How do you transform the voltages? Conversion of electrical energy What is the conversion of voltage

Dmitro Lovkin

Frequency changer, or the frequency changer is an electrical device (control system) that is used to control the fluidity and/or changeover motors by changing the frequency and voltage.

Compliant with GOST 23414-84 overhead conductor frequency converter - overhead conductor frequency converter, which converts an alternating current of one frequency into an alternating current of another frequency and

The frequency converter is a device that is used in order to ensure uninterrupted operation of the process. Zazvichay frestovyuvach zdatniy keruvati shvidkіstiyu ta momenta ta/or .

Frequency changeover with low pressure

The transformation of frequencies is becoming increasingly common in various industries and transport. There is a constant development of power transmission elements, and with PWM controls there is an ever-increasing expansion. Devices that convert a stationary signal into a variable one, with the required voltage and frequency, are called inverters. Such a re-creation can be done for help electronic keys(BJT, MOSFET, IGBT, MCT, SIT, GTO) and thyristors in stock.

on Narazi The main part of all generated electrical energy from the world is used for work. The conversion of electrical pressure into mechanical pressure occurs with the help of electric motors, with pressure ranging from less than a watt to several tens of megawatts.

    Current electric drives are responsible for various problems, such as:
  • maximum;
  • wide range of smooth settings of speed, acceleration, and linear position;
  • We will provide you with compensation when changing the key signals and/or changing the code;
  • maximum viscosity under the hour of reduced voltage and struma;
  • reliability, intuitive care.

Design of frequency converter

The main elements of frequency conversion are Silova partina(conversion of electrical energy) and non-corrosive device(Controller). Current frequencies change the modular architecture, which allows you to expand the capabilities of the device. Also, most often, it is possible to install additional interface modules and I/O channel expansion modules.


  1. Without a turning point.
  2. With a collar link.
  3. In the regime that has been established

Modulation methods

The widespread development of power electrical converters in the last decade has led to an increase in the number of studies in the field of modulation. The modulation method has a direct impact on the efficiency of the entire power system (power units, control systems), resulting in economic benefits and productivity of the end product.

The main goal of modulation methods is to achieve the shortest signal shape (voltage and flow) with minimal costs. Other other control functions may be affected by using the correct modulation method, such as a change in common-mode jump, a change in the constant voltage, a change in the pulsation of the input stream, There is no increase in voltage. Achieving all management goals at once is impossible, a compromise is necessary. The skin and skin program must be deeply modified to determine the most suitable modulation method.

    Modulation methods can be divided into four main groups:
  • PWM - pulse width modulation
  • PVM – space vector modulation
  • harmonic modulation
  • alternating frequency mixing methods

Voltage inverter

The voltage inverter is the widest among power converters.

Domestic voltage inverter

Two-level voltage-source inverter is a topology of energy conversion that is most widely dissipated. It consists of a capacitor and two power supply switches per phase. The voltage signal for the upper and lower power switches generates only two possible output voltages (one is connected to the positive or negative busbar of the constant voltage motor).

Voltage phase of the domestic voltage inverter

Cascade N-bridge rework

Cascade redesign- A highly modular converter that consists of several single-phase inverters, called power cores, connected in series to form the phase. The power core is built on standard low-voltage components, which ensures easy and cheap replacement whenever it goes wrong.

The main advantage of this converter is the elimination of low-voltage components, which gives the ability to pressurize heavy voltages in the middle voltage range. Regardless of the fact that the commutation frequency in the skin is low, the equivalent commutation frequency applied to the voltage is high, which reduces the cost of switching switches, gives a low voltage rise (dv/dt) and helps to eliminate resonances.

Conversion of floating capacitors

The output voltage from the floating capacitors is output directly from the phase output with a positive, negative bus or connections through capacitors. The number of equal output voltages lies in the number of hanging capacitors and the relationship between different voltages.

This transformation, likewise, also has a modular topology, where the core consists of a capacitor and two interconnected switches. However, by replacing the cascade converter, adding additional power switches to the capacitor converter does not increase the nominal voltage of the converter, but only changes the voltage rise rate (dv/dt), reducing the coefficient nt harmonics of the output signal. Like a cascade converter, modularity reduces the difficulty of replacing elements, makes it easier to maintain and allows you to implement a stand up to the robot.

