How to visualize sound from 1s in excel. Extracting data from Excel by installing various parameters

This method sorry. Its essence lies in the fact that the object TabularDocument There are methods:

  • Write down (< ИмяФайла>, < ТипФайлаТаблицы >) to visualize data from the file;
  • Read (< ИмяФайла>, < СпособЧтенияЗначений >) to import data from the file.


The Write() method is available both on the client and on the server. The Read() method is only available on the server. It is necessary to remember about this
with planned client-server interaction.

Let's take a look at the butt of the savings spreadsheet document u file. There must be some way to create and store a TabularDocument object, and vivantagene The file has only one row:

TabDoc . Write(WayKFile, TabularDocumentFileType. XLSX);

Here TabDoc- Forming a tabular document, Way to file- I am in the file for visualization, TabularDocumentFileType.XLSX- Format of the created file. The following Excel formats are supported:

  • XLS95 - Excel 95 format;
  • XLS97 - Excel 97 format;
  • XLSX – Excel 2007 format.

TabDoc = New Tabular Document;
TabDoc . Read(WayKFile, MethodReadValueTabularDocument.Value);

Here Way to file— I go to the Excel file, I’m interested. Method of ReadingValue of Tabular Document.Value indicates how you need to interpret the data read from the output document. Available options:

  • significance;
  • Text.

Exchange via OLE

Exchange via OLE automation technology, perhaps the most advanced option software robots h Excel files. It allows you to use all the functionality that Excel provides, but is not limited full speed robots against other means. To exchange via OLE you need to install MS Excel:

  • On the computer of the end customer, since the exchange is carried out for the client;
  • On the computer of the 1C server: Enterprise, where exchange is paid for the server.

butt vivantagene:

// Create a COM object
Excel = New COMObject (“Excel.Application”);
// Switch off the power supply in advance
Excel . DisplayAlerts = Nonsense;
// Creation of a new book
Book = Excel. WorkBooks. Add();
// Position on the first arkush
Arkush = Book. Worksheets(1);

// Write the value to the account
Arkush . Cells(RowNumber, ColumnNumber). Value = Value in the middle;

// Save the file
Book . SaveAs(ImFile);

Excel . Quit();
Excel = 0;

Apply it reading room:

// -- OPTION 1 --

// Create a COM object
Excel = New COM Object (“Excel.Application”);
// Book view
Book = Excel. Workbooks. Open( Way to file);

Arkush = Book. Worksheets(1);

// Close the books
Book . Close(0);

// Close Excel and save memory
Excel . Quit();
Excel = 0;

// -- OPTION 2 --

// Book view
Book =OtrimatiCOMObject( Way to file);
// Position on the required arc
Arkush = Book. Worksheets(1);

// Read the meaning of the comrade, call here the cycle bypassing the middle is expanded
Meaning in the middle = Arkush. Cells(RowNumber, ColumnNumber). Value;

// Close the books
Book . Application. Qui t();

For going around All completed rows of the Excel arc can be analyzed using the following methods:

// -- OPTION 1 --
Quantity Row = Leaf. Cells(1, 1). SpecialCells(11). Row;
For NumberRows = 1 By NumberRow Cycle
Meaning in the middle = Arkush. Cells(RowNumber, ColumnNumber). Value;

// -- OPTION 2 --
RowNumber = 0;
Until the Truth Cycle
NumberRows = NumberRows + 1;
Meaning in the middle = Arkush. Cells(RowNumber, ColumnNumber). Value;
Yakshto NOT Significance Reserved (Value of Komirki) Todi

Instead of sequentially traversing all rows of the sheet, you can animate all data into an array and work with him. This approach will be seen when reading the great obsessive data:

All Columns = Arkush. Cells(1, 1). SpecialCells(11). Column;
UsyogoRow = Arkush. Cells(1, 1). SpecialCells(11). Row;

Region = Arkush. Range (Sheet. Cells (1, 1), Sheet. Cells (All Row, All Columns));
Dani = Region. Value. Vivantazhity();

The table below shows the most required power and methods for working with Excel via OLE:

Diya Code Comment
Work with supplement
Setting the visibility of the program window Excel . Visible= Nonsense;
Setting the output mode one after the other (input/not output) Excel . DisplayAlerts= Nonsense;
Close the program Excel . Quit();
Working with a book
Creation of a new book Book = Excel. WorkBooks. Add();
From the original book Book = Excel. WorkBooks. Open(ImFile);
Saving books Book . SaveAs(ImFile);
Closed books Book . Close(0);
Work with a sheet
Installation of flow sheet Arkush = Book. WorkSheets(SheetNumber);
Setting the name Arkush . Name = Name;
Installation of zakhist Arkush . Protect();
Znyattya zakhistu Arkush . UnProtect();
Setting the page orientation Arkush . PageSetup. Orientation = 2; 1 - book, 2 - landscape
Installation of the left cordon Arkush . PageSetup. LeftMargin = Excel. CentimetersToPoints(Centimeters);
Installation of the upper cordon Arkush . PageSetup. TopMargin = Excel. CentimetersToPoints(Centimeters);
Installation of the right cordon Arkush . PageSetup. RightMargin = Excel. CentimetersToPoints(Centimeters);
Installation of the lower cordon Arkush . PageSetup. BottomMargin = Excel. CentimetersToPoints(Centimeters);
Work with rows, columns, middles
Setting the column width Arkush . Columns(ColumnNumber). ColumnWidth = Width;
View of the row Arkush . Rows(RowNumber). Delete();
Column view Arkush . Columns(ColumnNumber). Delete();
Vidalennya in the middle Arkush . Cells(RowNumber, ColumnNumber). Delete();
Set value Arkush . Cells(RowNumber, ColumnNumber). Value = Value;
Eating middles Arkush . Range(Sheet. Cells(RowNumber, ColumnNumber), Sheet. Cells(RowNumber1, ColumnNumber1)). Merge();
Setting the font Arkush . Cells(RowNumber, ColumnNumber). Font. Name = Font Name;
Set font size Arkush . Cells(RowNumber, ColumnNumber). Font. Size = Font Size;
Set bold font Arkush . Cells(RowNumber, ColumnNumber). Font. Bold = 1 ; 1 - bold font, 0 - normal
Set to italics Arkush . Cells(RowNumber, ColumnNumber). Font. Italic = 1 ; 1 - italic, 0 - normal
Installation of the underlined font Arkush . Cells(RowNumber, ColumnNumber). Font. Underline = 2 ; 2 - under armchairs, 1 - without

In order to find out what kind of power it is necessary to change or what type of call can be used quickly macros Excel. If you record a macro with the necessary actions, then you can admire program code on VBA recording macro.

Wikoristannya COMSafeArray

When importing large amounts of data from 1C Excel, you can quickly select the object COMSafeArray. Based on the syntax reference, COMSafeArray is an object wrapper over rich world massif SafeArray From COM. Allows you to create and use SafeArrays to exchange data between COM objects. In simpler terms, this is the value that can be exchanged between applications using OLE technology.

// Creation COMSafeArray
ArrayCom = New COMSafeArray("VT_Variant" , AllColumns, AllRows);
// Reserved COMSafeArray
For Stor = 0 By AllStor - 1 Cycle
For Number = 0 Total Columns - 1 Cycle
MasivKom . SetValue(Quality, Stor., Value);
// Assigned area of ​​the arkush Excel value s COMSafeArray
Arkush . Range (Sheet. Cells (1, 1), Sheet. Cells (All Row, All Columns)). Value = MasivKom;

Exchange via ADO

The Excel file is exchanged via ADO with a database that can be accessed using additional SQL queries. Installation of MS Excel is not required, but it is obligatory to have an ODBC driver, for additional access. The ODBC driver that is being tested is indicated when specifying the connection order to the file. Make sure the required driver is already installed on your computer.

