Circuit design modeling of radio-electronic equipment Modeling of elements and assemblies of REM: Program of initial discipline and methodical introduction to final control work Modeling of elements and assemblies of radio-electronic devices

impersonal graph iterative algorithm

The specific placement of elements and the placement of their connections are closely related to basic, “manual” design methods and can be achieved instantly.

During the process of placing elements, the connection routes are specified, after which the positions of certain elements can be adjusted.

The design-technological and circuit-technical basis that is adopted is strictly based on various criteria and boundaries.

All specific types of puzzles are related to the problem of optimization of connection schemes.

The result is a more precise arrangement of the various elements of the structural unit and a geometrically determined way of connecting the cores of these elements.

The criteria for space and interconnection, associated with specific requirements for placement and distribution, revolve around specific design and technological features of the implementation of the switching part of the node.

The main method of placement is the creation of the brightest minds for further development of the connection, subject to satisfaction of the main benefits, which will ensure the effectiveness of the schemes.

The criterion for most fallouts is the criterion for the minimum significant life (MSVD) to determine the integral number of losses that appear before the expansion of elements and routes z'ednan.

This is due to low factors:

The changed connection changes the electrical parameters of the circuits;

The smaller the total sum of money, the simpler the implementation of the processing process;

The change in the total connection cost reduces the complexity of preparing wiring diagrams, especially wiring wiring diagrams;

This criterion is clearly simple from a mathematical point of view and allows us to indirectly determine other parameters of the schemes by assigning vagal ratings to the semi-determined ones.


Acoustic relay on a field-effect transistor

Explanatory note

before coursework in the discipline:

FKRE 467.740.001.PZ

Vikonav st.


220541 Galkin Y.A.

Kerivnik Ovchinnikov O.V.

Federal Agency for Information

Tula State University

Department of Radioelectronics 220541 for coursework

“Fundamentals of computer design and modeling REM” DEPARTMENT OF RADIO ELECTRONICS

student gr. Galkin Y.A.1. Topic:+ 40 0 ± 2. Imprint: The electrical diagram is important.The device is intended for operation in a working area with a room temperature value of +10 0

5 0 C, atmospheric pressure 86.6-106.7 kPa and the upper value of water content 80% at a temperature of 25 0 C.

An hour of training for Vidmova is 30 hours. The reliability after 5000 runs may be greater than 0.8.

3. Perelik food that requires cleaning Design the design of the board of this device, select the materials of the board and the case, the design parameters of the board, the design of manufacturability, the design of reliability.

4. Change of graphic material: The electrical diagram is important, the board is designed.

5. Main bibliographic list:

Akimov I.M. “Resistors, Capacitors.

Dovidnik”, Romanicheva E.T.

development and execution of design documentation REA: evidence, design and production of other boards: Head.

For this course project, I analyze the technical specifications, on the basis of which I select a method for preparing a hand-held board, the design and technological parameters of the hand-held board, the selection of elements and materials, and the design of іністі.

In addition to the separate part of the course project, the technological process of preparing a manual payment is broken down and operational cards are supplied to the process of preparing a manual payment.

All documentation may comply with ESKD standards.

An explanatory note to avenge 25 arkush.

The electrical circuit is important for an acoustic relay on a field-effect transistor (A3 format);

List of elements (A4 format).


  1. Analysis of the technical department………………………………………………………...7
  2. Selection and priming of cured elements and materials…..9
  3. Vibration and priming of structural solutions………………..10
  4. Selecting and priming the method of preparing a hand-made board....11
  5. Description of the design attached……………………………….....12
  6. Development of technological design of the design………………………..….15
  7. Layout of design parameters of the framed board……….….18
  8. Rozrakhunok of confidence…………………………………………….….20
  9. Conclusion…………………………………………………….….23

List of Wikorista literature……………………………….….24


Design documentation (CD) is a set of design documents that contain their intended data, necessary for the development, production, control, acquisition, installation, operation and repair of the machine.

The design documentation specifies how the chair is constructed, and also describes the methods for constructing the surrounding parts and folding the assemblies.

The main design task is the selection of optimal solutions for specific applications, which are specified by the technical specification (technical department).

  1. Such advantages may be: price, reliability, breadth (of materials and (or) elements), etc.

The design of radio-electronic equipment (REA) is evolving due to other features of the formation of internal ligaments between parts: in addition to space and mechanical faults, the installation of folding electrical, thermal and electromagnetic connections.

This is the peculiarity of the tabletop, which strengthens the design of the REA in a continuous engineering direction.

The body of the device must be manual, in order to be comfortable in the hands, and the controls are designed so that it does not become too difficult for the operator to tamper with the model.

