Presentation on the topic of power of strum. Presentation on the topic "direct electric strum"

Slide 2

As the charged particles collapse, the conductor experiences the transfer of electrical charge from one place to another. However, if the charging of the particles produces a free thermal flow, such as, for example, free electrons in metal, then the transferred charge is not created. The electric charge moves through the transverse section of the conductor in the same manner as is known from the smooth flow of electronics. Whose appearance seems to be that the conductor is getting.

electric strum

Slide 3 Electrical flow is the name given to the ordering (straightening) of the charged particles. An electric current occurs when high-voltage electrons and ions are moved in an orderly manner. If you move a neutral body, then, when the large number of electrons and atomic nuclei are arranged, the electric current is absent.

Full charge

, What is transferred through any cross-section of the conductor, will be equal to zero, just as the charges of different signs move with a new average speed.

Slide 4

The flow of particles from the conductor is not important to us. The presence of an electrical current can be judged from these actions and manifestations that accompany it.

First, the conductor, like a flowing stream, heats up.

Alternatively, the electric current can change the chemical storage of the conductor, for example, see its chemical storage parts (copper from copper sulfate, etc.).

Thirdly, the stream exerts a forceful influx on the vessel streams and magnetizes the body. This struma is called magnetic. Thus, the magnetic needle near the conductor and the stream rotates. The magnetic effect of the current on the substitution of chemical and thermal is the main one, as it manifests itself in all conductors without fault. The chemical effect of the current is avoided especially in the case of breakdowns and meltdowns of electrolytes, and heating is avoided in the case of overhead conductors. Diya struma

Slide 6

When an electric stream is installed in the lance, this means that an electric charge is steadily transferred through the transverse section of the conductor. The charge transferred per hour is the main characteristic of the strum, called the strength of the strum. If a charge ∆q is transferred through the transverse section of the conductor per hour ∆t, then the force of the stream is equal to: Force of the stream

Slide 7

Thus, the force of the stream is equal to the charge ∆q, which is transferred through the transverse section of the conductor during the hour interval ∆t, until that hour interval. If the strength of the strum changes over the years, then the strum is called permanent.

The force of a stream, like a charge, is a scalar quantity. It can be either positive or negative. The sign of the strength of the struma lies in the fact that the direction of the conductor's signal is taken as positive. The strength of the struma I >0, since the struma is directly avoided by the mentally selected positive direction of the conductor. In another way I

  • Slide 8
  • View all slides
  • Ammeter. Vimirvannya sil struma
  • establish with the last step that the strength of the struma is the same in all plots of Lanzug

get to know the new ammeter

  • develop experimental ideas (visuvati and
  • bring up a hypothesis, plan an experiment with it
  • perevіrtsi)
  • Goals and mission
  • What we call electric strum
  • Dzherela struma

Strumu power

Behind any formula is the power of the strum. One force struma

Miracles yesterday

Electric strum

Electric strum-

ordering (straightening) of the charged particles. :

Straightforward struma is taken to be an ordered stream of positively charged particles. The string is driven directly by the direct intensity of the electric field, which excites the entire string.

Permanent electric strum

A constant electrical strum is a strum whose strength changes over time.

Constant flow is widely used in electrical circuits of cars, as well as microelectronics, etc.

Dzherelo strumu is a device that separates positive and negative charges.

battery, batteries, generator.

bring up a hypothesis, plan an experiment with it

Strumu power

Strumu's strength Narazi hour - a scalar physical quantity that corresponds to the current between the electric charge that passes through the transverse section of the conductor, until the hour of its passage.

I – strum strength, (A)

q – charge, (C)

t - hour, (s)

I = q:t

Dzherela struma

Ampere Andre Marie. Rocks of life: 1775-1836. French physicist and mathematician. He created the first theory that expressed the connections of electrical and magnetic objects. Ampere came up with a hypothesis about the nature of magnetism, having learned from physicists the concept of “electric current”.

Attachment for vibrating or strumming- Ammeter. The lancets get stuck in consistently.

  • Formulate a meta;
  • Hang and wrap up the hypothesis;
  • Draw up a plan for the experiment;
  • Pick up the need for possession;
  • Conduct an experiment;
  • analyze the results;
  • Zrobiti visnovki.

Science experiment

Meta: calculate the strength of the strum in the different plots of the Lancug.

Hypothesis: how do you care about the ammeter readings in all plots of Lanzug, but it will be the same?

  • Calculate the force of the stream that flows through the transverse section of the lamp spiral
  • Fit: battery, ammeter, conductor, darts, key, lamp.