The condenser converter only requires one core postynogo strum for the vitalization of all middle and phases. Therefore, it is possible to do without an input transformer, and the number of strands can be quite increased in position to meet the required output voltage. In this case, a special control algorithm is required to regulate the voltage on the capacitors.

Inverter struma

To operate the inverter, the jet always requires a straightening machine to ensure a stable flow at the end of the steady flow. In the standard topology, thyristor rectifiers are used. In order to change the transients in the vantage, the split inductance is applied at the end of the steady stream. The inverter uses a circuit of power switches on the circuit board, and as power switches, thyristors with integrated controls (IGCT) are used. The output stream is in the form of a PWM and cannot be directly supplied to the inductive vantage (electric motor), so the inverter necessarily turns on the output emnestic filter, which smoothes the stream and shows a smooth voltage on the vant Zhenya. This transformation can be implemented for operation at medium voltages and, due to its nature, may be possible energy recovery.

Direct re-creators

Direct converters transfer energy from input to output without vicarious elements of accumulated energy. The main advantage of such conversions is their smaller dimensions. Not enough - need more folding circuit management

Cycloconverter be included in the category of direct transformers. This reworked widely vikoristovuvavsya at the supplements, which will require high effort. This converter consists of double thyristor converters per phase, which can generate changes constant voltage, controlled in such a way as to inherit the reference sinusoidal signal. The input of the skin transformer lives in the presence of a phase-displacing transformer, where the low-order harmonics of the input stream are reduced. The output voltage results from a combination of input voltage segments in which the fundamental follows the reference signal. Due to its nature, it is well suited for managing low-frequency pressures.

Matrix converter Its direct and indirect versions also fall under the category of direct converters. Basic principle of robot direct matrix converter(Direct Matrix Converter) - the ability to connect the output phase to any of the input voltages. The transformation consists of nine bidirectional keys that can connect any input phase with any output phase, allowing the flow to flow in both directions. To improve the inlet flow, an inductive-emnestic filter of a different order is required. The output is directly connected with inductive implications. Not all available key combinations are possible; there are only 27 correct switching states. As was said earlier, the main advantage of matrix converters is their smaller dimensions, which is important for automobile and aviation accessories.

Indirect matrix conversion(indirect matrix converter) consists of a bidirectional three-phase rectifier, a virtual tank of a stationary jet and a three-phase inverter. The number of power conductors is the same as in direct matrix converters (as a bidirectional key is viewed as two unidirectional keys), but the number of possible switching states varies. Using the same configuration of the indirect matrix converter, it is possible to simplify its topology and change the number of elements that surround its operation as a positive voltage at the virtual stage of the stationary stream. The changed topology is called expansion of the matrix re-creation(Sparse matrix converter).

The energy that flows along power lines is never seen in pure form. To determine specific tasks, you need to change them on electrical devices to change one or more parameters - type of voltage, frequency, etc.

Conversion of electrical energy: classification

These devices are classified according to the following symbols:

  1. Viglyad has been remade.
  2. Type of construction.
  3. Kerovanosti.

Parameters that can be changed

The transformation is subject to the following parameters:

  1. The type of voltage is constant and constant.
  2. Amplitude values ​​of the current and voltage.
  3. Frequency.

Type of construction

These devices are divided into electrical machines and power lines.

Electrical machines (overhead) consist of two machines, one is the drive, and the other is the final device. For example, to convert the changeover into a constant flow, an asynchronous changeover motor (drive) and a stationary generator (drive) are used. It's not long enough - it's big in size and big in size. In addition, the total efficiency factor of the technological connection is lower than that of a single electric machine.

Suppressor (static) transformers will be based on electrical circuits, which are composed of superconductor or lamp elements. Their CCD is higher, the dimensions and mass are small, but the output of electrical energy is low.

Kerovani and non-kerovans

As soon as the magnitude of the change in the electrical energy parameter is fixed, the non-keroving process is changed. Such devices will be located near the first cascades of living blocks. The butt is a power transformer, which reduces voltage limit from 220 to 12 volts.