The Priest is guilty of reliably acting for such minds:

In this circuit, the device is equipped with a microphone, as well as a booster based on transistor VT1 to energize the relay, the voltage intensity is adjusted using the additional resistor R6.

The relay can also be opened by pressing the S1 button once.

This is due to the additional charge accumulated on capacitor C5.

After opening this capacitor, as well as capacitor C9 (it regulates the hour of relay activation) are discharged through resistors R10, R11.

Transistor VT4 is also rapidly discharging.

  1. When the relay is activated (the output of transistor VT5), the line at lancus R12, HL1 is energized, the microphone booster is switched off, and the voltage on capacitor C4 drops to 0.

The relay is closed when the transistor VT5 is closed.

After the LED is closed and the microphone power is restored, the device goes to the output stage.

All elements should be reliable, inexpensive, and meet all operational and electrical requirements, and also have acceptable dimensions.

Selection and priming of elements and materials.

2.1 Select resistors.

For the preparation of the device, we selected the widest industrial resistor type MLT, which has a nominal power supply of 0.125 W, and the resistors are rated for operation at extreme temperatures of -60 +70°C and aqueous moisture up to 98% at a temperature of +35° C, What pleases the technical department.

Electrolytic capacitors are chosen type K50, because they are cheaper and more widespread.

Based on the possibility of changing dimensions, we select unframed capacitors of type K10.

So the required high voltage capacitors, we select capacitors that satisfy our minds - K73.

We chose them based on the fact that they are suitable for the nominal voltage and are remarkably small in size, so they themselves are suitable for the range of operating temperatures.

Electrolytic capacitors are oxide-electrolytic capacitors, designed for operation in stationary and pulsed stream lasers at ambient temperatures of -20 +70°C and have a minimum operating life of 5000 years, recognized and for installation on another board.

2.3 LED selection.

As a work indicator, the red LED HL1 AL307 is used as the cheapest, simplest and most reliable.

2.4 Select housing material.

We choose a lithium plastic case, which is lightweight, which ensures sufficient strength of the design and small dimensions consistent with technical specifications.

2.6 Vibration of life.

This device operates at ~220V, 50 Hz via a vantagen. 2.7 Select the material of the wired board. This device has a different circuit board made from sklotextolite. 2.7 Select the material of the wired board. This material was learned, as is often the case with vibrancy.

When the board area, dimensions and dimensions of the sides were determined, the following factors were taken into account: the area of ​​the elements that are placed on the board, and the area of ​​additional zones;

the permissibility of dimensions in terms of technological capabilities and operational efficiency.

With a given board area, the total area of ​​the elements that are installed on it is multiplied by the disintegration coefficient, which is higher than 1.5...3, and the area of ​​additional zones is added to this area.

Disintegration occurs by providing gaps to accommodate the connection line and heat dissipation.

Excessive changes in the gaps between the board elements can lead to increased stress on the thermal regime.

Together with other parts, place the board near the body using fastening screws.

Since the tension of the pet is small, the natural cooling will stagnate.

4. Selecting and priming the method of preparing the wooden board.

Since the PP is double-sided, the installation complexity is not great (the minimum width of the conductors is not less than 1 mm) and the manufacturing is done in series, then in this process the board is prepared using a mesh-chemical method.

This method is widely used in the mass and serial production of laminated boards and sklotextolite.

As a rule, the production of boards is carried out on universal mechanized lines, which consist of several automatic machines and automatic machines, which consistently complete the operations of the technological process.

The entire process of manufacturing other boards consists of the following basic technological operations:

1. Opening the material and preparing blank boards;

2. Apply the scheme with acid-proof paint;

3. Pickling;

4. Vidalennya zahisny ball farbi;

5. Kratsyuvannya;

6. Applying a dry epoxy mask;

7. Hot moonlight;

8. Stamping;

9. Markuvannya;

10.Pay control.

Through maximum mechanization and automation of the process, all other boards are prepared (processed on the line) on one of the dimensional technological blanks.

Reporting technological process of descriptions in the supplement.

5. Description of the design of the device.

The fitting of the fittings is consistent with the technical specifications, premises in the body, which is made of plastic.

The dimensions of the case are 1359545. All radio elements are placed on another board, mounted horizontally.

The board is attached to the body using a screw connection.

The body cover is attached to the body with two screws.

There is a groove on the side of the body for removing the hemlock.

At the top of the case there is a hole drilled for installing a LED indicator, as well as a slot that allows access to the sound circuits to the speaker located in the middle of the device.

To make it cheaper, I chose a red LED.

6.Progress on the manufacturability of the design.