Practical robot

Robot z group.

Folding of the electric lancet in the following sequence:

1 group - battery, key, ammeter, lamp.

2nd group - battery, ammeter, key, lamp.

Group 3 - battery, lamp, ammeter, key.

Table of research results


The force of a stream, like a charge, is a scalar quantity. It can be either positive or negative. The sign of the strength of the struma lies in the fact that the direction of the conductor's signal is taken as positive. The strength of the struma I >0, since the struma is directly avoided by the mentally selected positive direction of the conductor. In another way I

  • The strength of the strum in all lantsug plots is, however, the same when connected sequentially.

  • Primarily secured.
  • 1. Matter about results practical robots Any charge passes through the transverse section of the conductor in 2 hours.
  • 2. How many electrons can pass through in 2 hours?

Independent robot

  • 1. Guys, what kind of food do you have before my lesson?
  • 2. What new things did you learn in class today?
  • 3. What was of your special interest during the lesson?
  • 4. Know practical zastosuvannya take away the knowledge?
  • 5. How do you evaluate your activity in class?

Reflection of activity.

  • 38. UPR14(2); exr15(2); No. 1277(L) - for bazhannyam.
  • Additional material on the topic “Making of electrical equipment based on rural technology.

Home improvement

Main power supply 1.Electric strum. The power of the strum. Directly struma 2. Support of conductors. Pitomy opіr 3. Ohm's law for the plot of lantsug postic strum. Volt-ampere characteristics of conductors. 4. Methods of connecting conductors 5. Jerela struma. Outside forces. EPC dzherel struma 6. Ohm's law for a closed Lanzug with dzherel struma. 7.Work and tension 8.Vimiryuvaniya strength and tension. Shunts and additional supports

André Ampère () Once upon a time physicists understood the concept of “electric shock”

Electric strum is the ordering (straightening) of charged particles. To remove the electric current from the conductor, you need to create an electric field. In order for the electric current to flow to the conductor after the last hour, it is necessary to maintain the electric field for the entire hour. Tse here for help dzherel struma. The direct flow of electricity is taken directly by the flow not of positive electrons, but of positive charges. Therefore, the electric strum of the external lancus is straightened from the positive to the negative pole of the dzherel struma.

To generate and maintain the electric current, the following conditions are necessary: ​​1) the presence of strong currents (strong charges); 2) the presence of an electric field, which creates orders in the flow of strong charges; 3) on free charges, in addition to Coulomb forces, external forces of non-electric nature; These forces are created by different elements of the structure (galvanic elements, batteries, electric generators, etc.) 4) the lance of the electric structure may be closed.

Ampere Andre Marie. Rocks of life: French physicist and mathematician. He created the first theory that expressed the connections of electrical and magnetic objects. Ampere came up with a hypothesis about the nature of magnetism, having learned from physicists the concept of “electric current”.

One unit of force is taken to be the force of the stream if sections of parallel conductors with a length of 1 m interact with a force of 2 * 10 -7 N (0, N) 1 AMPERE

When the electric stake is shorted, the electric current is triggered. The electrons, under the influx of electric field forces, move around the conductor. In Russia, electrons are applied to the atoms of the conductor and provide them with a reserve of their kinetic energy. The fluidity of electrons gradually changes: when electrons are connected to atoms, molecules and other electrons, it changes, then under the influence of an electric field it increases and changes again with a new connection. As a result, a uniform flow of electrons is established in the conductor at a speed of several parts of a centimeter per second. Then, the electrons passing through the conductor will always click from the side of their arm.

Rechovina Pitomy support, Ohm*mm2/m Silver0.016 Copper0.017 Gold0.024 Aluminum0.028 Saliva0.10 Tin0.12 Constantan0.5 Nichrome 1.1 Electrical support of the conductor shall be deposited in: 1) up to the end of the conductor , 2 3) conductor material ; 4) conductor temperature. The support of the conductor with a length of 1 m, a crossbar of 1 mm 2 is called a feeder support

Om Georg Rocks of life(). German physicist. We have discovered theoretically and confirmed in reality the law that expresses the connection between the force of the strum in the lancus, the tension and the support.