Converting the parameters that change with the final devices in ceramic-plated electrical lancets. For example, by changing the frequency of the live voltage, the turning frequency of asynchronous motors is regulated.

Converting electrical energy: applications of devices

Converters can change either one function or another.

Change voltage type

Those devices that convert a changeable flow into a permanent one are called rectifiers. Other tips - inverters.

As an electrical machine device, the rectifier consists of an asynchronous motor and a changeable jet that wraps around the rotor of a stationary generator. The input and output lines of the electrical contact are not connected.

The largest expansion type of static rectifier circuit is one place. In this case, there are elements (diodes) with one-way conductivity that are switched on in a symmetrical manner. After this, it is necessary to install an electrolytic capacitor, which smoothes out the pulsating voltage.

It has a hybrid design that combines an electric machine and a static straightener. This is an automobile generator, which includes a changeover machine, stator windings and connections to a direct bridge with a capacitor.

Inverter circuits are used to start the kolivan generator (multivibrator), generated by thyristors or transistors. Smells are the basis of frequency transformation.

Change of amplitude values

These are all types of transformers - step-down, moving, ballast.

Kerovani transformers are called rheostats. If the smell is turned on in parallel to the power supply, then the voltage changes. Consistently – strum.

To remove the heat that is seen during the operation of heavy-duty high-voltage edge transformers, a natural (oil) cooling system is installed.

Frequency change

Frequency converters can be either electrical (overhead) or static.

The main mechanism of the rotational frequency conversion is an asynchronous high-frequency three-phase generator. Its rotor wraps around an electric motor of a constant and variable speed. Like a rectifier of the conventional type, the input and output lines of this type do not make electrical contact.

Inverter circuits that are used in static-type frequency converters are either ceramic or non-coated. Increased frequency allows you to change the dimensions of devices. A transformer with an operating frequency of 400 Hz is lower in all cases, the lower operating frequency is 50 Hz. This power is used to create compact welding inverters.

In this article you will learn everything about transformers, the role they play in the field of transformation, we will look at all types of transformers, we will describe the achievements of several types of transformers, and we will also look at the area of ​​stagnation .

What are you remaking?

A converter is a device that converts energy from one form to another in order to produce it for vibration. In this way, he transforms energy into a form that can be read, for example, thermometer that converts thermal energy into mercury level. In the case of reversal, the output is controlled by the input.

The role of the re-creator

Stinks play an important role in life in the dying galus. As we were told before, converter converts a physical quantity into an electrical signal. Thus, without re-conversion, it would be even more important to measure constant physical quantities, such as light intensity, fluidity, flow, temperature, vibration, electric flow, etc. The values ​​are initially converted to an electrical signal, then the smells are controlled by special equipment. It would be impossible to detect the vibration of these continuous physical quantities without sensors.

Types of re-creators

Stinks are broadly divided into two categories;

  1. Active re-creator
  2. Passive reworker

Active re-creator.

For this type of transformation work, an external source of energy is needed. Energy is supplied through a voltage source. Butt potentiometer that it is possible to rely on the way of flowing through the pine stream through itself. Most transformative infections are active.

Passive changer.

They convert one form of energy into another without vicarious energy. Passive converters transform physical quantities such as temperature, pressure, fluidity, etc.

Sensors are divided into:

  • resistive converter
  • Thermistory
  • Inductive converter
  • Amnesty re-creation
  • Displacement sensors
  • Transforming discounts
  • Remaking the vice

resistive converter

These people work on the principle of changing the support. The operation can be changed in a number of ways, including:

  • Zastosovuyuchi physical stress;
  • Change the light on the light-sensitive element;
  • Temperature change.

RTD - shortened readings as a resistive temperature sensor

The RTD support is changed in response to temperature changes, and during this change the support is monitored for changes in flow/voltage. Please note, RTDs are made from materials such as platinum. Ni and Nіmechchina are used for the preparation of thermometers and supports for special stagnation. When on the right you reach productivity, Platinum RTD (PRDS) - the highest. The thermometer has a thermometer and support with a range between BP O2 and the melting point of surmi.


  • Widely used for extreme high temperatures.


