How to attract viewers to your channel. How to get prepayers? YouTube channel promotion

Which episode will look at how to tell a lot of video bloggers - “how to attract people’s respect to your YouTube channel”? There are a number of practical tactics that we will look at.

Warto understand that without clear and useful content, you will be able to get a lot of new peeps, but there won’t be a lot of them. Therefore, we will work on the content first.

Immediately after creating good content, it needs to be optimized. Read the report on our website. And in this article, we will look at tips that can help and speed up the process of attracting respect to your channel.

Pogane vs garne image

Once you have liked a video, you will be prompted to select one for your video, YouTube will present 3 images per selection. You can also add your own image and talk about it.

Main criteria for a good image:

  • The brightness and clarity of the picture;
  • targeting the target audience;
  • Chippy text for the little one.

Compare the two pictures, on the first one - nothing is clear, the images are different, there is no description. Another picture immediately catches my eye, brings respect and immediately makes me realize that there will be a video. Try another option.

Once you start adding your videos and YouTube has identified your topic, you can start adding “Similar Channels” to your channel. This function is active for the mind, there is no need to vim. When blocking other channels is active, the message sent to you is also installed.

Circular channels – this function is for manual placement of circuit channels, and it is also recommended to refill them.

The advantage of this method is that when these blocks are filled with other channels, your prepaid subscribers will not be subscribed, but will be added again.

Receive with your voice

Like your skin video, encourage people to subscribe and like

Kozhen koristuvach YouTube has its own goals. If you go there, you will be amazed at the interesting videos, documentaries and investigations, and the YouTube videos for self-illumination and gaining new knowledge. But there is one fact that unites all categories of people - YouTube has almost completely disappeared from the original TV channel, especially among young people. And now, then we will continue to pour in.

YouTube is a friend in the world due to the size and popularity of the Google search system. Videos on YouTube are miraculously indexed sound systems, and can knock out the most popular sites from top positions. With such popularity, it is simply unreasonable not to use YouTube as a marketing strategy for your business.

In this article you will find 9 in real ways How to use YouTube as part of your online strategy to achieve your company's goals.

If you are the owner of a small business, think about becoming the main character of your videos on YouTube. It is absolutely clear that you provide information that may be useful to potential clients. This will help you create a personal brand for your company and make your business more special for people, making them trust you.

You can showcase your products, show your expertise, increase awareness of your brand and promote its reputation. For additional videos, you can access virtual accounts with potential clients that were never available to you before.

And if you show a little creativity, you will likely have dozens of ideas that your business can benefit from directly linking with your purchases through YouTube.

2. Present your products and services and direct people to your online store

Demonstrating your products on YouTube is not inexpensive, but even more effective method tell your customers about them. You will learn about their characteristics, benefits, and advantages compared to competitors. You can create a video in which you compare several products.

This is especially effective if you have an online store or a traditional offline business, often transferring it to the Internet. In addition, you can watch videos on YouTube for information on the most popular buyers.

3. Train people to like your product, service or service

People who promote your products will use a different approach than simply demonstrating your product. For example, you can make a video to help people get the most out of your product and help them fully realize its potential. Video servers can help change client service obligations and technical support.

4. Make an attractive part of your business presentation

5. Tell a story about your company

The skin company has its own history, just like its founders or production workers. By sharing your story, you increase the loyalty of your customers and recognition of your brand. This is how you tell your audience about the philosophy and mission of your company. Watch a number of “behind the scenes” videos that show how your products are created, take a virtual tour of your company and tell about their competitors.

6. Showcase your buyer's habits

If you've been in business for a long time and have already won the trust of your customers, create a YouTube video to show the testimonials of people who have already rated your product or service. This can be a very effective and inexpensive tool for your drilling, as well as for sale.

7. Vikorist call to action

Another option for getting a call to action is to vote about a competition that encourages people to write a comment before the video or create a song to take part in the competition and possibly win some kind of prize or gift.

Do you know the benefits of YouTube for business? Share in the comments!

“I want to know what you need to do to make your channel successful in the future. Today I will give you instructions about those How to unscrew the channel without costYouTubeі how to recruit prepayers to the channel.

I would like to wash myself right away, for those who really value this special hour, but there is simply no way around it. Necessary views, likes, comments on videos, prepayments for the channel, all without effort and shortest term? The promotion and promotion service will help you - Soclike. Tilki effective methods, democratic prices and extremely confidentiality of the trade.

About how to create a channel on YouTube and design it beautifully, I can’t explain it, it’s just repetitive, there’s no sense in it, it’s better to marvel at this video lesson from Evgen Popov (It is requested to appear in the end of the statistics).

