The work with the designer will be based on the output from the spreadsheet document. Query constructor for data composition circuits Query constructor 1s 8.3 how to launch

Well, let’s start with something simple: create a New Process in the configurator, name it Query Console or Query Builder, as you prefer.

We can immediately add a sign to the “Data” for the current Parameters that we need, so that we can create a non-primitive entry in our Console, and with the parameters sent, for example, we will create an entry for our work before the period personal registers, and here without inserting the Parameter =&Date is nowhere.

To create our Parameters table, on the “Data” tab in the “Table part” we add a new table, called the Record Parameters, and immediately add the columns of this table: 1) Parameter Names, row type = 25 characters; The value of the Parameter, here is the warehouse type of these divas.

Therefore, as shown in the picture, we select the storage type for the column. By specifying the parameters of our request, we can access any object of our configuration, for example, documents or documents.

Now we need to create the form of our upcoming Query Console. In the process, go to the “Forms” tab and add a new one. Enter this form and there is no longer a field for creativity - you can place the creations exactly two details and a plate with parameters as you prefer! For this purpose, you can use standard form elements such as Group or Side by side (as you prefer sides that flip).

There is only one catch here: by dragging the “TextValue” attribute in the left field of the form editing, it is obligatory to set “View” = Text document field.

At the authorities, you can specify the “Table of Recording” details - “Display the Network” and “Display Headings”.

Next, in the right window of the editing form, go to the “Command” tab and add a new button, when you click on our Console, click on the song. Let's create the "Query Designer" button, after all, you can add an icon to the button, and then place the button itself in the left window of the form editing window - so that we can use it. - the authorities are pressing on the “Action” point, to show up modal window s food - de same vikonuvatyam ours program code For the most important buttons, select “On client”.

The Form Module opens with a ready-made empty procedure “Procedure Query Constructor (Command)”. In the middle of this procedure we will describe the use of the standard 1C8 query constructor. It's so easy: Constructor = New Constructor Zapitu; But here are the pitfalls - when using the platform, the Query Constructor works in the customer mode ONLY under the same client! Therefore, we will insert the mental instructions of the preprocessor # Yes, and the axis here is up to you, leaving your platform, or you have primary forms, then select " TovstiyClientZvichainiyAddakt or you have a platform on ceramic forms ah, todi" ProductsClientKerovaniyAddakt div. rice.

Now it is no longer possible to add to this procedure the mind to write the text of the query, which the Query Constructor will generate for us in our form details “TextRequest”:

Yakshto Constructor.ViewModal()=TrueTodiObject.TextRequest=Constructor.Text;


We can also manually change the query in the text (in the customer mode - in the “Text Request” box), so that our changes can be put into the Query Constructor with your new click - we’ll add this to the simple mind right away:

Yakshto not EmptyRow(Object.TextRequest) Todi Constructor.Text=Object.TextRequest;


Well, the Query Constructor is starting up for us, we can already start putting together our current query, but we’ll have to worry about how we create our queries! And for this we need to create another button in the configurator in the editable form of our console, called “Visconate Request”. When the authorities press the “Visit Write” button to “Dia”, a menu appears again in which to ask us - where our program code is being processed, in this section we select “And on the client and on the server”, again going to ModuleForm.

In the Viconati Zapit() procedure, as we have on our client, we write down the idea that the client will not enter the text of the request, but ask for his visconati:

Yakshto EmptyRow(Object.TextRequest) Todi notify("Enter text for request!");


The system has already automatically generated instructions for the Viconati RequestOn Server() procedure; - axis and good, let's go to this procedure, which will be entered on the server and we will write the code for the output of our entered query. Here are the options: You can independently write all the words related to your daily routine, then. manually, or else simpler option - in the middle of the procedure, press right key

Click on the drop-down menu and select the item “Query constructor with processing of surprisingly small results.”:

If you clicked on the item “Query constructor with results processing”, then the modal window “Query text not found” will appear. Create a new one?", press like this. Bypass the result." That’s it, we don’t need anything else from this constructor, click on the “Ok” button - a modal window will appear: “There is no input field selected for the request, it will be stamped “Ok”.

