Project work - the history of the development of computing technology. History of the development of computing technology




Lecture notes

1 semester, 1 credit


at a methodical meeting for the sake of DITM MNTU

Protocol N_______

dated _____________ 2006

m. Kramatorsk, 2006

Methodical insertions from the discipline “Informatics and computer technology” (for students of specialty 06.0804). Order. Leonova L.M.

The leather design of the new car has brought something new. Therefore, the development of machines can be divided into digital, analog and hybrid machines, including the features of both computers. In this short introduction to the history, or, more generally, about the history of computers, it is necessary to point out that they are divided into several types, which are called generations. And so in its own way: the “zero” generation is designated by digital mechanical and electromechanical machines, inspired by this. Computers based on vacuum tube technology are owned by the first generation.

Kramatorsk, DITM MNTU, 2006.

Topic 1. The subject is the history of computer science.

1. Subject and place of discipline.

2. History of the development of computer science computing technology.

3. Place of Informatics computer technology in marriage, economics and management.

Subject and place of discipline.

Are you starting to study computer science, and the first thing you think about is food about those who are computer science? Chantly, you have already heard about this discipline, which is rapidly developing, and has removed elements of other classical sciences and, most importantly, mathematics. The ancient scientific literature has not yet developed a residual meaningful concept. The authors give different formulations. It is necessary to point out two important points that lie at the basis of this concept.

The stinks performed up to many tens of thousands of operations per second. Another device of this type is the Elliott computer, created in England. Its production was completed in the 1950s. The production of computers of this type is in its 60s. The speeds achieved by it ranged from 200,000 to 1 million operations per second, and were also equipped with fast internal memory and great external memory, and we are now allowed to create multiple access systems. Its productivity reaches hundreds of millions of operations per second.

First of all, computer science, is used to characterize human activity, which involves the processes of collecting, holding, saving, searching, processing, transmitting and transmitting information. Informatics is an independent vision of the people's rule with its own production personnel and production funds, and above all - the computing technology necessary for processing information. Further development Informatics as galusi has a lot of meaning in what is important elemental base and software support for the development of technical features.

These cars appeared on the light markets of the past. The date of their creation was determined by the length of their many fates. After the creation of prototypes, computers began to be mass-produced. In the lands of socialism, new machines were also created. It can be added that their great shortcoming was the need for proper programming. Other countries have acquired licenses for the production of computers from foreign companies. And therefore Bulgaria became the owner of the Japanese license, Ugorshchina became the French licensee. The exercise involved five steps, which were carried out simultaneously by thousands of people, thousands of professionals from different areas.

In another way, the term “computer science” refers to a fundamental discipline that seeks to determine the structure and power of information, as well as the patterns of its processing. The subject of the science of computer science is the processes of collecting, transmitting, processing, saving and recovering information

Computer Science- This is a science that includes methods and methods of capturing, processing, saving, transmitting and presenting information.

This program was used to speed up the work of an effective data base of these computer technologies as much as possible. Yogo effect - the computer homeland of the so-called Unified system digital electronic machines. Creation and development of Polish computers. Just then, Prof. appeared at the State Mathematical Institute. Kazimierz Kuratowski, then Dr. Henryk Grenevski, and Christian Bochenek and Romuald Marchinski. As a result of the activity of these people, a Group of mathematical instruments is created. As a result of this, the situation arose when the group, based on the full flow of English literature7, organized seminars, planned new technical solutions.

It is important that:

  1. Computer science deals with the greatest zagalnyh food processing of information, information in the same way as other sciences are engaged in processing information, which becomes a substitute for the data of sciences;
  2. Computer science is to the right of machine processing of information.

Speaking about computer science today, in the words of academician M.M. Moiseev, we respect the “fundamental discipline that studies information processes that occur in systems of different nature,” we know that in Disciplines such as mathematics and linguistics have been established , semiotics, logic etc.

However, it is clear that he developed and simplified a miniature model of the great relay machines, which, as before, were electromechanical and not electronic. This machine was a prototype, not realized for mass production, and was only used for initial purposes. Warto note that this structure was supported with the speed of one operation per second. Stolyarsky at Viyskovoy technical university. Then, under the supervision of Prof. Kilinske, as well as prof. Another center that has greatly influenced the development of Polish computer science is Wroclaw.