Exchange via ADO is similar to exchange via OLE, but at the same time it is not possible to use the Excel functionality for designing middles, laying out sides, entering formulas, etc.

butt vivantagene:

Connection = New COMObject("ADODB.Connection");

Z'ednannya . ConnectionString = "

|Data Source=" + file name + “;
Z'ednannya . Open(); // Vidkrity connection

// Create a COM object for the command
Command = New COMObject("ADODB.Command");

// Assigned to the command text before creating the table
Team . CommandText = "CREATE TABLE [Sheet1] (Column1 char(255), Column2 date, Column3 int, Column4 float)";
Team . Execute(); // Vikonannya command

// Assigned to the text of the command to add a row to the table
Team . CommandText = "INSERT INTO [Arkush1] (Column1, Column2, Column3, Column4) values ​​('abvwhere', '8/11/2017', '12345', '12345,6789')";
Command.Execute(); // Vikonannya command

// Visible command and closed connection
Command = Undefined;
Z'ednannya . Close();
Z'ednannya = Unspecified;

To create a new arch, the formation of its structure can be quickly achieved with objects ADOX.Catalogі ADOX.Table. I can see the code below:

// Create a COM object to work with a book
Book = New COMObject("ADOX.Catalog");
Book . ActiveConnection = Connection;

// Creation of a COM object to work with the data structure on Arkusha
Table = New COMObject("ADOX.Table");
Table . Name = "Sheet1";
Table . Columns. Append("Column1", 202);
Table . Columns. Append("Column2", 7);
Table . Columns. Append("Column3", 5);
Table . Columns. Append("Column4", 5);

// Creation at the bottom of the sheet with the described structure
Book . Tables. Append(Table);
Table = Undefined;
Book = Unspecified;

The applied method

Table . Columns. Append("Column1", 202);

Another parameter specifies the column type. The parameter is optional, depending on the column type:

  • 5 - adDouble;
  • 6 - adCurrency;
  • 7 - adDate;
  • 11 - adBoolean;
  • 202 - adVarWChar;
  • 203 - adLongVarWChar.

butt reading room:

// Create a COM object for connection
Connection = New COMObject("ADODB.Connection");

// Set up a row of connections
Z'ednannya . ConnectionString = "
|Data Source=" + file name + “;
|Extended Properties=""Excel 12.0 XML;HDR=YES"";";
Z'ednannya . Open(); // Vidkrity connection

// Create a COM object and select a selection
Vib_rka = New COMObject("ADODB.Recordset");
Text Zapitu = "SELECT * FROM [Letter1$]";

// Vikonannya will ask
Vibirka . Open(Text Zapitu, Z'ednannya);

// Bypass the selection result
Still NOT Vibirka. EOF() Loop
ColumnValue1 = Vibrator. Fields. Item("Column1"). Value ; // Change to column names
Column2 value = Vibrator. Fields. Item(0). Value; // Index by column index
Vibirka . MoveNext();

Vibirka . Close();
Vibirka = Undefined;
Z'ednannya . Close();
Z'ednannya = Undefined;

Row connected parameter HDR This means how the first row on the arcus is to be selected. Possible options:

  • YES - the first row is taken as the name of the columns. The value can be accessed by column name and index.
  • NO - the first row is treated as data. The value can be found only by the column index.

At the pointed butts, more than a few ADO objects were examined. The ADO object model consists of the following objects:

  • connection;
  • Command;
  • recordset;
  • Record;
  • Fields;
  • Stream;
  • Errors;
  • Parameters;
  • Properties.

Vivantage without programming

To save data with 1C Excel, do not go too far into programming. In the Business mode, you can display the data you need for data extraction, which can be saved in Excel without programming.

To save a spreadsheet document (for example, a result), you can use the command Save or else Save it... smut menu.

In the window you need to select the directory, name and file format to be saved.

To save money dynamic lists(for example, a list of nomenclature) it is necessary:

  1. Enter data into a spreadsheet document using additional commands More ⇒ Enter list…;
  2. Save the spreadsheet document in the required format.

Doesn’t care about those that 1C is the most popular, handy and reliable information system, That its line has a complex solution for automating and processing absolutely all business processes in enterprises of any scale and activity, all of which are necessary for companies today It is possible to visualize data from 1C in third party programs chi files. In this article, we will look at how to work with 1C and show how to work with 1C and what problems can arise from it.