After this, in the middle of our Viconati Request On Server() procedure, the following workpiece appears:

Let's move on to the virus generated by the constructor:

Request Text = "";

Request.Text = Object.TextRequest; It’s so simple, our “Visit Request” button on the payment form is already practical, until you can only collect without parameters, hell, what’s working! It was impossible to visually display the “TableValue” attribute on the processing form - the results of our query. Let me remind you that our “TableValue” attribute is of the “Tabular Document” type, so our results would not be any different in the backend mode. In the future, I will be working on displaying tabular data either as a Tabular document or as a Layout, but I would really like to be able to display data through the value table - but it’s very simple to use, but, unfortunately, the value table is just a tool that is needed to the retailer, It is not possible to display data on the screen using it.

Let's take a look at the report, which is also a Spreadsheet Document, like an Excel sheet - you can only get to the entry in a specific box using the middle table, here we call the area, but we ourselves can select the range of that area into one specific Well, here's the rest:

Hey, let's figure it out, what's wrong? tabular document, We realized for ourselves that we need to extract the data from our request in a specific section of this spreadsheet document. Let’s just think: what is the “Result of the Request” that the constructor so neatly formulated for us? We open the conclusion - The result of the question is this table, which is the basis of the regional authorities! div. rice.

I will immediately write after the virus Result Zapitu = Zap. Viconati(); (created by the designer) axis is such a simple cycle for Collections:

For skin Im Columns 3 Result Request.Columns Cycle povidomity(ImColumns.Im);


After completing this cycle, store all expressions generated automatically by the designer. And launch 1C:Enterprise8 under the same client.

Then you will see at the bottom of the window in the notification - what is in the table Result The query saves the names of the fields that we carefully selected by creating a simple query.

Now we see the names of the fields of our suffering in the Tabular document:

In order to display the details behind the query data, we can create the data automatically by the designer and in the middle of the search cycle “Select Detailed Records” we will insert the same cycle that we used to create the naming of the columns, so now we need the Middle part in the text. transfer the data to the "Result Request" table, And from the data of the selection itself, you will see how you can go to the Detailed selection field and ask:

SelectRecordDetails = QueryResult.Select();

While VibirkaDetailedRecords.Advance() Loop //in the first row we already have the names of the table columns recorded, so this is given below the first rowDocRowNumber=Object.QueryTable.TableHeight+1;

For skin Im'I Columns 3 Result Zapitu.Columns Cycle Middle = Object.Table Zapitu.Area(DocRowNumber, Result Zapitu.Columns.Index(Name of Columns)+1);

Middle.Text = SelectDetailsRecord[ColumnName.Name];



Everything, we can verify, it is important to accept the same client, enter a simple entry without parameters, press the button “Visit Entry” div. Hurray, everything is working! It’s very easy if, when you open/close our Query Console, you enter the text of the query in the “Text to Query” field that you were running before closing the console. To do this, you just need to turn on Form Power = Auto Saving.

That's it, our console is working. In order for us to write complex queries based on the parameters assigned to them, we need to create another “Find Parameters” button, as well as the code for the “Find Parameters” button - the code for the “Find Parameters” button is saved on the client and on the server. Next, in the server procedure, we automatically start the query by passing the text from the “Text to the Request” window, using the additional expression “Request. FindParameters()”, we know the transfer of parameters and simply enter them in a loop in the tabular part of the “Request Parameters” form. Don’t forget to then transfer them from the completed table of parameters to the “Viconate Request” procedure. You can also add a couple of buttons to our Console that will clear the Settings window and the Text entry window in the user mode. Our Query Console is ready for use, I encourage successful creative people to use such a simple solution

The lover has a picture of the Power Console we carefully created.


Upgrade the Query Console:

1) Now our self-designed Query Console from the Query Constructor will be launched under any client: under a thin client and under a thin web client.

p.s. The form and type of the created Query Constructor changes - depending on which client we launched our Console. (especially less important and more manual form of the Query Constructor under the same client)

&On the Client Procedure Constructor Request (Command) // the click of the standard Constructor will request only under the same client #Yaksto TovstiyKlientKerovaniy Addenda or TovstiyKlientnyyAddak Todi Constructor=New ConstructorRequest; Yakshto not EmptyRow(Object.TextRequest) Todi Constructor.Text=Object.TextRequest; KinetsYakscho;