Indeed, due to the fact that manufacturability is one of the most important characteristics, there is a need for evaluation when choosing the shortest option and preparing from as many as possible.

There are a lot of different indicators, on the basis of which it is assessed both underground and outside the warehouse.

Let's take a look at their actions.

6.1 Distribution of parts for the attack

Based on Table 1, the following coefficients are determined:






For whom



z in. virobiv,fastenings, Kripilny,

z in. virobiv,Nestanda-rtni Standard

z in. virobiv,quantity naimenuvan, D

z in. virobiv,parts, W N

z in. virobiv,sh.z.- Number of parts stored from other viruses;

z in. virobiv,quantity- Number of fastening parts.

z in. virobiv,sh.s.- a number of parts manufactured specifically for this particular product;

z in. virobiv,d.s.- a large number of different types of parts, manufactured specifically for each machine.

z in. virobiv,sh.p.- Numerous non-standard parts.

  1. Normalization coefficient

2. Positivity coefficient:

3. Repetition factor:

4. Availability coefficient:

6.2 Division of nodes according to foldability and interchangeability in the middle of the node

Here, based on Table 2, the following coefficients are calculated:

1. Folding factor:

2. Coefficient of interchangeability in the middle of nodes:

7 . Rozrakhunok constructive authorities drukovanoy pay.

What output data is needed: the design of the hand-held board, the method of removing the small part, the minimum distance between the openings, the edge of the coordinate grid, the shape of the contact pads, the thickness of the installation.

As a result, the diameter of the contact plate, the width of the conductor, and the space between the conductive elements are increased.

The board is prepared using a mesh-chemical method with a different accuracy class.

The main design parameters are as follows:

Minimum values ​​of the nominal width of the conductor t H = 1 mm;

Nominal distance between conductors S H =0.5 mm;

The diameter of the opening will be up to the thickness of the payment 0.33;

Opening tolerance ∆d=±0.05 mm;

Tolerance for conductor width mm;

Tolerance for opening openings mm;

Allowance for the retouching of contact mounts mm;

Tolerance for reshaping of conductors mm;

The width of the conductor is calculated using the following formula:

where is the lower limit of the width of the conductor.

I here t=1.05 mm.

The diameter of the installation openings is determined as follows:

d - diameter of the installed element;

- lower limit of the nominal diameter of the mounting opening;

- the difference between the minimum opening diameter

the maximum diameter of the terminal that is installed.

Todi d 1 = 0.5 mm, d 2 = 0.8 mm, d 3 = 1 mm, d 2 = 1.1 mm.

The diameter of the contact maidans is significant:

where is the upper limit of the opening diameter;

The reliability difference lies in the number of indicators of the reliability of the system depending on the values ​​of the reliability characteristics of the elements.

Depending on the full range of factors that influence the reliability of the system, a preliminary development of reliability, orientational development and clarification of the structure can be carried out.

The structural design is carried out at the design stage, if there are no basic diagrams of the system blocks yet.

The number of elements in the blocks is determined by the alignment of the designed system with similar previously separated systems.

Determination of reliability when selecting types of elements is carried out after the development of important electrical circuits.

The method of decomposition is to determine the optimal composition of elements.

An increase in reliability when specifying the modes of operation of elements is carried out if the main design problems are correct, or it is possible to change the modes of operation of elements.

The results of the orientation analysis of the reliability are formatted as a table.

Name and type of elements


Vidma intensity

Dіodniy mіst

Diode pulse alloys

Oak button.

Capacitors without housing

Ceramic capacitors

Plivkov capacitors

Electrolytic capacitors



Resistors MLT-0.25

R2, R3, R10, R13-R15, R17

Resistors MLT-1.0

Resistors without housing

R1, R4, R5, R7-R9, R11, R12, R16, R18

Adjustable resistor


Zener diode


Bipolar transistors

We disconnect the PC4TV plug

Average focus on the vidmova road:

The reliability graph will follow the exponential law

This graph is shown in Fig. 1.


I’ll add a reliability schedule.

These results satisfy the minds of TK.

9. Visnovok.

During the completion of the course work on the topic “Acoustic relay on a field-effect transistor,” the design and technological parameters of the electronic board and the reliability of the circuits were determined.

The choice and priming method for preparing the wooden board and elements was made.

As a result of the work, the devices were divided into parts, which corresponds to the technical specifications.

3. Development and execution of design documentation for radio-electronic equipment: Dovidnik / E.T.

Romanovich, A. K. Ivanova, A. S. Kulikov and in;

per ed.



-2nd type, processed.

ta add.

- M.: Radio and communication, 1989. - 448 p.