Data that can be extracted from 1C

1C, any configuration routinely supports the analysis of such data as:

  • Drukar forms;
  • Call;
  • Tables and lists.

Vivantazhennya data from 1C 8.3 Mozhlive in many popular formats:

Vivantage of other forms and sounds

Either way, the form or sound in 1C can be saved in the required format. For this you need to open the form or call, then select in the Main menu File - Save the Yak.

After this, the saving window will be opened for the file in which the file name and type are indicated:

Possible problems when dismantling from 1C

This is due to the fact that the form is designed or it is not activated in Narazi. To make the created form available for saving, you just need to click the bear in any place on it:

Visualization in Excel

Processing data in the most popular tabular format will require extensive processing. In order to save the required data in Excel format, it is necessary to specify the file type Arkoush Excel2007-...(*.xlsx) in the saving dialog. It is necessary to save data in the old Arkuš Excel format (*.xls):

Similarly, choosing required format, you can work from 1C to PDF, from 1C to WORD, from 1C to CSV, and also to other formats.

Vivantage of additional tables from 1C

In this section it will be shown how you can extract any money from your mind that you have the right to do.

1C has a built-in mechanism that allows you to visualize any list (for example, a list of documents and document elements). For which there is a list in the command panel, in the group "More" command available "View list":

The information will be displayed in a special tabular document. This document looks like it would be another version of 1C, and it can be visualized just like that by the vikory team File – Save your money:

How to highlight data that is not visible on the list

Most often, the destruction of any list is accompanied by the need to add columns there, which are in the document (adviser), otherwise for some reason they are not visible in the flow list. Example: in the “Clients” list, add the “Phone” field for display, which is no longer displayed in the add-on panel:

Although the phone can be transferred from 1C, it still needs to be added to the list right away. For what you need, click the command "More - Change the form." Then we will have to find out what we need from the list of columns. There is one trick here: in most cases, developers of typical configurations add a field "Posilannya." Why don't you, and then press the button We will use all possible fields of this representative. Known field "Telephone" And put a tick in the vikoristanny box.

After this, the client database with telephone numbers can be downloaded from the file through the standard command "Vive list" and sell it to competitors.

Code 1C v 8.x // The procedure extracts from the designated data provider in export mode to a file in Microsoft Excel format
// from the assigned names, vikoristic transformation of data to type number and type row;
Procedure BasicFormExport(Button)
// Capturing a Microsoft Excel object
Stan ("Vivantage data from 1C in Microsoft Excel...");
ExcelAddition = New COMObject("Excel.Application");
Povidomiti("Pardon at Microsoft launch Excel."
+ Symbols.PS + DescribeMilk(), StatusPovіdomlennya.Uvaga);

// Let's make a book, it has leaves for cleaning
Book = ExcelAdd.WorkBooks.Add();

// Vikorist is the first leaf Excel workbooks
Arkush = Book.WorkSheets(1);

// Form the document header for the first row of the arcush
Column = 1;
Yakshto st. Vivantazhuvati Todi
Sheet.Cells(1, Column).Value = side.Name of Details;
Column = Column + 1;

// Vivantize the data of the author
select = Authors[Name of Author].Select();
SheetRow = 2;
While select.Off() Loop
Column = 1;
For skin side TP cycle

Yakshto st. Vivantazhuvati Todi
// Set the values ​​in the row and column
// Set the format for the Number type
Sheet.Cells(SheetRow, Column).NumberFormat = "0.00";
Format (selection [side. Name of the Details], "CHG = 0");
// For all other types, set the format to "Text"
Sheet.Cells(SheetRow, Column).NumberFormat = "@";
Sheet.Cells(SheetRow, Column).Value =
Row (selection [side. Name of Details]);
// for each meal, display the row and column number
Povidomity("Performance set value for: " +
vibirka [side. Name of the Requisite]);
Show("Story:" +ListRow+ "Kill:" +
Column + "Rik:" + side. Name of the Requisite);
Column = Column + 1;

SheetRow = SheetRow + 1;
Stan("Export from 1C to Excel" + ListRow);

// Safely create a book with an xls file

//Obov'yazkovo closed connection with COM object for memory storage

Show("Successful acquisition file: " + Filename);

// Processing permissions for exporting data from 1C to Excel
Report("Application for writing data to the file:" + Filename);
Code 1C v 7.x // The simplest butt upgrade from 1C: Enterprises 7.7 for MS Excel. Security of visibility in the workbook of a single arkush,
//Set the size, weight and color of the font, the width of the columns, frames and filling of the middle. Verification of the text
//Composition, grouping rows, setting the number format of the middles, freezing the area.