Yakshto Constructor.ViewModal()=TrueTodiObject.TextRequest=Constructor.Text;


// # Otherwise // Announce ("Wikk of the Query Builder can only be used under the same client");

SELECT External Data.Product, External Data.Qty PLACE External Data WITH &External Data AS External Data; //////////////////////////////////////////////// // ///////////////////////////// VIBRATE ExternalData.Product, ExternalData.Quantity, NULL(ProductSurplus.ProductSurplus.QuantityRemaining, 0) YAK Field1, Є NULL (Product balances, surpluses. Quantity of surpluses, 0) - External Data. AK External Data)) YAK ZalishkiTovarіvZalishki BY External Data. Product = ZalishkiTovarіvZalishki. Product

Behind the image, I will write a similar code to the above - You can create a folding sentence, according to your data objects.

Now, in the query constructor, we have created more query guidance by closing the Constructor - search the query text in our console field “Query Text”, click on the “Find Parameters” button, so that in the Parameters table a row appears = “ExternalData”, typeValue = "Value Table", Div.fig.

In this table of Parameters - enter the Date parameter, for example, today's date, then click on our parameter of the time table "External Data" to try editing, click in the field with "Table Value" on three dots - select types , embossed row, Our mechanism turns us over on the form, where we need to manually enter the time table itself.

Please note that when you go to the “Time Table” page at the bottom in the “Names of the time table in parameters” field, the name of our time table will appear (it is copied from the Parameters table).

For now, on the “Time Table” page we have only one empty table - this is the table of Types of our upcoming time table. Next to the “Add” button, you can add a name to the attribute and type of the current table. Be respectful - the name of this type is similar to what we asked in the entry for External Data:

Now we press the button “Update Time Table” - and another table will immediately appear in us - in it we can immediately fill in the time table data through the “Add” button.

Everything, we can check once again that we have entered the appropriate data for the parameters of the input in the table of parameters on the 1st page of the processing, and press the button “Exit Entry” - everything is important, select accordingly with the data transferred in the parameter our ї time table

p.s. If you have made a mistake when typing the named details and their types (in the first table) - just close the Console and open it again - the hourly data table will be erased - and the Types table can be edited again create a new table of tributes.

That’s all, we can create even more powerful working tools with our own hands, in addition, our console is even more competitive with professional ones – and this is a great plus for developers! And, of course, now our console works as a client! Good luck in your creative endeavors!



I’m constantly working on my Console of Requests, and the axis has recently lost a lot of requests, in which the Time Table was not in the first batch of requests, but in the next ones - and the axis here my console is a little tired... I had to work on another upgrade .

Well, the manager of Timchasykh’s table will not always understand what to do with him)) Therefore, it is necessary to explicitly ask the manager of Timchasykh’s table:

&OnServer Procedure ViconatiZapOnServer() //upgrade2 - explicitly assigned to the Timing Table manager!

VT Manager = New Timing Manager Table;

Well, let’s start with something simple: create a New Process in the configurator, name it Query Console or Query Builder, as you prefer.

We can immediately add a sign to the “Data” for the current Parameters that we need, so that we can create a non-primitive entry in our Console, and with the parameters sent, for example, we will create an entry for our work before the period personal registers, and here without inserting the Parameter =&Date is nowhere.

To create our Parameters table, on the “Data” tab in the “Table part” we add a new table, called the Record Parameters, and immediately add the columns of this table: 1) Parameter Names, row type = 25 characters; The value of the Parameter, here is the warehouse type of these divas.

Therefore, as shown in the picture, we select the storage type for the column. By specifying the parameters of our request, we can access any object of our configuration, for example, documents or documents.

Now we need to create the form of our upcoming Query Console. In the process, go to the “Forms” tab and add a new one. Enter this form and there is no longer a field for creativity - you can place the creations exactly two details and a plate with parameters as you prefer! For this purpose, you can use standard form elements such as Group or Side by side (as you prefer sides that flip).

There is only one catch here: by dragging the “TextValue” attribute in the left field of the form editing, it is obligatory to set “View” = Text document field.

At the authorities, you can specify the “Table of Recording” details - “Display the Network” and “Display Headings”.