Computer science, as a general science, took shape only in the mid-60s of the 20th century. Vaughn was blamed as a result of new discoveries of knowledge that were rapidly developing: cybernetics, computing technology, line communication, etc.

The main concepts of computer science are information, information process, information model, algorithm and program, computer as a guide to the algorithm, information technology, information system

Previously, this place became the place where the first studies of Galusian numerical methods were carried out, which is why theoretical basis for the sake of knowledge, described here. Dr. Stefan Paszkowski is also in Wroclaw. Vіn taking the fate of the theory of proximity. In addition, at the same university, with the initiative of the then cerebral Institute of Mathematics, Professor Edward Marczewski, developed numerical methods, which was the first of its kind in the country. In simpler terms, this is a position based on algorithms and sequences logical instructions, powered by an operator or programmer for a video production machine.

In the future, the number of EOM and systems is rapidly increasing, their productivity and the amount of information that is saved is increasing. In the lower most industrialized countries, approximately half of the workforce works in this area. Computer science is becoming the most important basis for living immediate marriage. It is closely connected with other sciences, technology, economics, politics and their developments without a central influx.

This machine, which quickly repeats thousands of operations per second and has a memory of millions of numbers, was developed for the creation of accounting services, as well as the initial functions. Having achieved the first developments for work in the field of architecture and urbanization of Wroclaw, further developments are already underway for scientific institutes, design bureaus and industrial enterprises throughout the region. Another fact, again associated with Wroclaw, is important for the development of computer science in our region. This group is small, get to know each other using different methods designing and processing machines in Warsaw.

History of the development of computer science and computing technology.

Computer science is one of the youngest scientific disciplines, but its roots date back to the distant past.

The creation of electronic computing machines in the middle of the 20th century is rightfully considered one of the greatest achievements in human history.

Pershi computing devices Ancient Greece was created. At 1642r. French mathematician Blaise Pascal (1623-1662) created a mechanical arithmometer that allowed many arithmetic operations to be calculated. The German philosopher Gottfried Wilhelm von Leibniz (1646-1716) invented a mechanical healing machine that prevents folding and multiplying. Englishman Charles Babbage (1792-1871) developed the concept calculating machine with a flexible programming circuit and a device that remembers. The hidden power of the Babbage machine, daily computer And the human brain has the ability to process digital information. The programs were sent for additional punch cards.

Warto note that the project was also supported by Professor Bromirskiy from the Wroclaw University of Technology and Professor Slupecky from the University of Wroclaw. Just a fact And those who were sent to the Poznań Fair, the Ministry of Industry and Industry were unable to release him, since the reason was that the structure had not yet been verified and entered into serial production. From the Department of Telecommunications and Radio Construction of the Warsaw Institute of Technology under the supervision of Prof.

The whole design is based on tubular technology and operates at a speed of 100 operations per second, and has a small memory capacity of 4000 words. At the same time, I worked on additional models of Oder, Oder. It performed 500 operations per second and had a small memory of 8000 words. This machine was tested in Wroclaw, and was used for carving through the process of carving. We also carried out inspections at the Bobrek steel plant and Khuta-Lenina, and controlled the technological process at the rolling mill without the participation of people.

The possibility of creating a universal computing machine was demonstrated by the English mathematician Alan Mathison Turing (1912-1954).

In 1943 American Howard Eiken, based on the already created electromechanical relays, constructed a calculating machine called “Mark-1”.

A group of fahivts under the leadership of John Mochli and Presper Eckert in 1946. created a computing machine based on electron tubes, named ENIAC (E/ectronic Numerical Integrator and Computer - electronic numerical integrator and calculation) and is intended for ballistic applications. In order to perform other calculations, it is necessary to restart the machine. In 1949 The computer was created when the principles of the logical circuits of the computing machine of the renowned mathematician John von Neumann (1903 -1957) were discovered. This machine vikoristovaya program, which is memorized, so that it could be changed without rebooting all the machines.

Its speed has increased to 50,000 operations per second, and its memory capacity has been increased to 16 thousand words. First, the work was developed from a separate time, the possibility of one-hour execution of two tasks, the machine was able to signal about the approvals when entering the program, and it became possible to develop the periphery. It is also a universal machine. However, despite this decline, the Polish computer industry was working on new machines. The designers of the new Audrey had two goals in mind.

Vacuum tube computers were bulky and very expensive, making them only accessible to large companies and institutions. The first EOM was created 40 years ago. First in the world EOM was collected in 1946.

