocks.

How to update Skype on your computer

For the convenience of vikoryst messenger, vikoryst has an automatic system update function. This is, on one side, manually, but there is an additional emphasis on the “climb” of the current device.

Update for Windows

How can I update Skype on my computer manually? The finishing procedure is simple:

How to deactivate auto-update

Why doesn't Skype update?

Factors of a destructive nature may interfere with standard system mechanisms. There are dozens of reasons why Skype is not updated, but we will overdo the main ones:

  • Antivirus activity– before installing a new version, check for virus activity and add the program to the “white” list.
  • Unstable Internet connection- A damaged procedure for downloading necessary files can be fatal for the entire procedure.
  • System bugs– look at the usefulness of software security before starting your update.

Please understand that no one bothers you to change distributions or other files with changes made. Check out the verified version, which demonstrates its usefulness over the last three hours.

One of the reasons why Skype does not update may be the inconsistency of the program and the device (although this rarely happens). Check that the device satisfies you.

The distributors of these programs are constantly introducing new releases of software with additional functions, improved capabilities and a more thorough connection to customers. You can update Skype yourself or turn on the “Auto-update” option. We know about these two ways of reporting.

How to update Skype on your computer, laptop or tablet

If you already have this client installed, you can easily download new versions automatically. After all, this option is activated after installing Skype on your computer and allows you to quickly download the update.

You can find the parameter under the “Tools/Adjustments” section by selecting the “Addatkovo” section. Afterwards, you can enable the Skype update, if for which you need administrator rights, once you change the specified settings, go to all your cloud accounts on your PC. If you decided to deactivate the parameter, you can check whether the update is available in the following way:

  • Open the “Help” section (located in the main menu).
  • Find and click on the command “Check for updates”.
  • If your version requires an upgrade, the necessary files will be downloaded to your PC, and their installation will be automatic.

Why is it necessary to constantly update the messenger? This is what I believe for myself: since owners of old computers have no sense in acquiring the software of the remaining version, the remains of the PC may simply not be able to withstand high program loads, and thus the correct operation will be at risk. Remember that you will be able to update the program in the future, but it will not be possible to update more software with identical functions and customizations, and the only possible solution is to re-install the old version.

Skype support is now even more important. If you don’t fall in love with someone, then it’s too early or too late. When you try to go to your account account, you will receive a notification about those that cannot be installed. Most often, this change means that you will need to update Skype on your computer to the latest version. You can find out how to earn it in this article.

Updates via the official website

This method requires a program downloaded from the official Skype website to install and update the program to the latest version in automatic mode.

To get started, go to the official website for instructions below.

After this you need to press the “Get Skype for Windows” button.

View the update file

That's why you're interested in online program installer. You need to launch it by pressing “ so/run» at the drink, which has changed.

A window will appear in which you need to press the button “ Install"in the lower right corner.

Starting the Skype update procedure

Skype is one of the most popular methods for meeting meetings. This need motivates developers to steadily improve their software. Therefore, Skype will receive regular updates. These actions will correct other shortcomings, and others will make serious changes. Over the years, retailers stop servicing older versions of the client. This time you need to update Skype .

From the start, the program is tuned in such a way that it automatically installs the remaining versions. Moreover, everything is finalized in quiet mode, and users may not be able to mark the changes. However, in some situations there is no automatic update. This is due to extensive connections to the Internet, a software glitch or manual connections for this setup.


How can I update Skype on my computer on my own? For this purpose, a special function has been transferred to it. Open the program window and select “Help” on the toolbar. Click on the last item on the list. There will be a recheck, wait for the client to update to the latest version.

The fluidity of the process lies in the tension of the computer and Internet connection, otherwise everything will be affected by a bunch of hulls.

Reinstallation to the previous version

Sometimes it happens that Skype does not show the remaining version, even though it has been released. In this case, the best solution would be to reinstall it. To begin with, close the program and completely delete it. It is recommended that you use CCleaner instead of internal system features. Now on the official website download the remaining version and install it. After all, you will have to log in again. With whom all the tributes will not be lost. The smells are stored on Microsoft servers, so you will be deprived of browsing and contact information.

Setting up automatic updates

To avoid messing around with Skype versions once again, you can turn off the mode when the client is updated automatically. This function is enabled, otherwise it will be different. At this time, open the options from the “Tools” menu. There you need the "Addatkovo" tab. Go to the “Automatic updates” section.
You can change the mode and update. After completing setup, save changes and restart the system.