I 1 R 2 I 1 R 2 25 I U 0 R1R1 R2R2 I1I1 I2I2 I 2 > I 1 R 2 I 1 R 2 I 1 R 2 I 1 R 2 I 1 R 2 title="I U 0 R1R1 R2R2 I1I1 I2I2 I 2 > I 1 R 2

Set up for more help In the middle of conductors an electric field is created, called dzherel struma. In general, the struma consists of two conductors; on one conductor there is a constant positive potential, on the other - a constant negative potential. electrical charges collapse under the influx of Coulomb forces. To support the steady positive potential on the left conductor, the positive charge in the middle of the core is forced to collapse against Coulombian forces, only if they are affected by non-electrical forces - third-party forces. Third-party forces are greater than the Coulomb forces and are directed into the core.

Third-party forces are to blame for the result of friction Until the end of the 18th century, all technical devices were powered by electrification. The most effective of these devices has become the electric machine (the machine's discs are directed at the wrapper in the protidal directions. As a result of rubbing the brushes on the discs, charges of the protidal sign accumulate on the conductors of the machine).

The first electric battery appeared in 1799. This is the Italian physicist Alessandro Volta () Italian physicist, chemist and physiologist, scientist of the static electric strum. The first thing that happened to the struma was the “voltaic surge”, which was created in exact correspondence with the theory of “metal” electricity. Volta placed one on top of each other, alternately, dozens of small zinc and honeycomb circles, placing papier between them, soaking them with salted water.

The zinc atom gives two electrons, transforms into a positive zinc ion and transforms into waste. The electrons travel from the zinc electrode through wires, which carry a negative charge that could lead to further damage to the electrode. The electrons are spent on the copper electrode, where the copper ion comes and, having taken off two electrons, settles as a neutral atom on the copper electrode.

When certain words are clarified with light, they become strum, the light energy is converted into electricity. In whose device the charges are divided under the flow of light. Solar batteries are made from photocells. Get stuck in dormouse batteries, light sensors, calculators, video cameras. Photocell

Third-party forces are disrupted by heat Thermocouple Thermocouple (thermocouple) - two pieces of different metals must be soldered at one end, then heat the place where I solder, then the heat will be generated. Charges are added when the junction is heated. Thermal elements are used in temperature sensors and in geothermal power plants as a temperature sensor. Thermal element

When the charges are moved by the lancet of a stationary stream, external forces, which act in the middle of the jets, stop the work. The physical quantity that is used by external forces to move a charge from the negative pole of the core to the positive pole of the charge is called the electrical destructive force (EPC) of the core
The EPC dzherel struma is spent on the heel of the electric strum, the support of the inner and outer lances. That part of the EPC that is spent on the hem support of the outer lanyard is called tension on the external support, the part of EPC that is spent on the hem support in the middle of the jowl of the struma is called tension on the internal support.

The skin pole of the peritoneal cord is connected to one pole of the anterior and pedestal cords. E.D.S. batteries traditional sum algebra e.m.f. okremikh dzherel. i The sign is displayed in addition to the selected direct bypass of the contour (div. small ones). When bypassing, we move from the negative pole to the positive one, for example, to the induced small battery Internal battery support r = r + r r n

To test the voltage, you need a special voltage tester, a voltmeter. The voltmeter level is set to electrical circuits: When connecting a voltmeter to an electric lancet, two rules must be followed: 1. The voltmeter is connected in parallel to the lancet section, at which the voltage will oscillate; 2. Maintain polarity: the “+” of the voltmeter is connected to the “+” line, and the “minus” of the voltmeter is connected to the “minus” line. ___ To adjust the voltage, the voltmeter had to be moved halfway to the next level.

Shunts and additional supports. A shunt is a support that is connected in parallel to an ammeter (galvanometer), to expand its scale when the power changes. Since the ammeter of the current flow rate is I 0, and in addition it is necessary to measure the power flow, which exceeds n times the permissible value, then the support of the shunt that is connected must satisfy the immediate mind: Additional support - support, what is connected in series with the voltmeter (galvanometer ) on the scale when the voltage changes. If the voltmeter measures the voltage U 0, and in addition it is necessary to measure the voltage, which exceeds n times the permissible value, then the additional basis may satisfy the immediate mind:

1.Formula vyznachenya sil struma? АI=qt БI=t/q БI=q/t ГI=qt 2 2. What is the name of the technique for varying the magnitude of the force of the struma? AAmmeter BVoltmeter VDynamometer GGalvanometer 3. What formula can be used to measure voltage? АU=A/I БУ=A/q ВU=q/A ГU=Aq 4. Is there a single voltage? AAmpere Bohm VCoulomb GVolt 5. Device for changing the support in the lancet? AREsistor BKey VReostat GS There is no correct answer 6. Which formula is used to indicate the conductor's resistance? AR=рl/s BR=sp/l VR=s/рl GR=l/рs Give feedback on the test.