4. Collection of instructions and rights for REA technology: C32 Basic handbook/Ed.

E. M. Parfionova.

- M: Visch.

school, 1982. - 255 p.

5. Resistors: (dovidnik) / Yu. N. Andreev, A. I. Antonyan, ta іn;

Per ed.

I.I Chetvertakova.

- M: Energovidav, 1981. - 352 p.

6. Collection of tasks based on the theory of reliability.

Per ed.

A. M. Polovkota I. M. Malikova.

M., Radyanske Radio, 1972, 408 pages.

7. Technology and automation of radioelectronic equipment generation: Handbook for universities/I. P. Bushminsky, O.Sh.

Dautov, A. P. Dostanko ta in;

Per ed.


Dostanko, Sh.M.


- M.: Radio and communications, 1989. - 624 p.

8. Integrated microcircuits: Dovidnik/B.V.

Tarabrin, L.F.

Lunin ta in;

Per ed.



- M: Radio and communications.

1984 – 528 p.

The initial textbook is divided for students of the Faculty of MRM of SibGUTI, who study the discipline “Fundamentals of Computer Design and Modeling REM”

Entry 8

Chapter 1. Basic concepts, meaning, classification 9

1.1 Concepts of systems, models and modeling 9

H.2 Components and topological levels of the object being modeled 46

3.3 Components and topological levels of the electric lance 46

Chapter 4. Features of computer models 50

4.1 Computer modeling and computational experiment 51

4.2 Software features of computer modeling 52


5.1 Classes of radio systems 57

5.2 Formal description of radio systems 58


6.1 Basic information about the universal mathematical software package MathCAD 64

6.2 MathCAD 65 basics

6.2.1 Input movie typeMathCAD 66

6.2.2 Description of the MathCAD 67 text window

6.2.3 Enter cursor 68

6.2.5 Interface elements 70

6.2.6 Vision of areas 71

6.2.7 Change in document scale 71

6.2.8 Screen update 72

6.3 Basic rules of work in the “MathCAD” system 79

6.3.1 Types of mathematical expressions 79

6.3.2 Copying mathematical expressions 80

6.3.3 Transferring mathematical expressions 80

6.3.4 Entering text comments into the program 80

6.4 Weekly schedules 81

6.4.1 Graphs by Cartesian coordinate system 81

6.4.2 Pobudova graphs in the polar coordinate system 83

6.4.3 Changing the chart format 85

6.4.4 Rules for drawing schedules 85

6.4.5 Rules for reviewing plots of two-world charts 86

6.5 Calculation rules for the “MathCAD” system 87

6.6 Analysis of linear devices 93

6.6.1 Transfer function, transfer coefficient, clock and frequency characteristics 94

6.6.2 Transfer coefficient K(jω) 95

6.6.3 Amplitude-frequency response (AFC) 96

6.6.4 Values ​​of transient and impulse characteristics 98

6.7 Methods for unraveling algebraic and transcendental equations in the “MathCAD” core and organizing calculations by cycle 101

6.7.1 Value of roots of algebra 101

6.7.2 Significance of the roots of transcendental regions 103

6.7.3 Calculation per cycle 106

6.8 Data processing 108

6.8.1 Linear interpolation 108

6.8.2 Spline interpolation 110

6.8.3 Extrapolation 112

6.9 Symbol calculations 115

6.10 Optimization of REA 124 systems

6.10.1 Strategies for one-dimensional optimization 124

6.10.2 Local and global extremes 126

6.10.3 Methods for enabling intervals of non-significance 127

6.10.4 Optimization criteria 135

6.10.6 Application of recording a target function when synthesizing filters 141

6.11 Animation of graphic material in the middle of MathCAD 148

6.11.1 Preparation before animation 149

6.11.2 Application of animation graphics 149

6.11.3 Click to play animation of graphics and video files 151

6.12 Establishing a connection between MathCAD and other software 153

Please note:

Conclude the calculation of the level of luminosity of the REM structure from the vicors single and complex displays;

Establish comprehensive statistical methods for analysis accuracy and stability of parameters in the REM design;

Reveal indicators of the reliability of REM projects and promote methods of advancement reliability of devices at the stages of design, fabrication and operation;

Zastosovuvati method forecast for the transfer tank functional parameters and reliability of elements and devices;

Vikonuvati with the help of EOM, statistical modeling of the parameters of the PEM design, mass maintenance systems, reliability of elements and devices.