Skype's software is constantly being updated. This is due to the fact that all security programs have their own benefits, which are often lost during testing. News about them is collected and recorded, bugs are corrected and a new version is released. In the same way, additional functions are gradually introduced, the interface is changed and other changes are made. This explains why you sometimes need to upgrade Skype. Retailers have conveyed this need, so this operation can be performed in either automatic or manual mode.

Yak Viconati automatic update

When updating Skype on your computer, you need to take care of the traffic capacity, as well as the capacity of the system. You can quickly use the programmed function. Skype in this situation automatically detects all the latest updates and alerts you about those that are new and need to be installed in the system. To install this function, you need to do the following:

  1. open Skype;
  2. Find the Tools tab and open the Settings menu there;
  3. In the window, select the automatic update column;
  4. A page will open where you can either click or turn on the automatic update function.

After all Skype settings have been removed, we will ensure that all updates appear and, once they appear, update the version to the remaining one.

Please! The strengthening of the automatic update function is not useful for customers who may have traffic limits at the border. For them, it is best to install the remaining version of Skype manually.

Manually updating Skype

Customers who may have to update their security software manually due to traffic problems and other problems can do so in a variety of ways. The first radical one: remove the old version of Skype from your computer and download it again from the official website. Another method is practical and has fewer intricacies: it can be done quickly by using the functional capabilities of the program itself. If you update Skype manually, the user is guilty of compromising the capabilities of the operating system. It’s often frustrating that after updating Skype you’re tempted to start using it. If you reinstalled the security program and version again, it will be done again. How can I update the program manually, with quick internal adjustments?

  1. we verify the presence of traffic;
  2. open Skype;
  3. Look for the help key. Located at the upper left corner of the rest;
  4. We can easily verify the presence of the update;
  5. After verification, you will be prompted to upgrade Skype to the latest version. Embossed onto a button.

Important! If there is no time to install it at once, you can press the “Warning later” key. If it becomes possible to cancel this operation, it will be necessary to carry out the entire process again.

Do you need to upgrade to Skype?

Zreshtoyu, the very koristuvach virіshuє tse. Both are the advantages and shortcomings of such a decision. The advantage of modernization lies in the fact that the client is provided with a security program that will protect some of the previous ones and add new functional capabilities. However, it is necessary to be aware that sometimes, especially if an unlicensed operating system is being victorious, you can avoid failures in the work itself after the update. They started vikorizing Skype even before version – this is especially wide among those who use Windows XP. Others are successfully profiting from the remaining updates. Also Skype Portable - this security program should be installed by those who install or update the program in the least minds.

Skype is being updated

There are a lot of current programs that tend to update their versions frequently. This trend is supported by one of the most popular programs, Skype. Skype updates are released at intervals of approximately 1-2 updates per month. In this case, the new versions are no different from the old ones. It is therefore important to keep Skype in shape so that it remains the remaining version. After reading this article, you will learn how to update Skype on your computer for Windows XP, 7 and 10. You can update Skype in 2 ways: run the update in the program itself, or uninstall and then install Skype. Another option may help, since updating through the program does not work like a trace.

How to update Skype to the latest version of the program itself

The easiest way is to update Skype through the program. Automatic updates are specified - when you start the program every time, the program checks for updates and selects and installs them, as soon as possible.

To update, just enable/disable the program. If this function may be disabled, it will need to be turned off. To launch the program and follow the following menu items: Tools>Customization.

Now you need to select the “Addatkovo” tab, and it will automatically update. After this, press the up-close auto-renewal button.

Now just restart the program and the update may be installed automatically, since the remaining version of Skype is not affected. If you have problems updating this method, you can try the next option.

Updating Skype for additional help, viewing and updating programs

To get started you will need to delete the program. To do this, open the “My Computer” shortcut. In the window, select the option to delete and change programs.

Here you need to find Skype in the list and click the “View” button.

Confirm the selected programs.

After a few seconds the program will be deleted.

Now you need to install Skype. This lesson will help you with your decisions. The official website will always contain the current version of the program, so after installation you will use it.

That's all. Now you know how to update Skype to the latest version. The remaining version of Skype will have a minimum number of updates and new features.

Opituvannya: did this matter help you?