Procedure Visnovok()
Report("It is possible that MS Excel is not installed on your computer.");

//Creation of a workbook

//Trim the window

//Set window invisibility to speed up output

//Security of visibility in the workbook of a single arkush

Yaksho WorkBook.Worksheets.Count=0
Application.DisplayAlerts=0;//not visible in advance

So far WorkBook.Worksheets.Count>1 Cycle
Application.DisplayAlerts=-1;//updated sign in advance

//Trim the worksheet

Worksheet = WorkBook.Worksheets(1);
//Specify the name of the worksheet

Worksheet.Name="Vision butt";

//Document title

Worksheet.Range("A1").Value="Application from 1C:Enterprises in MS Excel"; !} !}
Worksheet.Range("A2").Value="today"+ТекущаяДата(); !} !}
Worksheet.Range("A1:A2").Font.Size=14;//Font size

Worksheet.Range("A1:A2").Font.Bold=-1;//bold font

//Set column width


//Document header

Worksheet.Range("A4").Value="First column"; !} !}
For s=7 to 10 Cycle//frames


Worksheet.Range("A4").Interior.ColorIndex=15;//fill in gray

Worksheet.Range("A4").HorizontalAlignment=-4108;//center text

Worksheet.Range("B4").Value="Other"; !} !}
For s=7 to 10 Cycle

Worksheet.Range("C4").Value="Third"; !} !}
For s=7 to 10 Cycle

//For grouping rows:
Worksheet.Outline.SummaryRow=0;//"podsumkov" rows are displayed in the animal (from below, then 1)

//Display rows
Worksheet.Range("A5").Value="About'єкт аналітики"; !} !}
Worksheet.Range("A5").Font.ColorIndex=5;//font color - blue


Worksheet.Range("A6").Value="About'єкт аналітики"; !} !}
Worksheet.Range("A6").Font.ColorIndex=3;//font color - red


Worksheet.Range("A7").Value="About'єкт аналітики"; !} !}

Worksheet.Range("A8").Value="About'єкт аналітики"; !} !}

Worksheet.Range("A9").Value="About'єкт аналітики"; !} !}
Worksheet.Range("A9").Font.ColorIndex=3;//font color - red


Worksheet.Range("A10").Value="About'єкт аналітики"; !} !}

Worksheet.Range("A11").Value="About'єкт аналітики"; !} !}

Worksheet.Range("A12").Value="About'єкт аналітики"; !} !}
Worksheet.Range("A12").Font.ColorIndex=5;//font color - blue


Worksheet.Range("A13").Value="About'єкт аналітики"; !} !}
Worksheet.Range("A13").Font.ColorIndex=3;//font color - red


Worksheet.Range("A14").Value="About'єкт аналітики"; !} !}

Worksheet.Range("A15").Value="About'єкт аналітики"; !} !}

Worksheet.Range("A16").Value="About'єкт аналітики"; !} !}
Worksheet.Range("A16").Font.ColorIndex=3;//font color - red


Worksheet.Range("A17").Value="About'єкт аналітики"; !} !}

Worksheet.Range("A18").Value="About'єкт аналітики"; !} !}

//Set frames

For NomStr = 5 to 18 Cycle
For s=7 to 10 Cycle

//Grouping rows


//The group is grouped to the first level


//Set number format

Worksheet.Range("B5:C18").NumberFormat="# ##0.00";

Worksheet.Range("B5:C18").NumberFormat="# ##0.00";


//Set the visibility of the program and window


//Anchored area

Window.FreezePanes = -1;
KіnetsProcedures // Visnovok

Information taken from the site

1C platforms may introduce functionality for saving Excel data. Make sure that the cost is sufficient for visualization, otherwise you can use the Excel.Application Com object. Let's take a look at this statistic different ways Vivantage of data in Excel.

