Brief history of the creation of computer technology.


Rakhunkovo-viral features before the appearance of the EOM V - VI centuries BC The ancient Greek abacus History traces its deep roots to a long century ago, as well as the development of humanity.

One of the first devices (VVI century BC), to make counting easier, you can use a special board for counting, called the “abacus”.

XVII century Blaise Pascal Blasé Paskal (–) At the beginning of the XVII century, when mathematics began to play a key role in science, the French mathematician and physicist Blaise Pascal created a “pumping” machine, called Pascalina, as the cream was added to the and take a moment.

Pascal's arithmetic machine XVII century Gottfried Wilhelm Leibnitz Gottfried Wilhelm Leibnitz (–) I first started the arithmetic machine, which condenses all arithmetic operations, having created in 1673 the German mathematician Leibniz - a mechanical arithmometer. Leibniz's mechanical adding machine (1673)

19th century Charles BEBBAGE (–) In 1812, the English mathematician and economist Charles Babbage began working on the creation of a “retail” machine, which was not just to calculate arithmetic operations, but to carry out calculations for the program that asked Well, a function.

For software control, punched cards were used - cardboard cards with punched openings (perforation). Babbage's Analytical Engine.

From 197 to 1990 EOM fourth generation from 197 to 1990 Element base - super-large integrated circuits (HBIS). Creation of multiprocessor computing systems. Creation of cheap and compact microEOMs and personal EOMs and on their basis

calculating measures

. In 1971, the company Intel (USA) created the first microprocessor - a programmable logical device, developed using HBIC technology 1983 r. Apple Computers Corporation released the Lisa personal computer, the first office computer powered by the Misha M manipulator. Apple Computer Corporation released the Macintosh computer on the 32-bit Motorola 68000 processor From 1990 to the present day EOM of the fifth generation From 1990 to the present day The transition to fifth-generation computers has led to the transition to new architectures oriented toward the creation of artificial intelligence. It was important that the architecture of fifth-generation computers included two main blocks. One of them is a computer, which is connected to a special block called an “intelligent interface”. The interface is tasked with understanding the text, written in natural language or thought, and is tasked with translating it into a program that works. The main benefits of 5th generation computers: creation of an advanced human-machine interface (recognition of movies, images); Development of logical programming for the creation of knowledge bases and systems of artificial intelligence; Creation of new technologies in production The operation is the alignment and sorting of large quantities of records that are stored on magnetic disks.

To create programs to ensure the filling, updating of databases and working with them, special object-oriented and logical programming was created to ensure the greatest possible capabilities, please call them procedural language.

The structure of these works facilitates the transition from the traditional von Neumann computer architecture to architectures that support the creation of artificial intelligence. People started to grab their hairy fingers. When things became scarce, the simplest medical devices began to appear.

The first mechanical medical device was a medical machine, invented in 1642 by the French scientist Blaise Pascal (1623-62). Pascal's mechanical "computer" can be folded up and taken out.“Pascalina,” as the car was called, was made up of a set of vertically mounted wheels with numbers from 0 to 9 printed on them. When the wheels were turned around again, they spit out of the seat wheel and turned it on one floor.

The number of wheels indicated the number of discharges - so, two wheels allowed the speed up to 99, three - even up to 999, and five wheels worked the car "knowingly" like this

great numbers

Yak 99 999. It was even easier to drive the Pascalina.

Babbage's work is based on the idea that the calculating machine must use devices for storing the numbers used for calculation, as well as the instructions (commands) of the machine for those who work with these numbers.

One by one, teams removed the name “programs” from computer robots, and devices for storing information were called “memory” of the machine. If you save the numbers at once from the program, you won’t get it wrong. The main thing is that the machine must work with these numbers specified in the operation program.

Babbage understands that there is a special computing unit in the car - a processor. Today’s computers are governed by this very principle. Please remember the electrical signals.

Its principle is that the trigger is similar to a goad with clamps installed at the top points of the goad.

The goadalka has reached one of the highest points - the stick will be pressed, the goudan will sink, and in this stable state the stench can be like this for a long time.

The glue is revealed - you need to repeat it to the next highest point, here you also insert the glue, again the knot, and so on - as many times as possible.

By the fact that the indicators appear ten hours after they are installed in the desired position, one can judge whether they have started the drying.

In 1946, three American authors - D. Neumann, G. Goldstein and A. Burns - came up with the basic principles of universal EOM, which would use the same memory both for saving data and for save programs and calculate.

The first machine that implements these principles - EOM EDSAC - was manufactured in England under the supervision of M. Wilkes in 1949, at the University of Cambridge.