Physical ambushes and design of radio-electronic devices


Characteristics of infusions that are subject to REM under the hour of operation;

Physical phenomena that appear in REM structures in response to thermal and mechanical disturbances, electromagnetic transients and other factors;

Methods of protection REM in action destabilizing factors;

Please note:

Vibirati design ways to ensure REM protection destabilizing factors;

- model the influx of factors that destabilize onto the REM design;

Conclude the dimensions from assessing the effectiveness of the REM design. factors that destabilize.

Elementary base of radio-electronic devices

Classification, fundamental characteristics and evolution of the elemental base of REM.

Capacitors, resistors, inductors and transformers (designs, parameters, accuracy and stability characteristics).


- Active and passive non-toxic components.

- the main powers, characteristics and design and technological features of the REM elemental base;

Please note:

- analyze the operation of different types of elements and determine the possibility of their functional stagnation in REM structures;

- It is necessary to select the types of elements carefully depending on the purpose of REM operation.

Technology of radio-electronic devices and modeling of technological systems

Features of the object and principles of the processes of REM production.

Capacitors, resistors, inductors and transformers (designs, parameters, accuracy and stability characteristics).


Technological systems at the REM manufacturing plant. Technological accuracy and reliability of technological systems and processes. Viral and technological processes, their structure and elements. Selection of the optimal technological process option based on various technical and economic indicators. Technologies of multi-ball, multi-ball and switching boards. Technology of electrical installation and mechanical connections.

Technology and ownership of winding robots. Folding and installation of functional centers, blocks and microblocks.

Surface installation. Sealing, control, diagnostics and adjustment of REM parameters. Scientific plant of complex automation; automated technological equipment;

Please note:

design of automatic lines. Technological accuracy and reliability of technological systems and processes. Structure and technical security of control of wild vibrating systems; structure of an automated system for technological preparation of production; functions of subsystems; automated design of technological processes and special equipment. Computer design of technological processes for the production of REM.

Integrated computers for REM production. Technological accuracy and reliability of technological systems and processes. Statistical modeling of technological systems and processes. structure of an automated system for technological preparation of production; functions of subsystems; Operation of technological systems.

Physico - Selection of the optimal technological process option based on various technical and economic indicators. technological

basis technological processes of folding and installation, control,

regulation of REM production;

Capacitors, resistors, inductors and transformers (designs, parameters, accuracy and stability characteristics).


Materials to be researched for IMC production;

Replacement of main technological operations of IMC production;

Element designs telephone lines and hybrid IMS;

Mathematical models and equivalent circuits of IC elements for different operating modes;

Software security structure of an automated system for technological preparation of production; functions of subsystems; IMC design ( technological, elemental, topological and circuitry);

Please note:

Vikonuvati arrangement of elements telephone lines and hybrid IMS;

Expand the topology and design the assembly and storage operations of hybrid IMS;

Meaningful parameters of mathematical models elements and parameters of automated design of IMC;

Zastosovat security software structure of an automated system for technological preparation of production; functions of subsystems; design for IC routing.

Design of radio electronic devices

The classification of the PEM design is based on the importance of operation, functional significance, the principle of signal processing and other factors.

Capacitors, resistors, inductors and transformers (designs, parameters, accuracy and stability characteristics).


Methodology of REM design. design REM design (methodology design the bathroom);

Types of layout and basic layout diagrams functional units, units, devices, accessories and systems;

design methods for Drukarsky installation;

Principles of external design of PEM structures, including nutrition to design; design Features

REM design for various purposes; Main

Please note:

rules for the division of design documentation for radioelectronics; Select layout diagrams of functional units, blocks, devices that are being designed.

design of automatic lines. adjusting, systems and converting the internal and external layout of the REM;

other payments and functional units on their basis; Ensure the integrity of the PEM design and its parts

From the external medium, the object installed by the operator; Evaluate the brightness designed

REM designs; Formalize processes of folding and installation, control,


Microprocessor systems in radio electronic devices

Capacitors, resistors, inductors and transformers (designs, parameters, accuracy and stability characteristics).

Subject, meta and subcourse. :

- Basic principles of organization of microprocessor systems (MPS).

- MPS robot modes. Architecture of the Ministry of Railways. Tipi MPS.

- Tire MPS.

Please note:

- Cycles at the Ministry of Railways.

- establish MPS in REM structures of various functional purposes.

Automated design systems for radioelectronic devices

Designated for the field of development of systems for automated design of radio-electronic devices (CAD) REM.

Capacitors, resistors, inductors and transformers (designs, parameters, accuracy and stability characteristics).


- Design of other boards using additional CAD: library elements when designing electrical circuits and other boards;

- electrical circuit design;

- placement of components on another board;

- auto-routing of conductors, checking the topology of other boards;

Please note:

- preparation of fabrication of other boards;