So, how can you easily recruit prepayers on YouTube?

  1. Vikoristanya annotations in the video.
  2. Subscribe request from the video itself.
  3. Please your friends.
  4. Special requests.
  5. The “I can’t live without you” method.
  6. Commenting on other channels.

And now a report about the skin method.

  1. Video annotations

A high-quality annotation on the video itself increases the conversion of prepaid subscribers on the YouTube channel. That's a fact. The annotations of vikorysts are from a lot of YouTube koristuvachs.

Abstract– this is a clickable information, as it appears in the video itself and as information for viewing, for example:

“Subscribe to new video, click here”

“Subscribe to the new video and be the first”

Annotations are available on the YouTube channel in the “Video Manager” section.

  1. Subscribe request from the video itself

The essence of the method lies in the fact that in the video itself it is necessary to call people by voice to subscribe to the YouTube channel. For example, at the beginning of the video (and this is important, because not everyone gets to the end of the video) you seem to be on the move:

“Good afternoon, my dear viewers. Today I will tell you about so and so. First of all, I will begin my confession by sharing useful information, please subscribe to my channel if you have not already subscribed. Why press this button (show with your hand where the button is and then insert the instructions in this place).”

Read also: How to get text and articles from indexing

This trick works even better.

I also recommend inserting a special frame into the video, in which you ask: “Did you get the lesson? Embossed “Befits me!” and indicate where the button is located. This helps promote and promote your video on YouTube.

There are a lot of different channels on YouTube, you can contact many of them for mutual recommendations. For this purpose, on your channel in the “Friends” or “Tsikave” sections (the sections can be named differently, you choose the name yourself) you put a message on these channels, and then put a message on your channel. Naturally, you will need to navigate to the channels close to your capacity, because... Promoted channels are unlikely to gain respect from you, since, of course, they are not your friends.

  1. Features requested

It is melodiously complex and useful, but also effective. cat-free method collecting prepayments for a young YouTube channel. With this method, you can literally collect 200-300 prepayments in just 1-2 years. To achieve this result, you must daily make 40-50 specific requests to registered YouTube contributors. More than 50 per day is not allowed, otherwise YouTube will recognize you as a spammer and block your account.

How can you earn money?

There is nothing complicated, just keep it that way. Enter your keyword When searching YouTube, select channels with the largest number of prepaid subscribers.

View the most popular videos in these channels and follow the videos you commented on.

“Hello Ivane, come to our channel, we have a lot of videos on the topic... Dyakuyu.”

In the subject of the notification, indicate: “I would like to request my channel.”

You can additionally attach your video before further notice.

  1. Method “I can’t live without you”

The essence of the method is to consistently deliver such clear and useful information that people simply cannot help but subscribe.

This, of course, is complicated, comes to light and is immediately out of sight. Even if you get there, you won’t get the result. Because of this kind of coolness, most of the popular channels on YouTube come into play.

  1. Commenting in other channels

This method is simple and effective. You also know popular videos on your topic with a large number of views and place your comments under them. If anyone reads the comments, they can click on your name and go to your channel. So, write some comments to click and click on people, please click on your name and see what else is on your channel.

Read also: How to change the size of a photo without wasting space

YouTube also has the ability to add video clips in addition to simple comments. Vikorist qiu nagoda obov'yazkovo.

How to promote a channel on YouTube?

Whether promoted on the Internet, technical training is provided. Moreover, the extent to which you have prepared your video correctly, the result of promotion will be the same.

How to prepare a video for promotion on YouTube:

  1. The most suitable format for posting on YouTube is MP4. If it is not possible to save your video in mp4 format, please use AVI format,FLV.
  2. You don’t just come up with a title for your video anyhow - find keywords that support the themes of your video and put those keywords in the title, and try to include the keyword 2 times! Add the same description to the title English. Remember, the title does not need to be too long, otherwise not all of it will appear, only the beginning of the title will appear.
  1. Before viewing a file on YouTube, we include a keyword in its name, and in Russian language, for example:



If you don’t know how to change the name of a video file, just move the mouse cursor over required file, press right button, from the menu, select the “Rename” command and enter a new name for the file. OK?