Through the river, the universal EOM EDVAC was launched in the USA. The founder of agricultural processing technology was Sergey Oleksiyovich Lebedev (1902-1974). In 1921, having graduated from the secondary school program as an external student, Lebedev entered the Electrical Engineering Faculty before the Moscow Higher Technical University. Having devoted a lot of resources to energy, we are dealing with the problem of the stability of energy systems. For example, in the 1940s, the rocks moved to a new direction. Under his work, the Institute of Electrical Engineering of the Academy of Sciences of the Ukrainian Socialist Republic created the first laboratory in the region from the development of EOM. Here the first Radyanska EOM - MESM, or Small Electronic Medical Machine was born. From 1951 he worked in Moscow, where he became a laboratory at the Institute of Precision Mechanics and Computational Technology (IMT and VT), and from 1953 until the end of his life he was the director of this institute. Under the leadership of S. A. Lebedev, from the beginning of the 1960s, the institute created several generations of great shell machines - BESM, in which the original developments were stagnated.

Nina has been around for several generations now.

All types and models of machines, designed on the same scientific and technical principles, have been brought down to one generation.

A generational change is expected with the appearance of new elements produced using different technologies. The first generation (1946 - the end of the 50s) of computers was respected thousands of times more than mechanical machines, which were even more cumbersome. The EOM occupied a space measuring 9x15 m, weighed about 30 tons and produced 150 kilowatts per year. Such an EOM had approximately 18 thousand vacuum tubes. Element base: electron vacuum tubes, resistors and capacitors.

The third generation (late 60s - late 70s) is associated with the development of integrated circuits. A hundred times the speed of the large number of electronic elements in the computer allowed the 1950 generation of integrated circuits - conductor crystals, to take place of the large number of connections. including transistors and other elements. Third-generation EOMs based on integrated circuits appeared in 1964. The first third-generation EOM was the IBM-360 from IBM. The German EOMs were divided into two families: large (ES EOM) and small (SM EOM - mini-EOM class).

Element base: integrated circuits, which are inserted into special sockets on other payment. Dimensions: EC EOM is similar to EOM of another generation..

Programming: new programming and middle ground, new programming ambushes. The development of operating systems and the introduction of a wide class of application programs.

Development history computer technology
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Stat topic: History of the development of computer technology

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Subject, goals, purpose and structure of the discipline Topic 1.1. Enter

Section 1. Equipment safety COMPUTER TECHNOLOGY The subject of the discipline is the daily features of computer technology (software and hardware) and the basis of programming on personal computer . It is important to note that for students of telecommunications specialties, hardware

software features

computer technology and their components are, on the one hand, elements of telecommunication devices, monitoring systems, and on the other hand, the main working tool during their development and operation.

Understanding the basics of language programming

high level

, which is developed in software-supported telecommunication nodes, is also necessary for preparing a specialist in telecommunications.

The reasons for this discipline include students’ training in modern computer technology for practical orientation, training in robot skills with system and applied software, as well as learning the basics of programming algorithms real languages ​​on your personal computer.

Department of discipline:

· Knowledge of the history of the development of computer technology and programming; · Development of the fundamentals of architecture and organization of the process of data processing in computer systems and networks;· An overview of the basic components of computer systems and their interactions; · Awareness of the widest types of computer systems and systems;· Review of the structure and components of computer software;

· A look at the most expanded operating systems and media at the moment.

basic packages

application programs, as well as

practical robot

with them;

People have had a need for vines for a long time.

In the past, the stench was felt on the fingers or the marks on the brushes, on the wood or on the stones.

The first tool you can use when it has a wide width is to cut the abacus (from the Greek word abakion and the Latin abacus, which means board). It is reported that Abacus first appeared in Babylonia approximately 3 thousand years before our era. The abacus board was divided by lines into grooves or grooves, and arithmetic operations were formed by placing stones or other stones on the grooves (grooves).

similar items

(Fig. 1.1.1a).

The stone stone means the unit of calculation, and the line means the rank of the unit.

In Europe, abacus was used until the 18th century.


1.1.1. Types of abacus: ancient Roman abacus (reconstruction); b) Chinese abacus (suanpan); c) Japanese abacus (soroban); d) abacus Inkiv (yupana); e) abacus inkiv (kipu)

Ancient China and Japan developed analogues of abacus - suanpan (Fig. 1.1.1b) and soroban (Fig. 1.1.1c).

Instead of the stone, colored balls were made, and instead of the grooves, twigs were strung on the balls.

The rahunkas felt the new operation of folding and printing, the multiplication and division of their work was difficult to achieve (with the help of many times folding and printing).

A device that made it easier to multiply and divide numbers, as well as other developments, was the logarithmic line (Fig. 1.1.3a), discovered in 1618 by the English mathematician and astronomer Edmund Gunther (before logarithms were introduced and in the practice of Napier, published in 1614) .

Then, to the logarithmic line, add motors and sliders to the glass (and then to the plexiglass), which forms the hair line (Fig. 1.1.3b).

Like shells, the logarithmic line has given way to electronic calculators.



Logarithmic line: a) Edmund Gunter line;

b) one of the remaining models in the line

The first mechanical medical device (calculator) was created in the 40s of the 17th century.

the prominent French mathematician, physicist, writer and philosopher Blaise Pascal (in whose honor one of the most extensive modern programs is named).

Pascal's pumping machine, "pascalina" (Fig. 1.1.4a), was a box with numerous gears. Other operations, in addition to additions, were added to help complete the non-manual procedure of repeated additions..