They are sensitive to temperature. Like RTS, their support changes with changes in temperature. However, they are made from a material that has a negative temperature coefficient (which reduces the support at elevated temperatures), but is replaced by RTS, which has a positive temperature coefficient. The thermistors are encapsulated in a material similar to a transition metal oxide. These oxides exhibit a high change in support with a small change in temperature. Thus, the stench is more sensitive, maybe 400 times larger, lower thermocouple ІС. They are ideal for adjusting the temperature of the microcircuits of the cooked body.

main advantages:

  • Sensitive enough to detect temperature up to 0.01C;
  • chemically stable;
  • It's time for Sunday;
  • Minimum size.


  • The temperature range is from -50C to 300C.

Inductive converter

Inductive transduction takes place if the value changes the inductance (Self or mutually) of the coil. The simplest way to change L is to move the sensitive element in the magnetic field. This movement calls for the EPC.

main advantages:

  • There is no wear through the presence of a forged contact, like with a potentiometer.


  • Linear changeable differential transformers (LCDT)
  • The tachometer is an inductive switch for converting the fluidity and an electrical signal for controlling the fluidity.

Amnesty re-creators

In animals of this type, the value changes the capacity of the lancet. This change is evident from the sight of some other physical quantity.


  • Automatic sensor RK system.
  • A local microphone, like a vikorist acoustic pressure for changing the position of the plate. This change is monitored by an audible signal.

Displacement sensors

The sensors are determined according to the position of the object. Vimiryuvana physical change (tot rokh) varta change the support. This change in support varies in terms of stress.


  • Dosit sensitive to control cracks in walls and buildings.

Speed ​​sensor

The stench is due to the basic principle of the generator, whereby the EPC is generated due to the presence of a conductor between the conductors and the magnet. The voltage that is generated is controlled for its fluidity. In such a manner, the greater the revolution, the more the ERS will be created.


  • The smell is widely detected in speed control devices, for example, the speed of a car.

Converting voltages has special devices that, depending on the voltage level, can convert a constant current into a variable one. Then from a stationary rechargeable battery you can get a changeable source that runs at a voltage of 220 volts and a frequency of 50 hertz.

Reversing the voltage is called the same. For a wide range of electrical accessories parameters electric struma great significance looms. Changing the parameters may cause damage to electrical components. And if the streaks are of a permanent nature, then the inverter will stagnate.

Advantages of transforming voltage

As soon as the initial generator and restart are reversed, a number of advantages remain:

  • The device is highly environmentally friendly; the remaining electrical energy for transformation is accumulated in the battery. In addition to the generator, the inverter does not emit waste into the atmosphere;
  • The absolutely silent operation of the inverter allows you to use it not only in a private cabin, like an electric generator, but also in an apartment or in any other place;
  • As an alternative to an electric generator, the transformer stream does not require frequent maintenance, so it does not require additional material costs;
  • Hours of work will continue to lie due to the amount of fire and motor resource. The redesigned buildings independently maintain the current battery charge; if necessary, additional batteries can be installed at a later time;
  • The inverter, rated for 220 volts, whenever there is a voltage in between, switches automatically and does not affect the fact that there are people present around it.

Voltage reversal

To whom do we first need to transform the struma:

  • If it is necessary to save the combustion system in the operating state, whenever it is turned on electrical boundary. Those who miss refrigerators and computers. I am trying to figure out how to keep electrical equipment running smoothly and ensure uninterrupted operation;
  • The inverter can be installed not only in a private cabin or apartment, but also in the field, where, with the increasing availability of electricity in the building, it can replace the electric generator;
  • Reconstruction of the struma is indispensable in medicine, especially when performing operations in dental offices;
  • You cannot do without inverters in stores that sell food products, as well as in grocery warehouses, where refrigerators can be quite expensive.

Converting voltages are widely used both in practice and in production. For production and industrial purposes, they are most often prepared on an individual basis, and even then, careful processing is required and not always in a standard size. Standard values ​​for output and input parameters are most often established in everyday minds. To re-adjust the voltage electronic device, which is intended to change the type of electrical energy, its magnitude or frequency.