Vinakhid, born in 1948. transistors, Electric lamps, which were replaced in computers, developed the technology of their mass production in the other half of the 1950s. . Sustainable thoroughness, changes in the size of computers and a decrease in their availability. Since vacuum tube computers occupied entire rooms, the first mini-computer, released by Digital Equipment in 1965, was about the size of a refrigerator. The first Ukrainian electronic computing machine MESM was manufactured in 1951.

First of all, it is necessary to provide the national economy with a digital machine, adapted to data processing, then. automate the processing process. In another way, they wanted to introduce integrated circuits into the structure. This architecture allowed it to be used in increasingly rich software and multiprocessor systems, etc. In short, implement or resolve a number of problems simultaneously with immediate access to a machine with a wealth of I/O devices. The last novelty is the name given to microgramming.

On the right, the logical structure of the computer is stored in a module called persistent memory, which allows the central unit to quickly access a large list of instructions, which leads to a more inexpensive design and increased reliability information of possession. Calculation effort is due to the service of this other element, and, in addition, to the effort of memory, in which machine we save a large amount of data. As far as technical data is concerned, the stench was pressing: 150,000 operations per second were generated, the RAM was limited to 1 million characters and 100 million characters, and was expanding.

In 1959 Robert Noyce, the long-time founder of Intel, placed on one plate both the transistors themselves and everything connected between them, so-called integrated circuits and chips. The first computer based on integrated circuits was released in 1968. company Burroughs. In 1970 Intel designers created an integrated circuit that is similar in its functions central processor great EOM. The first microprocessor was built to process more than 4 bits of information every hour. Ale is already born in 1973. The 8-bit microprocessor Intel-8008 was released, and in 1974. - Intel-8080. Based on Intel-8080 from 1975. the first commercially available computer “Altair 8800” was created, not yet equipped with a keyboard and monitor, operational memory 256 bytes. The Altair personal computer gained popularity in line with what Paul Allen and Bill Gates (the future founders of Microsoft) created for new A Basic movie interpreter, which allowed hobbyists to simply connect to a computer.

Due to this fact, it should be noted that the main creator of the logical structure was engineer Bronislav Pivovar, and not like the previous models of the Turbalis. In addition, design engineers Andrzej Zasada and Zdzislaw Owczarek vikorized the use of multi-ball tiles that shortened the path of electrical signals, and also vikorized new method electrical connections, so the method of turning the connections is the most reliable. We have our own scientific and technical interests: the Institute of Materials Engineering Machines in Warsaw, the Institute of Mathematical Machines in Katowice and the Institute of Materials Engineering in Toruń.

In 1979 IBM company (International Business Machine Corporation), which was created in 1924, entered the market personal computers. As the main microprocessor of the computer, a 16-bit microprocessor Intel-8088 (1 MB of memory) was selected, components from various companies were selected, and security software was entrusted with the development of the Microsoft company. The mass production of personal computers began in the 80s of the 20th century. Torishny sickle 1981 There was a presentation of a new computer called the IBM PC, which quickly took the leading place in the market and became the computer standard. The computer infection, including the IBM PC, accounts for over 90% of all personal computers in use in the world. Nina, the world is rapidly vibrating 200 million computers and the fastest growing line connection.

Systems on these machines are problematic, and this is related to the computers in the service center. Another important region that has its share in the development of computer science is the Greater Poland region of Poznań, despite its significant share in the Polish industry, which accounts for only 2.5% of the majority of all computers installed in No. According to statistics in the 1970s, one computer in the country brought up to 57 enterprises, and in the center of Poznań there were 227 factories on one machine.

The situation does not look any better in the Poznań region itself, where once again there is less than one car per 104 businesses. This will result in more efficient solutions to technological, organizational and manufacturing problems. Intensive training was also provided to IT staff to better understand the value of the small machine, which was delivered without any application programs and without the ability to code any of mine. high level. All the language, programs, written by machine, language of low level, which compiles the work.

Well, history knows that over generations the development of computing technology:

In the 40-50s of the 20th century. Vinikli EOM 1st generation.

In the 50-60s of the 20th century. Vinikli EOM 2nd generation.

In the 60-70s, 3rd generation EOM appeared

In the 70-80s the rocks of the 20th century. Vinikli EOM 4th generation.