Zapit = New Zapit;

The Form Module opens with a ready-made empty procedure “Procedure Query Constructor (Command)”. In the middle of this procedure we will describe the use of the standard 1C8 query constructor. It's so easy: Constructor = New Constructor Zapitu; But here are the pitfalls - when using the platform, the Query Constructor works in the customer mode ONLY under the same client! Therefore, we will insert the mental instructions of the preprocessor # Yes, and the axis here is up to you, leaving your platform, or you have primary forms, then select " TovstiyClientZvichainiyAddakt//upgrade2-explicitly assigned to the manager of the Timing Tables! ProductsClientKerovaniyAddakt div. rice.

Now it is no longer possible to add to this procedure the mind to write the text of the query, which the Query Constructor will generate for us in our form details “TextRequest”:

Yakshto Constructor.ViewModal()=TrueTodiObject.TextRequest=Constructor.Text;


We can also manually change the query in the text (in the customer mode - in the “Text Request” box), so that our changes can be put into the Query Constructor with your new click - we’ll add this to the simple mind right away:

Yakshto not EmptyRow(Object.TextRequest) Todi Constructor.Text=Object.TextRequest;


Well, the Query Constructor is starting up for us, we can already start putting together our current query, but we’ll have to worry about how we create our queries! And for this we need to create another button in the configurator in the editable form of our console, called “Visconate Request”. When the authorities press the “Visit Write” button to “Dia”, a menu appears again in which to ask us - where our program code is being processed, in this section we select “And on the client and on the server”, again going to ModuleForm.

In the Viconati Zapit() procedure, as we have on our client, we write down the idea that the client will not enter the text of the request, but ask for his visconati:

Yakshto EmptyRow(Object.TextRequest) Todi notify("Enter text for request!");


Query.ManagerTeamhourTable = ManagerVT;

Click on the drop-down menu and select the item “Query constructor with processing of surprisingly small results.”:

If you clicked on the item “Query constructor with results processing”, then the modal window “Query text not found” will appear. Create a new one?", press like this. Bypass the result." That’s it, we don’t need anything else from this constructor, click on the “Ok” button - a modal window will appear: “There is no input field selected for the request, it will be stamped “Ok”.

After this, in the middle of our Viconati Request On Server() procedure, the following workpiece appears:

Let's move on to the virus generated by the constructor:

Request Text = "";

It’s all so simple, our “Visit Write” button on the processing form is already practical, so far you can just write without parameters, but what the heck is working! It was impossible to visually display the “TableValue” attribute on the processing form - the results of our query. Let me remind you that our “TableValue” attribute is of the “Tabular Document” type, which is why our results would not be good in any other way in the backend mode. In the future, I will be working on displaying tabular data either as a Tabular document or as a Layout, but I would really like to be able to display data through the value table - but it’s very simple to use, but, unfortunately, the value table is just a tool that is needed to the retailer, It is not possible to display data on the screen using it.

Let's take a look at the report, which is also a Spreadsheet Document, like an Excel sheet - you can only get to the entry in a specific box using the middle table, here we call the area, but we ourselves can select the range of that area into one specific Well, here's the rest:

Now, having figured out what a spreadsheet document is, we realized that we need to extract the data from our query from the specific middle of this spreadsheet document. Let’s just think: what is the “Result of the Request” that the constructor so neatly formulated for us? We open the conclusion - The result of the question is this table, which is the basis of the regional authorities! div. rice.

I will immediately write after the virus Result Zapitu = Zap. Viconati(); (created by the designer) axis is such a simple cycle for Collections:

For skin Im Columns 3 Result Request.Columns Cycle povidomity(ImColumns.Im);


After completing this cycle, store all expressions generated automatically by the designer. And launch 1C:Enterprise8 under the same client.

Then you will see at the bottom of the window in the notification - what is in the table Result The query saves the names of the fields that we carefully selected by creating a simple query.