Based on their functionality, stinks are divided into:

  1. Nizhuvalni;
  2. Move;
  3. Transformerless;
  4. Inverter;
  5. Adjustment of frequency and output value alternating voltage;
  6. Regulation by adjusting the value of the steady output voltage.

Some of them can be installed in a special hermetic container, these types of devices can be installed for wet areas, or for installation under water.

Well, what does the skin look like?

High voltage voltage converter

Such an electronic device is used for disconnecting variable or constant high voltage (up to several thousand volts). For example, such devices are used to extract high-voltage energy from the kinescopes of television sets, as well as laboratory research and checking the electrical equipment with a voltage moved several times. Cables or power lances of oil circuits, rated for a voltage of 6 kV, can handle a voltage of 30 kV or more, however, this voltage value does not have a high voltage, and when a breakdown occurs, it immediately turns off. These products are made more compact, and they also have to be carried by personnel from one substation to another, most often manually. It is necessary to respect that all laboratory blocks of life and transformation follow the same standard, exactly the same.

Simple high-voltage converters are used to start fluorescent lamps. You can greatly increase the impulse to the required level using the starter and throttle valves, which can be based on an electronic or electromechanical basis.

Industrial installations that are designed to transform low voltages at high voltages are designed without protection and are installed on transformers that move (PTN). The axis is one of these circuits, which produces an output of 8 to 16 thousand volts, for which its operation requires almost 50 V.

Through those in the windings of transformers that vibrate and flow through high voltages, then the insulation of these windings, as well as their voltage, is subject to high stress. In order to eliminate the possibility of discharges appearing before crowning, the parts of the high-voltage rectifier must be soldered to the plate carefully, without nicks or sharp edges, and then filled on both sides with epoxy resin and a ball of paraffin oyu 2...3 mm, which will ensure insulation one kind of one. Some electronic systems and devices are called moving voltage.

The next circuit is a linear resonant voltage converter that operates in the bias mode. This is based on the division of the displacement function and its clear stabilization in completely separate cascades.

With this approach, inverter blocks can be operated with minimal waste on power switches, as well as a rectified bridge, which is a high-voltage voltage.

Change the voltage for the home

Most people often worry about changing the voltage at home, even though there are a lot of devices building a living block. Most often these are low-voltage converters that produce galvanic isolation. For example, chargers mobile phones and laptops, personal stationary computers, Radio receivers, stereo systems, various media programs and this transmission can be continued for a long time, since their diversity and stagnation in everyday life are very wide.

Uninterrupted life units store accumulated energy in the form of batteries. Such devices are shut down to maintain the efficiency of the combustion system during periods of power outage. Some home converters can be connected to an inverter circuit, so that by connecting it to a stationary source (battery), which results in a chemical reaction that can be removed at the output I will change the voltage, the value is 220 Volts. The special feature of these circuits is the ability to produce a pure sinusoidal signal at the output.

One of the most important characteristics to be observed in the process of conversion is the stable value of the signal at the output of the device, regardless of how many volts are supplied to its input. This functionality of the life blocks is due to the fact that for stable and trouble-free operation of microcircuits and other conductor devices, it is necessary to have a clearly standardized voltage, and also without ripple.

The main criteria for choosing a remodeler for a cabin or apartment are:

  1. sweating;
  2. The magnitude of the input and output voltage;
  3. Possibility of stabilization and boundaries;
  4. The size of the strum on navantazhenno;
  5. Minimize heating, in order to change the operation mode with a reserve of strength;
  6. Ventilation in the building can be natural or Primus;
  7. Garna soundproofing;
  8. Detection of damage due to overheating and overheating.

Selecting a voltage converter on the right is not easy, even if a properly selected converter is placed and a robot will be installed to live.

Transformerless transformer voltages

Nowadays, stinks have become even more popular, since in their preparation and during the production of transformers, it is necessary to waste a lot of money, and their windings are made of colored metal, the price of which is steadily increasing. The main advantage of such re-creators is, first and foremost, the price. Among the negative aspects, there is one fact that the type of transformer blocks of life and transformation is important. As a result of the breakdown of one or more conductor devices, all the output energy can be wasted on the companion’s terminals, and thus will lead him out of trouble. The simplest axis converts the alternating voltage to a constant one. The role of the regulating element is played by the thyristor.