  1. After viewing a video on YouTube, in the “Video Manager” you indicate keywords in the tags, which are shorter, so as not to overdo it. How do you know if you've already gone overboard? Watch the videos of your competitors to rank behind yours in the TOP 10 key phrase, how many keywords do they have in their tags?
  2. Next, write a description for your video. The description may take a long time (search engines love it if there is a lot of content) and may contain your keyword. Whatever your description is, please let it be no less than 500 characters or more.
  3. Another trick - add the hourly route in the description. In other words, if you can mentally see a number of scenes in your video (for example, introduction, smut, addition, renewal, etc.), mark the hour of each story (for example, 0:00, 0:45, 2:33, etc. p.) and indicate this in the description. For example like this:

Trying to get likes on so many comments under videos, we become increasingly overwhelmed by SEO and promotional methods, and sometimes we completely forget about the individuality and responsibility of our prepayers. You also need to learn from them yourself!

Especially for you, I have compiled a selection of effective ways to gain respect YouTube audience.

1. Interactive videos

Did you ever want to get stuck on some kind of video? Have you been trying to find a toy so unique that you suddenly forgot about those who, without any videos on YouTube, can advertise any online store? No? Then marvel!

You’ve been listening to me for a long time, singing, You’ve heard about this video more than once:). Here you are advised to dress up the girl Masha and send her to school. You choose jeans - Masha puts on jeans, you like the jacket, Masha tries on the jacket... And so on until the girl is completely ready for the wedding. For example, we will show you the result of your work - the lad from whom Masha will go to work, and the place where the lad himself will lead. After this, it is recommended to return the girl’s outfit again.

Wait a minute, the game is getting more exciting! And having looked at this, people will not only subscribe to your updates with great confidence, but also send the message to a couple of friends on video.

2. Trends and “viral” videos

I’m not talking about those who want to create something similar to the world that, having swelled “Gangnam Style”, does not exist. To create a power trend, you need a lot of time, pennies, luck and a brilliant idea!

I'm talking about those who want to quickly create masterpieces that others have already created. Find out what's trending now YouTube audience Searches in sound systems for what people share with friends - and get the benefit out of it!

For butt:

I think V got the character. Homer Simpson, who is dousing himself with water, has collected 23 million views in just one (!) month. Moreover, this is NOT an official channel of the Simpsons, but regularly publishes new episodes and has millions of people subscribed to it (otherwise the figure would be entirely correct). This is just the idea of ​​volunteers! This idea brought thousands of new subscribers to the channel.

3. Spraying, spitting and spitting again

Nobody likes the game at the same time - viddacha ob'yazkova! People watching will admire your videos, rate them, comment on them, perhaps, share them... What do you do to get rid of boredom? So!

Follow your payers, read and respond to the comments, react to them in the videos (“I was recently asked…” or “I am prompted by Lyudmila, as in one of the comments...”). Lyudmila will be welcomed, tell your friends and show it, and you will get new views and expand your audience.

The first step is to carry out testing. It seems like Iggi Pop reached out to his YouTube audience with lamentations to help him with the reworked hit “Passenger” and acquired not only the Kanskiy left, but thousands of new shanuvalniks.

So it’s impossible to miss such potentiality!

4. Giveaways, contests, promotions, discounts...

Think for yourself - who doesn’t love competitions and giveaways? And if you make a video right away, then God himself commands it! Believe me, the information will expand on its own, your channel will have almost no new repayers (especially since there will be a lot of mental participation), your store will have more customers, and you yourself will be on the move :).

More ideas for driving this how to get an audience on YouTube To avoid this, you can learn from my webinar “Branding and working with a target audience.” And in Lawrence's secret method, besides, you will also find a mountain basic information! Entertain and develop!

This is a great way to grow your channel with the help of an expert from YouTube.


Noah Kagan

You cannot experience good results if you suffer from headaches. To reach your goal, you need to push your game to the next level. high rhubarb, richly visible.

I'm going to watch a video on YouTube from 2006, and just before 2017, I got busy with this, apparently, abyak:

    Recording a video of nasty shit, just walking around the house and streets.

  • I was too lazy to mount it: so as not to waste time recording the video, I put it in the video.
  • I wasn’t prepared to write it down at all (I wrote down inclusively those that came to mind).

I don't realize how much opportunity I'm missing by creating content with this approach. YouTube is the third largest search engine in the world. If you want to develop your business, you need to take control of the video platform.

I turned into an expert who could help me reach 100 thousand prepayers. From the moment they began to work with me, my videos became a hundred times shorter than before.

Tim Schmoer is the leading YouTube marketing specialist on the planet. Recently, he created a great number of channels, starting from popular YouTube stars.

On your channel Video Creators over 300 thousand prepayers at once and over 22 million views. Tim knows what to do. And while working with him, they painted the brightness of the channel in a rich way.