Now we see the names of the fields of our suffering in the Tabular document:

In order to display the details behind the query data, we can create the data automatically by the designer and in the middle of the search cycle “Select Detailed Records” we will insert the same cycle that we used to create the naming of the columns, so now we need the Middle part in the text. transfer the data to the "Result Request" table, And from the data of the selection itself, you will see how you can go to the Detailed selection field and ask:

SelectRecordDetails = QueryResult.Select();

While VibirkaDetailedRecords.Advance() Loop //in the first row we already have the names of the table columns recorded, so this is given below the first rowDocRowNumber=Object.QueryTable.TableHeight+1;

For skin Im'I Columns 3 Result Zapitu.Columns Cycle Middle = Object.Table Zapitu.Area(DocRowNumber, Result Zapitu.Columns.Index(Name of Columns)+1);

Middle.Text = SelectDetailsRecord[ColumnName.Name];



Our Query Console is ready for use, I encourage successful creative people to use such a simple and easy tool as the Query Console!

This work is written on the 1c8.3 platform (keroved forms), which is launched under the same client. You can also write it on the 1s8.2 platform, both under basic forms and under ceramic ones.

The lover has a picture of the Power Console we carefully created.


Upgrade the Query Console:

1) Now our self-designed Query Console from the Query Constructor will be launched under any client: under a thin client and under a thin web client.

p.s. The form and type of the created Query Constructor changes - depending on which client we launched our Console. (especially less important and more manual form of the Query Constructor under the same client)

&On the Client Procedure Constructor Request (Command) // the click of the standard Constructor will request only under the same client #Yaksto TovstiyKlientKerovaniy Addenda or TovstiyKlientnyyAddak Todi Constructor=New ConstructorRequest;

Yakshto Constructor.ViewModal()=TrueTodiObject.TextRequest=Constructor.Text;

Yakshto not EmptyRow(Object.TextRequest) Todi Constructor.Text=Object.TextRequest;

// # Otherwise // Announce ("Wikk of the Query Builder can only be used under the same client");

SELECT External Data.Product, External Data.Qty PLACE External Data WITH &External Data AS External Data; //////////////////////////////////////////////// // ///////////////////////////// VIBRATE ExternalData.Product, ExternalData.Quantity, NULL(ProductSurplus.ProductSurplus.QuantityRemaining, 0) YAK Field1, Є NULL (Product balances, surpluses. Quantity of surpluses, 0) - External Data. AK External Data)) YAK ZalishkiTovarіvZalishki BY External Data. Product = ZalishkiTovarіvZalishki. Product

Behind the image, I will write a similar code to the above - You can create a folding sentence, according to your data objects.

Now, in the query constructor, we have created more query guidance by closing the Constructor - search the query text in our console field “Query Text”, click on the “Find Parameters” button, so that in the Parameters table a row appears = “ExternalData”, typeValue = "Value Table", Div.fig.

In this table of Parameters - enter the Date parameter, for example, today's date, then click on our parameter of the time table "External Data" to try editing, click in the field with "Table Value" on three dots - select types , embossed row, Our mechanism turns us over on the form, where we need to manually enter the time table itself.

Please note that when you go to the “Time Table” page at the bottom in the “Names of the time table in parameters” field, the name of our time table will appear (it is copied from the Parameters table).

For now, on the “Time Table” page we have only one empty table - this is the table of Types of our upcoming time table. Next to the “Add” button, you can add a name to the attribute and type of the current table. Be respectful - the name of this type is similar to what we asked in the entry for External Data:

Now we press the button “Update Time Table” - and another table will immediately appear in us - in it we can immediately fill in the time table data through the “Add” button.

Everything, we can check once again that we have entered the appropriate data for the parameters of the input in the table of parameters on the 1st page of the processing, and press the button “Exit Entry” - everything is important, select accordingly with the data transferred in the parameter our ї time table

p.s. If you have made a mistake when typing the named details and their types (in the first table) - just close the Console and open it again - the hourly data table will be erased - and the Types table can be edited again create a new table of tributes.

That’s all, we can create even more powerful working tools with our own hands, in addition, our console is even more competitive with professional ones – and this is a great plus for developers! And, of course, now our console works as a client! Good luck in your creative endeavors!



I’m constantly working on my Console of Requests, and the axis has recently lost a lot of requests, in which the Time Table was not in the first batch of requests, but in the next ones - and the axis here my console is a little tired... I had to work on another upgrade .

Well, the manager of Timchasykh’s table will not always understand what to do with him)) Therefore, it is necessary to explicitly ask the manager of Timchasykh’s table:

&OnServer Procedure ViconatiZapOnServer() //upgrade2 - explicitly assigned to the Timing Table manager!