It is easier to deal with converters such as transformers, but work on the basis and in the mode of the device that moves the voltage. Here, when one or more elements are released, unsafe, destructive energy will not appear.

Reversing stationary stress

Converting alternating voltage in a constant manner is often a different type of device. There are all kinds of life blocks, and in the production and industry there are life units:

  • All transmission lines;
  • Excitation windings of synchronous motors and stationary motors;
  • Coil of solenoids of oil chemicals;
  • Operational Lanzyugs and Lanzyugs are connected there, where cats extract a steady stream.

A thyristor voltage converter is a device that is most often used for these purposes. The peculiarity of these devices is the external, and not partial, transfer of alternating voltage at a constant rate without any kind of pulsation. When converting this type of voltage, it is necessary to turn on radiators and fans for cooling, so that all electronic parts can operate continuously and safely, only at operating temperatures.

Voltage regulation

These devices operate directly in both the voltage boost mode and the voltage reduction mode. Most often, however, there are devices that allow smoother regulation of the magnitude of the output signal, which is lower than the input signal. Then 220 Volts are supplied to the input, and at the output a constant adjustable value is obtained, for example, from 2 to 30 volts. Such devices, with very fine adjustments, are used for testing pointer and digital devices in laboratories. It’s really easy if you’re equipped digital indicator. It is necessary to know that the leather radio amator, based on its first operations, is based on the same type, the fragments of food for singing equipment can vary in size, and this life cycle turned out to be quite universal. How to earn money clearly and efficiently long time ago peretvoryuvach, the axis is the main problem of young radio amateurs.

Inverter voltage converter

This type of transformation is the basis for innovative compact welding devices. By selecting a voltage of 220 volts for life, the device rectifies it, after which it operates again with a changeable voltage, but now at a frequency of tens of thousands of Hz. This allows you to significantly reduce the dimensions of the welding transformer installed at the output.

Also, the inverter method is used for the production of combustion boilers in rechargeable batteries in case of unexpected power loss. For this reason, the system continues to work and removes 220 volts of alternating voltage from 12 volts of constant voltage. A powerful device of such importance must be operated with a high-capacity battery, which must be stored for a long time when the boiler will be supplied with electricity. So capacity plays a key role.

High-frequency voltage reversal

Due to the stagnation of the ongoing transformations, there is a possibility of changes in the dimensions of all electronic and electromagnetic elements that form the circuits, and this means a decrease in the quality of the transformers, capacitors too. electronic systems, and primary radio receivers, it is necessary to reliably shield their housings. The process of redesigning and changing codes may be carried out by highly qualified personnel.

How do you change the voltage support?
This is a special type, which only occurs during the production and preparation of vibration adjustments, and the reading of ohmmeters. Even the basis of the ohmmeter, then I will attach a digital support, vikonana in the vimir and the digital indicators. Call upon the vimirs to settle down for a long time. Vimiryuvalny recreate - technical assistance, which serves to convert a dimmed value into another value or a dimmed signal, useful for processing, saving, subsequent conversion, indication, and transmission. You must enter the warehouse of any customized equipment.

Converts the flow into voltage

Most of the episodes have electronic circuits necessary processing of signals represented as voltage. However, sometimes the mother is brought to the right with a signal at the sight of the struma. Such signals appear, for example, at the output of a photoresistor or photodiode. It is therefore important to first convert the flow signal to voltage. The reversible voltages of the streams will stagnate at times, if the stream of the supply is proportional to the input U and does not lie under the R of the supply. Zokrem, with a steady input U strum, the attraction will also be constant, so such transformative inodes are cleverly called struma stabilizers.

Repair of voltage changeover

Repair of many devices to convert one type of voltage to another is best done in service centers where the personnel are highly qualified and can guarantee their work. Most of the time, simple transformers are made up of hundreds of electronic parts and there are no burnt elements, so it will be very difficult to detect damage and remove them. Some Chinese inexpensive devices this type, therefore, on the principle of reducing the possibility of their repair, which cannot be said about vicious producers. So they may be a little bulky and not compact, but they delay repairs, since many of their parts can be replaced with similar ones.