For the remaining three months:

  • Number of prepayers growing shvidshe, nіzh be-koli (already 20 thousand).
  • Koristuvach spend more and more hours watching my videos.

  • There are more views, more comments and more popularity on YouTube.

I am going to give you the same pleasures that I shared with you. Use them to improve your content and launch your YouTube channel:

    Optimize the front page of the channel under the mass payer.

  1. Develop a strategy for creating trailers for your channel to attract new viewers.
  2. Create a schedule for the release of new publications to improve marketing on the channel.
  3. Sign up people before they sign up.
  4. Create cool and thoughtful playlists so that your customers will be more amazed by your videos.
  5. Analyze what kind of content the channel is growing faster.

  6. Self-profession a short description video for obtaining views.

1. Optimize the front page of the channel under the mass payer

Not a lot of statistics. Koristuvachev who subscribe to my channel from the main page, 400 times more than the number of videos who subscribed after rewatching. It's just amazing. I have over 70 videos, all of them have a CTA for prepaying the channel. However, the average person can bring me more than a few koristuvachs. The most popular videos cannot compare with main page

I didn’t know anything nasty about it until I marveled at the analytics of my YouTube channel together with Tim. About 80% of users subscribe to the channel through the “Subscribe” button on the main page, so there is no need to optimize it to make it more effective. The first thing I would like to do is to change the design of the image on the channel header.

The image in my old hat looked like this

When korstuvach put their hat on the head, they have two main diets:

  1. What is this channel about?

Can this channel be worthy of me?

Two meals can only be consumed until YouTube. The same with TV series, films, podcasts, products and companies. If you analyzed the old design of the channel, you would probably assume that I was doing hentai and debauchery in Japan. It's not like that.

  1. After introducing me to Tim, I created a new screensaver for the channel:
  2. Maidanchik logos on Facebook, Mint, AppSumo and Sumo as a social confirmation.
  3. My reference photo is so that people can immediately understand who I am.

Description of the content on the channel: “Business lessons from the founder of a company valued at an eight-figure sum.”

In just a few seconds, users can understand a little more about me, about what appears on my channel and why they need to subscribe.

Please understand that the YouTube channel is the most important site. A valuable proposition needs to be conveyed very clearly.

  1. After redesigning the channel header, there are at least three more ways to optimize the header: Profile photo or avatar:
  2. Please check out the reference photo. People began to identify themselves with others. Trailer for the channel
  3. : Place the widowhood trailer on your page for 30-60 seconds. Create playlists

: playlists are guilty of appearing directly under trailers

2. Develop a strategy for creating trailers to get new peeps

The head side of the channel looks different for payers and casual viewers. Have you already trained them properly?

For example, on my channel, video viewers are going to start watching this trailer:

Ale prepayers paint a different picture. Trailer of the film, and instead of it there are available videos that are recommended: Trailer - tse the best part

  1. The bark area for the canal is one of the main ways to cap the glacial peeper. Remember that the trailer is only available to new users who have only visited the channel. It is your fault to speak directly to them. Getting to know the audience starts with speaking about it (not about yourself). For example, say the words: “Do you want to expand your business?”, and not: “My name is Noah, and I love bicycles and tacos.”
  2. Describe the value of the channel. Explain how the peeps can help. I repeat: focus on the eyes and on the fact that your content can be shared with others.
  3. Introduce yourself: tell us about your reputation, about those that prepayers are obliged to trust in your products.
  4. Request them to pay in advance: at the very end of your video, don’t forget to ask viewers to subscribe to the channel

The trailer for the channel is short, lasting no more than 60 seconds.

3. Create a schedule for the release of new publications to improve marketing on the channel

This is the reason why high-volume content has become part of our culture: TV companies want their series to become part of their daily routine. Whenever a new episode of Game of Thrones airs every week, you turn on HBO and watch it. Tse zvichka.

YouTube wants you to understand it yourself. If you want the channel to develop, you need to work in such a way that prepayers turn to watch the new video. Consistency is even more important: both on YouTube and in business. For example, I publish my podcast on the Schovitorka website whenever I’m away from home. And on YouTube I’m obsessed with clips from the middle of Friday.

If the YouTube algorithm is surprised at those videos that need to be intensively shared among users, it is responsible for the data’s irrelevance.

Two morning metrics that are important YouTube service greatest:

  1. The channels that always enter and turn around.
  2. The channels from which the correspondents begin a viewing session.

If you publish content consistently and if you have viewers turning around, your channel will have a higher rating on YouTube.