How to update Skype without costs to the latest version

Nowadays, the Skype program is in use and is demanded by millions of people all over the world. The need to update Skype without problems is happening to most users, and with the new version there are more opportunities and new advantages, which can help improve the communication of this resource and increase the speed and ensure comfort and practicality in vikoristan. In the old version, the program is no longer relevant and a lot of business owners are deprived of money for those who cannot authorize the system. This is due to the fact that Microsoft is promoting older versions of Skype released before 2014.

If you don't update the program, you simply can't revise the old version. The developers of the programs are aimed at those who benefit from the system's capabilities, starting with a sophisticated system and ending with a high level of reliability and confidentiality. This is the newest version of Skype. In order for the skin to avoid remaining defects, doctors sometimes use the old version of the program for heavy-duty devices. It's very easy to update the system. After the update, new developments on which the masters worked will become available to you. We will discuss how to quickly get the latest version in this lesson.

How can I update Skype to the latest version?

You can update Skype without costs by downloading it on the official website I especially rarely work on updated programs, even though it takes me a lot of time, since there are more than a dozen different installed resources on my PC. What should you do if you have only a few computers? Therefore, updating is only facilitated by those systems that are absolutely necessary. Since you know that it’s not easy to do Skype updates, you are deeply sorry. For example, if you need to show the monitor on Skype, you will need a new version, even in the old version, this function is daily. If you haven’t tried this setup, let’s get to know it in more detail.

We update the Skype program without costs

As has already been said above, you can update Skype freely on the official portal or on our website http://skype-download-free.rf. Log in to the system and go to the menu: “Tools” and “Adjustments”. Click on the “Additional” tab and add one more button on the right side. When the system is automatically updated, the following row will appear: “Automatic system update.” After this function is activated, the program will automatically search for a new version, regardless of your actions.

All sorts of massacres are being carried out. For example, if you connect to the Internet on a PC with a previous limit, you can start updating the system within an hour. For automatic installation, follow the steps below. How to deal with such a situation?

At the top corner press “Help” and in the row “Check for updates”.

If your program has been updated to the latest version, you will receive a confirmation signal:

If you notice the old system in the dialog box, click on: “Install the new version.” We tick the box and click on OK.

All the next steps are carried out in an intuitively accessible way, just follow the commands of the master of attraction. The next steps that you need to do during the system update process may look like this: start a new program; close up; stand up; An automatic start will occur. In my opinion, having reorganized all the details, I think that you are conflicted with this process. The lesson is over before the end of the day on the Internet!


Skype update - help and more problems

Nowadays, in love with a rich and popular client, a completely new one replaces the distant old one - now he praises, and now he is overwhelmed. Today I will tell you about the update of Skype, about how to get the new version, and about the need to update it especially for you to work, since the program is not updated. In fact, it is an important and necessary topic, which cannot but be raised and to some extent one should be extremely skeptical.

First of all, please confirm that you need to update the client, please contact us to give us new versions: and what is it just rubbish, which will only increase the memory consumption, including operational? And why do all the updates on Skype work only for the sake of looking, speaking, marveling at what we are doing, and not for the sake of it? What is it like to update Skype - is it a fictitious function, a basic software script?

Actually, it’s not like that.

With new versions we remove:

  • Updated interface. The company employs professional interface designers. They never forget about the gateway connection with their koristuvachami and periodically carry out special tests. Therefore, with the skin version of the program interface, everything is simplified, becoming oriented towards the end user.
  • Fixed glitches. Has Skype suddenly stopped calling? At the hour of discovery, does he see mercy? Nothing is closing? Is the interface flying? Does the client perform poorly on a tablet or phone? There is only one answer: renewal. It’s better to check a couple of things while the client is upgrading, so you don’t have to waste a lot of time on some kind of bug. Or read the article - why “Skype is on during the ringing hour.”
  • New possibilities. You yourself won’t be able to protect yourself, as your friends are already constantly enjoying new, cool emoticons, visual effects and various games, and you will be sour in the old ones?

Of course, the update will help “implement” the program. Yak? Quite simply. It’s a pity that everyone has been given permission to not be allowed to enter the client for practically flimsy reasons - the file is not visible to you, although everything was fine before. As if it didn’t sound wonderful, there are a lot of similar pardons that the renovation offers.

It is not clear why it works this way - perhaps, when updated, the client scans itself and updates the corrected sections of the code - but nothing will change.