VT Manager = New Timing Manager Table;

KinetsYakscho; Yakshto Constructor.ViewModal()=TrueTodiObject.TextRequest=Constructor.Text; KinetsYakscho;
// # Otherwise // Announce ("Wikk of the Query Builder can only be used under the same client");
// Turn;

//# Finally #Information ("You launch the Query Constructor under a thin client - it costs a little for its form and speed of productivity!"); Constructor = New ConstructorPapTo(); Yakshto not EmptyRow(Object.TextRequest) Todi Constructor.Text=Object.TextRequest;
KinetsYakscho; Constructor Alerts = New Alert Description("VisconatiPislyaKrittyaConstructor", TsyaForma); Constructor.Show (Designer Constructor); -
# EndYakshto EndProcedures &OnClients Procedure ViconatiPislyaKrittyaConstructor(Result, ConstructorParameters) Export //Result=text, as the Con-r was closed by the ok button Object.TextRequest = Abbreviated(Result); // pratsyuє!!! KinetsProcedures

The code itself and the procedures for the transmission mechanism in the parameters of the Timing table can be seen in another attached file. Why did you start to expand your version of the Timing table in the parameters, you can look at the following instructions https://forum. Let's look at how you can combine two tables by field Product code s vicoristannyam
query designer (code for forming watch table for butt pointing I won't. Yogo can be taken for vischezgadanim posilannyam). Open the designer window and place it on the tab
"Tables and fields"

, in divisions "Tables" we select our tables, and the section "Fields" These are the fields in both tables that you want to see as a result of your query.
Go to the bookmark"Zv'azki" "Tables"
. We are adding a new row. In the field Table 1 From the list, select the table with goods, and in the field
Table 2
Table From the countries. For.
Here we select the table fields from the lists that drop out, and the equalization sign also from the drop-down

As a result of this connection, we can eliminate offensive text I'll ask:

VIBRATI VT_Product.Product Code, VT_Product.Name, VT_Kraina.Kraina Z VT_Product YAK VT_Product FIRST RECEIVED VT_Kraina YAK VT_Kraina BY VT_Product.Product Code = VT_Kraina.

Now let's look at these moments.
Let's try to remember the ensign in some places "Fields".

I wish the results could come out CONTACT RIGHTS, ale yakscho mi
It’s surprising that the text is written, formed by the designer, then we can see that the tables
We switched places, but the meeting still lost the same thing:

VIBRATI VT_Product.Product Code, VT_Product.Name, VT_Kraina.Kraina FROM VT_Kraina YAK VT_Kraina LEFT RECEIVED VT_Product YAK VT_Product BY VT_Product.Product Code = VT_Kraina.

One will wonder what will happen if the ensign’s offense is taken seriously

The result is a clear internal connection.

VIBRATI VT_Product.Product Code, VT_Product.Name, VT_Kraina.Kraina Z VT_Product YAK VT_Product INTERNAL CONNECTION VT_Kraina YAK VT_Kraina ON VT_Product.Product Code = VT_Product.

I will be found that a grievance has been established against the ensign

external connection removed

VIBRATI VT_Product.Product Code, VT_Product.Name, VT_Kraina.Kraina Z VT_Product YAK VT_Product OUTSIDE RECEIVED VT_Kraina YAK VT_Kraina BY VT_Product.Product Code = VT_Kraina = VT_Kraina = VT_Product.

You can specify a number of rows per bookmark Zv'azki. Who's got a sprat
rows unite behind the washbasin І. Moreover, the rows are not obligatory
Drive it in again immediately. They can be copied to other keys F9.
And in the new row it takes a lot of brainpower. This essentially speeds up the process of growth.
Also, for the mind, it is not necessary to vikoristovat without the mind of the field with
drop-down lists. You can vikoristavat enough viraza that satisfies
Movies 1C. For whom it is necessary to install an ensign More
and write the mind directly in the field, or open another window,
How can you quickly create templates with the functions of language searches?

In practice, it is important to combine richly complex words where they come together
a number of tables with different connections between each other. Ale in the query constructor
You can create a connection of any complexity.

The constructor consists of the following bookmarks:

1. “Table and fields” - there are three hierarchical lists on the tab:
a. "Database" - all available objects that can be queried have been retrieved. Also a button “Display change tables”, with this help you can gain access to the IB object change table, where they are registered for any exchange plan.
b. "Tables" - a list of selected tables that will be typed in. Also in this window you can delete a table, change or replace a table, and also add an internal entry.