4. Sign up people before they sign up

Most people do not mark the “Subscribe” button on the main page of the channel or under the videos. Just because you know how to use YouTube doesn't mean everyone else knows about it.

It is also certain that every group of users does not notice what is expected after pressing the “Subscribe” button.

  • “Why do I need to pay for this?”
  • “What does vzagali mean “subscribe”?”
  • “What will happen if I click?”

In the trailer for your channel and in each video you publish, place a click button before the action (CTA) so that users can tag them.

The axis of the number of buttons is pressed to action:

  • “If you want to watch more cost-free videos about how to develop your business, click on the “Subscribe” button under this video.”
  • “Do you want to know right away when I publish new videos that will help publish and grow your power business? Click on the “Subscribe” button under this video.”
  • “You need to pay for what you do, but my videos are free of charge: in order to remove information about those who leave my cat-free videos, click the "Subscribe" button under this video. You are recognized first.”

5. Create cool and thoughtful playlists so that customers will be more amazed by your videos

Playlists are an extremely important part of marketing on YouTube. Fucking meta lying down so that the koristuvach watched as many videos as possible. The same goes for two major SEO ranking factors:

  • Dovzhina of looks.
  • The last session of looking back.

Dovzhina of looks

Dove of looks - that's how many hours the koristuvach spent watching the video. The more hours I watch, the more virality there is, and this video has a higher search rating on YouTube. Such a kind of bitterness filter.

Axis yak tse bachit YouTube:

  • Htos wrote “maybe marketing”.
  • My video about future marketing has very high performance since I watched it again. This time the service can rate the video more highly than others.

Dovzhina session I will look again

YouTube wants people to turn to the platform and admire the content more. And since only a few people appear on YouTube, the meta service needs to provide more content (and advertising). So, if people enjoy your playlists and watch more than one video, this is another big win for YouTube.

Playlists are a miraculous way to enhance both your daily viewing and your viewing sessions. The main secret of a successful playlist lies in the last title. Instead of naming the playlist “How to Promote Your Business,” give it the name you would give to a blog post or podcast episode.

I recently changed the names of all my playlists to make it easier to watch. Axis three of them:

  • "Yak start“from scratch there is a business that can be estimated at seven figures.”
  • "Yak expand business from zero to 10 million dollars.”
  • « For the sake of for the productivity of ceramic workers, managers and household employees.”

These playlists reflect the value of the view and formulate the “Why” and “How” instead of “What”

How to automate playlists

If you listen to my podcast, you know how much I love automation. This is a function on YouTube that allows you to automatically add videos to playlists:

Yak von pratsyuє:

  • Login to the side of your playlist from your computer.
  • Tap to edit the playlist.
  • From the landing page, click on the playlist setup.
  • Click on the “Auto-add” tab and enter your rules.
  • Click on the “Save” button.

Now, if you like a video that follows the rules you sing, it will automatically be added to the playlist.

6. Analyze what kind of content the channel is growing faster

Marketing has the term “metrics of Marnoslavism”. These ostentatious people, who look good, may well be enemies, but will not be of any value.

Those that the video has a million views may sound bad, but beyond the great confines it doesn’t matter. The most important metric that it’s important to focus on is that I’ll take a look at it now. Like one viewer, having spent five hours watching your video, is better, even more faceless viewers, who left in ten seconds.

Another important metric is the growth of the audience. So, how many people have been amazed at your videos for a long time. In order to withdraw 100 thousand prepayments, it is necessary for this figure to increase by approximately 60-70%. If I concentrate on the morning, my channel begins to grow even faster.

The axis is shown for the video "3 strategies for the beginning of the work on the side"

Go through the analysis of 20-30 remaining videos and identify the model that motivates people to go. For example, from my videos I understand that videos need to start with a reasonable start. In some cases, 20% of my viewers left after watching a 30-second video.

  • To increase the morning performances, I did the following with my remaining videos:
  • Starting with a killer clue.
  • Without inserting an image into the video, I first started talking.

You can see some awkward thoughts from the videos.

You need to understand what your audience is consuming, what they are losing, and what is losing them. Analytics data is a single way to find out about the price.

7. Enjoy a short video description to get views

  • To make the video easy to find through search, you need to know about two words:
  • Name

And the mercy is to get more Vlasnik channels on YouTube, they repeat the name in the short description. In front of us, I have done this before.

Butt video writing a book about economics with Ryan Holiday

The text from the short description is usually not indexed. If the audience is able to read, a title will suffice. A short description may be accompanied by a clear picture and associated with the name.

Now I put together a short description so that it complements the title, rather than repeating it.