Another plus of the update: technical support. If you put power on the head side of the client, but are still on the old version, everything that you take away from the source will be updated. And there is no reduction in rational grain. However, with the mercy of the ruler, the remaining version will be sorted out and, perhaps, a new fix will be added.

Don’t trust the leaking messages on various sites to the slogan “It’s time to update Skype, click here, or Skype will break!” In the first place, it’s just a virus on your computer, but in another way, in this way you will install another Trojan program on your computer. This will require not Skype, but Shahra.

There is a fee for updating Skype - it’s obvious

It doesn’t matter to those that in 2016, a lot of people still rely on the client’s fees. And tell us to put similar questions with the cry: “Terminally, give a confirmation!” I hasten to clear up all doubts: you can renew yourself absolutely cost-free, you don’t need to transfer your pennies to anyone anywhere.

This can be confirmed by the primary logic: it is necessary to operate the program absolutely cost-free and available directly on the official website, rather than releasing a paid update for it.

The sprout axis is a sign that they are trying to fool you:

  • You should pay and download on any site other than As much as the client’s creators are attracted to this idea, they definitely won’t post their details on sites like
  • You received a proposal on Skype under the name posing as a Skype administrator. The client renews for a fee. The only “official” contact that is automatically shared with friends upon installation is the “Echo/Sound Test Service”, and the function of exchanging messages with it is blocked. The contact is needed to monitor your headphones and microphone and help you set everything up. Setting up a microphone on Skype can take up to an hour.

If your friend and master is offering you an upgrade for a pittance, cut off all contacts with this person. Vin - shakhrai and singly will try to "distract" you once again.

In fact, it’s even easier to new a client, but with great confidence you simply don’t need to work hard. Update Skype manually - on the right, in most cases it is completely unnecessary, it is only necessary in special situations, such as those related to glitches, software problems, madness, or other, more specialized, less It is necessary for the urgent need for assistance.

If you still need a new version, the simplest solution is to simply put it on top of the old one.

And downloading it is very easy and simple:

  • Go to the official Skype website (if you doubt it, just go through the instructions a little more).
  • Check out the little bits, some little bits are important and on weak computers there may be a few bits of crap.
  • Click on the green “Enter Skype” button in the middle of the screen.

Be very careful about the address of the site - sometimes it is better to encrypt. For example, you can replace Skype in the address bar of your browser with skype, skyre or skype. The difference is not so great, it is hardly noticeable to the human eye, but as a result, replacing the client, you will be infected with an unsafe virus.

How to update Skype to a new version without costs

It is very easy and simple to update, for which you do not need advanced knowledge and professional skills. Why do you need an installer, download it at the advanced stage from the official website.

To print the update:

  • Right-click on the installer and select “Run as administrator.” Often, in order to install the program completely and correctly, you will need administrator rights. This only works on Windows, usually version 7. Most older and newer versions of Windows are much less susceptible to glitches due to insufficient rights.
  • Find all the messages that appear on the screen.

The client’s decision is made for you – and the client can independently find out the installations and obtain updates himself. The hours have passed when security software was written for programmers - now it is aimed at ordinary people.

Be careful! If you have an older version of the OS installed, you can spend access to the client and costs on your account or “business” tariff. This time it will take you to a technical level.

Most often, people do not need to renew the client manually; auto-renewal will always come immediately. Ale trap the situations described above. In addition to attention from the official website and automatic updates, there is another, no less simple and easy way out.

For whom:

  • In the top menu bar, select “Help” - “Check for updates.”
  • Once the update has been found, wait until it is installed.
  • If no update is available, simply close the drain window.

Also, don’t forget to be careful: it’s possible that the update didn’t arrive on your computer simply because it hasn’t been processed yet and the company decided to correct it before release.

But in most cases, updates come to the computer on your own - will you ever again be fooled and get sick from the first? There are risks of running into the Shakhrai website, “sincere” unfinished versions, and many times the desire for a computer, which can be critical for older models - think, what’s wrong with that?

It’s much easier to just open Skype on your computer and scroll through every little thing, looking at the barvysta with so much interest and the often blue menu. Do you have any problems coming up?

How to update Skype on laptop

Updates on a laptop are in no way different from updates on a desktop computer. Regardless of the fact that most portable devices have either the eighth (usually) or tenth version (more often) of a popular operating system installed, the algorithm is deprived of the same.

Skype on the new OS itself automatically accepts and accepts updates, the site does not change on every computer, and the manual update function is still located in the toolbar.