Swedish crossing

Vivantazhennya in 1C v7.7 using standard methods

Saving in Excel 7.7 is possible without forming spreadsheet documents, for example links.

After this is done, click on the “File\Save” menu:

That's it! Data from 1C Vivantazheni:

Data extraction from 1C v. 8.3 (8.2, 8.1)

It is also prepared from a spreadsheet document, but the platform can output cloud data into a spreadsheet document.

Let's get this out of the way.

In the demo base, open the client's agent, and in the “All activities” menu click “Show list...”

This command allows you to display visible columns.

U primary forms qiu command can be wikilicated right button on the list.

In the next dialog, select the required columns:

As a result, a tabular document will be generated that is available for saving.

Restore your respect: this is very new, to save a wider list of formats available.

Please also respect:

  • The retailer can enable savings from lists in other forms
  • Therefore, this typical functionality is expanded by a button, or by a manual click
  • You may have the “Open” right, choose the ability to copy to the clipboard or another document, obviously, and save it in Excel, in which case it will not work
  • The ability to display lists is also available in the configurator (for example, at the moment you can display the value table)

Visualization in Excel is also available through the BSP functionality (libraries standard subsystems), which is mostly vikorized typical solutions 1C.

For example, in the context of “Inventory balances” in managed trade 11.2:

Saving in Excel using software

Option 1: Click to save a spreadsheet document

A spreadsheet document has a “Write” method, the parameters of which are the FileType of the TabularDocument

Tabular Document = New Tabular Document;

//Setting up the spreadsheet document

Area = Tabular Document. 1 , 1 , 1 , 1 ) ;

Region (


Tabular document.

Write (TabularDocumentFileType. XLS, ) ;

Option 2: Select Excel object. This option is available in Windows middleware

, please enter the corresponding code for the client, or as required. Dali, simple code for recording data in Excel

(not specially complicated, nothing fancy. Obviously, only the 2nd row is taken up to 1c, deciding on the correct methods and powers of the Excel.Application object, documentation for which is available on the Microsoft website):

NewFile = "C:\123.xls" ;

BookExcel = New COMObject ("Excel.Application");

Excel book. WorkBooks. Open(OpenIFile) ;

//Welcome to the image

Excel book. Visible = 0; For me, it was a big surprise that 1C users don’t know how to effectively use 1C in Excel, no matter what. Recently I came across the fact that my colleagues were working, and then using FineReader they were transferring the data into text from the picture, because the save button in 1C (amazing picture) did not work. Dovgy way, why is it wrong? Ale є and more manual ways

. The one who has been developed with 1C has no hidden secrets and has plenty of opportunities to achieve.

Let's look point by point at how we can save 1C data in Excel: The simplest way to save money on 1C Excel data - select one box in a document or magazine and press (copy), then in Excel you will see the box where you need to save the data and press v

. In this way, you will save money on your money. For the butt picture it will be 42,289.23

This method works for any version of 1C.

2. How to visualize a large amount of data from 1C in Excel?

The first method is good, otherwise the great amount of data will not accumulate like that. It’s better to use the Enter List tool.

If you have a document log, a document editor, right-click on your documents and find the Enter list item.

For version 8.3, the “Taxi” interface has a button to display a list, and in the More menu

A list of these elements will appear as text (possibly, before you need to select the same selection method). This text can be copied into any document. Hello, quickly go to the File menu - Save as (since many of these data will be processed for a long time and the file is not turned off when copying to the buffer).

Then we select the required file format.

All files are saved in the required format.

This method works for any version of 1C. For version 1c 8.2 and higher thin client

3. How to adapt from 1C to Excel other forms of documents?

Designed forms of documents such as

1 - Remove the Just Look button to change the other form

2 - Save the document in the required format, div.

And also, instead of a manual form, you can save any text data, like in Word.

You can often save the form or form by simply copying and pasting it into Excel.

How to import data from Excel to 1C is a completely different story. Ale nezabar i її rospovim, look out;)

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