At the same time, we had a trial model of our cutting machine (Fig. 1.1.5), which consists of gears and rollers, which are wrapped manually with the help of a special seal.

Over the course of the next decade, Babbage tirelessly worked on his idea, unsuccessfully trying to practically implement it. At the same time, continuing to discuss the same topic, we came to the idea of ​​​​creating a more powerful machine, which we called the analytical machine. Small


Model of Babbage's sacristan machine (1822)

Babbage's Analytical Engine, at its predecessor, was responsible not only for solving mathematical problems of one type, but for combining various computational operations according to instructions, what is asked by the operator.

The analytical engine was responsible for such components as “mlin” and “warehouse” (in modern terminology - an arithmetic device and memory), which are made up of mechanical elements and gears.

Instructions and commands were entered into the Analytical Engine using additional punched cards (cardboard with holes punched in them), first introduced in 1804. French engineer This is a way to speed up the processing of the results of the population census, which was carried out in the USA in 1890.

After the successful development of the tabulator for the census, Hollerith organized a company producing tabulation machines, the Tabulating Machine Company.

With fate, Hollerith's enterprise recognized low changes - evil and renaming. The last such change was made in 1924, 5 years before Hollerith’s death, when he created the IBM company (IBM, International Business Machines Corporation). Small

1.1.8. Tabulator for Hollerite (RUR 1890) Another factor that has appeared daily computer, robots became one of the first to use the two-column system, becoming the German scientist Gottfried Wilhelm Leibnitz, who founded his work “The Mystery of Folded Combinations” (1666) and formal two-dimensional logic.

The main contribution to the investigation of the double number system was made by the self-educated English mathematician George Boole. In his work, entitled “Investigation of the Laws of the Mind” (1854), Vinayshov has his own algebra - a system of values ​​​​and rules that applies to all objects, from numbers and letters to words (this algebra according to this is named after Boolean algebra ). Using the entire system, Boule can encode the conclusions - the assertions, truths and falsehoods that need to be brought out - using the symbols of his language, and then manipulate them like double numbers. Born in 1936 any digital computer). In 1940 Stibets, together with another specialist of the company, electrical engineer Samuel Williams, developed the device, called a complex number calculator - CNC (Complex Number Calculator) built to include the operations of addition, subtraction, multiplication lu, as well as the addition of complex numbers (Fig. 1.1.).

9). When demonstrating this device, it was shown first

remote access

to computing resources (the demonstration was held at Darmouth College, and the calculator itself was in New York).

The calls were made via teletypewriters via special telephone lines. Small 1.1.9.

Complex number calculator by Stibitz and Williams (1940) Without looming any knowledge about the work of Charles Babbage or the work of Boole, Konrad Zuse in Berlin began to develop a universal calculating machine, much like Babbage's Analytical Engine. Born in 1938 The first version of the car, called Z1, used to be called., successfully passed on the cob in 1943.

“Mark-1”, reaching a height of 17 m and a height of over 2.5 m, with a distance of approximately 750 thousand. parts connected by wires with a length of approximately 800 km (Fig. 1.1.11).

The car began to be used for the collection of folding ballistic frames, and in one day the sum was calculated, which had previously been spent.



Program-coated computer “Mark-1” (1943)

To find ways to decipher secret German codes, British intelligence gathered a group of people and settled them near London, in a secluded world.

Before “Eniak” came into operation, Mochlya and Ekert were already working on the military’s agreements on the new computer. The main drawback of the Eniak computer was the hardware implementation of programs for assistance electronic circuits . Nastupna model - machine "Edvak"(Fig. 1.1.14a), which came into operation at the beginning of 1951, (EDVAC, known as Electronic Discrete Automatic Variable Computer - an electronic computer with discrete changes) - was already a bigger beast. This is a larger place internal memory

took revenge not only on the tribute, but on the program in

special buildings

- mercury-filled tubes called mercury ultrasonic trim lines (Fig. 1.1.14b). It is true that “Edvak” encoded data in a two-wheel system, which made it possible to significantly reduce the speed of electronic tubes. Small 1.1.14. Electronic digital machine “Edvak” (born 1951):

a) Zagalny Viglyad;

b) memory on mercury ultrasonic damping lines

Among the listeners of the course of lectures about

electronic computers , which were carried out by Mochly and Eckert during the implementation of the Edvak project, the English investigator Maurice Wilkes appeared. Having returned to Cambridge University, he was born in 1949.

(two years earlier, the lower members of the group, who had lost, used the “Edvak” machine) having completed the installation of the world’s first computer with the programs that were stored in memory.

A clearly new stage in computer design began when IBM launched its flagship series of machines – the IBM/360 (the series began in 1964).

The six machines in this series have a low productivity, a large set of peripheral devices (nearly 40) and were suitable for a wide variety of tasks, but were driven by common principles, which made modernity much easier Ization of computers and exchange of programs between them (Fig. 1.1.17) .



One of the models of the IBM/360 series (born 1965)