The company is committed to its customers, and therefore does not change its interface, unless it adapts it to the needs of its customers.

Skype update on phone

Most of today's phones are based on Android, Windows or iPhone operating systems. You can read a little about the first one below, and the axis with the others is more and more complex.

Since the Windows version on the smartphone is older than 7, you can say goodbye to the client. It’s a pity, since recently the company seems to have supported this OS, arguing that no one is benefiting from it. Search the Internet for the old, “laman” version.

Upgrading Skype to the eighth version was much easier, even if it was possible. Just click on the store icon where “1” is highlighted. After that, click on the list that appears on Skype and at the bottom you will find the “update” button (“update” in Russian).

With iPhones on iOS4, everything is still bad - clients are not released on them, and there is a technical push to update the OS.

  • For versions older than the fourth, you need to go to the store, find Skype there and on the site, where before it says “Enchant”, find the word “New”.
  • Be on the lookout, the docks are about to get attracted.
  • After this, you need to go to your guy’s account.

How to update Skype on your tablet

Tablets are mainly sold on Android - statistics are not good about this. Updating them manually is also very easy and simple - just find the program in the store and click on “update”.

If you haven’t been interested in for long, you will be unable to log into your account account again, as you haven’t set up automatic login. But most often on your operating system, Skype updates itself if you haven’t blocked it. It turns out that Skype does not start, its updates are not received, and there are no other reasons for this.

Yes. For users with a lesser version of Android than the other, the update function is not available, but support for the same version of the client is the same.

How to get up to date on Skype

It’s not always the case that the new ones are brown, and sometimes you don’t want to deal with them, especially if you’re going through a retrograde. For whom should I screw them in? On smartphones and tablets, this function is limited to updating programs, which is available in different places on different versions.

On your computer you are responsible for:

  • At the top panel of the menu, select “Tools” - “Customization”.
  • In the window, select the menu item “Dodatkovo”.
  • The vibration menu has the item “Automatic update”.
  • Click on the “Automatically update” button. To protect the client from signing up, you must have administrator rights.

In this way, you can easily miss out on unnecessary upgrades, otherwise you risk wasting money on technical support. The Dovga fence was brought to the Primus renovation.

Yak vidality skype update

There is no hope of updating Skype – it’s all just spreading myths. Skype providers respect that as soon as you are ready to renew, you may end up with nothing.

It’s not good to respect yourself as a system administrator, go through files and see that it’s unnecessary, in your opinion, “updated junk.” The reason for the blocking is as simple as day: you can easily see everything you need, and then say that “I can’t open the client”, “The client won’t start”, “The client itself knows from the computer”, “The user knows” etc.

Let's look at the problems with Skype updates

But with the updates, not everything is as rosy as it appears at first glance.

There are also such incidents:

  • Skype doesn’t want to open up, don’t fall in love, write a favor, what should you do? In this case, the answer is simple: restart your computer and try again. In addition, you can completely remove it from your computer and install it again, already updated. Read carefully: “How to remove Skype from your computer” and “Install Skype.”
  • If you upgraded the client, and asked, otherwise the upgrade will take too long, the decision itself hangs on one place - reinstallation.

If the reinstallation did not help you, you will have to write a technical guide. Other problems are more individual and require a professional approach that you cannot provide.

Skype home page is not available - what to do?

If the main page does not work, the first thing to do is to reinstall and renew the browser.

If this didn’t help, then:

  • Update Skype.
  • Change the status to online - sometimes it works.
  • Unset your browser settings.
  • As nothing from the over-inflated property helped, I went into technical trouble.

Why Skype doesn't work after updating

If after the update Skype stops launching, the first thing to do is to reinstall Skype itself. If it didn’t work out to launch it, then most likely the problem is in the update itself.

The reason for this is as simple as the day. Chantly, during the hour of updating, you abruptly interrupted the installation for a couple of seconds or cut off your connection to the Internet. This means that the files were simply not downloaded. It seems even simpler.

Skype does not start after update - solution

For the client to purchase:

  • Get out of the new one.
  • Press the right mouse button on the power button.
  • Select the "Sumity" tab.
  • Click on the “Run in slow mode” checkbox and select the OS.
  • If it didn’t help, go to the caravan panel and find the “Search for problems” item there. After scanning your computer, you will find the corrupted files and fix them.
  • If it didn’t help, go to the technical level.