For virtual tables, you can assign parameters by clicking the “Virtual Tables Parameters” button:

It is recommended to actively configure the parameters of virtual tables for selections for these and other virtualizations, as this will increase the fluidity of the data entered. In parameters, you can select external changes, the names of which are preceded by the “&” sign.
c. "Fields" - a list of fields that can be selected from the table. You can also add fields that are being calculated, for which, when you press the “Add” button, the constructor of the following format opens:

There is a window with the fields available in the virus. Right-handed hint of the function to be victorious. Below is a good look that is being constructed. Virases can be used to select external parameters; for their designation, the “&” sign is used, for example: &Period, &StartDate
It is necessary to be respectful, since the window will have a long and complex expression, in which case it will be small syntactic error, then after pressing the “OK” button, the system will appear ahead and close the window. All typing code will be wasted, I recommend that if you have not entered the correct expression, then before closing the constructor, save your clipboard (Ctrl-C).

2. “Links” – links between tables are indicated on the tab.

In a table, you can specify which tables are linked, the relationships between the tables that are linked, and the mental link. Since the mental connection is simple, you can enter any type of calculation in the form, and you will have a constructor for a sufficient field.

3. “Grouping” - on the bookmark it is indicated which fields are grouped and which are aggregated (subsumed).

4. Bookmark “Umovi” - check your brains as they are superimposed on the task.
In your mind, you can also write folding expressions using the simple expression constructor and using new ones:

5. "Dodatkovo"
Additional parameters that are superimposed on the request

6. “Communication and pseudonyms”
On this tab you can assign aliases for fields, as well as queries that can be connected through the “Combine” or “Combine All” constructs.

7. "Order"
In what order are the results presented and written down?

Respect! At the bottom of the bookmark you can add a checkmark "Auto-arrange"- In the current version of 1C 8.1 in the ACS, it’s not clear that when you check the box when recording the ACS, you see a warning, so you can’t use it.

8. “Composition of data”
Bookmark where service fields for ACS are designated. It plays approximately the same role as the “Wake Up Call” tab in the basic call designer.

A. On the “Tables” tab - overwritten tables that are included in the query, you can indicate whether the table is included in the query by checking the “Obov’yazkova” checkbox. Tobto. If no fields are used in the selection, then a table is given at the entry where you will take your fate. You can also specify parameters for the table.

During the process of setting up the access control system, we specify certain selections, then all the selection values ​​will be presented in the parameters of the virtual tables, which will help us optimize and speed up the request.
b. On the “Fields” tab there is a list of fields and their aliases that are added to the list of ACS fields.
c. “Umovi” - at times there are selections adjusted SKD, all the meanings of the selections will be added as additional ideas, and additional expressions can also be added to the minds.

9. "Characteristics"
A bookmark that has no analogue to the primary constructor of the output form.

This tab will provide expanded operation of the applications with characteristics. The table on the tab consists of several fields:
a. Value type - the type for which characteristics will be selected. For example, if you enter “Dovidnik Posilannya.Nomenclature”, then all the characteristics for the nomenclature will be selected in the entry.
b. “Dzherelo” is a dzherelo of the authorities of the types of displays, which can be asked for in the table. In whose field we can write the selections for those authorities that we need.
c. “List of characteristics” - the field in which the dzherelo is indicated for the power of characteristics. Most often, this is the plan of types of characteristics. It is also necessary to specify the fields that represent the “Identifier”, “Name” and “Type” of power.
d. “Dzherelo” is a new field in which the meaning of the indicators is stated, the table can also be written.
e. “Values ​​of characteristics” - the table shows what the value of the characteristic is. For example, a table of the value of characteristics can be used as a register of the “Values ​​of Powers of Objects” statements. We also have to indicate those fields from the table (or write them down) that represent the “Object”, “Power” and “Value” characteristics.
After editing the text, you can access the text in the window under the list of fields. Below the “Automatic filling” checkbox we can adjust filling additional parameters for fields that are important for washing. It should be appreciated that the warehouse of the fields is determined by the very act of writing.

Information taken from the site