Skype is being updated but not transferring

Sometimes it is carried out in such a way that the client is updated, but completely ignores the transfer, hoping to place it. There is only one solution: to activate this function. After activation, you will continue to work steadily, and you can turn it off in the first place.

To earn this you need to:

  • Unlock the client.
  • Go to any chat.
  • Send the command "/setupkey UI/Ecs/Features/Translator/Enabled 1" there (just copy it).
  • Restart the client completely.

After updating Skype

There is an obvious and practically intangible problem, for example, a situation where, after updating, the client simply sees itself and completely knows from the computer.

There is only one way for this time: I will see you around. Unfortunately, in such a situation you will waste all your saved passwords and logins, as well as all your lists.

To “help” Skype, you need to:

  • Completely delete it from your computer (using additional special programs).
  • Follow the route “Start” - “Standard” - “Viconati”.
  • In the window, type %AppData%\Skype.
  • I will completely empty this folder.
  • Download the client from the official website and install it.

Why don't you renew Skype?

Another common problem associated with updates is the lack of such updates. The client is adamant and doesn’t want to fall in love, either seeing mercy or being caught in the same place.

For a situation like this, try:

  • Check the stability of your Internet connection. To update, you need a stable and fast internet connection.
  • Turn off antivirus. Sometimes it blocks files that arrive, mistaking them for viruses.
  • Completely remove this client from your computer and install the older version.

How to fix if Skype won't update on iPhone

If you want to use Skype on your iPhone, you have only one possible solution: completely reinstall the client, erasing the old one from the phone. Unfortunately, nothing more can be done: not only does the problem occur rarely, but the iPhone does not allow its users to change the system or access files.

Another method is to reset it to factory settings.

Versions of Skype, services attached

Many wealthy clients sometimes experience similar grief: the service of their favorite version is accepted and Skype is updated smoothly to the rest, most often not so manually. one.

So they cleaned up the games, HTML support, a lot of emoticons and text formatting. If you are still in need of old versions, you can download them from a website, for example, “”.


Updating is an important part of any software, you can’t do without it. And since the update is related to problems, the result will bring a lot of useful functions.

Upgrading skype windows 7 is easy and simple

Now, it may be impossible to find a person who does not use all the capabilities of the manual Skype program, which offers an uncomplicated and costless connection between all the clients, available SMS messaging, calls on a landline Numerous telephone numbers of all operators and much more. Otherwise, the Skype program becomes outdated and there is a need for it to be updated.

Automatically update Skype programs for Windows 7

Automatic updates are the simplest and most comfortable way to keep track of all innovations and major changes in the Skype program. This function must be activated on all computers, or you can turn it on and update the program yourself.

Important: To take advantage of all the benefits of this function, it is sufficient to periodically confirm the automatic updates of the drain windows.

When the information window appears, you must confirm your acceptance of the update by clicking the Update button.

To set up regular automatic updates, you can enter the following simple steps:

  1. Close the Skype program on your computer. If you are having problems logging in, the worst problem is posted here.
  2. Go to Menu and select the Tools – Adjustments button.
  3. In the Dodatkovo tab, you need to select the special Automatic update option.
  4. After this, you need to select the Enable automatic update button.

Manually updating Skype programs on Windows 7

If the automatic program update function is disabled, you can quickly update Skype for Windows 7 manually.

To update the Skype program on the Windows 7 operating system, first of all, you need to check the availability of new updates. The advantage in this situation is the ability to update programs at any time for you.

To manually update Skype programs for Windows 7, you must strictly follow the following recommendations of professional programmers:

  • Use the Skype program.
  • Go to the Menu row and select the Help button - check for updates.
  • If there is a new update, a window will appear on the screen asking you to download it to your computer. To do this, you need to press the Enchant button.

To successfully complete the process of updating Skype on Windows 7, you need to select the Update item.

Important: when manually updated by Skype, your account data is completely saved, and all contacts and accounts are deleted without changes.

Updating Skype on Windows 7 for help Windows Update Center

Special updates to Skype programs are available through the Windows Update Center. In order for this service to carry out this procedure independently, it is necessary to carefully monitor that in the Update Center the fact of updating the Skype program itself is considered especially important. This is possible only because your version of Windows 7 is configured to automatically update all programs.

Since Skype's automatic updates are set to be non-binding, you can independently manage the availability of available updates.

Important: the special Windows Update Center is active if the automatic update function is enabled in Skype.